How does eyelash extension work? Eyelash extension: features of the procedure. Correct eyelash care

Modern girls prefer to wear long, fluffy eyelashes. But nature has not endowed everyone with such wealth. Thanks to innovative techniques and technologies that are widely used in the beauty industry, any girl can purchase voluminous eyelashes. All that is needed for this is to visit a beauty salon, where the master will grow eyelashes with artificial hairs. And although this procedure is popular, not all girls know how long the extension process takes. Moreover, many are interested in the nuances and secrets of this cosmetological procedure in order to thoroughly understand the essence of the process.

The procedure for extending and correcting eyelashes in the photo requires accuracy and professionalism. This is a routine process that takes one and a half to two hours. The exact time depends on the complexity and volume of the work. If the girl has long but sparse eyelashes, the extension will take less time. If the natural vegetation does not differ in density, the time of the eyelash extension procedure can increase up to three hours.

Knowing that the average duration of a build-up lasts about two hours, the client should be alerted by the master's promise to complete it in an hour. At an accelerated pace of work, two problems are likely to arise:

  • Failure to follow the technology will lead to poor quality results.
  • The accelerated process will cause allergic and painful sensations.

Why should the duration of the eyelash extension procedure take from 90 to 120 minutes? In this case, all technological features will be observed. The master slowly glues artificial hairs without damaging the natural ones. As a result, the appearance of the eyes is stunning. An open, deep look is accentuated by voluminous, fluffy lashes.

The testimonials of the masters claim that it is very easy to check the quality of the extension. You need to stand in front of the mirror and slightly lift the artificial hairs. If your eyelashes are clearly visible under them, then the work is done poorly, with a quick hand.

How long does the extension take on average?

The aforementioned 1.5-2 hours are required to create full volume of the eyelashes. In this case, the classic method is used, which involves gluing artificial villi to each natural eyelash.

When creating an incomplete volume, it takes about 60-45 minutes.

If a 2D volume is created, the master will need at least 2.5 hours. 3D - 3 hours.

The longest time is occupied by the Hollywood volume. To decorate the eyes with such lush and voluminous eyelashes, a specialist will need from 3.5 to 4 hours.

Description of the procedure

To decorate the eyes with beautiful, voluminous, as close as possible to natural eyelashes, the master will invite the client to take a comfortable position on a special couch. The specialist will then proceed with the step-by-step procedure.

  • First of all, the remains of cosmetics and skin secretions are removed with the help of a special liquid. It can be a degreasing toner or a cleanser.
  • Then, the eyelashes are combed with a special brush to ensure comfortable attachment of the extended hairs to each natural hair.

  • With the help of special tweezers, the master takes the lint from the container and dips the base in the adhesive.
  • With a wooden stick, the eyelashes on the eyelids are separated and one of them stands out, to which the artificial hair is glued.
  • Slightly pressing the glued elements with tweezers, the master moves on to the next hair.

โ€œI woke up, and already beautifulโ€ is the dream of all women, regardless of age. To achieve this goal, masks, various hair treatments, and eyebrow dyeing are also used. But the list would not be complete without eyelash extensions, a popular technique for adding expression to eyes.

What is eyelash extension?

Eyelash extensions Is a technique that allows you to make the eyelashes more lush, longer. Depending on the purpose, artificial hairs can even correct the shape of the eyes. For example, open them. Or give the look an enigmatic expression.

How does eyelash extension work?

  1. To begin with, you will be laid on a couch or something similar. The horizontal position is needed for the convenience of the master (lashmaker) ... And you.
  2. Special stickers (patches) will be glued to the lower eyelashes to avoid sticking.
  3. Degrease, and at the same time, and disinfect the skin around the eyes.
  4. The very process of gluing artificial bundles to natural eyelashes.
  5. You will be asked to wait some time after building up (usually a few minutes) for the adhesives to โ€œfinishโ€.

It is strictly forbidden to open your eyes to the final result due to the risk of a corneal burn!

What materials are used for building?

1. Bundles of hairs of different lengths and thicknesses. Usually, according to the quality of the eyelashes, they are divided into the conventional names "mink", "sable" and "silk". It is conditional, since all materials for the manufacture of hairs are synthetic. Synthetics are used due to the fact that organic compounds (fur, for example) can cause allergies, and they are less plastic.


"Sable" build-up is also called "anti-vandal". It is believed that such a material is very difficult to bend and deform.


This extension material has a matte finish. Besides, "mink" cilia are thicker than usual and have a piercing black color. It is not recommended to build "mink" on thin and weak native hairs.


"Silk" is used for classic building. It is thin, soft, light, the most natural. But very whimsical to care for. "Silk" eyelashes are afraid of high temperatures (bath, sauna), as well as water. The less you wet them, the longer they will last.

2. Glue

Almost the entire success of the building event depends on the quality of the glue. For your safety, the adhesive should be purchased in a special store, and not on "alik" and have a lot of positive reviews. And, of course, the master must not work with him for the first time. Different glue also manifests itself differently in work. Some species grab almost instantly, others need to be held up a little. Lashmaker must know all these nuances.

3. Additional materials and tools - patches (plasters), degreasers, fixers, tweezers, cotton swabs, etc.

What types of eyelash extensions are there?

Classic eyelash extension considered the most organic. Several thin artificial hairs are attached to each of your hairs. If you are used to wearing bright makeup, then this type of procedure will not work for you. The classic will only slightly emphasize and mark the eyelash growth line. And everything else will have to be corrected with makeup, which is not recommended if you want to keep the integrity of the "fan" longer.

Fox gaze - a technique in which hairs of different lengths are used. The longer ones outline the outer corner of the eye.

Squirrel look almost completely repeats the fox, but the outer corner of the eyes is formed by gradation (short cilia are lower, then longer ones are attached).

Sparse effect (rays) ... Artificial hairs of different lengths are attached to native hairs.

Puppet and glamorous look - the most lush extension options. Not suitable for everyone, as it is easy to cross the line between beauty and vulgarity.

Selective build-up - the master does not make out all the eyelashes, but only some places. For example, the outer corner of the eye or the middle of the ciliary row. This is a great option for those who have thick and long eyelashes.

In addition, there are many different types of extensions. For example, "butterfly wings", the lash line is formed in the form of a fan, "cat's eye" and so on. How do you choose what is right for you? Find an experienced lashmaker who can advise on what type of extensions will suit all your requirements. Usually, lovers of fake eyelashes try various techniques, and only then come to some kind of permanent solution.

But that's not all. Artificial hairs can have not only different lengths, but also bend , to pick up which is a real art. It is from the bend that the convenience of wearing the extension will depend. Aerobatics of the master is to do so that you do not feel discomfort when wearing artificial eyelashes almost immediately after the procedure.

And the last thing to pay attention to is hair color that should match the tone of your natural eyelashes as much as possible. Otherwise, the line between your own and extended hairs will be noticeable. If you have a light color of eyelashes, and you want a black tone, then it is worth pre-dyeing them in the salon or at home.

What is 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d in eyelash extension?

These trendy acronyms are nothing more than a marketing ploy. The numbers in this case indicate only the number of artificial hairs that will be attached to your own eyelash. And the letter "D" is the kind of fold.

How long does the eyelash extension process take?

The whole procedure takes at least 2 hours. It all depends on how painstaking work is required and on the skill of the master.

Eyelash Extension Care

  • It is not advisable to wet the artificial eyelashes for the first day.
  • Artificial hairs are not recommended to be dyed with ink or even eyeliner. The dye makes the lashes heavier, so they will fall out faster. In addition, mascara and eyeliner will have to be washed off somehow. And almost all de-make-up products have a destructive effect on the integrity of the glue.
  • It is necessary to wash only with water-based products. Preferably with a gel structure and no cotton pads. Cotton wool fibers can settle on the hairs, and it can be difficult to remove them.
  • Do not abuse the bath (sauna). High temperature can deform the hairs, glue them together.
  • Ban on the use of greasy creams due to the risk of glue dissolution.
  • Brush the fan every day. You can buy a special one or take from used mascara. In the latter case, it is best to choose not a silicone one, but an ordinary one - one that resembles a brush.
  • Sleep not on your face. Even very good build-up can be threatened with deformation.

What are the disadvantages of eyelash extension?

  • Addictive. To walk with something foreign directly in front of your eyes, you need to get used to this sensation. It should be said right away that for some, this can be a real test.
  • "Ban" on eye makeup ... If you are a fan of shooters, smokey eyes and other extreme make-up techniques, then the brightness of the build-up may simply not be enough for you. You will definitely want to pick up the eyeliner. And then a long and painful attempt to wipe it off from the eyelids.
  • Certain difficulties after any wash ... The hairs saturate the water like a sponge, and sometimes get tangled. After water procedures, the "fan" has to be wrung out and combed.
  • It is difficult to choose "your" master. Lashmaker must be experienced, work with quality materials, feel the client. The latter is especially important, since being alone with the master for two or three hours is an ordeal. Someone wants this time to just sleep, think about their own, someone needs a heart-to-heart conversation. It also matters where the lashmaker works. Beauty salons and hairdressing salons should have a separate room for this procedure, since high humidity and chemical vapors negatively affect the adhesion of the glue and skin (hair).
  • Risk of corneal burns. Glue vapors on contact with the mucous membrane can cause these unpleasant consequences. This happens due to low-quality materials for building, as well as if safety rules are not followed. The eyes must be tightly closed during the entire procedure. And the master does not have to pull off the eyelid in any way in order to admire his work.
  • Harm to native eyelashes. Popular rumor has it that their hairs deteriorate and thin out. The masters say that this is a myth. Since after getting used to lush artificial ones - their own, natural ones no longer look. In any case, everyone is right to some extent. Although dermatologists are inclined towards the third version: the quality of eyelashes suffers not due to wearing foreign bodies, but due to the effects of chemistry in the glue.

Who is not allowed to have eyelash extensions?

  • The fairer sex with thin, brittle and sparse eyelashes. Such a hair structure will not allow you to withstand the load.
  • Allergy sufferers and owners of sensitive skin.
  • You should not resort to building up for any viral eye diseases, after vision correction operations.

Artificial eyelashes and contact lenses

Many lovers of the "doll" look claim that the salt solution used when putting on the lenses dissolves the buildup glue. There is some truth in this. The less any impact on the adhesive, the longer it will perform its function. But, firstly, the amount of solution for the lenses gets on the eyelashes is minimal, and, secondly, the salt medium is not the worst for the adhesive resin. Much more, she is afraid of de-make-up products and oily, heavy creams and ointments.

How long do eyelash extensions last?

The term for wearing artificial eyelashes depends on many factors: the quality of the materials used, the strength of the native hairs, the implementation of the rules of care. Usually after 2-3 weeks, the "fan" begins to thin out. And after a month, you will have to contact the master to remove the build-up.

Can I remove eyelash extensions myself?

It is strongly not recommended to remove eyelashes on your own. There are many recipes on the Internet with fat creams, micellar water and more. But it is these "folk" methods that spoil natural eyelashes most of all. Since, together with synthetic bundles, you will get rid of a lot of native hairs.

Special removers - do a good job of dissolving glue. But it is rather difficult to do this action alone. The eyelashes are degreased first. Then put a cotton swab under the upper eyelid. Then the solvent is applied. They wait for the allotted time and brush off the bundles with a special brush. The eyes must be closed at all times.

The problem is that each remover is designed for a specific type of eyelash. And the cost is several times higher than the procedure for removing the build-up in the salon. If you are going to resort to the services of a lashmaker again, then it is quite possible that the removal of eyelashes will be carried out for you at all free of charge.

Correction or new build-up?

The age-old question that worries lovers of "doll" looks. From an economic point of view, the correction is more profitable. But only at first glance. After all, each glue has its own wear period. And when you come for a correction, some beams have already served their purpose, while others are still holding on. The master will glue the "bald spots", but what about the "old" build-up? It will continue to thin out. And you will need a correction not in 3-4 weeks, but much faster. As a result, you find yourself in a vicious circle. Therefore, judging by the reviews, many girls do not adjust the build-up, but completely remove it and make a new one.

And finally, one more piece of advice. Even if you can no longer imagine your eyes without "butterfly wings" or "glamor", let your eyelashes take a break from the burden from time to time. At least sometimes. After all, vacation is needed not only for people, but also, as it turns out, for body parts.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is the essence of eyelash extension
  • What types of extensions are distinguished
  • What are the stages of the building procedure
  • What are the contraindications for the procedure
  • What should be the care after building

Most girls do makeup every day, including dyeing their eyelashes. The application of mascara allows you to make them thicker and darker, to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. But there is a way, thanks to which you can give up mascara and at the same time have gorgeous eyelashes all the time - the eyelash extension procedure. It is only important to contact an experienced master so as not to pay for beauty with eye health.

What is the essence of the eyelash extension procedure

Building up in its modern sense appeared not so long ago. False eyelashes have been used for a long time. The fashion for them came at the beginning of the 20th century from Hollywood. At the suggestion of director David Griffith, actress Sienna Owen first appeared on screen with "fake" eyelashes. This move was dictated by the director's desire to place special emphasis on the heroine's eyes. Then many colleagues did not understand him, but nevertheless, in the future, the technology took root and began to be used everywhere.

The first false eyelashes were produced by a wig company. And in essence, the eyelid design made of human hair resembled a wig. However, the visual impact of using this rubber exceeded all expectations. Many wig firms have started making false eyelashes and making big bucks from them.

Perhaps the main drawback of these first eyelid covers was their unnaturalness. Therefore, few people dared to constantly walk in this form. Cosmetics manufacturers have been looking for a solution to this problem for a long time. Eventually, the familiar eyelash extension appeared - a procedure that offers a huge variety of effects. With the correct choice of the length of the cilia and their number, people around do not get the impression that the eyelashes are "not their own."

For extension, hairs of different lengths (from 4 to 21 mm), thicknesses (from 0.05 to 0.3 mm) and bending shapes (J, B, C, D, CC and L) are used. Using various combinations for the procedure, the master can achieve both a natural effect and a completely puppet one. The most shocking images are created using colored eyelashes, as well as various decorations in the form of rhinestones or feathers.

The main types of eyelash extension

There are also several basic building styles:

  • Incomplete volume... Hair sticks only to the outer corners of the eyelids.
  • Natural volume.Artificial eyelashes are added infrequently so that the build-up is not too noticeable.
  • Total volume. An additional eyelash is attached to each natural one. As a result, eyelashes become twice as thick.
  • 2D and 3D extension. Here, for each of its eyelashes, there are two or three additional ones. Accordingly, the eyelashes become thicker several times;
  • Hollywood volume. The master uses the finest artificial hairs, but up to 10 of them are attached to each native eyelash. The result will be far from natural, but it looks as impressive as possible.

Also, eyelashes can be extended in bundles or individually. The meaning of the technologies is clear from the names: in the first case, a bundle of several eyelashes is attached, and in the second, the hairs are glued one at a time. The two options also differ in terms of post-treatment care and length of wear.

Beam extension

In this case, the duration of the eyelash extension procedure is much shorter than when attaching eyelashes individually. Bundles of 2-4 hairs are attached along the entire lash line or only at the corners of the eyes. Beam extensions are often used in exceptional cases, for example, to create festive makeup. It is not very suitable for everyday life, because upon close examination, unnaturalness is immediately revealed. In addition, such a construction will last only a few days.

Eyelash (Japanese) build-up

This type assumes that each eyelash is attached separately and as close to the growth line as possible. As a result, eyelash extensions are indistinguishable from natural ones and with proper care can last up to two months. And if you contact the salon in a timely manner for correction, you can maintain the effect even longer.

Eyelash extension: cons and pros of the procedure

There are several reasons why you should try the eyelash extension procedure:

  1. The experience of many girls suggests that the effect of the procedure lasts for a long time. A month is the minimum lifespan of eyelash extensions, and with proper care it can be twice as long. This cannot be compared to the effect of makeup, which fades away by the end of the day.
  2. By choosing one or another extension scheme, you can correct the shape of the eyes... If the eyes are too round, they are lengthened, focusing on the outer corners. Increasing the length of the artificial hairs towards the middle allows for a beautiful almond-shaped cut.
  3. Extended eyelashes are not afraid of water, therefore, after the procedure, you will be able to spend time in the pool, swim in the sea and not worry about your appearance.
  4. You will have more time to get ready in the morning, because the need for eye makeup will disappear. Girls with straight eyelashes who constantly curl them may also stop doing it. Neither mascara nor curling is needed after the eyelash extension procedure, since the eyelashes will always be long, fluffy and with the correct curvature.
  5. Extension in the salon with an experienced master is completely safe. Immediately after the procedure, you will not feel any discomfort and can return to your usual activities. The procedure itself is also completely painless. It is also important that extended eyelashes can be removed at any time if you suddenly change your mind.
  6. The extension procedure has no side effects... If you have no contraindications to its implementation, then you can safely go to the lashmaker.
  7. And, of course, the most important thing is the aesthetic effect.... The eyelashes become more magnificent and longer, the shape of the eyes approaches the ideal, and the look becomes mysterious and bewitching.

To prevent artificial hairs from breaking and falling out, you must follow the rules for caring for them, which a specialist will tell you about in detail.

Let's say a few words about the disadvantages of the eyelash extension procedure:

  • The need for regular correction. If you want the effect of the build-up to persist, you will have to visit the salon every month.
  • Eyelashes can be damaged during sleep if you sleep facing the pillow.

Of course, in addition to this, there are many minor everyday prohibitions: you cannot rub your eyes and even touch them often, you need to limit visits to baths and saunas, etc. There are also a number of nuances associated with leaving. For example, cosmetics containing oils and alcohol will have to be abandoned.

Contraindications to the eyelash extension procedure

Eyelash extension is a popular salon procedure that is safe for health, but there are a number of contraindications in which it can be harmful. First of all, we are talking about eye diseases, be it inflammation, allergies or dry eye syndrome.

Among the diseases for which this procedure is contraindicated are:

1. Madaroz(from the Greek "madao" - "to fall") - a disease that manifests itself primarily in the loss of eyelashes, and sometimes eyebrows. Also among the symptoms of madarosis:

  • Itching, redness and swelling of the eyelids.
  • Severe hair loss from the scalp as well as from other parts of the body.
  • In the presence of thyroid disease, weight gain and changes in heart rate.

Extension helps to make lashes longer, thicker and more curved by attaching artificial hairs. But if the client has almost no eyelashes of her own, then it will be impossible to glue additional ones. Accordingly, it will not work to correct the situation with the help of the eyelash extension procedure.

2. Trichotillomania- a mental illness that can be caused by severe stress. Trichotillomania patients in a state of nervous tension begin to pull hair from the head or body, but eyelashes can also be affected. Controlling your actions in the presence of such a disorder is quite difficult. Therefore, even after the extension, the girl is unlikely to be able to resist pulling out the hairs. Accordingly, it is worth refraining from carrying out the procedure altogether.

3. Dry eye syndrome... Girls with this syndrome do not have enough moisture in their eyes, so they constantly feel discomfort, and sometimes serious irritation can occur.

This syndrome is also a contraindication for eyelash extension. We remember that after the procedure, it is advisable not to touch the eyelashes at all. And with insufficient hydration of the eyes, itching regularly occurs and the desire to rub them. Because of this, the initial effect will not last very long.

4. Conjunctivitis or a predisposition to it. With conjunctivitis, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, redness and swelling occur. Also, the patient suffers from burning and itching in the eyes.

5. Blepharitis- an infectious disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus. There are several types of blepharitis: scaly, ulcerative, meibomian, etc. It manifests itself in a huge number of unpleasant symptoms, in which you should not even think about eyelash extensions:

  • tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of crusts on the eyelids;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • itching and burning, feeling of "sand in the eyes";
  • frequent blinking;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • loss of eyelashes;
  • follicle inflammation.

6. Barley (hordeolum) - inflammation resulting from infection in the hair follicles. Most often caused by staphylococcus. Signs of the onset of the disease: swelling, redness and burning in the eyes.

7. Other infectious diseases that make your eyes red, swollen, and sore. In the presence of symptoms of any of these diseases, it is strictly forbidden to carry out the eyelash extension procedure.

8. Allergy or hypersensitivity of the eyes... With such diseases, the eyes are very sensitive to all kinds of influences. Periodically, the cilia may fall out more than usual. Therefore, girls should refrain from building up, so as not to injure their eyes once again.

9. Allergy to glue or other materials required for building... To make sure that the materials are normally tolerated, it is advisable to stick several cilia before the procedure and walk with them for at least a day.

10. Chemotherapy treatment.If a girl has been taking chemotherapy drugs in the past six months, the building materials can cause a negative reaction in the body.

11. Blepharoplasty, or surgical correction of the eye incision... After such an operation, six months must pass before the extension can be done. This is due to the high sensitivity of tissues to the drugs used for the procedure.

12. Weak eyelashes. If the client's eyelashes are really very thin, they will not be able to support the weight of the synthetic hairs. This does not mean that she will never be able to find an attractive look. Just before carrying out the procedure of eyelash extension, you need to come to grips with the care so that your eyelashes become stronger.

13. Dry skin around the eye area. Owners of dry skin know how important it is to moisturize it daily with the help of skin care cosmetics. But you need to understand that regular use of oily creams will lead to quick loss of eyelash extensions.

14. Oily skin of the eyelids... Sebum also destroys the glue that holds the eyelashes. Accordingly, if your skin is prone to oily, the period of wearing eyelash extensions will be shortened.

15. Wearing contact lenses. To put on the lenses, you need to regularly touch your eyes at least twice a day, and this is a direct path to the loss of eyelashes. Also, do not come to the procedure in lenses: they will absorb glue vapors and become unusable.

16. Taking antibiotics and other powerful drugs. Due to their effect on the body, eyelashes can also fall out prematurely.

17. Pregnancy and breastfeeding... Here, the prohibition is due to the possibility of allergies.

18. Hormonal imbalance.

19. Hyperactivity.This contraindication is not strict, since it does not affect the quality of the extension. However, the client herself needs to take it into account when agreeing to the procedure. During the session, you will have to lie for about 2 hours without moving, with your eyes closed, without interfering with the painstaking work of the master. For a person with hyperactivity, this can be difficult and there is a risk of eye damage.

20. Mental states, which manifest themselves through convulsions and uncontrolled movements.

21. Taking drugs that have a bad effect on the condition of the hair.

22. Asthma Fumes from the glue can cause a seizure.

Before starting the eyelash extension procedure, carefully study the list of contraindications. It is equally important to make sure that the lashmaker is properly trained and uses quality materials. All this together will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations.

How to prepare before your eyelash extension

Girls dream of extending their eyelashes to transform their appearance and become more attractive and self-confident. But, as we have already noted, there are contraindications for this procedure.

Before you go to the salon, read the contraindications and make sure that you do not have the indicated conditions. If there are problems with eyes or eyelashes, you first need to solve them by contacting specialists.

How to prepare for the eyelash extension procedure?

  • When going to the salon, do not wear makeup or use a curling iron, as this can interfere with the adhesion of the artificial bristles to the natural ones.
  • When extending hairs that are darker in color than your eyelashes, you need to dye two days before the procedure.
  • Think in advance what type of extension to use and what effect you want to get. The wizard will tell you if this or that option is right for you.
  • Remove contact lenses if you are wearing them.

How is the eyelash extension procedure

  1. Make-up removal and degreasing of eyelids... When building up, the skin should be as clean as possible so that the glue "seizes" well and your eyelashes do not fall out the next day.
  2. The client closes her eyes, and the master covers the lower eyelashes with special biopsy strips. These strips prevent the eyelids from sticking together, and also separate the lower lashes from the upper ones so that nothing will interfere with the lashmaker from his job.

  3. The main stage is gluing artificial eyelashes to natural... The master always starts at the outer corner of the eye and then moves on to the inner corner. For fastening, transparent or black resin-based glue is used. Professional formulations for building up are harmless to the eyes and hypoallergenic.

  4. Then the master removes the biotopes. Since they don't stick to the eyelids too much, it doesn't cause pain or irritation.

How long does the eyelash extension procedure take?

Eyelash extensions, especially individually, are very painstaking work. Not every master can make it really qualitatively. How long does the eyelash extension procedure take? Subject to all the rules, the minimum session duration is two hours. In some cases, when a very large volume is created, it can take three hours. The approximate time for an eyelash extension procedure depends on the variety:

  • working only on the corners of the eyes requires 60 to 80 minutes;
  • classic build-up along the entire growth line - 120 minutes;
  • building up with a 2D effect will require up to 2.5 hours of work;
  • build-up with a 3D effect - up to three hours;
  • the Hollywood build-up procedure can take up to four hours.

Sudden changes in length, missing cilia, improper attachment - all this can be a "side effect" of doing the job in a hurry.

Care after the eyelash extension procedure

Most of the cosmetic procedures involve some kind of restrictions after they are performed. As for eyelash extensions, care after it is based on respect for the eyelashes. First of all, masters are advised to abandon the use of mascara for the entire period of wearing. This is due to the fact that decorative cosmetics can destroy the glue and thereby cause premature hair loss.

What can not be done after the procedure of eyelash extension using the beam technique?

  • sleep with your face in the pillow (because of this, eyelashes wrinkle and break);
  • use fatty creams.

No matter how good the glue is, violation of these basic rules will lead to the loss of eyelashes. Building up according to the Japanese technique also implies some limitations:

  • eyes should not be rubbed;
  • you should touch them with your hands as little as possible;
  • to cleanse the eyes, use a cotton pad dipped in water or lotion.

Removal of artificial material

You can remove extended eyelashes only in the salon. If you try to peel them off yourself, there is a high chance of damaging your natural lashes. The Internet is now full of tips on how to remove eyelashes yourself, for example, using vegetable oil. In fact, if high-quality glue was used for the procedure, it will not be possible to dissolve it with oil.

After removing eyelash extensions, many clients feel that their own is very short and ugly. The main reason is that the girl gets used to the wow effect. There is no objective change in the quality of eyelashes, unless, of course, the procedure was carried out according to all the rules.

In rare cases, eyelashes can indeed be damaged. This is reflected in the change in length, density and number of hairs. In such a situation, it is necessary to give them some time to recover. During this period, it is recommended not to paint your eyes with mascara, and also to use nourishing natural oils daily.

We dispel myths about the consequences of the eyelash extension procedure

  • "Your eyelashes will definitely fall out".

This formulation is absolutely unfair if we are talking about the consequences of the buildup. Falling out of eyelashes is a natural process, and the speed of their recovery depends on the condition of the body and proper care. After removing your eyelash extensions, you will definitely feel that your eyelids are "bald". In fact, this is not the case: you are just used to the sight of much more lush and longer eyelashes.

  • "Adhesives are very harmful".

Often, it is with the use of glue that the harm from the extension procedure is associated. And the glue can really damage the eyelids and cause allergies if the master uses the cheapest composition. Self-respecting beauty salons never do that: they buy the best materials that do not contain aggressive substances. The likelihood of an allergy exists anyway, but it is extremely small.

  • "Your eyelashes will break.".

This is what the clients are most afraid of. The condition of the eyelashes after removal depends mainly on how the eyelash extension procedure takes place. If the master correctly chooses the length and number of artificial hairs, and also observes the rules of attachment, then the likelihood of damage to the eyelashes is reduced to zero.

  • "When removing, your eyelashes always suffer.".

This myth can become a harsh reality for those trying to remove eyelashes on their own. And in salons, a special agent is used for this, which dissolves the glue and makes it easy to remove synthetic hairs. Accordingly, there will be no negative impact on native eyelashes.

  • "The effect does not last long".

The duration of wearing depends on many factors, the main of which is the professionalism of the master. Experienced lashmakers give a guarantee for their work for up to three weeks. After a month, to maintain the effect, it will be necessary to perform a correction.

The term of wearing eyelash extensions and its extension

Why do the masters assure that eyelash extensions last up to five weeks?

With eyelash extensions, the artificial hair is attached to the natural eyelash. With proper extension using high-quality glue, the extended eyelash will not fall off by itself (why this can happen, we will consider a little below).

Accordingly, an extended eyelash falls out only together with a natural one.

How often do eyelashes fall out?

Eyelash loss is a natural process that occurs constantly at varying rates.

The lifespan of one cilium is from three months to six months. Accordingly, during this period, the cilium may fall out. How soon this happens, after 90 days, 120 or 180 - depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Like the rate of growth of hair on the head, the life cycle of eyelashes is different for each person.

Why exactly 3-5 weeks?

If a person loses from two to five eyelashes per day, then in 3-5 weeks you can lose from 50 to 130 eyelashes. At the same time, new ones will grow in parallel, but at first they will be smaller and thinner than others.

Accordingly, if a girl has done eyelash extensions, then after about 3-5 weeks the difference between the extended hairs and her "young" eyelashes becomes noticeable. Therefore, in order to maintain the effect of the procedure, you need to make a correction at least once a month.

There are several factors that affect the length of time you wear your eyelashes:

  1. The first one we noted above - the rate at which the eyelashes grow.
  2. The quality of the extension... You can read more about this in other articles devoted to mistakes in extension and the reasons for eyelash loss. If, with the most careful care, the eyelashes still fall, then the point is most likely in the unprofessionalism of the lashmaker.
  3. The quality of the materials used... Everything is simple here: lower quality materials give a shorter wear period. Self-respecting craftsmen will never use materials that deliberately reduce the duration of the effect. In addition, low-quality materials are more likely to cause allergies.
  4. Intolerance to the artificial material from which eyelashes are made for extensions. This feature of the body is extremely rare, but it is impossible to get rid of it. No matter how hard the master tries, with intolerance, the soonest rejection of the cilia is inevitable.
  5. The behavior of the girls themselves. Very often, the main reason for the rapid peeling of eyelashes is precisely the wrong care.

Anna Klyuchko's eyelash extension studio network is the largest in Russia.

Our masters have already won 301 cups, including 74 victories in international tournaments in eyelash extension. Such achievements cannot be called an accident or explained by simple luck, because:

  • We are the largest eyelash extension network in Russia. We have performed more than 50 thousand procedures.
  • The main asset of the company is our craftsmen. Specialists are allowed to work only after passing a complex multi-stage exam.
  • The growth is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each client.
  • We use only the best materials from South Korea, proven by many years of experience.
  • We want as many women and girls as possible to be able to create an attractive look with eyelash extensions. Therefore, it is important for us to provide a professional-level procedure at affordable prices.

The eyelash extension procedure is called differently. You can find a huge number of ads promising "Japanese technology extensions", "Hollywood eyelashes", "silk extensions", "natural mink / arctic fox / fox / squirrel eyelashes", but by and large, its essence remains unchanged.

Any extension involves sticking on your own eyelash one or more eyelashes made of artificial material - hypoallergenic monofilament. Extension of natural eyelashes (mink is used as a material) is practiced in isolated cases and most often is disproportionately expensive.

There are a lot of brands on the market that offer materials for eyelash extension (glue and the eyelashes themselves), and as a rule, masters choose those materials with which they are more comfortable and more accustomed to work. It is rather important here to choose a master whose experience you trust and listen to his opinion. Of course, the material can be assessed by touch - high-quality eyelashes are light, almost weightless, smooth, elastic and flexible. The elasticity and smoothness of the eyelashes is ensured by the presence of silicone in the fiber composition: the more silicone, the closer to natural eyelashes to the touch.

Eyelash Extension Material

False eyelashes vary in length, thickness, and curvature.

The length of the eyelashes can be from 4 to 21 mm. For everyday extension, eyelashes with a length of 8 mm to 12 mm are used. The shortest ones are suitable for the inner corner of the eye, as well as for the lower eyelashes. The longest eyelashes are used to create bright, fantasy looks.

There are only 4 variants of eyelashes in terms of thickness: 0.10 mm, 0.15 mm, 0.20 mm and 0.25 mm. The selection of the thickness of the eyelashes depends on the result you would like to achieve.

Eyelashes 0.10 mm thick are suitable for a natural effect and are also used on initially thin and weak own lashes. To create the effect of lashes painted with mascara, lashes with a thickness of 0.15 mm are used. Eyelashes with a thickness of 0.10 and 0.15 mm are most often used in everyday life, they are light, not felt on the eyelid, soft and elastic. Eyelashes with a thickness of 0.20 mm or more are used to create dramatic images, for photo and video filming: it is almost impossible to wear such eyelashes every day.

Also, eyelashes have a different bend. Competently applying eyelashes with different curvatures, the master can correct the shape of the eyes, make facial features softer, look more open, soften the hanging eyelid, visually separate close-set eyes.

There are 4 types of eyelash curls:

J - almost straight eyelashes, the bend is minimal;
B - subtle natural curl, more "open" effect;
C - medium curl, visually "opens" the eye and gives it expressiveness (it is this option that is most often used in eyelash extension);
D is the strongest curve, used to create a doll-eye effect.

The curvature is selected individually depending on the effect you would like to achieve, as well as the shape of your eyes and facial features.

So, wide-set eyes can be corrected with an emphasis on the inner corner and the center of the eye - the eyelashes here should have the maximum bend and density. Narrow-set eyes are adjusted accordingly by focusing on the outer corner of the eye. Experienced masters, by combining eyelashes of different lengths, thicknesses and curvatures, can correct the shape of the eyes almost beyond recognition. This type of eyelash extension is called mixed. With a mixed type, eyelashes of different colors are often used.

In the classic version, artificial eyelashes have a rich black color, but some brands also have colored eyelashes, both natural (brown, gray) and bright, extreme shades.

Types of eyelash extension

The types of extensions are distinguished by the number of eyelashes used in the process.

  • Incomplete volume - eyelashes are extended only on the outer corner of the eye, or they are glued through one - the most natural result.
  • Full volume - the classic version of the extension, for each eyelash of the upper eyelid, with the exception of those that are in the initial stage of growth (or vellus), one artificial one is glued.
  • Double volume or 3D volume - 2-3 artificial eyelashes are extended for each own eyelash.
  • Hollywood Volume - 5 to 10 fake eyelash extensions per natural lash. This effect is short-lived.

Eyelash extension procedure

In the process of extension, an artificial one is glued to each own eyelash. On average, in the upper eyelid we have 150-250 eyelashes, some of them are at the initial stage of growth and are not suitable for extension. The eyelash extension procedure takes from one and a half to two or more hours of work of a master lashmaker.

A competent professional, before proceeding directly to the eyelash extension procedure, will certainly discuss with the client the result that he would like to achieve. In addition to the wishes of the client, the master takes into account the shape and features of his face, the fit and shape of the eyes in order to emphasize the advantages and correct the shortcomings as a result of the build-up.

It is recommended to come to the eyelash extension procedure without makeup. However, immediately before eyelash extension, you must degrease with a special compound. The glue with which artificial eyelashes are glued contains resin and, in contact with fats, can lose its properties.

The eyelash extension procedure is usually performed while lying down.

The eyelash extension procedure itself is truly a piece of jewelry. The task of the master is to stick an artificial eyelash on each suitable age. The master builds lashes alternately from the outer and inner edges of the eye and finishes in the middle of the eyelid.

If, after the procedure, the eyelashes can be combed with a small comb with frequent teeth from the very roots to the tips, then, most likely, the extension is done correctly. Correctly extended eyelashes are not felt on the eyes, do not get confused, do not wrinkle, are easy to comb and do not cause discomfort.

Extended eyelashes last for 1.5-2 months and require correction every 2-3 weeks.

After the eyelash extension procedure

It is forbidden:
  • allow eyelashes to come into contact with water for at least 5 hours
  • rub your eyelashes hard
  • curling eyelashes with mechanical and thermal curlers
  • use waterproof mascara
  • dye eyelashes
  • allow makeup remover products to come into contact with eyelashes
  • to touch extended eyelashes with cotton pads, because the villi can get caught between the lashes, leading to discomfort in the eyes

Potential risks

If the eyelash extension procedure is carried out correctly, then thick, voluminous eyelashes will delight you for up to 3 months without causing any discomfort. If the eyes turn red, itchy or watery, there is a risk that an infection has been introduced into the eyes during the build-up process. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor for qualified help.

Also, don't forget about the risk of allergies. According to the manufacturers' assurances, both the fiber from which the eyelashes are made and the glue are hypoallergenic, but if you have sensitive and allergy-prone eyes, it is better not to risk it and refuse the extension procedure.

With a properly performed eyelash extension procedure, the risk of damage to your own is minimal. However, if the extension was performed incorrectly, your eyelashes stuck together or several of your own are stuck to one artificial eyelash, the risk of damage to natural eyelashes increases significantly. Remember that after the procedure, it is imperative to evaluate the quality of the extension by swiping with a brush or a needle / toothpick from the roots to the very tips of the eyelashes. If the brush gets caught on glued eyelashes, the extension was not done correctly, and it is better to remove the artificial eyelashes immediately.

Here it will not be superfluous to mention once again how important it is to competently approach the choice of an eyelash extension master. It should be remembered that good masters most often specialize only in this procedure, without providing parallel services. Contacts of good craftsmen are passed from hand to hand, their schedule is filled for months ahead, but the result will certainly justify the weeks of waiting.

Thanks to the many cosmetic procedures offered by the beauty industry in our time, it is much easier for modern ladies to take care of their appearance, for example - eyelash extension procedure allows you not to waste time on eye makeup, because the eyes of the fair half of the population, and without cosmetic tweaks, will be very expressive and beautiful due to the effect of fluffy and long cilia.

This cosmetic procedure is a recent innovation, however, it has already become popular among women of any age and young ladies - after all, thanks to this procedure, the appearance of the lady changes completely, the eyes become more expressive thanks to at all, and due to long thick eyelashes, indistinguishable from natural ones.

eyelash extension procedure

With extended eyelashes, you no longer need mascara to tint the eyelashes - after all, it's still a savings! ๐Ÿ™‚ A girl need not worry that after rain, or swimming in the sea, river, pool, makeup will need to be updated, and this fact also contributes to the positive. Modern cosmetologists engaged in eyelash extension provide for a lot of techniques, however, in fact, experts mean only two techniques, and these are eyelash and beam extension methods - we will talk about them in more detail, because the rest, called Japanese, Hollywood, European, 3-D, 2 -D technique, just a notation.

The point of the process is to stick artificial eyelashes to the base of data by nature, we learn about them. I invite everyone interested to the site of a specialized private studio offering various procedures for extending, styling and improving hair, eyelashes and eyebrows - On the site you can read in detail about the eyelash extension procedure, and about other studio services.

eyelash extensions, materials

Attention should be paid to the choice of eyelashes for extension, and they differ in length, thickness, bend and material. The main ones are the following - those with the name "mink" are characterized by maximum naturalness, similarity to natural eyelashes, therefore, extended, they are no different from real ones. Called "sable" eyelashes, they are distinguished by their splendor and volume, most often they are used for make-up in the theater - they look too "theatrical". ๐Ÿ™‚ Due to their rigidity, these lashes are less wear-resistant. And finally, eyelashes for extension, called "silk", which have moderate properties, half in comparison with the previous ones. Possessing lightness, but also quite expressive and colorful, creating an excellent lash line for the eyes.

However, one should not delude ourselves into thinking that the fur of these animals is really used, this is not the case and the names are an analogy. Natural fur is unacceptable for the main reason - its high, which is inapplicable for the specified cosmetic technology. For the manufacture of artificial eyelashes, artificial monofilament is used - eyelash extension procedure.

lash extension technology

The eyelash extension provides for the treatment of each eyelash separately, which means that the procedure is longer in time. But the time spent will be used to create a higher-quality eyelash line - the lady's gaze will acquire incredible depth and expressiveness.

In the process of the technology, a monofilament eyelash will be glued to each "native" eyelash of a lady or young lady, and what is the length of the artificial eyelashes, this effect will be received by the charming lady. ๐Ÿ™‚ The effects will be discussed below. Such eyelashes are not too durable - only three to four weeks and should be replaced with new ones. Still, "native" eyelashes tend to grow and fall out, so the next correction will be required after a month.

volumetric extension technique

Volumetric, or beam technology of eyelash extension, is characterized by low cost and speed compared to the previous one. Despite the fact that the procedure is painless and quick, there is no harm from it to the "native" eyelashes. It is worth the damsel to trust the beautician for only an hour and a half, and she will become the owner of long and thick eyelashes! Most likely, the 3-D and 2-D extension techniques appeared due to the results of the beam extension technique - the cilia become much thicker and longer.

The eyelashes after this technique are more durable in comparison with the previous one due to the thickening of the eyelashes. But in the first and second technique, the choice of the color of the eyelashes according to preferences is provided. As for the length, usually in the middle part of the eyelid, eyelashes are extended short and medium length, for the outer corner of the eye, longer - everything to make the eyes more expressive, but you should not forget about the measure either - eyelash extension procedure! ๐Ÿ™‚

what are the effects of eyelash extension

Due to the different lengths of eyelash extensions, all sorts of effects are created, for example - using different lengths of eyelashes will create a "squirrel" effect. Eyelashes, long at the corners and short with medium ones in the middle of the eyelid, slightly raise the corners of the eyes, creating an effect of mystery. Due to the same length of eyelashes on the eyelid, you can create a "doll" effect. However, such eyelashes are not suitable for everyday wear because of too long hairs on the inner corners of the eyes, which cause discomfort. But for a special occasion, this effect is irreplaceable! ๐Ÿ™‚ "Cocktail", called the effect, where short hairs alternate on the eyelids, with long ones. To create the "fox" effect, abrupt transitions from short hairs to long, outer corner of the eye are carried out on the eyelids.

The most optimal and convenient in everyday life has become the "natural" effect of extension - in this case, the length of the hairs increases as they move to the outer corners of the eyes. As for the care of extended eyelashes, they should be handled extremely carefully - do not rub your eyes with your fingers, do not use mascara, and also do not visit the sauna and bathhouse - nothing complicated, in general - and if you want to look pretty, you will sacrifice something. ๐Ÿ™‚

contraindications for building

You should also know about contraindications, as often happens - the procedure is not shown to everyone. You should not resort to eyelash extensions in the presence of an eye infection, inflammation of the sclera, you should also check the susceptibility to glue, and in case of signs of allergies, refuse.

In the event that a lady's "native" eyelashes are weak and subtle, do not aggravate the situation. For those who wear contact lenses, or have excessive greasiness of the eyelid skin, it is also not advisable to resort to eyelash extensions - eyelash extension procedure.