How to wash a girl

Hygiene is important for children and adults, but children's hygiene should be treated with special care. You will learn more about the procedure for washing little princesses from the article.

The difference in the structure of the genital organs of girls and boys dictate their own characteristics of caring for them. The main rule for caring for girls is to wash in the direction from the pubis to the coccyx. Thus, the vital processes from the anus will not fall on the genitals.

How to wash a newborn girl video

How to wash a girl under the tap

A private issue that worries young mothers is the doubt about the admissibility of washing a child with ordinary tap water. Very often, parents want to do this procedure only with boiled water.

But tap water is quite a suitable option, the main rule for washing newborns is running water. It makes no sense to wash the child from the bowl, where microbes again get and further pollute the baby's body.

To wash the girl under the tap, you need to direct the stream of water to the pubis, trying not to get on the umbilical zone. The water will wash the genitals and drain between the legs.

How often to wash a girl

In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Today's range of reusable diapers makes it easy to handle baby hygiene processes.

As a rule, the diaper absorbs stool and provides sufficient comfort and dryness. Therefore, we provide general recommendations on the frequency of washing:

  • After each diaper change, wash your baby only with running water without using any aids, such as soap, gels, foams.
  • After the defecation process, be sure to use baby soap or gel.
  • Evening bath before going to bed with liquid baby soap or gel.

How to wash a newborn

The process of washing a newborn baby can conditionally be divided into two phases - before and after the healing of the navel. The first bathing procedures are slightly complicated by the presence of an umbilical wound.
Later, after healing and falling off the umbilical residue, it will be possible to wash the child with complete immersion in water, but first you need to be very careful. The general rules for washing a baby are as follows:

  • The presence of a small baby bath, pre-washed with special baby products and washed well.
  • The water temperature should be 37-38°C, the temperature in the room 25-26°C.
  • It is not necessary to boil water.
  • If possible, in the first 2-3 days you can add a few crystals of potassium permanganate - potassium permanganate will perfectly disinfect the water.
  • You can add decoctions of herbs to the water. Chamomile, string, oak bark, etc. are best suited.
  • The tub should be two-thirds full of water.
  • First, the legs are immersed, and then the whole baby to the middle of the chest.
  • Gently pour water over the baby with your hand, stopping at the folds.
  • The total bathing time for newborns in the first month is 5-10 minutes.
  • At the end of the bathing procedure, the child is blotted with a pre-prepared tender film.
  • For the first six months of the baby, it is advisable to bathe daily.
  • After six months, you can switch to swimming every other day.

Is it possible to wash a girl

It is possible and necessary to wash the girl! Even the highest quality modern wet wipes cannot replace this natural process.

  • The jet of water should be directed from the pubis to the coccyx.
  • Water should be as close as possible in temperature to 35-37 ° C.
  • Use only running water.
  • The use of detergents, the best of all is liquid soap, not every time, but only after a “big” occasion and in the evening.
  • Wash only the outer genital sponges and in no case make your way to the mucous areas.
  • Use wet wipes only when absolutely necessary.

How to wash a girl in a month

Features of washing girls in the first month of life contains several important points:

  • Your movements must be confident, despite the fact that sometimes it is scary, so as not to harm the baby.
  • Carefully direct the water jet to avoid getting into the umbilical wound area.
  • A newborn girl has a special white lubricant between her genital lips - smegma. This is a kind of barrier to protect against bacteria. Under no circumstances should it be washed out. It will come out on its own, after a constant washing process.
  • When washing, perform all movements only with your hands. Cut your nails, remove the rings, wash your hands cleanly. No excessive use of cotton swabs, discs, diaper corners, etc.
  • After washing, simply blot the crotch and the entire body of the child with a gentle film or towel.

How to wash a 3 year old girl

At about the age of 2-3 years, you need to teach the girl to independent hygiene procedures. When washing, show your daughter the correct actions and ask her to do it for you on her own. Let me know if something is wrong. Also, you should follow a few rules:

  • Washing should be a daily ritual. Even if we are not talking about full bathing, then you need to teach that she is simply obliged to wash herself.
  • Use running water at room temperature.
  • You need to wash from front to back so that bacteria from the anus do not get into the vagina.
  • It is advisable to use not a bar, but a liquid soap with a neutral pH level. Liquid soap intended for children from birth is best suited.
  • The girl should have a separate, only her towel or film.

How to wash a 5 year old girl

At the age of five, a girl must independently and absolutely consciously make her personal toilet. At this age, the child himself should know that he should wash himself every evening.

The help of adults may be needed only to adjust the water temperature. It is very good if the girl has her own liquid soap and be sure to have an individual towel or napkin.

Washing a one month old baby

The general hygiene rules for a girl under the age of 1 month were described above, but I would like to mention some more important nuances:

  • wash the baby with every diaper change;
  • do not use any synthetic creams or powders. They will be needed only for diaper rash, a healthy baby does not need to bypass these wet wipes - they contain flavors that can cause an allergic reaction on the delicate skin of the baby;
  • When bathing, use only baby soap. Means for adults act quite aggressively on the skin of the child, also watch out for the mammary glands of a one-month-old girl, because due to the increased amount of estrogen in the mother, the baby may have blood or colostrum from the papillae, the breast may swell. Gently rinse the girl's breasts with each wash.

When washing a child, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of this ritual in girls and boys. Girls are washed away in the direction from the gears back, and the boys, on the contrary, from back to front.
Water should be running, at room temperature. Soap should not be used during each washing procedure, but only after a bowel movement.

Wash girls with chamomile

Chamomile has long been known for its antiseptic, bactericidal and wound healing properties. Its use for children's hygiene is undoubtedly very useful. Preparing chamomile infusion is very simple. For this you need:

  • 1 tbsp chamomile flowers;
  • 200 ml of hot boiled water.

Insist 10 min.
Strain - and you're done.

After washing with chamomile, you do not need to additionally rinse with plain water. It is enough just to wet the genitals of the child with a napkin or towel.

Children's health depends in part on proper hygiene. And especially in infancy, this applies to the genitals, because diaper rash and redness are often observed there. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, the child will be irritable and nervous.

Take care of your girl - this is the joy and joy of parents all their lives!

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