How to remove bruises under the eyes at home. A bruise under the eye after a blow. How to quickly remove a bruise

In order to quickly get rid of a bruise under the eye resulting from an injury, you can use several methods - medications and traditional medicine recipes. The speed of bruise resorption depends on the degree of skin damage and on how timely measures were taken to reduce subcutaneous hemorrhage. In the first minutes after the injury, it is necessary to apply cooling compresses, which can significantly reduce the area of ​​the hematoma. There are also some symptoms in which you need to see a doctor so as not to lose your eyesight and not get serious complications from traumatic brain injury.

Why is a bruise formed and what is its danger?

A bruise under the eye from a blow can form not only during a fight, but also during domestic injuries. When struck or bruised, blood vessels are damaged - they rupture and blood under pressure enters the subcutaneous tissue without violating the integrity of the skin. The size of the bruise depends on how much blood has flowed out of the damaged vessels. According to the mechanism of formation, a bruise is a hematoma - the formation of a cavity in the tissues containing liquid or clotted blood.

With a strong blow to the eye, the skin becomes painful and begins to swell, and a small swelling appears. The color of the hematoma varies from bright red (immediately after the impact) to purple. After 2-3 days, the color becomes darker and then yellowish-green. The color of the skin changes due to the breakdown of hemoglobin during its utilization in damaged tissues. A bruise forms at the site of the impact within 1-2 hours. Therefore, to stop the formation of hematoma and edema under the eye, you must immediately use a cold compress - ice or a wet bandage (gauze) dipped in cold water. They are applied for 5-10 minutes every half hour or hour. Breaks should be taken in order not to freeze the skin. Ice promotes vasoconstriction, thereby reducing the volume of the hematoma. Instead of ice, you can use a bottle of cold water wrapped in a tissue or towel, and a cold spoon.

In the following hours, agents are used that improve the condition of blood vessels and restore blood supply to the tissues. Bruises usually disappear on their own in 1-2 weeks. Dry heat is used to improve blood circulation on the second or third day after the injury. At the same time, they begin to massage the skin around the orbit in a circular motion.

The bruises are not as harmless as they might seem. If, after a fight, a child or an adult has bruises under both eyes ("glasses symptom"), then this indicates a fracture of the base of the skull. A characteristic symptom is a clear-colored cerebrospinal fluid from the nose. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help, since the lack of treatment is fatal. The bones of the orbit have a fragile structure, which can crack from a strong blow, and the retina of the eye can peel off. In the absence of remedial measures, a person will completely lose their sight. If, upon a blow to the eye, a rupture of the vessels inside the skull occurs, then this leads to cerebral hemorrhage.

If you have the following signs, you should contact a traumatologist or the admission department of the hospital:

  • bilateral symmetrical bruising in both eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • deterioration of vision.

The hospital will be scheduled for an examination by an ophthalmologist who examines the fundus. Doctors will do an examination using a computed tomogram or an ultrasound of the brain to rule out cerebral hemorrhage. In other cases, the treatment of hematoma under the eye can be carried out at home using medicinal ointments or folk remedies.

The use of medications

To eliminate the bruise, the following pharmacy products are used:

  • Gel Troxevasin and its analogues - Troxerutin Vetprom, Troxerutin-MIC, Troxevenol, Troxerutin Vramed, Troxerutin Zentiva. The main component troxerutin contained in their composition strengthens and restores the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation in tissues, and has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Heparin ointment (gel) and its analogues - Venitan Forte, Trombless Plus. Heparin stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and blood vessels, helps relieve puffiness and reduces the "blooming" of bruises. The ointment is applied to the skin every 3 hours in circular massaging movements, while trying not to get into the eyes. Heparin helps to get rid of light bruises quickly in 2-3 days, severe injuries will require longer treatment.
  • Bruise Off gel based on medicinal leech extract has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to heal bruises on the face and body in a short time. There is a version of this drug with a toning effect that allows you to "mask" a bruise under a thick layer of gel.
  • Badyaga ointment or Badyaga Forte gel, Badyaga 911 based on freshwater sponge extract activates local blood circulation, has exfoliating properties. The drug is not recommended for use on dry skin. In case of contact with the mucous eyes, they must be rinsed with plenty of water. Badiaga Forte contains in its composition small particles of silica, which penetrate into the upper layers of the skin and have an irritating effect, due to which blood circulation improves and a resorbing effect is manifested.
  • Balm Rescuer is created on the basis of natural ingredients. The regenerative effect is provided by the sea buckthorn and essential oils, carotenoids and tocopherol, as well as a decoction of calendula, which are part of it.

These ointments dry out the delicate skin under the eyes quite strongly, so it is recommended to additionally use moisturizers. There are also contraindications for the use of these drugs - individual intolerance and open wounds (for drugs based on heparin and badyagi). Before the first application of ointments and gels, an elbow bend test should be performed.


In the absence of special medications to eliminate the bruise, you can use the advice of traditional medicine:

  • Applying an iodine mesh to the bruise. On the second day after the injury, a mesh of 5% iodine tincture is applied to the damaged area with a cotton swab. Iodine has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and warming effect, improves blood circulation. If you apply the mesh at night, it will be absorbed into the skin until morning.
  • Fresh cabbage leaves are beaten off so that they begin to secrete juice. The leaves are wrapped in gauze and applied to the bruise. You need to change the compresses as they dry. Since the leaves are inconvenient to hold in front of your eyes, you can use gruel from chopped and rinsed cabbage as a compress. Gauze with gruel is fixed on the face with plasters. This folk remedy is one of the most effective.
  • Boiled beans are crushed until puree. The resulting gruel is used as a compress at night.
  • Rub the green radish on a fine grater and apply the gruel to the damaged area several times a day.
  • The bromelain enzyme found in pineapple is widely used in cosmetology as an anti-inflammatory and decongestant. At home, wipe the bruise with fresh juice or pieces of this fruit.
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey is heated in a water bath and 1 tbsp. l. dried plantain leaves. The resulting gruel is applied to the bruise. You can use pure honey, as well as its mixture with aloe.
  • Potato starch has a softening, soothing effect and helps remove excess water from swollen tissues. To treat a bruise, starch powder is diluted with warm water to a creamy state and applied to the skin. Instead of powder, you can use raw potatoes - grate them on a fine grater and attach to the bruise.
  • Wash banana with soap and peel. Cut it into small pieces and apply to the hematoma under the eye. Banana peel has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A cut aloe leaf is applied to the damaged area or a compress is made from the gruel of finely chopped leaves. For treatment, it is better to use an old plant, since it accumulates more nutrients. The compress can be secured with gauze and plaster.
  • 2 tsp badyagi powder (it can be purchased at the pharmacy) is mixed with 1 tsp of warm water. It is applied to the skin under the eye and kept on the bruise until the product dries. Then it is washed off with warm water and applied again.
  • 2-3 days after the formation of a bruise, you can start heating it with dry heat. To do this, coarse table salt or clean, washed river sand is heated in a frying pan, poured into a small linen bag and applied to the bruise for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

It is not recommended to use tinctures on alcohol or vinegar to eliminate black eye, as they can irritate the eye. Essential oils can also help remove bruises. For fresh hematomas, use lavender, thyme oil, and for the old - rosemary.

A blow under the eye is fraught with the fact that the consequences can be "on the face" for a long time. Today on the site you will learn what to do if there is swelling in the eyelid area.

It's no secret that it is in this area, around the eyes, that the skin is especially delicate. This is because there are no subcutaneous fat cells in it. Therefore, even a minor injury leads to bruising, swelling.

Blow under the eye: what to do?

Stop panicking and see if you have any bodyagi powder or gel, raw potato at home. Just remember that if there are still wounds on the skin after the blow, then absorbable ointments and compresses should not be done. It is important to seek qualified medical attention. The doctor will prevent the formation of an unaesthetic scar in the delicate skin area.

And be careful when applying certain gels, ointments. Try not to get into the eye!

Chill: ambulance number one

Immediately try to apply a cold object to the sore spot. Everything will suit you here: from a copper coin to a simple spoon.

Due to the effects of cold, the puffiness spreads more slowly around the eye. It is especially good to do this if the blood vessels have been damaged from this blow. Otherwise, then the bruise will be too obvious.

It's great if there is ice. Only from contact with warm skin will it melt too much. Therefore, it is worth putting it in a simple bag, and then wrapping it in a layer of thin cotton fabric.

Lotions from medicinal plants

After you apply the cold, herbal lotions will work well. From the same St. John's wort, heather, plantain, tansy. Prepare an herbal decoction, soak a bandage or gauze in the solution and apply to the area after impact. Just attention: the compress needs to be cooled, otherwise if you apply warm bandages, the process will only get worse.

Tea compress

If there is neither time nor opportunity to prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs, the site may advise you to brew tightly. In order to remove the tumor after a strong blow, you need a strong infusion.

Potato lotions

To remove puffiness under the eyes after a blow, you need to do lotions. Rubbed is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that can help cope with the effects of a blow to the eye.

Take one potato and grate 1/3 of it. Now take cheesecloth and wrap the resulting mass in two or three layers. Apply a similar lotion to the sore spot for five minutes, you can hold it for another two minutes longer.

After such a procedure, the skin should be gently wiped with warm water. Then be sure to apply a cream with a light texture.

If there is no time or opportunity to grate the potato, then simply cut it in two. Place the cut place the vegetable on the area where the bruise and swelling arose.

How to use a bodyagu?

The swelling from a sharp blow to the eye will go away if you try it. The tool has sufficient effectiveness. Bodyaga enhances blood circulation - it is this property of the product that is responsible for such a resorbing effect.

You can buy bodyagi gel at any pharmacy. It can be simply smeared on and then removed just as easily.

Please note that after some time after application, the skin will tingle slightly. That is why keeping it longer than a quarter of an hour is not worth it. It is better to do the procedures more often, but for a shorter period than vice versa.

As a rule, the use of bodyagi gel allows you to reduce puffiness under the eyes from the second day of use.

How to remove edema with medicines?

Of course, there are medications that can usually be prescribed for swelling. And they really help remove the swelling faster. But it is still advisable to consult with a specialist before use, carefully read the instructions. Because some of the products are characterized by a warming effect. And this means that in the first time after the injury, they should not be used. Otherwise, the vessels will expand, and the hematoma will only become even larger.

The following drugs can help you:

  • Fastum gel or Bystrumgel - relieves puffiness and pain.
  • Dolobene - removes mainly soreness.
  • Ketonal - among other things, it is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is important to understand that a bruise in some other area where the skin is not so delicate is one thing. But a swelling under the eye after a blow is completely different. And if in a short period of time after using simple folk remedies the whole problem has not been resolved, you should consult a doctor. You may need to use a special ointment, resemble physiotherapy procedures, or.

  1. Reduce your fluid intake in the afternoon and avoid drinking at night.
  2. When you go to bed, turn to the healthy side of your face. If the skin comes into contact with the fabric of the pillow, then it will necessarily heat up. And this can increase the swelling, even if some time has passed since the injury.
  3. Take antihistamines. But be careful and only after consulting a doctor.

By the way, consultation with a specialist is a necessary measure if it is not a simple injury, but a strong blow. When after him double vision, the entire upper jaw is numb, there is bleeding, it is difficult to open your mouth. Or, for example, there are fractures of the cheekbones, the bones of the nose - then one cannot do without a surgeon.

How to remove a black eye

First aid for a black eye

The sooner you start fighting the bruise, the better your chances of winning. As soon as the unpleasant stain begins to appear, apply cold to it. This can be an ice pack or a cold compress. You need to keep it for at least 15 minutes, but from time to time take it away from the eyelid, otherwise you will overcool the eye, and this is also useless.

Despite the fact that bee venom is popularly considered a good cure for hematomas, you should not use it for bruises.

If you have a drug like Rescuer, Bruise off, or SOS in your home medicine cabinet, apply it to the injured eyelid. Such funds dissolve bruises and bruises well. You can also use a cosmetic gel that contains leech extract.

How to remove bruises under the eyes at home

Badiagi powder will help get rid of a small bruise. Dissolve a small amount in 1 tbsp. l. water, wrap in a thin layer of gauze and apply compresses. Several treatments a day will be sufficient.

Onions and salt, as strange as it may seem to you, can be used to treat bruises. Grind a small onion into a gruel, add 1 tbsp to it. l. salt and wait a couple of minutes for the onion to drain the juice. Drain it and wrap the pulp in cheesecloth. Apply the compress to the bruise for a few minutes. Little pleasant, but there will be a lot of sense.

Both badyaga and onions dry the skin and can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes. Therefore, compresses with them can be kept no longer than 5-7 minutes.

A matter of honor: black eye

  • More details

Potato starch is more gentle. Gruel from starch and water should be applied to the hematoma and washed off after half an hour. Repeat the procedure after a couple of hours. The starch won't heal the bruise, but it will lighten it.

How to remove a black eye with medication in a day

Traditional methods help when the bruise is not very large and not dark. In more difficult cases, it is better to use pharmaceutical preparations with absorbable action. One of them is Troxevasin ointment. But it will only help quickly if you start using it immediately after the injury. Then in 12 hours one memory will remain from the bruise.

If the hematoma still remains, add heparin to Troxevasin. There are no special conditions for the use of these drugs, there are no contraindications either. Therefore, just do everything as it is written in the instructions. Together, these two ointments will improve blood circulation, and as a result, the bruise will dissolve faster.

How to quickly remove a black eye? Almost every person asks this question at least once in his life. To appear in public in this form is not at all comme il faut, but you have to go to work. After all, no one will give a sick leave for two weeks.

In this article, you will learn how to quickly heal a black eye, what to look for in first aid, and how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

If the blow to the eye was strong, then the vessels in the depth of the orbit may be injured. A massive hemorrhage is formed, which ophthalmologists call a retrobulbar hematoma. In this case, the eyeball protrudes slightly outward compared to the other eye. The hematoma compresses the nerves that guide the oculomotor muscles. Therefore, the range of motion of the eyeball is reduced in comparison with the healthy one. The patient complains of double vision and decreased vision.

If there is a bruise, damage to the eyeball is possible. An eye injury is indicated by hemorrhage under the conjunctiva, an irregular pupil, a visible tissue defect. A strong decrease in eye pressure is possible, the eye feels like a deflated ball.

Therefore, first you need to carefully examine the site of the injury, and only then decide how to get rid of the bruise.

First aid

Attention! At the slightest suspicion of eye injury or retrobulbar hematoma. you need to seek medical help as soon as possible

Some consequences of a contusion, such as retinal detachment, may take a long time to manifest. Therefore, in the first days after the injury, it is better to control the visual acuity, alternately closing the eyes.

To quickly get rid of bruises under the eyes, it is necessary to reduce the amount of hemorrhage as much as possible. The sooner you apply cold to your eye, the less bruising you will get. At home, you can use ice from the freezer or any frozen food. It should be wrapped in a clean cloth so as not to injure the skin with ice crystals. Cold metal objects can be used.

Keep the cold on the eye for no more than 15 minutes. The compress can be repeated several times during the first days after the injury. This procedure helps to quickly relieve swelling.

If the impact site is very painful, you can take any analgesic, such as Nurofen or Analgin. Aspirin cannot be taken on the first day, it increases the risk of repeated hemorrhage.

Verified funds

How to quickly get rid of a black eye? On the second and next days, dry heat is used to accelerate blood resorption. For the procedure, heat the salt in a dry frying pan and put it in a cloth bag or clean, tight sock. The salt should not be hot. For the same purpose, you can use a boiled egg. The exposure time is 15 minutes, repeat 2-3 times a day.

Gently massaging the healthy tissue around the eye activates the lymphatic system to help reduce swelling. You cannot massage the bruise itself!

You can quickly remove the fingal under the eye with the help of pharmacy products.

The badyaga in the form of a gel helps a lot in the fight against bruises, it is sold under the names "Badyaga Forte" or "Badyaga 911". The drugs activate blood circulation in the skin of the eyelids. This accelerates the resorption of hemorrhage, helps to quickly reduce the tumor. The badyagu must be applied to the eyelids 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Judging by the reviews, this remedy is able to remove a small bruise under the eye in one day.

Products containing heparin are good for bruising. They are available as heparin ointment or gel. Gel forms contain 10 times more active ingredient, do not leave marks on the skin. These include Heparin Akrigel 1000 and Lyoton. The recommended frequency of use is up to three times a day.

There are many positive reviews about Troxevasin ointment. It tones up blood vessels, reduces their permeability. This helps to relieve swelling and leads to rapid resolution of the bruise.

To help the bruise go away faster, you can combine dry heat with ointments. First, apply the ointment to your eyelids and then apply dry heat. So the effect of the drugs will be higher.

Natural recipes

There are many ways to quickly get rid of the headache at home. Here are the simplest and most effective recipes.

  1. Grind raw potatoes, wrap in gauze, apply to the eye 2-3 times a day for half an hour. Potato starch, slightly diluted with water, can be used with the same frequency.
  2. Grate a medium onion on a fine grater and mix with one tablespoon of salt. Then transfer the gruel to cheesecloth, squeeze the juice thoroughly. Apply for 30 minutes 2-3 times a day.
  3. You can remove a bruise with raw meat. Put a thin meat plate on the eyelid, cover with a gauze napkin and fix with adhesive plaster. The bandage needs to be changed every hour. Apply an iodine mesh to the eyelid at night.
  4. Aloe speeds up healing by helping the bruise go away quickly. Grind the aloe leaf to a gruel state. Then add one teaspoon of crushed celandine, you can dry it. Fold the mixture in gauze, apply to the eye for 30 minutes. The juice should not get into the eye, so it is better to squeeze it out first.

There are many tips on how to quickly remove a bruise under the eye. This proves that there is no universal recipe. Use the advice in this article to find your treatment option.

By itself, a bruise can take from a week to two, with treatment, the time can be reduced to 3-4 days. But even if it does not completely dissolve, it is much easier to mask the remnants of a fingal than a blooming hematoma.

Disguise correctly

To make the defect invisible, you need to use a tinting agent. But the usual foundation is not suitable for the lower eyelid due to its dense structure. In this area, it easily rolls into the grooves on the eyelid.

There are special means for toning the eyelids - concealers. They have a lighter texture and a brighter shade than conventional foundation. This allows the concealer to remove the bluish tinge of the eyelid skin. The reflective particles in the product give the skin a healthy look.

Dark circles under the eyes

They spoil the mood of their owners no less than bruises. They give a person a tired, unhealthy look, make the face look old. Those who are seriously thinking about how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes should look for the reasons for their appearance. It could be

  • lack of sleep
  • overwork,
  • frequent alcohol consumption,
  • infestation with helminths,
  • diseases of the internal organs.

In this case, eliminating the root cause will help deal with the cosmetic problem.

If you have blue under your eyes from early childhood, you do not suffer from chronic diseases, such circles are present in blood relatives, then you can think about the peculiarities of the structure of the eyelid skin.

In this case, a professional cosmetologist will help you quickly remove circles under the eyes. Beauty salons use laser whitening, hyaluronic acid microinjections, effective masks, manual or hardware massage to stimulate blood and lymph circulation.

At home, it is convenient to use any eyelid gel that removes dark circles under the eyes. It usually contains collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, substances that improve blood circulation. This helps to restore the healthy appearance of the eyelid skin. Patches have been created specially for the care of the skin of the eyelids - special fabric or hydrogel masks impregnated with useful substances.

Grandma's secrets

Below are recipes on how to remove dark circles under the eyes. All of them are time-tested and therefore effective. To get a visible result, compresses and masks should be done daily or every other day for 1-2 months.

So, for circles under the eyes, use the following compresses:

  1. For a tea compress, you need one tablespoon of dry tea and a quarter cup of boiling water. Brew tea, cool, then apply on eyelids with a cotton pad. It is recommended to soak the disc in a tea solution every five minutes. The compress is applied for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Parsley has good whitening properties. It should be crushed, pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist covered until cooled. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting infusion, keep it on the eyelids for 20 minutes. Perform the procedure before bedtime.
  3. Contrast compresses from herbal infusions not only whiten the skin, but also help relieve swelling of the eyelids. For such a compress, it is good to use parsley, chamomile or sage.
  4. Pour a tablespoon of plant materials with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Then pour the infusion into two containers. Add 1-2 ice cubes to one of them. Dip a cotton pad in a container with warm solution, apply to eyes for a few minutes. Do the same with cold infusion. So repeat a few times. Complete the compress with a cold solution.

Masks made from regular products can help improve skin color and smooth out black circles under the eyes.

  • Sour cream mask: finely grated cucumber, mix with chopped parsley and sour cream in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Apply the mixture on eyelids for 20 minutes.
  • Curd mask: knead the fatty curd well, you can add quite a bit of strong black tea. Then transfer the mass to cheesecloth and use as a mask.

In general, getting rid of dark circles under the eyes is not easy and requires patience and effort. But a clear look and a rejuvenated face are worth it!

There are many different methods and techniques that explain how to remove a bruise from a blow. Most often, in this regard, a variety of medicines are used in combination with traditional medicine. This combination of various approaches to therapy leads to a fairly good result in the shortest possible time. At the same time, it is important to fully follow all the recommendations, as well as clearly understand in which case which of the methods should be used.

Possible causes of the problem

In most cases, bruising under the eyes after a blow appears within a few hours. This phenomenon is considered very common due to certain physiological characteristics of the human body. At the same time, it is important to understand that its reasons are different:

  • receiving a punch from another person;
  • falling from the height of your own body;
  • accidental blow to any object, etc.

The duration of how long the bruise from the blow goes away can vary from one to three weeks. This is due to a number of factors. Among them, doctors distinguish the degree of vascular damage, the correctness of first aid, the use of certain drugs and alternative methods of treatment, the individual characteristics of the human body and the strength of the resulting injury.

If a black eye appears without a blow, the reasons can be very varied. Most often they are associated with any disease or physiological characteristics of the body. Among them, doctors identify the following possible factors:

  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • thrombocytopathy and thrombocytopenia;
  • deficiency of blood clotting factors;
  • connective tissue pathology;
  • purpura caused by long-term steroid use;
  • taking medications;
  • lack of vitamin P;
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • lack of vitamin K;
  • Rendu-Osler disease;
  • phlebeurysm.

If a bruise appears under the eye without a blow, the reasons should be found out with a doctor at a medical institution. Otherwise, if you have an injury, you should not always visit a doctor. This is due to the fact that in such situations, a specialist can hardly help in anything other than prescribing the known methods of treatment described in the article.

Some basic rules of treatment

Before completely removing a bruise under the eye from a blow, it is necessary first of all to study the possibility of using certain methods of therapy. Most often they are based on exposure to heat or cold. In this case, the period of use of a particular method plays an essential role.

It is important to note several proven principles

Bruises under the eyes after hitting the head should be removed with the help of exposure to cold after 1 hour. If more time has passed, it is no longer worth cooling the site of the injury.
Bruises under the eyes after a blow should be removed with warm lotions after 24 hours have passed after receiving a bruise. Until that time, you should not warm up the area in which the hematoma is forming.

Experts also pay attention to the fact that even after several days after the blow, heat can help to a certain extent, since it affects the process of resorption of the blood clot under the skin.

A bruise under the eye from a blow must be removed with the help of cold only through multilayer gauze or some kind of fabric. It should be moistened in chilled solutions with the addition of any medicines or plants. Cold influences several important factors in bruising.

Its useful action is as follows:

  • removal of puffiness;
  • reduction of redness;
  • decreased blood circulation rate;
  • acceleration of the tissue healing process.

Before removing bruises under the eyes after a thermal shock, you need to prepare gauze or cloth. Hot medicines should be wrapped in them, and then applied to the skin. The benefits of these treatments are as follows:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • resorption of blood clots;
  • removal of blood clots.

First aid

Any remedy for bruising under the eyes from a blow will be effective only after proper first aid. Immediately after the injury, swelling appears within the first minutes. That is why cold should be applied to the wound area. To do this, you can even use improvised means - ice from the refrigerator, snow, or just a metal object. This could be a spoon, a coin, or a phone cover. Such a cold compress should be on the skin for at least 15-20 minutes. At the same time, it can be changed periodically, as it will heat up due to body temperature. During this therapy, the edema will decrease, as well as the bleeding under the skin will stop. Before removing the bruise under the eye from a blow in this way, it is worth wrapping the object in some kind of fabric.

A cold compress can by itself prevent soreness from occurring. But at the same time, this does not always happen efficiently enough. That is why an equally important point in first aid is taking an analgesic. Among them, experts distinguish the following:

Analgin. Its main active ingredient is sodium metamizole. This drug combines two effects - analgesic and antipyretic. This means that the remedy not only reduces the level of painful sensations, but also reduces body temperature. Analgin is not a cure for bruising under the eyes from blows, but only a medication that reduces pain.
No-Shpa. Another popular name for this drug is Drotaverin, which is due to the main active ingredient - drotaverine hydrochloride. The pharmacological group of the drug is myotropic antispasmodics. This medicine for bruising under the eyes from a blow only helps with symptoms in the form of pain. But at the same time, it does not in any way eliminate the external signs of injury.
Spazmalgon. The main active ingredient of this drug is sodium metamizole. And also fenpiverinium bromide and pitofenone hydrochloride are additionally present in the preparation. This combined analgesic with a pronounced antispasmodic activity can easily relieve a person from pain due to a bruise. If a bruise appears under the eye without a blow, Spazmalgon can sufficiently help from the discomfort. The same applies to the presence of injury, but in this case, the drug will not help against other signs - edema and discoloration.
Paracetamol. The medicine is an analgesic and antipyretic from the group of anilides; it additionally has an antipyretic effect, in addition to an anesthetic. When choosing how to treat a bruise under the eye from a blow, it is worth remembering that Paracetamol is not a medicine that relieves you of the problem, but only a means that reduces the level of pain.

Doctors advise against using Aspirin.

This is due to the fact that, in addition to the analgesic effect, it also affects the blood thinning. This can contribute to more prolonged bleeding. First of all, a similar adverse effect can be observed with damage to the subcutaneous vessels.

Effective drugs

Many people are interested in how much a bruise under the eye will go away from a blow if no treatment is taken. In the case when it is not very strong, the process can take even up to two weeks. If the bruise is small, then it will go away in 7-14 days. But at the same time, you can speed up healing with the help of special medicines. They can be made in various forms - in the form of an ointment, cream, gel, etc. Mostly all drugs are local, that is, applied directly to the site of injury.


A popular remedy for bruising under the eyes from a blow is Troxevasin. Many experts recommend using it every hour. If you treat the area of ​​injury so often, the consequences of the injury will disappear within three days.

The main property of Troxevasin is its effect on blood clots under the skin. This drug promotes their resorption, due to which the ugly shade of damage gradually disappears. In addition, the drug strengthens blood vessels, which ultimately prevents additional bleeding.

Before removing bruises under the eyes after a blow with Troxevasin, you should pay attention to the fact that in the event of another injury, the consequences of the blow will be less pronounced and serious.


A bruise under the eye from a blow, a remedy such as Bruise-Off can help remove in a matter of days. This is due to the fact. That such a drug has a complex effect on the injury, which is expressed in the following:

  • reducing the swelling of the surrounding tissues;
  • resorption of bruises;
  • removal of the inflammatory process.

For those people who cannot understand how to completely or at least partially disguise a black eye from a blow, Bruise-Off can be a good tool that solves their problem. This is due to the fact that the product also has a tonal effect. It can easily replace the use of creams, powders or other cosmetic products in the presence of a therapeutic effect.

When choosing how to treat bruises under the eyes from a blow, it is worth remembering that the duration of this process may be different. As for the Sinyak-Off drug, the desired result in the form of resorption of the bruise can be obtained already on the third day of therapy. But it should be noted that there is a variety in the duration of treatment, associated with the individual characteristics of the human body, the method of applying the agent, as well as the severity of the problem.

Heparin ointment

Determining how to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow, many doctors are faced with such a phenomenon as the significant help in this process, which is provided by the well-known heparin ointment. This is due to one important property of the drug - increased blood coagulation activity.

After just a few days of using heparin ointment, the patient can expect that his bruise will gradually disappear. In this case, it is very important to apply the product to the skin three times a day.

Heparin ointment - a remedy for bruises under the eyes from a blow is also distinguished by the fact that its active components contribute to the antisthetic effect. This means that the use of this drug helps to eliminate painful sensations in the place of traumatization of a person's face.


Gel Lioton is also one of the popular drugs used for bruising under the eyes. This is due to a number of various factors, among which experts distinguish the following:

Strengthening the vascular walls. This not only helps to stop bleeding, but also allows you to achieve a condition in which additional trauma cannot easily damage the arteries. This will only happen with a fairly strong blow.
Prevention of the development of the inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues. This prevents the occurrence of painful sensations, swelling, hyperthermia and redness.

Any remedy for bruising under the eyes from a blow has very few side effects. That is why these drugs are sold without a prescription. In order to use them, you just need to read the instructions for use.

Severe blows to the head may result in a concussion. That is why it is far from always that when a bruise occurs under the eyes, it is worth immediately using certain medications. In some cases, it is necessary to go to the hospital for an appropriate examination that can exclude the presence of adverse consequences.

Popular folk methods

How to disguise a bruise from a blow? The question is quite important for many people. This is due to the fact that not always a person with a facial trauma can go to work or leave their home. That is why traditional medicine in this regard has made it possible to create a lot of various methods. Before using any specific of them, you should fully analyze the features of each, and the possible result to which they can lead.

Cabbage leaves

When a blow to the eye has been received, if there is cabbage nearby, use the leaf as a possible way to prevent dark bruising. To do this, it should be crushed into small pieces almost to the formation of a gruel.

Bruises under the eyes after a blow to the nose or eye can be removed after a compress with cabbage using the following technology:

  1. First you need to freeze vodka and water, mixed in equal proportions in the freezer of the refrigerator.
  2. After that, small pieces of the resulting ice should be slowly rubbed into the place where the blow fell. This should be done as often as possible at regular intervals.

It is not worth waiting for the time for the black eye from the blow to pass. You can solve the problem, or contribute to it, in other ways rather quickly. Do not forget that ice can be used only immediately upon receiving a bruise. As for the cabbage leaves, they are allowed to be used throughout the entire treatment process.

Food starch

No less popular than cabbage is starch from bruises under the eyes from a blow. This is due to the fact that this substance is able to significantly lighten the skin after bruising. In order to achieve the desired effect, you need to perform a few very simple steps, which are as follows:

  1. You need to take the same volumes of starch and regular water.
  2. The ingredients must be mixed together so that they form a homogeneous gruel.
  3. The prepared mixture should be applied to the bruise in a not very thick layer and left until it is completely dry.
  4. You need to repeat the masking process every 2-3 hours until the consequences of the traumatic factor completely disappear.

Starch for bruising under the eyes from a blow is a very popular remedy that has proven to be effective. That is why at the present time it is used by almost everyone who has a blue face after a bruise.


For centuries, salt has been used for bruising. This is primarily due to the unique properties of this natural substance. For bruises under the eyes after hitting the head, it also helped to heal very successfully. To do this, it was enough to perform the following simple steps:

  1. You need to prepare 10 grams of table salt and 100 milliliters of plain water.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the components with each other, so that the result is a homogeneous salty liquid without sediment.
  3. Apply the prepared solution to a small piece of cloth.
  4. It is worth applying the tissue to the area where the injury was made.

After a blow with the forehead, bruises under the eyes appear very minor. Table salt can handle them in just a few days.

Medical iodine

The use of iodine for the treatment of bruises under the eyes refers more to traditional methods of therapy. This is explained by the fact that, in essence, this substance is not intended for this method of influencing the problem. But at the same time, it has some useful properties. First of all, this applies to the following:

  • warming tissues;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • resorption of blood clots.

In the case when a bruise appeared under the eye without a blow or as a result of it, iodine should be used as follows:

To begin with, it is worth applying the substance itself directly to the skin with a cotton swab.
In the future, it is necessary to wait until the iodine is completely dry and absorbed into the body.

Treatment with iodine of bruises received without a blow should be carried out only after an appropriate examination. This is due to the fact that the causes of the problem may lie in certain diseases.

Knowing how to lighten bruises under the eyes after a blow with iodine, you should pay attention to the fact that it takes a certain amount of time. This is due to the duration of absorption of this substance by the skin.

Bodyaga pharmacy

Badyag from bruises under the eyes from a blow can also help to a significant extent. In order to use it, you should perform the following series of actions:

The powder should initially be diluted with water in equal proportions.
The resulting mixture should be applied in a thin layer to the skin.

It is important to note that a badyag from bruises under the eyes received from a blow can not always help. This is due to the fact that this remedy cannot be used directly near the eyeball and mucous membrane, as in this case, you can get burns.


Compresses for bruising under the eyes from a blow are prepared from various means. One of them is honey. First of all, it helps in cases where there is extensive bruising. Other substances help in such situations, according to some healers, much less.

Honey for a bruise under an eye from a blow should be used as follows:

  1. One tablespoon of natural whole honey should be mixed with vegetable oil of the same volume.
  2. A handful of flour and one egg yolk should be added to the resulting mixture. After that, the components should be mixed again.
  3. The substance that turned out as a result needs to be applied to the skin at the site of injury.

It is worth using honey for a bruise under the eye from a blow along with other components in the form of a compress for three hours. After that, you can wash your face.

Aloe leaves and juice

Compresses for bruising under the eyes from a blow are also treated with aloe and its components. This is due to the fact that they have a resorbing effect, due to which the blood clots gradually dissolve and are carried away through the bloodstream from the site of injury. The consequence of this is a decrease in the severity of skin color.

Aloe for bruising under the eyes from blow is used as follows:

  1. The fresh leaf of the plant should first be cut, and then kneaded to a state of gruel.
  2. Add a spoonful of celandine and boiled water to aloe.
  3. All ingredients must be uniformly mixed together.

When using aloe for bruising under the eyes from a blow, it is worth remembering that before applying to the body, the mixture should be infused for about one hour in a warm, dry place.


Potatoes for bruising under the eyes from a blow have been used for a long time. It does not have a significant effect, but at the same time it can help to a certain extent if there are no other means of dealing with the problem.

Having chosen a potato, you need to grind it on a grater to a state of gruel. The resulting substance must be decomposed on the skin at the site of the impact. Potatoes for bruising under the eyes from a blow can help if such masks are done for several days.

Masking the resulting bruises

An equally important question is how to disguise a black eye from a blow. Most often, various types of cosmetics are used for this. Among them, it is worth highlighting foundation, hard pencil and concealer. Their use in some cases helps very significantly, while in others it is rather weak. This directly depends on how extensive the injury is.

Tone cream. Before hiding a bruise under the eye from a blow with this tool, you must first assess the possibility of doing this. Not in all cases it is possible to achieve a good result. Sometimes situations occur when the appearance before the intervention of corrective agents was significantly better. To prevent this from happening, foundation should be used only for not very pronounced hematomas. Moreover, they should be local, and not extensive, occupying a significant part of the face. When determining how to lighten bruises under the eyes after a blow, you should not forget that for the best effect, the opposite side of the face must be made symmetrical. This means that the application of foundation is necessary on it even in cases where there are no noticeable consequences of a bruise on it.
Hard masking pencil. Instructions on how to paint over a bruise under the eye from a blow with such a remedy will not help if the hematoma is large. It is also very important that the skin is not damaged.
Concealer. It allows you to both reduce the bruise under the eye after a blow, and completely eliminate it externally. This cosmetic tool is a thick corrector made in the form of a regular pencil.

At the same time, there are also folk methods - more accessible to each specific person. They are as follows:

  1. White bread crumb in milk. These two components must be mixed with each other, and then make a kind of flat cakes out of them. There is not always time to wait for the black eye from a blow to disappear, which is why a crumb compress, which helps to make the consequences of an injury less obvious, is a good alternative. Just a few 20-minute treatments are enough.
  2. Fine-grained cottage cheese. It needs to be kneaded with your fingers to obtain a homogeneous mass, and then applied to problem areas for half an hour. Following this, you should wipe the skin with napkins dipped in tea. Before reducing the bruise under the eye after a blow in this way, it is worth not less than 1 day after the injury. Until that time, you need to use other methods.

Understanding how to hide a bruise under the eye from a blow, you should not stop, if possible, using methods that allow you to treat a hematoma. The correct combination of different methods leads to a significant result.


There are many ways to remove bruises under the eyes from a blow. This means that each specific person can at home for himself befit exactly the method that is most optimal and affordable for him. The main thing in this case is to correctly carry out the treatment, the recommendations for which are described in this article. It is important to remember that you can have a beautiful appearance even after receiving an unfavorable facial contusion. At present, it is not worth waiting for a long time for the consequences of the injury to disappear. This process can be easily accelerated without spending significant funds.