The history of the birth of a sick child. Karmic causes of disease: why sick children are born

A fine line

Zulfiya Ilsurovna, is your consultation, the only one in the republic, simulating the health of future generations?

Here are the facts, and you can judge for yourself. We examine the blood of every newborn who has lived to 3 days. Screening assumes coverage of at least 95%. Over the past 10 years, we have covered 98%. We will examine pregnant women who were referred to us. Purpose: intrauterine detection and prevention of hereditary and congenital diseases, severe malformations. We give conclusions about the degree of risk of having a sick child.

Isn't the ultrasound, which all future moms undergo, not enough?

Sometimes it is necessary to conduct a survey at a different level. In 2012, we opened a molecular genetic laboratory for the diagnosis of genetic diseases. Our consultation now includes 6 laboratories that carry out a full range of research.

Suppose you have established that a child with Down syndrome or with a single-chambered heart will be born in a healthy family ... Is the mother obliged to terminate the pregnancy?

We do not pass a verdict, but diagnose, inform about the consequences, about the methods of correction - medical, surgical, etc., about the prospects of rehabilitation. The mother can inform the child, but he cannot even take the first breath. However, geneticists do not intend to talk about termination of pregnancy even in such cases. Our task is to offer high-tech medical care, if possible. In the Perinatal Center of the RCH, where there are highly qualified specialists, everything can be done to save the life of a child, even if there is even a minimal chance.

Intervention in the business of God turns into an increase in the number of disabled people. Many will not be able to work, study, serve in the army, create a family ...

Most malformations are corrected. Last year 230 pregnancies were terminated. But these are extreme cases when medicine is powerless. And many heart defects, hydrocephalus, can be corrected surgically. Subsequently, such children become full-fledged members of society, give birth to children. As for Down's syndrome, most often there are no other malformations. But a child may be mentally disabled, and in adulthood - not fertile, i.e. will not give offspring. Abortion is always a fine line between opportunity, need and desire.

What diseases do you check the blood of newborns for?

There are five of them. I will name, for example, phenylketonuria, a congenital metabolic disease. The baby's digestive system reacts negatively to breast milk. Previously, they learned about this disease when the child began to lag behind in development, pediatricians diagnosed mental retardation. It was no longer possible to help such untreated children, the time was lost.

We also screen newborns for congenital adrenal insufficiency, galactose intolerance, cystic fibrosis and hypothyroidism (thyroid disease). All of these diseases are extremely dangerous. Some provoke blindness, others - dwarfism and cretinism, and still others - the thickening of body secrets, which leads to pulmonary, intestinal and other diseases ... 20 years ago, some of these children lived a little. And now, timely diagnostics, constant supervision of doctors, modern pharmaceuticals, allow you to live, and study, and work, without forgetting about the characteristics of your body.

Informed means armed!

Future mothers, young people, old people, whoever you can meet in your consultation ...

Young couples who are planning a replenishment in the family contact if they have information about diseases in the family. They come not only in the direction of doctors. It happened, and before the wedding, the grooms treated the brides. There are hereditary diseases that appear only with age. The picture of the genetic component is of interest to many, both from the point of view of the prospects for the development of the disease, and from the point of view of the health of the offspring. This is both competent and far-sighted, because whoever is informed is armed. We provide free consulting assistance.

Can you track a predisposition to oncology, heart attacks, strokes?

Most gene diseases can be diagnosed. There are, for example, forms of cancer associated with a gene mutation. Cardiovascular disease can also be dealt with. But hereditary, congenital and acquired diseases are different concepts.

Recently, at the 12th week of her second pregnancy, a woman who has Duchenne's disease, which causes muscular dystrophy, came to her with tears in her eyes. The disease is hereditary, like hemophilia. The first child is disabled. After the examination, we issued a conclusion: the second son will be born healthy. She left us crying with joy.

They say, scratch a Russian, you will find a Tatar ... Is it possible to find out who was in the family: Asian, Scandinavian, Caucasian?

You can find out everything. But it will be a complex study that requires a lot of biomaterial. Nobody has come to us with such a request. In 2012, there were 8 thousand requests for advice. The number is growing from year to year. But there are not enough personnel.

The birth of a sick baby is always a grief for a family. But it is even more bitter for a mother to hear accusations, they say, she is to blame, because modern ones allow you to find out about problems even before childbirth. And almost any news article that features a child born with a disability (especially mentally retarded) attracts "well-wishers" who advise to keep "such" children away from "normal" ones. A striking example is the story of the girl Masha, who suffers from Down syndrome. Because of her . And although the situation is ambiguous, because Masha was not a student of the class for which the album was made, nevertheless, the attitude towards special children is obvious.

Let me give you some statistics on Down syndrome.

- The chance of detecting during routine screening (ultrasound, blood tests) signs of the syndrome in a fetus before the 22nd week of development is 60% to 90%.
- More than 90% of women, having received confirmation of the diagnosis, go for an abortion.
- In Russia, 2.5 thousand babies with trisomy on the 21st chromosome are born a year. In 85% of cases, parents leave such children in the hospital.

: “Parents who decide to have a“ special ”child are divided into two types. Some do it at a more mature age, perfectly understanding what they are going for, and sensibly assessing the financial situation of the family, their strengths and capabilities. The latter, most often the younger ones, are rather guided by emotions, having absolutely no idea what awaits them after the birth of the long-awaited baby.

Each position has its own pros and cons: parents who are firmly on their feet have a clear plan, but "spontaneous" parents are more likely to get something, simply because they do not know that it is impossible. But all parents of "special" children in one way or another change the attitude of society towards them - through relatives, friends and acquaintances. It is already better than it was twenty, and ten years ago, although from the outside it may seem that almost nothing has changed. "

These numbers refer to only one disease, the name of which is on everyone's lips. But there are also children with cerebral palsy, often resulting from birth trauma or prematurity, children with various autism spectrum disorders, which do not always manifest themselves in the first year of a baby's life, children with mental retardation and also with many defects in physical and mental development. But let's go back to Down syndrome, taken as a prime example, and look at statistics from a different angle.

"Let them give birth and bring up, just away from me and my children."

In at least 10% of cases, the problem during pregnancy goes unnoticed. Parents who are reassured by false negative results do not make in-depth examinations, and pathology is detected already at a later date or after childbirth. And then you already have to choose not between abortion and maintaining pregnancy, but between raising a sick child, treating it and abandoning the baby. Few find the strength to abandon most of their plans and hopes and actually devote their lives to rehabilitating a disabled person in a society that does not accept disabled people. The news spread around the Internet that.

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Why are those for whom genetic studies have accurately confirmed the diagnosis hesitant to terminate a pregnancy? Someone does not accept the murder of an unborn child. Someone is ready to love the long-awaited baby by anyone, no matter how he was born. Someone hopes for a miracle ... No one, except the woman herself, has the right to decide whether to have an abortion or give birth to her. No one has the right to force her to write a rejection of a seriously ill child or to shoulder all the burdens of raising him without a guarantee of success. And no one dares to blame her for any of these decisions.

"Yes, let them give birth and raise whoever they want, only away from me and my children!" - will sound from all sides. “I have the right not to listen to their screams and not to admire the drool and snot in a cafe, on the street, in the subway. And in general, they are unpredictable - will they suddenly rush? " Alas, there are a lot of children who want to send to the reservation or at least to closed boarding schools with mental disorders or who do not meet any aesthetic standards. And if on the street they usually only look with disgust, take their kids away from the playground or simply change seats further away, then on the Internet they allow themselves to express their dissatisfaction very, very loudly. How about another recent case where.

And these are only those stories that hit the Internet, and therefore people found out about them. How many are there really who nobody cares about?

"My" special "son is 6 years old, and I can't imagine life without him"

In fact, parents of sick children themselves often limit their social circle, closing themselves up among the same families, where there is no need to explain or prove anything to anyone, or to justify to anyone. Over time, they learn to live with it, smile, look for - and find - joy in various little things that seem insignificant or stupid to many. Do not make far-reaching plans, but live for the present. Try not to think or talk about problems, but simply solve them over and over again. It's easier this way. It is easier not to fall into despair, not to go crazy over the unequal efforts and results.

But in many respects, such escapism is a defensive reaction against aggression and simply the indelicacy of a society that does not want to accept those who do not fit into the framework of the conventional norm. Many such mothers need the help of a psychologist, and just the support of others, because when time after time you come across rejection by other people, they literally give up.

Olga, mother of a "special" child: “We are still far from the level of many European countries - I remember how I was struck by a home for young disabled people in Finland, where I ended up after a volunteer trip to a boarding school for children with disabilities that was quite safe by Russian standards. I was amazed not so much by the well-established way of life, repair, comfort, but by the attitude of the staff. When I asked the director the question “How often do your parents abandon a disabled child?”, She simply did not understand me. “What does it mean to refuse?” She asked. “It's their child.”

Parenting a "special child" is not easy. From time to time they tell me that I am strong, that I am a hero and that I am admired. This is great support, but believe me, there is no heroism in life with a “special” child - we simply have no other choice with his father. My “special” son is six years old, and I can’t imagine life without him, but I still don’t know the answer to the question “whether to give birth to a known sick child”. In our country, to be the parent of such a baby means to struggle all the time, often with the feeling that you are trying to break through the wall with your forehead in the hope that one day it will collapse. "

Sick children, regardless of their IQ, may well be happy - if you give them a chance to be born and live in a family. Parents raising sick children can stop running away into their less hopeless reality - if society stops stigmatizing them for the fact that their child is not like the rest.

There is something supernatural about what happens in a woman's body during pregnancy. The whole chain is ordered. strictly directed events lead to the emergence of a new personality. The chromosomes of the egg and sperm, merging together at the moment of fertilization, launch a huge "computer program", the result of which will be the birth of a person.

Control over whether the "program" is functioning correctly is carried out by the mother's immune system. But still, sometimes babies are born with developmental anomalies.

It is not possible to establish the cause in all cases:

  • only 6% of malformations are due to chromosome abnormalities;
  • about the same number of mutations at a more subtle gene level;
  • every 5 failure is the result of the combined effect of genetic predisposition and environmental factors;
  • 2-3% of anomalies are associated with pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • less than 2% - taking medications during pregnancy.

Currently, the mechanisms of the occurrence of prenatal malformations under the influence of harmful environmental factors on the mother's body are well studied.

Revealed critical periods of embryo development , when its formation proceeds especially intensively and the sensitivity to damaging factors of the external environment is high.

First period.

2 weeks of embryo life. If at this time the mother's body is exposed to harmful factors (radiation, medication, alcohol, drugs, smoking, infections, diseases, etc.), then often with irreversible damage to the embryo, pregnancy stops and self-removal (spontaneous abortion) from the body mother.

With reversible damage to the cells of the embryo, their complete recovery and developmental pregnancy are possible.

Second critical period.

From the 3rd to the 9th week of pregnancy, when all organs and systems of the fetus are laid.

Allocate risk groups of pregnant women

  • If the expectant mother suffers from diabetes mellitus and other endocrine or metabolic diseases.
  • If a woman has a history of miscarriage, the birth is dead.
  • If the expectant mother suffers from chronic diseases (hypertension, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, etc.).
  • If the expectant mother has suffered infectious diseases (rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus).

In such situations, it is necessary to seek advice from a geneticist. Only he can determine how high the risk and predisposition of the development of an anomaly (defect) of the unborn child is, will issue a medical and genetic conclusion, and recommend prenatal diagnostics. Suggest ways to prevent and control planned pregnancy.

Prevention for all:

1. We strengthen the immune system. The stronger the parents' immune system, the better the baby's health will be. Hardening, adequate sleep, physical education, adherence to a healthy lifestyle are the basics of strengthening immunity.

2. Taking vitamin preparations with a high content of folic acid significantly reduces the frequency of malformations of the nervous system, heart defects, and abnormalities of the urinary tract. It is advisable for all married couples 2-3 months before planning pregnancy and for women in the first three months of pregnancy to take multivitamins with folic acid content from 800 to 1000 mg / day.

3. On the recommendation of the WHO (World Health Organization), a program has been developed to screen for congenital fetal pathology during pregnancy, regardless of the mother's age. This is a whole system of measures for the timely detection of chromosomal diseases and fetal malformations.

4. Preparation for pregnancy and careful observation during pregnancy are required for all expectant mothers, without exception.

5. If necessary, contact the Gomel Regional Diagnostic Medical Genetic Center with the consultation "Marriage and Family" (57 Kirov st., Tel. 77-58-80).

Monitor your health
follow the doctor's recommendations and then the delivery will be successful,
and the desired child will be born healthy to the delight of family and friends.

On December 29, 2012, in the family of Archpriest Alexander Voitenko, a cleric of our church of the Archangel Michael in Tropareva and the church of the great martyr George the Victorious in Semkhoz (Sergiev Posad), after three older sons, a daughter, Dunechka, was born. One of our girls is also named Evdokia. And I was very happy that our regiment of lovers of this name had arrived.

Once Nina Vasilievna, our parishioner and mother-in-law of Father Alexander, asked me: "Well, how is your Dunechka?" “Oh, fine,” - I began, excitedly, to tell. "And ours ...". It was then that I learned that my father's daughter was seriously ill. In addition to Down syndrome, she also has a heart defect.

Every time I met, I asked Nina Vasilyevna how their Dunechka was (I was ashamed to approach Father Alexander because of some false modesty). And she found out that she had an operation. That she smiles. That she began to lift her leg - and this is such a progress for her. That everyone loves her very much - the whole family, the whole church, where she is taken to services. And that this is such a wonderful, bright girl. And he hardly cries! We rejoiced together and hoped for a miracle. And they believed that just a little more, and everything will definitely work out.

And then Dunechka died. She was only a year and a half. I remember then I took it very sharply, although I had never seen this girl. She hugged her Dunyasha to her and cried. And in my head it was spinning all the time: “How is this possible? Survive the death of your child ?! How can you live after that? "

As cynical as it sounds, I really wanted to write an article on this topic. But what can I personally say? Nothing. After all, only a person who has gone this way has the moral right to say something to parents who have buried their children. Father Alexander, to my surprise, enthusiastically agreed, and our conversation, which seemed very difficult to me in advance, turned out to be completely different in the end. Light, kind, giving hope and strength. Not only about sickness and death, but also about life, happiness and love.

"Her life will not be long ..."

- Your Dunechka had Down syndrome. Tell us what they are, these kids.

- After a blood test for a karyotype, a geneticist told us about the presence of an extra chromosome in Dounia's cells (which is called Down's syndrome). She said that such a baby can be born into any genetically healthy family. The probability is 1 in 1000. Moreover, this does not depend on bad habits or negative environmental factors. This natural deviation occurs not only in humans, but also in animals.

For many, the possibility of having such a child causes a feeling of horror. But when you come across this in practice, it turns out that there is nothing wrong. This is a native and living child. Favorite. Which also carries such a big load, such a cross.

Because of the extra chromosome in each cell, all tissues, the whole organism are arranged in a special way. It develops much more slowly, more often it is susceptible to various diseases. Any simple skill requires much more training and involvement from the family. Therefore, by the way, children with the syndrome can develop well in the family, and not in boarding schools. Moreover, everyone who has experience of dealing with children with Down syndrome calls them "sunny". They are, indeed, very welcoming, and this is manifested from infancy. Very bright and grateful!

Even before the birth of our Evdokia, a man came to our Troparevsky church and asked to serve a thanksgiving service. In his respectable family, after two healthy children, a third was born - with an unexpected Down syndrome. In a paid clinic where they gave birth, doctors unleashed a whole attack on them and persuaded them to leave the child in the hospital for a month. At first, parents could not even imagine how you can give up your own child! But under a terrible onslaught they began to surrender.

Returning from the hospital, this man noticed a poor woman with a 12-year-old daughter with Down syndrome. And he volunteered to help them carry the bag. They got into a conversation, and the woman sincerely admitted that they were wonderful children. They are very responsive, sensitive and loving. And just said this word - GRATEFUL. Seeing the living experience of this mother, a living child, he dropped all doubts.

He and his wife and baby were happily discharged from the hospital and christened him. And, as he himself said: "We experienced the joy of victory over temptation." It was on this occasion that he asked for a prayer service.

- Do they often suggest giving up such children? How does our medical system generally work in such cases?

- I would like to say right away that there is no such legal procedure as abandoning a child. The woman does not write anywhere that I, they say, refuse and entrust him with the care of the state. She just leaves and leaves her child in the hospital, and the staff fixes him as a foundling. It turns out that even from the point of view of the law, this is nonsense.

During the treatment, my wife spent a lot of time with Evdokia in different hospitals. Probably half of Dunechka's life. Only once or twice we ran into doctors of the old school, Soviet formation, who raised the issue of abandoning a child. It seems to me that this moment has already been overcome in our country. In general, we felt a good attitude. There was no tension or negativity on the part of the staff.

Probably, this is a legacy of the Soviet era, but doctors sometimes do not have the courage to really describe the state of affairs. They begin to say some general phrases, do not comment on the surveys. And I am very grateful to those doctors who said everything as it is: "Her life will not be long." Everything! Simple and understandable words. And we knew that we had to do everything to make this short life of hers as happy as possible.

At five months old, Dunechka underwent heart surgery. At first, she was recovering well, and then it became clear that the body was dying out. And the doctor was able to honestly say that what he prescribes is not a treatment, but the maintenance of life. And we, not deceiving ourselves, did everything to support her life and alleviate her suffering.

This point is very important. When you are in illusions, and the doctor is trying to veil reality, you will act inappropriately. In no case should you hide the real state of affairs from your parents. Because time is also God's medicine. For the past nine months, we have known we were supporting her fragile, elusive life. And these last Dunechkins nine months under the oxygen apparatus were filled with life and love. It was, indeed, fullness! She received communion every Sunday.

For what or why?

- How does family life change with the appearance of a special child?

- When a sick child or a sick person appears in a family, of course, life changes a lot. Much more worries, and time is much more valuable. Dunechka lived for a year and a half. And, as I said, she spent half of that time with her mother in hospitals. And there are three more older children ... Everyone switches abruptly, but they understand - for what. And such a switch is not painful. It mobilizes and disciplines very much. Children understand perfectly well that the mother is in the hospital with the baby. They also worry, pray and in their own way comprehend what is happening in our family. We did not hide anything from them. At that time they were 9, 8 and 2 years old. And they have matured a lot during this time.

And we felt one more moment ... Around Dunechka, everyone rallied very much. All troubles, disagreements, disagreements have faded into the background. And the general atmosphere in the family became much brighter. Because it is no longer up to the smallest detail. The importance of life begins to be felt, you begin to value what is really worth cherishing.

- How did the surrounding people react to the appearance of Dunechka? And how should such families be treated?

- I can say with confidence that we did not meet absolutely no rejection from our relatives, friends, acquaintances and doctors. Vice versa. We immediately felt tremendous support. Everyone treats a sick child with great love. This moment of love response is the most natural and correct one.

Oddly enough it sounds, but when you are faced with this problem (sick child), you do not need to make any problem out of it. Yes, the baby is like that. All the more attention and care he deserves, as the Apostle says: “God made the body proportional, instilling greater concern for the less perfect” (1 Cor. 12:24). And it is in this spirit of love that you need to accept both a sick child and a family where there is such a child.

- And still people, even trying to understand all this in the right way (the child's illness, his death), involuntarily ask themselves the question: "Why do I need all this?"

- "For what?" - this is a stereotypical question that very often arises in a person's soul during any sorrow. I will answer it stereotypically too. Not "For what?", But rather "Why?" "For what purpose did the Lord allow me this test?" "What does He want from me in the given circumstances?"

And the initial question, turned into such a plane, becomes very constructive. You begin to seek, and most importantly - to find the real meaning of what is happening, to understand that the Lord acts with us out of love. Even when it is difficult and painful for us.

- Have you answered the question for yourself?

- It is difficult to give any one answer. Of course, I thank God for everything that we have experienced. And we continue to worry. Because even after death, the child remains a member of the family. Communication with him continues, because with God everyone is alive. After death, a person does not disappear. He does not disappear into oblivion. He remains a member of the family who has already completed his earthly journey, has passed into a new state. It is very much felt when the question is asked: "How many children do you have?" I cannot answer it minus Dunechka. I always say: "Five" (after the death of Evdokia, another daughter, Elena, was born in the family of Alexander's father).

When the child is already killed

- If early screening tests for the presence of the syndrome in a child give a positive result, the parents have a choice: to give birth or have an abortion? Do you (as a priest and as a father) think it is worth doing this early research?

- This is a serious and controversial question. We have studied quite a lot of literature on this topic. It turned out that examinations in the early stages of pregnancy are most often aimed at imposing an abortion on the expectant mother in case of any signs of genetic diseases. Parents put themselves to a very serious test. However, if a fetus is diagnosed with some kind of genetic abnormality, this is not 100% reliable. Serious mistakes are often made. But this is revealed, as a rule, later. When the child is already killed.

A more accurate study for trisomy on 21 pairs of chromosomes (Down's syndrome) is a puncture. And according to what we have read, I can say that this is a very dangerous test. The likelihood of a miscarriage is high. Moreover, it is higher than the probability of having a child with Down syndrome. Many cases have been described when parents were very concerned about the possible birth of a baby with such a pathology. And as a result of this test, they lost a healthy baby.

But since I am not a doctor, in no case do I take responsibility to dissuade someone. To do or not to do such screenings is, of course, a private matter for future parents.

- Are there any positive aspects to such diagnostics?

- Of course! Early diagnosis is a remarkable achievement in medicine. But only if we look inside for the future life, to do something good. If we look there like executioners, when we take on the role of a judge signing a death sentence: “So! We leave this one, and shoot this one! ”, Here we, of course, exceed our powers. This is no longer medicine, this is the murder of a person.

Suppose you saw a serious pathology in a child. If it is too serious, then nature itself will stop the pregnancy - a miscarriage. It is in us. It is bitter, but almost everyone who gives birth to a lot sooner or later has to go through it. If the pregnancy develops successfully, then the detection of pathology in advance helps parents find specialists, choose a specialized hospital for childbirth and thereby, possibly, save the life of their child.

On the other hand, you need to be prepared that you will have to christen the baby right away. This can be agreed in advance with the priest. As a last resort, Baptism can be performed by any believing Orthodox layman. To do this, you need to take simple water, sprinkle the baby with the words: “The servant of God (the servant of God) is baptized ... ( name), in the name of the Father, amen, and the Son, amen, and the Holy Spirit, amen! " The sacrament is considered valid. And if the child survived, then already in a happy environment, the priest replenishes the sacrament, performing a full rite.

Everyone will have to bear the cross

- Now people have a huge fear that they may have a sick child. And the thought: “And if he is sick, why should he suffer? Maybe it's better not to give birth at all? For his sake ... "

- It seems to me that this question is one of the stereotypical delusions of this century, concealing a false logical transition. There are many of them. (For example: "To give birth to many children - to produce poverty?") And in this pseudo-logical transition: "If he is sick, then why should he be born at all?" we are already committing a crime. We are encroaching on life. So let's dwell on the first half of this phrase: "What if a sick child is born?" And we will analyze this.

I recall the words of Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), addressed in a letter to one mother: “The task of parenting is to teach a child to carry his cross. Because everyone will have to bear the cross. " Here we come to the conclusion that there are no absolutely healthy people. But each of us, having this or that disease, enjoys the gift of life, values ​​it and considers it the greatest gift.

This is true of any person. Whether he is born disabled or becomes disabled during his life ... Whether he lives a long life or a very short one ... This life is complete and whole, no matter how long it lasts. She is not some mysterious coincidence of accidents, but the Gift of God and the opportunity to gain eternal life. This is its meaning. And in this vein, the question: "What if a sick child is born?" finds some solution. Our task as parents with a special child (or an ordinary child, it doesn't matter) is to help him enter eternity, find his experience of communion with God, teach him to carry his cross. And for this, he must first of all give birth.

- Can you give any advice to parents who will have a special child in their family? And the people around them?

- Parents, probably - listen to your heart. Do not act only from the mind. Although he can play a positive role. Both the mind and the heart need to figure out what it is. And, believe me, you will discover a new world. That which, unknowingly, seemed terrible and painful to you, will turn out to be a new, unknown, amazing side of life.

As for those around us ... You know, I always remember with gratitude everyone who is just humanly, with the understanding that a special period of our life has begun, reacted to this. Especially precious is living love and friendliness to a sick child. And the most inadequate attitude is something like: "Oh, poor, how unlucky you are!"

- Is it worth offering help and how to do it correctly?

- If you yourself feel that you can help with something, you will offer this help. I felt a lot of support from everyone. The most important help is around the house and with the children. All of this was taken over by my mother. Thank you very much. One friend realized that we had a lot of medical examinations, and presented insurance at a paid clinic. This saved us from queuing. As for the cost of treatment, thanks to the quota, everything was free.

Much more important than money is simple life support, understanding. I am very grateful to our rector, Father Georgy Studenov, for the fact that he did not send me to additional education for two years (it takes a lot of time) and then removed all additional obediences from me. That was a real help.

The funeral day as a special celebration

- Did you yourself perform the funeral service for Dunechka? And what can you say to comfort parents who have lost their children?

- Yes, I sang it myself. Together with her godfather, who is also a priest. Even before that, I had to perform the burial service for babies. This is always a special occasion. Mothers who buried their children are always highly respected. In them one can feel the words of the elder Simeon the God-receiver, spoken to the Mother of God when she brought the baby to the Jerusalem temple: “The weapon itself will pass through the soul for you” (Luke 1:35).

This grief of the parents is reflected in the rite of the infant funeral service. There is directly a prayer to the Lord on behalf of the deceased baby: "God, God, who called me, now comfort my house ... cool my mother's womb, and water my father's heart ..." These are very good, compassionate words. In general, in this rite the Church has accumulated a vast experience of understanding the death of an infant who has become worthy of baptism. It is a great consolation for parents. The child is called the BLESSED CHILD. There are no requests for forgiveness of sins. And in fact, this rite proclaims the Gospel words: "Leave the children to come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of God" (Luke 18:16).

Yes, of course, the loss of a child is a huge grief. But life doesn't end. And this is also a special experience. You saw your child's life from start to finish. Children are not our property. We accepted it as a gift from God. And now we are escorting him to His Heavenly Father. The day of the funeral service and burial of Dunechka became a special celebration for us. I cannot say that it was joyful, but it was a triumph.

- Do you often remember Dunechka?

- Oh sure. You know, every child is special, unique. But Dunechka was and is the most beloved. Everyone! Everyone loved her very much! Children still show affection and some special love: "And this is Dunechka's toy, and this is Dunechka's dress ..." Then Lenochka was born, but she in no way replaced Dunya. This is a completely different person.

Yes, Dunechka's life was short-lived. But it was very interesting and intense. And although physical development was slower than that of ordinary children, she had some of her favorite toys, special preferences for colors. For example, she was very fond of white bush chrysanthemums. Therefore, we always bring these flowers to her grave.

There were a lot of happy moments. Yes, we worried when she was bad. But they were very happy about the achievements. You don't need to think that it was a complete darkness. On the contrary, it was a very bright and bright life. And I am grateful to God that He gave it to us.

And you know, when a child is already approaching death, he has such a wise look! He is becoming more mature than we, his parents. Because he is gaining an experience that we have not yet experienced.

- Why didn't God perform a miracle?

- Miracle is not only life extension. In the Gospel, the Lord directly says: “There were many widows in Israel ... and Elijah was not sent to any of them, but only to a widow in Zarepta of Sidon” (Luke 4: 25-26). Christ showed His power over sickness, over death, Christ conquered death by His Resurrection, but He did not abolish death. Death remains for us a door through which we leave this life and enter eternal life.

Personally, I treat the very gift of life as a miracle. And I think that this miracle is more than enough.

“The Petrovs had a sick child. How could this happen? They have a decent family, do not drink, do not smoke. They prepared for pregnancy, followed all the doctor's recommendations. Drunkards don't bother and give birth to healthy children every year. Where's the justice?"

Do you know such stories? Perhaps you have repeatedly wondered why children with disabilities and physical defects are born in good families. At the same time, normal healthy children very often appear in families of alcoholics and drug addicts.

In order to understand this issue, let's first get acquainted with such a concept as karma.

What is Karma?

Karma- This is the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, according to which good or bad actions of a person determine his fate. It depends on these actions whether he will suffer all his life or enjoy life.

The Law of Karma immediately realizes all human actions, both positive and negative. Thus, each of us is fully responsible for our lives. Yes, we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens to us from day to day. Wealth or poverty is the answer to our actions.

How does the Law of Karma work?

The Law of Karma covers the past, present and future lives of a person.

And Jesus said: “All misfortunes are a partial payment of old debts. There are immutable laws of reward: what a person does to another, someone else will do to him. Anyone who harms someone in thoughts, words and deeds is condemned as a debtor according to the law, and someone will also harm him in thoughts, words and deeds. Misfortune is a sign that a person has not paid off debts ...

A person who does evil to another person will never be forgiven until he corrects the evil. No one can correct evil, as soon as he himself created it. "

A person can never forgive his sin, and no one will forgive his sins. Only sincere repentance and practicing good deeds can soften the blow. Then the punishment for the committed sin will be minimal.

Boomerang's Universal Law says:"All our thoughts and actions, both evil and good, our actions, both good and bad, our actions - good and bad, return to us."

It turns out that it is not profitable for a person to be angry, curse, envy, kill, mock, etc. After all, according to the Boomerang Law, all this will sooner or later happen to him.

What will happen if a person does not have time to work off his debts in this life? Yes, plus, will he do anything else? He will work out everything in the next incarnation in the form of disease, poverty, misfortune, failure. As a rule, such people have a difficult or tragic fate. They on their own skin are forced to experience all the bad, and sometimes terrible, that they once did to others.

For example, if a person was robbed, then he himself once did it. If not in this, then in a past life.

I have already said that the greatest gift of God to man is freedom of choice. We make our choice every day, every minute. And our whole future life directly depends on this choice.

Three options for life

Option 1: when a person lives, works and does nothing superfluous. And so on until the very end.

Option 2: when a person makes corrections in his life, develops spiritually, does good to others, helps, etc. Thus, he improves his karma, and when something happens to him, it happens in a less painful form.

Option 3: when a person sows evil, he leads an immoral lifestyle. Due to this, he can die ahead of his time.

Thus, receiving blows in life, we must look for the causes of our troubles only in ourselves. This is how the evolution of our souls will take place.

Many stop in their development. They think that in fact they are good and kind, but they have been slandered, insulted, bewitched, deceived. The world is unfair to them! For such people, everyone is to blame, from relatives and friends to the president.

According to the Universal Law all living entities are responsible for their karma. That is, for all your actions, deeds, desires, thoughts - both positive and negative. And also for their consequences.

When people exclaim: "Why is God punishing me?" - this is fundamentally not true. Everyone has the right to choose. Thus, he either improves or worsens his fate. As the ancient sacred texts say - the Vedas: if we sow good, we reap good; if we sow evil, we reap evil.

The Law of Karma has a Spiritual origin. Karma is not punishment or retribution. It represents the natural consequences of every person's activities.

Influence of Karma on Children

Based on the foregoing, one can understand why sick children are born.

We are approached by a lot of people whose children are sick. Either from birth, or they fell ill after the vaccinations suffered in infancy, or through the fault of doctors.

Their mothers turn to us hoping for help. They are looking for alternative ways to improve their health, as medication is not enough. Many people learn the method of cosmoenergetics in order to constantly help their child. Some people manage to cure children completely (depending on the diagnosis, the degree of neglect, but, first of all, on the mood and desire of the mother herself).

We are visited by mothers whose children have congenital deformities or defects, autism, cerebral palsy and other diseases. So why is this happening? Why are babies born sick?

They get sick because they have very heavy and loaded karma... They did too much evil in their past incarnations on Earth.

Souls of former killers, suicides- incarnate in the bodies of disabled people and freaks. Thus, they work off the evil that they did in the past. To mother, in turn, such a child is also given for certain actions in the past.

How can the past life be reflected on this one?

Here are a few more examples of how a person inherits health, illness and injury from their previous lives. Of particular importance is how exactly a person died, under what circumstances.

  1. Hanged people strangled in a past life may have asthma in the present;
  2. Drowned people may have sore lungs;
  3. Those who die from alcohol have liver problems;
  4. Almost all earthlings feel wild dislike when they hear the grinding of iron on glass or the scraping of metal on metal. These sounds accompanied everyone who died from cold weapons - it is with such a sound that swords cut human heads together with helmets, it is with such a clang of arrows that they pierce armor on the chest.

And since the era of edged weapons has been going on for more than one millennium, then, naturally, almost everyone living on Earth in previous lives must have experienced death from metal.

People who in a past life died from cold weapons or firearms now experience incomprehensible pain in the area of ​​injury. If the blow hits the heart, the person is worried about pain in the heart, if the wound was in the head, the head hurts, etc. Very often, the sites of injury are indicated by birthmarks.

  1. If a person died by falling from a great height, then the very moment of the fall will be firmly imprinted in his memory. After being reborn, such a person will not remember all the details of the previous death, but when looking into the abyss, he will unconsciously remember the horror of the fall he experienced;
  2. Anxiety arises in those people who drowned in the past;
  3. Burned alive - in the next lives they experience an unaccountable fear of fire;
  4. Hanged people, strangled in the past - feel panic if someone touches their neck, or such people cannot wear scarves, sweaters, turtlenecks, anything that squeezes their throats;
  5. Those buried alive are now tormented by the fear of confined spaces;
  6. Someone who died in the past in a human crowd, was trampled in panic, now feels discomfort at the sight of a large crowd of people;

How exactly a person died, again depends on his karma.

There is no need to take revenge on anyone! Man punishes himself with his evil deeds. Reckoning will surely overtake everyone when the time comes!

Do not do evil, do good, get rid of vices. This is the only way you can save your soul!