An abstract classes in the older group "in the world of dangerous items. Material on the topic: Dangerous home objects (conversation)

Abstract classes

by Obzh

On the topic: "Dangerous items around us"

in the senior group.


1. Educational task:

Secure the concept of fire safety in children, convincing the need to comply with the rules of fire safety.

2. Developing tasks:

To form in children the ability to act correctly in various situations and summarize knowledge of safety regulations in everyday life; develop the ability to use the knowledge gained in everyday life; Develop the expressiveness of speech.

3. Educational challenges:

Relief responsibility for yourself and for the life of your loved ones.

Teaching methods: visual, verbal, practical, game.

Materials for the lesson: illustration, cards with phone numbers 01; 02; 03.

Children greets guests.

So that there are fun to be all light, together by arms we will take and guests we smile (psychogymannastics).

1. Introduction of the game torque.

Guess what product is this excerpt?

(show illustration)

And foxes
Took matches
To the sea, Xeno went,
Sea lit a blue.

Sea flame burns,
Ran out of the sea whale:
"Hey, firefighters, run!
Help, help! "

(K. Chukovsky "Putanitsa")

What do you think fastened correctly? (children's responses)

Let's tell foxes how to avoid dangerous situations associated with fire.

Today we will talk about those hazards that can be involved with each of us. And so we need to know how to behave correctly, if we are threatened with danger.

Listen to the passage from the poem of S. Marshak "Koshkin House".

Loudly for a word -
And again the conversation,
And at home in front of the stove
Fire burn carpet.

Another moment -
And light light
Pine lamps
Lookout, flavor.

Climbed on the wallpaper
Screw at the table
And scattered Roem.
Golden bees.

What happened in this house? (Fire)

What is dangerous fire? (In a fire, things can burn, apartment, but most importantly people may die)

Why can a fire? (games with matches, candle, kerosene, gasoline)

Correctly (I show illustrations, I have on the board)

And now I want to offer you a game "And well, guess"

1. fell to the floor of the corner

Wooden floor lit.

Do not look, do not wait

And pour it (water)

The one who is called ... (fireman)

3. What is a close, cramped house?
One hundred sisters pumped in it.
And any of the sisters
Can flash like a bonfire.
Do not joke with sisters,
Thin ... (matches)

4. Hanging - silent,
and turn over, hits, and the foam flies (fire extinguisher).

5. Raced if suddenly

Electric Iron.

What should you make kids?

Remove the plug out. (sockets)

6. If younger sisters

They light at home matches

What should you take

Immediately matches (select.).

7. If suddenly the fire originated

You owe in the same moment

To the fire station to call

About fire them .... (to report) .

8. If you want you to walk

Do not run

Closing the door in the house

Is everything turned off?. (. Check.)

Well done. And now we will check if you know what phone number you need to call if the fire happened.

(On the table there are cards with emergency rooms (01, 02, 03, 04), while children stand back to this table. In turn, each of the children turns and silently takes the card that he considers the correct and becomes in its place, keeping The selected card in front of me (front side to yourself). After everyone has chosen cards, children turn cards with a phone number).

Every citizen knows

This number 01.

If trouble came to you

Call speed there (the tutor shows the correct card with number 01).


Above the legs! Stay, two times! (Walking in place.)
Shoulders rise above,
And then they omit them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)
Hands before breasts
And we perform jerks. (Hands in front of breasts, jad hands.)
Ten times you need to jump
Sky above, jumping together! (Jumping in place.)
We raise your knees -
Step on site perform. (Walking in place.)
We reached out from the soul, (sipping - hands up and on the sides.)
And returned to the spot.

What to do if a fire starts in the house? (children's responses).

What about the ceiling? (polar alarm)

And what is it (fire extinguisher), what is it necessary for? (On the table there is a fire extinguisher and a picture with alarm).

I suggest you see pictures and withdraw the rule.

1 picture. The apartment is burning the TV, the boy holds a blanket in his hands - throws it on fire.

Rule: If the fire is small, it can be gluable by sketching a dense tissue on it, a blanket.

2 picture.The child is calling at number 01.

If there is a fire, then you need to cause firefighters by calling 01.

3 picture. The boy runs out of the room.

If you cannot cause firefighters, you need to leave the room.

4 picture. The apartment, a lot of smoke, on the floor on all fours to the door creeps the child.

Rule: smoke is much more dangerous than fire, so most people die from the smoke. If you feel that they suffocate, go down on all fours and go to the exit Clear - downstairs less smoke.

5 picture.The child stands on the balcony, and behind him fire and smoke.

If it is impossible to get out, you need to get on the balcony and call people to help.

And also remember - you can not hide under the bed or in the closet - so it will be harder to find firefighters.

With a fire at the entrance - never get into the elevator - it can turn off, stop and you will suffocate.

And now let's build a sequence of actions in a fire.

(Showing illustrations).

And let's play again, play: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends." I read poems, and if you don't do that, then silent, if you think that you need to do this, say the choir: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends" with cotton.

Which of you envy smoke is gaining 0-1 (this is me, it's me.)

Which of you runs with a bucket, pour cats house? (it's me… .)

The table and the wardrobe burned down, who dried underwear above the gas? (children are silent)

Acknowledge the kids who take a match without demand?

Chirk carelessly and on the match - allen lights

You look - the match is small - and the fire is not small. (silent)

Who is a neighboring defer explains in the yard

What game with fire is not afraid of fire? (it's me)

Who settled the grass at home, has fallen unnecessary litter?

And burned the garage of acquaintances and construction fence? (silent)

Who is a sneaking in the corner, felt a candle in the attic,

An old angle caught fire, barely lived himself (silent)

Who helps a fire station - the rules do not violate

Who is an example for all guys? (it's me)

Educator: Well done. And now summarize:

What were we talking about today? (about fire).

Why does he occupy? (matches, candle, kerosene, gasoline)

What should we do if a fire happened?

And next time we will talk about other dangers that may arise both at home and on the street.

Fominova Elena Yurevna

Explanatory note

The conversation cycle is compiled for older children, where friends of Belchonok and Zabonok come to the guys, who are taught their behavior to enter various emergencies in various emergency situations.

Cycle conversations:

1. "Fire"

2. "Dangers on the street and in the yard"

3. "Dangerous situations on the street and in the yard"

purpose. Know the rules of conduct in various emergency situations. Easy sensitivity, compassion, mutual assistance, attentiveness, caution. To form a public consciousness of civil position about the dangers of the house, on the road, in a children's park and near the house.

Conversation number 1

Topic: Fire.

Tasks :

Teach children to make the right actions in the fire.

To form a public consciousness of civil position that carelessness can lead to a fire.

Rail in children with sensitivity, compassion, mutual assistance.

Equipment: Plane image of a house, toys or pictures with bribes and bancule images, bunnies.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations on fire safety and emergency situations, a drawing contest on the topic: "Caution, fire!", Didactic games, the plot-role-playing game "We are firefighters", guessing mysteries, learning poems.

Wordwork: Firefighters, electric stove, staircase, fire, danger.

1. Conversation.

Guys, guess the riddle: without hands, without legs, and the mountain quickly crawls. (Fire.) What is this mystery? What fires come from? Is it possible to leave the inclusive iron? Television? Electric stove?

2. Today we will listen to and see the fairy tale about how and from what a fire has a bunny.

3. Displaying a desktop theater with a speech accompaniment of a fairy tale.

Lived in the forest of bunny and bobcon. Once, as usual, in the morning they went to the forest for a walk. Friends ran, played, caught up with each other.

Suddenly they teach the smell of smoke. Friends quickly ran to the place where the smell came from. The trouble happened at the aunt of the bunny. From the window of her house and from all the cracks of the smoke. She turned on the electric stove to cook borsch, and herself went to the vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable. The stove was heated, blew into the wind window, the curtain touched the plate and caught fire. Bunny called for help. Two friends knew how to quickly act in order not to burn the whole house.


Skok Bakok! Skok Bakok!

Jumping a bunny on the pennies.

Bunny there is no time to play:

we must call everyone to help.

Paws up, paws down,

on the socks tightening!

Paws put on a barrel,

on the socks of SCOK-SCOK!

Bunny ran to call firefighters and call for help, and Belchonok freed the aunt, found a staircase. Hearing the cries of help, the beasts came running and began to extinguish the fire. Someone wore water, someone served a bucket, and the Belchonok, standing on the stairs, extinguished fire, watering it with water. When the fire truck arrived, the fire was already awesome.

4. Conclusion

Did you like a fairy tale? What is this fairy tale? What rules of behavior in case of fire do you know?

For a long time, people learned how to mine fire. And today without him you can not do: it warms, feeds us. But when they forget about the cautious handling of fire, it becomes dangerous. Guys, do not play and do not joke with fire! Be careful

Conversation number 2.

Subject: dangers on the street and in the yard.


Teach children quickly respond in emergency situations.

To form a public consciousness of civil position about the dangers on the road, in a children's park and near the house.

Rail in children attention, sensitivity, responsiveness, the ability to assist the other.

Equipment: road sign, landscape sheet, pencils and markers, toys or pictures with bribes and bobcon images.

Preliminary work: viewing and acquaintance with road signs, conversation about road rules.

Wordwork: Street, road, edge, transition, swing, injury.

Wherever you are, in the city are big or small, in the village, in the village - everywhere you will find the road. And so that the road is safe, we must follow the rules of the road.

Let's remember how to walk down the street and move the road? (Children's responses)

What do you know the rules for pedestrians?

2. Today we will meet again with friends: a Belchonkom and a hare, we will listen to what unforeseen circumstances they fell.

3. Hearing fairy tales

Belchonok and bunny decided to go to the children's park, ride there on the swing. Children's park was behind the forest. Defending to the edge of the forest, friends saw that the park could not immediately get into the park. To do this, go to a wide street. Bunny offered to run the street between the machines that rushed on the road. But the Belchonok was very attentive: he noticed a road sign nearby, which allowed the transition. According to this sign, friends without fears switched the street and found themselves in the park. (Fizminutka)

Friends sat down in a swing. Belchonok flashed belts, and the bunny decided that he would come down. And now the swing swung ... .. the bunny could not resist and fell. Belchonok acted very quickly. He called 03, called the "Ambulance" car, and calmed his friend himself that everything would be fine and everything would cost. Doctors, having examined the bunny, said that, fortunately, the bruises are insignificant and, dying him, let go of friends home.

4. Conversation for read.

Did you like a fairy tale? What kind of trouble could meet friends on the road? Why did the bunny fall from the swings? How did Belchonok acted?

5. Practical work

What road sign suggested to friends where to move the road?

Let's stand it now.

6. Conclusion

This road sign is a pedestrian assistant, and they should be friends with him.

On the streets, roads have many different road signs. They are the best assistants and friends for drivers and pedestrians, tell about what the road is how to ride what is allowed and what can not be done. Be careful on the roads guys!

Conversation number 3.

T EMA: Dangerous situations on the street and in the yard.

Teaching children to behave correctly in situations of finding unfamiliar subjects and when meeting with unfamiliar people.

Develop the ability to objectively assess the positive qualities of people.

Rail in children attentive care, caution.

Equipment: Plane arts of trees, house, beautifully packaged box, toys or pictures with bribes and bancule images, big hare.

Preliminary work: conversation about the incompatibility of the pleasant appearance and the good intentions of strangers, about the rules of conduct when discovering unfamiliar subjects

Wordwork: kidnapper, good, evil, packaging, multi-cant, attacker

1. Entry conversation teacher.

Guys! We live in a huge multipoint world of people. Adults take care of children, love them, guard them, want you to grow healthy, strong, smart, honest, kind.

But, unfortunately, there are people who are creating evil. They rob, kill, steal people and make different vile crimes.

A man with evil thoughts, plotting evil, is called an attacker.

What evil can cause such a person to you, your family?

How to learn to deal with people, guess who is kind, and who is evil?

2. Today, guys, we are again waiting for a meeting with a Belchonkom and a bunny. You will learn what dangers of friends waited.

3. Display of a desktop theater with speech joint.

Friends running back home: Belchonok on the branches of trees jumps, bunny on the path between the bushes.

Suddenly, the bunny saw a beautiful box tied by a big bow. He called a friend to see what's inside. Going to the box closer, friends heard ticking hours. Belchonok remembered how in the forest school their teacher Barsuk talked about such strange finds that could bring trouble. Thilly thinking they called their teacher. He thanked friends for their attentiveness, caution and vigilance. (Fizminutka)

Renting to the house, the bunny noticed some strange unfamiliar uncle Zaita, who walked around their dwellings. The bunny quickly jumped to him and began to ask who he was and what he does near their home. What a stranger politely replied that he was a friend of his father, there is a passage here, and he wanted to meet him. Therefore, he wants to wait for him at home. Bunny completely forgot about how dangerous to talk with strangers.

It's good that Mom came home in time. And then ....

4. Conversation on the heard. Playing situations.

What dangerous situations got a bobcon and bunny? How did they avoid troubles? What could happen if Mom did not come on time?

Situation 1. (Children play the scene)

Stranger: Hello, girl.

Girl: Hello.

Stranger: What is your name?

Girl: Tanya.

Stranger: Where do you live?

Girl: Sorry, I'm waiting for me. My parents are not allowed to talk to unfamiliar people. (So \u200b\u200bI am now a policeman Pozov, he will tell you where I live! Sorry, but I am very hurried!)

Situation 2. An unfamiliar man treats you with something very tasty: "treat, boy! Take a candy! Drink a cup of phantas! "

5. Conclusion

Guys, you can never be a stranger. Maybe this is not an attacker at all, but a good man loving children, and you will show him a tender, an uncompatible child. And if it is an evil person, then he can answer rudeness to the rudeness - push, hit. It is impossible to eat and drink what the strangers offer you on the street. With meals you can give a poison or a sleeping pills. Be careful, careful and vigilant guys!

List of references:

  1. Newspaper "Doggy Road of Childhood", №№15-16, 2004
  2. V. Volkov "How to avoid trouble. Tips Colonel Police »
  3. K.Yu. Bel and others. "How to ensure the safety of preschoolers"
  4. Z.Kutylova, M. Aydarova "Attention! Signs on the road ", Album for coloring


Expand the presentations of children about objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house, help children themselves draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such objects.
Tell the children that there are many items that need to be able to use, and that they should be stored in specially reserved places. Teach children rules of behavior in the event of a dangerous situation. Teach children to guess riddles.


Red Feltuster, Red Ball, Poster With the image of dangerous and safe items, these items and their places of storage.

Travel course:

Game "Danger"

- Children, let's stand in a circle and play the game "Danger". I have a red ball in my hands. Red color is the color of danger. I will start the poetic line, and the one I will give the ball should finish it.

Where people are careless with fire,
There I will take the ball in the sky,
There you will always threaten to us
Angry ... (fire).

Red defill ran.
Who with matches ... (played).

The table and the cabinet burned down.
Who dried underwear over ... (gas).

Smoke post suddenly rose
Who did not turn off ... (Iron).

Smoke saw - do not yawa
And firefighters ... (call).

Remember every citizen:
This is a number ... (01).

- Guys, and now look at these drawings carefully. Try to guess the riddles about the objects depicted here.

Riddles about dangerous subjects

This is a close-close house.
One hundred sisters pumped in it.
And any of the sisters
Can flash like a bonfire.

I sit under the arm
And what to do I mean:
Or let me walk,
Or I will be put in bed.

Mushroom pickers are very necessary
Without it, do not weld dinner,
You won't go hunting.
What is this?

They are usually for sewing;
And he had seen them;
There are pine on the Christmas tree,
And called ...

Wake up - proceeds by steam
And whistles, and silent with heat,
The lid bryakat, knocks:
- Hey! Discover me! - screaming.

I'm all made of iron,
I have no legs or hands.
I'm on the hat in the chalk board
And for me all the knock yes a knock.

Very love to trim
Cut and cut.

I do not want to be silent -
Give me to knock!
And knocks the day-day
He is an iron head.
(A hammer)

On clothes he floats
Like a hot steamer.
All linen on Divo
Very smooth and beautiful.

Very fragile me
Take care of me.
If only break -
Only fragments will collect.
(Glass jar)

Which of these items can be dangerous? In which cases? What kind of items do not use children? What objects can you use children, but very carefully and together with adults?

- Let's cross the red felt-tip pen of those items that cannot be used to children. (Matches, lighter, gas). And then we put such an exclamation mark near those subjects, to use which you need carefully and together with adults. (Needle, knife, scissors, hammer, nails, thermometer, iron).
- What other items can be dangerous if you are careless or misfortune? In which cases? (Balcony, glass jar, medicine, boiling kettle).

- Is it possible to distract, push another if he cuts, sews, is nailing a nail? What can happen?

- Guys, where do you have such hazardous items? Are they scattered in an apartment or occupy certain places? Where mother or grandmother clean the needles, pins, scissors? Where dad or grandfather keep the tools? Where are the medicine, a thermometer?

- Let's imagine that we fell into the house where the full confusion reigns: all things are scattered. You need to clean up and all the dangerous items decompose in places. (Children stick pictures with subject patterns on the aid kits, drawers for tools, kitchen cabinets, handicraft boxes).

- And if the trouble suddenly happened, and you hurt yourself a dangerous subject, what should I do immediately? Immediately call for adults.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song) came out in American rental about the abduction of the girl in the Caucasus Mountains. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played in this film of local zhulikov. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Materials section

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

kindergarten №55 "Grasshopper"

Abstract classes

organized educational activities

in the senior group on the topic:

"Dangerous home objects"


Thezian Teresa Edwardovna



Purpose: Consider the idea of \u200b\u200bdangerous items with which they are found in everyday life, about their need for a person, about the rules for using them.
Give ideas about items that are dangerous to the life and health of the children with whom they are found in everyday life. Assist independently, draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such objects. Intensify in speech names of items.
Develop speech, thinking, as well as steady interest in knowledge of the surrounding world.
To bring up independence, responsibility, the ability to work in the team.
Methodical techniques.
Visual: use illustrations, considering hazardous items for children health, observation.
Wonderful: explanation, conversation, story, guessing riddles.
Games: didactic games.
Forms of organization of children at the lesson: frontal, individual.
Demonstration and distribution material: pictures of furniture, electronic tablet with a presentation "Riddles"
Expected result: to form the ability to avoid potentially dangerous situations in everyday life, the assimilation of the correct actions in the event of a dangerous situation, an increase in motivation to preserve your health, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness, the development of free communication with adults and with peers, the intensification of the mental activities of children.

Travel course:
- Guys, you are already adults. Which of you parents left at home alone?

(Children's responses)
- If you have already left some at home, then you need to know the safety rules. What dangers can be at home? Dangers are waiting for us at every step.
- Now we will try to determine which items in the house can be considered dangerous.
Presentation "Riddles":
They are different:
Stupid and sharp,
Baby and adults. (Scissors)
I always have people in the go,
Although my character is cool.
Where you need to knock - I will come, -
After all, my shock work. (A hammer)
Thin and dark
Friendship drives with nitko,
Up and Down Fly -
Sews and sews. (Needle)
Board gnawed and cousal,
On the floor crumbs sketched,
But did not eat a piece, -
Know the tasteless board (saw).
Here goes steamer -
Then back, then forward
And behind him such a smooth -
Do not see wrinkles. (Iron)

Look at me -
All breathing I,
But but I deftly
Labor to you carrot (grater)

I have a blade -
Sharp, iron,
Contact carefully
I can cut down (knife)

He puffs like a steam locomotive,
It is important to keep the nose.
Intimit, it is cooled -
Invite a seagull to get drunk. (Teapot)

I sit in the armpit and what to do I mean:

Or I will be put in bed, or let me walk. (Thermometer)

In a wooden house

Dwarfs live.

Such kindness -

Distribute all the lights. (matches)

Little growth I,

Thin and acute

Nose to myself looking for myself,

Behind the needle. (Needle).

(Children guess riddles, tell what danger every item is tatting)

- Well done guys, you have noticed all the dangers in the subjects. And now consider attentively this apartment. (I show an illustration with a drawn apartment in which there are various household items.)

In this apartment left the kids to Sasha and Katya. Their parents went to work. Let's guys tell me the kids, which subjects cannot be used by yourself, so that the trouble does not happen. (Each child takes one of the illustrated pictures, and tells the kids-doll, in which the danger of the subject). Then he hangs the picture in that room, where this subject may presumably be located.
- Guys, let's repeat the safety rules:
1. All sharp, stitching and cutting items must be put into place. The order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.
2. Do not include electrical devices, they can hit the current or cause a fire.
Don't fall into the outlet
Neither a girl nor a boy!
3. In no case try no medicine. First, it is not delicious, and secondly, the wrong medication can be poison.
4. Do not touch household chemicals: washing powders, detergents for washing dishes, soda, chlorine, means from cockroaches.

In order not to happen the trouble, as in the poem.
Cockroach repellent
Lived in the house giants,
And lived in the house cockroaches.
What to do, how to be here?
Cockroaches to worry!
And bought giants
Means against cockroaches ...
But the cockroaches remained,
And not the giants.
Necess to be,
To not specify yourself.

Do not eat unfamiliar pills.

All small children

We must learn:

Pills and tablets

Thai can not swallow !!

When you get sick,

Then the doctor is called

And adults in the bed

Tablets will bring!

5. You can choose drugs, chemicals, but you can still poison invisible poison - gas. Gas can be dangerous. Therefore, feeling the smell of gas, follow these rules.
Urgently tell me about this adult.
It is necessary to immediately open the doors and windows.
Call "04"
In no case do not include light and not to light the match.
Turn off the gas -
For gas you need an eye yes eye.
Smell feeling in the apartment,
Call "04"
6. If you live in a multi-storey building, you will be waiting for another danger. This is a balcony. It is very dangerous to go to the balcony one. But if you came out, never play mobile games, do not jump, do not oversee through the balcony railing. If there is something interesting at the bottom, it is better to go down the stairs.
Man does not bird
More convenient to go down the stairs.
Without a parachute from height
Jump only cats.
Remember, children, these rules and boldly stay at home alone, no trouble will happen to you!


Guys, today we met with the rules for handling dangerous items. - Now you will be attentive and neat using them.

An abstract classes in the senior group "In the world of dangerous items"

purpose: To form in children the skills of conscious safe Conduct when contacting dangerous subjects in everyday life.

Educational tasks:

Consolidate presentations of children about danger When handling various items in life;

Form in children the ability to use gently hazardous objects, habit put things in your place;

Developing tasks:

To form a coherent speech, making your own conclusions;

Develop attention, thinking when solving problem situations.

Educational tasks:

Bring up curiosity;

To form cooperation skills, the ability to work in the team.

Integration of educational regions: Socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Demonstration material: "pyramid security» , cards depicting dangerous items, box with tools, signs ( "Prohibiting" and "Caution").

Handout: subject pictures, adhesive pencils, lining, napkins.

Preliminary work: manufacturer together with parents of books - kids on the topic, conversations with children, reading poems and stories, guessing mysteries on the topic, d / and "Fourth extra", « Danger - safe» other.

The course of educational activities:

(Collect children in a circle).

Educator: Children, look at me and show your eyes. Let's smile to each other and give our guests a good mood.

Children, I love fairy tales very much, and you?

Yes! Then I will tell you a new, unfamiliar fairy tale.

Lived once old man with old womanAnd they had two sons. The younger name Ivan, and senior Mitrofan.. The eldest was lazy - ateYes, I slept, and I didn't go to work to his mind. And the youngest Ivan is hardworking, cheerful, friendly. The master of Ivan was a magical drawer, and his friends who helped him in his work lived in it. He loved Ivan, was friends with them, the coast, cared for them. And things also loved and respected Ivan, he was listening when he said: "Each thing is your place!" and proud of them when people spoke: "Masters Ivan - Golden Hands", "Master's business is afraid".

Look, children, that's how it is conveniently located different things from Ivan. Lying and resting. Have you recognized them? (Show). What are their names?

It was angry at Ivan Mitrofan for the fact that all Ivana praise, and they mock them. He took his drawer with tools and locked in Saraj, decided to play with them.

Guys, come up with a fairy tale, the end of which should be good. (Children's responses).

. "I thought, Mitrofan thought, that would not go. And decided to comply with all measures precautions. He took a hammer, saw, nails and made a house for birds. "

Here and Mitrofan became a good master, that's how important it is to be able to correctly handle hazardous objectsso that they become friends, and not enemies.


Whole day tuk yes tuk

There is a ringing knock.

Hammers knocking

Build a house for guys.

That's what good home

As we gloriously heal.

Educator: I also have a magic box, and guess what lies in it, the riddles will help you.

Two rings, two ends

And in the middle of the carnations / scissors.

If the edge is stolen -

Immediately a hole will be found / selected /.

I have my antoshka

Only a hat, yes Iron leg / nail /.

I do not want to be silent -

Give me to knock!

And knocks all day-day

It is iron head / hammer /.

Here is an iron cheer

Sheets keeps very deft.

Firmly together compress them,

Never confuse / clip.

I'm glad to girlfriend

But I do not have a corner / pin /.

Steel horse, linen tail

Share you with me / needle /.

Well done boys!

The game "Not mistaken" / on the table are two characters "Prohibiting" and "Caution". Children lay pictures to these signs.

Educator. I have a surprise for you. See what I prepared.

Show children cooked panel.

This is a pyramid dangerous and safe items.

On the Red Ring dangerous subjects.

On the green ring - itemswhich can be used independently.

But the pyramid is empty, it needs to be filled.

The tutor lays out pictures on the table with the image objects.

We glue these pictures on the pyramid.

Children. And why on the pyramid also yellow color?

Educator. I waited for this question from you. See.

The tutor shows a picture with the image of the chair.

Which one item - Dangerous or Safe?

Children. Safe.

Educator. That's right, if you use a chair according to the rules, that is, sit quietly. And if it swing on it, you can fall and get injured. it "cunning"thing. In these pictures much items. Here we will stick them on the yellow field.

Well done, with the task coped!

Output: Guys, these items Right serve a person and today without them can not do. But when we forget about the cautious handling of these items, they become dangerous. And I hope that we will always be remembered about caution.