The perfect color for a prom dress: how to choose the right shade (125 photos). How to choose the color of a dress - the secrets of coloring in this difficult matter

It is important for women with a full figure to choose clothes that will not only emphasize the merits, gently hiding individual flaws, but also help to look stylish and attractive. It is dresses that are a chance for each of us to become a little more feminine, graceful and elegant even with extra pounds.

A dress that is suitable in style and size changes everything in a woman - gait, look, self-awareness, because in a beautiful outfit the world around looks different. How not to get confused and find the ideal dress for yourself among hundreds of styles and colors?

Below we will consider the following colors: white, black, gray, beige, blue, turquoise, purple, emerald green, red, yellow, brown, green.

Color variety of dresses

As a rule, overweight women choose their clothes according to the principle “darker to slim”. But this approach is fundamentally wrong, because if a black strict dress really slims one of them, then the other, on the contrary, can be enlarged and made more cumbersome. In addition, not every dark dress should be considered a good option for visually reducing your size: for example, loose boho style models can easily add a few pounds to an already imperfect figure.

Advice. When choosing a dress for a full figure, you should forget about its shortcomings and get rid of the desire to look slimmer at all costs. A full woman can also be beautiful and seductive precisely in her weight. Therefore - down with black and dark hoodies, we choose spectacular and harmonious models of outfits.

Dresses with flowers

How to choose the perfect color for a dress for a full woman? What should you pay attention to? First of all - on your color type. And this is the opinion of most stylists: no matter what color you like, it is important that it suits your type. In order not to get lost in dozens of shades, you should remember some simple recommendations:

  1. winter woman should choose cold saturated shades (brown, blue, green, gray).
  2. summer woman may pay attention to softer and more restrained pastel shades (blue, gray, dark pink, olive).
  3. spring woman will be harmonious in warm, radiant colors (lilac and blue-gray, apricot and sand).
  4. autumn woman should choose for themselves warm and saturated colors, as if gilded in autumn (vegetable green, indigo, burgundy).

Neutral shades

Colors: white, black, grey, beige

The basic colors of dresses in the wardrobe of obese women are still neutral shades that allow you to build unique images on their basis. These options include:

  • White. Despite the general opinion that this color is contraindicated for full women, you should not refuse white dresses in your wardrobe. it doesn’t have to be evening, wedding or dressy at all: either an elegant one made of snow-white fabric is perfect for creating a stylish look for a walk. In addition, white allows the use of a variety of accessories that can radically change the mood and image as a whole.
  • Gray. Solid gray dresses for a full figure are not very common. Probably, such models are not so popular, because neutral gray is inexpressive and banal. In order for this color to play in a new way in a dress, it is important to choose a harmonious frame for it: that is why most models using gray need to add a stylish print and additional decoration.

    Gray dresses for obese women

  • Beige. This controversial and problematic color, many obese women immediately dismiss, thinking that it will only emphasize the imperfection of the figure. But with the right choice of style and material, a beige dress can be luxurious and gorgeous. For example, evening dresses with, and rhinestones look royally luxurious. Although such outfits are not suitable for daily wear: beige is too “naked” and easily soiled.

Any of the models of dresses of such colors can become the basis of a dozen different mood images. The uniqueness of these products lies in the fact that different accessories, shoes and details can change the dress itself beyond recognition.

Cold shades

Colors: blue, turquoise, purple, emerald

Most stylists advise overweight women to pay attention to dresses in cold shades, rightly believing that it is these colors that can visually slim a curvaceous figure. Cold colors are ideal, which seeks to look stylish, but at the same time not to focus the attention of others on the individual details of its image. Having abandoned the dominance of dark boring shades, you should turn your attention to muted cold colors.

  • Blue. Muted, not too bright, matte noble blue in all versions is ideal for a full figure. Instead of boring black, deep black and blue, rich and luxurious in its monochrome, will do. choose to create business and evening looks, because for all its neutrality, it is quite expressive and able to be attractive in combination with well-chosen accessories.

    Blue dresses for obese women

  • Turquoise. This gentle cold shade is actively used in the wardrobe of overweight women: dresses of this color are suitable for special occasions and for everyday use. A feature of models of this shade is their visual lightness and grace - which is why the most harmonious style for an outfit of this color is a fitted dress with a flared skirt.
  • Purple in all its shades - from light lilac to deep indigo, it is also well suited for full ladies. A cold tone is able to correct the figure, hiding individual flaws, especially if it also takes into account the physique of its owner. Purple is suitable for self-confident persons who are not afraid to be visible in a crowd of people. Business dresses of this color are ideal for negotiations, evening dresses for dinner parties, and cocktail dresses for romantic dates.

    Purple dresses for obese women

  • Emerald in all its cold variety it is able to transform a full figure: jade, sea green or coniferous - this is not a complete list of its deep and luxurious shades. Such colors are suitable for a full figure, because they are able to emphasize its grace, highlight attractive sides, focus on the merits. A classic sheath dress of this tone is suitable for creating a stylish image of a self-confident woman.

    Emerald dresses for obese women

    warm colors

    Colors: red, yellow, brown, green

    Despite the fact that warm colors are traditionally not considered successful for a full figure, you should not completely refuse to use them. Warm shades help create soft, graceful and feminine images, filled with light and nobility. That is why many lush beauties sacrifice the ghostly opportunity to look slimmer in a cold-colored dress in favor of true femininity and warmth.

    • Red, namely its warm variants - classic red or scarlet - are ideal for creating juicy and expressive festive looks. Long luxurious outfits of such shades will make a plump woman the star of any event. Those who do not want to draw attention to themselves so openly should pay attention to more restrained options: pomegranate, rusty, carrot or cinnabar. can be used for both business and casual wear.

Yes, advice on choosing a style according to the type of figure has already set everyone on edge. But still, sometimes it’s worth listening to them, especially if you don’t feel one hundred percent confident in any outfit and have not yet had time to get rid of the extra pounds gained over the winter. How to choose the style of the dress? Pay attention to general recommendations:

  • For girls with a miniature top and voluminous hips, actual A-line dresses are suitable, as well as models with a high waist, flounces and an A-line skirt.
  • Happy owners of an hourglass figure should pay attention to all styles with an emphasis on the waist, as well as in the style of the 50s.
  • For those who cannot yet boast of a thin waist and a flat stomach, straight dresses just above the knee, as well as shirt dresses, are ideal this season. Models made of denim will be especially relevant.
  • Plus-size girls can try on dresses with a wrap, as well as feminine models in the boho style with a floral print.

What color dress to choose: prints and shades

  • One of the biggest spring/summer 2016 trends is floral motifs. Styles can be different, as well as length. With a floral dress, you can create a grunge look by complementing it with a voluminous jacket or cardigan, as well as rough boots or choppers. Another trendy option is a boho-chic look, which is easy to create with a floor-length floral dress. In cool weather, feel free to complement the flowered midi dress with bright over the knee boots. Classic options are also welcome: pumps and ankle boots will be appropriate if there is no mood for grunge or boho.
  • Pastel colors are another important and very spring trend. The Pantone Color Institute named the harmonious "Rose Quartz" and the delicate shade of "Serenity" (pale blue with lavender) as the main colors of the year. Here is the answer to the question of how to choose the color of the dress! Pale pink and light blue models will give you a spring mood even on the most rainy day.
  • A denim dress is another model that should definitely settle in your wardrobe. Denim can be both dark and light, and even better - eclectic, a thing sewn from different pieces, just like in the 90s, which are now experiencing a rebirth.
  • Bright stripe. Many brands presented this season knitwear with large striped prints in bright, often even contrasting colors. Such a thing will become the main focus of your image, and also will not let you freeze.
  • Brilliant. As you remember, we have already talked about the fact that shiny things should be worn in everyday life, and not just for a holiday. What dress to choose? A win-win option would be a straight model a few centimeters long above the knee. You can wear it even to the office, adding a strict jacket and ankle boots.

If a girl puts on a dress, then it is she who sets the mood and creates the image! Of course, each of us has more than one dress in our wardrobe, but how to choose the color of a dress for a particular occasion and how to choose from a variety of shades when purchasing new clothes?!

How does the choice of dress color affect the perception of the image?

It is no secret that people associate different colors of clothing with certain characteristics of a person. There are shades of "growing up" and "youthful", there are strict and cheerful, there are romantic and aggressive ...

This should not be forgotten when choosing a dress! And the site "Beautiful and Successful" will help with advice - how to choose the color of the dress to make the right impression!

  • Tenderness, femininity - all pastel colors, white.
  • Sexuality - black, red.
  • Comfort, tranquility, peace - sand, hazel, chocolate, gray, terracotta, grassy shades of green (not poisonous green!).
  • Positive attitude, cheerfulness - bright warm colors: orange, red, yellow, fuchsia, lemon, salad.
  • Severity, seriousness, responsibility - black, gray, white, dark blue, pale blue, brown.
  • Solemnity - red, white, black,.

  • Creativity, creativity, originality - yellow, orange, purple, azure, aquamarine, bright green.
  • Adulthood - burgundy, wine, deep blue, black, gray, brown, other dark saturated shades. They don't always age! These colors grow up young girls a little, and older women are simply made elegant ladies who look their age!
  • Youth - pastel and bright light colors. But balance is important here - if a woman at a certain age sets the task of looking younger and fresher, then it is better to choose pale shades, and a dress of flashy color, on the contrary, will emphasize real age!
  • Modesty - all muted shades (nude, olive, pale blue, etc.).
  • Leadership - black, red.
  • Elegance - nude, gray, white, black, red, dark blue.

Naturally, we do not seek to impose strict canons - after all, the style, fabric, combination of the dress with other items of clothing and accessories, etc. is also important. But the associative range of most people in relation to colors is just that!

If you set yourself the task of creating an image with a specific character, then it’s a sin not to use this trick!

By the way, the choice of the color of the dress affects not only the people around you, the audience, but also yourself! So if you feel a desire to enhance some quality in yourself or feel a certain mood, put on a dress of the “right” color and the desired state of mind will come as if by itself!

Of course, there are many other factors that can influence your choice of this or that dress. For example:

  • Dress code. According to the classic business dress code, bright dresses are not welcome on weekdays.
  • Season. In the cold season, dark colors look more appropriate, and in summer, light ones.
  • Your favorite clothing style. There are styles where the color scheme of clothing plays a decisive role.
  • Appearance color type. You can read more on our website!
  • Your figure. A dark dress visually slims, and a light dress makes you fat - a well-known fact!
  • Folk omens and beliefs. For example, it is believed that a girl who dreams of getting married should wear white dresses more often in ordinary life. But here, of course, only you have to decide whether to believe in signs or consider them superstitions!

And if it is difficult for you to choose the color of the dress to your liking, then maybe it makes sense to turn your attention to colorful multi-color prints?

Good day, dear readers! Olga Ramazanova, leading heading of beauty, is with you. Have you ever wondered why one color suits one person, and absolutely does not suit another?

The thing is that nature has created us completely different in skin tone, hair, eyes. However, there is a certain similarity in the appearance of people and they can be combined into conditional groups. In this article, I will introduce you to a very interesting topic - how to find out your color type.

Why do you need to know your color type?

The answer is very simple - so as not to make mistakes in choosing clothes, hair tone and even accessories. Knowing which color type a person belongs to, he can choose exactly what suits him. This knowledge will help you create your individual harmonious image. Agree, quite often you can see on the street, for example, a fair-haired girl with bright dark eyebrows or repainted in a bright red color. This imbalance is very striking. Remember that fashion is fashion, but you need to know your nature of beauty and present it correctly.

How to determine your appearance?

Most likely, you have already heard about the division of color types according to the names of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are other systems for determining the color type of a person, but this one is the most convenient (especially for makeup artists).

There are such concepts in coloring as cold and warm shades.

  • Cold ones are those in which there is a blue pigment: turquoise, lilac, fuchsia, burgundy, etc.
  • Warm ones have a yellow pigment: brown, gold, peach, herbal, etc.

To understand what kind of appearance I have, first you need to determine which shades prevail in appearance. Look carefully in the mirror and pay attention: is there a golden tint in the hair, what color are the eyes and freckles. The most important thing is to understand your skin tone. With a cold color type, the skin of the face has a slightly gray tone, and with a warm color type, it is yellowish.

I'll tell you one more secret. Look at the color of the veins on your wrist. If there is yellow pigment in the skin, then the veins will be green (blue vein and yellow skin give green). In this case, you can be sure that the color type is warm. If the skin tone is cold, then the veins will remain blue.

Cool color types include Winter and Summer. To warm - Spring and Autumn.

  • If you are the owner of bright eyes, dark hair and eyebrows, then the color type will be Winter or Autumn.
  • Spring and Summer are usually characterized by muted tones and soft transitions. Light brown, ashy or blond hair combined with pale skin gives a feeling of lightness.

Description of color types

I hope you have already figured out which color type you are. If there are still doubts, then I give a detailed description with recommendations on who suits what.

Winter is cold and bright. Often these are oriental girls with an exotic appearance. Their skin can be dark olive, pale porcelain, cold beige. Eye color is bright - brown, green, blue, etc. The lips are well-defined and have a rich color. Hair - black, chestnut, dark blond without red.

Such girls in clothes can make bright accents and not seem vulgar: red, purple, turquoise, a combination of black and white, pink and others. Makeup is also allowed to be saturated, although even without it, winter girls look amazing. Lipstick should be cold: red, burgundy, fuchsia, purple and almost all shades of pink. Eye makeup is also desirable to withstand in cold shades. Metal of such girls: silver, white gold.

Spring is warm and subdued. This type is quite rare, but more often they are European girls. They have soft and fair skin and may have freckles. The hair is golden, blond with a slight reddish tint. Eyebrows and hair color do not contrast with the tone of the face. The eyes are soft - blue, gray, green.

A spring girl needs to choose a wardrobe in her own color scheme. All gentle warm shades will do: yellow, mustard, grass color, peach, etc. It will create contrast and give freshness to the blue color. In makeup, the main thing is not to overdo it. Light tone, pastel shadows, brown mascara, warm lipstick and peach blush - all you need. Jewelry suitable from gold, wood and natural stones.

Summer is cold and subdued. Most often, this type is found among us - Slavs. The skin is light, porcelain or cold beige. The eyes are gray, green or blue - tender. Hair color is mostly light brown with a gray tint.

Clothing is suitable for soft light colors: tea rose, blue, purple, gray, etc. Make-up is also aged in such colors. Almost all shades of pink, cold red and berry are suitable for lipstick. Ink is better to use brown. The metal of summer girls is silver and white gold.

Autumn is warm and bright. These are fiery red beasts - pale-faced and with freckles. Hair rich red or brown with a golden hue. The eyes are very bright - green or blue.

The things of such girls should be bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, blue, etc. As a rule, they do not need special makeup. It is enough to highlight the eyes with brown eyeliner and mascara, apply a transparent gloss and warm blush. You can not skimp on jewelry, almost everything suits such girls.

To better understand what clothes will emphasize your dignity and individual style, I recommend subscribing to a free course " 5 stylish lessons". The course is very high quality, with specific examples and a huge number of photos.

Excellent video about another classification of color types:

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An elementary update of the wardrobe is not always trivially solved: it seems that the blouse seems so fashionable, beautiful, stylish on a mannequin, but it doesn’t look at all on a living figure, in addition it also makes the hair dull, and on the face that has suddenly become earthy in color, it clearly prints out dark circles under the eyes …

What if there is no financial opportunity to experiment with every design and color shade, and buying inappropriate things so that they lie until better times (which most likely will not come) is not an option for a modest budget? Define your appearance type and follow the recommendations for creating your own wardrobe, based on it - and then even on a hanger in the store you can even determine without trying on whether this dress or blouse will suit your fair skin and ash-colored hair or it is better to leave it to that burning brunette.

Appearance type happens:

1. Color

2. style

We are not free to choose either one or the other, and the sooner we accept it, the better. Alas :) A romantic dressed brightly and brightly will look ridiculous, just like a pronounced "classic" who prefers a rustic style of dress.

Knowing your style type is desirable, and color is simply a must (of course, if you want all your advantages to come to the fore, and your shortcomings to go into the shadows).

By combining knowledge together, you can choose the most winning wardrobe.

Before talking about the choice of wardrobe by color type, let's dwell on style types appearance. There are also four of them, as well as well-known colors: Classic, Dramatic, Romantic and Natural.


1. Classic style

Signs of a classic type: an even oval of the face, a straight rather high forehead, a neat straight nose, clear lines of eyebrows located in calm half-arches, sculpted cheekbones and profile lines, not too full, but not very thin lips. Those. correct proportions and sculpture.

Such women are especially suited for classic costumes - nothing surprising, the harmony of proportions and the architectural style of the cut are combined into one whole. Basic principles in clothing: high quality, minimum decor, conciseness, expensive jewelry. Restrained colors are best suited: all shades of gray, birch-brown tones. However, you should remember about your color.

2. dramatic style

The appearance of people of this style is spectacular and bright. Faces - graphic and clear modeling. In shape, such faces are most often angular (triangular, square). They are based not on softened rounded lines, but on sharp or massive ones. Almost all representatives of this style have well-defined cheekbones. Eyebrows dynamically rise up, have a kink or, on the contrary, low, as if pressing on the eyes. Something predatory looks through the eyes, their cut often resembles a cat's. Lips either overly full, sensuous or very thin, feeling cold and tight.

Representatives of this style can afford theatricality, pretentiousness, solemnity and sometimes aggressiveness in clothes, without fear of looking out of place.

3. romantic style

The structure of the face is rather delicate, its shape is oval, elongated or slightly rounded, smooth soft lines prevail in the features, there are no sharp and aggressive lines. A neat nose can be slightly upturned or slightly snub-nosed and always thin and graceful. Never - massive and wide. The eyes are wide open, slightly childish, or soft and mysterious. Lips bow or slightly swollen, capricious. Possible dimples on rounded cheeks. It is common for representatives of the romantic style to maintain prettiness and sophistication in appearance until adulthood.

Sometimes "romantics" are divided into "naive" and "complex". In the image of the former there is lightness, playfulness, tenderness, openness, and the latter are characterized by spirituality, detachment, silence, mystery. "Naive romantics" are Scarlett Johansson and Drew Barrymore, "difficult" - Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett.

Representatives of this style need to include elements of romance in their clothes. First of all, make extensive use of a delicate color palette, simple shades or complex shades, depending on the subtype. Accessories should also emphasize the main feature of the style: small, neat jewelry with round-cut stones, or in the form of flowers, fruits and berries - for a "naive" occasion, and complex, refined, fragile, shading the depth of creative natures.

4. natural style

The most free and soft direction. The name itself speaks about the harmonious naturalness of the natural style, and its naturalness cannot be separated from the feeling of peace, comfort, simplicity. Rigid graphics in facial features are completely absent. Features of the type - a rounded outline of the face, a soft chin, wide, almost straight eyebrows, a wide or rounded soft nose, indistinctly defined lips. From such faces emanates simplicity and natural charm.

This type of appearance "loves" natural materials and the same shades: gray, beige / brown. Natural beauty is emphasized by jewelry made of wood, leather, metal, bone - especially if they are made simply.


Human nature is such that we are all born with individual appearances - different hair and eye colors, skin tone, characteristic physiological features ... And yet, all this diversity of human appearance can be distinguished into basic types: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

Often, incorrect positioning of one's type leads to oddities: Summer loves truly "winter" colors and things, and Autumn is eager to buy a coat intended only for Spring. Yes, life is unfair, but take comfort in the fact that the colors you don't really like will make you like others a lot more - and first of all, yourself! Subjective opinion, perhaps, in this case also has the right to exist, but listen to the advice of fashion designers and stylists - the correct correspondence of clothes to the true color type will allow you to bloom not only externally, but also internally.

Cold and warm types

Nature is rich in a great variety of colors, while the entire color palette is divided into three huge categories:

cold colors- frosty pink, lilac, violet and blue gamma;

warm colors- orange-red, yellow-brown gamma and some warm shades of green;

neutral shades- some tones of brown, gray, white, black and some tones of the blue palette.

Also, the types of appearance of people are divided into two basic groups:

cold type of appearance- Winter and, paradoxically, Summer;

warm type of appearance– Spring and Autumn.

There are several methods for correctly and quickly determining your own color type, which are based on eye color, skin tone, natural (unpainted!) Eyebrow and hair color.


A common type among the Slavic population: fair-haired or cold ash-colored hair; light skin that acquires an olive undertone when sunburned; green, blue or gray eyes with a silvery sheen.

Blond hair and skin harmonizing with each other determine the color scheme in Summer's clothes: these will certainly be light pastel colors - lilac, pink, cold blue and gray with an ash tint. The main rule: a cold type of appearance - cold colors in clothes and the absence of bright, flashy colors. Catchy colors (for example, yellow, orange, green) will simply “beat” a light-haired girl, make her eyes on her face inconspicuous and inexpressive.

Pure neutral tones - white and black - are recommended to be avoided in Summer clothes, but platinum and silver shades, the color of white gold will emphasize the sophistication and cold elegance of the "summer" girl. Shoes are selected in the recommended "summer" pastel shades, as well as classic gray, gray-blue and the color of the sea, cold brown or pink.


ima can be contrasting and non-contrasting, but in any case it is one of the most striking color types. Dark or black hair, blue or brown eyes, light transparent (contrast Winter) or dark olive (non-contrast Winter) skin.

Representatives of this type are the only ones who naturally fit a pure black and white gamma in clothes. Since Winter is a cold color type, a preference for muted cold shades is recommended in the wardrobe: frosty pink and cherry, cold blue and purple colors, including purple shades, gray and its gradients, rich emerald. Silver, platinum, pearl and white gold color will make a spectacular accent as a decor, finish or when choosing fittings and accessories.

Just like “summer” girls, warm shades are contraindicated for “winter” girls - orange, red, yellow, warm blue and green. Gray-blue and chocolate tones should also be excluded from the wardrobe, this also applies to shoes - for boots, shoes, boots, steel, black, burgundy with a cold tint is preferable.


Hair - a natural blond or a brown-haired woman with a mandatory redhead in strands, eyes of any light shades - brown is practically excluded. The skin, despite its sensitivity, tans easily and quickly, freckles are, of course, a distinctive feature of the warm Spring.

For the basic colors of the wardrobe, it is recommended to stop at golden beige and other light warm shades of brown - for example, caramel and milk chocolate colors are ideal for clothes, shoes, and additional accessories. Black shoes may be appropriate for specific occasions, but generally not recommended.

As already mentioned, white is ideal only for Winter, but stylists recommend ecru (ivory) or creamy to refresh the “spring” type. It is better if the clothes have decorative elements or trim in golden yellow or creamy white.


Another, related to the warm type, is bright and saturated, characterized by a blush on the skin and freckles, pigmentation that appears with age or under the influence of active sunlight. Eye color can be any, but certainly clean, without inclusions - blue, green, brown. Hair, as for the "spring" type, is cast golden-red.

Of course, only saturated tones of autumn nature will suit such a sunny, calm and warm woman. Warm brown colors will look amazing in clothes: from light honey and beige to reddish-rusty and deep color of bitter chocolate. A red range is also suitable, which in saturation and boldness can vary depending on the age of Spring: orange, tomato and original red diversify the overall brown palette in the closet.

The purple gamut, related to cold tones and, in general, not suitable for warm types, only Autumn allows you to dream up and, with some effort, pick up a spectacular contrasting little thing in a blurry and muted color of a ripe eggplant or in lilac - most likely, such colors will look appropriate in evening dress.

Withering autumn nature, despite the obvious predominance of brown tones, still contains a little green. If you are Autumn, then khaki, olive or swamp green wardrobe items will certainly suit you.
Cold blue or royal blue will irrevocably absorb all the spiritual and external warmth of the "autumn" girl, pure black and snow-white-white things in the Autumn wardrobe will also not take root: if necessary, they are recommended to be replaced with dark brown or cream and beige.

Listen to these recommendations and then your wardrobe will not contain random items bought in an emotional outburst. Beauty can also be different: some of the wrong tones of the most ideal cut of the basic wardrobe will fade the eyes and complexion, while others, having made the right choice, will gain self-confidence, the pleasure of their own attractiveness will cheer up and, undoubtedly, will attract admiring glances. surrounding.