How to make a mini paper snowflake. Snowflake from toilet paper rolls. Large voluminous paper snowflakes: templates

Without what it is difficult to imagine the New Year? Of course, bezels, Santa Claus, and it is extremely difficult for us, residents of the northern latitudes, to imagine the New Year without snow and snowflakes! If you want to create a truly New Year's atmosphere in the house, then do not be lazy and decorate everything around with snowflakes. Snowflakes can be flat or voluminous, carved or not. In addition, it is worth abandoning the stereotype that you can only make a snowflake out of paper. This is not so, and in this article you will find more than 50 workshops on making snowflakes with your own hands from a variety of materials!

Well, do you want to turn your house into a fabulous snow kingdom? Then let's go!

paper snowflakes

Simple snowflakes for kids

#1 From paper strips

The simplest paper snowflake that can be made with preschool children. Pre-cut paper strips must be glued with an asterisk, and then each strip should be decorated. Anything will be used: felt-tip pens, pencils, stickers, paints, etc.

#2 From handprint

And here is another simple and original way to make a snowflake with children. Cut out 6 handprints from paper. Then cut out patterns on them, glue them together and decorate.

#3 From twisted paper strips

And here is another easy way to make a snowflake. Wrap 6 paper strips on felt-tip pens and leave for several hours. Then take them off and staple them together. Decorate the center with paper circles. Snowflake is ready!

Snowflake cutters

When it comes to snowflake crafts, the first thing that comes to mind is cutouts. A white sheet of paper or a napkin is folded into a triangle in a special way, and then an intricate pattern is cut out of the triangle. After the sheet unfolds and we get a patterned snowflake.

Without some experience, cutting a really carved snowflake is quite difficult. Therefore, you can peep the ideas of patterns with us, and after a few self-cut snowflakes, ideas will come to mind on their own!

Volumetric snowflakes

Volumetric snowflakes look very nice, which can be made from plain paper. In terms of manufacturing, there is nothing complicated in such a craft. Just follow the master class and you'll be fine!

#1 Volumetric geometric snowflake

To make such a snowflake, you will need 6 identical paper rectangles. Fold the rectangle in half and make 4 cuts: two long and two short. And then see the picture.

#2 Snowflake flower

To make a flower snowflake, prepare 6 strips of paper. Roll each of them into a cone and secure with a stapler. Glue the cones to the base in the form of a circle with their vertices, and place a bead in the center. The finished snowflake can be additionally decorated

#3 Origami

And here is a step-by-step master class on making origami snowflakes.

#4 Snowflake from components

A three-dimensional snowflake made of components that won the hearts of millions of people around the world. The craft is done very simply, but it looks very impressive. Try it too!

#5 Snowflake 3D

And one more version of an unusual 3D snowflake, which is very simple to manufacture, but looks no less spectacular than the previous one.

#6 Snowflake flower

And here is a step-by-step master class on making a flower snowflake. Watch and repeat.

#7 Snowflake from stripes

And here is a variant of a three-dimensional snowflake made of narrow stripes. You will need 10 thin strips of the same length. Now put five strips in front of you on the table, and put the remaining five perpendicularly and pass through the first five in a checkerboard pattern. The result should be a kind of wicker "rug". Now we begin to connect the strips closely spaced to each other. To do this, first grease their ends with glue, and then carefully fasten them together. As a result, you should get some kind of leaf. Now, according to the same scheme, we make a second snowflake and connect them: we glue the free strips of one snowflake into the petals of another.

#8 Volumetric snowflake

And one more scheme of a volumetric snowflake made of paper strips. The manufacturing scheme differs from the previous one only in details: the number of strips and the way they are connected. All the nuances are perfectly visible in the step-by-step master class.

#9 Composite snowflake

And another MK.

#10 Snowflake medallion

You can make a volumetric snowflake medallion out of paper. Fold a rectangular piece of paper into an accordion shape. Then, on each element of the accordion, draw a pattern and cut it out. Now the matter remains small: connect the leaf into a ring and pull it with a thread along the bottom edge. The craft is ready!

#11 Volumetric snowflake

And here is a simpler version of the previous snowflake. You can start with this MK, and then complicate it using the top option.

#12 Fluffy snowflake

And finally, a very simple MK for making a fluffy snowflake. Fold a sheet of paper according to the standard pattern, cut off the excess and cut the edges into thin strips. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and glue the snowflakes together. Fast and beautiful!

You may be interested in:

Snowflakes from felt

One of the most favorite materials for crafts among needlewomen is felt. And this choice is very justified. Felt makes cute crafts and toys. By the way, you can make a snowflake out of felt with your own hands. It can be an embroidered blank, a toy in the form of a snowflake, or you can make a craft in the form of a Christmas ball with an embroidered snowflake. In general, at your discretion.

More felt crafts:

Ice cream stick snowflakes

Healthy snowflakes are made from ice cream sticks. Ideally, this craft is suitable for the leisure of kids, older children will be too easy. I think the essence of making snowflakes from ice cream sticks is clear even without our descriptions. The whole point here is decoration, and you can borrow ideas for decoration from us!

#1 Thread decor

#2 Sequins, rhinestones and pom-poms

#3 Colored tape, cotton balls, stickers

#4 Buttons

#5 Threads, tinsel and sequins

#6 Feathers and sequins

#7 Giant ice cream stick snowflake

#8 Multi-colored sequins

Snowflakes from fluffy wire

Unusual snowflakes can be made from fluffy wire. Flexible twigs can be twisted together in different combinations, and a fluffy “fur coat” makes the craft voluminous, so you can do without additional decoration of the finished product.

#1 Wire only

A beautiful snowflake can only be made from wire. To do this, you will need twigs of different lengths: longer (for the base) and shorter (for decorating the rays). You can come up with your own scheme, but for inspiration, use our ideas!

#2 Wire and beads

Having connected the wires in the shape of a star, put a few beads on each beam, and so that they do not fall, twist the end of the wire.

#3 Fluffy wire and crystals

From fluffy wire we make a snowflake. Then we prepare a saline solution for growing crystals (you can buy ready-made in the store). Next, lower the snowflake into the solution and wait. After a few days, crystals will grow on the snowflake blank. Here is such an unusual craft, as well as informative.

#4 Fluffy wire and salt

We collect a snowflake from fluffy wire, smear the finished product with glue and sprinkle with coarse salt. By the way, pre-salt for crafts can be mixed with silver or white sparkles, then the snowflake will shimmer in the light, just like a real one.

Snowflakes from cotton buds

And here is another option for crafts for creative needlewomen - snowflakes from cotton buds. When the baby needs to be occupied, and there is nothing left of the materials for creativity, it's time to look for an alternative.

#1 Sticks and stickers

#2 Application

#3 More snowflake shape ideas for appliqué

Drink straw snowflakes

You can make a snowflake from drinking straws. The tubes play the role of rays, and you can make additional structural elements from other materials.

#1 Tubes and paper

For example, an additional snowflake design element can be made of paper. Cut out two circles, glue tubes to one of them, cover with the second from above. From above, circles can be additionally decorated.

#2 Tubules and pasta

And here is an example of a snowflake from a tube and pasta. Made a snowflake in the form of an application. You can come up with schemes for combinations of elements yourself. By the way, this craft can be safely done with the kids, they will be delighted!

By the way, you can only make snowflakes from pasta. It turns out great crafts, if you dream up a little!

See more pasta crafts:

Clothespin snowflakes

If there are unnecessary clothespins in the house that have been hanging idle for several years, then it's time to give them a new life! On the eve of the New Year holidays, absolutely everything goes into crafts, suitable for snowflakes and clothespins!

#1 Snowflake with a bead

You can make such a snowflake from ordinary clothespins, decorated with a bead, with your own hands. It is necessary to remove the middle from the clothespins, then glue the wooden bases with the reverse side, fold them with an asterisk (fixed with glue), and then paint and decorate with a bead.

#2 Composite snowflake

And for this craft you will need clothespins of different sizes. Make two snowflakes: bigger and smaller, and then glue them on top of each other with a slight offset, so that the rays of one star are in the gaps between the rays of the other star.

#3 Shiny snowflake

And this snowflake is very similar to the first one, only the way of decoration differs. As you can see, you can decorate a snowflake from clothespins exclusively with sparkles. It looks very cool and stylish, and most importantly, no one will ever guess that these are ordinary clothespins!

#4 More clothespin snowflake ideas

And here are a few ideas for a note on creating snowflakes from clothespins of various shapes. Take note and give your clothespins a new festive life.

#5 Another way to glue clothespins

If there are only six clothespins, then pay attention to the way they are glued together. It can be useful!

Snowflakes from toilet rolls

Original snowflake crafts can be made from toilet paper rolls. As a rule, the products turn out to be large and strong enough, so such a snowflake will decorate a Christmas tree or an interior for more than one year!

#1 Prefabricated structure

Large buildable snowflake made from ordinary toilet cylinders, decorated with sparkles. Cut the toilet sleeve into rings of the same size. Glue a flower out of six. Glue birds from other rings into each petal and insert them between the main petals along the ring. After complete drying of the design, decorate with sparkles.

#2 A la quilling

Making crafts using the quilling technique is a difficult, painstaking job. A beautiful snowflake using the a la quilling technique can be made from toilet paper cylinders. Step-by-step MK can be found below.

#3 Big snowflake

And here is a large snowflake made from toilet rolls. The bushings are cut into rings of equal sizes, and then glued together in the shape of an asterisk. The finished product can be decorated with paints and sparkles.

#4 Another big snowflake

And another version of the big snowflake. In general, how exactly to glue the rings, in what order and according to what scheme, is up to you. You may well come up with your own unique and inimitable snowflake from toilet paper rolls. Our MCs are designed only to inspire you to cool ideas!

More Toilet Roll Crafts:

Snowflakes from beads

Real needlewomen are not afraid of difficulties, but on the contrary, they incite and stir up interest. Easy snowflake crafts for wimps! A real creator wants complexity and frills. If you are one of those people, then you definitely need to make a beaded snowflake!

#1 Snowflake bicolor

You can weave snowflakes of the most unusual shapes from beads, but we will start, perhaps, with the simplest one. For practice, so to speak. The detailed diagram is shown below. Learn and try! The combination of colors and their order you can think of yourself.

#2 Beads and bicones

And here is a slightly more complex design, in which, in addition to beads, beads are used in the form of two folded cones - bicones. The step-by-step master class is described below.

#3 Beads and round beads

And here is a snowflake made of round beads in combination with beads. You can choose the arrangement of colors yourself, and see the step-by-step diagram for making a snowflake in the picture.

#4 Beads and bicones

And here is another pattern for weaving snowflakes from beads. Please note that in this product, in addition to beads, there are also beads of a different shape - bicones. Instead of bicones, you can use round beads, cathedral beads, barrels, etc.

#5 Beads, bicones and glass beads

To make such snowflakes, you will need: beads, bicones and glass beads. Of course, you can use beads of a different shape, but in any case, follow the pattern, then the snowflakes will turn out to be truly curly.

#6 Beads, bicones and round beads

To make such a snowflake, you will need not only beads, but also beads of a different shape: round and bicones. You will find a step-by-step weaving scheme below.

#7 Embroidery with beads

You can not only weave from beads, you can embroider with beads. A great example of beadwork is a snowflake. You will need a felt flower, each of the petals of which will be embroidered with beads. The center can be decorated with a button, bead or glass beads.

See more bead craft ideas:

Snowflakes from wooden corks

Wooden corks can be used as improvised materials for making snowflakes. Although, this idea is more suitable for restaurant owners or people who drink a lot of wine! In any case, take note, maybe you will collect corks all year (for example, I collected toilet paper rolls all year :)) in order to make such an unusual craft by next year.

You will find more crafts with cones:

More ideas

The ideas for making snowflakes do not end there. You can make a winter craft from any materials at hand, you just need to dream up a little and success is guaranteed. Here are some more original ideas for making DIY Snowflake crafts.

#1 Bead appliqué

A snowflake can be made in the form of a picture. To do this, take a suitable size plywood and glue it with a cloth or tape. On top of the finished "canvas" make an applique of snowflakes from beads. The craft is ready and looks very impressive!

#2 From sweets

Another original idea for a snowflake is to make crafts from candies. For this design, you will need New Year's candy canes. Glue them according to the template from MK below. Such a snowflake will not only please the eye, but also the taste buds!

#3 Cotton balls

If you want to make a New Year's snowflake craft with kids, then take note of this master class. By the way, such a gift will be appreciated by grandparents. For crafts you will need: cotton balls, PVA glue, a sheet of colored paper.

#4 Candy wrappers

And this idea is suitable for the sweet tooth. There are still benefits from sweets! You can make wonderful snowflakes from wrappers. The wrapper needs to be folded in four, and then cut out in an intricate pattern. Such snowflakes can decorate the interior, Christmas tree and even gifts.

#5 Plastic bottles

Well, this idea will fit perfectly into the interior of those who care about the environment. You can make wonderful snowflakes from plastic bottles, which will be an excellent element of New Year's decor. Cut off the bottom and paint it with paints. Snowflakes are ready, and most importantly, the bottles do not pollute the environment and are pleasing to the eye!

#6 Crispy sticks

Who didn't eat snowflakes as a child? I don't think there are any! Well, since the kids eat them anyway, you need to make delicious snowflakes for them! You will need crunchy sticks (salted or unsalted), white chocolate, and decorative sprinkles.

#7 Mosaic details

It is difficult to find a child who does not have a mosaic. It is even more difficult to find a child who has all the details in the mosaic. They are constantly going somewhere. Well, if you have such a set that lacks details and it is not interesting to collect a picture from this, do not rush to throw it away. From the remaining details, you can make a New Year's snowflake. Well, shall we create?

#8 Threads and paper plate

And snowflakes can be made from ordinary paper or plastic plates. By the way, even kids can cope with such crafts, but mother's help, of course, will be needed. Step-by-step MK can be found below.

#9 Salt dough

Another improvised material from which you can make a snowflake with your own hands is salt dough. Make the dough (1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp water, 1 tbsp flour), roll it out, cut out the snowflakes, and then decorate them. Snowflakes from dough can be painted, pasted over with glitter, beads, or you can just leave them white.

#10 Eco snowflake

Eco decor lovers can make a snowflake out of twigs. You can find sticks on the street or in the forest. It remains only to come up with a pattern and glue the sticks. Good luck!

#11 Wax drawing

And here is another version of a snowflake for creativity with children. You will need a sheet of paper, a candle, watercolors. Draw a snowflake on paper with a candle, and then paint the sheet with paints. In those places on the sheet where the wax remains, the paint will spread and as a result an unusual drawing will turn out, just like Frost draws on the windows on a frosty day.

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To make a beautiful paper snowflake, you should stock up on ready-made templates for creating a pattern in advance. Of course, you can cut paper without using special patterns, but this method is only suitable for those who already have a certain experience and artistic taste. The process of making openwork snowflakes is quite simple, for this you need to fold a sheet of paper in half so that you get a triangle. We fold the resulting triangle two more times, after which we cut out the pattern using a pre-prepared template. This is applicable to create traditional hexagonal snowflakes.

To make a snowflake with eight corners, first fold a sheet of paper in half twice in a triangle, and then diagonally once more. The octagonal snowflakes look more delicate, but are more difficult to cut due to the more layers of paper.

Patterns for cutting paper snowflakes

Instead of plain white paper, you can use paper napkins, tissue paper, foil, or old magazines. Beautiful openwork snowflakes on the walls and windows of the room will perfectly complement the festive decor. From light paper snowflakes, you can make a great garland or streamer with threads hanging down. You can also decorate a New Year's card or gift wrapping with a homemade snowflake. Snowflakes made of a denser material will be the perfect decoration for a children's New Year's costume.

Volumetric paper snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • thick paper of any color;

  • pencil;

  • ruler;

  • scissors;

  • stapler (glue or tape).


Beautiful pasta snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • pasta of various shapes;

  • brushes of different sizes;

  • glue Moment;

  • acrylic paints;

  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sparkles, artificial snow, stickers, etc.).


Openwork snowflake in quilling technique

quilling(paper rolling) - they call the direction in art associated with the manufacture of flat or three-dimensional figures from strips of paper twisted into spirals. Using the quilling technique, you can create incredibly beautiful openwork snowflakes.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;

  • ruler;

  • pencil;

  • scissors;

  • tassel;

  • glue;

  • awl.

Welcome all! Today is November 12, and there is still no snow in our city. What's the weather like for you? We are all already in anticipation of winter fun and the snow-white attire of nature. I really want to go outside and feel how slowly and gracefully snowflakes fall on you.

As a matter of fact, we will talk about them, about these white cut-out beauties! Probably, these fluffies are an indispensable attribute of decorating houses, streets, school and kindergarten premises in the winter. There are different ways to make this craft. The main difference is the material from which it is made and the cutting methods. We will talk about how to make paper snowflakes using different patterns and cutting patterns.

Do not forget that such blanks can be used as crafts for the upcoming New Year. Ideas of interesting and beautiful things that you can do with your own hands, you can get ready for the holidays in advance.

You know, I want to advise you to introduce such a tradition in your family: to get together on cold evenings and create with the children, making and cutting out these simple designs, and then sticking them on the windows. And let passers-by envy your beauty!!

The easiest way to make a snowflake is to fold the sheet 5 times. We fold the first four times in half, and the fifth diagonally. From the resulting workpiece, cut out any patterns and unfold. Our New Year's beauty is ready!!

But this is a very simple and not very interesting way. To complicate it, you can perform a tetrahedral version:

Or pentagonal:

Here is another simple and easy way to cut our product:

And to make it even clearer to you, let's now take a step-by-step look at the manufacturing process:

  • We will make snowflakes from square paper. If you have a standard A4 sheet, then bring it to the desired shape. Now fold it so that you get a triangle. We cut off the excess part and get a perfect square.
  • We add the square diagonally, we get a triangle.

  • Fold the triangle to the far corners, getting another smaller triangle.
  • We have a preparation. Apply any pattern on it and carefully cut it out.
  • You just have to straighten the finished product, so as not to hook it and tear it.

On a note!! This is the easiest way to make a snowflake. Here the result depends on the selected pattern. The more complex the pattern, the more unusual and interesting the result will be.

Beautiful do-it-yourself snowflakes (we make from paper)

I would also like to note that the more complex the decoration pattern, the more difficult it will be for you to cut it out, so calculate your strength.

For you, one more photo instruction for making New Year's crafts:

  • Make a diagonal fold. If you do not have a square sheet, then do not forget to cut off the excess part. Next, fold the workpiece diagonally again.
  • The widest part of the triangle, that is, its base, is divided into 3 equal segments. We bend one corner so that the edge ends at the level of the mark. It will be below the base, but strictly below the mark. Now fold the second part and cut off the uneven ends.
  • Draw or cut out a snowflake right away.

I think, in general, you already have an idea of ​​​​how to carry out these simple designs and there should no longer be any difficulties in their manufacture. For you, there is another video story on our topic, and we move on to more complex options.

Volumetric snowflake. Cutting templates

To make a three-dimensional structure, you need to master the techniques of kirigami and quilling. Let's take a closer look at these two methods.

  • Kirigami paper snowflake

We will need: bright colored paper (the reverse side should be white or colored); scissors; pencil with ruler.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut out a square from colored paper of any size.

2. Fold it four times to make the part a quarter.

3. We make a diagonal fold.

4. Cut off the beveled corner from above.

5. Cut out symmetrical triangles at the outer side of the figure.

6. With scissors from bottom to top, we make two cuts on both sides of the sharp corner, as well as one more cut on the right or left.

7. Unfold the paper and gently smooth it out.

8. Now arbitrarily bend the formed corners up or down.

9. Having folded all the corners, iron the craft with an iron.

10. When you place the product, then turn it as desired with the front or wrong side towards you.

When you are familiar with this technique, I offer you templates of more original types:

  • like this for example

  • or such

  • maybe you will like this option

  • Snowflake in quilling technique

And this is a very painstaking work, but the result is the envy of everyone. Although, if you figure it out, everything is done very simply.

  • We take a regular sheet of paper and draw the same lines using a ruler with a pencil. Cut the sheet into strips.
  • Take an awl and attach the edge of the paper strip to its end. Now we wind the strip on the tool.
  • We glue the end of the strip to the resulting coil and remove the roll from the awl. Make another such coil, but lightly squeeze it with your fingers on one side. Make five more of these droplet coils.

  • Take the first blank and glue six "droplets" to it.
  • Again we roll six coils and squeeze with our fingers on both sides. Glue new details between the snowflake petals.
  • Take three strips and bend them in half, then cut them. You should have six short strips. Of these, twist six coils. Glue a new coil to each end of the part.
  • From long strips we make six more coils, only slightly larger than the first. To do this, do not tighten the paper too much. Glue them on top between small rolls.
  • You need to make six more large coils and bend their sides with your fingers so that you get a square. We glue them with the top to large coils.
  • We take a pencil and wind a paper strip around it, glue the end of the strip and remove the coil. We glue this part to one of the tops of the snowflake and thread a ribbon or rope into the ring.

Here is a diagram of how you can still glue the parts:

  • And you can also make such a three-dimensional 3D figure.

We will need: paper, scissors and a clerical knife; Scotch; glue; stapler.

Cooking process:

1. Make six identical squares out of paper.

2. Bend each square diagonally and make 3 cuts to the middle on both sides. The cuts should not touch, leave 0.5-1 cm between them.

3. Unfold the sheet and lay it so that the uncut edges are vertical. From the inside, you need to twist the two nearest edges into a tube. Glue with glue or tape.

4. Expand the workpiece and connect the next two strips. Again, turn the part over and connect the 3rd row of strips. Glue the last strips too, turning the workpiece upside down.

5. We do the same with six squares. Then fasten them in three elements, deployed in one direction. Then we fix both parts into a three-dimensional figure.

6. If necessary, fix the sides of the product with a stapler or glue.

And another master class on making winter beauties:

How to make a snowflake from a toilet paper roll?

It turns out that in order to make such crafts, it is not necessary to use plain paper, you can also take toilet paper rolls. And the work process is very simple, you need to take only one roll, PVA glue and paints, you can use acrylic, or gouache. For decor, take glitter, sequins or confetti.

Now just cut the toilet paper roll into equal parts, flatten it and glue it. Top with your choice of material.

Here are a couple more design ideas for roll structures:

  • use small and large parts

  • From above you can take different elements of decoration

  • Or you can just cover it with gold paint

Schemes of paper snowflakes for the New Year

Now that you are familiar with the different techniques for making this type of jewelry, I want to offer you diagrams and ready-made templates. Take, save, cut and create! May the holiday always reign in your house.

  • scheme 1;

  • scheme 2;

  • scheme 3;

  • scheme 4;

  • scheme 5;

  • scheme for beading;

  • pasta beauty.

That's all for me. I look forward to your comments. All excellent mood! Bye Bye!

The most popular and magical holiday, the New Year, is coming soon. This is a great time for creativity. Of course, you can buy jewelry and toys in the store, but it is better to make them yourself.

In apartments and public institutions, they are already beginning to decorate windows,. Another common decoration method is snowflakes - this is the most popular New Year's attribute.

In a previous article, I already talked about. And today we will consider a few step-by-step instructions for making volumetric snowflakes.

It may seem like a complicated process, but even children can make such decor. Therefore, get together with your family in your free time and start creating.

To begin, consider one of the simple ways to make a New Year's accessory. As a material, you can use colored paper. If you have a white sheet, then, if desired, paint the finished snowflake.

Our result will be like this:

Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half lengthwise. The bend is smoothed by hand.

Now, on either side, we bend the sheet by 1.5-2 cm. Do not forget to iron the fold points. After that, we turn the workpiece over and also bend a couple of centimeters. That is, we make a kind of accordion.

The resulting workpiece is cut lengthwise. As a result, we get two harmonicas at the output.

On each craft we draw a pattern, which is shown in the photo below. Then we cut out the paper along the marked lines.

If you did everything according to the instructions, then the unfolded blanks should look like this:

Lubricate the ends of the paper with a pencil with glue. Then we glue both parts of the future snowflake to form a kind of ring.

Now carefully turn the ring inside out and our craft is ready. When you get the skills, you will need a couple of minutes, no more.

Step-by-step instructions for making a simple volumetric snowflake

You can make a paper Christmas decoration in another simple way. We will need ordinary sheets and glue, as well as a little patience. Get your kids involved in the creative process.

Now we will learn how to make such a snowflake:

From a regular sheet of paper we make a perfect square. To do this, we fold it diagonally, connecting two opposite sides to make a triangle. We cut off the lower part with scissors and put it aside, it will still be useful to us.

We bend the second sheet in half, and cut it into two equal parts.

From the two halves we make squares by analogy with the first sheet. That is, we bend them diagonally and cut off the lower part.

From the strip that we have left from the first sheet, we make two more small squares according to the same principle. As a result, we should get five blanks.

We fold the largest triangle twice, then bend it diagonally to the opposite side. Turn over and obliquely cut off part of the workpiece along the line opposite the corner.

Now we make longitudinal lines with scissors, without cutting the workpiece to the end by 1 cm.

We do the same with the rest of the figures. Then we unfold our snowflakes. Apply glue to the center of the largest craft and fasten the middle craft, and then the smallest one. We turn over and on the other hand we also glue two blanks.

New Year's decor element is ready to decorate the room

How to make beautiful DIY paper snowflakes

Anyone can make an original craft for the winter holiday. This is a fun activity, so you won't even notice how time flies by, and you will have a few accessories to decorate the room.

We will need five sheets of paper, scissors and a glue stick. The craft will consist of 5 parts, so let's consider how to make one of them, and the rest in a similar way.

Fold the sheet along the short side. You do not need to smooth the bend, just put a mark, pinching the paper with your fingers, top and bottom.

We bend one side of the sheet to the mark with an overlap of 1 cm. We also bend the other side with an overlap.

On one side we apply a strip of glue with a pencil, and glue the second side of the sheet to it.

From each we measure 2 cm, and with the help of a ruler we make folds.

Now the formed folds need to be bent inward to make it, as in the photo below.

The next step is to fold the piece in half.

We put a dot in the center of the strip, then mark 9.5 cm on the right side, and 5.5 cm on the left. After that, we draw lines along the marks.

We got a double bag so that the blank does not fall apart, we will glue it together.

After that, we make cuts along the marked lines. Cut off the excess parts of the workpiece.

If you did everything according to the instructions, then you should get such a voluminous blank of the future snowflake.

We do four more parts in the same way. The first one can be used as a template to cut off the corners.

Now we need to glue all the parts. To do this, apply glue with a horizontal and vertical strip. Make sure all corners match.

Let's wait a little while the glue grabs well. And then it remains to expand the snowflake and glue it.

For decoration, you can use sparkles, colored markers, beads. In general, turn on your imagination to create a beautiful craft.

Patterns and schemes of volumetric snowflakes for cutting on windows

To design window openings, you can use not simple stencils, but three-dimensional attributes. Making them is not as difficult as it might seem.

To make snowflakes look voluminous, you need to choose a stencil, download several copies and fix them in the middle with thread or glue.

And here are the blank options that you can download or print by clicking on the icon at the end of the subheading.

Click on the PDF file below and a new window will open where you can click on the download button or on the printer icon to print the images.

If you can draw, then try to create a stencil with a beautiful pattern yourself. And if you want to decorate the windows with the symbol of the next year, then use.

Step-by-step production of volumetric paper snowflakes

Let's look at another interesting option for making New Year's decorations. Like previous technologies, this method is quite simple, so even children can handle the task.

In almost all cases, to make a snowflake, we need an equilateral square. Therefore, we fold a sheet of A4 paper diagonally and cut off the excess strip.

The resulting triangle is folded in half twice. As a result, we get something like this.

Now we cut out the workpiece in a circle, starting from the corner on the opening side, and ending with the closed side, not reaching 2-3 cm to the opposite corner.

In the same way, we make two more cuts. We make another one of the same kind.

Carefully unfold the piece. Glue the ends of the middle strips to the center of the template.

On the reverse side, glue the second part of the snowflake so that its rays are between the edges of the first part, as shown in the photo, and also glue the middle strip of the lower part to the center of the snowflake.

Volumetric craft is ready. It can be used as a standalone decoration, to create garlands or to stick on windows.

How to easily make a 3D snowflake with your own hands

Beautiful decor can be done in just a couple of minutes. A few of these voluminous decorations will help decorate the interior for the winter holidays. We will need 2 sheets of A4 format, glue, scissors and a regular elastic band.

On two long sides of the paper we make marks of 2.6 cm. Then we fold the sheet with an accordion, and cut off the excess part.

We do the same with the second sheet. After that, mark the middle of the workpiece and draw a template.

Now cut along the marked lines. We bend the accordion in the middle and use the first half as a template for drawing lines and cut it out. Similarly, we make the second part of the snowflake.

We fasten both blanks with an elastic band and glue them together.

Now we unfold the snowflake and glue it around the edges to fix it in this state.

If desired, you can stick sequins or beads on the craft.

Video with a master class on creating volumetric paper snowflakes

To understand how to make a more complex accessory for the New Year, watch the video with step-by-step instructions. The whole process will take you no more than a quarter of an hour.

I tried to find the simplest ways to create New Year's snowflakes. And remember "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." One has only to start the creative process, and you yourself will not notice how you will have several voluminous crafts ready to help create a festive atmosphere.

The New Year is very close and in this life hack we will analyze 140 different schemes, and it's simple. You will also find several video tutorials that will help you better understand all the nuances.

Most likely, each of you knows approximately how to make a round paper snowflake(white or color), but since we need them only on New Year's holidays, then the subtleties of production for the whole year are forgotten, so it's easier to google at the right time and get to our website to remember everything. I think this is what most of you do, but this article will be useful for those who want to find something new, something interesting and grandiose, for example, here you will find out in the form of deer or cats. So, let's get to the heart of the matter.

How to make a simple paper snowflake

To begin with, we will analyze the type of bases for future jewelry and start with the most standard one. Try how to make a beautiful paper snowflake step by step and you will definitely succeed.

  • The first thing to do is take an A4 piece of paper and cut a square out of it. To do this, take one corner and pull it to the opposite edge, and then bend it, as shown in the figure.
  • We cut off the excess and get the perfect square.Now bend it back

  • Then one more time

  • We turn the resulting triangle upside down, and pull the left edge to the middle (even a little further)

  • Now overlap pull the right one.

  • It is important that in the end the edges are not flush and do not protrude from each other, so try on before forming the final fold.

  • We turn the resulting figure over and cut it according to the level of the formed strip.

second basis make christmas snowflakes out of paper it is just as simple and the first two steps will be the same, but further, after the formation of the square, the differences will go.

  • Prepare a pair of folds in advance, from one corner of the square to the other.

  • Now fold the triangle and place it upside down.

  • We fold the right edge, as shown in the figure.

  • Turn over and do the same procedure with the second edge. The main thing is that everything is symmetrical.

  • We bend the figure in half.

  • The drawing must be applied along the edge where the inner corner is located, otherwise you will not succeed make the most beautiful paper snowflake on the window because it just falls apart.

The last third scheme of the basis in order to how to make origami paper snowflake (sheet) starts like the previous two:

  • From the square.

  • Then we bend the triangle.

  • We put it together again.

  • Once again.

  • Now we drag the top of the triangle in the opposite edge. The top of this figure should be with several tails, and the bottom is solid.

  • Cut off the top and base to make a snowflake out of A4 paper.

Now that we have sorted out all the types of basics, we move on to their design, and for this we have prepared as many as 140 different schemes. You won't see this many anywhere else in one place. It remains to be reminded that if you want make a small paper snowflake(color for example), and not a large one, then just take a sheet of a smaller format, and all other actions are similar.

140 instructions how to make a paper snowflake

We have collected the largest collection of circuits from around the world. Here you can find options how to make a paper snowflake, how to make an openwork snowflake step by step or hexagonal. For every taste there is an ideal type for a holiday.

These are not all of them, you can find the rest on the Pinterest board.

Now you know how to make a paper snowflake step by step, but if you like to watch a video reviewer, then especially for you we have selected the best videos with instructions for creating and now you can watch:

How to make paper tenderloin video

How to make a beautiful paper snowflake video