How to get a cat to wash the dishes. How to teach a cat to wash dishes? The cat does not drink water: why is it bad

    Why wash a cat? The cats wash themselves ...

    Today, about 15 minutes ago: D

    Target. Catching mice

    Equipment. Fishing rod toys and goodies.

    The purpose of training. Awakening the hunting instincts and physical activity for the cat.

    Learning stages

    1. Let the cat sniff a toy mouse (a real mouse, alas, does not smell like catnip! Therefore, the above method will teach the cat to play skillfully with a toy, but it is unlikely to lead to a successful hunt for live mice. After all, a live mouse must be tracked down, caught and killed. Usually kittens learn this from their mother - a country cat. And she first brings dead mice to her litter, then - half-dead mice. Of course, a cat that has never seen a mouse can accidentally catch it and kill it. Then this reaction will instantly take hold. But for most adult cats, who have never seen live mice, the method of teaching them to hunt, adopted from mother cats, is suitable. Place a drop of catnip solution on the toy or crush a dry leaf of this plant. This will enhance the attractiveness of the toy.

    2. When you see that your cat likes the toy, praise it and reward it with a favorite treat.

    3. Then hang the toy from the fishing rod. Pull the toy across the floor while calling the cat's name.

    4. The movement of the rod should be quick and unexpected, this will draw the cat's attention to the toy, which also smells like catnip. Praise and reward the cat with a treat should also be at this stage.

    5. When the cat is adept at catching a toy in the house, go to the garden or other fenced and safe place. Run and drag the toy around the garden and call the cat at the same time. After running a few steps, stop so the cat can catch the toy. Raise the rod sharply so that the cat looks like the prey is trying to escape from its claws.

    6. Gradually increase the time between stops, and the cat will soon realize that it is necessary not to miss the slightest opportunity to catch the toy. Whenever your cat grabs a toy, praise it and reward it with a favorite treat.

    All bullshit. The cat will quickly send all the fuck (according to the Cat), shit in a sandal and think: -What, decided to make fun of? Get a grenade.

Here I hear a surprised question: Why wash them? The cat is licking it clean anyway. No wonder they say that in every joke there is a grain of truth.

Once at work we got into a conversation with the girls, how often they wash the stove (for cooking). And here one of the employees asks in bewilderment: Why wash the stove. I will sprinkle it with valerian, and the cats will lick it until it shines. We laughed together, no one understood whether it was true or false. But I remember this conversation.

I think every housewife has her own opinion: how often to wash the dishes, which detergents to use. But when it comes to cat dishes, doubts arise, whether it is possible to use detergents, dishwashers, how often to wash?

Let's listen to the opinions of experts on this issue:

Can I use detergents to wash cat bowls?

It turns out not only that it is recommended to wash the cat's bowls with hot water and soap (preferably baby water, without using detergents) after each meal of the animal. But according to William Bill of the Center for Veterinary Medicine, you should definitely wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling cat bowls (especially for pregnant women).

Are cat bowls dishwasher safe?

Cat bowls can be washed in the dishwasher, but after cleaning it (bowl) from the remaining food. If you have small children or people with weak immunity at home (sick, elderly), then it is not recommended to wash the cat's dishes with yours.

How often should I wash my cat bowls?

Why you should wash your cat bowls right after a meal. The answer is simple: in cat food, just like in human food, bacteria appear after long storage. This applies to all feeds, even dry ones.

If it can be stored at room temperature, then, and must be kept in the refrigerator after opening the canned food. It is not recommended to leave these foods in your pet's bowl for more than two hours.

Since pets eat directly from the bowl, germs and bacteria that normally live in your pet's mouth may remain on the bowl (even if your cat has licked it).

I will not list what bacteria are formed in a cat's bowl, for anyone interested, read the article: that's not the point.

It is recommended to treat the area where the cat bowls are standing with a mild chlorinated solution. On my own I will add, do not overdo it, many cats do not like the smell of bleach! There should be a measure in everything. Otherwise, your pet will refuse to eat at all.

Pay special attention to a bowl for drinking water. The film that forms on the surface of the water contains a number of bacteria that cause water spoilage. It is recommended to change the water and wash the bowl daily, and in hot weather twice a day.

In addition, if you are feeding your pet raw food, you need to take special precautions, including thoroughly disinfecting any surface used to cut raw ingredients. Since raw food can be contaminated with salmonellosis (intestinal infection).

According to the Centers for the Control and Prevention of Intestinal Infections, children under 5 years of age, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are most often at increased risk of severe illness from salmonella.


If you don't wash cat bowls for several days, you run the risk of spreading dangerous bacteria and contracting foodborne diseases. If you want to be healthy, wash your cat's bowls after every meal. If this is not available to you, purchase several bowls for food and water.

And remember to wash your hands every time you handle pet food.

Mäyäyäuuuuurrrr Love cats.

For many who have just got a kitten, the important question is how often you can bathe your pet and whether you need to do it at all. Healthy cats do not need frequent washing, they thoroughly lick their fur, keeping it in perfect order.

In addition, special glands produce a natural protective lubricant that helps the animal to take care of itself. But you still have to bathe the cat in the process of leaving, because it gets dirty, and its beautiful and silky hair falls off.

How to wash a cat yourself and how frequent should this procedure be? There is a misconception that these graceful animals are afraid of water and do not tolerate bath procedures very well.

But in fact, this is not so - if you train a kitten from the first months of life, then bathing in the future will not cause any problems and will bring joy to the pet and its owner. The frequency of bathing is not too high - it is enough 5-6 times a year, the rest of the time cats perfectly maintain cleanliness themselves.

Before you start washing your cat at home, you need to decide when to do it. Bathing indicators are the following conditions:

You cannot bathe your cat in the following situations:

  • the animal is hurt;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • in late pregnancy;
  • within 2 weeks after the vaccination.

Before you wash your cat, you need to anticipate the animal's reaction to water. Many pets do not like her, especially if they have not been accustomed to this from the first months of life.

In this case, experts recommend that you be patient, do not yell at the cat and do not water it from the shower. If you cannot accustom the kitten to water on your own, you can consult a veterinarian who will tell you how to properly dip the animal in water.

Before you bathe the cat, it is recommended to trim its nails so that the pet does not scratch you, comb the coat and remove all tangles, if any. Next, you should prepare a place for bathing - it is best to do this in a bathtub or sink, some people prefer to bathe their pet in a comfortable basin.

It is recommended to take a little warm water into the bath, its temperature should be 37-40 degrees. It is very important to remember that the cat is not afraid of the water itself, but of the noise that is emitted by the pouring stream. Therefore, the pressure from the mixer should not be large and frightening for the pet, it is better to wet the wool from the palm of your hand, but the shampoo residues can be washed off with a shower without lifting its head too high.

When bathing a cat, it is necessary to create a normal psychological environment, no loud sounds and screams, it is better to address the pet quietly and affectionately.

Some people use special short leashes with suction cups for bathing, but this is not the best option, since the pet can get scared and in the future bathing procedures will be difficult. Better to hold the cat by the shoulders with your hand, gently applying shampoo to the belly, back, chest and legs.

It is impossible to wash the ears or nose of the cat, as this can cause inflammation. To clean the ears, you can use gauze or cotton swabs, with a large amount of sulfur, use special lotions or saline solution.

You need to start with the question of how to bathe a kitten for the first time at home. It is recommended to do this a couple of weeks after the fluffy baby has appeared in the house.

During this time, he will have time to adapt to the environment and people, and washing a baby is always easier than an adult cat.

How often do you have to wash your kitten? At first, almost every week, because little fidgets love to get dirty in flowerpots or a tray of sand, not yet having learned the accuracy of an adult animal.

For care, special low-foaming hypoallergenic shampoos for kittens are used, with the help of which the hair and skin of babies remain healthy and sufficiently moisturized.

It is necessary to bathe the kitten at home regularly, about once every 2 months, which will facilitate combing the fur, give the pet a well-groomed, beautiful appearance.

If necessary, the animal can be washed more often, for example, if the kitten gets dirty in the ground or sand. For the rest, it is no more difficult to bathe it than an adult cat already accustomed to such procedures.

5 easy steps to wash your cat

The question of how to wash a cat is solved with the help simple 5 steps.

  1. The cat must be carefully placed in the bath (it is better if the water does not reach its abdomen), slowly pour it over with warm water, avoiding getting into the nose and ears.
  2. Next, the cat should be gently lathered with shampoo with light massaging movements, if the animal is nervous, you need to talk to him gently and quietly, without frightening even more. The muzzle is washed with a small sponge, this should be done very carefully and carefully.
  3. The wool is thoroughly rinsed, for this you can use the shower, but without lifting it too high. All shampoo must be washed off, if it remains on the skin, it may cause further irritation.
  4. The cat should be gently blotted with a soft towel, especially for long-haired pets.
  5. If your pet tolerates drying well, you can dry the coat with a warm stream of air, five to ten minutes after bathing. In other cases, the cat is gently wrapped in a dry towel until the coat dries on its own.

What to do if a pet is afraid of water and it is very difficult to bathe it? The situation is difficult, but solvable - before the procedure, you should definitely trim your claws, play with the cat so that it comes to a relaxed state.

It is necessary to start bathing the animal gradually, not to lower the pet into the water immediately, but slowly, using your favorite toys as bait.

Very nervous cats, when bathing at home, can arrange real battles, pulling out and trying to scratch or bite. But you can't yell or slap them in the face at them, as this will not only not calm the pet, but will also cause even more stress.

Bathing a cat at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In most cases, cats are not afraid of water, but loud noises and situations in which they cannot move freely. Therefore, it is recommended to spend a bath day for your pet in a relaxing environment using the recommended 5 simple steps.