A comprehensive lesson on the application "holiday fireworks". Application: paper salute

Victory Day is a grand holiday, especially for our citizens. The task of the older generation is to ensure that children understand the essence of the holiday itself, know the history of the war and prevent such fascism in the future.

On the eve of this great Victory Day holiday, stories about the war, reading books on military topics and watching documentaries are practiced in schools and kindergartens. Along with this, they make all kinds of crafts, postcards and applications for May 9th. The simplest applications for children by May 9 are the image of the corresponding symbols from colored paper - stars, doves, carnations, St. George's ribbons. More complex applications for Victory Day are already voluminous postcards with the same symbolism.

For work you will need:

  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • corrugated paper for complex applications;
  • PVA glue (or pencil);
  • cardboard (white or colored, depending on the theme).

Simple applications for May 9 for children

The simplest applications for children by May 9 are flat pictures with holiday symbols. Postcards for Victory Day usually depict:
  • pigeons
  • sprigs of greenery;
  • St. George ribbon;
  • a star (or many stars);
  • outlines of the Kremlin;
  • fireworks;
  • cloves;
  • bouquets of flowers;
  • flowering branches of trees;
  • images associated with the war: soldier's helmets, machine guns, tanks, planes.

All these images can be placed on A4 sheets or on colored paper, for example, blue, which plays the role of the sky. We have selected several templates for applications that can be printed for free, and then cut out with a child and pasted on.

The dove on postcards for the Victory Day always means peace, which means it must be white. And, therefore, the background can be used in color.

The next symbol of victory is the St. George ribbon. St. George ribbon templates can also be downloaded and printed on a color printer, or you can cut strips from orange and black colored paper yourself and glue them together.

Please note: on the St. George ribbon there are 3 black stripes and 2 orange, black - along the edges of the ribbon and in the center.

In addition to pigeons and ribbons on postcards for May 9, or Victory Day for children, there may be a sprig of young greenery, a bay bush or a flowering branch that a dove carries in its beak. To make a branch, it is enough to cut out the leaves and stem and stick them on paper. And you can download templates for the application by May 9 below and print them on a color printer:

Another symbol of the victory of our people over fascism is the five-pointed star. The star can be cut out simply from red colored paper, it can be made multi-layered or voluminous (but more on that later). Star patterns can also be printed:

Using one of the above templates, you can already make an application with a child by May 9:

You can download the archive with the scheme and templates for this application for the Victory Day here: (3.2 Mb).

You can also use the Kremlin templates:

and arrange colorful fireworks over the Kremlin.

The next symbol of victory is an eternal flame (templates):

Download archive with templates for this application: (2.7 Mb).

Volumetric applications for children by May 9

Volumetric applications look quite impressive, as older children can perform them. The technique for making volumetric details is simple, even carnations, fireworks, clouds or the sun can be made from napkins. For a volumetric application by May 9, you can use any scrapbooking elements, quilling and origami techniques, real St. George ribbons:

A voluminous five-pointed star made of colored paper looks very impressive:

A template for such a star can be downloaded and executed according to the scheme:

Along the dotted lines, the star must be bent, and glued to the base with white sections.

The star looks no less original in the quilling technique:

How to make paper carnations

Volumetric flowers always look original on a flat surface. A similar technique can be used both for postcards and for applications with children. Carnations are always chosen as flowers on postcards or applications by May 9th.

How to make voluminous paper carnations with your own hands? To make such flowers, you can use corrugated paper or origami technique.

For carnations from paper napkins, we need:

  • three-layer red paper napkins;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • glue for gluing to the base.

If you use paper napkins, then from one you get 8 flowers with a diameter of 6-7 cm.

Operating procedure:

  1. Tear off 1 cm around the perimeter from each edge of the napkin.
  2. Tear each napkin in half to make 8 identical rectangles with torn edges.
  3. Fold each rectangle with an accordion and tie a thread in the center (or secure with wire).
  4. Now you can start decorating the flower: carefully separate each layer of the napkin and fold it into the center, forming a carnation.

Volumetric carnations can also be made from corrugated paper:

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut out 4-6 circles with a diameter of 7-8 cm from red corrugated paper;
  2. Cut each circle along the edge with a zigzag;
  3. Put on a toothpick each circle through the center and form a flower.

Similar carnations can be glued to the application by May 9, February 23, the Independence Day of Russia.

Also, a voluminous carnation for appliqué can be made using the origami technique:

Conductorova Maria, 4 years old, a pupil of the middle group of the MBDOU of the city district of Balashikha "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 20" Teremok "

Supervisor: Konduktorova Natalia Valerievna, teacher of the MBDOU of the city district of Balashikha "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 20" Teremok "

Appointment. These master classes are intended for preschool teachers, teachers of additional education, parents, children of middle and senior preschool age. These crafts can be used for a gift, interior decoration.

In 2015 our country celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Not a single family was spared by the war. In every family there are relatives to whom we owe our lives. Our family is no exception. Great-grandfather's and great-grandmother's cars fought and worked in the rear as teenagers. I would like to say a big thank you and bow low for their feat.
Great-grandfather Conductors Ivan Pavlovich was born in 1920. He was drafted into the army in the very first days. Participated in the battle for Moscow. He was a mechanic, his "golden hands" repaired military equipment. He was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Moscow"; many commemorative medals. He went through the entire war as part of the repair and restoration battalion.
Great-grandfather Muravyov Nikolai Andrianovich was born on 12.04. 1915. He met the Great Patriotic War as a regular commander of the Red Army. Fought in the artillery. He went through the entire war from 1941 to 1945, was wounded 4 times. Demobilized in 1951. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star; medals "For Courage"; "For the capture of Berlin", "For the victory over Germany"; Acknowledgments for capturing the city of Gumbinenn in East Prussia
Great-grandmothers Muravieva Valentina Nikolaevna, Konduktorova Maria Evtikhievna - home front workers. During the war they dug trenches, worked in the rear. Awarded with commemorative medals.

Great-grandfather Smirnov Boris Konstantinovich, great-grandmother Smirnova Valentina Mikhailovna - workers of the home front, were awarded commemorative medals. Great-grandmother talked about the difficult, hungry days of the war, about childish labor, about the Victory that they had been waiting for and did not believe in it for a long time when it came.

Great-grandfather Anatoly Alekseevich Komarov, great-grandmother Valentina Pavlovna Komarov - home front workers, awarded with commemorative medals. Great-grandfather often recalls how, as a boy, he helped his father-buker.

Great-great-grandfather Galkin Pavel Nikolaevich went missing near Moscow.

Great-great-grandfather Smirnov Valentin Konstantinovich went missing near Leningrad, Smirnov Nikolai Konstantinovich died near Leningrad.

Victory Day traditionally ends with fireworks. Masha and I decided to make a Victory Salute for our veterans.

Salute and glory to the anniversary
Forever memorable day!
Salute to the Victory in Berlin
Fire trampled down the power of fire!
Salute her big and small
Creators who walked the same path,
Her fighters and generals,
Heroes fallen and alive
(V. Stepanov)

We bring to your attention two master classes. The works are made in mixed media. In the first master class, the techniques of plasticineography and "break appliqué" were used, in the second - "break appliqué" and appliqué from knitted chains.
You can read more about plasticineography here.
How to crochet chains can be found here

Master class No. 1 "Salute of Victory"

The purpose of the master class:
- To teach the techniques of work in the technique of plasticineography;
- learn to create a salute by transferring volume and color;

Materials and fixtures:
Sheets of black or blue cardboard, green corrugated cardboard, red paper, plasticine, a simple pencil, scissors, ruler, PVA glue (or glue stick).

Note: cardboard is best used with a matte texture, glossy cardboard may leave fingerprints.

2. Prepare bricks for the Kremlin wall from red paper. Tear off small rectangles.

3. From several rectangles, make the “teeth” of the Kremlin wall. To do this, make a notch on one side of the rectangle.

4. From corrugated cardboard, cut 4 strips 1.5 centimeters wide using a simple pencil, ruler, scissors.

5. We start the work with the application of the wall. Glue the bricks at the bottom of the cardboard, placing them in a row from left to right. Each subsequent brick should be glued slightly over the previous one.

6. Above the first row of bricks, glue the second and third glad.

7. The fourth row will be the “teeth”. They must be glued with a distance from each other.

8. Make small balls from plasticine. 3-4 balls of different colors.

9. Attach an orange ball to the cardboard by pressing it with your finger. Make a "comma" with your finger. To the right and left of the “comma”, attach orange balls to the cardboard and draw a salute with plasticine.

10. Similarly, make a green salute.

11. By the same principle, red, blue, white, pink, purple fireworks are made, beautifully placed on cardboard.

12. Glue the cut out strips of corrugated cardboard along the edges, forming a frame.

13. A gift for Victory Day is ready.

14. It remains to give.

Master class No. 2 "Salute of Victory"

Note: This option is best offered to older preschool children.

The purpose of the master class: Making a gift for Victory Day.
- To teach the techniques of work in the technique of appliqué from knitted chains;
- learn to create a salute from knitted chains;
- develop a sense of composition;
- develop creative imagination, figurative perception and creative activity;
- develop fine motor skills of the hand;
- cultivate friendliness, responsiveness.
Materials and fixtures:
Sheets of black or blue cardboard, green corrugated cardboard, red paper, a simple pencil, scissors, a ruler, PVA glue (or glue stick), knitted chains.

Manufacturing sequence:
1. Prepare the necessary materials and fixtures.

2. Make the Kremlin wall.
Note: how to make a wall can be seen above, master class number 1

3. Glue to draw a "comma"

4. We twist the chain, leaving one end free, glue it to the cardboard.

5. Similarly, we glue the rest of the salute, turning the "comma" to the right, to the left.

6. By the same principle, we make yellow, white, red, green, brown fireworks, compositionally placing them on cardboard.

Svetlana Guzhova

Target: the development of creative abilities in children.


1. Contribute to the creation of a collective composition, transferring to holiday impressions applications(salute) .

2. Continue to develop the ability to work with paper, using the technique of tearing napkins.

3. Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of children, enrich the sensory experience.

4. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, fine motor skills of the fingers, a sense of composition.

5. Strengthen the skills of accurate gluing.

6. Cause feelings of joy from the result.


Ready-made round shapes from colored paper of different colors, glue, brushes, napkins (colored, oilcloth, a large sheet of dark blue paper with silhouettes of houses below, illustrations depicting salute, video recording of the holding salute.

preliminary work:

Examining illustrations about military operations, viewing images salute, conversations on the topic, reading stories, looking at pictures and photographs about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day.

Methods and techniques: visual (illustrations depicting salute and with military operations, verbal (reading poems about the war, practical (work with the applique) .

1. Organizational moment (3 min.)

Greeting, situational conversation about Victory Day.

2. Main body (15 minutes.)

Conversation about « fireworks»


Work with the applique

3. Final part (2 minutes.)

Summing up results

The story of children's poems about the war.

The course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

IN: Guys, please remember which celebration recently celebrated our country?

IN: Did you go to holiday with parents?

What did you like the most about holiday?

D: There was a parade salute, music sounded, there were a lot of people and flowers. In the evening we looked at salute.

IN: I invite you now to remember this together celebration.

2. The main part.

Show a video about salute showing illustration

IN: What time of day do they usually launch salute?

D: In the evening, when it is already dark.

IN: From what they launch fireworks in the sky?

D: From cannons, guns.

IN: What do the lights look like salute?

D: On bright stars, on the rays of the sun, on colorful balls, on a bouquet of flowers.

IN: Do you remember what color the lights are salute?

D: Bright, red, yellow, green, blue lights.

IN: Look, salute rises from the bottom up, it leaves a beautiful multi-colored trace and opens at the top with a bright unique bouquet.

How we would like to see this beauty again! What do you think, and we can depict with you salute?

Look at the trays, there are blanks on them, which one do you think is suitable for the image salute?

D: Salute can be made from tissue paper. The circles will make big lights.

IN: What do you think, why do we need colored napkins?

D: From them you can make a trace from salute.

IN: We already know how to tear off small pieces from napkins and roll balls out of them, if you make a lot of them and in different colors, you get a multi-colored trace from salute.

Show the child how to do it.

IN: At the top, the lights open up and become large. See how you can make big lights.

Demonstration of the performance of a volumetric ball by the educator.

Look, I will put a circle in front of me, take the top layer and lift it to the top, then I lift the second one to the top and press it to the first, so I continue until I press all the napkins. Look how beautiful the light has opened.

IN: And to make a big real salute, we will work together, together.

What colors will open fireworks at Katya and Nikita, and to you Veronika with Ilya?

Guys, I suggest you play a little, let's stretch our fingers before work.

Physical education minute:

All around was quiet. Stand up straight, lower your arms.

And suddenly - salute! Salute! Raise your hands up.

Rockets flared in the sky Open fingers like a fan,

Both there and here! wave your arms over your head

Left - right.

Above the square, above the rooftops, sit down, stand up, hands

Above festive Moscow with open fingers

Soaring higher lift up (2-3 times)

The fountain of fire is alive.

To the street, to the street light running in place

Everyone runs happily

Shouting: " Hooray!" Put your hands up, shout out


Admiring Open fingers like a fan,

On the fireworks! hands over head

Left - right.

Independent activity of children.

3. Final part

IN: Guys, look how bright you and I turned out, fireworks. It's like we're back on holiday. And all because we all worked together, together.

IN: Do you remember the poems about Victory Day?

Children read familiar poems about Victory Day.

Related publications:

Synopsis of directly educational activities Age group: second junior Topic: modeling "Festive fireworks" Educator L. M. Semenova.

SUMMARY OF GOD ON DRAWING IN THE JUNIOR GROUP "HOLIDAY FIRE" Goals and objectives: - To consolidate children's knowledge about the main holiday of our country.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group on the topic: “Victory fireworks” Purpose: Formation of a positive attitude towards the Great Victory.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group "Fireworks" Abstract of the lesson on fine arts in the senior group "Festive fireworks". Completed by: Gilyazova Elvira Vadiullovna. Purpose: to teach children to reflect in the picture.

Abstract on drawing in the senior group "Fireworks" Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group "Festive fireworks". Purpose: to create conditions for maintaining interest in visual activity.

Elena Russian

Goals and objectives: Consolidate and expand knowledge about the holiday Day victories. To consolidate the knowledge of children about how the living remember the participants of V. O. V. To develop in children imagination, observation, memory, attention. Activate the vocabulary of children, enrich it by clarifying concepts: Russia, Fatherland, defend, defend, be proud, fight, just, people's, heroic war. To teach a sensitive, benevolent attitude, to encourage children to moral deeds, to cultivate a sense of respect for people, goodwill. To instill a sense of patriotism, love for one's Motherland, respect for veterans of the V.O.V., a desire to take care of them. Strengthen the ability of children to create an image using technology "mosaic", to achieve high-quality performance of the task, to develop the creative abilities of children, hand motor skills.

preliminary work: Consideration and discussion of illustrations about V. O. V. Reading stories and poems about the war. Learning songs, poems about V. O. V., about the Day victories. Listening to songs of the war years.

Materials for the lesson: recording of songs of the war years, video recording of the festive salute, tape recorder, multimedia, dark colored cardboard, brush, glue, brush holder, napkin, damp sponge, earpick, simple pencil for each child, double-sided colored paper, pre-cut into squares or rectangles of approximately 0.5 cm.

Lesson progress:

D: This holiday is a day victories. This is the day when the Great Patriotic War ended. This is the day when our army defeated the German troops and defeated the Nazis. This is the day when the fallen heroes are remembered. This is the day when war veterans are congratulated.

IN: Right. After all, it is not for nothing that the song says that "it's a holiday, with tears in my eyes", because we rejoice that there is no war, we are proud of the great Victory and our army, and at the same time we sadly remember the fallen heroes. It was a long and difficult road to Victory. The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. The vile enemy attacked our country suddenly, without declaring war on us, violating the peace treaty. The Nazis hoped for an easy and quick victory. They wanted to seize the rich lands of our country, and make the peaceful and hardworking inhabitants slaves. But they miscalculated, the whole people, young and old, rose up to defend the free beloved Motherland. Even children often ran away from home to fight the Nazis. Our valiant army not only drove the Germans from our land, but also liberated the peoples of other countries captured by Nazi Germany. Our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the main building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag was hoisted victories. By the holiday, you learned songs and poems about the Day victories. Let's remember them. (Children read poetry)

Grandfather's portrait.

Grandma put on medals

And now she's beautiful!

Day She celebrates victories,

Remembering the great war.

Grandma's sad face.

On the table is a soldier's triangle.

We look at grandfather's portrait

And we spread our arms with little brother:

Well, what kind of grandfather is this?

He's still just a kid!

(V. Turov)

What is Day victories? What is Day victories?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and rockets are coming

Soldiers are marching.

What is Day victories?

It's festive salute:

Fireworks take to the sky

Falling apart here and there.

What is Day victories?

These are the songs at the table

These are speeches and conversations,

This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,

These are the scents of spring...

What is Day Victory -

This means no war.

(A. Usachev)

Victory. front songs,

military awards,

red tulips,

Veterans Meetings

AND fireworks in the sky,

Huge like Victory. (V. Stepanov)

That's right, on this day we congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The people who fought. And those who worked in the rear - in factories and factories they built tanks, planes, produced machine guns, rifles, shells, cartridges. Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans of the war. Many of them have become quite old and sick. If you see a person with orders and medals on May 9, go up to him and congratulate him on the holiday. Wish the veteran good health and say thank you for defending our Motherland from enemies. Veterans will be pleased that we remember them.

IN: In honor of the Great victories and in memory of the fallen soldiers in the cities on May 9, a festive salute - victory salute. Salute- This is a salute of honors with shots and fireworks to commemorate the solemn date. It happens in our city too. salute You have, of course, seen him. What do flares look like? salute?

D: Flashes are like a flower. Salute looks like an open umbrella. Flashes fireworks look like a palm tree. Salute looks like a fountain.

Physical education minute « Salute» Everything was quiet, quiet, and suddenly- salute! Salute! (Raise hands, open fingers like a fan) Rockets flared up in the sky here and there! (Wave hands left and right) Over the square, over the roofs, Over festive Moscow (sit down - get up) The living fountain soars higher and higher than the lights! (sit down - get up) On the street, on the street, everyone happily runs (light running in place) Shouting "Hooray!", admire the festive salute(shout out "Hurrah" wave your arms above your head)

IN: Today I want to invite you to prepare a gift that you can give to relatives or veterans for the holiday. This is a postcard made in the technique "mosaic", is called « Salute of Victory (sample show). This is how I saw salute. What will your salute, we will see everything together at the end of the lesson. Work in technology "mosaic" you are already familiar with, so I will only remind you of the sequence of work. First, with a simple pencil, you will draw a flash salute. Then you need to apply glue to the drawing. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the glue is not applied to the entire image, but only to a separate area. Then, using an ear cleaner, we apply the details of the mosaic to the glue. How it's done? (children's answers). That's right, we dip one end of the stick into a damp sponge and take a piece of the mosaic with the same end and apply it to the glue. When the work is finished, you need to blot it gently with a napkin. The sample is removed before the independent work of the children. The independent work of children takes place to quiet music - songs of the war years are heard. At the end of the lesson, all works are posted on the stand.

IN: What bright and varied works turned out today! I think that everyone will like your gifts very much. And now I propose to see what happens salute in the main city of our Motherland - in Moscow. (view video clip)

A grandiose date is approaching - the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory over fascism and the end of World War II. We are faced with the task of conveying to our children the history of that war, not to let them forget the horrors of fascism and the heroism of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

In addition to stories about the war, reading books and watching movies, making postcards and crafts for Victory Day will help instill historical memory in children. Maternity.ru offers a selection of crafts for May 9 that you can do with your children.

Simple postcards-applications for Victory Day

Flat postcards using the appliqué technique can be made even with younger preschoolers. The plot can be different: festive fireworks over the Kremlin, a soldier's helmet under a branch of a flowering apple tree, a poster composition with a St. George ribbon, a star and young foliage. Depending on the age of the child, he can be instructed to cut out parts from colored paper or just stick them on a sheet.

Volumetric postcards with appliqué

Interesting details can be included in the plot of the postcard: voluminous carnations, they are made according to the principle or unusual clouds and the sun.

Not a flat, but a voluminous red star looks very advantageous - a symbol of the victorious army.

You can make such a star according to the scheme:

The basis for crafts for Victory Day can be not only an album sheet. The circular composition made on an old CD looks interesting. The disc keeps its shape perfectly, and such a craft can be hung, for example, from a lamp in a room or from a mirror in a car.

Multilayer postcards and compositions

A three-dimensional picture can be made from several flat images arranged in several layers with an indent. To create space between layers, use pieces of thick corrugated cardboard or foam board, and an ordinary candy box can become a frame for the composition.

Straw appliqué

If you know the technique of applique from straw or birch bark, then you may decide to take on such serious work as the triptych shown in the photo below. It will take a lot of work and artistic taste, but the result is worth it.

Postcard decoration with embroidery

Embroidery on paper or cardboard looks very original. You can decorate in this way, for example, the famous fireworks on Red Square. It is better to embroider not on white, but on colored cardboard - this way the craft for Victory Day will turn out to be more elegant.

A bright craft for Victory Day, embroidered with sequins, perfectly conveys the festive mood.

Stained glass is a complicated technique, but the result is very elegant and festive, so it's worth a try! We select an image for a future stained glass window or draw a sketch. We put it under the glass, degrease the glass surface (you can use a cotton pad with nail polish remover) and circle it with contour paint. Let dry and gradually apply colors to the glass.

Vytynanki - silhouette paper cut

A favorite of many can be used not only in New Year's decoration, but also in crafts for Victory Day.
You can start with a simpler craft. Here large shapes are cut out of colored paper.

More painstaking work will require cutting out a thematic postcard-panel with colored paper inserts. First, the main pattern is applied to the paper and slits are cut out, then colored paper is carefully glued on the underside. Depending on the background color, the panel will look different!

You can make a postcard from individual silhouette cutouts and stick it on the base.

Volumetric crafts from colored paper

Modeling from colored paper and cardboard, you can create interesting three-dimensional compositions. An excellent thematic craft for the holiday will be the Order of the Patriotic War or the Order of Victory.

Kids can be offered to make a very simple plot: an eternal flame from red and yellow paper, a St. George ribbon and an inscription.

Older children or a group of children can take on the manufacture of a tank out of cardboard.

Well, for those who feel the strength in themselves, we offer an even more complex composition. The plot can be, for example, a monument to fallen soldiers, with an eternal flame, flowers and stairs leading to the monument.

Crafts for May 9 from plasticine

A real memorial can be made from plasticine. You can supplement the sculptural image with a St. George ribbon and inscriptions cut from last year's postcard.

Plasticine is a very grateful material. You can make almost anything you can think of from it: tanks and planes, monuments to fallen soldiers, paintings and posters with slogans. It can be wrapped in foil or spray-painted.

Battle reenactments

Reconstructions of battles can be made from a variety of materials: clay, plasticine, cardboard and paper, and even dough. Working on such compositions helps children to feel more deeply the stories they read about the war and the films they saw.

Drawings about the war

Drawings about the war speak a lot: sad, with the hope of Victory and joyful - with the return home.

Wall newspapers, collages and posters

Be sure to release a school wall newspaper for Victory Day. Look at some vivid examples of thematic wall newspapers by May 9 and be inspired by ideas!

Making a collage of old historical photographs and letters, enlivening them with poems and flowers is a great idea that conveys the atmosphere of the Great Patriotic War to the generation of our children.

A collage postcard is suitable for decorating an assembly hall or stand. Check out two decorating ideas for one pattern:

On the printed map of military operations, you can make your own special military composition. For example, with the famous "Katyusha".

The article used photos from sites: