How to shave with a T-bar. How to shave your bikini area to avoid irritation

Every second man starts his day with a procedure to remove excess facial hair, in simple terms - with a shave. The modern shaving tool industry offers a variety of tools for this, be it disposable and reusable razors, razors and electric shavers, clippers and trimmers. But most of the time, men use conventional machines.

You need to learn how to shave with a machine from a young age, since improper shaving disrupts the growth of a mustache and beard, causes irritation and inflammation of the skin, and leads to injuries, abrasions and cuts. In this regard, experts recommend that all men follow standard instructions on how to properly shave a beard with a machine at home.

The shaving machine appeared in the operation of men for a long time, much earlier than modern electrical appliances. Modern stores offer a wide range and selection of beard and mustache depilation machines, and stylists and barbers name the main advantages of using the machines. For example:

  • A quality and effective shave... With the help of such a tool, a man will be able to shave off the hairs to the very root, as a result of which the skin of the face will be smooth and clean. And the blades of the machine remove dead skin layers, unclogging the pores.
  • Availability... As mentioned above, you can find a shaving razor in any store of household chemicals, cosmetics and other household goods. In addition, the machines are sold at affordable prices.
  • Ease of use... Any man can shave with a standard machine; there are no special requirements for performing such a procedure.

In this case, you need to understand that the razor must be used carefully, since there is every chance of injuring the skin of the face with the blades. If it is a disposable machine, you can use it no more than 2-3 times, and for a reusable machine you need to periodically buy replacement cassettes.

For reference! The disadvantage of using a razor in comparison with electrical appliances is the need for water, cosmetics for shaving and after.

Preparatory stage

For any man, shaving with a razor should start with preparatory activities, since the right preparation is 50% of success. It is the skin of the face that needs to be prepared in order to facilitate the contact of the epidermis, hairs with the machine, as well as to avoid the risks of irritation, cuts and abrasions. To do this, you need to soften the skin in two ways:

  • wash your face in hot water for several minutes;
  • moisten a towel in hot water and apply to your face for a few minutes.

Further, it is imperative to apply a shaving agent to the skin of the face. The most popular is the shaving gel, as it is suitable for all skin types, moisturizes and nourishes the skin and hair, and is more economical in consumption. For an oily type of face, it is better to choose foam, in addition, it better fixes the bristle hairs, allowing them to be shaved off freely with the machine blades.

What shaving products should you use?

When shaving bristles with a disposable razor or reusable razor, a man needs to take care of the choice of cosmetics. The purpose of shaving cosmetics is to moisturize and soften the skin and hairs on the face, which will allow the blades to glide as much as possible and easily shave off hairs of any thickness and stiffness. The purpose of after-shave cosmetics is to prevent irritation, dryness, and the ingress of pathogenic flora into the skin.

For shaving, you can use the following types of products:

  • foam - suitable for oily and normal skin, it perfectly fixes the hairs of the beard and mustache, providing razor glide and quick hair removal;
  • - a thick consistency allows a small amount of the product to cover a large area of ​​the face, the gel intensively moisturizes and softens both the skin and hairs, allowing them to be safely shaved off;
  • - such a product is more suitable for people with sensitive and dry skin, the soft and oily texture deeply moisturizes and covers the skin with a protective layer.

Experts advise not to save on shaving cosmetics, since the degree of skin trauma, the sliding of the blades over the face and the removal of hairs depend on it. In no case should you shave your beard and mustache on dry skin or with a simple soap.

Shaving techniques

The mustache and beard shaver can be disposable and reusable. In the first case, we are talking about plastic machines with several blades, which can be shaved 1-3 times, after which they are thrown away and a new machine is taken. A reusable razor is usually made of metal; replaceable cassettes with blades are selected for it, which are periodically changed. The principle of shaving with such devices is very similar.

How to shave with a T-bar?

A T-razor is a reusable razor that involves changing blade cassettes on a regular basis. To shave with such a machine, you need the same preparatory measures and a list of tools. Next, you need to insert the blades into the machine, take it by the handle at its very end. Now the man needs to choose the optimal angle of the direction of the blades in relation to the skin of the face (about 30 degrees).

Ideally, the handle of the machine should point obliquely towards the floor so that the blades are in contact with the skin. Now you can shave off the hairs on the skin of the face, for this you need to move the machine from top to bottom, first in the cheeks, then the neck, and at the very end shave off the mustache. If hair is difficult to remove, you can move the blades perpendicular to the hairline. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the machine, as this will cut the skin and irritate it.

After shaving off the stubble and mustache, wash your face with running water and examine hard-to-reach places. If hairs remain, there is no need to reapply the shaving product. Simply dampen the machine with water and remove any remaining hair. It is possible to deviate from the rules and shave hairs against their growth line in such places, for example, on the chin line and in the area of ​​the nose, where the relief of the face is observed.

How to shave with a disposable razor?

After applying the shaving product to the skin, you need to start the procedure itself, you need to shave off the hairs first from the cheek area. On the cheeks of a man, the hairs are the softest and most obedient, therefore it is easier to remove with a razor. You need to drive the machine with sweat from the hairline, usually from the beginning of the bristle to the jawline. If the hairs are poorly cut along the line of their growth, you can significantly change the angle of shaving.

In hard-to-reach areas while shaving, you can stretch the skin with your other free hand. But it is impossible to press and forcefully draw the machine over the face, as this will cause severe skin irritation. Next, the hairs on the neck are shaved off, moving the machine from the neck to the chin line with smooth, gradual movements. In this case, the machine should be rinsed in cold water as often as possible so as not to clog the blades with hairs.

Important! If a man has stiff bristles, rinse the machine in hot water while shaving so that the hot blades cut off the hairs more easily.

After the neck, they begin to shave off the mustache area, in this area the hairs are most rigid and need intense softening. Therefore, the mustache is shaved last so that the hairs stay under foam or shaving gel as long as possible. To shave off the mustache, the upper lip is pressed against the teeth, as if pulling it. The direction of the machine should also be at a slight angle, but not in any way against the direction of hair growth.

Skin and Instrument Care

When shaving, both disposable and reusable razors should be rinsed in water as often as possible to avoid clogging the space between the blades. Store tools in a clean and dry condition in a ventilated dry area. For facial skin care, you must use the following types of products:

  • - ideal for dry skin, as it contains nourishing ingredients that intensively moisturize the skin;
  • - a universal remedy for all skin types, but most ideally it suits sensitive skin;
  • - liquid consistency and alcohol content will provide high-quality care for oily skin;
  • - a universal product for all skin types that protects, moisturizes and soothes the skin after shaving.

Cosmetics for shaving and after should be not just from one manufacturer, but preferably from the same series of products from the brand. This will protect the skin and provide it with maximum comprehensive care.


Shaving with a disposable razor (safety razor) is much easier, therefore more suitable for beginners and young men for a safe and effective shave. But for shaving with a T-shaped razor, skills are needed to be able to use it, therefore it is more often used by experienced men. The shaving technique for both options is approximately the same, only to work with a reusable machine you need to get used to and find the optimal shaving angle. In any case, removing stubble with a razor is the most effective method of all.

The main cause of skin irritation after shaving is a dull razor blade. There is no need to save on this, just insert a new one and that's it, because health and convenience are probably more important to you than money.

Delicate girlish skin is prone to irritation. Especially for her, sellers offer razors for the fairer sex.

Often women do not pay special attention to irritation, thinking that soon everything will "pass by itself." It will pass, but you will feel uncomfortable again and again every time. You must love yourself and your skin and treat with care and caution even the smallest procedures.

How to shave to avoid skin irritation?

There are many tricks to achieving a quality shave without irritation. When pressed firmly against the skin, the razor stretches. It is necessary to guide the razor in the direction of hair growth, then the skin will be less traumatized and will not be irritated. It is impossible to carry out the machine on one area of ​​the skin several times, because this damages a thin layer of the skin.

When shaving, it is better to use a special gel, because it makes the glide better, preventing the appearance of microcracks and injuries on the skin. And even better, if you apply the gel to the depilated area a couple of minutes before shaving, then the hairs will become much softer and it will be easier to shave them off. Remember to prioritize shaving and aftershaves that contain less alcohol, as this can irritate your skin.

To prevent the appearance of redness and irritation of the skin, after shaving, you can use a compress soaked in a cold infusion of a string, celandine, calendula or chamomile. You can also make your own instead of store-bought lotion. You need to take 2 aspirin tablets and grind them into powder. Add two tablespoons of glycerin there, this will disinfect the skin. Also for this purpose, you can use hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate. After shaving, it is advisable not to dress for a while and let the skin breathe and recover.

In any case, take care of your skin, because how you take care of it in your youth will determine its appearance in old age.

Tip 2: How to avoid irritation when shaving your bikini area

The skin in intimate places is very delicate, because it is not exposed to the harmful effects of the environment, as it is almost always covered with linen. To avoid irritation in such a delicate place, you need to follow a few basic rules.


Always use only a new shaving cassette, as the dull blade can inflame the skin. It is desirable that the cassettes are of high quality and moisturizing. Do not skimp on this, otherwise irritation simply cannot be avoided.

Scrub your skin before each shave. Abrasive particles will remove not only dead epithelium, but also bacteria that cause irritation. If you do not use a scrub, the risk of ingrown hairs increases significantly.

Use a shaving cream. Most gels and foams contain antibacterial ingredients to help minimize or completely reduce irritation. After applying the foam to the skin, wait a few minutes, then proceed to remove hairs using the machine.

After shaving, wipe your skin with an alcohol-based lotion or toner, and then apply a special cream. If you don't like

In this article, we will share shaving techniques with the strongest half of the globe. Today we will tell and show you how to properly shave a man with a machine.

A brutal man is a rude, tough and harsh Homo sapiens. In order not to lose that very reasonable look, you should learn how to properly handle the "cold weapon" - the razor. Despite all the external invulnerability, the skin on the face is the weak point of any warrior. Thank God, long gone are the days when the process of getting rid of unnecessary vegetation turned into a deadly dance of a sharp and dangerous razor around a defenseless throat.

It's much easier now. This is due to the blessed invention of the Western bourgeoisie - the safety razor. Even with such a trump "gadget", you still need to have minimal skills in how to shave correctly.

To shave properly with a machine, a man, that is, you will need to strictly follow the instructions below and concentrate on the process. Try to focus maximum attention on the machine and your skin while shaving (about the same as a passing beauty gets by), and you will get an excellent result.

So, in order to get out of the bathroom with the least loss for the skin of the face, you will need to comply with the following shaving steps (if you don't want to read, then watch the video, it is at the bottom of the post).

Before proceeding to the crucial moment, the skin of the face must be prepared for the procedure.

  • The skin must be moisturized... To do this, wash well enough with warm water (you can use a gel). The bristles will soften, making the process easier. For those who are not in a hurry, the option with a damp terry towel is suitable. It just needs to be applied to the face for half a minute. Such a compress will be more effective than regular washing.
  • You need to use special gels or foam, the main thing is not soap! It is not suitable as it has a strong alkaline reaction and can turn your young, healthy skin into dry and lifeless matter. The gel should be taken into the hand, and then rub evenly in a circular motion over the shaving area. Modern manufacturers offer a solid assortment of cosmetics for men, so choosing an option that is suitable for all characteristics (skin type, texture) will not be difficult.
  • Choosing a suitable "tool of labor"... To shave properly, a man needs a machine. Its blades must be sharp, it itself must be comfortable, fit well in the hand and not slip. Otherwise, it will turn into a torture device that will not completely remove the hair, but will only cause severe skin irritation and lead to many cuts. The sharpness of the blades is an important point. Shaving with a dull machine, like walking over your face with sandpaper - irritation is guaranteed. No matter how sensitive your harsh man's skin is, remember: you need to change the blades as often as possible, and disposable machines for a maximum of three procedures.

Moment X, or the main stage

The secret to perfect results is hidden in just three simple rules.

  1. You only need to shave from top to bottom and in the direction of hair growth. In some areas, you can shave off by following a diagonal. If you do not adhere to this advice, an intolerable and fight against ingrown hairs awaits you. First of all, we shave the "vegetation" on the cheeks: carefully, without strong pressure, in order to do without damage. It is advisable to slightly stretch the skin with your free hand. Simple manipulations will facilitate the procedure, and the skin will give elasticity. Next, you should take care of the neck and chin. The algorithm is simple: smoothly but confidently we drive the machine from the neck to the chin and do not forget about caution.
  2. After every two to three strokes on the face, the shaver should be rinsed with water. Thin triple blades quickly become clogged with shaved hairs and no longer cope with their task of a clean shave. This will lead to additional skin irritation and cuts. Depending on the stiffness of the bristles, the blades should be moistened during shaving in cold water (for soft hairs) or under running warm water (for those with stiff bristles). The most dangerous "treacherous" area: the area of ​​the chin and mustache growth. When shaving in these areas, irritation and cuts are considered commonplace. But it is worth trying to minimize the risks. To do this, you need to have well-steamed skin and freshly applied shaving product. Manipulations must be carried out with tightly pressed lips to the front teeth, trying to slide the blades over one area as little as possible.
  3. Remove ingrown hairs carefully. This can be easily done by picking up the hair with tweezers and then gently shaving it off. As a rule, ingrown hairs are found in the chin and neck area. Therefore, you should pay attention to this area and do not forget to apply the aftershave.

Finita la comedy, or the final stage

So, the blood loss is minimal, the pulse is normal. Before you breathe a sigh of relief, you should make sure that the work has been done efficiently and that there are no missing areas. It is recommended to thoroughly rinse off the foam and examine the face. In such hard-to-reach places for the machine, such as the jawline and the area near the nose, there are not shaved hairs. The usual procedure must be repeated. If shaving for hair growth does not bring results, then you can resort to a dangerous technique - ruthlessly remove them against hair growth. Yes, this is effective, but you need to be prepared for the appearance of unpleasant red spots - irritation.

After removal, it is worth taking care of the affected skin. A variety of after-shave gels, moisturizing and disinfecting lotions, soothing creams will come to the rescue. In no case should you rush to apply cosmetics immediately. There is a high likelihood of nasty white pimples appearing, which will undoubtedly garner more looks than a perfectly shaven face. Before using any product, you should not wash your face with cold water, preferably room temperature, so that the pores are open for treatment with a suitable after-shave product. After the water procedure, do not dry your face with a towel.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. Shaving will cease to be a heavy duty if everything is done correctly and in order!



How to shave properly. When to shave: morning or evening? Shave or not shave? Feminine attitude towards male unshaven. We will teach you how to shave like a man!

I believe in bearded men and long-haired women ... Sigmund Freud

A man begins to shave at the age of 15-17 and repeats this process throughout his life. Few of us love this event, and the question of shaving daily or not, everyone decides in their own way. Someone thinks, a real man and the words of someone like a razor do not know, someone shaves off all the vegetation cleanly.

The first razor with disposable blades was patented King Kemp Gilette(King Camp Gillette) December 2, 1901. And on November 6, 1928, an American colonel Jacob Schick the first electric shaver was patented.

When to shave: morning or evening?

The popular truth says: if you shave in the evening - you love your wife, if in the morning - you suck up to the authorities, if everything is on the drum - once a week, if you shave at work - your boss is your wife. Ladies also shave in the evening.

Most of the men prefer the morning, and shave according to their mood, about a day or two later, arranging a rest for themselves on weekends.

According to research, about 2% of American male drivers shave while driving.

The renowned manufacturer of shaving accessories has launched a real hunt for "unshavens" in the United States. Activists "against unshaven men" took to the streets of the city with images of unshaven female legs and posters: "Until you - men shave, we will do the same." The interest of the manufacturer of shaving accessories is understandable here, but the desires of the fair sex are moderately fair.

Fact! The 17 most prominent philosophers all have beards and mustaches. Of the 73 great mathematicians, 28 wore beards and mustaches, 8 only had mustaches, and four more had sideburns. Among physicists, the alignment is as follows: 25 bearded, 8 mustachioed, 7 with sideburns and only 20 smooth-shaven. Of the 46 founders of chemistry, 11 had both a beard and a mustache, 5 had a mustache and 11 had sideburns.

Shave or not shave? Feminine attitude towards male unshaven.

If you don’t like shaving, then there are only three good male reasons to shave: this is an important meeting, a meeting with a cute new girlfriend and a test of a new razor.

Scientists from the University of Bristol (UK) argue that those who like to acquire "three-day stubble" are less likely to marry and often do not enjoy sex. This can be explained by the fact that women, for the most part, do not relate very well to male unshaving and neglect of shaving equipment does not have a good effect on the amount of sex.

The amount of hair on a man is directly proportional to his sexual constitution. Men with an abundant amount of hair on the face, arms, chest, and if there is a "path" often have an excellent "trochanter index". Even if you do not know what it is, then you still thought correctly.

The female opinion about male unshaven varies somewhat from one individual to another. About 50% of women are categorically opposed to hair on a man's chin, about 20% like it or think that it is sexy, the rest hesitate in the manner typical of girls. It's not about women's sexual preferences, but about practicality. Women's skin is very sensitive to the male hedgehog and reacts accordingly. Sometimes you have to choose between who will irritate you or her. Just don't complain to women about shaving, they know about it no less than we do.

“To shave today or not to shave” - many men ask themselves a question in the morning, looking at the brutal unshaven character in the mirror. Here laziness, potential irritation and time costs, on the one hand, and the desire to look presentable, not to annoy the other half with bristles, come into battle on the other.

If a woman insists on shaving regularly for men, maybe it is worth making concessions and shaving more often? Stubble for more than 2-3 days, although women like it, many are afraid of closer "communication". If the girl is inappropriately persistent in your shaving, then change the girl and do not shave!

If you are a fan of "three-day stubble", a small beard or mustache, we recommend using a trimmer to make your hair look presentable.

Scientists from the University of Bristol have found that men who do not shave every day are 70% more likely to get a heart attack and stroke.

In men, gray hair sometimes appears early. To avoid the uneven color of facial hair, it should be discarded. It is possible to tint, but it is much more difficult.

How to shave properly. We will teach you how to shave like a man!

The process, once peeped in childhood, as a rule, changes little throughout the life of men. But how do you shave properly to avoid cuts and irritation?

Correct shaving routine:

1. You need to start shaving at least half an hour before leaving, so that the after-shave has time to be properly absorbed.

2. To soften the bristles, rinse your face with hot water several times. You can apply a warm compress from a cloth dampened with hot water. It is good to start shaving after a bath or shower when the facial hair is softened.

3. After applying shaving cream or foam to the skin, wait two to three minutes to soften the hair and moisturize the skin. It is much better to use a shaving brush than to apply lather with your hands.

4. After rinsing the blade with hot water, start shaving. You should start from the cheeks, where the hair is softest, then the chin and finally above the upper lip. Guide the blade along the growth of the hair, avoiding shaving "against the grain". The blade should be rinsed with hot water as often as possible.

5. After shaving, carefully evaluate the quality of the work done and eliminate possible shortcomings.

6. Rinse your face, rinse off the foam and dip your face with a towel.

7. Apply cream, gel, lotion or, for particularly desperate "Triple Cologne" to the shaved surface. Do not apply immediately after shaving; wait a few minutes.

Choosing a razor is a matter of taste. The most effective shave is provided by a razor with an open blade (caution), followed by a safety razor with replaceable blades (machine), and at the end there is an electric shaver. It should be noted that manufacturers of electric shavers achieve more and more success every year.

Ask me a few years ago, one of my friends about how to shave with an electric razor, hardly anyone could hear something confident and sane in response. It would seem such a simple and banal topic. But I myself did not really know the answer to the question: "How to use?" No experience - nothing to pass on to others. And theory in a close friendly circle is worthless. “A man doesn't know how to use a razor” - the wording sounds strange. Don't you think? So I thought about the fact that the current state of affairs needed to be changed. As a last resort, you can understand when it comes to ... But an electric shaver?

In my opinion, a razor for a man is one of the first accessories among his toiletries. And in this matter, whatever one may say, sooner or later it is necessary to figure it out. More precisely, I had to be the first of our male company. Laggards are not liked. We have to catch up.

Choosing an electric shaver

You always need to start with the main thing, namely, with the choice of the type of device, which will serve faithfully for a long time. Electric shavers are divided into two classes, depending on the direction of movement of the knives in them. In rotary ones, they rotate, in mesh ones - they make translational movements. In the end, everyone must first decide which electric shaver is best for their skin type. And after that, figure out how to shave with an electric razor.

Rotary and foil shaver appearance

Ideally, you can have both types "in service" - like mine. I specially bought two different ones, with the "aim" to keep one for myself. But as a result, both remained: it was a pity to part with good things, and could not choose the best. Now I actively use both, depending on my needs and situation. But first things first.

Advantages and disadvantages of the rotor system:

  • The floating head perfectly follows the contours of the face.
  • Copes with stiff bristles.
  • Shave takes less time.
  • The procedure is very comfortable.
  • The hair is shaved off perfectly - you can repeat this procedure less often. For example, once every 2-3 days.
  • May cause irritation on more sensitive skin.

"Pros" and "cons" of mesh type

Wet and dry shaving with an electric shaver is possible depending on the situation and preferences.

  • A soft and gentle shave without irritating the skin.
  • It takes much longer (compared to a rotary shaver).
  • Has attachments designed for haircuts (a useful bonus, I tell you!).
  • Ideal for short and coarse hair.
  • Still shaves not so cleanly. Therefore, if necessary, you have to repeat the procedure much more often.

No additional skin care products are needed either during or after shaving.

Features of dry and wet shaving

The type of shave you use depends on whether you use a special lubricant. Wet shaving has the following benefits:

This is what wet shaving looks like with a rotary razor.

  • The blades glide smoothly and painlessly.
  • It takes less time to achieve a smooth skin effect.
  • The skin is not damaged.

Dry shaving is less demanding in terms of its conditions. It can be used in any room. No need for water, gels and foam. With a shortage of free time or an active lifestyle, this method of shaving is the most convenient and in demand.

A comfortable and quality shave: three main steps

There are three simple steps you can take to ensure your shaving is comfortable and performing at its best:

  • First of all, you should moisturize the skin of the face, as a result of which the bristles will take on a more slender and orderly shape. The subsequent shave will be much faster and easier.
  • We remove the bristles. The dry method does not involve the use of gel and foam, but with a wet one, on the contrary, is needed. For sensitive and allergy-prone skin, it is best to use a gel. Shaved hair is removed, the skin is rinsed with cool water.
  • After that, a special cream is applied to the disturbed skin to soothe it and maintain its health. It is also recommended to use shaving lotion with an electric shaver.

As a result, your skin will experience a minimum of shocks.

How to shave with an electric razor

Wet and dry shaving with an electric razor differs from shaving with a razor, which does not imply frequent and quick sweeping movements. Quite the opposite - it is a leisurely procedure. The electric shaver should be snug, but not too tight on your face. Otherwise, skin damage may be caused.

How to shave with a rotary electric shaver? Movements should be smooth and unhurried. It makes no sense to press hard, you just need to roll the heads and monitor the degree of contact with the skin. To achieve the smoothest shave effect, the cheeks are puffed out and the chin protrudes. To prevent skin irritation during and after shaving, it is recommended to use special foams, gels, and creams.

How to shave with an electric razor if it's a mesh type? These will not be circular, but progressive up and down movements. The direction of its movement should be against the growth of hair with a slight tension on the skin. In my experience, if you shave dry in the morning with a foil razor before washing your face, then you can do without the use of gels. And then moisturize the skin by washing. After washing your face, the razor will not slide on your face, and then only the foam will be able to correct the situation. If the electric shaver allows wet shaving, then it is rinsed with water. Then unfasten the head and wash the rest.

Closer to the details

Everything is very individual. A wide range of models of electric shavers and a variety of techniques for their use is the best confirmation of this. For a beginner, this is an art that from the first steps has not yet succumbed to anyone. So, what are the nuances? The length of the hair to shave, its stiffness, and the density of its growth require variable approaches to shaving. Different stress resistance of individual areas of the skin can also make itself felt.

It would seem a trifle ...

Remember that skin feeling is not a constant value. It can even change from how you slept, not to mention more: nutrition, stress, season, etc. In general, this is the first - if not the most important. That is, we closely monitor her reactions, and learn to "understand" her. And then you will not harm your health with any electric shaving system.

Extenuating circumstances

Before you shave with an electric razor, you first need to moisturize your skin - a simple wash with warm water. Light massage movements and special moisturizers will only be beneficial. And don't forget about the neck area!

We start shaving ... no, not against hair growth, but in its direction! Otherwise, irritation is guaranteed. We determine the direction of growth, either visually in front of a mirror, or by running a hand over the face. We choose a direction in which we do not meet the resistance of the hairline. Over time, the "map" of bristle growth will be imprinted in the memory. After the movement along the hair growth is passed, we change the direction to the opposite and alternate. This strategy is especially true for mesh razors.

With progressive movements (up and down) at the first stage, shave off the cheeks, then the neck. The area above the upper lip and chin area are treated last. They require more attention to themselves and more time. These areas may require reapplication of the gel. One piece of advice - do not rush and do not save. Rinse your face and deal with the worst shaved areas again.

Perhaps, at the beginning of practice, with a new electric shaver, some areas of the face will be shaved slightly worse than others. I propose to postpone the solution of this issue for some time. And there it will be clear whether it was just necessary to practice or whether certain areas are shaved that way (and nothing can be done about it). It's better than walking around with a red, irritated face anyway.

An important emphasis, especially for beginners, is the focus on not exerting unnecessary effort and not pressing the razor hard against your face. If you have a rotary electric shaver, then it should slide over your face, smoothly bending around its contours. Difficulty keeping track of multiple heads? Do not rush, over time everything will work out, sometimes you have to help the electric shaver with your free hand, pulling the skin of your face.

Also see:

Do not go outside immediately after shaving if it is very damp or cold. After all, this can become another stress for the skin.

So, to summarize:

  • Monitoring skin conditions, observing reactions.
  • Moisturizing first, then light massage. Do not forget about the neck area.
  • On each area of ​​the skin, start shaving from the direction of hair growth.
  • We start with the cheeks and neck, and end with the mustache and chin area. We pay more attention to the latter.
  • Do not strive to have a perfectly shaven face "from the first steps" of the practice. Let the issue be resolved over time.
  • Avoid sudden pressure on the face with the electric shaver.
  • In some cases, the help of a free hand is needed to slightly stretch the skin.
  • If it is damp or cold outside, allow your skin to rest for a while after shaving.

Shaving will always be a comfortable procedure if you only devote enough time and attention to it. And progress in this direction is not a matter of several days or even weeks.


If you adhere to all the rules of care and use an electric shaver according to all recommendations, then the result will not be long in coming. You will be provided with the maximum comfort from using an electric shaver, and you will also have a perfectly shaved face. I hope the question of how to properly shave with an electric razor has been set out in detail. Practice, as is usually the case, later dot the i's.

In fact, my friends still asked me later the question "how to shave with an electric razor." But by that time I was already prepared for it. And they just pretended that they themselves were in the know, but wanted to give me a chance to supposedly "enlighten" them. Later, remembering my father, I could say with a great deal of confidence that the question of how to shave properly with an electric razor, if it was before him, was only in his early youth. The razor - as he called it - was familiar in his hands. And I still associate her monotonous buzzing with something familiar and familiar - to put it simply, with the atmosphere of the house.