What color of tights to choose. Transparent hint. How to choose nude tights. How to choose the right nylon tights by color

Women's tights are one of the most valuable fashion inventions that allow you to warm in the cold season, give sexuality and femininity. For many women, they are considered a mandatory element of the dress code, while others are helped to emphasize their figure and style. Tights are often a nuisance. Just a hole or a puff, so many women have to wear a spare pair in case the first ones fail. Tights are not a key accessory for a woman's wardrobe, but a mistake in choosing them can really ruin the whole outfit. But if the tights are chosen correctly, they add charm, emphasize the image and give sexuality... The modern assortment of hosiery is so great that sometimes it will take a lot of time to decide on the size, color, quality and type of tights. How to choose the right tights and what to wear with? - the main question, the answer to which every woman should know. But first, let's go back to the history of tights. Surely every woman is interested in where such an integral attribute of a woman's wardrobe came from.

The assortment of modern hosiery stores provides a huge number of tights from different companies, different shapes, colors, qualities and prices.

Women's tights, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern woman, appeared in the 40s in the USA, and 20 years later in the USSR. The predecessors of pantyhose are considered to be stockings, which were used for almost 400 years before the appearance of pantyhose. At the end of the 50s of the twentieth century, mini-skirts became popular, under which it was very problematic to put on stockings. Fashion classic - Mary Quant, who introduced the fashion for wearing mini - skirts pushed the industry to mass production of tights, which are still considered an integral part of women's wardrobe to this day. In 1959, the American Allen Gant tried to sew stockings with underwear - this is how tights turned out. The first to wear tights was the dancer Ann Miller, she used them for her performances. The new garment immediately gained immense popularity among women, but they were very rare and were worn by women only from a noble family. In Soviet times, during the Brezhnev era, women's tights were considered a large deficit. A gift in the form of tights was considered the best for women. In those days, women did not pay special attention to the color, density of tights, since there was not much choice on the market.

How to choose the right tights size?

Women's tights, like other wardrobe clothes, are made for standard figures. Many women often do not pay special attention to the size of the tights, thinking that they still stretch, or take a large size so as not to crush. This opinion, this is the main misconception, how, if the tights are small, discomfort will be felt in the first place, they will constantly slide, and periodic pulling up will certainly lead to the appearance of arrows or holes. If you buy tights one or two sizes larger, they will stretch above the waist, folds will be noticeable on the ankle and under the knee, it looks not at all beautiful.

When buying tights, a size table is provided on each package, which indicates the height and weight of a woman. And so, in order to choose the right size, find the marks in the table that correspond to your height and weight and draw along the line. The point at which the lines cross will be the size you want. If the point stops at the dividing line between dimensions, select the next dimension.

Women's Tights Size Chart

It should be noted that each brand of tights has its own size criteria. Therefore, always when buying, take a minute of time and look at the table indicated on the packaging with tights.

Types of tights by density

In addition to the correctly sized tights, each package has their density indicated, which is measured in "den." It is easy to notice them on the packaging, you need to find the designation in the form "den" or "DEN" - which means the density of the fabric. So the more "DEN", ​​the denser the tights.

  • Ultra-thin (5-10 DEN). These tights are the thinnest in terms of density. They can be worn at various events, festive meetings or during the hot season. Such tights are practically invisible on the legs and are rather a rule of good taste.... Ultra-thin tights are suitable for every day, or in the cold season, they are not practical and can quickly tear.
  • Thin (10-15 DEN)... They are meant for hot weather. Like the ultra-thin ones, they are almost invisible on the legs. They can be worn on a daily basis and preferably with light-colored clothing.
  • Medium (20-40 DEN). These tights are most commonly used by women. They are suitable for both cool summer and spring-autumn seasons. They are suitable for every day or holidays. The market provides a huge assortment of these tights, different colors, patterns.
  • Dense (50-200 DEN). High density tights are designed for the cold season. They are the most durable and, if worn neatly, can serve for more than one season.... These tights contain cotton or wool. They can be worn both with a skirt and under trousers. Their cost is much higher than ordinary tights, but they ideally protect a woman from hypothermia. The color and degree of density depends on the taste and preference of the woman.

Types of tights and color

You need to choose the right tights, otherwise you can ruin your appearance and image as a whole. Tights should be in the tone of the outfit or a tone lighter than the clothes, but in the tone of the shoes. Given the large assortment of tights, every woman should be able to choose the color, style, size of tights to her figure, clothing, style. Do not forget about age. Let's take a look at the most common types of tights that are popular with women.

  • - a universal piece of women's wardrobe. They easily fit into everyday life, as well as in a business or festive outfit. There are several types and colors of nylon tights, which differ in their density. Such tights can have different patterns, arrows. They give slimness, lengthen the legs. However, if your legs are not completely straight, you should not wear such tights.
  • ... These tights are perfect for a short dress or skirt. There are many models with ornaments, they all look impressive, but only when you have straight and beautiful legs.
  • Is a powerful weapon of seduction. However, this effect is possible only if they are chosen correctly. With such tights, a classic or short black skirt will look perfect. You should not combine these tights with casual, business or sportswear. In addition, fishnet tights will look good only on flawless legs. Patterns, weaving emphasize all the beautiful curves of the legs, as well as their flaws.
  • It is recommended to wear it in the warm season, but you should not combine it with sundresses or airy ones. Tights - mesh will go well with a suede, denim or leather skirt.
  • These tights are recommended for young girls. They should match the color of the clothes and shoes.

What to wear tights with?

At first glance, women's tights are not an important attribute of women's clothing, but, nevertheless, they can both emphasize the image and spoil it. Therefore, when choosing tights, you need to pay attention to some points. Here are several versions of how and with what outfit a certain type of tights will be combined.

  • How to wear black tights. Black tights look good with both casual and festive outfits. They can be called universal, since they are ideal for all dark-colored clothes, less often bright ones. Black tights should also match the shoe.
  • How to wear gray tights... Gray tights can be classified as classic. They, like black tights, can go well with a woman's wardrobe. The only thing is that such tights must be carefully matched with black shoes. This image may seem strange. Gray tights, which include cotton or wool, will look good, but they will be dense.
  • What to wear with light and nude tights... These tights are considered versatile, as they fit almost any outfit and shoes.
  • What to wear with patterned tights. Patterned tights allow you to create a bright and beautiful look. If the pattern on the tights is large, it visually fills the legs. The market offers a huge selection of tights with various patterns, therefore, what to wear them with depends on the color, pattern, and taste of the woman.
  • What to wear with colored tights. For bright colored tights, it is better to choose a dark or black top. Such tights should be worn by young girls with straight and beautiful legs. An excellent solution would be if you choose clothes or accessories of the same color along with bright tights. This style is perfect for parties or other fashion events.
Colored tights in bright colors - the main thing is not to overdo it in combination with clothes
  • What to wear with fishnet tights and tights - mesh. You need to wear such tights with short shorts or mini - skirts made of leather, suede or other material. Then your look will be elegant and sexy. These tights are perfect for parties or a romantic dinner with your loved one.
Fishnet tights and tights - mesh - a bold decision

In addition to the above types of tights, there are others that are less commonly used by women. Such tights include corrective or modeling tights for pregnant women or medicinal ones, which are recommended for use in case of varicose veins. In addition, recently, tights manufacturers have been producing flavored tights, but their cost is much higher than usual and not every woman can afford to buy them.

When choosing tights, you need to know that for a harmonious combination, at least one clothing or accessory should match the color of the tights. Also, clothes should be one or two shades lighter than tights. It is desirable that the tights be one or two shades darker from the shoes. In addition, it recommends that you familiarize yourself with a few additional tips, and a video with fashion tips that will help you choose the right tights.

Dark tights visually lengthen the legs, while white tights make them shorter.

Thick tights will forgive the outfit and look very strict. Young girls should refrain from wearing tights over 100 DEN.

Poor quality tights have round seams that can chafe. Better to choose tights with no seams or flat seams.

Thin black tights with a longitudinal seam in the back - suitable only for women with perfectly straight legs.

You should not wear tights with sandals or sandals.

Fishnet tights or tights - the mesh is best worn with high heels, but not with ballet shoes.

High-quality tights should contain no more than 30% lycra. If more is indicated on the package, then this is a fake.

It is better to wash tights by hand, the water temperature is not more than 30 degrees.

Proper care of your pantyhose and the right size will help your pantyhose last for a long time.

Colored and white tights make your legs look fat.

Choose nude tights of different densities closer to your skin tone.

White boots and black tights, on the contrary, are unacceptable combinations!

When it comes to choosing tights, many girls are baffled by this. Tights are an integral part of the look and often become the key element of the entire look. Choosing the right tights is an art. Even if the whole bow is harmonious, but the tights are chosen incorrectly, the whole image can be a failure. Let's figure out how to choose the right tights for the set.

Tights can be divided into thin, medium-density and dense tights. In this regard, it can be noted that the thinnest tights are worn in the warm season, and the thickest in the cold season. Exceptions are public appearances, holiday kits, etc. The density of tights is measured in den. 5-10 den tights are considered the thinnest, are intended for ceremonial events and are very impractical. Tights 10-15 den are considered less thin and more practical; they are usually worn in spring or summer in a business wardrobe or in cocktail bows. Tights from 20 to 50 den are considered denser, and finally, tights from 60 den are considered the most dense.

Nude and black tights are basic tights in any girl's wardrobe. However, I am often asked questions: is it possible to wear nude tights with a dark dress or black tights with a white dress? I must say right away that each case is individual, and there are no rules, but I will share the guidelines with you. Skin tights should not be matched to your outfit, but to match your skin color. Black tights can be worn with any outfit. It is important to remember that the more transparent the black tights, the more modest the outfit should be. Thick black tights fit well with almost all outfits, but are often better combined with casual bows than with office sets.

Skin tone tights with a black suit look organic, as well as a white dress with tight black tights.

A light skirt with black tights and light-colored shoes looks bad, because the bow is split into pieces. In the case of Elena Hanga, the color of the tights is lighter than the flower of the skin, which should not be.

It is believed that the "bare leg" effect in winter is taboo. Can you agree with this statement? Yes and no. Tight tights look more familiar in winter, but bodily tights are sometimes a must. For example, a small strip of bodily tights in bows with boots looks quite adequate, no worse than sets with tight tights, and sometimes better. If you decide to wear flesh-colored tights with boots, then the bow will not always look correct.

See how nude tights work in the pictures below. The images are harmonious, despite the bodily tights.

Colored tights appeared in the 60s, in the era of mini skirts. The mini length allowed fashionistas to show not only beautiful legs, but also to show the world colored tights. In matters of choosing colored tights for an outfit, many questions always arise. Are there rules here? There are no rules, there are guidelines that will allow you to make the right choice. Colored tights look best with shoes of the same tone or lightness. Can you wear contrasting shoes with colored tights? You can, if you are the owner of long legs and do not doubt the correct color design of the entire bow.

Brown tights + taupe shoes look harmonious. Tights and shoes of the same color enhance the color vertical and lengthen the leg.

Contrasting shoes and colored tights are not an easy tandem. From the point of view of correction, an illiterate move. This choice shortens the legs. If you really want to, then the color composition of the kit must be flawless.


In pursuit of a fashionable bow, many girls, including fashion bloggers, make mistakes. Overdo it with color. A bright outfit + colored tights often looks too much. Overkill in the combination of colors is often found among novice bloggers who incorrectly build the scale of the color combination under the slogan "Bright is cool". It's not cool, it's lurid! If your tights are a bright spot in your bow, then the color scheme of your look should be neutral, less bright or intelligently arranged in composition and color scale.

The gray dress is neutral, so the tights look appropriate, not clumsy.

The girl on the left looks lurid. Hence the conclusion, let one thing be bright: top or bottom. In the picture on the right, the girl relied on dark and light, bright and light - her eyes run up, the image is split.

In the early 80s and 90s, glitter tights were held in high esteem. The prima donna herself showed in her "Christmas Meetings" all the shine of her legs. We all remember that the 80s and 90s are rightfully considered the most tasteless time in the history of fashion. Therefore, we will leave tights with glitter in the past.

Shiny tights are now an indicator of bad taste. But who knows, maybe tomorrow it will be all the rage and everyone will dress up in shiny tights. Keep your finger on the pulse, fashion is changing and makes us change our attitude and look.

Printed tights constantly captivate the imagination of women. How else to draw attention to one of the most exciting areas? This is where the territory of experimentation begins. A girl who wants to draw the attention of men to her perfect legs often goes all out. But very often girls do not realize that patterned tights make perfect legs imperfect! How to recognize such tights? It's that simple! Get a full-length mirror and take a close look at yourself. If tights with a vertical pattern are located on the legs with a "winding snake", then this is not your option.

If you see "twisting snakes", then tights should go to the ban.

Choose patterned tights that don't create curves on your legs.

Fishnet tights, tights with a stocking effect, tights with a seam - all these types of tights evoke a clear association - a girl with a peppercorn. There must be a reason for such tights, and the relevance of a bow with sexy tights must be respected. Pay attention to the fact that for tights with a seam, the seam line should be flawless, and for tights with a fishnet, the mesh should not be too large.

The seam on the tights or stockings should be perfectly even, and the mesh on the pantyhose should not be large. Fishnet tights should stay where they came from.

If you are feeling like a vamp woman, then choosing sexy tights will play along with your image. The appropriateness of this choice will help you get the right attention and emphasize your personality. In order not to slip into vulgarity, even if only tights in your set will demonstrate your sexuality, and everything else will be silent.


Fans of prints, even in tights, need to have a very delicate taste so as not to ruin their way out. Also, do not forget that tights with a print often plump and "cut" the leg. Think a hundred times and carefully examine yourself in the mirror if you decide to wear such tights. Even designers often show controversial bows with printed tights on the catwalks. The catwalk and life are different realities, so be careful.

Runway looks are more like stage looks than bows that can be used to go out into the city.

Chamberness in color, size of the print and its presentation - this is what you should be guided by when drawing up bows with printed tights.

Tights are a very tricky wardrobe item. An incorrectly chosen style or shade will cross out all your efforts to create a harmonious image. If the dress is your favorite piece of clothing, then you need to know how to choose the right tights for the dress.

Pantyhose with print

When choosing women's tights with a pattern for a dress, you should remember one rule - there should be one thing with a pattern - either a dress or tights. There are many patterns with ornaments. They look spectacular, so if you can boast of perfect legs, then these tights will be the best way to focus on them. However, the dress should be extremely laconic, and the tights should be expensive, with a well-applied pattern - otherwise you risk going over the edge of bad taste. Choose tights with a pattern that is free of pants and seams, very thin so that they look natural.

Fishnet tights

Women's fishnet tights are a powerful weapon of seduction. True, this effect can be achieved only if you can choose them correctly, so as not to be considered vulgar and tasteless. The best option for fishnet tights is a classic romantic dress, as simple as possible. You cannot combine fishnet tights with casual, business, sportswear.

It's also important to remember that lace tights will only look good on flawless legs. Various patterns, weaving emphasize all the beautiful curves of the legs, as well as their flaws.

Nylon tights

Nylon tights are a versatile thing. They simply and easily fit into casual style and business attire. However, there are also some secrets here on how to choose nylon tights:

  1. Black nylon tights suit everyone, this is a win-win for any outfit.
  2. Nude tights are always in fashion. They should be present in the wardrobe of a woman who works in an office with a strict dress code, where it is customary to wear them even in summer.
  3. Shiny ones are more suitable for going out, but if the thighs or calves are overweight, they should not be worn.
  4. Always fashionable women's tights with arrows look extremely attractive - they add harmony, visually lengthening the legs. This is perfect for a little black dress or sheath dress.

How to choose the color of your tights?

When choosing tights for a dress, you need to know that the dress must have at least one color that matches the color of the tights. For example, a dress may have a print in the same color as the tights. Or the hem of the dress should match their color. Another great option is when the dress and tights are of the same color, but the latter are slightly darker or lighter. And it is desirable that the tights be at least half a tone darker than the shoes.

And finally, a couple more tips. When choosing tights for a dress, pay attention to women's slimming tights, as well as with a cotton gusset. Such models make it possible not to wear underwear under a tight-fitting evening dress, which will create a smooth silhouette without unnecessary folds. For everyday wear in the cold season, give preference to warm options, for example, women's bamboo tights. Take care not only of your external perfection, but also of your health.

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The first pantyhose in the form we are used to appeared in the United States in the 1960s. This invention coincided with the heyday of miniskirt fashion. Before that, girls had to wear stockings, and garters were treacherously displayed in short outfits. Now tights are an integral part of the wardrobe, but designers, bloggers and ordinary consumers still argue about how to wear them correctly and whether they should be worn at all.

You may have noticed that models and mannequins in stores often show off outfits without pantyhose. Therefore, residents of cold regions have to choose the right pair themselves.

We are in site decided to figure out what laws dictate tights to us and whether there are any prohibitions in wearing them.

There are very few hard restrictions on wearing tights now, because fashion rules change every season, so you can feel free to experiment. However, in order for your look to be neat and well-groomed, it is worth knowing about some of the nuances, patterns and fashionable taboos.

There are several factors to consider when choosing tights:

  • the environment and the style of clothing adopted for her (office work, formal or informal party, walking around the city, etc.);
  • Your age;
  • fashion trends and what you personally like;
  • the weather.

General rules

Despite the era of experimentation in clothing, it is better to adhere to the rule: the denser the tights, the denser the clothes should be and the more massive the shoes... Combine thin cotton and synthetic materials with tights with a density of up to 40 DEN: products up to 20 DEN are considered thin, and up to 40 are considered demi-season. Warmer options will be in harmony with skirts and dresses made of knitwear, wool, denim. But remember that tight models do not go well with a business suit.

Don't try to skimp on the quality of your tights. Cheap items tend to tear and stretch faster, creating unattractive folds. In addition, in cheap, thin models in natural shades, color is often unevenly distributed.

Cross the tanned tights and glittery options from your shopping list.

Don't forget about the weather outside the window. If it's hot outside, then tights are not needed. If for some reason you are shy, wear trousers or a long skirt.

In the cold season, transparent nylon will not add charm to you, besides, you can catch a cold. If you plan to be outside for no more than a couple of minutes - running from home to car, from car to work, etc. - you can afford to wear 20 DEN tights. If the sun is warm outside in early fall or late spring and it's not so cold, don't wear thick black tights.

Never wear tights with socks worn over them (unless you wear a sock for warmth and pantyhose integrity in boots or closed boots).

White tights quite often you can see them at fashion shows, but in everyday life they are difficult to combine with the rest of the clothes and for many they are associated with the outfits of little girls.

Combination with shoes

Oddly enough, tights and open shoes are not taboo. The most important thing, comply with several conditions:

  • Shoes should be heeled.
  • Tights should be non-flesh colored.
  • No seams or thickened toes should be visible on the toes.
  • Tights should not be too transparent, the over-warmed "winter" version will not work either.

Combining open sandals and tights, you can create an informal grunge look or, conversely, an evening cocktail outfit. They do not have to be identical in color.

Tights of any density not recommended to be worn with light shoes without heels: ballet flats, moccasins, sandals. However, more and more fashionistas say yes to the combination with sneakers and sneakers - a modern, casual look is obtained. Thick tights also go well with closed massive shoes: ankle boots, boots, boots.

For a long time it was believed that shoes must be darker than tights. But now bold and daring designers don't give a damn about this rule, and everyone else follows them. But still, in some cases, you have to take care of the color combination: tights and shoes of the same color can make your image ridiculous. But black models and black shoes combine well and make the legs visually longer.

Basic colors

Fashion bloggers and stylists have been arguing for a long time about whether or not it is possible to wear bodily tights at all. Many girls will agree that nude is a great option for the office. The most important thing is to remember that sheer tights are designed to give the impression that your legs are empty. Everyone else, on the other hand, should show that your legs are not bare. So go for powdery shades that match your skin tone rather than shiny ones. Before buying a new pair, study the photos on the packaging and the manufacturer's website or use the color tables. Except for work or business meetings, it is better not to wear bodily tights anywhere.

Black tights are a very moody wardrobe item. On the one hand, they seem to be versatile and go well with almost any outfit. On the other hand, they can stand out from your light-colored dress and make the whole outfit look aggressive. Thick black tights will complement your everyday style, but thin black nylon can spoil your image at a business meeting or a festive event.

Instead of black for an office dress code, choose interesting, but not provocative colors: graphite, anthracite (wet asphalt color), mocha... They can be combined with both dark and light things. Thin tights will not overload the image, it will just be clear that your legs are not naked.

Colored and fancy tights

Colored tights always add an informal touch to an outfit, so consider the setting for which you are choosing an outfit. It can be difficult to correctly combine multi-colored models with other clothes. If you are in doubt about your decision, follow these simple rules: use no more than 3-4 colors and combine warm shades with warm, and cold with cold.

It is better not to buy nude tights with patterns. In reality, drawing along their entire length will give the impression that your legs are covered with bruises and abrasions. The recently introduced nude tights with imitation of a tattoo look very impressive if you choose the pattern of the correct proportions.

So called "Fantasy" tights - with pictures and ornaments - combine only with plain clothes... The ideal print option is peas: it looks interesting and not provocative.

Fishnet or back seam tights are essential for truly elegant looks. In no case do not wear them with a miniskirt, revealing dress, open or overly chunky shoes.

Tights and skirt length

Thin tights with a mini-skirt and a short jacket look very sad in cool weather - those around you do not admire your hardening, but begin to worry about your health. In cold seasons, combine tights and a short skirt with a long coat., and in the room, throw on an elongated cardigan, especially since layering is still in trend.

What tights do you prefer? Do you have any personal fashion taboos about the right combination of tights with shoes and clothes?