How to find the perfect jeans? How To Pick The Perfect Jeans The Perfect Jeans

Probably, there is no such person who does not have jeans... For half a century, they have held the lead among the most popular garments. This is not surprising, firstly, jeans very comfortable and practical, secondly, they can be worn all year round, both in winter and in summer, and thirdly, they are very versatile, you can make up many sets with them, so they have firmly taken their place in our basic wardrobe () ...

Jeans styles there are many, and now fashion is more diverse than ever. Therefore, sometimes it is quite difficult to figure out which of the most popular types of jeans is right for us.
But this one jeans guide will tell you not only everything about the most popular styles, but also tell you about what you will not read anywhere else: about the little details that you must pay attention to when looking for the perfect pair of jeans.

Let's start with the jeans that you need to look out for first. These are jeans made of very thin denim with a lot of elastane in the composition. These jeans do not fit like pants, but rather resemble leggings or tights. They look extremely cheap due to their fabric, and they are also capable of disfiguring even the best figure. I have not yet seen a person on whom they would look good. They have a particularly devastating effect on corpulent figures.

As a rule, such models are found in fairly cheap mass market networks.
Good denim jeans with a little elastane can be found at a very reasonable price. So you better overpay a little, but you will become the owner of a wonderful pair of jeans that will fit you perfectly. It's better than buying such denim "tights", albeit very cheap.

If, nevertheless, you decide on such a purchase, then try to wear such jeans as leggings - that is, with a long top that covers the groin area, and preferably the entire thigh.

And below we will talk about jeans, not underwear.

Which landing to choose

Now low landing fades into the past. However, there are people for whom it is very suitable. If you have a disproportionately short torso, and your legs seem too long, then the low rise is just for you. If you want to focus on modern trends, then jeans with a mid-rise are a good alternative. Lapels will also help balance the silhouette.
You can also wear jeans with an elongated, straight-cut top. This trick will help balance your proportions. Especially if the top is lighter or brighter than the bottom.
In the examples below, girls with medium-length legs, so these sets even shorten their legs a little. For disproportionately long legs, these will work very well.

High-waisted jeansespecially suitable for those with rather short legs compared to a long torso. It is better to add a top that is short enough or tuck it into jeans, although you can also choose a tunic with a high waistline.

For everyone else, almost any fit is suitable, but do not forget that the high waist visually lengthens the legs, and you may like this effect.

Who to wear cropped jeans

One of the main trends today is everything rolled up: the sleeves of shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, even coats, and, of course, the legs of trousers and jeans.

But fashion designers have gone further - they have released a great variety of cropped models. We are not talking about 7/8 models, which fit most, but about shorter versions. Such jeans look stylish and interesting if they are correctly complemented, but, unfortunately, they are not suitable for everyone.

If you are thinking about purchasing cropped jeans (of any style), then you must take into account that they visually cut the leg, creating an additional horizontal line (and the horizontal is what shortens and makes us look fat) on the lower leg. As a result, your legs will appear shorter, and you will be shorter and, as a result, a little fatter.
The example shows the same model in jeans of different lengths: cropped jeans, 7/8 jeans and regular jeans. Low running shoes (sneakers and chelsea) are used everywhere. When comparing, it is very clearly noticeable how the shortest jeans shorten the legs of this rather long-legged girl, and the longest ones lengthen. Imagine the effect you would expect if a girl with shorter legs wore them.

Therefore, it is recommended to wear such jeans only for really long-legged ladies. You can be of any height, just keep your legs long compared to your torso.
If your legs are not from your ears, and you really like cropped jeans, then use the following technique: put on high heeled ankle boots under them, ending near the edge of the leg. It is best if their color does not contrast with the color of the jeans.
You can see the difference yourself:

Jeans J Brand, M.I.H Jeans

The devil is in the details

In the next article, we will take a closer look at most popular jeans styles how they fit on different body types and who they fit.
But when choosing jeans, you should pay attention not only to their cut, but also to small details that can disfigure even the most beautiful figure, and negate all our efforts to find the perfect pair of jeans.


Lapels are in trend now, as mentioned above. If you would like to create a slightly relaxed, slightly sloppy look, then the rolled-up jeans will only help to cope with this task.

The main thing is to be well aware that any cuff on the trousers cuts the leg and creates additional horizontal.
Thus, the legs will seem a little shorter, and you, accordingly, a little fatter. If this does not scare you, then you can safely use this technique.
You can smooth this effect a little by wearing high-heeled shoes.

Also, if you are short The cuffs can significantly disrupt your proportions.
Miroslava Duma in the photo below in jeans tucked up seems even more squat, and her legs look shorter even with small cuffs. High-waisted heels and jeans with no cuffs stretch her silhouette and lengthen her legs.

Some jeans are already sold with cuffs. When choosing such models, you should be careful:the wider the lapel, the shorter the legs will appear, the wider the horizontal will be (which means it will be more noticeable).

Compare the effect of very large cuffs and smaller cuffs: in the first case, the legs appear much shorter. Not everything that fashion designers offer us can really decorate us.

Fit on the figure

When trying on jeans, be sure to make sure they are sit well on your back: they should not cut into the body, creating ugly folds.

Also, the jeans should not sag too much.
It is best if they sit tight enough to allow the denim to support and lift your buttocks. But beware of jeans that are too tight to avoid bulging sides.

So choose jeans by size and pay attention to their fit.

Jeans by J Brand

Back pockets

Particular attention should be paid to the back pockets. They are able to both decorate our figure and negate all our efforts to find the right jeans.

The most common pocket problems:

Pocket size

Too small in relation to your buttocks, the pockets will visually enlarge the back of your body, so if you do not intend to achieve this effect, choose medium sized pockets.

Too largepockets in relation to your body also visually enlarge.

Unnecessarily longpockets make the butt flat and disproportionately long.

Location of pockets

Widely spaced pockets visually expand the hips. This is common, so be careful!

Also, for body shaping with jeans, remember thathigh pocketsraise focus by visually tightening the buttocks. These pockets are good for those with rather flat buttocks or a not-so-toned butt.

Low rise pocketson the contrary, it visually reduces the back of the body, making it flatter.

So, if you want to make the butt more compact, then avoid wide-set back pockets, as well as small or oversized (see above). It is better to prefer rather large, medium-sized pockets located just below the hip line.

If you have flat buttocks and would like to round out your butt, then opt for jeans with a high waist and high-set pockets.

The knowledge of how the back pockets of jeans affect perception can be used to adjust some features of the figure.

By the way, various decorations on the back pockets are also eye-catching, so if you do not want to draw attention to this part of your body, it is better to avoid rhinestones and embroidery there.


To be honest, I'm not sure that this phenomenon has a term in Russian, at least I don't know it. Whiskering is a pronounced horizontal crease in the groin area.

Jeans with a pronounced similar effect should be purchased only for those who dream of visually expanding their hips and drawing attention to this area.


One of the most common mistakes when choosing jeans is ignoring the role of scuffs in distorting the silhouette. And she (the role) is huge!

Be sure to pay attention to how the scuffs are located.

The Photoshop masters have one favorite technique called dodge and burn. This is when various parts of the face and body are darkened and lightened. This technique gives the face a sculptural appearance. As for the body, as a rule, they highlight the inner surfaces of the arms and legs, darkening the outer ones. As a result, the model in the photo looks much slimmer and more prominent. Are you familiar with this effect?


Fading on jeans should work exactly the same, but not differently. That is, they should be located in those places that you want to select, and on the edges of them, darkening should be visible, as well as in those areas that you would like to hide. Ideally, scuffs work best in the center of the leg, with darkening around the edges.

This is how the correct scuffs look that can beautify the figure. They are located exactly in the center of the leg, and the edges of the thighs are darkened.

And such abrasions will distort the silhouette and add volume where there is none. And not always in favorable areas for us. The scuffs on the butt greatly increase it, and strange spots on the calves are also very noticeable.

Jeans like the first photo will only expand the upper leg and hips. The second jeans turn the back of the body into something voluminous, immediately drawing attention to it, although the model is very slim.

Be especially wary of + whiskering scuffs unless you want fuller legs. Such experiments can only be afforded by very thin girls, as in the photo, and then only in combination with tight-fitting jeans. Boyfriends with similar scuffs would make even such a slender woman bigger.

Ripped jeans

Despite the ardent love of many people for torn jeans, it is they who most often disfigure our figures.
To prevent this from happening always pay attention to how the holes on the leg are located and what shape they are.

It is better to prefer the holes that are round, not horizontal, and located vertically. This will create a straight or curved vertical line that extends your legs.
Also remember that the more rips on the jeans, the more they distort the proportions and bend the legs.

These are the breaks that create the vertical, and they are small in size:

And these are horizontal, therefore, they expand their legs:

For such a skinny model, this is not so tragic. See what happens when a more corpulent woman puts on jeans with similar rips.

But such ripped jeans did not damage the figure of a girl with forms.

Also, when trying on ripped jeans, notice if they are crooked. Horizontal incisions at the knee level can give this effect. Below you see one model in the same pose: in jeans without tears, her legs look straight, with a cut on one leg - already worse, and with two cuts, her legs seem crooked.

What color of jeans to choose

The most slimming effect is, of course, dark jeans: indigo, dark blue, black, dark gray, etc.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't wear light-colored jeans if you don't consider yourself a reed. Light-colored jeans can only make you look fat in contrast, that is, if you wear a dark top with them. In this case, your lower body will immediately grab attention, as the lighter spot is a normal optical effect. So, If you like light-colored jeans but don't want to look fuller, then wear them with light-colored tops.

And if you wear a top to match the color of your jeans, you can create a vertical that will even make you slim.

Holders of a figure in the shape of the letter A (pear among the people) should remember that the combination of dark jeans with a light top balances their silhouette, bringing them closer to the hourglass.

And for those with a V-shaped figure, everything needs to be done exactly the opposite. To harmonize proportions, wear lighter jeans with darker tops.


How to take care of your jeans

Try not to wash your jeans in high water temperatures, 40 degrees is the maximum. Close the zipper and open the button before washing.

Where to buy good jeans

As you can see, choosing the really good jeans is not an easy task at all. If you buy basic jeans, you can invest a little more money in such a purchase, since you will wear them for a long time and often, and they should really decorate you.
Therefore, I would not advise looking for good basic jeans in chain stores, but pay attention to those firms that specialize in jeans. Which brands to choose is up to you, it all depends on your budget, since the range of prices in such companies varies. It can be Levi's, Acne, APC, Madewell, MiH Jeans, Cheap Monday, 7 for All Mankind, and more expensive brands: J Brand, Rag & Bone, R13, etc.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? All these trendy features, such as huge cuffs, pronounced scuffs and cuts, in fact, rarely adorn the figure. So, when choosing jeans, rather, it is worth paying attention first of all to how well they fit on you, and whether they help you adjust your silhouette (if necessary) in the direction you need.
If you are looking for basic jeans, then it is better to purchase them without cuts, pronounced scuffs and other special effects, so that they really are "in the feast and in the world."
And if you really want to get hold of such a torn or cut pair of jeans, you can look for them in cheaper or stock stores to satisfy your whim, wear them a little, and then forget about them with peace of mind.

I hope that purchasing new jeans will be a joyful event for you, because now you can definitely choose a pair that really fits you perfectly. It remains only to figure out the styles.
© The author of the material
Reproduction of my articles without my permission is prohibited

Preview photo: Bella Freud
Used images from the site: Asos

Skinny, flares, boyfriends ... Given the opportunity, we would wear jeans every day. However, sometimes doubts arise as to whether a certain style suits us. And while the correct answer is yes (after all, we can and should wear whatever we want), some jeans fit us better than others. Consider the best options for petite and tall, thin and curvy, and everything in between.

Tiny girls wear cropped straight trousers

If you have a fragile physique, this does not mean that your indispensable companions will be heels that add a few centimeters of height. Find an elegant cut that ends above the ankle to visually lengthen your legs. Jeans should be tight, but not tight, so as not to make the figure unnecessarily petite. Pants with a medium and high waist have the same lengthening effect. Pointed toe shoes without a heel will perfectly fit into the image.

Gallery: "Jeans for petite girls"

Open ankle lengthens your legs well, allowing you to wear shoes without heels
By adding heels, you can lengthen your legs even more Cropped jeans look great with fall boots
These jeans are worn by Miranda Kerr

Cropped flared trousers are suitable for tall

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that most models will look a little short on you. Show off your figure by deliberately opting for cropped flared pants. And - it's done! Complete your look with bold heels.

Gallery: "Cropped flare is good for tall girls"

Cropped flared jeans accentuate slender legs well Cropped flare loves Kate Bosworth Black flared jeans make the look even more spectacular
Bright accessories add expressiveness

Holders of the "apple" figure - a slightly flared cut

Imagine a cross between bootkats and heavily flared jeans, which sometimes look overly cartoonish. A subtle accent in the lower half balances out a wide mid-body, and if you got a stretch fabric model, this will help your slender legs catch even more admiring glances.

Gallery: "A light flare is ideal for the" apple "figure"

A slightly flared cut draws attention to the legs and distracts from the abdomen Black flared jeans look good with a leather jacket Star style: light flared is worn by Hilary Duff
Jessica Alba loves flared jeans too

For wide hips, try the high-waisted version.

Want to portray long legs? Slip your trouser-cut jeans to the floor (of course, you need to adjust them for your height). The high waist will draw attention to the narrow waist, and the spacious trousers will hide possible imperfections in the figure. To avoid the impression of drowning in them, wear long jeans with crop tops or tucked tops.

Gallery: "The pear shape is enhanced by high-rise loose jeans."

High waistline accentuates the waist, and long wide legs show the legs from the advantageous side. Such jeans look good on a slender "pear". High waist is a "highlight" of this style, but nothing prevents from adding color!
Another striking and defiant image that focuses on the length of the legs.

Dark skinny looks great on the hourglass

If you are the owner of this style of jeans, be sure to wear them! The bottom line is that skinny skinny pants are the best way to show off your curves. The dark color adds a sharp edge to the silhouette, while the stretch jersey will fit just where you need it. Your favorite accessories will become the accent.

Gallery: "Dark skinny - for girls with forms"

Dark skinny fits well on curvy girls Dark skinny loves Amber Rose High rise skinny jeans can be tucked into boots, legs will still look long

This absolutely basic element of any wardrobe has many styles and models, which allows you to choose the perfect denim for any shape and occasion.

Today we will find out which five main types of female figure are found in nature and which jeans models suit them best.

The most common types of female figure can be schematically described using definitions such as hourglass, apple, pear, rectangle and inverted square.

1. Hourglass

The "Hourglass" type of female figure is considered the most versatile in terms of choosing a jeans model. The proportionality of the figure, approximately equal in width to the shoulders and hips with a narrow waist, make it possible to choose almost any jeans. Women with this type of figure can easily afford options with both high and medium waist. The model can be straight, flared from the knee, cropped culottes or chinos that are tapered to the bottom. The only style to be careful with is boyfriends and other voluminous models. These jeans can visually shorten the legs.

The main feature of the pear shape is the clear contrast between the narrow chest and wide hips. Girls - "pears", as owners of appetizing forms, are certainly recommended to emphasize their merits with the help of flared jeans (I can expand trousers both from the knee and from the hip) or cropped chinos.

Women with the "Apple" body type have the only problem area - the waist. Most often it is poorly expressed, and there are small fat deposits in the abdomen. In this case, the chest and hips are most often neat, and the legs are slender. Women with such a rounded body type should take a closer look at straight models with a high waist. Wide models without decor and complex elements in the upper part are also suitable. The accent can be made on the lower part of the trousers - for example, using the pintucks or additional accessories in the ankle area.

4. Rectangle

"Rectangle" is the most common body type among athletes and models. Women of this type have equal shoulders, waist and hips. High-waisted cropped jeans, frayed models, “ripped” or ultra-modern styles and materials (for example, eco-leather) will help to emphasize slender legs. If you want to emphasize the waist, girls with such proportions are advised to focus on the abdomen with a belt.

5. Inverted triangle

The Inverted Triangle body type is also called the male body type because it is characterized by broad shoulders, small breasts and a narrow waist. For girls of this type, skinny jeans are good for anyone - they perfectly emphasize the slimness of the legs. And if you want to add proportionality to the image, then you should consider culottes, cropped banana trousers or mom jeans that add volume to the hips.

Recommendations and advice are just a guide to finding the ideal one. At the same time, they do not limit your imagination and desires. Choose, try on and remember, the main thing in choosing any clothes is your own feeling of comfort and confidence.

I know a lot of people who find it difficult to find clothes in a store. Things just don't fit the way they would like. It is especially difficult to choose jeans that just have to be the perfect combination of beauty, comfort and quality. But admit it, how long has it happened that you bought jeans and you didn't even have to fold them? I have never. When buying ready-made clothes, we always have to make a compromise with ourselves: “this is not quite the model we would like, but at least it fits well, we need to take it”.

So why not immediately make jeans with a unique, inimitable design, and also, for those who wish, according to their own measure? Such services are offered to its users by a service - an international company founded by Russians. Getwear customers receive quality, Russian-language interface and support, making it very easy to place an order.

As soon as you get to their website, you understand that people are making a truly high-quality product and are very fond of their work and clients.

You can choose from a pre-made jeans design, create your own design by adding details, or choose one of those designs that have been invented by the community. Plus, you can choose a standard size or set your own measurements (in great detail).

The price will depend on the complexity of sewing the selected jeans and the number of details (scuffs, embroidery). But the final cost is not scary, it is approximately equal to the cost of jeans in a good store.

I would like to mention the quality of Getwear jeans right away. They have a separate page dedicated to the story of what fabric and how they make their products. And the photos of strong and high-quality seams are impressive.

The company buys real denim that will last you so long that you can show your own design jeans to your grandchildren.

The production is located in India, and the best specialists work on it. The cost of labor there is noticeably higher than in the countries of Asia or South America, where the vast majority of jeans (including cool American brands) are produced, but Getwear deliberately went to this to ensure the highest quality.

The Getwear jeans belt alone takes half an hour to make, while the Chinese make whole jeans in an hour. And the point here is not in their special diligence, but in the thoroughness of the manufacture of every detail.

Each pair of jeans is cut and sewn individually and one tailor is responsible for one pair. The quality of the finished product is also due to such a very individual approach.

Let's consider in more detail the options for choosing a design:

Your design

Here you are given almost full scope for your imagination. Choose a style and color and add details. These can be scuff marks, bullet marks, cuts or embroidery. Moreover, this is not just a collection of parameters - the jeans designer is more like a graphic editor. It's very interesting to create your own model. In the upper right corner, you can observe how the price increases with the increase in the number of parts.

Coming up with your own design is also beneficial because you can sell it. More precisely, you simply give your permission to sell jeans with your design, and from each purchase you get from $ 5 to $ 10, which, in my opinion, is very good.

Community Proposed Models

In this case, you are just choosing a design from those invented by Getwear users. You can pick up something from the popular models that are located on the main page or see the work of designers from the list on the left.

Those who wish to order the good old classics can always choose classic design jeans from those that Getwear itself offers.

Getwear recently started accepting payments through Robokassa, so now you can pay for your purchase in almost any convenient way (Yandex.Money, terminal, Internet banking, plastic cards). You will receive your jeans in 10-14 days from the date of order (the more parts, the longer they will be produced). Delivery is carried out by courier services FedEx or EMS (to very small settlements), the cost is $ 20 ($ 10 - when ordering from $ 200). Getwear is so confident in its quality that they give a guarantee to all customers: if the jeans do not fit you in size or do not like them, they will sew and send you another pair for free.

The service has been around for quite some time, so perhaps some of our readers have used its services. If so, please share with us in the comments, were you satisfied with the order?

Take a look at

You try on jeans, they fit perfectly, beautifully emphasize the curves of your body, you are joyful (you have found the perfect pair), you run to the checkout, buy, and after a few days they wear out and begin to hang down in the most unnecessary places. Familiar situation?

It is a fatal mistake not to look at the composition on the label. The most important element to look out for in this case is Elastane (elastane, also known as Spandex or Lycra). If it is in the composition (even 1%, usually it is present up to a maximum of 4%), then you should deliberately choose more tight-fitting jeans, half a size smaller - they are guaranteed to be carried in a few days.


Boyfriends or skinny jeans, or maybe classic straight or flared jeans. When choosing a model, it is important not only to follow the trends of the season, but also to take into account the features of the figure. For example, boyfriends make the lower body heavier. They should not be worn if you want to visually get rid of extra pounds with the help of clothes.


The fit (the level of the belt in relation to the hips) is of three types: low (at the hips), medium (just below the navel) and high (at the waist). And here again you cannot ignore the features of your figure. If you want to hide the tummy and emphasize the waistline, then choose a high waist.

The size

Jeans have their own size range. There are two numbers on the label. The first one denotes the circumference of the waist and hips, that is, the actual size, and the second - the length of the leg along the inside seam (it can be used to determine how tall the jeans are). To correctly identify the jeans that you need, study the table.


When trying on jeans, be sure to pay attention to the length: walk in them, sit down, and then get up. If the jeans go up too high and after you get up, you have to pull them down every time, then they are short.