Who is entitled to a social pension? Minimum old-age pension without seniority

The main purpose of the social pension is to provide material support to the most vulnerable members of society: children, the disabled and the elderly. Moreover, this type of security applies to those people who, for whatever reason, could not earn enough experience to assign an insurance pension. Read about what the social pension will be like in 2018 for different types of recipients in our article.

Who is the recipient: categories and conditions

Social benefits in our country are assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 166 "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

These pensions are state payments financed from federal funds and provided to disabled citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The above document contains three types of benefits:

  • on the loss of a breadwinner - established by minors and full-time students of citizens under 23 years old, left without the care of one or two parents;
  • by disability - assigned to persons with disabilities since childhood, disabled children and adults with disabilities of all groups;
  • for old age - it is due to citizens who have reached the age of 65 (for men) or 60 (for women), who are not recipients of insurance benefits, as well as representatives of the small peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 (for men) or 50 (for women) years

At the same time, there are a number of features of establishing a social pension for the above citizens:

  1. The northern peoples include citizens who permanently live in indigenous places, maintain a characteristic lifestyle and engage in trades typical for their people.
  2. Pension social security for the loss of the breadwinner is paid in full, regardless of the number of disabled family members. At the same time, the list of disabled citizens entitled to this pension is clearly defined by law and differs from the list of persons entitled to establish an insurance pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.
  3. A social-type pension for incapacity for work is assigned to citizens who do not have a single day of insurance experience.
  4. Working pensioners are not entitled to social benefits for old age.
  5. To receive social benefits, foreigners and stateless persons must confirm the fact of permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for 15 years.

By whom and how it is installed

In comparison with insurance pensions, which are a kind of compensation for lost earnings due to the onset of disability, pension social support is based on a completely different principle.

Social benefits are paid in amounts strictly defined for certain categories of citizens and set by the state based on the level of the subsistence minimum. At the same time, pensioners who also have the right to receive insurance coverage are given the right to choose the most profitable pension.

Latest news and changes

Social benefits are subject to annual indexation. In this regard, from April 1, 2018, social-type pensions will be increased by 4.1%.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a video on this topic here:

Average and minimum social pension in 2018

As already mentioned, citizens who have not earned sufficient experience to establish an insurance pension, a minimum social benefit is established. Of course, the size of such a pension is less than the labor pension, but the amount can be completely different, since it is calculated on an individual basis.

Can a social pension be below the subsistence level?

According to the existing legislation, the amount of the pensioner's pension cannot be less than the subsistence level approved in the region or in Russia as a whole. Otherwise, a social supplement will be assigned to the established allowance.

The subsistence minimum for a pensioner in our country is calculated on the basis of the approved consumer basket and statistical data on the size of non-food products and foodstuffs. This indicator is established annually by the law on the country's budget for the corresponding financial year and planning period.

For 2018, the value of the subsistence minimum for pensioners in general across Russia was set at 8,726 rubles. In 2017, this figure was 8,540 rubles.

If a citizen was given a pension in an amount that does not reach the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum, then additional social benefits are assigned to him in such an amount that the pension benefit equals the regional subsistence minimum. In this case, the additional payment is assigned on a declarative basis, and employed citizens are not entitled to.

The exception is children with disabilities, as well as children receiving a survivor's pension - in such cases, you do not need to apply for a supplement, since additional funds are assigned along with the establishment of the appropriate pension provision.


The size of the social supplement established for the pension up to the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum depends on such parameters as:

  • the level of the subsistence minimum in the general country and in a specific region;
  • place of residence of a citizen and time of residence in a certain area;
  • the total amount of material security.

According to Federal Law No. 178, if the total amount of material support of a citizen is less than the subsistence level established in a particular constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which, in turn, is lower than the general indicator for Russia, then he is assigned a federal supplement to his pension. At the same time, it is paid by the Pension Fund of Russia.

If the total amount of material support of a pensioner is below the regional indicator, which exceeds the size of the subsistence minimum in the country in general, then the citizen is assigned a social supplement of the regional type. The establishment and payment of such additional payments is under the jurisdiction of the social protection authorities.

It should be noted that when determining the amount of material support for an unemployed pensioner, all pension payments are taken into account, including additional material support, the cost of NSO and other social support provided at the regional level in monetary terms (except for one-time measures). At the same time, social support measures provided in kind are not taken into account when calculating the amount of material support. The only exceptions are cash equivalents of payment for communication services, housing and communal services and travel on public transport.

What will be the social pension in 2018: indexation and increase

According to Article 25 of the Federal Law No. 166, social pensions are subject to annual indexation, taking into account the growth rate of the pensioner's subsistence minimum over the past year. This coefficient is established directly by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main task of the indexation of social benefits is to compensate for the decline in the purchasing power of pensioners due to the permanently growing inflation in the country.

For April 2018, the budget of the Pension Fund plans to increase social pensions by 4.1%, which, accordingly, will lead to an increase in benefits by 1.041 times.

Sizes for different categories of recipients: table

As already mentioned, social pensions are set at a fixed amount, based on the reasons for the appointment and the category of recipients. For clarity, we have systematized the data and presented them in the form of a table below.

Recipient categories Benefit amount, rubles
before indexation 2018 after indexation 2018
Representatives of the small peoples of the North, aged 55 (for men) and 50 (for women) 5 034,25 5 240,65
Minors (full-time students - up to 23 years old) left without the care of a mother or father
Citizens aged 65 (for men) and 60 (for women) years
Disabled group II (except for disabled people from childhood)
Disabled group I 12 082,06 12 577,42
Disabled from childhood group II
Minors (full-time students - up to 23 years old), left without the care of both parents
Disabled children 10 068,53 10 481,34
People with disabilities since childhood, group I
Disabled group III 4 279,14 4 454,58

Thus, the size of the social old-age pension is set at the same rate, but payments to different categories of citizens are provided upon reaching different ages (for ordinary citizens, 60 and 65 years old, and for the indigenous inhabitants of the North - 50 and 55 years, respectively).

The size of the social pension for the loss of the breadwinner depends on the situation in which the child finds himself. Thus, children who have lost both parents receive payments in a larger amount than those who stayed with their father or mother.

At the same time, the size of the social disability pension depends on the category to which the recipient belongs. Accordingly, the weaker the health, the greater the benefit. At the same time, pensioners with disabilities from childhood are assigned a larger amount than adult citizens with the same disability group.

Federal Law on the amount of social pension: where to see the text of the law?

The procedure for establishing and paying social pensions for old age is regulated by law No. 166, the current version of which can be found on the official portal "Consultant Plus" at http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_34419.

What kind of Chernobyl victims?

The amounts of social pensions for Chernobyl victims are determined by Article 17 of the above-mentioned law and are established as follows:

  • citizens who have received or have suffered diseases as a result of the Chernobyl accident - 250% of the social pension or 12,585.63 rubles;
  • citizens permanently working or living in the zone of radioactive contamination - 200% of the social pension or 10,068.5 rubles;
  • citizens who have received disability of I or II groups as a result of the Chernobyl accident - 250% of the social pension or 12,585.63 rubles;
  • to citizens who received a disability of the III group as a result of the Chernobyl accident -125% of the social pension or 6,292.81 rubles;
  • children who have lost both parents, as well as children of a deceased single mother - 250% of the social pension or 12,585.63 rubles;
  • to other disabled relatives of the deceased - 125% of the social pension or 6,292.81 rubles.

It is necessary to add, if there are dependents, disabled people are paid extra 1,208.90 rubles for each disabled family member (but not more than three).

Federal and regional social payments

Social supplements to pensions are set in such an amount that the pension benefit is equal to the regional subsistence minimum. Accordingly, in each case, the amount of the additional payment is determined individually.

Pensioners of the Far North

As for citizens living in areas with difficult climatic conditions, they are assigned a social pension taking into account the regional coefficient. Such areas include the regions of the Far North and equivalent territories.

According to the legislation, an increase in payments due to the application of the regional coefficient is possible from 50 to 200%, depending on the region of residence of the citizen. The amount of such an allowance for each of the territories is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the effect of the regional coefficient applies only to citizens permanently residing in the above areas. In case of relocation of a pensioner, the allowance for the previous region of residence is removed.

Dear readers! If you are in need of specialist advice regarding pensions and government benefits, we recommend that you contact a qualified practicing social lawyer right away.

The state is obliged to take care of its citizens at any age, especially when they are still or are no longer able to earn their own living. While little children who are unable to provide for themselves are most often taken care of by their parents, there is often no one to worry about the elderly. Therefore, a whole system of calculation, accrual and payment of various types and types of pensions was developed, which will allow elderly people to live with dignity, because the state compensates them for the lost opportunity to receive income on their own.

There are different types and types of security that can be assigned under different circumstances, which can be difficult for an ordinary person to deal with. Many in their declining years are wondering how the insurance pension differs from the social one, what they essentially represent and what payments are better to choose in each specific case. This is what we will talk about in our current article.

What is the Difference Between Social and Insurance Pensions

In order to understand the essence of the problem and find out how the social pension differs from the insurance one, it will be necessary to understand the essence of the issue in a little more detail. The most popular pension in the world is the insurance (labor) type, when a person works all his life and makes contributions to a special fund. After the onset of a certain age, he is assigned a monthly payment of a certain level, commensurate with the funds contributed during work. Those whose work experience reaches at least eight years in 2017 are eligible to receive this type of payment. After the introduction of the latest reform, this period will increase until it reaches 15 years in 2024.

A sufficient amount of work experience indicates that a person regularly made contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This means that he, in fact, saved up funds in order to receive dividends from them in the future. Most often, such deductions are not made by the person himself, but by his employer, who solves all tax and accounting issues, deducting 22% of salary every month.

Social and insurance payments are quite similar, they are substitutional and are of a purely claiming nature. That is, no one and nothing will bring on a silver platter until the future beneficiary himself turns to the relevant authorities with a request to calculate payments.

A social benefit (pension) is paid when a person has not worked a single day in his life due to current circumstances, health problems and other similar reasons. Such payments do not depend at all on the length of service, but only on the age criteria of the applicant. The amount of payments when applying for such an allowance will be minimal, nothing more significant can be counted on.

Types and features of insurance payments

The main difference between an insurance pension and a social one is that a person has a certain length of service. For registration of such a security, it is necessary. There are only three main types of insurance coverage by age, which will directly affect the amount of payments, which today worries almost every Russian.

Old age

The most common in our country, according to statistics, is the insurance (labor) old-age pension. It is not difficult to figure it out, since, having worked all his life, a person, upon reaching a certain age limit, has the right to go on a well-deserved rest. To receive payments, you need to submit a full package of documentation to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where it will be reviewed by specialists and analyzed. Only after that will the amount of monthly receipts be assigned to a personal account, card or by postal order.

The basis for the accrual is the insurance experience, as well as special IPK points collected for contributions to the Pension Fund during work. The more such contributions were received and the higher they were, the larger the amount of security will be. About what the article already has on our website, you should familiarize yourself with it in more detail.

Upon the loss of a breadwinner

Another type of pension insurance is payments for the loss of one or both breadwinners. The state cannot leave its citizens in a difficult situation to their own devices. Therefore, if a person who provided a decent life for an incapacitated person dies, then all these worries are taken over by the state. Such payments can be received by children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters under the age of eighteen or, subject to full-time study at a hospital, up to 23 years.

An insurance-type allowance can be obtained by the spouses of the deceased, his elderly parents and even indirect relatives. For example, a woman living with her daughter-in-law, an elderly mother-in-law, or her husband’s child from his first marriage, who has been in foster care for more than five years, have the right to formalize, more about this issue can be read on the corresponding page of the site.

If the relatives were not fully supported by the deceased, but after his death they actually lost the necessary means of subsistence, minimum assistance may be charged. Most often, such nuances concern adoptive parents and children. To apply for such an allowance, you will have to provide certificates of the death of the earner, as well as the inability to provide for oneself, due to age and other objective reasons.


Regardless of the reasons for which a person became disabled, he is entitled to an insurance payment for old age, if he has worked in his life for at least one day. People with disabilities are considered to be one of the most vulnerable categories of the population, since they are generally unable to provide themselves with a dignified existence. The difference between insurance and social pensions for disabled people will not be very significant, because the state provides such people with a number of other benefits, indulgences and privileges.

To obtain insurance payments for disability, the status of a citizen must be proved. This means that disability must be confirmed by a medical and sanitary examination commission (MSEC). Based on the conclusion of such a commission, the disability group will be established, and, consequently, the final amount of payments, taking into account the experience gained. About which ones should be read in a separate article on our site.

You should know

According to the legislation, in our country there are clear age limits for the appointment of an insurance-type pension. Women have the right to retire a little earlier, at fifty-five, and men at sixty. However, there are circumstances that allow you to go on vacation in advance, for example, when working in hazardous and difficult jobs, underground and in the Far North.

In all cases, when calculating insurance payments, personal coefficients (IPK) will be taken into account, as a special multiplier introduced after the reform of the entire system in 2013. It is this indicator that directly affects the desire for official employment and "white" wages. Indeed, the size of the benefit will also depend on the size and number of payments, therefore, figuring out which pension is higher, social or insurance, we can say with confidence that the second, and even the “price bracket”, will be significant.

Types and nuances of social pensions

Social security, contrary to popular stereotypes, is issued and regularly received by not so many people, only two to five percent of the total number of pensioners in our country. According to the law, such security can also be of three main types, but the conditions of appointment here are somewhat different. To receive financial assistance from the state, it is not at all necessary to provide a certificate of employment or insurance experience. In fact, social benefits are the minimum material benefits that will allow you to survive in a difficult situation.

Old age

You can go on a well-deserved rest without earning a minimum insurance experience in your life and even never working anywhere. The level of security will then leave much to be desired, however, no one will be left to fend for themselves. Such an allowance can be issued not only to a citizen of Russia, but also to a foreigner who has lived in the country for more than fifteen years and can document this fact (residence permit).

If the insurance type of payments can be issued at 55 and 60 years, respectively, for women and men, then social benefits will not work so early. Women can apply for benefits at sixty, and men at sixty-five years old, except for the small peoples of the North and those who have lived in these areas for at least fifteen years. Women living in the Far North are eligible to receive social benefits at the age of 50, and men at 55.

Upon the loss of a breadwinner

Each person can face such a tragic event as the loss of a loved one, but when he was also the only breadwinner, then the problems become many times more. The relatives of the deceased have every right to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and, having provided certificates of their own disability, receive social benefits, even if the “breadwinner” has never worked anywhere during his lifetime.

  • Minor children, brothers and sisters.
  • Relatives who have reached the age of 18, but undergoing training in a hospital until the age of 23.
  • Spouses, parents, grandparents who have reached retirement age at the time of the death of the breadwinner.
  • Children of a deceased single mother.

However, there are special nuances here, since social benefits cannot be received by the one who committed any illegal acts, which directly or indirectly led to the death of the main earner.


Statistics show that about nine to ten percent of all pensioners in our country are disabled of various groups. Most of these people have a confirmed status that gives them special rights and privileges, including receiving special social benefits. What is the difference between insurance and social disability pensions, it will not be difficult to tell, it is enough to figure out which categories of the population it can be issued.

  • Disabled people of the first, second and third groups, who have never worked officially anywhere.
  • People with disabilities from childhood who received the status before the onset of majority.
  • Disabled children.

Regardless of citizenship, people living in the country for more than fifteen years have the right to apply for social assistance due to disability. But the citizens of Russia, who can receive an insurance pension anywhere, most likely will not be able to apply for an allowance if they live outside their home country.

Social to labor or vice versa

The difference between social and insurance assistance from the state will be especially sensitive in terms of size. This is understandable and logical, because the second one needs to be earned for many years, and the first one can be formalized by any citizen who has made absolutely no effort. There is a category of citizens who, receiving social benefits, eventually acquire the right to receive insurance payments. Then the question arises of how to switch to an insurance pension from a social one and is it possible to do something similar at all.

There is nothing difficult in transferring from one type to another, you just need to collect the necessary one and submit it to the PF RF with a transfer application. can be downloaded directly from our website. In paragraph number three, you will need to check the box by selecting the desired direction of translation from the proposed ones. This possibility of switching from one type of security to another is enshrined in law, namely in article 166-FZ. The same steps will have to be done when planning to switch from labor payments to social payments, if necessary.

Video tip, what is the difference between social and insurance pensions

The main differences between the social benefit and the insurance (labor) pension are the availability of work experience, IPC points, as well as the final amount of payments. If, when calculating, it turned out that labor resources are not enough to a minimum, then the state automatically provides a social supplement, which will not be specifically required to apply for. For a more detailed analysis of the situation, it does not hurt to watch the video below, where everything is transparent and understandable.

This is a monthly payment of material assistance to disabled citizens who have no insurance experience. The purpose of this pension provision is material assistance to persons who have no other sources of income.

It is important to note that funds for social pensions come from the state budget, and not from insurance premiums, which actually distinguishes it from insurance retirement benefits.

The main provisions of social payments are regulated by the Federal Law of December 15, 2001, No. 166-FZ "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation".

Types of social pensions for citizens

On the basis of the Federal Law of 15.2.2001 N 166-FZ, the following types of pensions are distinguished:

Social benefits for children who have lost one or both parents are paid in full, regardless of the number of dependents in the family.

In the absence of the right to an old-age insurance pension

The main condition for the appointment of this type of pension is the onset of "incapacity for work", i.e. men reach the age of 65 years, and women - 60 years. The following persons are entitled to old-age benefits:

  1. citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the specified age;
  2. Foreign citizens who have lived in Russia for at least 15 years and have reached the legal age.

In addition, social pension provision for old age do not pay during labor activity, during which citizens are insured in the OPS system in accordance with the law "On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation".

Pension provision for the peoples of the Far North

A special place is allocated to residents of the Far North regions who do not have work experience. To assign a pension to such citizens, only two conditions must be met:

  1. Permanent residence in the regions of the Far North.
  2. Men reach the age of 55 and women - 50.

The small peoples of the North include only those citizens who permanently reside on the territory of the Far North, in the areas of settlement of their ancestors, they lead the traditional way of life and craft for those places.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1049, the lists of the small peoples of the North were approved (these include the Eskimos, Chukchi, Lamuts, Kereks).

The size of social pensions and indexation in 2017

The size of social pension payments varies and depends on the type of pension assigned and the category of their recipients. The amounts of pensions established before April 1, 2017 are shown in the table below.

Recipient categorySize, rub.
Disabled children and disabled children of the 1st group11903,51
Disabled people of group 1 and disabled since childhood of group 29919,73
Disabled group 24959,85
Disabled group 34215,90
On the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner
Round orphans up to the age of 18 and in full-time studies for no longer than 23 years9919,73
Children under 18 years of age (up to 23 with full-time education) who have lost one of their parents4959,85
Old age
Men and women who have reached the age of 65 and 60, respectively, and citizens from among the small "Northern" peoples4959,85

The size of pension payments each year should be indexed to the actual inflation rate of the previous year. If the final amount of payments is below the subsistence level established in the region of residence, then the recipients may be assigned a social supplement.

Pensions for residents of the North are increased by the regional coefficient for the entire stay in this place. When a pensioner leaves the "northern" territories, the coefficient is canceled.

The procedure for appointment and payments

To assign a social pension, citizens must provide:

  1. identity document;
  2. statement;
  3. documents required to confirm various circumstances, which may differ for different categories of recipients.

The required list of papers can be submitted at any time, after the onset of the right to this type of pension. You can apply for the appointment of payments in multifunctional center (MFC) or to the territorial authority (at the place of residence) Of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR). Moreover, the documents are provided both in person and through a legal representative. An application for appointment can be submitted through a personal account on the official website of the FIU.

Pay appointed from the 1st the month in which the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than the day of the onset of the right to it. Payments are made monthly.

The recipient of the pension provision has the right to choose the organization and method of delivery of the pension provision himself. There are several such organizations - it can be the Russian Post, bank branches or an organization that delivers pensions.

Concerning ways to receive payments, then there are also several of them:

  1. at home;
  2. personally at the branch of the organization;
  3. to the bank card.

You can also issue a power of attorney to receive pension funds. You can draw up it yourself, but it requires certification from a notary or directly from the organization where the pensioner receives payments. To do this, the recipient and the authorized person must contact these branches with identity documents (passport).

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Our life is unpredictable, and every citizen can instantly lose their ability to work. The legislation of the Russian Federation grants disabled persons the right to receive financial assistance. If you want to know what a social pension is and who can get it, then be sure to read our article.

Social pensions are financed from the state budget of the Russian Federation, which means that the amount of payment does not depend on the length of service and the amount of monetary contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia.

The law "On State Pension Provision" contains three categories of social pension payments:

  • assigned to children under 18 years of age, as well as full-time students under 23 years of age. Since 2018, this group includes children without established parents;
  • a disability pension is obligatory accrued to children with disabilities, people with disabilities of all groups, as well as people with disabilities since childhood;
  • for women (60 years old) and men (65 years old) who, for one reason or another, do not receive an insurance pension. This group also includes citizens from small peoples of the Far North, for them the retirement age is lower - 50 years for women and 55 years for men.
Social pension

When registering a social pension, you should pay attention to a number of important aspects:

  • only indigenous peoples living in the regions of the Far North, or in places conditionally assigned to the regions of the Far North, are ranked as northern peoples. At the same time, they must preserve their traditional way of life, crafts and economy;
  • social pension is calculated in full amount regardless of the number of disabled people in the family;
  • social disability pensions are assigned only to those citizens who have no work experience;
  • old-age social pensions are paid only to non-working pensioners.

Some categories of citizens in the Russian Federation can rightfully receive two pensions at once, one of which will be social. These citizens include the wives and parents of conscripts who died while on duty or due to serious injury. For example, they may receive a labor pension for the loss of a breadwinner and a social pension for old age or current.

Social pensions are paid not only to citizens of the Russian Federation. But according to the current pension reform of 2015, foreigners and persons without Russian citizenship need to live in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years in order to obtain a social pension.

Who is entitled to a social pension?

Indexation of social pensions

Many citizens are interested to know, nothing is a social pension and who can receive it, and the amount of the allowance. In 2017, the average social pension was 8,700 rubles. For 2018, the budget of the Russian pension fund has allocated funds for social pensions, according to experts, they will grow by 4.1%.

As for the size of the social pension, it is established for each category of citizens on an individual basis. For example, taking into account indexation, disabled persons of the 1st group in 2018 will receive 12,577.42 rubles, disabled persons of the 2nd group - 5240.65 rubles, disabled persons of the 3rd group - 4454.58 rubles.

Now you know what a social pension is and who can get it. I would like to note that social security pensions are very significant and necessary for the state, since they are distributed to people in urgent need of material assistance. In turn, the state is trying to help citizens in need through cash surcharges, annual indexing and a number of benefits for pensioners.

In the Russian Federation, social pensions are established in accordance with Federal Law No. 166-FZ *.
These pensions are state pensions, the source of funding for which is the federal budget.
Such pensions are established in connection with the need to provide citizens who have not acquired the right for any reason to an insurance pension, material support when old age, disability or in case of loss of a breadwinner.
Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to establish a social pension.
The following types of social pensions are provided by law:
- a social old-age pension (assigned to citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60, who do not have the right to an insurance pension, as well as citizens from among the small peoples of the North at the age of 55 and 50, men and women, respectively);
-social disability pension (assigned to disabled people of groups 1,2,3, disabled since childhood, disabled children);
- a social pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (assigned to children under 18 years old, and if they study full-time, then up to 23 years old who have lost one or both parents, and children of a deceased single mother).
When establishing a social pension, you should pay attention to the following:
1. The small peoples of the North include only those categories of persons who directly live in the Far North or areas equated to the Far North, in the territories of their ancestors' settlement and retain their traditional way of life, farming and crafts.
2. Social pension in case of loss of breadwinner shall be paid in full regardless of the number of disabled family members.
When establishing a social pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner, the circle of disabled family members entitled to this pension is clearly defined by the norms of this Law and does not coincide with the circle of persons entitled to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of the breadwinner. A social pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner is awarded in the absence of any insurance experience for the deceased breadwinner, or in the event that disabled family members of the dead breadwinner commit a criminal offense that has resulted in the death of the breadwinner, and is established in court.
3. Social disability pensions are granted if the disabled person has no work experience.
4. Social old-age pensions are not paid during the period of work and (or) other paid activities.
From January 1, 2015, a social old-age pension can be assigned to foreign citizens and stateless persons only if they have confirmed their residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years.


* Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation"
** Federal Law No. 216-FZ of July 21, 2014 “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and invalidating certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of Federal Laws“ On Insurance Pensions ”and“ About funded pension "