How to care for oily skin in the heat. What remedies are used for oily skin? Features of oily skin

Oh, this is the sun

There is a myth that the sun's rays help fight acne and girls with oily skin try to spend a lot of time in the sun. As a result, the skin begins to produce even more sebum, new acne and comedones appear. Moreover, the excess of the sun suppresses the bactericidal properties of sebum, and as a result, preexisting acne becomes inflamed.

There is also a myth that oily skin does not need a cream because of the excess sebum, which supposedly protects the skin from sun exposure. It is a myth. Without using a cream with spf, you can get age spots and premature aging of the skin. And if not everyone is located to age spots, then no one is protected from premature aging.

Output: do not stay in the sun for long and be sure to use an spf cream.


Because of the sun's rays, the skin produces a lot of sebum, it needs to be cleaned very thoroughly. The optimal washing regimen is 2 times a day. If you wash your face more often, it will increase the violence of the sebaceous glands. For washing, use foams and gels without SLS and SLeS containing components that reduce fat. These can be essential oils of lavender, rosemary, extracts of chamomile, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, marshmallow, Dead Sea minerals.

In the summer, you should not wash your face with hot or warm water - this provokes excessive release of fat. Use only cool water. You can also do a contrast shower for the face in summer, alternating between hot and cold water. Always finish the procedure with hot water.

Output: wash your face 2 times a day using foams with mild surfactants.


Use alcohol-free toners for oily skin, sage tea, or green tea ice as toners. In addition to the morning toning procedure, take a tonic or decoction to the office and rub the skin 3-4 times. This will reduce sebum production and keep you feeling refreshed throughout the day.

If you use foundation or powder, thermal water is your option for the day. It does not damage makeup, perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin.

Output: for the summer season, choose tonics that do not contain alcohol. Tone your skin 4-5 times a day.


Many girls make the mistake of not using face creams in the summer. This leads to dehydration of the skin and, as a result, even more work of the sebaceous glands. Choose for the summer period light textures of creams, free of oils and other "heavy" components. Make sure your day cream contains the spf factor.

If you have very oily skin, stop using a night cream for the summer, replacing it with a tonic for sensitive skin. It will soothe the skin after a sultry day, relieve inflammation and nourish it perfectly. Simply pour a little tonic into your hands and use a pounding motion to apply it to your face and neck.

Output: do not give up using creams. Choose light textures with spf content.

Additional procedures

In the summertime, make clay masks every other day. They perfectly cleanse the skin, and also increase its tone and elasticity. You can use white, blue, pink and black.

It is better to refuse scrubs, since small particles damage the upper layer of the skin, leading to the activation of inflammatory processes. If you want a deeper cleansing, wash your face 2 times a week with a special washing brush.

Output: use clay masks every other day


In the summer, stop using foundation and replace it with powder. Liquid foundations, due to their composition, can easily clog pores when exposed to heat. In addition, they enhance the oily shine of the face. But the powder will perfectly mask small imperfections, reduce oil content and will not clog pores. If the powder does not cope with masking, use a concealer before applying the powder.

Output: replace foundation with powder.

What is oily skin care? What are the main stages? Can you reduce oil production and reduce pore size? What products do cosmetologists advise to include in the care program? And what are the features of controlling the state of the epidermis in summer and winter?

Owners of oily skin at a young age believe that they are very unlucky. The face is often shiny, makeup rolls down in the folds of the eyelids and on the wings of the nose. Pimples, blackheads and enlarged pores also occur periodically from youth. These problems can be dealt with if we approach them in a balanced way.

Features of oily skin

It is not difficult to recognize the fatty type epidermis. It is enough to assess the face visually. It is characterized by:

  • wide pores, visible externally;
  • dense, even rough surface;
  • oily sheen provided by increased sebum secretion;
  • the presence of blackheads due to clogged pores.

But such features are inherent in the owners of combination skin, which needs a slightly different care than oily. You can clarify your type using a simple test.

Fat test

To determine the type of epidermis, wash in the morning with the usual means - foam, gel and dry your face. You don't need to apply moisturizer or makeup. After two hours, apply a paper towel to your face, press firmly. Evaluate the result.

  • Fat content in the T-zone. Spots around the chin, central forehead and nose indicate a combined type of epidermis. In these areas, it is oily, and on the cheeks and lateral surface of the face it is normal.
  • Grease all over the face. Five greasy stains on the napkin give it away. In this case, the skin is really oily.

Why is it important to separate combination and oily epidermis? The fact is that areas of a normal type do not need the use of funds that are preferable for those where sebum secretion is increased. Using the same products, you can dry out more delicate areas. Therefore, with combination skin, cosmetic preparations of drying, antibacterial action are applied only to the T-zone.

Popular misconceptions

It is believed that oily skin type is the most problematic, as it requires specific care. But at the same time, it is not always possible to look attractive. Cosmetologists say that the owners of such an epidermis are lucky, because due to the high density and usually sufficient turgor, it is less susceptible to the formation of mimic wrinkles. And it ages about ten years later than dry. And with increased sebum secretion, you can cope with proper care.

At the same time, there are common misconceptions about what to do with oily skin at home. Let's dwell on them in detail.

Myth 1. The surface of the epidermis is coarser and consists of a thick layer of dead cells. It is important to remove them regularly and thoroughly, otherwise the cream simply will not reach the "living" tissues.

The skin is not just a shell, it is a living organism made up of cells. They are constantly being updated. The complete process of renewal of the outer tissues of the epidermis occurs within twenty-eight days. It is really necessary to remove this cover, just because with this approach, the face looks more well-groomed, and the skin is even. But it is impossible to be too zealous even with increased sebum secretion.

Dead cells keratocytes are the same cells as the rest of the body. The process of their expression, that is, death and removal in a natural way, preserves the stability of the epidermis. If the expression is more intense, for example, with daily use of a scrub, the skin begins to produce more protective cells, trying to "close" gaps in its structure. The phenomenon of hyperkeratosis occurs, in which its surface thickens and hardens.

Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out the removal of superficial keratocytes (exfoliation) regularly and in moderation. With increased sebum secretion of the skin, two to three procedures per week are enough.

Myth 2. It is imperative to use a scrub and rub your face "until it squeaks."

A higher level of skin density makes women believe that rough means - abrasives - should be used for exfoliation. The simplest option is a scrub, which is prepared at home from salt, sugar, coffee, or in an industrial one, using hard particles as abrasives, for example, crushed nut shells.

It is not only unnecessary to use such funds, but also dangerous. Scrubs damage the skin, leaving micro-scratches invisible to the eye. If the intensity of sebum secretion is increased, sebum will flow into the microcracks, which as a result provokes foci of inflammatory processes. In addition, the abrasive particles themselves are so small and so sharp that they can get stuck in the pores, causing inflammation and acne.

You can use the scrub in home care from time to time, no more than once a month. “If you urgently need to even out the skin relief, use a scrub,” comments Olga Fem, a cosmetologist. “But use milder products for your routine care.”

Today on sale you can find compositions for cleaning with polymer granules. They do not scratch the skin and remove keratocytes gently, without damage.

But enzyme peels are more effective and ideal for oily skin. They contain fruit acids, usually bromelain or papain. They break down dead keratocytes and remove them without affecting healthy tissue. Their important advantage is the ability to dissolve the sebum in the pores, making them narrower and less visible. When used regularly, 2 times a week, enzyme peels reduce the fat content of the epidermis.

Myth 3. The skin needs to be dried.

The most dangerous delusion. The peculiarity of such an epidermis is that it is constantly in search of a balance of optimal moisture content and its own activity in the production of skin secretions. Drying agents change the picture of what is happening. They draw moisture out of the skin, but the process of sebum secretion does not stop.

On the contrary, the more often you use drying agents, the more actively the skin begins to develop its own "lubrication" in order to reduce moisture loss. This leads to the fact that there is not enough moisture in the surface layer, the skin loses its tone, folds and creases in the form of wrinkles are formed in it. And the face shines so intensely that you do not have time to wipe it off with napkins.

What to do with oily skin in this case? Do not dry! Avoid soaps, alcohol-containing lotions. Your cosmetics should have a soft formula. The composition for washing is a sebum-regulating foam that does not violate the level of moisture, but reduces the production of sebaceous secretions. Use a toner after washing to normalize the acidity level on the skin's surface and further moisturize it.

It is possible to use alcohol compositions only pointwise, in the presence of rashes. Take the product on a cotton swab and apply to the inflamed pimple. It is categorically unacceptable to wipe the entire face with such a tool.

Myth 4. If you regularly dry your skin, it will become normal.

The question of how to get rid of oily skin on the face has no scientific basis. This is impossible to do. The type of epidermis does not depend either on the menu or on the characteristics of care, therefore, it is erroneous to name the use of spicy food among the reasons for high fat content.

Skin type is given by nature, it is genetically embedded in us, like eye color or, for example, height. It is impossible to change it to another. But getting dried oily skin with signs of aging is quite possible.

Myth 5. Moisturizers are not needed, because the epidermis moisturizes itself.

The level of moisture and greasiness are different things. Moisture is retained in the structure of the skin, and the sebaceous secretion is present on the surface. At elevated air temperatures and dryness, wind, active exposure to the sun, moisture evaporates. The same happens if you wash your face with a cleanser and do not apply a moisturizer. The moisture balance is disturbed.

Dermatologist Joanna Vargas compares unhydrated oily skin to dried apricots. “Imagine that you took such a dried fruit and poured oil on top. Its surface is oily, but the amount of moisture inside does not increase. So is your skin. If you forget to moisturize it, it will age rapidly. This is especially evident after 30 years. "

Be sure to use a moisturizer to keep your skin balanced. It may contain hyaluronic acid (in cosmetics for young epidermis), collagen (after 40 years), jojoba oil.

It is important that such a cream has a light, non-greasy structure, optimally gel. It should not contain dense oils that clog pores and contribute to the formation of inflammation.

Care rules

You should take care of oily skin at home with the help of properly selected cosmetics. It is extremely difficult to find one on a supermarket shelf.

You should take a closer look at the pharmacy brands of cosmetic products, which include the following components.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (ANA). Fruit acids (malic, citric, glycolic, almond) and others are part of creams and masks for the care of oily skin. Dissolve excess sebum in the pores, reduce its production.

  • Betta hydroxy acids (BHA). It is used, which is part of cleansers, tonics. It has a pore-reducing, antibacterial effect, reduces the formation of sebum.
  • Vitamin A. Retinol, an active ingredient that prevents inflammation, the formation of acne, acne. Retinol products are medicinal cosmetics, they can be used in courses to solve the problem. Its constant use does not make sense, since the skin gets used to it and stops responding correctly.
  • Microelements. Zinc, sulfur, copper. These substances have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the composition of the skin microflora.
  • Essential oils. The effectiveness of using tea tree and eucalyptus oils in care products for oily skin has been proven. They reduce the severity of inflammation.

It is preferable to be in the composition of plant extracts that solve concomitant skin problems. , chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, nettle and a number of other cultures heal the skin, increase its immunity, improve cell tone, and increase the strength of the cell wall.

Daily technique

Until the age of twenty-five, the skin is able to actively recover, so even after a sleepless night in the morning you will look attractive. You just need to cleanse your face before bed and use a moisturizer.

After twenty-five, the aging process starts. It is important to follow the grooming technique regularly, not forgetting about it on weekends and holidays. The sooner you develop the habit of spending ten minutes in the morning and evening after a shower, the longer your skin will remain youthful, and the problems of oily content will become less bothersome.

  • Purification. Wash your face with foam or gel twice a day. In the morning, cleansing removes skin secretions from the surface of the epidermis that have accumulated in the pores at night. In the evening - removes surface grease and make-up residues not removed by the make-up remover.
  • Tonification. It is necessary to normalize the acid-base balance after washing with tap water and to moisturize. Held twice a day. Preferably, the tonic contains medicinal components for your skin type: sebum-regulating, increasing local immunity. An indication of the presence of such components is always present on the bottle. Apply with a cotton pad or spray onto your face. It does not need to be washed off.
  • Moisturizing. It is carried out in the morning and in the evening on clean, toned skin. In the morning, use a light moisturizer with UV protection at the SPF-15 level. In the evening - a denser regenerating composition that helps the epidermis to recover at night.
  • Exfoliation. It is performed using enzyme peeling (gommage) twice a week. The product is applied to cleansed skin after washing with warm water. Enzyme peels contain enzymes that work more actively when warm, therefore, according to cosmetologists, it is important to maintain the required temperature. Massage your face lightly with your fingers soaked in warm water, or apply a warm, damp cloth. After ten minutes, rinse off, apply a mask or moisturizer. According to cosmetologists, applying the mask after enzymatic peeling improves the penetration of its active ingredients into the skin.
  • Deep moisturizing. Once or twice a week, use a moisturizing mask based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, algae and other moisturizing ingredients. This mask saturates the epidermis with moisture, prevents aging and reduces the severity of expression lines.
  • Deep cleansing. A clay-based deep cleansing mask is recommended once or twice a week. Such formulations adsorb skin secretions, give the surface a matte finish, and narrow the pores. The addition of essential oils provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

In case of high oil content, wipe your face with special skin cleansing wipes during the day.

Summer nuances

It is believed that even the oily epidermis dries up slightly in summer and causes fewer problems. In fact, the problem of increased separation of skin secretions may even worsen, which is facilitated by high temperature, excessively active sun, wind. Hyperpigmentation often occurs on the surface of the skin.

To reduce the harmful effects of external factors, care for oily skin in the summer should be adjusted.

  • Additional cleansing. If during the day there is a feeling of grease, dirt, you can additionally wash your face with foam or gel. If this is not possible, use wet wipes, tonic or ordinary mineral water.
  • Light moisturizing. Use a sebum-regulating gel or light emulsion instead of a cream. It should contain both moisturizing components, for example, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidant agents - vitamins C, E. They protect the skin from the action of free radicals that cause aging.
  • Minimum makeup. The more layers of makeup on your face, the more active the sebaceous glands are. Reduce this amount to a minimum. Stop using foundation.
  • Plus one exfoliation a week. If before that you used home peeling once a week, add one more procedure, if two - then apply three times. This will allow you to control the intensity of sebum production.
  • Plus one mask per week. Keep a moisturizing and purifying mask in your arsenal. If acne is observed, add an anti-inflammatory mask, which should be used as needed when acne worsens.

Avoid using retinol products and acid peels during the summer. They increase the sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet light.

Winter nuances

In winter, the epidermis is dried by cold wind, frosty air with zero moisture content, and dry air in apartments and offices. Therefore, care for oily skin in winter should include additional moisture and protection from external factors.

Use a moisturizer in winter. The opinion that in the pores in the frosty air it turns into ice is nothing more than a myth. Any cosmetic composition contains water, which acquires the temperature of the skin and does not turn into ice. It should only be applied about an hour before leaving the house.

For winter care, choose thicker creams with high nourishing and protective qualities. They contain vegetable oils, vitamins necessary to prevent dehydration. Formulations with avocado and tocopherol (vitamin E) are preferred.

Do not buy products based on mineral oils, paraffin, and petroleum jelly, which moisturize well only in the short term. With regular use, they break the lipid barrier, and the skin remains dry even with the application of the care product.

Primary and secondary care may need to be changed.

  • Purification. If your usual "wash" causes a feeling of tightness on the face, dryness, change it to a more delicate one. Suitable products for sensitive skin.
  • Protective makeup. It should be layered. After cleansing and toning, apply a nourishing cream. Let it absorb and after about forty minutes apply foundation, powder. This will help protect your skin from external factors.
  • Nutrition. It is in winter that it is reasonable to carry out a course of additional nutrition of the skin with serums. Apply moisturizing masks three times a week.

Often in winter, the fatty type epidermis acquires signs of a sensitive. Redness, irritation may disturb. But this does not mean that the skin type has changed. It is important to take into account her current condition and use more gentle products for her care.

Considering oily skin a punishment is a big mistake. She really can cause more problems than any other. But with proper care, it becomes attractive, sebum secretion is manifested to a lesser extent, acne and blackheads occur infrequently. Adjust the care for oily skin depending on the season, use specially selected cosmetics for this. And it will invariably delight you with the absence of wrinkles and freshness.


Summer becomes a real challenge for those with oily skin. Heat, wind, ultraviolet rays, dust, sea salt and increased perspiration make any skin weakened and defenseless. However, oily skin suffers the most from high temperatures and requires gentle summer care.

Oily skin, compared to other skin types, has a thick protective lipid layer that protects it from negative environmental influences. However, in summer, oily skin is highly hydrated, and its advantage turns into a disadvantage. Oily skin quickly adheres to dust, which mixes with the secretions of each oil and clogs the pores. Because of this, acne and blackheads often appear on oily skin in the summer, and due to excess fat, the face constantly shines.

Wash your face correctly

In order to have beautiful and even skin with narrow pores in summer, owners of oily skin need to regularly cleanse, moisturize and free the skin from dead cells. The first and main procedure in the summer for oily skin should be washing. Daily, morning and evening, wash with lukewarm or cool water and a cleanser for oily skin. Do not wash your face with hot water, on the contrary, it makes the sebaceous glands work even more intensely. Cool water, on the other hand, narrows the pores and reduces the secretion of each sebum. If you wash your face with warm water, then finally, be sure to rinse your face with cool.

Cleanser - soap or gel - should be designed specifically for oily skin, that is, with a drying effect. Creams, milks, lotions, and other cleansers that are used to rub the skin on a cotton pad are designed for dry skin. And for oily in the summer, the best way to cleanse is to wash.

Prevent Acne Formation

If after washing your skin quickly turns oily again, it should be wiped with a special lotion. However, alcohol-based lotions dry out the skin too much. Oily skin will respond to such an aggressive effect by even more secretion of each fat. Therefore, it is better to use your own healing lotion.

Lotion for oily skin. Mix the medicinal herbs in equal proportions: chamomile, calendula, birch leaves, sage and oak bark. Pour 2 tablespoons of this mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and brew the tincture in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Chill the tincture and add 1 extra spoonful of glycerin and 25 ml of boric or salicylic acid to it. Thanks to this lotion, daily impurities can be easily removed from the skin and inflammation can be treated. Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in lotion twice a day.


Often, an oily sheen appears on the skin in summer due to insufficient moisture or due to excessive loss of moisture in the skin due to perspiration. Therefore, in the summer, oily skin must be moisturized.

Apply a light texture cream or emulsion for your skin type to your skin before going outdoors. Wait until the cosmetic is absorbed into the skin and blot the rest with a napkin. Do not forget that a summer moisturizer must contain protective filters (minimum SPF 15) from the sun's rays. The texture of the summer cream should be light and airy so as not to burden and clog the pores. That is why in the summer you cannot use the theme creams that you use in the cold season.

Saturate with vitamins

Use fruit and berry face masks, such as red currant and cherry masks, at least once a week. And to tone the skin in the morning, rub it with ice cubes.
For even better cleansing of oily skin, steam facials with herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties.

People with oily skin tend to have more troubles with it than those with dry skin, for example. Oily skin shines, becomes covered with acne, blackheads, shines. Such skin becomes especially problematic in summer, as the scorching sun and heat only aggravate the problems so characteristic of oily skin.

Rules for caring for oily skin in a hot period
Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin is important at any time of the year and for any skin type. The only thing that distinguishes this triad is certain features of the care and use of certain cosmetics.
So, in order, we will consider each of the stages.

Cleansing oily skin in summer
The skin needs to be cleansed twice a day, usually in the morning and evening after the makeup has been removed. In this case, we mean washing with some kind of cleansing gel designed specifically for oily skin.

Try to wash your face with cold water, or at least cool water, so as not to stimulate additional production of fat. Steam baths are a very good option for oily skin. For them, the skin will say special thanks to you. About two to three times a week, you should use a facial scrub while washing your face. The use of special tonics, lotions marked "against blackheads" will also be very helpful. Such cosmetic products tighten and close the pores, the face after application looks fresh and clean.

The most important thing is that your skin care products are alcohol-free. Previously, it was believed that oily, shiny skin should be dried with products that contain alcohol. This does not apply now. Choose cosmetics for oily skin care with extracts of chamomile, calendula, green tea, aloe.

Moisturizing and nourishing oily skin in the heat
The most noticeable sign of oily skin in summer is an increased sheen. Shine can also tell you about insufficient skin hydration. Indeed, in the summer we lose quite a lot of moisture due to increased sweating. Therefore, moisturizing your face is a must, even if you are the owner of oily skin. Use special creams that are suitable for your skin type, they do not create a mask effect, but they moisturize well.

Also, do not forget about protection from the scorching sun. Sunburn is undoubtedly very useful, but do not forget about the dangers of direct sunlight, so in the summer it is necessary to use a cream with a protective SPF - filter. What this level should be depends on your color type. So, for example, for blondes and owners of thin and light skin, protection should be maximum, the level is higher. A lower ratio can be used by women with dark hair and dark skin. And, of course, in summer you need to use cosmetics as little as possible, at least exclude foundation and powder from daily use, as they clog pores and do not allow air to pass through.

How can you help oily skin look better?
Use wet wipes (cosmetic or regular) throughout the day to remove excess oil from the skin and get it wet. The use of thermal water is also useful. These facial sprays will moisturize the skin and refresh in the heat.

If you do not have such a spray with you, then just wash your face more often with cool water.
Don't forget about diet and water regimen.

Fatty kebabs, excessive consumption of sweets, ice cream, beer snacks, alcoholic beverages will immediately affect the condition of your skin. If you can't switch to a healthier diet, then just keep track of which foods are causing the most acne and try to rule them out. Eat more fruits, vegetables, various salads, kefirs, yoghurts. Such products stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body.

Traditional medicines for oily skin
Let's recall the simplest recipes for masks for oily skin, which are effective and do not require material and time expenditures. All masks are applied for about fifteen minutes and washed off with plain cool water.
- Kefir mask;
- Oatmeal mask;
Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal, then dilute with warm water to get a thick gruel.
- Clay masks;
- Masks from vegetables and fruits.
They saturate the skin with vitamins, nourish and tone it.

Oily skin, although it has its drawbacks, has its own advantages. It is less sensitive to various negative influences, it ages later, it remains firm and elastic longer. Proper care will help you maintain the beauty and health of your skin.

Gives a good effect mask from sauerkraut with the addition of a few drops of vegetable oil. If the skin is thick, there is no need to add oil. The mask is kept for 10-15 minutes, then washed with water at room temperature.

Can be used daily lotions from natural ingredients.

- From aloe... Put the peeled and chopped leaves in a half-liter jar so that they fill the space for two fingers, pour vodka on top to half the jar. Insist for 7 days in a dark place. Strain. Dilute the part 1: 1 necessary for use with boiled water and wipe your face.

- Herbal. 1 dessert spoon of horsetail, 1 dessert spoon of yarrow, 1 dessert spoon of stinging nettle, pour 2 cups of boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Insist 2 hours. Strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of alcoholic pharmacy tincture of calendula. Wipe your face instead of lotion.

With enlarged pores, a compress of mint and chamomile is used to tighten the skin.
Mix 1 tbsp. mint leaves and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile, mix. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain, soak a piece of terry towel in the broth and keep it on your face until it cools down, wipe your face with a piece of ice and apply a hot compress again. So 4-5 times. Finish the procedure by washing with cool water.

In the heat, before applying a nourishing night cream to the skin, wash it with water acidified with lemon juice or salted table salt. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the cream with a decoction of chamomile or parsley.

During the day, after applying the cream, oily skin should be powdered so that dust and dirt do not clog the pores.