How to pack your suitcase correctly: the obvious and the incredible. Vacation or business trip: how to properly pack your suitcase

For experienced travelers, packing a lot of things into a small suitcase is easy. For the majority of vacationers who go on a voyage once a year, this task threatens to become insoluble. Unless, of course, you do not know some secrets that will greatly facilitate the preparation for the trip.

I already wrote that I prefer. This way of transporting personal belongings has its pros and cons. There are many more advantages, in my opinion, but not everyone is used to traveling light. The reason for this can be several factors, the most important of which is the presence of children. So if you need to stuff something unstoppable in your suitcase, check out some simple tips.

First, all fees begin with choosing a suitcase. If you are going on a short trip, then there is no point in packing a lot of things with you that will not be unpacked, but you still have to carry them with you. In this case, it is better to choose a small suitcase, backpack or travel bag. If you are traveling with your family or you have a longer trip, then you should take a more spacious suitcase so as not to experience the inconvenience of lack of necessary things.

The list will not allow you to take too much

Secondly, even at the planning stage of your vacation, make a list of things that you will need while traveling. The list can be broken down into subcategories: first aid kit, travel bag, linen, clothing for excursions, evening wear, baby clothes, etc. Such a detailed list makes getting ready for the trip much easier and thanks to it, you are unlikely to forget anything important. And, conversely, the list will not allow you to take unnecessary things, because you will include only the necessary and necessary in it, right? = 0)

P.S. Take the list with you on your travels so that you don't forget anything when you pack when you get home.

Things should complement each other

Third, think carefully about your travel wardrobe. All things should be comfortable, practical, wrinkle-free and go well with each other. Items that complement each other will add variety to your travel wardrobe, and well-chosen accessories will help transform a day suit into an evening outfit.

Your feet will say thank you

Fourth, you need to take care of your travel shoes. Even on a short trip, it is worth taking a few pairs of comfortable shoes or sandals with you. If you are planning nature hikes or long excursions, then bring comfortable sneakers or ballet flats. For a beach holiday, flip flops or flip flops are required. When going on the road, take already worn-out shoes. Calluses from a new pair of shoes are unlikely to allow you to enjoy even the most interesting excursion.

Much depends on the little things

Fifth, assemble your cosmetic bag correctly. So that all the contents of the suitcase do not suffer from accidentally spilled and scattered cosmetics, tubes of cream, lotions and tonics should be carefully and securely packaged.

Sixth, do not forget about the important little things that you cannot do without on the road. Glasses, documents, tickets, money, bank cards, medicines that you constantly take should be put in a separate bag so that these necessary things are always at hand.

Seventh, if you are going to travel abroad, put a laptop, tablet, chargers, a first-aid kit with medicines and other things that may interest customs officers on top so that you do not have to turn over all your luggage. I would like to note that in many countries, for example, in Hungary, the customs officers ask to put the equipment and the cosmetic bag (if you take them in hand luggage) separately on the tape.

Read more about how to prepare for your trip.

Finally, I post a video of one traveler about the way of packing things, which has collected more than 9 million views. I personally tried to collect things according to his scheme and I will say that from the first time it will not work to pack everything in the workshops, but things really fit more.

Do you have your own tricks for packing things into a bag / backpack / suitcase? Share them in the comments.

Always yours, Daniil Privolov.

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Long-awaited vacations and holidays are ahead. The excitement about choosing a tour and buying tickets is already beginning to subside, and the questions "What to take with you on vacation?" and "How to properly pack your suitcase?" are becoming more and more relevant. The task of collecting a suitcase is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

It is important to take everything you need, but nothing superfluous, so that the suitcase is as light as possible. It is also important that all things fit into the suitcase, do not break or wrinkle. We will try to answer these and other important questions in our article "How to pack a suitcase".

1. Before you put everything in a suitcase, first make up, or even better, lay everything on a sofa or bed. This will allow you to see unnecessary or missing items on vacation.

2. Bulky things(jacket or sweater), if you don鈥檛 put them on right away, it鈥檚 better to put them on the bottom of the suitcase. It is also worth putting beach towels there. Next are dresses and tops, and to the very top there are trousers, shorts and skirts.

3. In order for things to wrinkle less, they are recommended roll up... At the same time, it is important that dark clothes or clothes made of coarse fabrics do not lie next to light ones or wardrobe items made of light fabric. For this, it is convenient to use packages or special organizers. The disadvantage of plastic bags is that they prevent air from entering, which negatively affects the fabric.

4. Jeans- great clothes for a short flight, but for a long journey it is better to choose something more casual. Therefore, feel free to put them on the plane, but do not take the second in your luggage: at a temperature of about 30 degrees, some of them will be more than enough for you, and during your holiday at a winter resort, you will not need them all the more.

5. When collecting your suitcase, always remember the purpose of your trip: beach holidays - a minimum of warm clothes, a ski resort - evening dresses are unlikely to be useful to you, a business trip - take care of shirts and a suit, outdoor activities - leave high-heeled shoes at home.

6. For a business trip Men's shirts must be folded in a certain way and placed at the bottom of the suitcase in a special organizer. This will help transport and keep them in order. A costume it is better not to put the suitcase at all. A suitcase or travel bag is ideal for this purpose and can be taken as carry-on luggage.

8. Do not forget to take on vacation necessary gadgets(phones, cameras, tablets) and accessories and chargers for them. However, it is ideal to put them in a separate cosmetic bag or special organizer. So all equipment will be stored in one place and you will not lose anything.

9. The best place for shoes is closer to the lid of the suitcase. Each pair of shoes must be packed in a separate bag or special bag so that it does not stain other things. Also for these purposes, you can use a special organizer for storing shoes.

10. You can put underwear, swimwear, socks and various necessary little things, such as charging, in the empty spaces, but just not cosmetics! Accidentally opening shampoo can ruin a whole suitcase of belongings and your mood. Extra precautions will not hurt here. It is better to put the cosmetic bag in a plastic bag or special bag.

11. Unfortunately, the rest does not always last long, so you must agree that you do not need large bottles of your beloved cosmetics... A standard tube of cream or a bottle of shampoo will not only take up a lot of space, but will also weigh down your suitcase. We recommend pouring your funds into smaller bottles (up to 100 ml) or special ones and put them in a transparent plastic cosmetic bag. Cosmetics packaged in this way will also comply with hand luggage regulations.

12. Do not forget that on vacation you will only have a rest, and not do housework. Therefore, it is logical that by the end of the trip you will have accumulated dirty clothes... It is not worth taking her in the same compartment with clean things. We recommend that you take a bag or a special bag for these purposes.

Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. Let's not argue with the famous saying and start prepare for the summer (and not only) vacation season right now... Indeed, in winter it is especially pleasant to think about the warm coastline and gentle sea, plan a trip and view photos of famous resorts. Have you ever forgotten to put an important item in your suitcase? Is the process of collecting your suitcase going smoothly for you? Today I want to talk about the suitcase issue and tell you how to quickly pack a suitcase and not forget anything.

At the end of the article, a stewardess will share her experience of collecting suitcases. I can imagine how often they have to pack their bags! And a good video will be too 馃檪

The basic principles that I follow before the trip when packing my suitcase:

  1. Nothing extra
  2. Everything should be easy
  3. And once again, nothing superfluous: after packing your suitcase, find in it a thing that you can do without on the trip.

How to properly pack your suitcase

To properly pack your suitcase and go on vacation with a light heart, I divide all things into the following categories:

To properly pack your suitcase for a trip, I make a list of things in advance by these categories. And immediately I note which things I have ready, and which need additional preparation for the trip. For example, if you buy new things before your trip, you need to wash them in time. You also need to have time to charge the batteries of the camera and phone.

For documents and tickets I use a transparent plastic folder in A5 format. One glance is enough to make sure once again that everything is in place and not to worry 馃檪

I keep money in my wallet... Tips to hide money in the most secluded places - I have never come in handy. Maybe I was just lucky - no one ever encroached on my hard-earned money. Or maybe I just do not carry such amounts with me that would have to be carefully hidden.

Belt bags- also did not take root. In general, I take on a trip a regular bag with handles that can be thrown over my shoulder. As an option, I sometimes use backpack, but then you have to take a belt bag with you for documents and money.

How to pack a suitcase

Helpful advice: Roll up all things with a roller, so they will fit more compactly in a suitcase and less wrinkle.

The sequence of packing things in a suitcase:

Shoes first - better around the edges of the suitcase

- trousers - to the bottom

- thicker things - second layer

- thin light things - the third layer

- toiletries, cosmetic bag - to the very top. The flight is coming and the suitcase is checked in - we place the toiletries deep into the clothes so that nothing breaks or spills.

If you are flying by plane and check in your suitcase, leave it with you: documents and money, first aid kit, camera, cosmetic bag (the smallest you have), wet wipes and hand sanitizer. Well, a laptop or an e-book too.

We pack everything else in separate bags and then in large dense bags by categories: clothes, shoes, hair dryer / iron, cosmetics. Firstly, it is easier to sort things this way, and secondly, things will not be damaged if something suddenly spills onto your suitcase from the neighbors. We put all things tightly in a suitcase. Don't fill it to capacity. A properly packed suitcase you have to button yourself and fairly easily. If you have to resort to the help of others, your tightly packed suitcase risks bursting.

Then at least pack it at the airport - this service is now everywhere. Your suitcase is wrapped in several layers of cellophane, cutouts are made for handles. This will save your suitcase from external damage. But for such packing baggage at the airport time and money are wasted. And time is more important in this situation.

well and to make the suitcase lighter, I make a list in advance of what you can buy at the vacation spot. Typically these are sunscreens and recreational items such as inflatable swim gear, a beach umbrella, and a beach mat. After completing the rest, I leave them on the beach, so that in a year I will return again 馃檪

And here a real stewardess is collecting her suitcase! I really liked it. I do everything in almost the same way, only I have three times less things, and I put them in bags first.

And finally, the video. At first, I didn't believe that a huge pile of things would fit in such a small suitcase. But how cleverly he did it! Handsome! 馃檪

And also look at how luggage is packed at the airport, it may come in handy. The whole art, however! And what kind of music 馃檪

How do you pack your suitcase for your trips?

When going on vacation, we do not always understand what things should be taken with us. Since the space in the suitcase is limited, you often have to give up some things in favor of others. How quickly and how to properly pack your suitcase, in addition to what things you should take with you, you will learn from this article.

Choosing a suitcase

This question depends directly on how you plan to get to the resort. If you fly by plane, you will have to pay extra for a large suitcase, but when traveling by car, you can take a decent size. Always be guided by the type of transport when choosing luggage in order to avoid discomfort.

If you haven't bought your perfect suitcase yet, then these simple tips will help you.

What to take

So, dealing with the question of how to properly pack a suitcase, you need to start from where you are going to go. If this is the beach and the sea, then take mostly light clothes, as well as a few outfits for the evening, if this is an excursion tour in which you have to walk a lot, it is better to take as many comfortable things as possible with you.

A week before departure, look at the weather forecast, suddenly weather forecasters promise a storm at sea. What if the weather is too hot in the usually cool place where you plan to travel?


That's it, the ticket has been bought, and we are packing our suitcase at sea! Now you need to take with you different sets of matching things. It is better to take things from thin fabrics - after washing, they will dry quickly. There is no need to take clothes from the principle of "suddenly come in handy" and "in reserve": its main part will lie at the bottom of your suitcase for your entire trip.


When figuring out how to pack a suitcase for vacation, you need to take into account that it is better to take a few shoes. Ideally, a maximum of three pairs. Standard set: beach slates, sandals and sneakers. Women can also borrow high-heeled shoes that come in handy when going out to restaurants.

Clothes for kids

For kids, don't pack too many things either. You will need several T-shirts, a jacket with sleeves and trousers, a pair of shorts, swimming trunks, 5-6 panties. In many resort countries, children's things are great, shopping is excellent. You also need to take a little shoes, no more than 2 pairs of sandals. At the same time, for a seaside holiday, children need to purchase crocs.

Accessories for children

If the child is very small, then by all means take an ergo backpack with you, it will be a great alternative to a bulky stroller. A child can sit in it during bike rides, excursions, boat trips.

Of course, you should take children's toys to entertain the baby on the way. Molds, spatulas, buckets can be purchased at the resort, especially since they are not so expensive.

For the child on the road, you should take food packaged in jars. Don't forget juice, bottled water, fruit, yogurt, and a spoon, mug, and plate with a lid. Dry and wet wipes will also come in handy on the plane.


When thinking about how to pack a suitcase to Turkey or to another resort country, you need to take into account that it is advisable not to save money with linen, taking more of it - this way, you can avoid washing during your vacation. The basic principle: the longer the trip, the more laundry. By the way, do not forget to take swimming trunks or a swimsuit with you, even if you are not going to the sea, they can be useful for visiting pools, saunas, SPA.


Shawls, belts, hats - it is advisable to take all this in 1 piece. But if there is no place for them in the suitcase, then it is better to leave them at home altogether. In this case, hats, beach umbrellas, towels, circles and the rest can be purchased directly at the resort.


Thinking about how to properly pack your suitcase, you need to understand that choosing cosmetics for the trip will require an individual approach. Toothpaste, deodorant, sun or sunscreen, shampoo and shaving foam can be purchased locally. It should be borne in mind that in some hotels these hygiene products are provided completely free of charge.

If you prefer to take your own cosmetics (this is especially true for lotions, toners and face creams), then there are 2 options:

Jewelry and valuables

It is undesirable to take expensive and favorite jewelry on a trip, since "gold-diamonds" attract unnecessary, even unnecessary attention to you. You can get by with fun, inexpensive jewelry, and update your own boxes with something new on the spot.


Thinking about how to properly pack your suitcase and what to take with you on the road, you need to take into account that it is better to take pills and medicines from home. Medicines you know in another country may have a different name, and many of them require a doctor's prescription. If you suffer from chronic diseases, immediately take several packs of the necessary funds.

The following drugs will come in handy:

Also, be sure to take with you a thermometer, a sterile bandage, a plaster, brilliant green or iodine, cotton swabs and hygiene sticks.


Taking with you all the equipment you need for the trip (laptop, camera, phone, camcorder), do not forget about flash cards, chargers and adapters.

Money and documents

It is good to store documents in special holders. Passports, vouchers, child's birth certificates, driver's licenses, insurances, diving certificates - all this can be packed in hand luggage, and photocopies can be put in the luggage compartment in a suitcase or in a backpack.

There is no need to carry money with you; it can be withdrawn from the card in local currency at the resort. You should take $ 400-500 with you for possible incidental expenses.

How to pack your suitcase for the trip and not take anything extra?

The most elementary way to properly pack your suitcase, as well as take everything you need with you, is to make a list of things you need to take with you one week before the vacation. It should be as detailed as possible. Look into it once every couple of days - add something, and cross out the other. Due to this, you will have time to weigh everything, think it over, while avoiding confusion.

A couple of days before departure, the necessary things from the list can be packed and stored already collected suitcases (you can see a photo of them in this article).

We pack a suitcase

  • If you have several shirts or blouses, then you need to fold those that do not wrinkle from below, and put the rest on top.
  • Each pair of shoes must be placed in a bag. When packing shoes, fold the heel to the toe. At the same time, place it along the edges of the suitcase, which will significantly save space.
  • Dresses should be folded to the bottom in such a way that the edges go down to the outside of the suitcase, and then, after filling with things, wrap them up.
  • It is most convenient to fold your underwear into the pocket on the side of the bag.
  • For compactness, fold the T-shirts with rollers, place them between clothes in empty spaces.
  • Pack packages with various personal hygiene and care products in a bag, because during rough transportation of luggage or flights, the contents of the vials can spill out.
  • Place something soft at the top, such as a sweater or towel. They serve as a shock absorber in case of damage or unsuccessful transportation.
  • Place the things on the bottom that you are least likely to use, and on top, put those that will be used most often.
  • It is advisable to keep money and documents with you, so as not to lose them in a heap of linen.

Before packing everything, things can be laid out on the floor, especially if you do not yet know how to pack your suitcase on vacation. At this stage, you can easily get rid of a fifth of your luggage.

Having already collected the luggage, for the sake of fidelity, we look for things in it, without which you can easily do without on the trip, and we are already re-packing the suitcase on vacation.

You can take the list of things with you on a trip and use it to collect things before flying home, as it will help you not to forget anything at the hotel.

Safety regulations

Carry valuables in your carry-on baggage. Your suitcase should be equipped with two identification tags, and one of them must be inside in case the outside comes off. This ensures that your baggage will be returned to you. On it, write your mobile phone number, as well as the place where you want to stay. You do not need to provide your home address, as this will be a warning that you are now away from home. In addition, luggage must be secured with secure locks.

So, the suitcase is assembled, you have taken all the documents required for the trip and are ready to leave the house at any moment. In this case, call the one who will help you carry your luggage, and - on the road, to plunge headlong into the atmosphere of relaxation that you have dreamed of all year!

If you love to travel, you need to know how to properly pack your suitcase. It's not difficult at all if you know how. And most importantly, if the suitcase is correctly assembled, then much more things are placed in it, which cannot but rejoice. The rest is organized in advance, but we most often pack our suitcase for vacation on the last day before departure and in a hurry we take a lot of unnecessary things and forget important things. If you do not know how to pack your suitcase correctly, and most importantly - quickly and compactly, read the tips below that will definitely help you relax without problems, get a lot of impressions and recharge with positive emotions before your next vacation.

How to determine the required number of things for relaxation?

A survey was conducted by one insurance company. It turned out that women take on a trip at least twice as much clothes than they have time to put on. They are fond of collecting and, for example, for two weeks of vacation can take up to twenty blouses and tops, at least a dozen shorts, breeches and skirts, eight pairs of shoes, five swimwear and a huge amount of cosmetics and jewelry. If we pack a suitcase on vacation, we need to start making a list of everything we need to take in advance - about a month in advance. During this time, you will periodically review it - supplement and delete, buy what is missing. Such planning is guaranteed to help you not to forget things, without which the rest will not be comfortable and interesting, and this is the most important thing! A checklist of everything in your suitcase isn't just for the hustle and bustle of your departure. Take it with you and your check-out fees will be as fast as possible and you will not forget something of value abroad.

The list of things for the trip should always be made taking into account:

路 The number of days of rest and flight;
路 Tour programs and obligatory events in it;
路 Expected weather;
路 Vacation companions.
There is no need to hesitate to ask the manager of a travel agency everything you want to know about your future vacation - about the trip program, about the hotels of accommodation. Detailed information will save you from possible inconveniences. For example: there will be a long walking tour, and you will not have comfortable moccasins, but there will be several pairs of high-heeled sandals in your suitcase.

What can't you do without on your summer vacation?

It makes no difference - we pack a suitcase on vacation to Egypt, Turkey or Thailand. For a summer vacation, you need a lot of light things, but warm clothes are also worth bringing. A few days before the trip, you need to inquire about the specific weather in the place where you are going.

Check your list for what we recommend.

Have you missed anything? So, on vacation at sea you cannot do without:
Comfortable shoes but there shouldn't be too much of it. Sandals, sneakers and flip-flops for the beach are a sufficient minimum. If you intend to visit a restaurant, then you will need a pair of high heels.
Lots of laundry, so as not to waste precious time on a banal wash. The longer the vacation, the more you will need it. There should be at least two swimsuits, which woman would like to wear the same one?
Leisure accessories, but from home you do not need to take many hats, scarves and panamas, one at a time is enough. Beach umbrellas and towels are better purchased locally than taking them with you.
Cosmetics in small bottles so that each means is enough for exactly as long as the vacation lasts. It is preferable to buy hygiene items upon arrival, use them and leave them at the hotel.
Decorations, but it is better to leave the jewelry at home in order to exclude theft. Interesting jewelry on your summer vacation is the best way to embellish yourself.
Technique- phone, camcorder, photo camera, chargers, adapters and flash cards. Your suitcase must have a small first-aid kit of a tourist, as in a foreign country the necessary medicines can be too expensive and sold only by prescription. All drugs should be tested earlier so you know what to expect from them.

A travel first aid kit should contain the following:

1.A sufficient amount of drugs used for your chronic diseases;
2. antipyretic, anti-cold remedies;
3. pills for headaches, motion sickness and eating disorders;
4. drugs for allergies and insect bites;
5. wound healing agents;
6. aerosols for sunburn;
7. contraceptives;
8. hand sanitizer.

It would seem that the science of how to pack a suitcase is not great, but cases are very common when the most necessary things, without which rest will not be possible, are forgotten at home. Check before leaving to see if you forgot money, bank cards, documents, tickets, keys. Store them in a separate small purse bag, but it should not look flashy, eye-catching.

Packing a suitcase on vacation - we don't take unnecessary things!

Starting to pack your luggage, put all the things you plan to take with you in one place on the couch or on the floor and evaluate the resulting amount and weight as if from the side. Are all things really necessary? Try to get rid of some of what is taken just in case or in reserve. Leave only the essentials in the stack. If you have scales at home, be sure to find out what the weight of the suitcase turned out to be. It is possible that his weight exceeds the norms of the freeair baggageand you have to pay extra. Do I need to go to these expenses if there are things in the luggage, without which the rest will still be excellent? Check if you are taking with you such clothes that do not go well with anything and for this reason you will not be able to wear them. It is advisable to choose both clothes and shoes so that they are in perfect harmony with each other.

With the minimum of things, come up with the maximum number of possible ensembles!

Ideally, the same T-shirt will fit both jeans and a skirt, and the shoes will also go well with it. The most important thing in how to pack a suitcase for a vacation at sea is not to collect unnecessary things. A familiar situation: everything is assembled and it turns out that there is a little free space in the luggage. Instantly it fills up with something else, but is it really necessary to do so?

Be sure to leave some space in your suitcase for souvenirs!

You will later be reminded of the wonderful time of rest by cute souvenirs, which you will definitely want to buy. Several copies will also be needed for colleagues and friends - how not to please them with cute gifts?

How to put things in your suitcase correctly?
There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to pack a suitcase - videos and all kinds of pictures will help you do this so that everything fits into one piece of luggage. Ideally, things should not be folded like this, usually only clothes for everyday wear fit in one suitcase, and in another for business meetings or attending parties. We pack our suitcase on vacation, and traveling with a lot of luggage is very inconvenient, so our task is to pack things as compactly as possible.

How to compactly pack a suitcase:
路 First, all heavy objects, such as shoes, books, are placed on the bottom. Pay special attention to heels so they don't damage other things.
路 Tops, T-shirts, T-shirts are rolled up and placed in small empty spaces of the suitcase.
路 Socks can also be rolled up and then tucked into shoes. This prevents your shoes from warping and saves space.
路 Blouses, shirts are fastened with all buttons and folded so that the sleeves are horizontal on the back, and then folded in half or into a roll.
路 Jeans, trousers are folded in the direction of the arrow, and then laid out in the middle of the suitcase so that the ends hang down. Sweaters can be folded in the center and covered with the ends of the trousers.
路 Hygiene items must be in a separate bag in order to exclude damage to clothing in case of possible deformation of the bottles.
路 Delicate items should also be placed in bags, shifted with tissue paper.
路 Rigid cups of swimsuits and bras must be nested within one another.

Vacuum bags are great space savers, therefore, it is always advisable to use them when it will be necessary to compactly collect a suitcase. They will help to reduce the size of all clothes, but in them all things can be very wrinkled. Such bags are suitable only for those things that are not afraid of crumpling. If things are wrinkled during transportation, then this can be corrected immediately upon arrival at the hotel in fifteen minutes. You can do without an iron. You just need to turn on a hot shower and hang all the deformed clothes nearby.

What if a couple is traveling and want to keep all things together? All the recommendations given on how to pack a suitcase will be useful only if things do not have odors - they will not be saturated with women's perfume or men's cologne. Otherwise, you will not be able to do without two pieces of luggage.