Calcite - magical properties and chemical formula. Calcite stone: value, properties, description of the mineral

Calcite is a mineral from the class of carbonates: calcium carbonate. Synonym: lime spar... Chemical formula: CaCO 3.

Glass luster, mother-of-pearl; earthy and dense matt calcite. Hardness 3; earthy varieties are soft. The specific gravity is 2.71 g / cm 3. Colorless, white, less often yellow, green, blue, blue, violet, dark brown, black. The line is white. Crystalline calcite exhibits perfect cleavage in three directions along the rhombohedral faces.

Granular differences on impact split in certain directions and give fragments in the form of rhombohedrons. Continuous granular, dense, sinuous, porous, earthy, leafy, banded radially-radial; also crystals, druses. Calcite crystals have various shapes. The system is trigonal. Sometimes it gives complex shapes for other minerals. Overgrown crystals. The original is a 15-kilogram "white mushroom" of calcite, found in a mercury deposit. Some crystals of Icelandic spar weigh several quintals.

In crossed nicols, the interference color is pink with a pearlescent overflow of color. Often forms polysynthetic twins oriented at an angle of 750, has a specific pearlescent color in pink tones.

Features... Calcite has a non-metallic luster, medium hardness or soft, boils violently when exposed to dilute hydrochloric acid or vinegar. Calcite can be confused with dolomite or magnesite. The difference is that dolomite reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid only in powder form, magnesite - with heated hydrochloric acid. The similar anhydrite does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid.

Chemical properties... Boils violently under the action of dilute hydrochloric acid. Boils with vinegar. Calcite powder does not change color when heated in a test tube with Co (NO 3) 2 solution.

Varieties and photos of calcite

Transparent, birefringent calcite (doubles the image viewed through it) is called Icelandic spar, very fine-grained calcite - lithographic stone, foliated calcite - paper spar.

A variety of calcite is also pearl... Pearls are pale pink, white, yellowish, golden, bronze, greenish, bluish, dark gray, bluish black, black with a silvery tint. Its shine is pearlescent. The size of a pearl is from a poppy seed to a pigeon's egg, rarely more.

Another type of calcite - marble onyx.

Icelandic spar. Photo Gunnar Raez Pearls in a Shell Onyx Marble

Calcite origin

Calcite can be formed in a variety of ways. Hot aqueous solutions coming from magma chambers often carry dissolved calcium carbonate, which, when cooled, precipitates out in solid form, and calcite veins appear. These veins also contain sulfides of various metals. This is how calcite of hydrothermal origin is formed. In addition, calcite of this origin is found in the voids of erupted igneous rocks. Calcite deposits (calcareous tuff) are also observed on the Earth's surface at the outlets of some mineral springs.

Some lower marine organisms build the skeleton of CaCO 3. After the death of animals, skeletal remains accumulate at the bottom of the seas and form thick strata of limestone, consisting mainly of calcite. Some minerals of deep origin, for example, deep origin, for example, feldspars, upon chemical weathering on the Earth's surface under the influence of carbon dioxide and air, give calcite.

In addition, the release of calcite from cold groundwater of surface origin, in caves, in rock voids, most often among limestones. Thickness of limestone under the influence of high temperature recrystallizes and turns into granular limestone - marble, consisting of calcite.

Calcite is a part of metamorphic rocks (marble), sedimentary rocks (limestone, chalk, calcareous tuff, travertine); also occurs in the form of skeletal remains (shells) of extinct marine animals, in veins, at the outlets of sources, in caves and voids (stalactites, stalagmites, stalagnates), in voids of volcanic lavas, inside shells of mollusks (pearls), rarely in deep igneous rocks. In rocks, forms irregular grains, aggregates, oolites, spherulites.

Satellites... Ore veins contain sulfides. In volcanic rocks: opal, chalcedony.

Calcite application

Calcium is essential for plant and animal life. Icelandic spar (optical calcite) is used to create sophisticated instruments. It doubles and polarizes light beams, transparent to almost all wavelengths. These properties are used in various optical devices, astronomical measuring instruments, quantum generators, radio electronics, and computing devices. Without Icelandic spar, the operation of modern optical devices, calculating devices, and medical equipment is impossible. It is used in holography and laser technology.

Pearls are a wonderful decoration. They are used to decorate clothes, household utensils, book bindings. Lithographic stone is used in lithographic business.

Place of Birth

Icelandic spar deposits are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Evenkia. There are deposits of lithographic stone in the Caucasus, in the Leningrad region and in the Ukraine.

Icelandic spar is found in Iceland. There are deposits of lithographic stone in Germany.

Pearls are called "tears of the sea". Natural pearls are mined in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Mexico, islands, atolls and reefs of the Pacific Ocean. Sea pearls are mined off the coast of Japan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Solomon Islands, New Guinea, Venezuela, Central America, Australia, washed by warm seas.

A stone and what it is scientifically.

What is Calcite?

Scientists call mineral calcite lime. The name is understandable when looking at the hero's formula: - CaCO 3. This is a carbonate from which and is complex.

The latter is a rock, that is, it also consists of other minerals. It , , . However, calcite in limestone is more than 90%. Therefore, the breed is called monomineral, but it still goes beyond the CaCO 3 formula.

In the photo there are calcite crystals

Calcite - stone pure composition. True, the same formula is characteristic of, for example, aragonite. However, the structure of the crystal lattices, and they themselves, are different.

Spatial calcite formula“Pours out” into scalenohedral aggregates. They resemble rhombs, but with a refracted central axis. Less commonly, calcite forms lamellar, branch-like, or needle-like.

Calcite properties

Properties the hero of the article has many faces, like the crystals formed by him. So, lamellar calcite is called paper calcite because of its similarity to writing sheets. Prismatic crystals are called fangs.

There is also a calcite, as well as a wing. These are definitions of a mineral depending on the shape of the aggregates. Dozens of calcites also differ in color. So, samples are called anthraconite.

Symbircite is a reddish mineral. The caveman is blue calcite... Argentine has a silver tone. There is also cast calcite.

Calcite depends on the presence of impurities. gives the stone and tone. makes the mineral brownish, or. C and calcite, bluish. Sometimes, interspersed,.

Not without the classification of calcites by the nature of light refraction. Icelandic spar, for example, has a double. Each of the rays entering the crystal is split into two components.

As a result, putting calcite, for example, on the inscription, you see it in duplicate. By the way, the birefringence effect was discovered just on the example of Icelandic spar. It is transparent. Otherwise, birefringence would not have taken place. I noticed the effect of Rasmus Bartholin. He is a 17th century Danish mineralogist.

So far, mineralogists have counted 700 varieties of calcite. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most abundant in nature, ranking third after feldspar and quartz. The latter belongs to oxides. Silicate spar. Calcite grade- carbonates. This is indicated in the stone formula by the CO 3 group.

In terms of hardness calcite you cannot call it many-sided. All samples are given 3 points. This is only a point more than y, and 2 points more than the softest mineral.

That's why, calcite crystal easily scratched with almost any material. You can take from the henchmen. Scratching reduces calcite. It is glass by the stone.

Differs in calcite and perfect cleavage. Large forms of stone easily disintegrate into component parts, often lamellar or diamond-shaped. The split planes remain perfectly smooth.

Therefore, cleavage is called perfect. The structure of the mineral changes when heated to 400 degrees Celsius. At this moment, the hero of the article is transformed into aragonite. The latter, like calcite, is “afraid”. If you drop it on, a violent release of carbon dioxide will begin.

Mining and deposits of calcite

The hero of the article composes most of the sedimentary rocks. Calcite- a frequenter of hydrothermal veins. These are holes in the rocks through which mineral flows pass.

Elements from them, the same calcium, are deposited on stones, forming granular masses, crystals. Similar processes take place in caves. Drops of water falling from the ceiling leave behind a mineral composition.

This is how stalactites and stalagmites - stone columns of dungeons - are "born". Calcite is also present in the "columns" of the human body, that is,. In addition, the mineral is embedded in corals, sea sponges.

The extent of the distribution of calcite can be understood by looking at the Alps and Cordillera. These mountain ranges are completely made up of the hero of the article. For giant crystals they go to Iceland.

There are aggregates 5-6 meters long. In cryptocrystalline form, calcite appears in the form of marbles. They are in abundance in Russia, for example, in the Ural Mountains and the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Leningrad and Belgorod Regions.

Deposits in Evenkia are also being developed. The lands of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are rich in Icelandic spar. Not without calcite in Adygea, Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula.

Calcite application

Calcite application found, first of all, as a finishing and building material. The stone is rather fragile in thin slices, sections. But, massive blocks are durable.

The thickness of the stones makes them durable. Modern buildings are the hero of the article, basically just trim. In past epochs, some of the buildings were built from calcite. For example, the Tower of Babel and the Parthenon were built from it.

The first object has not survived. The ruins of the Parthenon are accessible to tourists. The remains of the temple are majestic, survived for thousands of years, which proves the viability of calcite as a building material.

In the photo is a ball of calcite

Gypsum, calcite, limestone,. This is a series of similar in composition and used in construction and decoration. The listed species and minerals are used to make slabs for walls, floors, and decorative items.

However, in jewelry they use only calcite. Photo stone in, appear mainly in American magazines and catalogs.

In the USA, the hero of the article is one of the favorite gemstones, despite the delicacy of the socks associated with low hardness. In the States, an orange-yellow variety of calcite is held in high esteem. It is appreciated for its decorative qualities.

In Europe, the beauty of blue calcite is preferred. In Russia, as a rule, marble is inserted into jewelry. It is a variegated variety of the mineral. The paints are arranged in layers.

In the photo there are figurines made of calcite

Recognize in the same way. This type of calcite is found only in the Ulyanovsk region, that is, it is a domestic curiosity. The stone got its name in honor of the old name of the city of Ulyanovsk. In its center, by the way, there is a monument to simbirtzite. Outwardly, it resembles, or.

The slight hardness of the hero of the article is a minus when wearing products, but a plus when creating them. The mineral is easy to cut. Some jewelers carve roses, leaves, music signs from calcite. The stone is plastic, like clay, and in the matter of decorating jewelry, this is important.

Calcite price

Buy calcite can be in the form of building materials, or collection samples. The real stone is "read" in the latter case. So, Icelandic spar is estimated at about 250-300 rubles per piece 2 centimeters long and about one and a half wide.

For an aggregate of crystals measuring about 15 by 8 centimeters, they ask for 4,000-11,000. The exact price tag depends on the shape of the aggregates, the purity and transparency of the stone, and its color scheme.

In the photo beads from calcite

Now let's go over small souvenirs. 7-centimeter blue calcite is exhibited for about 2,500 rubles. the same diameter on a stand is estimated at 7,000-8,000 rubles.

This is in the case of using blue calcite. A ball of whitish mineral costs 2,000-3,000 cheaper. A souvenir made of striped stone costs about the same.

A calcite bear figurine costs about 3,000 rubles and is unlikely to grow in value. The prevalence of the hero of the article "keeps" the cost at the same level. There is no shortage, and there are no prerequisites for an increase in prices.

600 characters are missing due to the paucity of information.

Calcite is the third most abundant mineral on earth. It is second only to quartz and feldspar. Samples can be found by everyone, especially if they travel to the Alps or the Cordilleras, because these mountains are composed of calcite.

The concept of calcite combines many minerals. Some of its species are used for building houses, making sculptures, used in industry and even used as food additives. The mineral was known in ancient times as a building material. For example, the Egyptian pyramids are made of it.

This term was coined by Gaidinger in the middle of the 19th century. The word is derived from the Greek kais, which means "lime".

Calcite is calcium carbonate CaCO 3 with various impurities. Most of it was formed as a result of the evaporation of solutions containing calcium.

The main properties of the mineral are described in the table:

When heated to a temperature of 470 degrees, it turns into aragonite, and with prolonged heating it decomposes into carbon dioxide and lime. It also tends to dissolve in hydrochloric acid, while giving a violent reaction, similar to boiling. Upon impact, the crystal disintegrates into rhombohedrons. This mineral is widely used in industry. Here are some examples:

  • parts of the structure during the construction of buildings;
  • decor;
  • sculptures;
  • chemicals: carbon anhydrite, caustic soda, calcium chloride;
  • flux in metallurgy;
  • component of paints and varnishes, rubber, paper;
  • fertilizer.

Even outwardly beautiful varieties of the mineral are rarely used in jewelry production, since this mineral is very soft. Some types are used for crafts, while others are used as interior decoration.

Icelandic spar is used in sophisticated optical and measuring instruments.

Deposits and production

Calcite is found in nature in different forms: in the form of a prism, a rhombohedron, thin plates resembling paper, druses, brushes. In caves, it is represented by stalactites, stalagmites, oolites and draperies.

Mineral calcite is the basis of marble, limestone, marls. It replaces the shells of molluscs or corals. For example, the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia with a length of 2.5 thousand kilometers - the remains of coral, replaced by calcite. Sometimes it itself is replaced by other minerals.

The mineral is widespread in many countries. The extraction is carried out in a quarry way. In Russia, one of the most popular calcite deposits is Chalykskoe, which is located in the Zelenchuksky region of Karachay-Cherkessia. The development is located in the valley of the Chilik River, 20 kilometers from the village of Storozhevaya. This quarry is famous for its large deposits of Icelandic spar.

Calcite types

There are many varieties. Calcite is marble, chalk, travertine, Icelandic spar.

Here are just a few common types:

  • anthraconite is a black mineral due to inclusions of bitumen;
  • Argentine - famous for its silvery sheen;
  • barium calcite - one of the impurities of such calcite barium;
  • brewerite - black calcite;
  • smelly spar - calcite, in the pores of which bubbles of hydrogen sulfide are concentrated;
  • Icelandic spar is a transparent mineral that has the effect of birefringence and polarization of light. If you look through a crystal of Spanish spar in the light, the image will bifurcate;
  • cobalt calcite - a mineral containing cobalt cations;
  • angel wings are a type of mineral that is distinguished by an unusual crystal shape. Thin plates grow together and become like wings;
  • symbircite - translucent crystals of red and yellow colors. The mineral was found only in the Ulyanovsk region (formerly Simbirsk province).

Depending on the impurities that have replaced calcium in the composition of the mineral, manganocalcite, zincocalcide and others are released.

The healing properties of calcite

The effect of the stone on the body depends on its color:

  • orange - helps with digestive problems;
  • red - facilitates the course of diseases associated with impaired bowel function;
  • yellow is a stone that reduces pain in the kidneys;
  • pink - soothes, relieves insomnia;
  • blue - reduces blood pressure, is used as a pain reliever, makes breathing easier in case of lung diseases, relieves irritation.

Calcite, in combination with silver, becomes an antiviral and antimicrobial agent, so lithotherapists recommend wearing it around the neck during epidemics. The ring worn on the little finger of the left hand relieves the condition in case of cardiovascular diseases.

The magical properties of calcite

One of the strongest minerals is orange calcite. It is used in meditation that relieves fear. At the same time, the person does not become reckless. The sense of danger and vigilance remain, but the irrational panic fears go away. The orange stone can become a psychotherapist for a person, relieve depression and stress, bring harmony in the soul, and help establish relationships with others. In magical rituals, orange calcite is used to purify energy.

Brown Crystals are used to boost morale and confidence. The mineral helps to forget past failures and grievances, revives optimism in the soul. Pink calcite restores human energy, increases motivation, and helps to achieve goals. Also, the stone helps to find love. In family life, it will help spouses to better understand each other. Insecure people with him will raise their self-esteem. Blue calcite relaxes, helps to catch your inspiration and does not depend on the opinions of other people.

Calcite has a magical property to develop clairvoyance with its energy vibrations. People who do not possess extraordinary abilities will expand their consciousness with it and will be able to predict the consequences of their actions and see the bad intentions of other people.

The Calcite Talisman serves only one owner. The stolen stone will stop working and be useful. But it can be donated. The former owner must introduce the stone to the new owner. It is advisable to conduct the session several times. After the transfer of the amulet, the new owner must wash away the memory of the owner's past from the stone under a stream of running water. After that, you need to hold the mineral in your hand and concentrate, transfer part of your energy to it.

Calcite helps fight laziness. It gives a person vigor, inspires new things, changes the attitude. He also opens the gift of foresight, which allows you to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situations, helps to avoid trouble.

Calcite has a good energy, so any sign of the zodiac can use it. The exception is scorpio, since the energy of this zodiac sign gravitates towards dark forces, which opposes the light aura of the stone.

Calcite products

It is recommended to be worn by businessmen, economists, lawyers and doctors. The action of the stone will save them from mistakes, endow them with the ability to calculate actions a few steps ahead, and attract good luck. Calcite keychains in the car will protect you from accidents.

Jewelry made from it is almost never found, since the stone is difficult to process and gem-quality samples are rare. But any product can be made to order. This will allow you to choose the design, frame and cut yourself. More often on sale there are figurines made of calcite. In this case, you can choose not only the color of the stone, but also the image. Druze and calcite figurines will cleanse the energy of the home.

Calcite is a capricious stone in everyday life, so you need to handle it carefully. Terms of use and care:

  • store separately from other jewelry so that metal and sharp edges of stones do not scratch the surface of calcite;
  • avoid contact with acids;
  • do not drop or hit. From this, chips immediately appear;
  • clean with plain water or a soft cloth without the use of chemicals and abrasives;
  • do not allow cosmetics and perfumery to come into contact with the surface of the stone.

It is better not to wear jewelry with calcite all the time, take it off while cleaning, playing sports and taking a bath. It's easier with interior decorations. It is enough to wipe off the dust with a soft damp cloth and avoid falls.

Calcite is a common and quite common stone with extraordinary abilities. It will facilitate the course of illness, protect against viral diseases, restore energy, and relieve laziness. The talisman does not have to be an expensive designer piece of jewelry. It can be a stone found while traveling, a statuette in the form of a beloved animal, or a marble ball of an unusual color. The basic rule when choosing a talisman is to like it. Intuition itself will tell you what to choose. And the strength of the stone will depend on the belief in its strength.

Calcite is a mineral that is quite rare in jewelry due to its soft structure. Although the density of this stone is actually not inferior to the density of amber or coral. But, despite this, the magical properties of the calcite stone, as well as its unique healing abilities, were known to our ancestors.

Varieties and properties of calcite

It should be noted that the pure calcite mineral is a colorless stone. Interesting colors and shades of the stone are achieved due to impurities of other chemical elements - iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and others. The stone is most commonly found in colors such as virtually all shades of green, blue, pink, red and orange. Depending on the shade, the medicinal and magical properties that the stone possesses are also determined.

  1. The properties of the calcite stone have long been used as powerful energy boosters. This mineral helps to activate the chakras, as well as to perceive the information that a person received during his astral journey. And the stone, which does not contain impurities of other minerals, helps people to cope with difficult situations, setting its owner to positive thinking and not allowing them to concentrate on the problem.
  2. Calcite stone in the photo of a gentle blue color perfectly calms the nerves. This mineral is suitable for those people who are fond of meditation and creativity. After all, it is this stone that stimulates inspiration.
  3. Green calcite helps people get rid of old fears that prevent them from fully relaxing.
  4. The properties of honey calcite will help you gain self-confidence. This mineral is found in the form of a transparent or translucent stone with a warm honey color.
  5. The orange colored mineral is suitable for those people who need to cope with anxiety (those who have experienced violence or difficult life situations). This stone develops a sense of self-confidence, helps to achieve your goals.
  6. Red calcite controls fear. This mineral miraculously smoothes out the adrenaline rush that causes fear. Therefore, an amulet with this stone is suitable for the military, firefighters, policemen and everyone whose work is associated with risk.
  7. Jewelry with pink calcite eliminates nervous disorders, and also helps to get rid of those unpleasant memories that were in the past and from nightmares.

The healing properties of calcite

The value of this mineral in medicine can hardly be overestimated. Jewelry with this stone, which is based on calcium, literally heals all problems associated with bones (musculoskeletal system), as well as teeth. Crystals of pure white calcite (in the photo they look like translucent stones of intricate shape) improve vision.

The properties of the value and photo of the blue calcite stone are simply amazing. After all, this kind of mineral heals the lungs and respiratory organs. And also blue crystals of calcite relieve headaches and treat almost all eye diseases that are not associated with inflammatory processes.

The magical properties of green calcite contribute to the treatment of arthritis. However, this stone stimulates muscle growth, so it should not be worn by people who have been diagnosed with tumors and infections.

Red calcite is an excellent treatment for diseases of the reproductive system. Its magical properties also contribute to the acquisition of healthy sexuality. In the photo, this mineral is not very beautiful to look at - it is not transparent, sometimes with white streaks. But external data do not affect the value of this stone. And also the magical properties of the mineral are used to cleanse the whole body in case of poisoning.

Calcite stone and properties for the signs of the zodiac

Despite the fact that this stone is not a symbol of any planet (not a single sign of the zodiac is subject to it), astrologers consider it to be associated with Venus, the Sun and the Moon. If we talk about a talisman, then it would be preferable to use calcite as an amulet for Leo. This zodiac sign can wear red, orange, pink, honey and white calcite.

The value of white and blue calcite will be the perfect amulet for Cancers. And green calcite, which shimmers beautifully in the photo thanks to small white blotches, will be an excellent amulet for those who were born under the constellation of Capricorn.

Calcite is a mineral of which there are a great many varieties from crystals of Icelandic spar to marble and ordinary limestone. The morphology of calcite is extensive, and the history of its origin is varied. The basis of any of the types of this stone is calcium, from which the name was derived. Calcites of various shades are used in magic and lithotherapy, and marble with limestone is actively used in construction and decoration of buildings.

Calcite has many names, each of which reflects a particular quality. Here is some of them:

  • Stone Flower. This is the name given to minerals that are shaped like flowers because of the characteristic petal processes.
  • Stone rose. The name is almost the same as the first, and the stone is similar to this beautiful flower.
  • Paper spar. These are the thinnest calcite plates, as a rule, they are transparent.
  • Stalactites and stalagmites. One of the most common calcareous forms found in many caves. The stalactites and stalagmites owe their origin to water, which is gradually washing away the lime.
  • Heavenly stone. A brilliant variety of calcite minerals. One of the most famous is the Sunstone or Icelandic spar, its unique crystal structure leads to the polarization of light.

The name itself is translated from Latin as lime. Calcite has been known to mankind for a very long time, it is from limestone blocks that the Egyptian pyramids, the Greek Parthenon, etc. were built. A lot of marble statues have come down to our times since antiquity.

There is also a unique natural monument - the Great Australian Barrier Reef, its length is striking - 2000 km, the formation consists entirely of limestone. Another well-known natural formation, entirely composed of calcite, is a large porcini mushroom weighing 15 kg, it is interesting that it was discovered in a mercury deposit.

Physical properties

Calcite has a number of properties that distinguish it from related rocks. The origin of calcite is varied. There are rocks formed by magmatic or metamorphic means. In caves, specimens of bushy forms are often formed, these are crystals. In addition, calcites are found in the form of thin plates, spheres and pyramids.

The mineral consists of carbon dioxide and calcium, the formula of calcite is simple - CaCO3. Cleavage of the mineral is very strong, the surface has a glassy or pearlescent luster. Lime begins to boil on contact with acetic or hydrochloric acid. On a strong impact, the calcite will split into fragments or pieces. Crystalline forms such as Icelandic spar will break into octahedrons.

The chemical formula of the mineral, unfortunately, is the guarantee of its low resistance to high temperatures. There is a special group of aragonite calcite, these minerals are obtained by heating to 470 degrees. At higher temperatures, the stone breaks down into lime, releasing carbon dioxide.

A fairly common morphological form of the mineral is crystals of various shapes - octahedrons, rhomboids, prisms, etc.

Siliconized calcite is a natural filter for water, therefore it has found its application for a long time. Nowadays, stone chips are used in sewage treatment plants and devices. Siliconized calcite removes metal impurities from water.

Related video: Various calcite mineral

Where is it mined

Deposits of calcite, especially limestone and marble, are found all over the earth. There is a lot of calcite in Russia in the Urals and in the Baikal region. There are also large mining sites in the USA, Italy, Greece, Mexico.


Calcite is a stone that has several varieties, here are some of them:

  • Icelandic spar. Colorless transparent crystals that refract sunlight into two streams, as a result, the image behind them appears to be double.
  • Antraconite. A special type of black mineral that contains bitumen.
  • Simbircite. It got its name from the meta of the first find, simbircites were first discovered in Simbirsk (present-day Ulyanovsk). The most common yellow and red mineral of this type.
  • Argentine. In nature, it exists in the form of plates and differs from other calcite minerals in a silvery sheen.
  • Manganocalcite. Mineral interspersed with manganese, as a result has a beautiful pinkish tint.

However, the most famous calcites are, of course, marble and limestone. There are also marble onyx and manganocalcite.

Color spectrum

Calcite shades are quite varied. It is not only colorless and white, due to various impurities, the color of the mineral can change significantly. If the stone contains cinnabar, it will be bright red. Copper carbonates will give different shades of blue or green. There are also yellow and brown calcites due to iron impurities, less often you can find crimson or purple stones.

Healing and magical properties

The healing properties of calcite largely depend on its shade, since the inclusions of other minerals also affect the sphere of influence of the stone. The main medicinal and magical properties of calcite:

  1. Red calcite. Good for those who are constantly afraid of something, this mineral will give confidence and strength. The properties of the stone help to cope with suspiciousness and nervous feelings. Red is a very active color; in lithotherapy, calcites of this color are used to treat blood and heart diseases.
  2. Yellow calcite... It has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also strengthens the kidneys, helping to cope with various diseases. Stones of this shade help in meditation, and also increase a person's vigilance. Crystals of yellow calcite also help to dispel sad thoughts, they bring joy and harmony to life.
  3. Orange calcite... Like yellow, it has a good effect on digestion, it is especially beneficial for the spleen. Orange stones also improve the health of the reproductive organs. Such a mineral will also help in the treatment of mental diseases, especially phobias and the effects of stress. In witchcraft, orange calcites are used to restore strength.
  4. Honey calcite beautiful golden hue can be both transparent and translucent. It gives self-confidence, helps to deal with past resentments and negative emotions, makes it easier to go through changes.
  5. Pink calcite... Strengthens energy, allows you to cope with nightmares, improves sleep.
  6. Green calcite. It will help in the treatment of chronic wounds and diseases, both physical and mental. Will help all-round development.
  7. Blue calcite. Relieves pain and has the ability to lower blood pressure. Strengthens the nervous system, soothes, helps to cope with irritability. Also, blue stones stimulate the imagination, making them an invaluable gift for creative people. In addition, calcite stone and its properties are enhanced on the road by choosing blue crystals.

Amulets and talismans

The magical characteristics of calcite make it an excellent helper for everyone who wants to develop their magical and psychic abilities, it also enhances clairvoyance. Of course, this does not mean that you can ignore reading books and learning, however, with calcite, the process of comprehending magical arts is noticeably easier.

Calcite or druse crystals can help fight laziness, so if you are often prone to the urge to lie on the couch instead of doing business, this stone is just what you need. The mineral gently, but persistently, changes a person's attitude. In addition to a charge of vigor and inspiration for new things, calcite will give the ability to foresee situations, which will make it easier to find a way out of life's troubles or completely avoid them.

For happiness in love, you can purchase manganocalcite, a beautiful pinkish stone. He will make relationships more harmonious, and help single people finally find their happiness. Also, manganocalcite will help insecure people by raising their self-esteem.

If you actively use calcite to expand your own magical abilities, do not lose it or give it to anyone else - this leads to the loss of all crystal properties. The only safe way to transmit calcite is through inheritance.

Zodiacal correspondences

Calcites do not have a clear reference to specific planets and signs. The only one who should refrain from acquiring a stone is Scorpions... The fact is that the mineral is still a conductor of high vibrations and light forces, while Scorpios are most inclined to engage in black magic.

How not to buy a fake

Artificial stones look very similar to their natural counterparts, but they do not retain the magical and medicinal properties of the original. Natural calcite can be easily identified using ordinary vinegar. When the liquid interacts with the surface of the stone, a violent chemical reaction will occur, calcite will begin to dissolve.

So, calcite is a vast group of minerals with its own special properties. The crystalline forms of this stone are used for magical purposes and healing, but limestone with marble has long been known as building materials.