How to tie a short men's scarf. How to tie a men's scarf, taking into account the length and type of clothing

This accessory has firmly entered the life of a strong half of humanity and has long ceased to be just protection from frost. It is now an elegant piece of clothing that can add a touch of sophistication and status to any suit. The variety of styles has given rise to a variety of ways to tie a scarf, do you want to master this simple art? We will tell you how.

Stylish and useful

A scarf should be worn at least for the reason that it protects the neck from cold, wind and rain. Tied in a proper way, it will hide age-related imperfections, accentuate the cheekbones and a pleasant oval of the face. Regardless of whether you are wearing a coat, pullover or T-shirt, it will add zest to your outfit anyway. This is a versatile and very simple way to look fresh and modern. Many counterargument that a man's scarf only enlarges the face, making the image redundant, but believe me, if you find the right way to tie it on a coat, you will be transformed. Even the posture changes when the muffler gently falls off the shoulders, and after a while you will forever lose the habit of wearing oversized jackets and shapeless sweaters, and elegant shirts and pullovers made of fine wool along with a fashionable accessory will settle in your wardrobe for a long time.

For the evening and a date

Today, many designers will tell you what ways to tie a scarf are in the fashion industry today. The simplest of them is to wrap it, and then tie it around the neck in one relaxed knot. The pros are in the simplicity and slight negligence that such a saffron gives to the image. The minus is uncomplicatedness, so the method is suitable only for informal outerwear, if it is monochromatic, the multi-color option will make you brighter.

A common mistake is to simply bandage the ends of an accessory, if earlier it looked elegant and relaxed, now it is no longer in vogue. The ends hang shapelessly, so the taut silhouette becomes baggy, blurry, and it will not be possible to emphasize the dignity of the figure. In the end, it is corny and too blurry to remain relevant to this day.

For a festive event, where a jacket is indispensable, a model made of fine wool or silk, tied with a tight neat loop, is suitable. The soft shine of an expensive material will give you the desired gloss and a sense of status.

Types of nodes

Now for more advanced methods in which you have to apply a little dexterity. One of the knots is probably familiar to you, since it is popular among both women and men today - this is the Parisian knot. Everything is simple with him: fold the accessory in half, put it on the neck, and push the loose ends into the loop. This is a universal option for outerwear and for details with an open neck: T-shirts, T-shirts. The throat will be warm and the face will be accentuated and toned.

A single knot is the best way to express the image of a relaxed and self-confident metropolitan dandy. For him, you need to select a simpler and thinner model so that it does not stick out like a rocker. There will be little heat from this method, but thinking about how to tie on a jacket quickly, sooner or later you will come to a single knot. This is done as follows: wrap the scarf so that the ends fall evenly on your chest. It is not necessary to tighten especially tightly, so that it does not look quite like an army. In the end, you go to the street, not to the barracks. The single knot loop can be stretched to the chest and then you can acquire a gloss of adventurousness and self-sufficient modesty. It works flawlessly for girls of all ages.

The double knot is appropriate for the cold season, when it must perform its main function - insulation. Wrapped twice around the neck, it looks "puffy", which softens even the sharpest features of the face. The ends can be removed under the loop and then it will look modern and stylish from under the stand-up collar.

Types of forms

  • Perhaps everyone can tie a scarf beautifully on their head, but not everyone is suitable for this manipulation, much depends on the shape, width and length of your accessory. Wide ones have a slightly bohemian touch, so they look great on outfits in a creative casual style, they came to us from Latin America and are still popular.
  • Classic - mufflers are ideal for a formal suit to protect a snow-white shirt and neck from rain and snow, it simply falls off the shoulders, expressing calm dignity and sophistication.
  • Long ones are a favorite accessory of creative fashionistas. You can tie it an infinite number of times, changing images with one wave of the hand. Rich colors and textures make it a necessary part of the autumn wardrobe, and even better, if you have a whole set of these.
  • Now in fashion from natural fine wool appeared relatively recently, but have already become an indicator of status. Pleasant shine, softness and elegance of folds - all this instantly attracts the views of the beautiful half of humanity. Only in winter with such an accessory you can sleep with bronchitis - it is absolutely defenseless and non-functional at low temperatures.
  • Today, eyes run up from a rich selection of accessories, you don't have to immediately rush to everything bright with the label “ultra-fashionable”. The real style is created exclusively individually, so even such a small thing as a scarf requires your imagination and a little bit of gustatory intuition.

Beautifully knot a men's scarf

In order to beautifully tie a man's scarf around his neck, it will take only a few seconds. Unlike various types of ties, this accessory does not require any special skills or training. Unfortunately, most men, in principle, do not think about the fact that a scarf is not only a warm, practical thing that warms up perfectly on cold days, but also an additional element of style.

Moreover, we are talking about both the winter version, when you need to properly tie a scarf over the coat, and a fashionable summer accessory that elegantly fits the neck. In each case, you can use different methods of tying a scarf. Be sure to consider the characteristics of the accessory, especially the material and size, which can limit the types of knots. Next, we will learn how to tie a men's scarf beautifully and correctly.



All ingenious is simple... It would seem a paradox, but one of the most common ways to tie a men's scarf is to refuse any knots. Simply wrap the accessory around your neck and lower both ends (of equal length) to your chest. This option is not suitable for protecting the neck from the cold wind and severe frosts, but for formal events as an addition to a suit or tuxedo, this is the best. It looks very elegant. In addition, the scarf can be neatly tucked under the turns of the coat (jacket), worn with a blazer or sweater.


A popular way among fashionable guys to tie a men's scarf in the form of the famous Ascot knot does not very well protect the neck from the cold, but it looks stylish. Throw a medium-length scarf around your neck so that both ends hang over your chest, and then bring one piece over the other. After that, pull the outer part of the scarf up from the inside, that is, from under the bottom. Next, lower one end over the other and adjust the knot to your liking - closer to the neck, but not too tight. A scarf tied with an Ascot knot can be worn over clothing or tucked into a jacket or V-shaped sweater.


A simple yet very effective, practical and elegant way to wear a men's scarf in winter. Throw the accessory around your neck and lower it over your chest so that one end is noticeably shorter than the other. Then wrap the longer end around your neck. As a result, both parts of the scarf will be aligned in length. But not necessarily. Adjust the length of both ends as you see fit. The option is suitable for any type of winter clothing.


If you have a long scarf (more than 180 cm) made of not too dense material, you can arrange a double protection for your neck. Relevant for severe cold climates. Following the previous method of tying the scarf, wrap one piece around your neck twice and adjust both ends.


The most neat and classic knot for a men's scarf. There is nothing superfluous and easy to accomplish. Simply fold the accessory in half and wrap it around your neck. Then thread both ends of one piece through the loop of the other and tighten slightly to keep your neck comfortable. Looks stylish with all types of clothing - from a casual sweater and jacket to an elite business suit and coat. It is advisable to use a long scarf made of thin fabric.


A very stylish and modern way to tie a men's scarf, in which both ends of the accessory are on the back side, while the neck is completely safe and warm. Plus, you don't have to worry about the strong wind. Throw the scarf around your neck to get two equal parts in the front. Then, slide each end of the accessory over the opposite shoulder. If desired, one end can be made short so that the other end can be wrapped once around the neck. Reverse knot looks good with trendy sweaters.


Perhaps the best way to tie a men's scarf is really pretty, stylish and secure. Place the scarf around your neck. One end should be slightly shorter. Then, with the long end, make one turn around the neck and pass down through the loop. Pass the other end into the same loop and tighten the knot to make it comfortable. This method is suitable for both formal and informal clothing styles.

Above were presented the most popular and versatile ways to tie a men's scarf. In fact, classic. Resourceful guys can experiment, like tying their shoelaces. There are many options. Perhaps it will be possible to find an interesting knot with some of the types of scarves. In any case, use this fashion accessory at different times of the year and tie the scarf beautifully to further emphasize your individual style.

In a modern man's wardrobe, a scarf is an important attribute. After all, they not only insulate their neck, but also use it as an accessory.

With the help of a scarf, you can emphasize the style, image, mood. A few years ago, men wore only strict, laconic models and did not allow themselves anything bright and unusual.

But those days have passed, now there are many options for scarves, mufflers, men's scarves of various colors and styles in fashion.

We will tell you in more detail how to tie a man's scarf beautifully.


A modern scarf is distinguished by a variety of types and therefore it can be worn under almost any clothing, from a business suit to a summer urban version. Well, of course, scarves can be masculine, feminine and versatile.

Most popular models:

  1. Classic rectangular.
  2. Kashne.
  3. Stole.
  4. Arafatka.
  5. Handkerchief.
  6. Snood.
  7. Clamp.
  8. Hoodie scarf.
  9. Fur version of the scarf.

Now in more detail ...

The type of men's scarves is described in the video:

Classic rectangular

Standard sizes of such an accessory:

  • length - 150-180 cm;
  • width - 25 -60 cm.

Such models are usually sewn from silk, wool or cashmere, they are considered light and are intended to be worn in the warm season (very early, cool summer, spring).


This model has two sides. It is made of two strips of fabric and is a must-have for a classic men's wardrobe. The main difference between the comforter is that only strict laconic colors and patterns are allowed here.

Eye-catching accessories (rhinestones, bright embroidery or prints) are not allowed here.


The men's stole is also a very common part of the modern man's wardrobe and differs only in its length and width:

  • The stole is wider, which means that it can be folded two or even three times in length.
  • Plus, the stole is much longer than a regular scarf, which increases the number of knot options you can tie.

Warm wool model

Warm, soft and cozy is the most appropriate definition for a knitted men's scarf. At the same time, this model is not for business meetings and negotiations.

Rather, it is an informal option, suitable for walking, relaxing, traveling and informal meetings.


One of the favorite youth accessories. It is difficult to imagine a young guy from a big city who has never worn an arafat.

By the way, arafatka is a checkered scarf that can be worn by both men and women.

The popular headscarf got its name from the Arab leader Yasser Arafat. It is such an accessory that men of the East wear, but as a headdress. It is usually made of cotton fabric with a characteristic checkered pattern.


An original and interesting detail of a modern male look.

Basically, such an accessory is performed silk or satin and is an element of the informal style of clothing. This suggests a business-style neckerchief is out of the question.


The model that is used as a winter version. A distinctive feature is the ends connected in the form of a figure eight. Mostly worn over a coat or other outerwear, it looks voluminous and attractive.

Stylist advice: If you wear a bulky scarf over a jacket or coat, avoid other flashy items.

This accessory should be the only bright accent in your look.

How to put on snood for men is described in the video:


This is a wide scarf, the ends of which are connected, but not in a figure eight, but straight. It represents a closed ring. The second name of the accessory is "pipe".


An interesting option. It is a kind of mixture of a scarf and a hood. They usually wear it over a jacket or down jacket in winter.

This model, as a rule, is made of wool with a slight addition of synthetics to keep the thing in shape.

From fur

For its manufacture, a brown mink or black fox is usually used. The option is quite extravagant and requires special attention when creating an image.

Such an element is perfect for a winter fur jacket or sheepskin jacket, an insulated cashmere coat, as well as for fur coats and sheepskin coats.

How is it different from a woman's?

Fashion for men and women has long been woven together and have become almost inseparable from each other. Unisex has firmly entered life, and it is possible and even necessary to mix the incompatible. Of course, male and female images still retain their own characteristics, but the line between them is becoming more and more blurred.

What to do when choosing a scarf? How to define a male or female model in front of you?

There are several distinguishing features of a purely feminine scarf. When purchasing products for yourself, you will never fall into a mess if you pay attention to the six characteristics that distinguish a man's product from a woman's.

Six differences:

  1. If the item is decorated with a leopard, tiger or other similar print, it is definitely a female model.
  2. Pink, pale blue, bright lilac colors - of course, only for women.
  3. A scarf, shawl or stole equipped with a button or brooch is intended for the beautiful half of humanity.
  4. A very thin product made of yarn, silk or chiffon or other transparent fabric - designed for ladies. Moreover, regardless of color and purpose.
  5. Additional decorations (tassels, pom-poms, bright fringes, rhinestones, sequins, etc.) are signs of a woman's accessory.
  6. Drawings such as flowers, animals, birds, etc. - are for women only.

Attention! A men's scarf is, first of all, practicality and conciseness, and only then aesthetics.

How to tie properly around your neck?


The classic version for all occasions, it is extremely simple to perform. To do this, you just need to tie a scarf, straighten the upper fabric, and hide the ends.

In a solemn version, a laconic brooch will be appropriate here.


To do this, a scarf or shawl should be twisted in the form of a bundle, thrown around the neck and tied in front with two knots.

Classic knot

The tan should be folded into a strip no more than 10 cm wide, draped over the neck and tied in front. The knot should look somewhat sloppy.

Attention! This option is suitable for the Casual style.

Cowboy style

How to tie:

  • To complete, throw the product around the neck (ends in front), cross the ends and toss back, then tie them.
  • The wide part is in front, it should be voluminous. Very handy for cold weather.

Tie a scarf over your coat or jacket and you will be comfortable at any temperature.

Parisian style

To complete it, you need to fold the product in half, then hang it around your neck, take both ends and thread them into the loop that has formed.

It is highly desirable that the scarf is as long as possible, then you will look more elegant.

In addition, this option is well suited for cold weather, retains warmth and allows you to be outdoors for a long time.

One turn

To do this, put the scarf on your shoulders so that one part of it is about one and a half times longer than the second. Wrap the part that is longer once and return to its original place (both ends are in the front).

For this method, absolutely any model is suitable, regardless of length and quality.


To do it, you just need to throw a scarf around your neck and do not tie it.

Reference! It goes well with classic suits and coats.

If desired, you can hide the ends, you can hide them or place them along the lapels of the coat.

Artist style

To do this, hang the scarf around your neck and throw one end over your back.

This tying method looks very stylish, but is not suitable for cold weather, rain or wind.

It will be much more appropriate at a creative evening or party.


How to do it: the scarf is on the neck, one end is at chest level, the other is wrapped around the neck in two turns (ends in front), or hide.

This method is perfect for cold weather.

Option for celebrations

The scarf is thrown around the neck and the ends are fastened with a special ring.

Attention! Do not confuse a scarf with a tie, this garment does not require strong tightening and strict lines.

Watch a video that shows how to tie a man's scarf beautifully:

What to wear with such an elegant wardrobe item? The best options would be: a classic or denim shirt (it should be unbuttoned at the top by one button), a polo, a jumper or a formal suit. For outerwear, a classic black coat is best.

Models with a taphole, stripes, polka dots or paisley look the most advantageous. A geometric print is also always relevant.

Additional accessories and the right combination of image elements play a very important role here.

A scarf is a great accessory with which you can not only protect yourself from bad weather, but also decorate your bow and appearance in an original way. Stylists advise men and the colors of the scarf, combining it with other wardrobe items. In addition, it is important to know how to properly tie a men's scarf around the neck in order to look fashionable and modern.

The warming function of scarves has long faded into the background, many men of different ages prefer to wear an accessory in order to decorate their image. Women note that the scarf looks especially sophisticated and elegant on men, and stylists advise paying attention to fashionable and relevant today ways of tying a scarf for men, taking into account different criteria and a scarf model.

First of all, you need to select the types of tying scarves according to the model of the scarf itself, as well as its length. There are many ways to knot, comparable to wearing ties, some of them are specially designed for short scarves, others look perfect with long options. Therefore, when choosing a scarf and how to wear it, a man must take it into account.

Short scarf

Ideally, such scarves are suitable for everyday wear, there can be no tricks in terms of tying it. But at the same time, anyone can learn the correct use of such an accessory; it will only take a couple of minutes. The optimal length of a short scarf is 100-120 cm, they can be worn in a loose state under a coat, or they can be wrapped around the neck in one circle, combined with jackets. If the scarf is wide enough, it can be folded lengthwise.

Medium length scarf

In this case, we are talking about scarves of dense texture, about half a meter long, created mainly for the spring-autumn season. Warm scarves do not accept complicated knotting manipulations; they are usually wrapped around the neck or formed into a loop. The loop can be worn hidden under outerwear, or it can be made over a jacket or coat, it all depends on the overall style and design of the scarf.

Long scarf

Long models of scarves with a length of two meters and a little more are usually preferred by creative personalities and men with a special taste. Thanks to this length, scarves can be braided in all sorts of ways, for example, a noose, a French knot or a loop, moreover, they are made from flexible and elastic fabrics.

Do you wear a long scarf?


The width of such scarves is much narrower than in the case of short models, and they can be worn both in autumn and winter.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Depending on the length, designers classify scarves according to the seasons of the year, short ones are more often made from light fabrics for warm weather in spring and early autumn, medium models are ideal for the demi-season season, and long ones are more often sewn for the winter season.

Convenience and beauty

Today, several methods are actively used on how to put on a scarf for a man in order to enjoy not only comfort, but also its visual appeal. The main rule is not to overdo it with the image so as not to look too extravagant, this is more a woman's prerogative. So, the most popular ways to tie a scarf in the fall or winter are as follows:

  1. Lights of paris- suitable for a leather jacket, coat and jacket. The scarf is folded in half, thrown over the neck and the end of the scarf is threaded into the ring, which is obtained thanks to this.
  2. Fake- the scarf is put on so that one end is lower, a knot is formed from it. Further, the short end of the product is pushed into this knot, tightening the resulting version of the knot. This option is ideally combined with shirts, jackets and sweaters if you are using a thin scarf.
  3. Double punch- a scarf is wrapped around the neck with a double ring, after which a weak knot is tied from the remaining ends of the scarf, hiding it under the clothes.
  4. Drape- the scarf is put on the neck, stretching both ends along the chest. The notes of negligence are harmoniously combined with a coat and sheepskin coats, a scarf can be worn both on the inside and over clothes.
  5. Ostap Bender- a knot for adventurers, the scarf is wrapped twice around the neck, leaving one edge much lower than the other. It is better to wear this version of the knot with shirts and jackets.

The listed weaving options are more suitable for everyday wear, harmoniously combined with one or another garment. A man only needs to choose the optimal scarf model, as well as the perfect color scheme to match the overall style.

Tie a scarf on the face

You can tie a scarf to cover your face from wind and bad weather using a certain technique. To do this, you just need to pick up a voluminous, long and wide version of the scarf, and then wrap it several times around the neck in free weaving.

Thanks to several layers, the scarf can be spread wide, thus covering the lower part of the face. This option for wearing a scarf is relevant in the cold season, especially when it comes to windy weather with precipitation.

For reference! If a scarf is worn in this way, a man needs to choose a scarf color that will accentuate the skin tone of his face, based on his color type.

Scarf and clothing

There are only two ways to tie a short men's scarf - with a loop or in free fall, medium models imply a little more ways, but a long scarf is the most diverse in how to put on a scarf for a man. In addition to the criterion for the width and length of the scarf, a man needs to take into account the fact with which outerwear he will be worn in the future.

Leather jacket

Light models of cashmere, silk, cotton or chiffon scarves are perfect for a leather jacket. If we consider the options for weaving scarves, designers and stylists advise trying on the Lights of Paris under a leather jacket to look fashionable and modern. The shades of the scarf should overlap with the color of the jacket, be in the same palette, but differ in saturation.


A coat most often implies a classic style, therefore, it is better to combine a scarf with it with a discreet simple model and colors. A short scarf can be simply loosened from the inside or over the coat, a medium-length scarf is wrapped in a loop, putting it in a strict dress code inside under the coat, in everyday life - on top of it. Lights of Paris knot will blend perfectly with a coat, just like the Double Impact knot or Drape knot.

Down jacket

Down jackets are often referred to as a sporty style, this is important to consider when choosing a scarf. This can be a medium or long version of the product with fringes at the edges of the optimal width. They put it on in such a way that it wraps around the neck, but is freely positioned with both ends down. A simple and concise option for wearing a scarf is perfect for everyday life. You can also wrap the scarf around your neck several times, then tuck both edges, hiding under the scarf.

Do you wear a scarf with a down jacket?



Most often today, under a windbreaker, a scarf is worn in the form of a Tail, when it is wrapped around the neck in front, and both ends are placed loose on the back, hiding them with a jacket. The Drape or False knot scarf knot will also look casual and youthful with a windbreaker. It is only important to choose a product made of light fabrics that matches the style of the jacket with its stylistic load.


In fact, knots for a men's scarf are presented in several dozen methods, it is important to take into account the style of clothing, the age of the man, the design and composition of the scarf, its seasonality, color schemes and many other factors. Today stylists offer men a wide range of ways to wear scarves without restrictions and prohibitions. It is only important that the product has a laconic and restrained design, and the knot looks stylish and simple.