How to develop speech in a child up to a year

Speech and thinking distinguish us from "our smaller brothers." A child without deviations in anatomical development, but by chance found himself without communication, will never speak. Therefore, the task of parents is to teach colloquial speech, and not to think that, just hearing our speech, he will speak himself.

The development of the speech apparatus goes through all stages of development, starting from birth. Speech is the interaction of the respiratory system, the vocal apparatus and the nervous system. And its development can be compared with the development of sensory or motor skills. And you need to do this from birth, without waiting until the baby grows up.

What factors influence the formation of a child's speech up to a year?

The development of the ability to speak is interconnected with the skin, vision and hearing. It is from them that impulses come to the central nervous system with information about the world that surrounds the baby: sensory sensations from touching the skin, mother's voice and visual perception of objects. And this is an impetus to the fact that the baby has a motivation to communicate, and the more information there is, the more actively the child wants to talk.

By activating fine motor skills of the upper limbs, parents also contribute to the active development of speech.

The ability to speak in children can be divided into conditional periods. While the baby is in the mother's tummy, all his needs are satisfied at the physiological level, but at birth everything changes immediately. Now he himself must somehow signal his needs, which are also prerequisites for the ability to speak.

The first phase is the screaming period

The first two weeks of life are unconditioned reflexes to such stimuli as hunger, temperature discomfort, pain. And upon receiving the desired crumb calms down. In addition to hearing the crying of the baby - his voice, parents spontaneously form a stereotype - attracting attention with their voice.

In the third week of life, with the progressive formation of the oral cavity and tongue (the process of sucking), he begins to pronounce individual simple vowel sounds, not so clearly, but quite understandable. At the same time, the baby develops hearing and vision. It is activated by hearing the voice of the mother, can stop looking at stationary objects. And the more often he hears the voice of his mother, the calmer he becomes, he latently feels his security. But the cry is still present, and can be expressed as a form of communication, and develop simultaneously with the ability to speak. The cry continues around the beginning of the third month, only it changes, and a sensitive mother can already hear intonations: joy, pleasure, pain, anger, etc.

The crying phase can even last until the baby already knows how to pronounce individual simple words. This is a kind of communication.

What is needed during this period? The peculiarities of this phase are that parents and mother, first of all, must create the necessary conditions for the formation of hearing and vision: the sound of rattles, motionless, bright and colorful objects should surround the child as often as possible. It is necessary to develop tactile sensations by putting small toys with different textures into his palm.

And be sure to talk! Say more often the sounds available for repetition by the baby.

The second phase - we start to walk

Repeating simple vowel sounds from 2 to 6 months, the baby is humming. But already consonants join the vowels: x, g, k. Moreover, the child manages to combine them into simple syllables: gu, agu, ku, etc. The most interesting thing is that children of different nations combine them in the same way, regardless of the language of their parents.

Cooing in a child occurs most often unconsciously: looking at a toy, swimming, touching any objects, but at the same time it can already be observed that his “speech” is a reaction to the voice or appeal of mom or dad. These are the first manifestations of a conscious desire to communicate. The baby can look into the eyes and wait for a response with facial expressions.

What should parents do in the second phase of the formation of the ability to speak? TALK! But only in the language of the child, pronouncing simple, already familiar syllables. Such verbal communication can be recognized without difficulty. When there is a pause in the voice of mom or dad, he tries to answer you with the same sounds. He seems to be trying words and sounds, trying to catch the intonation.

An excellent way to promote the formation of the speech apparatus will be massage of the fingers on the hands. This is important for the development of fine motor skills, and the ability to use both hands in the future.

Third phase - baby talk

According to pediatricians, the period from 6 months to 11 is the most interesting period. It can be compared to the acquisition of knowledge by an adult over several centuries. A baby up to a year grows intensively, increasing its size and capabilities. And babble appears due to such factors:

  • the baby is not just lying, but can already sit and even take an upright position;
  • a change in diet leads to an intensive growth of the mouth, and an increase in the possibilities of the tongue.

Speech communication consists of syllables, but speech itself becomes more expressive and conscious. He more and more confidently composes separate syllables into words: mom, dad, woman, etc.

The characteristic of this period is also that there is an active development of complex mental processes and memory.

What features should be taken into account in this period? Make it harder to talk with your baby. It is desirable that during communication he sees the movement of your lips, and the syllables pronounced are clear. This is important, because in the process of listening to rhymes or songs, children have an unconscious desire to repeat them.

Fourth phase - hello first words!

The characteristic of the first year babies in this period is curiosity, copying and repetition. From 11 months to a year old, many children have their first conscious words. They correctly apply them in relation to adults. Compound words in children of the first year of life are pronounced in partial execution. Children are great at imitating animal sounds. Features of this period - active word creation in a child is manifested in the ability to associate words and objects.

We continue to develop speech.

  1. Do not forget to correctly and clearly name objects and comment on your actions.
  2. This is important for the child, as he enriches his vocabulary with the RIGHT words.
  3. Train the labial and cheek muscles: pipes, whistles, harmonicas, grimacing.

Conclusion. Each child is unique and unique. You can't ask for something he can't do right away. Train your kid and take patience as an ally.