How to make a large vase out of bottles. Decoupage of bottles in different versions (photo). What materials will be needed

You not only protect the ecology of the planet, but also create beautiful and original interior items. In the article, we will consider one option for using used containers from carbonated water or juices, namely, we will learn how to make a vase from a plastic bottle. There are products that are quite simple that can be created without much difficulty, but there are also spectacular, complex manufacturing options that require some skills and abilities.

Types of plastic vases

  • It is easiest to make vases that are simply cut from 1.5- or 2-liter containers. Slices can be of different curly shapes. However, such crafts will have to be painted in bright saturated colors. Basically, acrylic paints are used, they dry quickly and do not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Some products are made by cutting out individual elements, which are either burned out with a hot knife, while the edges of the cuts are melted and the product is obtained with smooth holes, or longitudinal or horizontal cuts are made. Finished vases are openwork and delicate.
  • Vases on legs are assembled from several separate elements. To connect the parts together, use a glue gun. It is best held by plastic.
  • There are large floor vases for large fresh or artificial flowers.

Vases in the nursery

Let's look at how to make a vase from a plastic bottle so that a child likes it. 2 liter containers are used in the work. The color can be chosen even when buying a carbonated drink in a store. If you need different colors for painting a vase, then use acrylic paints or their equivalent in spray cans. The outer side of the craft is covered with paint, as water will be drawn into its inner part.

After thinking about how to make a vase from a plastic bottle, draw the outlines of the selected character with a marker. Ears can be rounded, pointed or oblong. The remaining elements of the character are painted with paints after applying the general background. These are the eyes, muzzle, mustache, nose of the little animal. The photo above shows three different characters - a mouse, a cat and a panda. You can dream up and come up with other characters. The child will be pleased with the vases depicting the heroes of popular films or animated films.

Work as a burner

Now let's look at how to make a vase from a plastic bottle using a burner. This is a special device in which the rod is heated under the influence of an electric current. After warming up, they are carried out on the surface of a plastic bottle and small details are drawn. It is necessary to barely touch the plastic with a pencil. The longer the master touches the surface, the larger the hole is melted.

It is best to draw a drawing on plastic with a marker in advance. It remains only to draw a hot rod along the contours of the image. The upper edge is figuredly cut off and melted with a hot iron. If there are artificial flowers in such a vase, then it can be completely openwork. If you are going to use it for fresh flowers and pour water into the container, then you need to leave 10-15 cm of untouched surface, and engrave only on the top of the container.

Vases on a leg

You can make a flower vase from a plastic bottle on a leg, like a glass. To do this, you need to save the upper trimmed part of the container, where the neck is located. An unnecessary CD is used as a stand. To glue the parts of the vase together, use a glue gun.

To paint such a vase, it is most convenient to use spray paint from a can. First, the vase is placed on a newspaper (it is better to do this process on the balcony) and from a distance of about 20-30 cm, the craft is sprayed from all sides. After drying, the part is turned upside down and the surface is processed additionally again. If you have artistic inclinations, then you can beautifully decorate a vase, create a floral or geometric ornament.

Vase created by weaving

How to make a vase from a plastic bottle, step by step instructions are given below. First, the neck of a 2-liter container is cut off with an even cut. Then the middle part of the bottle is cut with a thin "noodle". Vertical cuts should be as much as possible the same width and length. Then, by pressing down with the back of the hand, all the strips are lowered to a horizontal position. Next, weave the strips together.

How to do this, you can carefully consider the photo above. The main thing is to be careful in weaving and try to bend the strips correctly. The smoother the plastic folds, the more beautiful the craft will look.

floor vases

Vases made from plastic bottles can be placed not only on a windowsill or table, but also used as floor products. You can simply repaint a large container, for example, a 25-liter for purified water. But a specially designed vase, consisting of two plastic 2-liter bottles, will look more beautiful. If you need a very tall vase, then you can cut two bottles into pieces. At the bottom, leave the bottom and most of the flat surface, and at the top, cut off only the bottom.

In the photograph, a large vase is made by cutting thin strips, which are subsequently twisted and assembled in the central part of the vase with an elastic band. In order for the structure to stand firmly on the floor, the neck is installed with a glue gun on the bottom of another bottle. The tops of each strip are rounded and melted with an iron. A hole is punched in them and a decorative wire or twine is pulled through to hold all the details together.

In the article, you got acquainted with how to make a beautiful vase from a plastic bottle using different methods. Try to create any version of crafts at home. It is not difficult, and the result will delight you with its beauty. After all, even from used old bottles you can come up with something unique and spectacular that will decorate the room or country house.

This MK will be about how you can use toilet paper for other than its intended purpose for the benefit of your interior. A minimum of improvised material, a minimum of time and a modicum of imagination.

So, we need:

  • empty bottle,
  • t/paper,
  • starch glue (or wallpaper),
  • paints,
  • brush.

1. While the hands are dry, tear off 4-5 strips of paper with the expectation of the bottom and neck.

2. We install the bottle on the stand and coat the whole with glue. We begin to glue the paper from the neck. We glue it and, at the same time, form embossed folds with our fingers. The invoice can be changed depending on what we want to get in the end. I tried to copy the rain. I hope it worked out

3. So we glue the entire surface (except the bottom) and let it dry.

4. We put the bottom in order, and for this we grease the remaining non-glued sections of glass with glue and glue each strip separately. Don't forget to create folds. Let's dry.

5. It's time to decide on the main color. For me it will be lilac acrylic. Paint, let dry.

6. And now we coat all the convex folds with white acrylic with an almost dry brush or sponge. If we use gouache or watercolor, then it will be necessary to varnish after drying.

7. Here is a "piece" of the first spring rain on my window moved, froze and now will be a pleasant memory of this amazing day!

Creative success to you!

This technique can be used not only for bottles and flower pots. There is a practice of decorating walls (with a different texture). The result is absolutely extraordinary. True, when it comes time to tear it all off the wall - it's easier to buy a new apartment.

From unnecessary plastic bottles that everyone has in the house, you can create various masterpieces with your own hands. So crafts vases do not require special skills, time and money. Such unusual vases will perfectly fit into the overall home interior, complement the design of the festive table and even act as an exclusive gift. To your attention 5 clear lessons.

For fruits

Required material:

  • 20-liter plastic bottle from under the water;
  • 6-liter plastic bottle from under the water;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • kitchen sponge;
  • scissors;
  • toilet paper;
  • twine rope;
  • spray paint gold;
  • spray paint black;
  • plastic glue.

Creation order:

  • Cut off the necks of the bottles, leaving their bodies a little. The large bowl will form the top of the vase, and the smaller bowl will form the stem.
  • Glue the outside of the cut bottles with toilet paper and PVA glue using the papier-mâché technique. Let the layers of paper dry.
  • From pieces of toilet paper or twine, make patterned stucco molding on the details of the vase. Allow the pasted elements to dry completely.
  • Apply black paint to the stucco, and then gold. Paint over all unpainted parts with a brush.
  • Give texture relief with a kitchen sponge.
  • Connect both parts of the vase together.
  • Decorate the vase with ribbon or twine. The details of the vase should be well glued together with glue for plastic.

For flowers

Required material:

  • plastic bottle transparent with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • scissors;
  • plastic glue.

Creation order:

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle in such a way that a flat cylindrical part of the bottle remains.
  2. Make vertical cuts about 8 centimeters long. Segments should be no more than 0.5 centimeters wide. Make cuts around the bottle.
  3. Unscrew all segments down at an angle of 90 degrees. The result should be a sun from the segments.
  4. The rays of the sun need to be woven in a circle. Weaving must begin counterclockwise. You need to bend the rays as shown in the photo. It is necessary to fasten the bends with glue.


Required material:

  • green plastic bottle;
  • multi-colored pieces of felt or soft plastic;
  • scissors.

Creation order:

  1. Cut straight off the neck of the bottle.
  2. Without cutting to the bottom of the bottle, in the direction from top to bottom, in a circle, make cuts in the plastic about 0.5 cm wide.
  3. Sharpen the ends of the strips.
  4. Cut out flowers from multi-colored decorating materials.
  5. Making a hole in the decor with a wit of stripes on a vase, put on all the prepared flowers.


Required material:

  • 2 plastic bottles of 0.5 liters;
  • candle;
  • matches or lighter;
  • large gypsy needle;
  • scissors.

Creation order:

  1. In the bottom of the first bottle, you need to cut a hole with a diameter of the cap. Cut off the bottom of the bottle.
  2. Put the neck of the bottle into the cut hole and screw it with a cork.
  3. It turned out the basis of the vase. You can try to install it. If the vase is not standing, then the cut is uneven.
  4. Only artificial flowers or dead wood can be left in the vase. You need to make a vase openwork. Set fire to the candle and heat the needle over its fire.
  5. With a hot needle, mark points on the bottle from which flowers can be cut.
  6. Cut openwork flowers point by point. Do not cut the petals all the way through.
  7. Give the flowers an openwork by bending the petals to the outside of the vase. Make, thus, the required number of rows of flowers.
  8. Decorate the entire vase with a hot needle.
  9. Decorate the vase stand.
  10. Collect vase. Put flowers.


Required material:

  • PVA glue;
  • toilet paper;
  • napkins;
  • plastic bottles (milk or kefir) with a volume of 1 liter;
  • glass jar with a volume of 3 liters;
  • paint of the desired color;
  • decorative flowers;
  • glue gun;
  • embossed napkin;
  • putty;
  • Scotch.

Creation order:

  1. Seal the bottles with tape. Fasten one pair with necks, fasten 6 pairs with bottoms.
  2. Tape the sealed bottles together.
  3. Put a glass jar on top of the structure.
  4. Cover the structure tightly with toilet paper, napkins with undiluted PVA glue. Dry.
  5. Using a glue gun, apply the pattern to the vase.
  6. Glue decorative flowers to the vase.
  7. From a hammered napkin and putty, make a three-dimensional drawing.
  8. Dry the putty and remove the template from the napkin from the vase.
  9. Paint the entire vase the color you want.
  10. The embossed pattern on the vase can be shaded with mother-of-pearl shadows or add shine with dry silver.

The first vases appeared thousands of years ago and were slightly uneven and clumsy earthenware vessels. They were primarily of practical importance and were used to store liquids. Over time, vases began to be decorated with precious stones, so their value increased. Today, a vase is a great gift, as well as an indispensable decoration for the interior of a living room or bedroom. In this article, you will learn how to make a vase out of plastic bottles. An unusual way to decorate a bottle will help you make a very attractive product.

- toilet paper;
- plastic bottles of different sizes;
- polymer glue and PVA;
- paint in cans;
- twine.

Master class vase of bottles and toilet paper

Since we use different bottles, they have different neck widths. You can take a bottle and a 2 liter plastic bottle instead of a large bottle. After the blanks are ready, you need to see the shape of the vase. To do this, insert one neck into the other.

Take the tourniquet and glue it at the junction with polymer glue. The result was an original vase in the shape of a goblet, which resembles vases from antiquity. If you want to put a bouquet of flowers in such a vase, then think about how to make the bottom.

Vase of plastic bottles and toilet paper can be used for decoration. It can be supplemented by artificial ones made

Magical transformations of an ordinary bottle. Master class with step by step photos.

Description: the master class is intended for all, without exception, creative people who are fond of making crafts for the home with their own hands from waste material, which in fact are used glass bottles. I offer several ways to decorate bottles, as a result of which they turn into original vases that can be used to decorate the interior, as a gift, or an exhibition copy. Teachers of kindergartens and schools can use the master class in working with children to organize circle or extracurricular activities.
Target: making a vase from a glass bottle using various techniques.
* develop the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary;
* introduce various ways of decorating a bottle: decoupage, stained glass painting, paper art;
* develop creativity.
Nowadays, the problem of environmental pollution with human waste is very acute. This is all kinds of garbage, lying not only near garbage containers, but also in our yards, parks, in nature. Wherever a person appears, he often leaves behind a garbage dump. In the spring of 2016, the children of my group and I often observed this picture and did what we could, clearing the groves near the kindergarten, the area around the spring and other beautiful places in our village.
In addition to these activities, the guys and I make beautiful vases from used glass bottles. As a result, there is less garbage on our streets. The guys are thinking about the fact that it is possible, it turns out, to give a second life to objects that are usually thrown away. They bring these things to kindergarten, where we subsequently make beautiful crafts from them.
Today I want to offer various options for decorating a glass bottle. This is a very interesting and exciting activity. Since the bottles are very beautiful and original in shape, I always felt sorry for throwing them away. Why, if you can turn them into beautiful vases?
Note: before decorating the bottle, it must be cleaned of stickers and traces of dirt. Soak in water, remove stickers. We wipe the bottle with alcohol or acetone. Traces of glue are easily removed with a solvent or acetone. We put it on a rag and wipe the bottle. Naturally. We do this part of the work ourselves, without the participation of children. Be careful when using chemicals.

Having got acquainted with the decoupage technique and decided to master it, the first thing I did was decoupage bottles. These were my first crafts in this technique. With children, we also first mastered decoupage, making vases from bottles and cans. On March 8 this year, we gave such vases to mothers and grandmothers.
We will need:
* glass bottle of interesting shape;
* white acrylic paint and varnish;
* napkin with a pattern;
* sponge or sponge for coloring;
* flat brush No. 12 (bristle);
* scissors;
* PVA glue.

Today I have a very original bottle, asymmetrical in shape, with a relief pattern on one side.

Let's play with her form. There is a minimum of work here, since I will not do the background, I will leave the white color. Therefore, we paint only one side, where there is a picture and letters. We paint over with white acrylic paint using a sponge or a special sponge. I make them myself (glue a piece of sponge to a long stick from an old brush with any glue at hand. The sponge is ready. It allows you not to get your hands dirty with paint, as happens when using a regular sponge).

We choose a napkin with a pattern. I have a three-layer with roses.

Cut out three roses very close to the drawing, being careful not to leave paper around the edges. Since there will be no background, with a carelessly cut out pattern, the edge of the napkin on the vase will be visible.

Remove two extra layers. We leave the top with a picture, and we will stick it.

We will stick the picture on the front face of the bottle. Coat it with PVA glue. We dilute thick glue in a ratio of 1 to 1 for more convenient work.

We place the cut roses on the area smeared with glue.

We smear with a wet flat brush on top, pressing and smoothing the pattern. (I also use my fingers for this purpose. With my index finger dipped in glue, I smooth out the wrinkles and better feel the material). Thus, we glue all three roses, placing them as we wish and creating a beautiful composition.


After drying, we cover only the area with glued roses with acrylic varnish (2-3 layers with intermediate drying). The rest of the surface of the bottle, in this case, do not touch.
Different angles:

This is how it looks in the interior with flowers.

I offer various options for vases made by me at different times.

We use it in our group.

Winter version with a bouquet of artificial flowers.

This vase is already four years old and has not deteriorated at all, although we use it regularly.

And another one like this:

This composition decorates the shelf in my house. It looks, in my opinion, very harmonious.

Several vases for children:

Of course, this is not all of our vases, but I think the essence is clear. Everything depends on you. Imagine, create and everything will turn out!
Beginner Tips:
1. When decoupage always primed with white acrylic paint. Since the pattern from the napkin is translucent and very thin, it simply will not be visible without first painting it with white.
2. When working, one, two and three-layer napkins are used. Don't forget to remove the extra layers. Otherwise, your work will look rough and not quite aesthetically pleasing. You can use absolutely any napkins, sometimes the cheapest ones look great. But some are still not suitable for decoupage: they immediately blur and tear when soaked. We simply do not use them and do not offer them to children.
3. After completing each step, dry the product. Only then can you proceed to the next manufacturing operation. You can use a regular hair dryer to speed up the process. But it is better to wait for the varnish to dry naturally.
4. After gluing the napkin pattern, the fun begins: decorating the craft. You can draw and draw details, apply a background of a different color. The background will unite the disparate details of the picture into one whole and make the work perfect.
5. We apply acrylic varnish in two or three layers. If desired, you can use more durable varnishes, but first make sure that they do not change the color of your craft. Some varnishes are yellowish and may ruin your product.
6. Most importantly: there is nothing to be afraid of. If you don’t like the result of the work, wash it off, delete it and start all over again. The craft is tired - paint over with white paint and decorate again. I do this very often.

Option number 2. Stained glass painting of the bottle.

Recently discovered this technique. While I master it myself and involve children in this business. Today I offer three vases in this technique.
Vase with butterflies.

* beautiful colored glass bottle;
* bronze color marker;
* stained glass paints;
* patterns with the image of butterflies;
* scissors;
* braid for decoration;

To make such a vase, you will need patterns with the image of butterflies. For example, these are:

Print and cut out.

We put the butterfly on the bottle and trace around the contour with a bronze-colored marker.

We redraw the drawing of the wings.

We select stained glass paints. When applying stained glass painting, I encountered the fact that it is not always possible to predict how the paints will look after drying. They change color. It also depends on the color of the bottle itself. Therefore, if you do not like the result, we wait for it to dry and carefully remove the fragment of the pattern that we did not like.
So, it is better to put the bottle on the table, placing a cloth on it so that it does not roll. Carefully apply the selected color of the stained glass window, without going over the drawn contour.

This is what it looks like after drying.

I used stained glass paint with glitter. I like the result. It is better to wait for the pattern to dry on one side, then move on. Draw stained glass small butterflies on the other side of the vase.

Dried up.

I propose to decorate the neck of the bottle with a beautiful braid, which in color echoes the painting.

Let's take a closer look at some vase angles.

This is what it looks like in the interior. It's beautiful even. If desired, you can put flowers in a vase.

Vase with flowers

* beautiful bottle of green glass lemonade;
* white marker;
* stained glass paints;
* silver braid for decorating the neck of the bottle;
* universal polymer adhesive.

We randomly draw flowers on the surface of the future vase with a white marker. We just fantasize or find the drawing we like and redraw it.

I fantasized the simplest drawing.

We begin to apply stained glass paints. First, on one side of the vase, then, after the pattern has dried, on the other. Otherwise, if you immediately apply paint to the entire bottle at once, it can be smeared or the paint will flow. Will have to start all over again. Therefore, armed with patience, we do everything slowly.

For flowers I use a pink stained-glass window with glitter, for green leaves. Result:

On the other side are flowers with a blue sheen.

We glue the neck with a silvery decorative braid. We glue on universal polymer glue.

In the interior:

Vase "Summer mood"

I will not describe the manufacturing process in detail. It is similar to the one described above. I'll point out the differences. This vase combines stained glass painting with acrylic paints on the background. Transparent lemonade bottle. A drawing was applied to it with a white marker: butterflies, dragonfly, chamomile, berries. Stained glass drawing. The blue background is made with acrylic paint, the grass is drawn in green. Lacquered areas painted over with acrylic paints. A decorative band is attached to the neck.

Option number 3. Vase in paper art technique.

Paper art translated from English paper art. For decoration, napkins, toilet paper and PVA glue are used, with the help of which an interesting texture of the product is created.
* glass bottle of kefir;
* PVA glue;
* toilet paper;
* white acrylic paint varnish;
* bronze and purple gouache;
* Polish for hair;
* brushes for coloring;
* stained glass shine;
* decorative braid of gold color;
* pebbles for decoration;
* universal polymer adhesive.

We apply PVA glue to the bottle.

We tear off pieces of toilet paper and paste them over the entire surface of the bottle, making folds.