Hygiene of a newborn girl: features of care

The hygiene of a newborn girl is somewhat different from caring for a male baby. Of course, the procedures for washing and bathing are largely similar, but there are certain nuances. They are associated with the care of intimate areas.

Every new day, the baby should start with washing. To keep the baby fresh and clean, it is necessary to wash her face with cotton pads. They are pre-moistened with warm boiled water. How to properly wash your baby:

  1. The eyes are washed from the outer corner to the inner. Each eye requires an individual disc to avoid infection.
  2. They wash the neck, behind the ears, armpits, under the knees, folds on the inside of the thighs and near the groin with wet disks. All these places are smeared with cream and sprinkled with special talcum powder so that there is no diaper rash.
  3. The outer part of the ears is wiped with wet cotton turundas. It is impossible to go deeper, so as not to damage the auditory passages. Also very carefully clean the nose from the remnants of mucus with wet cotton swabs.

The umbilical wound, after the remainder of the umbilical cord falls off, should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, dried with a ready-made pharmacy solution of potassium permanganate or Chlorophyllipt, which does not dry the skin so much. If the navel of the newborn is a little bleeding, after treatment, you can sprinkle this place with Baneocin. Nails on the handles and legs must be trimmed with scissors with rounded ends.

bathing baby

Water procedures should become a daily ritual. How to wash a newborn girl:

  1. Doctors do not recommend bathing a child only in boiled water, even before the umbilical wound heals. You can bathe in ordinary tap water at a temperature of 37 degrees. It is recommended to start gradually lowering the temperature of the water for bathing the child after 1-2 months.
  2. Shampoo and baby soap can be used once a week. Do not do this more often, so as not to cause dry skin.
  3. It is better to feed the baby after bathing and at least 1.5 hours before water procedures. Otherwise, she may spit milk directly into the tub.
  4. In the room where there is a children's bath, there should be at least 25 degrees Celsius. And the water temperature is 37 degrees. You can add to it weak decoctions of plants that have an antiseptic and sedative effect. These are chamomile, calendula, string, lemon balm, oak bark.
  5. Seborrheic crusts are lubricated three hours before water procedures with healing oil, and while bathing they are rubbed with a soft brush.

What to do if a newborn baby cries while bathing? Why is this happening? Most often this happens when the child is immersed in water. The reason for this behavior is not fully understood, however, many scientists agree on the following version: the child cries when immersed in water, because for him this is a new environment, different in tactile sensations, it surprises, frightens him. The only means of communication with the outside world and the way to express it is crying.

Wrap the baby in a towel or diaper, put him in a dry bath and gradually begin to draw water into the bath while talking gently to the baby. This will allow the child to get used to the new environment and there will be no shock effect. This method is one of the most effective and solves the problem in a few days.

After the bath, you need to gently blot the body with a gentle towel, and treat the folds with cream and talc.

Intimate hygiene necessary for a newborn girl

The newly born babies do not yet have a protective barrier against infections, and it is quite simple to bring them in due to the structure of the female genital organs. Insufficient personal hygiene of an infant can lead to reproductive problems in an adult woman. How to take care of a newborn girl correctly?

Smegma removal

The mucous membrane of the genital organs of a newly born baby requires careful and delicate care. Usually in newborn babies in the area of ​​​​the labia there is a whitish coating. This infantile smegma appears due to the work of the sebaceous glands of the genital organs.

If white or cream-colored discharge is formed in a small amount, some special care is not needed. Over time, the smegma will disappear on its own. But if there is too much substance, it must be carefully washed with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. Otherwise, the secret will become a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, which will lead to inflammation. Smegma has a dense composition, its removal requires special delicacy.

Hygiene procedures are carried out in several stages so as not to damage the mucous membrane. If the care of the intimate area is carried out correctly, the white coating will quickly disappear forever.

After birth, girls sometimes show spotting. This is the natural process of removing residual estrogen from the mother. The hormonal crisis in newborns does not require treatment and resolves on its own in a few days.

However, if the baby has any other discharge, as well as a rash or inflammation in the genital area, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Adhesion of the labia minora - synechia

This phenomenon occurs in many babies after they reach the age of six months due to excessive secretion of the vaginal secretion. More often, the labia "stick together" in premature babies or babies with low weight. This condition is not considered a disease. You don't have to worry if:

  • union is not extensive;
  • the baby does not show concern;
  • there is no rash, inflammation and purulent discharge.

Synechia will disappear on its own by about three years of age. However, with extensive adhesions, it is worth showing the baby to the doctor. He will prescribe a special hormonal ointment.

Changing diapers

Hygiene of the genital organs includes mandatory washing with each diaper change. A new diaper is required for the baby after a bowel movement.

After removing the soiled diaper, you need to wipe off the remnants of feces with a damp cloth, and then rinse the intimate areas under a stream of warm water.

You need to wash the baby from front to back so that traces of excrement do not get on the genitals and infection does not develop.

My crotch with clean warm water, you can add chamomile decoction. To remove traces of excrement, you can use a mild baby soap. Sponges and washcloths should not be used so as not to injure the delicate mucous surface. Moisture should be blotted with a soft cloth or towel.

In babies, in the morning and evening, you need to remove the remnants of the cream and talc in the folds of the intimate organs with the help of cotton swabs soaked in baby oil (or boiled vegetable oil).

It is useful to periodically arrange air baths for the crumbs. Rest from clothes and diapers begins with five minutes at a temperature not lower than 22 degrees. Gradually, the time is increased to 15 minutes, and the temperature is reduced by two to three degrees in order to harden.

Breast Care

Caring for the mammary glands of the crumbs is just as important as caring for the labia. In the first week after birth, the nipples may swell, acquire a reddish tint, and sometimes transparent discharge appears. It is also associated with getting rid of maternal estrogen. Over the next three weeks, this problem will resolve itself. You need to go to the doctor only if the breast is very swollen, and the redness is extensive.

In the first month from birth, for disinfection, it is advised to wash the nipples with a weak solution of furacilin two to three times a day..

Compresses with camphor oil help with swelling, but only with the permission of a doctor.

With proper care, the little princess will always delight her relatives with beauty and health.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!