How to make a Christmas tree out of cardboard. We make a volumetric Christmas tree out of paper with our own hands

Time flies by. It would seem that just recently we were celebrating the New Year and celebrating Christmas, but outside the window it’s already autumn. With the onset of the first cold weather, there is a desire to start preparing for the upcoming holidays, delighting yourself and your loved ones with a small miracle. And first of all, the question arises about the acquisition of the most important attribute of the New Year - a Christmas tree. Without this fluffy beauty, the mood will be completely different. And the holiday will seem fake.

But the question of acquiring a traditional tree can be approached creatively. Just connect your own imagination and ingenuity to create a fluffy beauty with your own hands, using unnecessary materials lying around in the house.

What can you make a Christmas tree craft from? Anything! Moreover, it is better if you do this with the children. They will also enjoy this process immensely.

What kind of Christmas tree can you make so that it will delight your loved ones and guests, and also bring the feeling of a real holiday? There are a few tips to get to know before getting started.

The first is about form. As a rule, Christmas trees are made in the form of a cone or an isosceles triangle. In this case, the form does not have to be correct. You can make a Christmas tree craft at an angle and with any number of tiers.

The next tip is about the color of your product. And it doesn't have to be green. You can make the Christmas tree craft white, yellow, silver, gold or even blue. Do not be afraid to deviate from the standard rules, because your fluffy beauty should be a real miracle.

A very important point in the work is the fastening of the craft. This will need to be thought out in advance. The details of the Christmas tree can be fastened with tape or glue, wire and other materials. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that this will need to be done carefully and reliably, because the Christmas tree should please with its appearance and withstand throughout all the holidays.

Particular attention should be paid to the top. According to tradition, this detail serves as a decoration for the spruce dome. For your tree, any toy, star, ball, or just a curved spiral can become the top. It will be interesting to look at the decoration in the form of a symbol of the coming year or an angel.


What can you make a Christmas tree out of? The easiest and fastest way to make it is to use paper. In addition, made in miniature sizes, such a craft will become a wonderful New Year's toy.

How you can do To do this, you will need to prepare in advance all the materials necessary for work:
- Sheets of paper, which can be magazine, book, or just blank;
- stapler;
- scissors;
- glue;
- glitter or spray paint;
- a ribbon or paper clip in order to hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

Getting started, all the sheets must be put in a pile and fastened with a stapler. Next, you should draw the outline of the Christmas tree with a pencil and cut it out. The next stage of work is to bend the leaves and paint them with glitter glue or spray paint. The finishing touch is to glue on a ribbon or attach a paper clip.

The second manufacturing method is more troublesome. However, the beauty of the resulting craft will certainly delight you. So, for work you will need:
- book pages;
- cardboard;
- glue;
- scissors;
- mini toys, stars and ribbons for decorating the Christmas tree.

The first stage of work consists in making a cardboard base in the form of a cone. Next, you should put the leaves one on one and make cuts on them, but only on one side. After that, the entire base is pasted over. This places the uncut side of the paper on the cone. To cover the top, you will need to make a "lid". That's all. The tree is ready. It can now be coated with glitter or spray paint.

What can be used to make a Christmas tree for the competition of artificial green beauties? Instead of ordinary paper for making trees, you can take corrugated paper. Such material will be a valuable find for a home designer. A Christmas tree made of corrugated paper will look unusual and very beautiful. She will certainly stand out among other crafts.

What can be used to make a Christmas tree? The base of your craft may not be a cardboard cone, but a tube. This piece can be purchased from a hardware store or glued from a few leftover toilet paper rolls. With this option, the cone is made of colored paper, fastened to cardboard with tape. At the end of the work, the top of our Christmas tree will need to be decorated with a ribbon bow.

As a basis for making a New Year's beauty, you can take polystyrene foam. Strips of paper folded in the form of needles are attached to it.

The herringbone can also be made in the form of a panel. For such a craft, you will need to cut strips from paper, and then twist them into tubes of different lengths. Further, all the details are glued to the base in the shape of a herringbone. The finished product is decorated at your own discretion.

What else can you make a Christmas tree from? From toilet paper. This option for making a New Year's beauty is the simplest and most economical. At the initial stage of work, a cone is constructed, the material for which is white cardboard. The dimensions of this part can vary and depend on the desired height of the final product. Next, toilet paper is taken. It should not have tear-off strips, that is, the cheapest option will do. The toilet paper should be folded longitudinally, and then, gathering it up, stick it on the cone from the base to the top like an American skirt.

At the same time, the strip must remain solid. The Christmas tree obtained in this way should be decorated with green gouache. At this stage, children can be involved in the work.

What can you make a Christmas tree toy made of such a thin material? From the same toilet paper. A piece of it should be rolled in the form of a ball, coated with PVA glue, decorated and glued to the tree.

Crafts from cones

In order to bring joy to your family and friends, what can you do for the New Year? Christmas tree made of cones. For many, working with this natural material will be a real pleasure.

They are considered to be some of the most beautiful. In addition, this is one of the best options for those who think about the following question: "What can be used to make a Christmas tree for the competition of homemade New Year's trees?"

There are several options. The easiest and simplest of them involves creating a cone of the desired size and gluing cones to it. Work should start from the bottom, gradually moving towards the top of the cone. What Christmas tree toys can be made from cones? The finished craft is painted or decorated with bows, sweets, toys, tinsel, etc.

What can you make a Christmas tree (see photo below)? The second method of making a New Year's beauty involves the use of not whole cones, but their scales.

The basis of such a tree will be the same cardboard cone. Scales of cones are glued to it from the bottom in a circle, which will play the role of needles. At the final stage of the work, the herringbone is covered with green, silver or gold paint. As an additional decoration, sequins are glued to the tips of the needles.

The basis for a Christmas tree made of cones can be a cone cut out of polystyrene foam. It will need to be painted in some dark color. For crafts, you will also need wire.

One end of it is wrapped around the tail of the cones, and the other is straightened. After the required number of such blanks has been made, they will need to be attached to the base. For this, the free end of the wire is inserted into the foam.

Autumn option

What can you make a Christmas tree for the New Year? From dry leaves. To do this, the material harvested from the fall is glued to a paper cone, creating a wonderful tree. Such a tree will be made from twigs of walnut and cherry, holly and salal, ruskus, etc. Bay leaves are also suitable as a green material.

There are two ways to make such a tree. The first of them involves gluing the leaves to a cardboard cone created in the right sizes. The crown of such a tree is formed from top to bottom. In this case, the leaves are glued one above the other.

The next method of making an "autumn" Christmas tree is somewhat more complicated. At its first stage, a base is made in the form of an ordinary cardboard cone. Further, at the ends of the twigs with leaves, holes are pierced through which a fishing line or thin twine is pulled. This creates a kind of garland. This part is wrapped around a cone that has been pre-lubricated with glue.

New Year's beauty from pasta

What other tree can you make yourself? A Christmas tree made of pasta will look very original. It is not difficult to make it. In addition, pasta of various sizes and shapes is sold today, which will make the Christmas tree just fantastic.

The first stage of the work is the manufacture of a cardboard box. The workpiece must be painted in the desired color. For this, acrylic paint, spray or gouache are used. Next, you should take pasta of different shapes and use PVA glue to glue them to the cone. At the same time, the design of the fabulous spruce should tell you your imagination.

Work should be continued until the pasta covers the entire body. After the glue dries, the finished Christmas tree must be painted in two layers.

A tree made of dense fabric

What can be used to make a Christmas tree? Felt is sometimes used to create a New Year's beauty. This material perfectly holds its shape and does not crumble. Felt can be used instead of felt. For contrast, it is advisable to take the material in two different colors.

First of all, a cardboard cone is made. Next, circles of various diameters (from the smallest to the largest) are cut out of the felt. Christmas tree tinsel is glued to the bottom of the cone with glue or double tape. After that, felt circles are strung onto the preparation of the tree, in which cuts are made crosswise. Fabric parts fit tightly on the cone. The top of such a tree is decorated with a felt cap or tinsel, previously greased with glue.

New Year's beauty made of threads

You can make a "woolen" Christmas tree with your own hands. To do this, you need to recharge yourself with a positive attitude and start creating beauty. The first step is to twist a sheet of paper or cardboard into a pyramid, fixing it along the contour with glue or tape. Next, take thick woolen threads (necessarily fluffy) and wind them in circles on the base from the bottom up. It is important that the product is neat and even.

The threads should not overlap the adjacent row. For those who make such a Christmas tree for the first time, things may not work at first. There will certainly be "harmful" threads that will constantly peel off. How to get out of this situation? For convenience, the edge of the thread can be attached with a pin. After finishing work, a conditional garland should be placed on our Christmas tree. It is made from thin threads.

The decoration of the top of the New Year's beauty will be a small pompom. To make it, two circles with a diameter of 3 cm should be cut out of cardboard, in the center of which there is a 1 cm hole. Threads are wound on the parts folded together. Then they are cut along the contour and tied in the center.

What kind of Christmas tree toy can be made from threads? It is better to decorate such trees with colorful pins. Bright buttons of various diameters can also serve as decor.

Christmas tree made of plastic bottles

Often in the house you can find unnecessary containers. If these are plastic bottles (preferably green) with a volume of 0.3 to 3 liters, then they can be used to create a Christmas tree.

At the first stage of making a Christmas tree, the bottom of our material should be carefully cut off. This can be done with a utility knife or scissors. It will take one largest bottom. It will serve as a support for our product. The rest can be thrown out immediately.

Next, the prepared bottles are cut into strips, the width of which is from 2 to 2.5 cm. The neck must be intact. As a result of the manipulations carried out, a kind of plastic flower will be obtained.

At the next stage of making the Christmas tree, we cut each strip of the bottle again along the edge every 0.5 mm. These will be our Christmas tree needles. Small cuts will make the Christmas tree fluffier and more beautiful.

Next, the harvested twigs should be strung on the "trunk". They will serve as a stick, the length of which should be equal to the intended height of the tree. Blanks from bottles of a larger volume should remain at the base, and containers of a smaller capacity should be strung up. We cover the top of the tree with a plastic lid, hammering a nail into it for reliability.

New Year's beauty from cups

What are the original Christmas trees made of? A New Year's beauty can be made from plastic cups. This material should be green.

At the first stage, eight cups are laid out in a semicircle and fastened together with a stapler. This will be the first row of our product. Next, seven cups are laid out. This is the second row of the tree. The process continues further. Fewer and fewer cups fit into each row. Further, all the parts are fastened together and fixed with staplers. Collected in a circle and located one above one, they will become our Christmas tree. Next, the Christmas tree should be decorated. To do this, you can put a toy or ball in each glass.

Herringbone made of feathers

Anyone who has decided to make a New Year's beauty from this material does not need to gut old pillows. Feathers from them are not suitable for crafts. You can purchase the necessary material only in special stores selling handicraft goods. This will be the first stage of work. Next, the feathers will need to be sorted by size and fluffed up a little. This will make it easier to work with them in the future.

When using this lightweight material, the decoration of the product must be done before it is formed. Small plastic beads work well for this. They can also be purchased at a craft supply store.

The beads are carefully glued to the very tips of the feathers. After drying, the resulting blanks are glued in the direction from bottom to top on a cardboard cone. The result is a fluffy one that can be decorated with artificial snow for more resemblance to a real Christmas tree.

A cardboard circle can be glued to the base for stability. A small hole is cut out in the middle of it, into which a brown-painted cardboard tube is inserted.

Autumn is the time when many people start thinking about the most anticipated holiday of the year. We are talking about New Year's preparations, which are associated with loved ones and friends, a fun feast, gifts and, of course, holiday decorations. Most people strive to decorate their home with New Year's decor, which is conducive to celebration and creates a special atmosphere.

Today you can buy any jewelry in the store, but there is nothing more pleasant than hand-made crafts. Hurry up to please yourself with preparations for the most magical holiday, without which it is difficult to imagine the winter season.

How to make a Christmas tree at home?

Today, there are many materials from which you can create a magnificent Christmas tree that will perfectly fit into your interior.

There are a huge number of all kinds of master classes with which you can learn how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Christmas tree made of cones

A Christmas tree made of cones will become a stunning decor element, it can decorate a New Year's table or even serve as an excellent gift. In order to make such a decoration, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • identical cones;
  • durable cardboard paper;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • glitter and gold paint.

First you need to take cardboard and roll it up in the shape of a cone, glue the joint with glue. We use scissors in order to separate the scales from the Christmas tree cones, as it will take quite a lot of them. After that, the cardboard cone is carefully glued with scales, starting from the very bottom.

If you like the original look, you can skip using paint and other decorative elements, but with the help of them, you can add shine and charm to the tree.

The paint is applied with a brush, when it dries, the craft can be decorated with sequins, tinsel, ribbons and other decorative elements.

Christmas tree made of single-layer napkins

To create such a decoration, you will need napkins, thick cardboard and beads. Initially, we construct a cone made of cardboard paper, which will serve as a solid base. Make sure that the cone has straight edges and does not roll over to its side.

Then we take napkins and cut them along the folds, fold them in three and make cuts again. We fold them again and cut them, in the end we should get a small square equal to 1/9 of this napkin.

We use the stapler to staple it in the central part. Then we cut out a circle from the square, and gradually bending its layers, create a rose.

If the resulting flower is slightly uneven, it can always be corrected with scissors. The number of roses depends on the size of the cone. When they are ready, we use glue and begin to glue the flowers from the very top of the head.

Napkins can be taken in several colors, then the Christmas tree will turn out to be brighter and more original. After all the roses are glued, take the beads and also glue them in some places.

You can decorate such a craft with anything, it is easy to manufacture and does not require special costs.

Christmas tree made of paper and cardboard

Such a craft is very easy to make, but it looks elegant and original. Using corrugated paper, the tree will be quite fluffy. To create it you will need:

  • glue;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • different decor to taste.

It makes a conical base of cardboard, the size depends on your wishes. To make it shine through, it is recommended to glue the cone with green paper.

The needles are made from corrugation, finely chopped into small strips. Then these stripes are cut even less, they should resemble a fringe. We use toothpicks to wind paper around them and get small flowers, there should be at least a hundred of them.

After that, they are glued to the cardboard base in such a way that there are no gaps. Christmas tree decor can be anything: ribbons, bows, beads, tinsel and much more.

Interesting ideas for making Christmas trees

The Christmas tree can also be made from pasta. To do this, you need to make a cardboard cone, which is pasted over with pasta of various shapes. After that, the decoration is painted in any color. Instead of pasta, you can use coffee beans, which can be decorated with golden sparkles and bows.

If you are familiar with the art of kanzashi, then making a forest beauty will not be difficult. For this it is necessary to use satin ribbons of green and red colors. A photo of a hand-made Christmas tree will serve as a pleasant reminder of the wonderful New Year's holidays.

The tree of knowledge, folded from stacks of books, will become a unique decoration of your home. It can be decorated with tinsel, ribbons and bows, but it is highly discouraged to hang it with an electric garland.

Vytynanka is a type of Slavic art where jewelry is made of paper. They can often be seen on window panes, and it is quite easy to make protrusions. To do this, you must use paper with a pattern drawn on it. Then the pattern is cut out with a sharp clerical knife.

Making a Christmas tree out of cupcake tins can be an interesting idea. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the molds and string them onto a cone made of durable cardboard paper.

If you have empty spools of thread, these are also ideal for DIY. The bottom row of coils is glued to a round solid base, another one on top, the shape should resemble a cone. Such decoration can be decorated with ribbons and sequins.

A huge variety of Christmas trees that can be made at home will appeal to any needlewoman. Don't forget about materials like candy, feathers, felt, beads, and more. From all this, you can create a bright, elegant and stylish piece of jewelry that will be admired. Choose the version of the Christmas tree and do not forget to make it with love!

DIY Christmas tree photo

1. From thin scotch tape - in 10 minutes
Absolutely any adhesive tape will do: decorative paper, colored or masking tape, and even electrical tape. The main thing is to first make sure that it will adhere well to the wall and will not leave marks after removal. Dress her up with the same “minimalist” decorations made from scraps of colorful ribbons and light paper flags. We glue the star to the top, and the tree is ready!

2. From colored tape
Cutting colored tape or "self-adhesive" into equal triangles and sticking them on the wall, we get a Christmas tree with a geometric pattern that has been topical recently. Let's add some triangles that differ in color - so the toys have been hung up. If you have wallpaper on the wall, the Christmas tree can be glued to the front of the cabinet or to the door.

3. Creative stickers
An option for those who do not want to fiddle with a ruler and scissors is to buy ready-made stickers. This is what the owners of this Scandinavian-style chalet did. They decorated the wall with a Christmas tree made from paper copies of deer antlers.

4. Christmas tree with carnations
Thin nails or pushpins can be used instead of glue. Hang the cardboard stars on them with twine. For the holidays, let the bobbin or coil be the trunk of the tree. Perhaps this is a good example of New Year's Eve improvisation - a Christmas tree can be assembled from any materials at hand with your own hands.

5. In traditional dress
You must have already realized that everything that you stick, stick or stuff on the wall in the form of a Christmas tree will turn into a Christmas tree! So why not use ordinary Christmas toys and garlands for these purposes? Many colorful balls, glittering snowflakes and an electric garland - here it is, a classic! But unusual ...

You can easily make the basis for Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. Take three wooden slats, cut the edges at an angle and join together with a plate. Stuff golden studs around the entire perimeter at an equal distance from each other and randomly pull a woolen thread between them. Now you can hang Christmas tree decorations on the threads.

16. Letters on the wall
New Year's greetings laid out in the form of a tree on the wall will also perfectly replace the traditional Christmas tree: simple, bright and creative. Lightweight letters can be cut from, for example, Styrofoam, and then painted in different colors.

17. Toys on branches
If you tie several branches together, and then hang toys on them, you will get a pretty New Year's craft with your own hands. By the way, this thing is on sale and costs almost 25,000. Additional motivation to go to the forest and collect snags.

19. Shelves for toys
Even more unusual: to do on each branch"Christmas trees" an even longitudinal cut, clean and varnish, and then fasten to the wall so that the aligned sides look up. You will get small shelves on which you can place New Year's toys and decorations.

20. Christmas tree shelf
This stylish and original Christmas tree is made of painted planks. Its charm is that toys can not only be placed on shelves specially created for this, but also hung on nails and pinned with pins. And most importantly, every year you can change the outfit, just like on traditional Christmas trees. If making such a tree at home is problematic, order it at a furniture workshop.

21. Christmas tree - pioneer bonfire
For such a tree, you will have to collect a whole bunch of branches, so this option will work, quicker, for residents of country houses. After you fold the branches with a "pioneer fire", wrap them up with a luminous garland and attach to the toy knots.

22. Christmas trees without needles
This photo is a demonstration of how to create the image of a Christmas tree. Choose a suitable shape (for example, paper cones with five-pointed stars) or decorate any dry branch or small tree with Christmas tree decorations. The best part about such trees is that after them you do not need to remove the needles, and they cost almost nothing.

23. Christmas tree made of cones
A fairly common New Year's craft is a tree made of cones. It is done very simply: glue pine cones onto a cardboard cone using a hot gun. You need to glue them as tightly as possible to each other so that there are no gaps left. Then decorate the tree with beads and small balls, or use natural materials - juniper twigs and rowan berries.

24. Wooden table tree
The triangular frame for this Christmas tree is glued together from three bars with edges cut at an angle. But before gluing the bars, drill holes in two of them at the same distance from each other. Insert a gold wire into the holes and hang the Christmas tree decorations on it. To put the tree on the table, glue two additional wooden cubes and a small wooden support base from below. Using a fishing line, fix the spruce branches to the frame: they will "revive" the tree and fill the room with New Year's scent.

25. Plywood tree
If you know how to work with a jigsaw, you can cut a Christmas tree from a sheet of plywood. To do this, draw a drawing of a Christmas tree on plywood with a pencil and cut first along the outer contour, and then along the inner one. Sand the cut out parts with sandpaper. To make the tree last more than one year, cover the plywood with varnish. This two-dimensional tree can be wall-mounted or suspended from the ceiling. Dress her up to your taste with toys, garlands and tinsel.

The Christmas tree is the most important idea for creativity in preparation for the New Year. Plots of New Year's cards, toys, home decorations revolve around her. And it is not surprising that there are even a huge number of ways to make a Christmas tree from such a simple material as paper. And each option is unlike the other.

Some crafts are simple to make and even a child is quite capable of making them, others require a certain skill and perseverance. Some models of voluminous Christmas trees are not ashamed to give, they look like works of art.

Selecting the required material

To make a Christmas tree out of paper with your own hands, a wide variety of paper and cardboard are used. In most cases, these are ordinary colored paper and cardboard, although Christmas trees made of corrugated paper also look interesting. In addition to colored paper and cardboard, you often need:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • stationery knife;
  • wire.

For postcards: simple yet original

First, let's look at Christmas trees that look great on postcards or as New Year's toys on large forest beauties.

A simple version of a Christmas tree is made up of several squares of paper or cardboard rectangles of different sizes:

  1. Cut five squares out of the paper from largest to smallest. If you are making a Christmas tree from designer cardboard, cut out rectangles with an aspect ratio of 2: 1 and go directly to the third step.
  2. Fold them in half.
  3. Fold the top corners down towards the middle. So that the free edges are at the bottom.
  4. Start gluing from the top.
  5. The top corner of each module should overlap the previous section.

A similar modular Christmas tree consists of 5 origami modules. This model, made of designer cardboard, can be hung on a Christmas tree. Watch the step-by-step master class. Squares can be made in any size, but they do not have to be the same. For example, make the largest square with sides 10 cm, and let the others differ from each other by one centimeter.

Take a square sheet of design cardstock.

Fold it in half diagonally, then unfold and join the other two corners.

On a sheet of cardboard, you should get these fold lines.

Now, along these fold lines, we bring one of the edges of the cardboard pyramid inward.

Then we put the opposite face inside.

Iron the folds with your fingers.

We got two free edges on both sides. Take the top layer by the corner and bend it towards the middle of the triangle.

We do the same on the other side.
The module can be glued to a postcard using double-sided tape.

Subsequent modules are nested inside the previous ones in turn. It turned out to be an original Christmas tree. Glue a ribbon or thread through the top of the tree to hang it as a decoration.

We suggest studying the step-by-step instructions for making a paper Christmas tree from loops. It is suitable for making postcards, appliques or hanging decorations if you attach a loop to it. Of the materials, you only need a square sheet of green colored paper. Also, have a ruler, pencil, scissors, and glue ready.

We take a square sheet of paper. If you have A4 size paper, fold it diagonally with the sides aligned and cut off the excess.

We retreat one centimeter from the fold and draw a parallel line with a simple pencil.

Set aside one centimeter along one of the cut lines.

Then draw parallel lines, connecting the points with a line parallel to the fold.

We cut two sides at once along the lines, having previously secured a sheet of paper with paper clips so that it does not move.

Then we unfold the workpiece.

Now the challenge is to glue all the strips to the middle. First, we do the operation on one side. Then on the other.

Cut off the top with an angle.

You can cut a star out of red paper at the top and glue it on.

A Christmas tree made of paper tubes is suitable for decorating a postcard.

  1. It is necessary to cut several strips of different lengths from colored paper, cardboard, wrapping paper remnants, candy wrappers.
  2. A round pencil will serve as a template.
  3. Just wrap a strip of paper around the pencil, running it lengthwise.
  4. Glue the tube along the cut.
  5. Form a herringbone from the finished tubes.

The Christmas tree is placed not only outside the postcard, but also inside. When you open the postcard, it turns into a three-dimensional figure. And it is very simple to make it. It is necessary to fold several sheets of colored paper of different sizes with an accordion and glue to opposite sides of the postcard.

Try folding a triangular piece of paper from base to top in an accordion manner.

Volumetric models: diagrams, instructions, master classes

Light options for voluminous Christmas trees can be made in half an hour with your child. Moreover, its decoration will take most of the time.

Cone based

The simplest version is a cone made of colored cardboard or ordinary landscape sheet, wrapped in colored paper or corrugated paper. First, take a sheet, roll it into a cone, secure the edges with a stapler or glue. trim the cone so that it is stable.

If corrugated paper is planned on top, then it is best to put it on double-sided tape. Cut thin strips of tape and glue along the cone in several places. Wrap the cone with paper, fold the excess edges inward.

You can decorate such Christmas trees with buttons, ribbons, bows, rhinestones, carved pictures, in general, whatever your heart desires. Decorations are simply glued with glue.

But this is a "smooth" herringbone, and there are also options with "needles", also based on a cone. Corrugated paper needles can look like this:

The fringe is just made of paper. After gluing the needles in a circle on a cone, you get the following result:

The needles can be curled a little so that it does not fit too tightly to the base, but is fluffy, for this use a pencil or scissors. The paper is wrapped around the pencil, and the edge of the scissors is drawn along the fringe.

And how do you like the Christmas tree for the New Year, in which the needles are made from circles of green paper of different shades? It looks beautiful, only the work is painstaking and will take time.

There is also such a manufacturing option.

The base is a cone, which is pasted over in a spiral with a braid made of crumpled paper. The glue is applied to the base. The tape is slightly overlapped.

Video: how to make a corrugated paper braid for a Christmas tree

Christmas trees-vytynanka

Openwork volumetric Christmas trees made of paper using the vytynanka technique are original in themselves, and if they are also decorated with beads, then there will be no limit to their charm.

In order to make such beauty, you will need a clerical knife or nail scissors (they are not very convenient to work with), but first of all you need a template. Pre-print the template or simply transfer the drawing you like onto paper from the monitor screen. It is best to cut the pattern with a knife, placing a wooden board. The number of parts at your discretion: from 2 pieces or more. The more details, the more magnificent the Christmas tree. When all the parts are cut, fold them together, sew with a basting stitch with a needle and thread along and bend so that the sectors are evenly spaced.

We suggest choosing suitable templates:

We considered the case when the parts are glued in the middle, but there are options when they are glued together at the edges. For this, 4 parts are used. During gluing, the edges should be clamped with paper clips so that the parts do not stick out.


Previous options for making three-dimensional Christmas trees were all associated with cutting and gluing. But it can be done by folding. This method belongs to the ancient Japanese art of origami. See how to make a figurine in the video.

Video: volumetric tree using origami technique

Video: origami herringbone - variation


Paper trees are widespread, which are assembled from modules. For example, from cardboard circles. You will need:

  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • wooden stick;
  • glue;
  • beads;
  • base.

Draw a circle on a piece of cardboard using a compass, cut out. Fold four times. Cut off the tip from the top. Then form an accordion along the folds. Then you should string the details on a skewer. They start from the top, glue is applied to the hole of the lower part so that the part does not slide down the skewer. The basis can be a thread spool, wine cork. The diagram is clearly shown in the photo.

Modules are also performed using the quilling technique. For example, from 9 tiers of 6 quilling droplets in each, a wonderful Christmas tree is obtained.

In addition to paper, you will need scissors, glue and a wooden skewer.

  1. Cut narrow strips out of a sheet of paper.
  2. Roll the droplets and rings using the quilling technique.
  3. Create a base around the skewer.
  4. Put a ring on the skewer, secure with glue.
  5. Then assemble the module of six drops, gluing them together, and put on a skewer.
  6. Then again there is a ring and a new module.
  7. Thus, alternate all the way to the top.

Note! The modules must be different in size. Start with the largest diameter, end with the smallest.

It is quite difficult and time-consuming to make a tree that looks like this:

Video: making a corrugated board

This is another stylized herringbone made of round elements. To make it, you will need several circles of paper of different diameters and a wire on which these circles will subsequently be fixed. The circle is divided into 12 sectors with a pencil, cut them without reaching the middle and glue each petal.

The process is shown in detail in the video.

Video: making a needle tree

And another interesting option is from newspaper tubes.

Video: Newspaper tree

Once again, handicraftsmen surprise me: from what people do not make New Year's firs! Some copies are so original that one cannot help but feel respect for the creative author. Many crafts are nice to me, there are some that make me smile, and some are amazing: how could you come up with a picture of a Christmas tree from this? Well, okay, enough prefaces, we still have to watch and watch) For us, the main thing is to look for a suitable idea, at least a little in tune with our tastes, and then, you see, your own imagination will connect, make adjustments) And we will have a completely different craft - the author's ) So, let's see what the people make Christmas trees from?

Let's start with a Christmas tree made of tinsel: the material is inexpensive, the work is simple, it takes little time, and the result is excellent!

To help everyone who wants to make such a Christmas tree - for making.

Christmas decorations

Another simple and affordable way is from Christmas tree decorations, they surely will be found in every home. It will not be difficult to depict the New Year's symbol on the wall (or window, door). You will have to tinker with the volumetric image a little longer.

But the spatial composition looks interesting. And if, instead of threads, you hang the balls on a thin colorless fishing line, the illusion of soaring in the air will be complete.

As a child, we drew Christmas trees in albums, and now we can quite do creative work on the walls of our own house - who will forbid us?

If you decorate a painted spruce tree with real toys or a garland, it turns out very interesting!


Or you can not draw anything: attach the garland to the wall, giving it the shape of a Christmas tree. A wonderful express option for giving the room a New Year's look.

Don't like the tree on the wall? Then "put" it in the center of the room or in the corner)

By the way, an additional plus - then you don't have to waste time removing toys and cleaning fallen needles)

Perhaps most of the options for homemade trees are made of paper: the material is inexpensive, it's easy to work with it, the result can be very good!

Not only colored paper is used, but also napkins, newspapers, pages from books, cardboard packaging.

You can ignore the drawing of paper at all: a charming Christmas tree can be in pastel shades, and in a bright version, and even monochromatic.

Call for help with any paperwork techniques that are familiar to you: quilling, origami, modular origami, and so on.

And do not try to exactly copy the craft from the photo, let you get your own creation. The main thing is for the process to be joyful and enjoyable.

Christmas trees from books and magazines

Making a desktop Christmas tree from an old magazine (well, what can I do, my reverent attitude towards books does not even allow me to assume that crafts can be made from them) will take 20-30 minutes, no more. You can accomplish the task even faster by simply stacking the books in a pile, giving it the appropriate shape.

The variant in the middle photo quite accurately copies the shape of the tree, but, in my opinion, is extremely unstable.

I really like the Christmas trees made of buttons - simple, but so cute! Anyone can handle the job, the main thing is the availability of a sufficient number of buttons for the craft. Once I was just about to make a similar Christmas tree, but there were very few suitable buttons in stock. I went to the store, chose the right ones, counted the right amount. Then I came up with the general result - how much it will cost me a set of buttons for the Christmas tree, and changed my mind about making it.

But I think the idea is worthwhile, anyway I will make such a cute Christmas tree someday.

If you like working with beads, ideas for cute miniature Christmas trees will certainly come in handy on the eve of the holiday.

All of them are good, but two beauties left a particularly strong impression (photo on the left). I sincerely admire the author's skill!

A composite hodgepodge of all sorts of trinkets that any woman must have (earrings, hairpins, buckles, brooches, bracelets, beautiful accessories from handbags, and so on). This is where you can find a worthy use of the wealth accumulated over the years!

The Christmas tree from the clock looks symbolic: as if it reminds us of the transience of time, of the uniqueness of each moment. As if he advises not to waste precious minutes on empty grievances and quarrels, but to live them profitably: to enjoy every day, to talk to loved ones about your love, to rush to do good ...

Want a Christmas tree made of ribbons? Easily! All that is required for work is the tape itself, a glue gun, a stand and a base that plays the role of a barrel. First, prepare pieces of tape: for the bottom row - the longest, for the second (bottom) - a little shorter, and so on. Fix the base (wire, kebab skewer) on the stand. Roll up the pieces of tape, apply glue to the edges and attach to the base.

The glue gun can be replaced with simple bobbin threads. Perhaps this will go even faster than with glue: you can attach not one rolled blank to the barrel, but 2-3 at once.

Christmas trees from sesal, jute, tulle

Christmas trees from a grid (sesal, jute) look very impressive. There is no way to buy this material in our village, otherwise I would definitely try to make such a craft.

But I have everything ahead of me: local florists carefully wrap even tiny bouquets in huge panels of such nets) Another couple of holidays, and I will have plenty of material for the craft)

Crafts from tulle look airy and weightless.

It also holds its shape well, does not sprinkle on the cuts, in general, working with tulle is easy and pleasant)

I have no idea where you can find threads on spools of wood now? We certainly do not have such on sale! I have a couple of wooden rarities (still from Soviet times), so that the children at least know what a wooden reel is. If you have such a rarity in abundance, it will not be difficult to build a Christmas tree)

I like the downtown option the most, do you?

It seems to me that almost no one throws away wine bottle corks) If you have managed to accumulate a sufficient amount - the Christmas tree options are for you!

Even a small one looks good, and even a big one - and even more so!

An excellent option for New Year's decor, crafts made from natural fibers (threads, twine) look especially stylish: cotton, flax, jute, hemp. The base is made of cardboard (triangle, cone). They generously grease it with PVA glue and wrap it with threads.

The Christmas tree blank is ready! And everyone decorates it to their own taste: beads, cones, flowers, dried fruits - whatever you can find at hand.

Luxurious New Year beauties are made from lace - in my opinion, they don't even need additional decoration.

Variations on a lace theme: with a base of paper and fabric, with fragments cut out of lace.

In the photo there are crafts in pastel colors, but you can make them in any color that will fit into your interior.

Christmas trees made of fabric

Have you saved some pretty scraps of fabric that you can't find a use for? Take a closer look at these pretty Christmas trees - maybe you should make one of them?

The option is even simpler - felt Christmas trees. It is very easy to work with this fabric: it does not slip, the edges do not crumble (do not require additional processing), it holds its shape well.

Buttons, simple embroidery, a few beads - and from a modest craft before our eyes it turns into a stylish one.

In my opinion, these are quite fresh ideas.

I liked the fur craft very much. It's a pity that there is no suitable material, otherwise I would gladly make one.

Christmas trees from separate fragments

There is no limit to the fantasies of the craftswomen) Balls of thin strips of fabric, balls of thread, flowers of ribbons - in skillful hands, everything will fit for making a Christmas tree!

And it can also be made from self-made blanks: bows, snowflakes, pompons, and so on.

Christmas trees made of cones

Even a child can make Christmas trees from cones: paint it green, decorate with beads, put an asterisk on the top of the head, fit a stand. Everything! A wonderful craft from natural material is ready.

Don't like the paint option? Then put them aside: see how charming a Christmas tree made of ordinary cones looks, without any additional decoration. The crafts in the photo on the right seem to be covered with frost: it is easy to depict it using artificial snow (spray). No coveted spray can? It doesn't matter: take PVA glue and a brush, grease each bump and sprinkle it with the material at hand (flour, starch, sugar, salt, soda, grated polystyrene is also possible))) It will turn out just as good!

And if you add a little vanilla to the artificial frost, the Christmas trees will smell of fresh baked goods - a small nuance to create a festive atmosphere.

Nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of ideas and material for creativity! See what can be adjusted for New Year's crafts!

From brushwood, you can make both a small tree and a rather impressive size - in full size.

If the sight of bare branches makes you sad, just decorate them with Christmas decorations.

I liked these vintage plywood trees - they have an inexplicable charm in them. And I would very much like to thank the author of the Christmas tree shelf for the great idea: it is both beautiful and practical, and a festive mood has been created)

And here are the stunningly beautiful Christmas trees made of wood! I would not give up any of them if I could buy. It is not enough to do it with your own hands, there is nothing to try.

The hand of a real master is visible here.

Christmas trees from seafood

If you (like me) like to wander along the seashore in the early morning, collecting shells you like, turned by waves of glass - there is more than enough material for such a craft.

True, I did not come across starfish, but there will be enough shells and glass for a Christmas tree three meters high.

You won't surprise anyone with Christmas trees made of fruits, but nevertheless I included them in the selection, the ideas of execution seemed to me very successful.

For crafts, you can take any fruits, up to dried mushrooms and capsicum, but, as I think, should be mandatory.

Any child's dream)

Maybe we can work as wizards? Children need so little for happiness ... By the way, a Christmas tree can be made not only from sweets.

Christmas trees made from coffee beans

New Year tree ideas for lovers of an exquisite drink. If you want with lace - please, in a stylish snow-white design - no problem!

I guess the dyed grain craft won't be as fragrant as her friends on the left.

The attractive shapes of today's pasta, as well as their variety, have not escaped the attention of lovers of craftsmanship. They quickly found use, including for the manufacture of Christmas trees.

The craft in the photo on the left for some reason reminded of the lost treasures of the Incas)

A lot of time and effort was spent on the construction of bottle Christmas trees.

It's interesting to watch, but for some reason I don't want to repeat)

You know, considering all sorts of ideas, of course, is very interesting, but trying to collect them in one article is unrealistic) Somewhere in the middle of the selection, I realized that it was necessary to somehow group ideas more closely, otherwise the review would drag on indefinitely)

Christmas trees from what you want

I could not think of a more accurate name for this group of crafts) Well, really, how can you combine all this variety under one concept?

A little imagination, a minimum of decor, and the role of a Christmas tree will be successfully performed by glass jars, flower pots and plastic yogurt cups.

If suddenly you have a lot of wooden rulers and brushes, and you have no idea how to attach them to the case - these are great ideas!

And another practical option) The appearance changes depending on the intensity of the decoration. And if you equip the ladders with improvised shelves, they can be placed on them even for a very large family.

And, if absolutely nothing more suitable was at hand, make Christmas trees from what you have a lot)

Well, have you picked up a suitable idea, wanted to repeat something from what you saw? No? Then we continue)

A separate section is devoted to metal crafts. I didn't think there would be so many ideas!

And, I repeat, I took only a part, trying to cover as many options as possible. The Christmas tree made of mesh touched, and from the barbed wire - inspired sadness and unpleasant associations.

I noted the Christmas tree made of bicycle rims for myself as interesting and uncomplicated in execution, but I looked at the installation of clothes hangers for a long time, but unsuccessfully: I did not manage to understand how this structure was created.

O! Here are interesting crafts - from horseshoes. If (as the old folk tradition says) even one such metal product is capable of giving a person happiness, can you imagine what will happen to the owner of a whole Christmas tree set? Yes, he just has to be completely happy all his life) True, only the horseshoes found have magical properties ... So postpone the raid on the nearest stable) Better look for a place where scattered horses constantly lose their horseshoes, then everything will be according to the rules)

And here are a few more ideas for a New Year's symbol made of metal. How do you like works of art from ordinary saws? I was impressed, and how!

And two more pretty beauties.

A fragile Christmas tree made of light bulbs and a miniature techno tree.

But cozy and practical crafts: after the holiday, pillows can be used for their intended purpose)

Of course, you cannot ignore the New Year's money tree)

And do not say that you have absolutely nowhere to put the Christmas tree, or that you are bored with its familiar look. If desired, everything can be solved!

So our review has come to an end. I hope that at least one of the proposed ideas seemed worth the effort and time to create it.

If you are still prettier than an ordinary live Christmas tree, it is not necessary to put a whole tree: from several branches and floral foam (sponge) you can make a charming mini-spruce. Just do not forget to moisturize the foam, then the branches will retain their freshness for a long time (rich color of needles and aroma).

Or just put a few branches in your favorite vase - it's up to you to decide what and how your Christmas tree will be made of!

Go to the competition page - there are also many interesting Christmas tree crafts (and not only)! Very convenient: if you find your own version - a detailed description of the manufacture is attached)

It's a pity, but surely many of the interesting ideas were not included in my collection for a simple reason - I did not see them. Join, supplement the selection with your ideas in the comments, there is still time before the holiday, let there be as many options for crafts as possible! And one more thing: many are ashamed (judging by myself) to show their own works, considering them too simple (ugly, not worthy of attention, and so on). This is mistake! Do not deprive us of the joy and pleasure of admiring your work. Who knows - maybe it is your idea that needlewomen have been looking for for a long time and unsuccessfully, so help them find it!

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