How to remove unknown stains on a down jacket. How to get rid of stains on a down jacket at home. How to clean greasy areas

Oily stains on outerwear arise from oil, mayonnaise when having a snack on the street, engine oil, and cosmetics. Such spots can be removed at home.

Before removing contamination, you need:

  • Remove dust particles adhering to the stain mechanically, clean the surrounding surface with a brush.
  • If possible, determine the age of contamination.
  • Prepare all the necessary tools, sponges, rags.
  • Test the solution to be used on a small piece of cloth inside the product.

Before using any means, examine the product label.

Stain removal methods

To remove greasy dirt from a down jacket at home, use solutions and powders available in the hostess's arsenal:

  • Salt, chalk and other adsorbents;
  • Dishwashing detergents in the form of gels, liquids;
  • Laundry or liquid soap;
  • Ammonium and medical alcohol, acetone, perhydrol, turpentine, gasoline.

Greasy stains

Ways to remove a greasy stain from a down jacket:

  1. Fresh oil traces are effectively removed by the dishwashing detergent. It is not poured onto clothes, but foamed on a sponge or piece of cloth. Wipe the stain with a sponge and soap, treat it well with foam. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Then the soap solution is removed with a damp cloth and wiped dry. After drying, the stain should disappear.
  2. Sprinkle the freshly planted oil stain generously with salt. Leave it on for a few minutes. The salt will absorb most of the fat, and the rest will be easier to remove.
  3. Contamination is removed with laundry soap. It is rubbed on a grater in such an amount to get two tablespoons of shavings. Dissolve the soap in a glass of warm water. The sponge is moistened in the resulting concentrated solution and rub the stain. Then rinse to remove soap.
  4. A mixture of chalk and talcum powder is a good product for cleaning down jackets, which will cope with pollution in a day. The components are ground and mixed in equal amounts. The powder is poured onto the stain, a napkin or white paper is placed on top, pressed with a book or iron and left overnight. The next day, the talcum powder is shaken off, the clothes are washed.

Before you put a down jacket in the washing machine, you need to read the recommendations for washing it.

The appropriate washing mode is indicated on the product label:

  1. For oil stains, use absorbent paper and an iron. The paper is put on the dirt, ironed with a warm iron. With this cleaning, some of the fat will be absorbed into the absorbent paper.
  2. To quickly remove greasy, shiny sleeves, they are lathered with household or liquid soap. This is followed by machine or hand wash. So, the sleeves are washed immediately, the procedure does not need to be repeated.

Old and stubborn stains

Old stains are slightly more difficult to remove than new ones.

  1. Brush with a mixture of starch and lemon juice. Starch is pre-mixed with salt in equal parts. Lemon juice is added to the mixture in such an amount that a mushy product is obtained. The resulting mixture is applied to the contaminated area and left to dry completely. Dried starch is wiped off with a moistened sponge, the product is washed. Good results are shown by using separately lemon juice or gruel from salt with water.
  2. Washing with soda solution. Take a teaspoon of baking soda for one glass of water. The resulting solution is used to treat dirt and wash clothes.
  3. A mixture of perhydrol (hydrogen peroxide) and ammonia. The solution is capable of cleaning old traces of dirt. Combine equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, the resulting solution abundantly treat the contaminated area and leave for an hour and a half. After that, the down jacket is washed with powder and fabric softener. Some housewives take turpentine instead of hydrogen peroxide.

Streaks after washing

On the washed down jacket, streaks and stripes are sometimes visible.

This can be explained:

  • Errors during drying;
  • Rinse in a little water;
  • The use of substandard or unsuitable washing powder.

You can get rid of visible stains with a cloth dampened with hydrogen peroxide. If this method does not help, then the down jacket is rinsed again. It is not recommended to repeat washing, the traces of the powder will only increase.

To avoid streaks, outerwear is washed with liquid detergent or gel. Dry clothes by hanging them on hangers.

The fluff, knotted into lumps, is severed with your fingers. Often, it is in these places that stripes form.

Light and yellow spots

On a washed, dried jacket, light and yellowish marks sometimes appear. This is a consequence of poor-quality washing and rinsing of the product.

Wash stain removal methods:

  1. The down jacket is treated with a stain remover suitable for a particular type of fabric. After half an hour, the item is washed again. We recommend rinsing three times after washing.
  2. Yellow stripes from white things are removed with a solution of soda. To prepare it, mix 100 ml of water and 20 grams of soda. The mixture is applied to the yellowness, rubbed with a brush or sponge, and left for 40-60 minutes. Then washed in a typewriter at the appropriate mode.
  3. On a light, but not white, down jacket, yellow stains are removed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The dirt is wiped off with a cotton swab, followed by rinsing and drying.
  4. Laundry soap and water gruel. It is rubbed on the contaminated places and left for 2-3 hours. Over time, all traces of soap are removed, the thing is washed.

Black spots

In the process of wearing, dark-colored contaminants of various origins appear on the down jacket, which also need to be disposed of.

The following methods are used for different types of contamination:

  1. Wash traces of dirt well with soapy water. The dirty area is washed with a clean sponge.
  2. Remove rust with a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice or vinegar. After the procedure, dark stains remain, they are washed off with warm water.
  3. Blood is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. The product is poured onto the stain, washed after a quarter of an hour.
  4. Black traces of unknown origin are removed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Most of the stains come off after this treatment and subsequent washing.

Basic cleaning rules

It will be possible to return the original look to the down jacket if you follow the cleaning recommendations:

  1. The removal of contaminants is started immediately.
  2. Dirty footprints of any origin rub from the edge to the center, so it won't get bigger.
  3. Remove oil stains with light strokes, otherwise the fat will penetrate into the deeper layers of the tissue.
  4. A dry cloth is first applied to a fresh greasy spot, and then treated with detergents.
  5. Do not use coarse brushes, pumice stone or other abrasive material. Use clean textiles, cloth, and soft brushes.
  6. After removing the dirt, rinse off the residues of detergents thoroughly so that after drying there are no streaks.
  7. The cleaning result is checked after the down jacket has dried well.

It is possible to cope with dirt on the down jacket and not spoil the thing. To do this, use the products recommended for different types of stains, follow the basic rules of cleaning.

To wash greasy places on a down jacket - to make the jacket look neat and fresh. During the winter, the product gets pretty dirty. Handy tools will help to remove stains: alcohol, gasoline, starch. In difficult situations, aggressive household chemicals will come to the rescue.

Grease stains on the down jacket can be removed dry. There are a lot of available tools: ammonia, gasoline, soda and salt. It is enough to apply the mixture to the fabric and rub it a little. You can use other methods as well.

Household chemicals

Universal methods for cleaning greasy dirt on a down jacket:

  1. Apply Vanish stain remover. Treat the grease mark on the collar for 10 minutes. Hand wash.
  2. Wash the area on the sleeve with laundry soap. Wait 60 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash by hand with powder.
  3. Remove grease with dish soap using a toothbrush. Gently rub the yellow mark of the foundation for 60 seconds. Wait 30 minutes. Hand wash.

You can replace the detergent with washing powder. If the stain cannot be removed immediately, the procedure should be repeated.

The fur product will be cleaned with "Down Wash & Clean". The formulations “Dr. Beckmann "," Heitmann ".

Effective household chemicals

According to reviews of housewives, old stains can be removed with Minutka stain remover. Removes marks in 10 minutes.

You need to use detergents following the instructions. Pay attention to the labels of the jacket in order to avoid the harmful effects of the aggressive composition on the thing.

Rules for the use of household substances:

  • to remove dirt from the collar, sleeves, the down jacket must be placed on a flat surface;
  • be sure to wear gloves, in order to avoid getting the substance on your hands, rub the grease stains with a sponge;
  • wash off the composition with warm water;
  • place a thing on the balcony for weathering.

For safety reasons, clothes must not be dried on the heater.

Alcohol and salt

Alcohol and salt will help to wash the down jacket from greasy stains. Using a sponge soaked in the solution, rub the greasy areas:

  • 1 tbsp alcohol;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 0.5 liters of warm water.

It is better if the grains of salt are small. Sprinkle on a damp cloth in a thick layer. Leave on for 5-7 minutes. Then rub the dirty areas thoroughly with a sponge.

The method is suitable for all types of fabrics.


Before removing the oily sheen from a colored item with gasoline, a test will need to be carried out to determine the reaction of the fabric. If the shade remains the same, apply the composition to the spots. During the procedure, the room must be ventilated.

  1. Apply 2-3 drops of gasoline to a damp cloth.
  2. Wipe off contaminated clothing.
  3. Wait 5 minutes for the mixture to dry.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth with a pleasant scent.
  5. Take out to the balcony for weathering.

The method helps to effectively clean the fabric, not completely wash the thing.

Second way to use:

  • rub the soiled place with a cotton swab;
  • wait 15-20 minutes;
  • Handwash only.

If you urgently need to wash the fat, you can use gasoline to refuel the lighter.


Potatoes will help to clean the fat from a black leather jacket. Like bologna material, leather gets dirty quickly. For cleaning it is necessary:

  1. Cut one potato in half.
  2. Rub the inside of the cut onto the dirty area.
  3. Wait 5-10 minutes.
  4. Rub dry areas with a brush.

Another effective method:

  • rub one potato, squeeze out the juice;
  • take 1 tbsp. potato starch, which turned out, add 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • add water to obtain a homogeneous mixture;
  • apply the composition on the spot, wait 5-7 minutes;
  • use a sponge to rinse the mixture with warm water.

The method is suitable for any material, children's jackets, does not contain chemicals.

Other home remedies

Liquid ammonia will help to wash the greasy down jacket collar. Ideal for cleaning bolognese and suede fabrics. You will need 50 grams of alcohol, 200 ml of water at room temperature. Connect the components. Soak a sponge in the solution. Rub the greasy places with it. Rinse the item in cool water. Hang for airing.

Several effective home remedies:

  1. Stir any dish detergent with a little water until foam appears. Apply it on the trail and rub it with a napkin.
  2. Spray the remaining sweat and grease on the jacket with a glass cleaner. Then rub gently with a rag. Repeat 2 times until complete cleansing.
  3. A crust of brown bread will serve to cleanse greasy marks. It is enough to rub the contaminated area.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide will perfectly cleanse the fat on the collar. Apply the product to the dirt. Rinse off with water after 2 minutes. Weather on the balcony. The method is suitable for white clothes.
  5. Cut the onion into two parts. Rub the sleeves and collar with the inner part of the half. For best results, repeat 2-3 times. Hang in fresh air to eliminate unpleasant odor. Onion juice eats into fibers and removes stains quickly. Use on white, strong fibers.
  6. The suede fabric will help cleanse milk and baking soda. Stir the components in the composition: 200 ml. warm milk and 1 tsp. soda. Apply the composition to the sleeves, rub with a brush.
  7. Pour powder for cleaning teeth on the collar area of ​​the white bolognese jacket. Rub 60 seconds. Wait 10-15 minutes. Wipe off leftovers with a damp cosmetic wipe.
  8. Aggressive method for old greasy marks is White Spirit. Mix with ammonia 1: 1. Wipe off marks with a sponge soaked in the composition. Wipe off immediately with a damp cloth to avoid discoloration of the fabric. Dry in the open air.
  9. Glycerin will help to deal with old greasy stains. Wipe off the dirt with a cotton swab soaked in the mixture. The product must be applied in a thick layer. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Helps remove gloss from areas. Wash with laundry soap and load into the washing machine.
  10. Vinegar does a great job with fat. Dissolve 1 tbsp. vinegar in half a liter of water. Add 1 tbsp. kitchen salt. Moisten cotton wool, rub the stained area. The direction of movement should be from the edge to the center of the spot.
  11. Nubuck or suede can be steam removed. Hold the jacket over the kettle while boiling. Remove the greasy layer with a brush. Do not press hard to avoid damaging the fabric.
  12. Squeeze the lemon juice, smear with a sponge on the stains on the clothes. Wait half an hour. Powder wash.
  13. Mix talc and chalk in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply to dirt. Put a blank sheet of paper on the jacket, press down with a press. After 24 hours, wash off the mixture, wash the jacket with powder.

The last two methods apply to light-colored fabrics.

Down jacket washing rules

Before getting rid of the stain, you need to check the instructions on the tag and follow certain tips from machine and hand wash. In this way, unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

Washing machine

After washing or improper drying, stains remain on the clothes, it may shed.

The following rules will help to wash the sleeves and collar of a down jacket without streaks:

  • select the appropriate washing mode in an automatic machine (temperature 40 ° C);
  • it is necessary to put 2-4 tennis balls in the drum, to exclude deformation, knocking down of fluff;
  • use powder for a specific type, color of fabric according to the label on the jacket;
  • twist at low speeds so as not to damage the material;
  • properly dry.

Dry the down jacket on a hanger. Do not use heaters, hair dryers.

According to user reviews, to avoid material deformation, stains must be poured onto the “Vanish” mark. Add the "Unipuh" product to the machine. If the product consists of cells, each must be straightened by hand.


There are things for which complete soaking is contraindicated. In such a situation, apply a special powder for down products.

Dissolve 2 tbsp. powder in warm water in a small bowl, lather. Hang the product over the bathtub, soak a brush in the solution, rub the dirty area. Then remove the foam with a clean cloth.

If the label of the product provides for a manual wash, soak the down jacket in powder, following the instructions. Squeeze gently without twisting the fabric. Hang on a coat hanger.

You can pre-pour baking soda on greasy places, wait 5 minutes and rub with a brush. Then soak in powder.

Do not despair when greasy marks appear on your favorite jacket. An important condition is to act quickly. If the result is not satisfactory, take the product to a dry cleaner.

Even with the most careful wear, dirt can appear on the down jacket. Grease appears primarily on the cuffs, elbows, collar and around the zipper. You can remove a greasy stain from a down jacket at home and without the help of dry cleaners. Among the folk methods, there are quite effective remedies that will help get rid of contamination.

How to wash a light down jacket

Dark and light things require a different approach. It is quite possible to wash a black down jacket not completely, paying attention only to the soiled areas. It is undesirable to wash a light-colored product in this way, since there is a high probability that stains will form on it.

It is preferable to wash in a washing machine:

  1. When the contamination is severe, you can make a mixture of baking soda and detergent. It is applied to greasy areas and left for 10-15 minutes.
  2. After the specified time, the jacket must be put into the drum, pour the detergent, set the “delicate wash” mode and start the machine.
  3. For the best effect, you can pour stain remover into the fabric softener compartment.
  4. After washing, the jacket must be hung on a hanger and dried in an upright position to avoid smudges and creases of the material.
  5. Every 3-4 hours, the down jacket should be shaken up so that the filler inside it is evenly distributed and the product dries out faster.

If it is not possible to use a washing machine, then you can clean the stained areas with ordinary soapy water. To do this, you need to grate a little laundry soap (1 tablespoon) and dilute it in a glass of hot water. Moisten a brush with liquid, clean contaminated areas and rinse with plenty of water.

Folk remedies for removing oily stains

Items that cannot be machine washed can be washed at home using traditional methods. To clean the down jacket from greasy stains, you will need:

  • trusted salt;
  • potato starch;
  • deep bowl;
  • washing brush;
  • napkin.

It is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. starch in a bowl and dilute with a little water to form a thick gruel. Position the jacket on a firm, horizontal surface to wipe off sleeves and other contaminated areas.

Next, you need to process all the greasy and dirty spots with the resulting composition, leave on the material until it dries completely. When the mixture hardens, it must be removed with a brush, and at the end wipe the material with a napkin.

To remove greasy stains that have managed to stick into the fabric, you must also mix salt and starch, but dilute them not with running water, but with lemon juice or table vinegar. The solution should be applied to the stains and rubbed lightly with a brush. To prevent the stain from spreading over the material under the influence of vinegar, you need to clean it with gentle movements from the edges to the middle. When all stains have been treated, the mixture must be left to dry completely.

The active ingredients work on the principle of a stain remover. The vinegar dissolves the grease and the salt draws the dirt out of the fabric fibers. This method gives no less effect than special means, but the costs for its use are minimal.

When the composition is dry in all areas, it must be washed off with warm water and a sponge. A lot of liquid should not get on the jacket, as this is fraught with the appearance of streaks. After all the substances are completely removed, the product can only be dried.

If the contamination was noticed immediately, then the down jacket can be washed quickly and efficiently with the help of absorbents. Salt or starch should be sprinkled over the stain and allowed to sit for a while to absorb the grease into the substance. After that, you must rinse it off with warm water. This method is suitable for fresh stains, and for old ones, you can use a mixture of ammonia:

  • ammonia 1 tsp;
  • liquid stain remover or dishwashing detergent;
  • pure water 100 g.

Mix all the components, beat the composition into a thick foam and apply to the stain. Leave for 15-20 minutes to allow the substances to penetrate deeply into the tissue. Then rinse everything off with a little water and dry the thing. The method using ammonia will help wash the greasy down jacket collar, as well as upholstery, carpet and other types of fabric.

  • Stubborn stains that will not lend themselves to any action are washed off using aviation gasoline. You can get it not only at the airport, but also in ordinary hardware stores.
  • When working with gasoline, the room must be ventilated and safety precautions must be taken.
  • If the outerwear is light in color, then you should not risk it and use a solvent. It is always better to wash such a thing in a washing machine.
  • Aggressive detergents should not be used on any type of fabric. They can damage its structure or reduce the color intensity in certain areas.
  • If the down jacket is not only dirty, but also exudes an unpleasant odor, then it can be processed from the inside using a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water.

After each season, the down jacket must be washed. If you hang a dirty thing in the closet, then next year you will only be able to wash the stains with thinner or gasoline.

In order not to spoil the material, it is necessary to wash off all stains at once. It is recommended to store a clean down jacket without covers, in an upright position and with fastened zippers.

The first thing that comes to mind when stains appear on a down jacket is to dry-clean it. But do not rush to give your jacket to clean with chemicals, which can easily ruin both the fabric and the filler. There are many grandmother's ways of how to remove a greasy stain on a down jacket, and it is quite possible even to do without a complete wash of a thing.

General rules for removing stains

So, there are greasy spots on the down jacket. How to remove them correctly so as not to aggravate the situation? To make your favorite jacket look like new again, follow these simple rules:

  • Before removing stains from a down jacket with a stain remover or an improvised tool, you must first remove heavy dirt. Anything stuck to the fabric can be simply scraped off with a knife, being careful not to scratch the fabric.
  • Any stain is cleaned with movements from the edges of the pollution to its center, otherwise the blot will become even larger.
  • After cleansing, all residues of the product must be removed by simply rinsing the cloth with water.
  • After cleaning, the area outside the stain should be well moistened, unless you will wash the entire jacket. This will help avoid streaking.

It will be possible to evaluate the result of your labors only after the fabric is completely dry. If greasy traces still remain, then all the manipulations must be repeated again. Perhaps you should change the product or solution than you tried to remove the greasy stain on the down jacket.

Ways to remove greasy marks

No matter how carefully we wear the jacket, stains still appear on it. How to remove a greasy stain from a down jacket and what do experienced housewives advise? Effective means of removing a greasy stain from a down jacket can be ammonia, liquid soap and many others.

Liquid soap

Liquid soap will help to deal with even stubborn, deeply ingrained blots of fat. Routine hand washing and rubbing the stains with liquid soap will help you fix the problem. Stir two large tablespoons of liquid soap in a cup of lukewarm water, and then use this mixture to scrub the grease out. After removing stains, the jacket must be washed entirely in a washing machine with high-quality powder and rinsed a couple of times.


A good option for removing a greasy stain from a down jacket is ammonia. Ammonia has the ability to degrease fabrics and perfectly removes even old blots.

If the down jacket is made of artificial fabric, then it is quite enough just to pour a little ammonia on the blot. The jacket is left for 40 minutes, and then the stain is thoroughly washed with powder. It is better to dry the down jacket on the street so that the pungent smell of ammonia will completely disappear.

If the jacket is made of natural fabric, and you need to remove a trace of machine oil or rubble oil, then a spoonful of ammonia is diluted in a cup of cold water, and then the solution is applied to the fat trace. If you do not succeed in removing fat the first time, then all the manipulations should be repeated.

Chalk and talc

Another way to remove greasy stains from a down jacket is with chalk or talcum powder. If the jacket is made of linen or capricious fabric, then it is best to remove dirt with talcum powder or chalk.

You just need to sprinkle talcum powder or chalk on the stain, or mix the two components in equal amounts and fill in the fat trail. Then cover the stain with white paper and press down on top with something heavy, for example, an iron, and leave for a day. In a day, the stain should come off. Chalk and talcum powder is also an effective way to remove greasy stains from a down jacket.


If there are greasy spots on a down jacket, how can they be washed off? Refined gasoline will help.

But do not try to remove fat with gasoline, which is used to fill cars. I need to buy special refined gasoline from the hardware store. Gasoline copes well with contaminants of various origins, and it removes grease especially well.

But we must remember that gasoline can dissolve not only the stain, but also the paint. Therefore, you must first try this remedy on the invisible part of the jacket.

Refined gasoline is a great option for removing greasy stains from a down jacket. When you are sure that the gasoline will not harm the fabric, you can proceed directly to cleaning. Wipe the blot in a circle with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline, trying to move from the edges to its center. This will avoid the appearance of a fatty halo. After processing with gasoline, the jacket must be washed and rinsed twice.


How to remove a greasy stain from a down jacket if it is completely fresh? Ordinary table salt, which is sure to be in the house, will help. Salt perfectly absorbs all kinds of dirt and perfectly helps to remove greasy blots from the fabric.

How to remove greasy stains on a down jacket with regular salt? To do this, add a little water to the salt - you should get a gruel. Then the mixture is applied with a brush to the spot, and after an hour it is brushed off.


One of the most effective ways to remove a greasy stain on a down jacket is a regular dish detergent. This method is far from new, and helps to cope with both household oil stains and machine oil. Also, a detergent is a good option, how to remove a stain without washing, because it is not always possible to wash the whole thing in the machine.

Before removing stains from a down jacket with a detergent, the thing must be cleaned. The stain should be free of adhering dust and debris. How to remove stains from a down jacket at home with a detergent? You just need to moisten the sponge, wring it out and soak it with detergent. Then, in a circular motion directed from the edges of the dirt to its center, gently wipe off the grease. Then the product is left on the jacket for 15 minutes and washed with warm water. To completely rinse the detergent off the fabric, wipe it with a clean sponge.

Peroxide and ammonia

How else can you remove a greasy stain from a down jacket, which was planted a long time ago and is deeply embedded in the fabric? A simple way to remove stains on a down jacket is to treat them with an explosive mixture of peroxide and ammonia.

Stir the ammonia and peroxide in equal parts, and then treat the contaminated areas with this explosive mixture. After about forty minutes, all the troubles in the form of greasy traces should completely disappear from the fabric. Are the spots still there? So the procedure must be repeated from the very beginning.

In conclusion, greasy stains on the down jacket after washing with ammonia should be washed with detergent. The dirty places are washed and then rinsed with cool water, or the down jacket is sent to the washing machine with high-quality washing powder. This method effectively helps to fight stains that often remain on jackets, especially white ones.

Lemon juice

How to remove a stain from a down jacket using lemon juice so that you do not need to wash your clothes? It is necessary to take exactly the lemon juice (it will not work to do with citric acid), moisten a cloth in it, and then wipe the greasy mark. The speck must be well moistened with lemon juice, left for 40 minutes, and then rinsed in cool water. After that, the down jacket should be washed in the machine with good powder.

Washing soap

The old grandmother's way of cleaning a down jacket from greasy stains is to wash them with black washing soap, and the blacker the soap, the better. It is quite possible to do without a large wash if a single speck is planted on the jacket. Try to get rid of the greasy residue with a laundry soap solution.

Rub some soap on a grater, cover with warm water, and then rub off the stain with this solution. You can moisten a sponge in the solution, and with movements from the edges of the spot to its center, clean off the dirt. After washing, the fabric should be rinsed in cool water, and then hang the jacket out to air dry, for example, on the balcony.

Salt and starch

If you're unsure how to remove stains on your down jacket, try using table salt and potato starch. Salt and starch can remove even heavy oil stains. Stir in equal parts starch and salt, then add some vinegar or lemon juice to the mixture. You should have a gruel at the exit.

The mixture is applied to the dirt in a dense layer and left for an hour. It is necessary that the gruel on the fabric is slightly dry. After that, it is brushed off the fabric with a clothes brush, and the garment is washed in warm water.


Not sure how you can remove greasy stains on a down jacket, which are very deeply embedded in the fabric? Try grandma's method - turpentine.

To remove the fat trail with turpentine, the jacket must be cleaned and dried thoroughly. It is necessary to remove stains with turpentine only from a completely dry cloth. The fact is that moisture will not allow turpentine to penetrate into the fibers of the fabric, and the stain will not come off completely in this case.

Next, a cotton swab is moistened in turpentine, squeezed out and cleaned off the fat. Try to peel off the grease so that the solution does not get on the fluff. If after the first procedure the contamination does not disappear, everything should be repeated again.

Stains after washing. What to do?

How to get rid of greasy stains on a down jacket that suddenly appeared after washing? Sometimes it happens that after washing in hot water, yellowish streaks appear on the surface of the fabric. The fact is that when heated, fat is released from the down, which stains the fabric of the jacket. To avoid this, you can use Vanish or Laska.

It is enough to dissolve two or three caps of the product in a bath of water, and then rinse the down jacket there. Let the jacket drain well, then rinse and wring in the machine and dry. In most cases, this will help get rid of the yellowish spots and streaks on the jacket.

It happens that stains of gasoline or diesel fuel need to be removed from the jacket. Most often, men's clothing is heavily stained with gasoline or solarium. Blots appear on the fabric, which completely spoil the thing. How to wash gasoline from a down jacket so that not even a trace of stains remains?

Washing powder

The gasoline trail can be easily removed with gruel from ordinary washing powder. It is enough to apply the gruel to the dirt, leave it for an hour, and then wash the thing. You can just soak the spoiled thing in a strong solution of powder.

Dish detergent

A great way to wash gasoline from a down jacket is to wash it with dish detergent. Simply pour the product onto the contaminated area, rub with a brush to create foam, and leave for 30 minutes. Then the garment is washed in warm water and air-dried to remove the pungent odor.

Mustard powder

The next option for removing the gasoline stain from the down jacket is mustard powder. Prepare a paste from the powder, apply it on the trail and rub it well. Then the item is washed with black household soap and rinsed thoroughly.

As with any clothing, oily spots, greasy spots and dirt can appear on the down jacket. When regular washing does not help, you have to get rid of dirt in a different way. How? Today we will consider how to remove the shine on a down jacket, how to remove stains and remove stains.

What needs to be done before washing?

To quickly remove stains, consider the following:

  • scraping off dense layers as much as possible from the surface of the down jacket;
  • only a clean and white cloth, or cotton pads we use for cleansing;
  • wipe contamination first with a dry cloth, then with a damp cloth;
  • we clean it from the edge of the soiled area gradually moving towards the center of pollution;
  • do not use metal brushes and rough materials, they can tear things or leave scratches, pills;
  • place the sponge on the seamy side of the problem area, it will absorb the stain.

The main rule when removing stains is speed. The sooner you start the cleaning process, the more chances that the contamination will disappear completely.

How to remove greasy stains from a down jacket?

I assure you, the beast is not so terrible as it is painted. Now I will teach you how to remove a greasy stain on a down jacket.

For this, we need products that are in every home. By applying them, you can clean the contaminated areas with your own hands without resorting to dry cleaning services.

Advantage such funds - price and availability.

Flaw- some methods are quite aggressive: if you do not act according to the instructions, you can ruin the thing forever.

Recipe 1. Detergent for dishes

Step 1

We take any detergent. The manufacturer does not play a role here. The main thing is that it is liquid or gel-like.

Step 2

To remove fat, you need a concentrated solution.

We foam the detergent, apply the foam to a sponge or a piece of fabric.

Step 3

Wipe the dirt with a soapy sponge. We leave the clothes in this form for a few minutes.

Step 4

We remove the soap solution first with a damp cloth, then dry. Drying the jacket

Recipe 2. Salt

If you've just dripped grease onto your jacket and have salt on hand, sprinkle it generously on the contaminated area. The salt will absorb the fat as much as possible, and the down jacket will be easier to bring back to its normal appearance.

If the stain is old, make a gruel from salt:

  1. We breed one tablespoon of salt with water until porridge.
  2. We apply mixture to the problem area.
  3. We leave all for about one hour.
  4. We remove dried solution with a brush.
  5. We process the stain soda solution... Proportion: 1 teaspoon in 200 ml of water. Now all that remains is to wash the down jacket.

To enhance the effect, you can add starch and lemon juice:

  • mix starch and salt in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • we breed all with lemon juice until thick sour cream;
  • apply to a polluted place;
  • leave until completely dry;
  • wipe with a damp sponge.

Recipe 3. Soap

Laundry soap will help to remove the greasy stain:

  1. Rubbing soap on a grater- two tablespoons.
  2. Dissolve soap shavings in 200 ml of water.
  3. Three stain with a sponge, soaked in solution. Moving from edge to center.
  4. We rinse the area clean water.

Liquid soap can replace the laundry soap. The principle of operation is the same.

Recipe 4. Lemon

Lemon juice will remove dried stains:

  1. We moisten our stain with sour lemon juice and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Then you need to wash the down jacket with the addition of detergent.

Recipe 5. Alcohol and peroxide

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide is a duet that will bring even the most stubborn and old stain to the "clean water":

Step 1

We mix in equal amounts the two ingredients shown in the photo.

Step 2

Apply the resulting mixture to the dirt with a cotton pad or a piece of clean rags. We leave for 40 minutes.

Step 3

We wash the down jacket in a typewriter with the usual detergent. Thus, we get rid of the smell of ammonia.

If the fat did not go away the first time, then we repeat the procedure. The same method can be used to remove stains that remain after storage.

Recipe 6. Household chemicals

A greasy stain from a down jacket can be removed not only with folk remedies, but also with professional drugs.

First you need to test stain removers on the wrong side of the garment to find out the reaction. The instructions on the package will tell you which stains are best removed with this product and how to apply it.

Recipe 7. Talc and chalk

A mixture of talc and chalk will help get rid of greasy stains in a day. Grind the ingredients in equal proportions. Then:

  • we apply the resulting powder to pollution;
  • put a blank sheet of paper or a napkin on top;
  • we press the napkin with a heavy object, for example, a stack of books;
  • leave overnight;
  • we wash the down jacket.

Recipe 8. Gasoline

Since gasoline is quite aggressive, I recommend using it only if other methods have not helped to get rid of the stain.

Before use, check the effect of gasoline on the seamy side of the jacket in a small area. Thus, you will avoid damage to the material.

You need to use ONLY high-purity gasoline, otherwise you risk permanently damaging the down jacket:

  • moisten a cotton pad with gasoline;
  • we apply it to the stained place;
  • wait from 15 to 40 minutes for a reaction to occur - the stain should dissolve;
  • we wash clothes in the usual way.

Getting rid of the shine on the jacket

On the down jacket, after a short period of wearing, a characteristic shine still appears on the cuffs and pockets. It is these areas that most often come into contact with our skin and other objects.

Get rid of the shine with a vinegar solution:

  1. Take 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar.
  2. In the resulting solution, moisten the sponge.
  3. We wipe our dirty places, after washing.

To remove the vinegar smell, move the item to fresh air for ventilation.

How to get rid of stains after machine wash

After washing, there are stains on the down jacket? There are three reasons that contribute to the appearance of these stains:

  1. Improper drying of the jacket.
  2. Insufficient rinsing.
  3. Poor wash.

If the jacket is stained, then a textile napkin dipped in hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of them.

If this method does not work, you can start rinsing again. I do not recommend rewashing the down jacket with washing powder, this will only aggravate the situation.

But in order not to form divorces, it is necessary:

  1. Choose high quality detergents... Prefer gel or liquid detergents. They are completely water soluble and rinse out well.
  2. Dry the item correctly... Hang the jacket on a hanger after washing. Knead the filler with your hands from time to time so that the fluff does not get bunched up. When drying, it is in these areas that stains often appear.

  1. Choose required mode of the washing machine... Observe the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated on the product label.


I talked about eight methods of getting rid of greasy spots on a down jacket, and also suggested how to remove shine and streaks from a jacket. Now you can easily and quickly wash your outerwear at home. By the way, the methods described above can be combined!

The video in this article will show you some more secrets on how to get rid of stains on your jacket. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments!