What exotic fruits are not allowed for pregnant women. The most useful berries during pregnancy. What fruits are not allowed during pregnancy

It is worth mentioning that for our future mother, the most useful fruits will be, first of all, domestic ones. That is, grown in the territory of permanent residence of a pregnant woman. It is they that are better absorbed by the body, and processing with special means for their transportation is practically not used. So, the most useful fruits:

How are apples useful for pregnant women?
High content of iron, vitamin C and even iodine (if eaten with seeds).
Normalization of cholesterol in the liver (when consuming 2-3 Antonovka apples per day).
An excellent laxative (when using slightly boiled apples with milk or compotes from them).
Easier digestion of proteins and fats (with regular consumption of apples).
Benefits for fragility of blood vessels, urolithiasis, gastritis.
Improving immunity.

How are pears useful during pregnancy?
An excellent remedy for the prevention of constipation and diseases of the genitourinary system.
Anti-inflammatory properties.
Improving immunity.
An excellent antidepressant.
High content of potassium ions, useful for normal heart function and cell regeneration.
Given the large amount of iron, the pear will be useful for the expectant mother in case of rapid fatigue, dizziness, loss of appetite and heart palpitations.
Of course, only ripe, juicy fruits can have these properties. Stone pears that have arrived from nowhere can become a lottery.

What should you keep in mind when consuming pears?
Pure pear is high in fiber. It increases intestinal peristalsis and can cause gas production. That is, they should not be abused.
When processing pears into compotes, jams and other dishes, this fruit is no longer able to "harm" the expectant mother.

Are plums good for pregnancy?
Increased appetite.
Prevention of constipation (6-7 pieces at night, and the intestines work like a clock).
Help with disorders in kidney function and hypertension.
Removal of excess salt and water from their body, due to the high content of potassium.
Choleretic action.
Removal of radioactive elements from the body, thanks to the pectin substances in the composition.
Plums are most useful in raw form and when consumed on an empty stomach. When boiling, all nutrients are destroyed. Therefore, for the preparation of compote, it is preferable to pour boiling water over the plums, but not to boil them.
What should you keep in mind when consuming plums?
The amount of plums consumed during pregnancy should be limited. Otherwise, apart from harm, as they say, they will not bring any benefit.
Plums are contraindicated in obesity and diabetes.
Considering the diuretic effect, drainage is not recommended for rheumatism.

What is the benefit?
Fight against early wrinkles.
Medication for stress (ideal antidepressant) and insomnia.
Maintaining the work of the heart and blood vessels.
Maintaining the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
Influence on the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy).
Normalization of pressure.
Help fight acne.
Eating two bananas a day helps to relieve the nervous state, replenish potassium deficiency, normalize appetite, strengthen the heart muscle and eliminate edema. Also, if you eat these fruits every day, then you will not have to reduce blood pressure with medications.
What should you keep in mind when eating bananas?
Bananas help to thicken the blood. Accordingly, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or a previous heart attack, it is better not to abuse them.
Bananas are very high-calorie fruits. If you are overweight, it is better to ditch bananas in favor of other fruits.
Unripe bananas should not be consumed.

What is the benefit?
Excellent prevention of colds, thanks to the potassium / calcium content.
Help in strengthening the skeletal system of the fetus and the development of its brain.
Breakdown of proteins / fats and activation of the metabolic process, which helps the expectant mother to exclude problems with excess weight and with the gastrointestinal tract.
An irreplaceable remedy in the fight against depression - three lobules are able to restore mood and vigor.
What do you need to remember?
Considering that this fruit is not from the list of domestic ones, you should consult a doctor before using it.
Pomelo is a citrus fruit. Possible risk of allergic reaction.


What is the benefit?
The presence of a huge amount of vitamins in the composition, each of which is important for the development of the fetus.
Increased resistance to colds and viral diseases.
Strengthening the nervous system and heart muscle.
Fight edema, remove excess fluid.
Prevention of iodine deficiency.
The nutritional value of persimmons is higher than that of apples and figs.
What do you need to remember?
During pregnancy, you can only eat persimmon pulp.
Orange persimmon is known to be highly allergic. It should not be eaten in bags.
Persimmons are high in glucose and calories. If you are overweight, you need to limit its use.
It is also not recommended for diabetes mellitus.
And, what is especially important for the expectant mother - persimmon promotes constipation.

What is the benefit?
Stimulating the digestive tract.
Neutralization of pathogens.
Beneficial effect on the circulatory system.
Strengthening the reproductive organs.
Reducing the pain of childbirth.
As for the side effects of pomegranates, there is only one advice - use them in moderation, and then they will not bring harm.

What is the benefit?
Due to the positive properties of raspberries, its use becomes an excellent prevention for most diseases, including inflammation, metabolic disorders, hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases.
Raspberry relieves nausea and cramps.
Promotes an increase in lactation after childbirth and the establishment of the menstrual cycle.
Eases postpartum pain.
Prevents constipation during pregnancy.
Contains folic acid, which is very necessary for the fetus.
Promotes the development of fetal cells, which, of course, is extremely important during the laying of its organs.
An excellent remedy for late toxicosis and colds in the expectant mother.

What do you need to remember?
Raspberries are a highly allergenic berry. While waiting for the baby, it is not worth eating it with whole plates, covered with sugar and sprinkled with cream.
Raspberries (like viburnum), consumed in excess of the norm, can cause uterine contraction. This is especially true of raspberry leaves, with which many people like to brew tea - they contribute to the appearance of uterine contractions.
Also, this berry reduces blood clotting, which, of course, is undesirable in case of bleeding. That is, you should not get carried away with raspberries before childbirth.

What is the benefit?
A complete set of vitamins for the fetus and mother, including folic acid, mineral salts, phosphorus with iron, fiber, etc.
Calming properties (promoting the production of the hormone of happiness).
Increased hemoglobin.
Elimination of constipation and stimulation of peristalsis.
Prevention of hemorrhoids.
Reduced puffiness.
Low calorie content.

What do you need to remember?
Melon contains a lot of sugar.
Melon is an allergic fruit.
Melon (especially one that comes from afar) is dangerous because of its high nitrate content.
To eliminate undesirable consequences, the melon should be eaten in small quantities, only in season, only two hours after a hearty meal and separately from other products.
Melon cannot be combined with cold water and fermented milk products.
During pregnancy, melon is allowed in an amount of no more than two slices per day.

What is the benefit?
Peach relieves attacks of toxicosis.
The composition of the peach is a storehouse of vitamins during pregnancy.
This fruit helps to improve liver function and is quickly digested.
Reduces and prevents swelling.
Strengthens bones and hair.
Contains folic acid necessary for a future baby.
Relieves constipation, relieves heartburn and detoxifies.

What do you need to remember?
Peach is highly allergenic (2-3 per day is enough).
Peaches are not recommended for pollen allergies, diabetes, endocrinological diseases and liver problems.

What is the benefit?
Removal of edema (diuretic effect, removal of excess fluid).
Cleansing from toxins and toxins.
Improving metabolism and preventing constipation.
Help with iron deficiency.
The maximum content of nutrients needed by the baby.

What do you need to remember?
From this berry to any person, the benefits are enormous. And even more so during pregnancy. But in order for the effect of watermelon to be really positive, you should remember:
Watermelon is dangerous for colitis, urinary outflow disorders, kidney stones and indigestion.
A watermelon saturated with nitrates is doubly dangerous during pregnancy and is even strictly prohibited.
You cannot buy this berry before the end of August.
The nitrate watermelon can be identified by the following features: muffled (like a deflated ball) sound when tapped, soft (and not crackling) when compressed, color irregularity when cut, perfect cut smoothness, yellow and hard veins.
Another test method: toss the watermelon pulp into a glass filled with water. When dyeing the water at least pink, feel free to throw the watermelon into the bucket.
It is forbidden to eat more than two pieces of this berry (per day) during pregnancy.
In combination with black bread, watermelon can exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases.

Dried fruits
Cooked in compote, just soaked, mixed with nuts - dried fruits will be useful in any form. They will help ...
In the work of the digestive tract.
For constipation.
With a tendency to thrombosis and arrhythmia.
For colds and as a diuretic.
Dates and figs are most useful during pregnancy.

Almost ideal fruit for pregnancy. Cautions apply only to individual intolerance and use in moderation. The rest is a continuous benefit to mom and future baby. It is enough to eat one half of the fruit in the morning and in the evening (preferably on an empty stomach).
What is the benefit?
Relief of nervousness / depression (large amounts of magnesium).
Reducing the risk of a threat of miscarriage.
Prevention of constipation.
Mitigation of symptoms of toxicosis.

Harmful fruits for pregnant women: what fruits are not recommended to eat during pregnancy:

Promotes weight gain. Moreover, mainly in the baby.
In later periods, it is prohibited because of the property - to stimulate the growth of the fetus.
It causes fermentation in the intestines and increased gas formation.
Increases body temperature.
Increases the risk of premature birth due to bowel pressure on the uterus.

Exotic fruits
Any "exotic" during pregnancy should be excluded. You can't guess how the body will react to certain properties of the fetus. Not to mention their allergenicity and the difficulty of digesting them. Bright foreign tangerines are especially dangerous.

Very high allergenicity.
The risk of developing diathesis in the unborn baby.
Berry during pregnancy is strictly prohibited with a hereditary tendency to allergies in the family.
Strawberries also tone the uterus and can cause miscarriage.
Strawberry oxalic acid is able to draw calcium out of the body.

Well, if you really want strawberries so badly that you can't stand it, then remember that you should eat the berry only during its ripening season, in a very limited amount, and only from a proven garden (that is, without chemistry). It should be eaten only after a hearty lunch (5-6 berries) and in combination with dairy products.

A pineapple
An extremely dangerous fruit when carrying a child. It is categorically contraindicated in case of a threat of miscarriage, uterine tone, for a period of less than 13 weeks.

This fruit also provokes uterine contractions. It is better to refuse it, even if you are completely healthy.

When choosing fruits to feed the expectant mother, remember the main thing: fruits (98%) imported into our country from abroad are oversaturated with pesticides. Pesticides provoke a lot of diseases, hormonal disorders, even cancer. Don't risk your little one - choose only proven, safe fruits. Desirable, their own, village and forest .

The intrauterine development of the child depends on the nutrition of a pregnant woman. The fetus receives all the necessary substances from the mother's blood, where they are delivered with food. One of the must-have foods during pregnancy is fruit. They contain almost the entire complex of vitamins, trace elements and minerals necessary for the health of the expectant mother and her baby. Correct consumption of fruits can compensate for the lack of substances without resorting to vitamin therapy with synthetic drugs.


Domestic fruits

Fruit for a pregnant woman will be useful those that grow in her place of residence. Although, if a woman has always consumed certain exotic fruits for food, during pregnancy they will not cause harm. The main thing is to take into account the content of nutrients and know when to stop, because an excess of vitamins is harmful, as is their lack.


Apples are a versatile fruit for pregnancy. What are the useful substances that make it indispensable for the expectant mother? Apples contain a record amount of iron needed while carrying a baby. Anemia is very dangerous, as it causes oxygen deprivation of the fetus.

Vitamin C, contained in apples, is necessary to maintain immunity, which is also very important, since during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, a woman's immunity weakens. The pits of apples contain iodine, so it is useful to eat them with seeds: this will make up for the iodine deficiency.

Apples normalize blood cholesterol levels by cleansing blood vessels and preventing the appearance of cholesterol plaques. Lightly boiled or baked apples are a good laxative that has a mild effect on the intestines and generally improves the digestive tract.


As in apples, pears contain a sufficient amount of iron, so they are recommended for dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness and other indirect signs of anemia. Contains a lot of fiber, which enhances intestinal motility, so you should not abuse pears, especially in the later stages. 1-2 pears a day is enough.

Potassium ions, which are necessary for the heart to work, make pears indispensable for women who have had heart problems, because during pregnancy, the load on the organ increases significantly. Doctors recommend that pregnant women eat at least one pear a day if they suffer from swelling and are prescribed diuretic teas. Thus, without medication, you can maintain the level of potassium in the blood.


It has a choleretic effect, removes excess salt from the body, while the rich potassium content does not harm the cardiovascular system. Due to their mild diuretic effect, plums cope with hypertension, and the presence of calcium makes them indispensable in the first half of pregnancy, when the baby's skeletal system is being laid. Contains pectin, which promotes the elimination of radioactive elements.

All useful substances contained in plums are destroyed during boiling, so they are recommended to be eaten raw or filled with hot boiled water. When using plums, you should adhere to the measure. You should not eat them daily in large quantities, since a pronounced laxative effect can cause uterine tone, which is especially dangerous in the later stages.


They are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the body, especially during an exacerbation of respiratory diseases. However, it is vitamin C that most often causes allergies. Therefore, oranges and tangerines should be eaten with great care. If it is difficult to do without citrus fruits, then it is better to give preference to pomelo.


Contains a large amount of potassium and calcium, therefore it is useful for use during pregnancy throughout its duration. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the circulatory and nervous systems, fetal bone tissue, and normalizes the mother's blood pressure.

In the second half of pregnancy, pomelo is recommended as a prophylaxis for late toxicosis, as it normalizes metabolic processes, breaks down fats, helping to maintain a normal weight. Half a pomelo, eaten every other day, is able to remove toxins without harming the body of the mother and the unborn baby.

Pomelo, although it is affordable, does not apply to those growing in the place of residence. It does not act on the body as aggressively as oranges and tangerines, but it should be consumed carefully, starting with several slices a day, not overused, limiting itself to one. The fruit menu for a pregnant woman should be varied.

Video: The benefits of pomelo for the body


Another citrus fruit that is allowed during pregnancy. It should also be consumed carefully, limited to half for a few days. Grapefruit relieves nausea, so it is recommended for toxicosis. Contains a large amount of magnesium, which makes it useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system. With overexertion, nervousness and stress, prevailing in the first half of pregnancy, grapefruit improves mood. It burns fats well, therefore it is indicated in the later stages if there is a problem of rapid weight gain.

Exotic fruits

Fruits brought from far away are stored, as a rule, for a long time. Long-term storage leads to the fact that part of the nutrients in the product breaks down, so there will be little benefit from overseas fruits. So that they are stored longer and do not deteriorate, they are treated with special compounds that cannot be called useful, especially for the body of a pregnant woman. These fruits are highly allergenic. Among other things, they are difficult to digest by an organism not accustomed to exotic. A person who has never tasted, for example, papaya or passion fruit, simply lacks enzymes to assimilate them.

If, nevertheless, the expectant mother really wants exotic, which is often in the first trimester of pregnancy, then you need to buy fresh, only brought fruits, it is advisable to soak them before use, and then rinse thoroughly under running water.


This fruit is rarely considered exotic, it has become so familiar to Russians. The body assimilates bananas well, as they are familiar to everyone from childhood. You can eat them during pregnancy without fear. However, bananas are very high in calories, so 1-2 a day will be enough. It is a great source of energy and does not contain fat.

It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Improves mood and normalizes blood pressure. The use of bananas reduces the risk of developing preeclampsia, since they remove excess fluid without affecting the content of potassium and magnesium. In addition, the substances contained in banana make the skin elastic and prevent the appearance of acne. In many pregnant women, elevated levels of the hormone progesterone lead to greasy skin and acne.

However, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, eating bananas in large quantities is not recommended, as they contribute to blood thickening. If you are gaining weight quickly, bananas are also best avoided in favor of lower-calorie fruits.


Persimmon contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals important for the development of the fetus. Persimmon removes excess fluid, which is especially important in the last months of pregnancy. Helps to strengthen the immune system. It has a strengthening effect on the heart muscle, has a positive effect on the development of the vascular and nervous systems of the embryo. The high iodine content prevents iodine deficiency, the consequences of which adversely affect the well-being of the mother and the intrauterine state of the child.

The large amount of glucose contained in persimmons, and high allergenicity, makes it necessary to reduce its use to 1-2 things a day. This is especially true for women with rapid weight gain and diabetes. In addition, persimmon is known for its astringent properties, so it is better for mothers who are prone to constipation to avoid using it. Constipation is highly undesirable, as it leads to intoxication of the body.


The fruit is known for its antibacterial properties that can neutralize pathogens. It has a positive effect on the circulatory system, increases the level of iron, is an excellent prevention of anemia. It has a strengthening effect on muscle tissue, including the muscles of the uterus.

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice in large quantities can provoke constipation, increase the acidity of the stomach, which is undesirable in the later stages, when women already often suffer from heartburn.


Able to relieve an attack of nausea, it is recommended for toxicosis. It is quickly digested, relieves heartburn, reducing stomach acidity. Removes toxins and reduces swelling, preventing their appearance. It has a high content of folic acid, which is mandatory when planning pregnancy and in the first trimester, up to the 12th week. 1-2 fruits eaten allow to normalize bowel function, is useful for constipation.

Peach is a highly allergenic fruit, so it should be consumed with caution, in limited quantities. It is not recommended for endocrine diseases, problems with the biliary tract and the liver, since during pregnancy the diseases worsen, the reaction can be unpredictable.


This fruit is brought to us from afar, so you need to buy it only if you are confident in the quality of the fruit. However, fresh mangoes can be called a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Contains vitamin E, which protects the fetus from negative effects, regulates hormonal levels, and folic acid, which is mandatory when planning pregnancy and in the first trimester. A lack of folate increases the risk of developing fetal neural tube defects. 100 g of mango contains half the daily value of vitamin C.

A sufficient amount of beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body, makes mango useful for the development of the pulmonary, nervous, circulatory, and skeletal systems of the fetus, as well as its eyes, kidneys, and heart. Vitamin A is also important for the woman herself, as it helps the body to recover after childbirth.

Video: The value of folic acid in pregnancy. Foods containing vitamin B9

Fruits are healthy because they provide many essential substances that are easily absorbed by the body. They contain healthy fiber, which helps to improve digestion, which is very important during the period of gestation. However, when eating fruit, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  1. It is better to eat fruits not all together, but alternating them. So you can avoid the incompatibility of substances contained in different fruits, track the body's reaction, if any, to a particular fruit.
  2. You need to eat fruits half an hour before meals. In the stomach, they are digested quickly enough, the absorption of nutrients occurs already in the intestines. If you eat fruit after a meal, then the time spent in the stomach increases, which leads to the breakdown of most nutrients. They themselves begin to wander during this time, resulting in bloating, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms.
  3. Any fruit is a potential allergen, so during pregnancy it is worth introducing them into your diet carefully and little by little, monitoring the reaction. The fact is that the woman's body is completely rebuilt during pregnancy, the organs under the influence of the changed hormonal background begin to work in a new way. Reaction even to familiar foods can be unpredictable.
  4. You can not eat fruits in large quantities, otherwise even harmless apples may cause a reaction: allergies or various manifestations from the work of the gastrointestinal tract - bloating, constipation, indigestion, flatulence.

Fruit should be free of pesticides and nitrates. Of course, this can be quite difficult to track down, so you should protect yourself by peeling them. The peel contains a lot of vitamins and fiber, but it also contains the most harmful substances. Therefore, if there is no confidence in the ecological purity of the fruits, then it is better to peel off the peel from them.

When a woman prepares to become a mother, she begins to analyze all her food from the standpoint of the benefits for the child. A healthy baby will be born if, during the period of his gestation, she consumed healthy fruits during pregnancy. Such food is very useful as it contains all the necessary elements and vitamins. In this article, we will tell you which fruits are advisable to eat during pregnancy.

Do not forget that you can only eat natural products. Pesticides can have negative effects on the human body. As a rule, only those fruits that are brought to our country from afar are subjected to extensive chemical processing. Such substances prevent them from deteriorating over a long period of time. Therefore, it can be noted that only those fruits that grow in our country should be eaten.

Useful properties of fruits

Fruit contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In order to get great benefit from them, one should not abuse their use, and also properly handle them before taking. You should first find out what foods you can eat in order not to suffer from allergic reactions.

A pineapple

This fruit, which grows abroad, includes a huge amount of nutrients in its composition. Its composition is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and iodine. It helps food to digest faster and also removes unnecessary fluid from the body.

But unfortunately, its use during pregnancy is contraindicated for those women who are likely to have a miscarriage. Therefore, before using it, you should ask your doctor if you can eat it.


This fruit is exotic, although this did not prevent it from becoming quite common in our country. It has a positive effect on the production of serotonin in the brain. This substance provides us with an excellent mood, and also removes the state of anxiety. It contains a lot of potassium, which normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, and also strengthens the heart muscle.

It should be borne in mind that banana has a lot of calories, so excessive consumption of it leads to rapid weight gain. Therefore, you can eat it only in moderation.


This fruit has a positive effect on the digestive system, liver, stomach and gallbladder. Some women have noted a decrease in symptoms of early toxicosis with its use.

In the last term, this fruit relieves heartburn and is sometimes used against constipation. When using it, one should not forget that in many cases it can cause an allergic reaction, so it can be eaten only in its absence.


This fruit is a godsend due to its high iron content. Its property has allowed it to be used against anemia, which sometimes worsens during gestation. Apricot provides the body with beta-carotene and provitamin A. Its antioxidant properties have also been noticed long ago, which prevent the fetus from developing heart disease. Therefore, it can and should be eaten during pregnancy.


This fruit is very common in our country. It is beneficial to eat because of the content of various vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. This product will be a great snack during the day and will bring tremendous benefits to the entire body of a woman. You can buy only those varieties that grow in our country.


Melon should be eaten only during its growing season in our climatic zone. It contains a huge amount of vitamins. First of all, folic acid should be highlighted, which plays a key role in the development of the child's nervous system. Iron helps to normalize the hemoglobin content in the blood.

The intestines work much better because melon is rich in fiber, which actively resists constipation. Do not forget that you can only eat that melon that does not contain nitrates. In order to fully verify this, a check with a nitrometer should be performed.

Citrus fruit

These healthy and delicious foods are very popular due to the content of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid as it is also called. They also include vitamin P, which can perfectly strengthen blood vessels. Thus, you will not be afraid of bleeding and completely protect yourself from miscarriage. Do not forget that these fruits can be eaten only in the absence of individual intolerance, which causes various allergic reactions.

Useful properties of dried fruits during pregnancy

It should be noted that during pregnancy, the use of dried fruits is also very useful, since all vitamins and minerals are preserved in them. They contain acids, vitamins, phosphorus and iron useful for a woman's body. Doctors recommend soaking in water before eating them. This way you can relive them easily and thoroughly. You can also grind them using a meat grinder. Before doing this, make sure they are pitted. Doctors recommend mixing them with nuts, oatmeal, or honey. This composition contains many vitamins. It should be stored in the refrigerator. It should be eaten daily before bedtime. You can also make a compote, the tincture of which is perfectly made in a thermos.

In order to provide your body with all the necessary vitamins, you should eat apricots, dried apricots and kaisa. To prevent arrhythmias, thrombosis and asthma, the fruits of figs, figs, wine berries and figs are used. These products also have a slight diuretic effect, which will ensure the removal of excess fluid from the woman's body. They should also be used to treat various inflammatory conditions such as colds. Raisins are not only tasty, but also contain a lot of potassium, which is not present in its fresh version. It has excellent properties in the treatment of dry cough and bronchitis. With its help, you can significantly strengthen the heart muscle and nervous system. In order to relieve back fatigue, you should eat dates.

What fruits are not allowed during pregnancy

Note that there are no special fruits that should be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman. This is if there were no individual prohibitions or allergic reactions to this or that product until the moment of pregnancy. Remember to be careful about the quality and health of all foods during the first trimester.

Note! Pineapple contains acid in its composition, which, if ingested in a woman's body, can lead to a miscarriage. The papaya fruit is very harmful during pregnancy in an immature state. These ingredients, when absorbed into the uterus, provoke its contraction. This situation can lead to premature birth.

Note that eating fruit during pregnancy is very beneficial. In this case, it is important not to abuse any particular one species. They can provide the body with all the necessary minerals and trace elements - it is only important to strictly adhere to all the doctor's recommendations. The fruit can be eaten in moderation in the absence of an allergic reaction. Some experts recommend keeping a food diary, which will include the name of the product and the amount. Thus, you will know exactly the reaction of your body and also you will not be able to abuse the same product.


First of all, you need to remember one simple rule. Best of all, the human body assimilates foods, including fruits, to which it is accustomed at the genetic level. In other words, if your great-great-grandfather and great-grandfather never ate a mango, then such a fruit will be alien for you, especially for the growing body of your baby.

It is for this reason that citrus fruits are classified as allergenic foods. Eat tangerines and oranges during pregnancy with caution so that your child does not develop a severe allergic reaction from the citrus fruit slice in the future.

It will also be good if you give up pineapples during pregnancy. They contain acid, which can provoke a miscarriage. Of course, the risk that you eat a few pieces of pineapple and cause irreparable damage is very low, but caution still does not hurt. This applies to the greatest extent to those women who have a high probability of miscarriage, and those who are in the first months of pregnancy.

Reasonable care should also be taken when eating papaya. The unripe fruits of such a fruit contain a substance that can cause strong uterine contractions. But ripe papaya fruits do not pose any danger, they are an excellent remedy for heartburn and constipation. In the last trimester, not recommended in large quantities. The berries of these fruits are capable of raising the body temperature, and this can adversely affect the condition of the unborn child.

Watermelons, while not harmful to women, can also have unwanted effects on the fetus. Due to the presence of a large amount of sugar in watermelons, the baby in the mother's womb grows by leaps and bounds. Of course, only if you eat these fruits regularly. Therefore, if the fetus is underweight, watermelon can be the best medicine. If there is an overweight, you should refrain from eating such fruits, especially on the eve of childbirth.

When eating fruits during pregnancy, do not forget that you need to thoroughly rinse them. Otherwise, diseases may arise that will become a serious threat to the health of the expectant mother and baby. Such ailments include, for example, or toxoplasmosis.

When choosing fruits during pregnancy, remember that some products imported to Russia from abroad are oversaturated with pesticides. The latter provoke many diseases, hormonal disorders and even cancer. Therefore, do not risk the health of your baby, give preference to only proven and safe fruits. It is desirable that they are not purchased, but grown in their own summer cottage.

During pregnancy, a woman needs more vitamins and other nutrients. The development of the child and his future health depend on how fully she will eat. Fruit is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. What kind of fruit should a pregnant woman use to get the most benefit?

The most important thing is that the fruit should be real, grown in the right natural conditions, and not pumped up with nitrates. Any fruit eaten in unacceptably large quantities can bring discomfort or allergies instead of good. The large amount of fiber contained in fruits has a beneficial effect on the intestines, which is a good prevention of constipation in pregnant women.

Ancient philosophers said that you need to eat what grows in the area of ​​residence.

Apples are one of the first fruits on the list of fruits useful for expectant mothers. They contain iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, B, beta-carotene. The daily intake of iodine, which is so necessary for a pregnant woman, can be obtained by eating an apple along with the seeds. Apples are advised to be consumed to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

Plums are considered the most useful fruit during pregnancy. They help in the prevention of constipation, due to a mild laxative effect, normalize blood circulation, high blood pressure. It contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium.

Pears also improve the functioning of the intestines, blood circulation, and kidneys. Contains a large amount of trace elements: phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, calcium.

Although grapes contain many useful substances, they can have a bad effect on the intestines. Therefore, you should use it with extreme caution.

Citrus fruits, due to their high content of vitamin C, are an excellent prevention of colds. They are the most common allergens and should be consumed in small amounts and with caution.

Lemon contains citrine and vitamin C, which help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Pomegranate has a very beneficial effect on the blood and has an antibacterial effect on pathogens.

Pomelo contributes to the prevention of late toxicosis, as it can have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, remove toxins and break down fats. It is a rich source of potassium and calcium, helps the formation of fetal bone tissue, normalizes blood pressure.

Greatly helps with toxicosis grapefruit, as it relieves nausea. Contains magnesium and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Banana is the richest source of potassium. Nutritionists advise eating a banana for breakfast as an independent dish. Ripe bananas are more useful, but it is advisable not to use unripe ones.

At the end of pregnancy, it is extremely useful to consume persimmon, as it helps to remove excess fluid. It is an excellent prevention of iodine deficiency. Contains a large amount of glucose, so women with diabetes should be careful.

Watermelon is an indispensable diuretic during pregnancy. Promotes the elimination of excess cholesterol from the body, is a source of folic acid, which affects the proper development of the fetus.

Melon is useful as a mild sedative for the nervous system.

It is worth remembering that watermelon and melon should be eaten separately from other foods in order to avoid excessive gas formation.

Apricots have a positive effect on blood formation, which, in terms of the effect, can be compared with fresh liver. Peoples who constantly eat apricots are distinguished by longevity. For pregnant women, apricots are great for relieving swelling.

Peaches are able to relieve nausea, so they are also recommended for toxicosis. Helps relieve heartburn in pregnant women, due to the ability to reduce stomach acidity. For endocrine diseases, peaches should be avoided.

An indispensable source of vitamins necessary for pregnant women is mango. Vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin C are the main ones.

It is very beneficial to consume freshly prepared fruit juices during pregnancy. It is advisable to drink juices diluted with water, so they are better absorbed.

Dried fruits retain the properties of fresh fruits, therefore they are also very useful during pregnancy. They are rich in vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. You can use them soaked. It is better not to cook the compote, but to pour boiling water over and insist.

Figs are famous for anti-inflammatory and diuretics. The dates give strength and help to cope with fatigue.