How to make a beautiful outdoor vase from newspaper tubes? Weaving vases from newspaper tubes: patterns, schemes, description, master class, photo

Recently, newspaper weaving is gaining more and more popularity. After all, this type of creativity has many advantages: the availability and low cost of materials, a lot of room for imagination, environmental friendliness associated with the processing of waste material into new interesting things. One of such spectacular interior details can be a do-it-yourself vase made from the most ordinary newspaper tubes.

Making a flower vase from newspaper tubes: a master class

This master class for beginners will tell you how to make this vase with your own hands. This spectacular product can be an excellent interior decoration, as well as a gift for friends or relatives.

To work on a vase you will need:
  • Glass jar or bottle
  • Newspapers and knitting needles
  • Glue (PVA can be used)
  • Dye
  • Clear nail polish
Stages of work on the product:

First, we prepare the tubes from the newspapers.

Sheets need to be cut into 4 strips lengthwise. Then we wind each strip on a knitting needle at an angle of 45 0, grease the end of the strip with glue so that the tube keeps its shape. When working properly, one end of the tube will be slightly narrower than the other. Due to this, the tubes can be lengthened by inserting one into the other with a drop of glue.

Now we will analyze the weaving of a vase step by step.

Three long tubes (connected from two), we cross each other:

With two other tubes, we begin to braid the middle, alternating their position relative to the main ones. Extend the tubes as needed.

Weave the bottom to the desired diameter.

We fold the first one, put it on the second one, then raise the second one and put it on the third one.

We end the row in the same way. In the next row, bend the tubes a little further to make a slope.

We continue weaving with a jar. Also, if necessary, lengthening the tubes.

If a vase for fresh flowers, you can insert any suitable vessel and braid it.

We add it to the desired size and shape. In our case, this is the neck of the bottle, we fill the ends of the tubes.

We mix gouache or acrylic paint with PVA glue and paint over the product with it.

After drying, you can emphasize the oblique lines of the vase with golden powder or a slightly contrasting shade of paint.

Then we cover the vase with varnish. The work is done!

We make a beautiful spiral vase from newspaper tubes

The next master class, which we will analyze, is dedicated to such a spiral vase:

To weave this vase you will need:
  • Newspapers and knitting needles
  • Plastic bottle
  • Clothespins
  • Scissors
  • Glass stack
  • Mahogany varnish
Stages of work on a spiral vase:

First you need to prepare newspaper tubes in the same way as described in the previous master class. They will need 108 pieces.

First you need to cross two tubes and add one working tube to them.

The end of the tube below the working one must be wrapped and directed to the next one. We put a bottle with a cut-off neck in the center of the weaving and repeat the pattern in a circle.

We continue weaving, pressing the spiral to the bottle.

Thus, we braid the entire plastic form and make a few more turns.

The vase can be expanded to the desired size, then the ends of the tubes must be bent in the opposite direction, cut and secured with glue. To prevent the tubes from unwinding while the glue dries, we press them with clothespins.

To make the bottom, we wind the tubes tightly onto the walls of the glass stack, thickly smearing each layer with glue.

Then we remove the stack and glue the workpiece again with glue.

We glue the bottom to the vase.

We cover the finished work with varnish - impregnation several times. The vase is ready! Since there is a plastic container inside, you can pour water into it and put fresh flowers.

The floor vase is a stylish and bright interior decoration. In the next master class, you will find a photo and a description of the work step by step.

For work you will need:
  • Newspaper tubes
  • PVA glue
  • Stationery knife and scissors
  • Varnish or paint
  • Optional ribbons, beads and sequins for decoration
Step by step description of work:

We cross 4 bundles of tubes of 3 pieces.

We take another working bundle, weave each bundle of the base with it, we go through 4 - 5 rows in this way, increasing the tubes.

Then we begin to twine with a working tourniquet every 2 tubes of the base, passing another 4 rows. After that, we breed all the paired tubes and weave each one, the number of rows depends on what size of the bottom you need. Next, cut and glue the working harness.

We bend up the tubules of the base of the bottom. We put a bowl or other similar object in the center, preferably wider than the bottom.

We fasten the ends of the tubes with an elastic band. Select two working harnesses and braid vertical tubes with them, repeating the shape of the bowl. Then we remove the object from the center.

We begin to weave the neck, bringing the vertical tubes together. Then we slightly separate the tubes for weaving the border. In a circle we wind the tubes under each other. Cut the ends of the tubes and glue them.

Then we cover the vase with varnish or glue and decorate as desired. The floor vase is ready!

Related videos

For those who want to take a closer look at the topic and get new ideas for creativity, we have prepared a selection of video lessons on weaving vases from the easiest-to-use newspaper tubes:

A stylish vase is a beautiful element of the interior and a great gift.

We invite you to make a stylish and original vase with your own hands.

Master - class "Vase from newspaper tubes"

This master class is designed to work in a circle with children from 10 years old and parents, the only difference is in the complexity of the chosen work.

Of all the variety of types of creativity, decorative and applied art is probably the most popular. It is directly related to the everyday environment of a person and is designed to aesthetically shape, shape the way of life of people and their environment. Looking around, you can see that arts and crafts bring beauty to the home, work and public spaces. The presented type of creativity is called "remake" (from the English "remake" - remake). Many modern technologies bear this name. The raw materials for production are already used materials: fabrics, plastic, paper.

Target: development of the child's creative and communicative abilities through self-expression through the manufacture of paper products, the formation of practical work skills in schoolchildren, creative activity in the education of artistic taste.

She stands on the table

Full of wildflowers.

I will add poppies color -

The whole bouquet is on fire.

You can guess right away -

On the table we see…. (vase).

Stylish vase with your own hands. Master Class

We need:

for making a vase:

Paper towel tube;

Knife, scissors

for vase decor:

Satin ribbons;

"Moment-crystal" glue;

Thread, needle;

Beads, buttons, etc.


1. Cut strips from newspaper. It is convenient to do this by folding the newspaper several times and cutting several layers at once with a knife.

2. Now we fold the tube with a knitting needle, hold the knitting needle at an angle of 45 o

3. At the end, grease the edge with glue so that the tube does not unfold.

4. Take the tube and begin to glue the tubes, glue the tube in a circle. Then you can tie it with an elastic band so that the tubes stick tightly. We are waiting for it to dry. Cut off the top of the vase.

5. When the tubes are dry, take an aqualac (sold in building materials stores) and, if desired, add a color scheme to it, the color you want to make a vase. We cover the vase with varnish, let it dry. We glue the horizontal tubes.

6. Next, decorate the vase to your liking. I decorated it with flowers using the kanzashi technique. Let's make, in my opinion, the easiest flower to make. We take satin ribbons, cut into squares with a side of 5 cm.We need 8 squares.

7. Take a square, bend it diagonally. The ends can be "grabbed" with glue so that

8. Bend the resulting triangle in half again, glue the ends.

9. And again in half

10. Cut off the bottom corner

11. And singe the ends so that the fabric does not crumble

12. Making 8 petals

13. Now we collect all the petals on a string

14. We tie the ends, do not tighten too much

15. In the middle we glue a bead, you can decorate with a button, stones that you have, add braid.

16. Glue flowers on a vase

Using plain paper, magazines, or newspapers, you can make a very cute tube vase. It can be done in several ways, which we will discuss below. A vase made of paper tubes will look stylish in any interior, and to make it as easy as shelling pears, all methods are suitable for beginners.

Now doing something with your own hands does not take a lot of effort, money and time, especially step-by-step master classes can be found for every taste. We invite you to make with us cute vases and candy bowls with your own hands from the most accessible material - paper and newspapers. Let's get started!

The first way

This vase will look great on the table. You can put fruits, candies or cookies in it. This vase is made very simply and step by step. To make it you will need:

  • newspapers;
  • thin stick (knitting needle, for example);
  • PVA glue.

The first step is to roll up the tubes from the newspapers. We cut strips about 8 cm wide, wrap the paper on a thin stick, fasten the end with glue. Leave it to dry completely.

To get a flat vase, the tubes can be flattened slightly by pressing them down with your hand.

We start weaving from newspapers by twisting the first tube into a spiral.

It is necessary to fold very tightly so that the structure is rigid. You can additionally coat the tube with PVA glue for greater reliability.

When the tube ends, we can easily insert the next one into it, as shown in the photo. The tubes can also be held together with glue.

We twist the spiral until the size fits according to our plan. You can simply weave in a circle, and then push the vase down a little. And you can immediately weave the sides, pre-lubricating the paper tubes thoroughly with glue from all sides.

The finished vase can be coated with wood stain or acrylic paints of any color. A vase woven from newspapers looks very stylish and beautiful! You can additionally varnish it.

Floor option

It is very easy to make such a vase. We wind the tubes in the same way as in the first master class - we wind paper on a thin stick, fasten the edge with glue. Let's dry up.

It is best to make the tubes long, since we weave the vase on the floor, and it must be high enough.

We cover the surface with cling film or paper and glue the tubes to each other in one row. The width of the resulting structure should be equal to the diameter of the vase.

When all the tubes are glued to each other and the glue is dry, mark an oblique line from the top left edge, as shown in the photo. And we cut it off.

Now we take the structure, wrap it around the bottle and glue the outer tubes. We fix it with dense elastic bands.

Let's start creating the bottom of our decorative vase from newspaper tubes. To do this, take a thick cardboard and cut two circles out of it. The first will be equal to the inner diameter of the vase (without tubes), and the second will be equal to the outer diameter (with tubes).

We glue the inner circle. Let it dry. You can use duct tape or thermal glue.

Then external. Now you can paint the vase and decorate it however you like. You can use a spiral made of the same newspaper tubes, ribbons, fabric blanks, beads, and so on.

The vase is ready!

Kraft paper decor

Another option for creating a vase with your own hands is to decorate the jar with strips of craft paper.

For manufacturing we need:

  • round jar;
  • double sided tape;
  • craft paper;
  • scissors.

We cut the craft paper into not too wide strips and carefully twist them into flagella, as shown in the photo.

Now let's put aside the craft blanks for a while and start preparing the can. We remove all labels and glue the jar with masking tape or double-sided adhesive tape.

Decor time! Craft flagella should be carefully glued in a circle over the entire surface of the can, pressing firmly against the tape. You can use glue if necessary.

The vase can be painted, but it will look great anyway. The vase is ready, you can insert flowers!

Bank and cardboard

Using all the same straws, a jar and corrugated cardboard, you can make another pretty vase for decorative flowers. It can also be used to store handicrafts or cosmetics.

We will use the rope technique to weave this vase.

Let's get started. First, from corrugated cardboard, we cut two identical circles along the diameter of any can, which will serve as a form for weaving.

Glue the prepared tubes to one cardboard circle, then glue the second on top. Thus, the bottom of the vase is ready.

The tubes that remain sticking out of the bottom must be bent up and fastened at the top with an elastic band.

Glue another tube to the bottom, slightly flattening its glued tip.

A floor vase will fit well into any interior, regardless of its style and inhabitants, but here's the bad luck: a good floor vase costs crazy money, and the fragile materials from which it is made are unacceptable in the house with a pet or a small child. Our photo master class will tell you how to make inexpensive and unbreakable floor vases with your own hands.

It is always difficult to make a vase, and even more so an outdoor one, from scratch with your own hands, however, a few hours of work spent will save you a considerable amount of money, and the result will delight you and make you feel proud of yourself! So, today we make with our own hands a vase woven from a newspaper.

All we need for this workshop is just: a stack of old newspapers, PVA glue, a saucepan lid and a couple of hands.

  • We start weaving with the formation of bundles from newspaper sheets, it is extremely easy to do this: you just need to roll a newspaper sheet into a tube from one corner to another.
  • It is better to cut the bottom of the vase out of cardboard. This trick will cut your time a lot. However, if you still want to weave the bottom by hand, you should form four bundles of four bundles, and fold them crosswise, alternately each of the bundles should be run in a circle, wrapping each of the four bundles. Thus, the first three rows are woven, and then the quartet of pipes is divided in pairs and three more rows are braided in the same way. Having finished, we already have 6 rows of weaving and now we wrap each of the tubes separately.
  • We turn to weaving the walls of the vase: we bend the protruding bundles up and weave each of them with a bundle. Thus, we form the leg of the vase, its width completely depends on your wishes.
  • Now a lid, or a plate, or in general anything discoid and in area wider than the bottom of the vase, is used. We insert the lid between the posts of the bundles, in the place where the leg of the vase will expand, respectively, the lower you place the lid, the wider your vase will be, and vice versa.
  • We continue to weave 10 more rows using the same technique.
  • Next, with the help of an elastic band, or with our own hands, we begin to gradually bring the edges of the harnesses-racks closer together, that is, we proceed to weaving the narrow neck of the vase.
  • We braid the tapering neck until it is time to braid two harnesses instead of one.
  • We again spread the harnesses to the sides and weave the border of the vase.
  • We bend one rack after another one by one.
  • Having reached the fifth stance, return to the first one and bend its tail under the fifth stance, and then fix the fourth. Further, according to the same scheme, we bend the second rack along the seventh and cover the sixth, third under the eighth, etc.
  • In the windows that appear in each binding, we skip one rack at a time, until a semblance of a braid is formed.
  • Cut off the protruding remains of the tubes and our vase is ready! We cover it with PVA, or transparent varnish and, if desired, paint.

And so we learned how to make a floor vase from the newspaper itself. If you want, using the same technique, you can weave a vase from twigs, rattan, rubber tubes, fabric, and anything else. DIY vases from a variety of materials are suitable for any home. Such an interior detail can be weaved using different techniques, varied in size, embroidered and painted in absolutely any color. PVA-covered vases are not afraid of moisture, so they are easy to wipe off dust, and the shatterproof materials from which they are made do not injure you and your family.

Good day to all guests!

Recently I made a custom-made floor vase. It turned out in a hurry, the work is not ideal, but it is suitable for learning. Still, I managed to take photos in stages to post a master class for beginners. If you have what matters most - inspiration and patience - then you can start.

To work you will need:

  • newspaper tubes,
  • PVA glue,
  • comfortable scissors, stationery knife,
  • wooden skewer,
  • acrylic washable paint, can be water-based,
  • colorless varnish (I took a water-based varnish for saunas),
  • napkins,
  • colorless glossy varnish,
  • paints for painting (for whom it is convenient, I use oil or acrylic paint),
  • thin brush, large brush with curved handle,
  • sequins.

1. We begin to weave the bottom. You can do it in different ways. I chose one of the simplest ways - I folded 12 tubes crosswise like this. The distance between the tubes and along the length should be the same.

Working tubes we will have two. You need to take one tube, fold it in half and start braiding string 3 base tubes. We hold the center tightly so that the uniformity is not disturbed.

So weave 4-5 rows in a circle.

Distance between t base cuttings increases in the course of weaving. Now we begin to braid 2 base tubes. After 3-4 rows, we go to braiding on 1 base-tube.

The bottom size is at your discretion. I sang only 12 rows and finished weaving. You can bend the ends of the working tubes using a wooden skewer. Cut the ends and carefully secure with PVA glue.

2.To make the transition from the bottom to the main form more expressive, then raise the tubes up. The principle is for each adjacent tube.

It turned out that all the tubes are looking up.

3. For weaving the form, we need base-form... I didn’t find anything, except for such a solution, but in general the basis is very important! The accuracy and form of your work depends on this. The ends of the tubes must be secured with an elastic band so as not to interfere with the work.

The base is lightweight, so secure it to the bottom with an elastic band. We begin to weave in the same way with a string. I just folded one tube in half and began to braid the main tubes. It turned out to be two working tubes.

The number of rows to the middle of the vase is approximately 20.

4. Decide on the height of the product. I braided to the middle and removed the base. If you leave it, how will you take it out later?) Now we need the weaving to be rounded inward. You can take the base, I weaved without it.

5. Now we need to weave the neck of the vase. The shape can be different. A pipe can be used as a base form. I weaved without her.

I tried to change the direction of the rope so that the weaving turned out to be a herringbone, but then I returned to the original weaving.

The height was almost enough for me, but the height of the tubes was not enough for bending. Therefore, I had to build up with short tubes of office paper. So it will be stronger and more beautiful.

It turned out like this. The height is sufficient. I deliberately made the bottom wide so that the vase does not fall and is stable.

She bent the ends to the outside of the product. It's more practical this way. She neatly cut the ends at an oblique angle and secured with PVA glue.

7. That's it, the main work is finished. Moving on to painting.

First, the product must be primed. This requires PVA glue and water. Add a little water to the glue and thoroughly coat the entire product. Care must be taken to ensure that no bubbles remain. We set to dry for 30-40 minutes.

8. When the product is dry, cover it with white acrylic paint. I diluted it with water. My Olimp paint was thick. Here is the result after painting in one layer.