Early and late bleeding - is it possible to maintain a pregnancy? Causes of bleeding during pregnancy: what to do

The 20th week of pregnancy becomes such a "borderline" of the entire period of bearing a baby. After all, the 20th week of pregnancy falls at the end of the fifth month: if childbirth occurs at 40 weeks, then the 20th week of pregnancy will be exactly "half the distance traveled."

Belly at 20 weeks pregnant

It is no longer possible to hide the belly at the 20th week of pregnancy: it rises more and more, having significantly rounded. At the same time, the waist is “blurred” and disappears. Now the use of special means that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen due to its enlargement and stretching of the skin is becoming more relevant. All kinds of gels and creams today are sold in abundance in pharmacies and specialty stores, they need to be used regularly - 1-2 times a day, rubbing massage movements into the abdomen at the 20th week of pregnancy, as well as into the thighs and chest area. A full-fledged "substitute" for special means can be ordinary vegetable oil - olive or almond.


The growth of the abdomen occurs as the uterus enlarges at 20 weeks of gestation. At this time, the uterus is already approximately at the level of the navel - the bottom of the uterus is 11-12 cm above the bosom. The uterus can sometimes contract at 20 weeks of pregnancy: such contractions are called false contractions, and they do not pose any threat to the fetus.


Ultrasound examination at this time is usually performed as part of the second screening. An ultrasound scan at 20 weeks of gestation may be needed to assess the progress of pregnancy, determine the sex of the child, the likelihood of malformations and chromosomal abnormalities. Also, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy allows you to determine whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age, whether the state of the amniotic fluid and placenta is normal.

When conducting an ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy, the internal organs of the crumbs are also studied: kidneys, stomach, bladder and gall bladder, liver, lungs, intestines. The baby's heart is also subject to careful research - if any discrepancy is found, a specialized ultrasound examination of the heart will be needed. Unfortunately, heart defects are one of the most common fetal malformations today.

In addition to the fact that ultrasound will help to assess whether the development of the baby is normal, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy will also show that the baby in the womb is actively growing and developing. And yet - he does not get bored at all, because its size still allows it to move freely in the mother's tummy, which the baby actively uses, turning over and tumbling.

Fetus at 20 weeks gestation

After all, the baby is now fully formed, its growth continues steadily, and the work of organs and systems is improving. The baby's nervous system, respiratory, digestive and hematopoietic organs are formed and fully functioning. A small heart beats audibly: you can already listen to the rhythm of a baby's heart with the help of an ordinary stethoscope.

The baby's arms and legs also acquired their final shape, marigolds grow on the fingers, and the first hairs appear on the head - lanugo. Also, fluff forms where in the future the baby will have eyebrows and cilia.

The fetus at the 20th week already fully feels the sounds, therefore the mother needs to beware of sharp noises. The baby is already reacting to the light - even though his eyes are still closed, the rays of light penetrate under the eyelids, which begin to open slightly.

Along with the fact that the baby's skin also thickens, the sebaceous glands produce a special "original lubricant" - while it protects the baby from the effects of a liquid medium, and in the future it will help the fetus slide easier along the birth canal and facilitate its birth.

If we talk about the "parameters" of the baby, then the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy reaches 25 cm in length and weighs about 300-340 g. Such dimensions and weight not least of all explain the fact that the baby's activity is already fully felt by the mother.


The first movements of the baby are justifiably extremely pleasing to mommy: now she already fully feels that a new life is growing and improving inside her. Which from time to time makes itself felt with light jerks and movements - the baby hiccups, pushes off in the uterus from the wall and swims to the opposite one, jumps up in response to the sharp sound or excitement of the mother. If at first the movements of the fetus are barely distinguishable, then over time they become more and more pronounced. However, one should pay attention to the nature and intensity of fetal movements: if its movements are felt too often, it is quite possible that in this way the baby declares a lack of oxygen.

Others - less "pleasant" - are the sensations at the 20th week of pregnancy associated with the constantly growing uterus and the increasing pressure of internal organs. It is the change in the configuration “inside” of the woman that explains the appearance of heartburn, constipation, poor outflow of urine, shortness of breath. However, all these unpleasant phenomena will pass in the near future - when the woman becomes a happy mother.


Most often, expectant mothers during this period complain of pain in the 20th week of pregnancy, appearing in the lower back and back. This is a consequence of a significant load on the joints and ligaments, back muscles, due to a shift in the center of gravity. To prevent back pain and lower back pain, there are special exercises that help "unload" the spine. But at the same time, it is also necessary to follow basic rules that will help, if not avoid, then significantly reduce pain in the lower back and back. These rules presuppose maintaining the correct posture, rejecting high heels and applying all possible measures that will make it possible not to strain your back.

Another fairly common problem among pregnant women is the appearance of leg cramps. The pain at the 20th week of pregnancy can be so palpable that it "brings" a woman to tears. Cramps are the result of an ever-increasing weight and an ever-increasing load on the legs. To minimize the likelihood of seizures, you should regularly rest your legs, resort to a relaxing massage of the calves and feet, and stretch your legs more often on the bed.

Abdominal pain at the 20th week of pregnancy is an alarming phenomenon. If the stomach hurts from time to time and not much, there is still a need to consult a doctor: in order to avoid the likelihood of increased uterine tone and possible miscarriage for this reason. If the stomach hurts badly, it is necessary to seek specialized help immediately, otherwise the tragic consequences and loss of the child cannot be avoided.

Discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy

After all, it is the abdominal pains (sharp or pulling, but prolonged), and even accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, that become the harbingers of the threat of premature termination of pregnancy. Also, bloody discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, can be a symptom of placental abruption or previa - in any case, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. If spotting at the 20th week of pregnancy is not accompanied by painful sensations, but occurs more and more after intercourse or gynecological examination, most likely there is an erosion of the cervix.

Normally, the discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy has a light color - grayish or with a milky tint. At the same time, they have a sour smell and a uniform consistency. The appearance of a discharge that is green or yellow, cheesy, with admixtures of mucus lumps, indicates that an infection has begun. Usually, infection is also accompanied by a burning sensation and itching in the vaginal area, and in this case you should not hesitate to contact a specialist. After examination, the doctor will prescribe a suitable treatment to avoid the spread of the infection and not "start" the disease.

The weight

The weight at the 20th week of pregnancy must be monitored with full responsibility: ideally, until the end of pregnancy, the woman's weight should not exceed 15-16 kg, otherwise childbirth is much more difficult. Considering that the weight at the 20th week of pregnancy can already increase to 3-6 kg (moreover, just 3 kg is considered an "ideal" increase), the issue of weight should be given maximum attention. From this week on, you need to do everything possible so that the weekly weight gain is about 500 g, therefore, it will not be superfluous to develop a diet that should be followed throughout pregnancy.


Recommendations regarding nutrition at the 20th week of pregnancy remain the same: nutrition should be balanced and healthy, food should be as natural and healthy as possible. Considering that in the second trimester (when toxicosis and associated unpleasant sensations remain in the past) the pregnant woman's appetite is excellent, it is advisable to build a diet in such a way as to maximize all the useful and nutrients from the food and not feel hunger.

To do this, it is advisable to eat often throughout the day, but a little, to have a full breakfast and lunch, preferring light food for dinner. On the table of a pregnant woman, there must be meat (lean), vegetables and fruits in large quantities, dairy and sour milk products, cereals.

Experts also advise to listen carefully to the desires "to eat something like that." For example, craving for chocolate may be related to the body's need for carbohydrates. Here are just carbohydrates extracted from chocolate and other sweets are completely unhealthy: these carbohydrates are "empty", and besides, the level of glucose in the body is raised. Therefore, it is better to "get" the necessary carbohydrates from bran bread, fruits, cereals. Again, porridge will become a source of B vitamins, and buckwheat - also iron, phosphorus can be obtained from fish, vitamin A - from carrots, folic acid - from broccoli.

Food is best cooked by boiling, baking or stewing dishes. It is better to forget about smoking and frying for a while - this is not at all useful, and it also provokes heartburn. In addition, the use of salt in food preparation should be significantly limited: salt retains water in the body and causes the formation of edema, which significantly darkens the happy time of pregnancy.


But sex at the 20th week of pregnancy may well replace the pleasure obtained from the extra floor of a bar of chocolate. Intimate life is not at all prohibited, unless, of course, there are any contraindications of the doctor. That's just, practicing sex at the 20th week of pregnancy, you should choose positions that exclude pressure on the mommy's stomach and not be too "zealous" with intensity. And you should pay attention to the sensations during intercourse: any discomfort or feeling that the uterus is "compressed" should be the reason for the obligatory and as soon as possible specialist consultation.

Tests at the 20th week of pregnancy

If before the 20th week of pregnancy, a visit to the doctor and the mandatory delivery of tests were supposed to be once a month, then, starting from the 20th week, specialist control is needed twice a month. Tests at the 20th week of pregnancy (in addition to ultrasound) may be needed to study blood, urine, to assess the increase in the uterus.

A blood test allows you to monitor the level of sugar in the mother's blood, to determine the presence of anemia in time. The analysis of urine will tell about the work of the kidneys, as well as about the possible hidden inflammatory processes. Ultrasound, as already mentioned above, and in itself becomes a very informative research method, which can sometimes be supplemented and "strengthened" by a biochemical blood test - the so-called "triple test". Such an analysis is done to assess the level of hCG hormones, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood: deviations from the established norms indicate a high risk of having a baby with developmental defects or chromosomal abnormalities.

Frozen pregnancy

Although the fading of pregnancy is more often characteristic of the early stages, nevertheless, a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks also happens quite often. The fetus can stop developing and die for many reasons: here you have endocrine disorders, and the impact of negative factors, and a failure in the production of progesterone.

But if it is possible to diagnose an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages only with the participation of a doctor, then a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks can be "felt" by a woman personally. The reason for suspicion may be the termination of the abdominal enlargement, as well as the absence of fetal movements. However, it should be borne in mind that the baby is not obliged to move all the time: the baby also has its own sleep and wakefulness regime, therefore, the absence of movements for some time can be explained by the fact that the baby is just sleeping.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy of 20 weeks is diagnosed without difficulty: using an ultrasound scan, as well as in the absence of a fetal heartbeat. And in this case, doctors will act immediately: the uterus must be freed from the dead fetus, which contributes to the development of infection. After curettage, the woman is assigned an additional examination, which may help to establish the cause that caused the pregnancy to fade. You will also need antibiotic therapy and a sufficiently long time to recover - after the pregnancy has faded, it is not recommended to plan the next pregnancy earlier than six months or a year later.

By the end of the twentieth week of pregnancy, its first half will also end - after all, five obstetric months have already passed. This is an important milestone for a pregnant woman - she begins to fully realize all the responsibility for the baby, because now she feels him better.

The baby also goes through an important stage - the formation of its organs ends, and from now on it will grow and improve. He begins to take control of his body - it is not for nothing that it is during this period that mothers first feel the movement of the baby.

Many mothers feel anxiety and fear for the life and well-being of their baby. If you, too, cannot get rid of these emotions - seek the help of loved ones, meet on the playground with mothers who are at a later date or even have already given birth to a baby - their help and advice will help you a lot!

20th week of pregnancy: how many months have passed? The fifth obstetric month of pregnancy ends (in one obstetric month - exactly 4 weeks, or 28 days).

What's happening?

The belly at the 20th week of pregnancy may not yet be noticeable to others, but you can see how it has become rounded. This gestational age is golden - early toxicosis has already ended, mom has an excellent appetite, practically no health problems, and the baby is already making itself felt.

Very rarely, anyone in this period may be bothered by back pain, heartburn and nausea, varicose veins, constipation and hemorrhoids. Basically, these problems begin to haunt the pregnant woman only after a couple of weeks, and now you can enjoy your good health and communication with the baby.

Fetus and its development at 20 weeks of gestation

The fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy is still very tiny - its weight is 270-300g, and the length from the crown to the toes is no more than 25-27 cm.

The kid is actively growing and developing, he does many things for the first time.

The eyes of the fetus develop - photoreceptors appear on the retina. Your little one can now distinguish between light. If the baby's eyes were closed before the 20th week of pregnancy, now the blinking reflex begins to form. In addition, facial expressions are actively improving - the child squints, opens his mouth and makes grimaces.

All layers are formed in the skin, it becomes thicker and reddens. If before that the skin was translucent and smooth, now it becomes denser, folds are formed on it. In addition, the sebaceous glands, which produce a special secret, begin to work actively. This secret - the original lubricant - coats the skin of the fetus, protecting it from moisture and other factors. In addition, lanugo begins to form on the skin, fluff appears in place of hair, eyebrows and cilia. The baby's marigolds are growing.

The baby's heart is also actively developing - at this time, the fetal heartbeat can not only be seen on an ultrasound scan, but also heard with a stethoscope through my mother's tummy.

The child's nervous system matures - he begins to move actively, tries to grab his body parts with his fingers, the umbilical cord, and sucks a finger.

Lungs are actively forming, but at this stage of development they are not yet able to provide the baby with oxygen. A couple more weeks will pass, and the child will begin to perform training breathing movements, preparing for an independent life.

The intestines also begin to work actively - the child swallows amniotic fluid, due to which meconium is formed in the intestines - the first feces that will leave the baby's intestines after birth.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Below we present to your attention the photos of the ultrasound at this time.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of pregnancy, because both nutritional deficiencies and excess nutrition can lead to serious problems. Considering that now there is an active formation of all systems of the baby, it is vitally important to provide his body with all the necessary materials.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman at 20 weeks should be light and varied - these are fresh herbs, lean meat, lean fish, dairy products and cereals. It is worth excluding simple carbohydrates from the diet, which do not bring any benefit to the baby and mother. You do not need to eat spicy and pickled foods. Drinking alcohol during the formation of the baby's nervous system can be fatal for its further development.

You should adhere to the drinking regime - you need to drink a lot of clean water, fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices, weak tea with milk. It is better to avoid store-bought juices, and to completely refuse from the use of sugary and carbonated drinks. The total volume of liquid must be at least 2 liters per day.

In order not to increase blood pressure and edema appear, you should significantly limit the use of salt. Salt negatively affects the work of blood vessels, moreover, it contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

It is also necessary to monitor the amount of calories consumed - the weight should increase by no more than 3-5 kg. If you put on too much weight by the middle of pregnancy, then you will have serious problems before childbirth, and the process of childbirth itself will be complicated. If you are gaining too much weight, reconsider your meal plan, include more fiber in your diet, and limit your carbohydrate intake.

Stirring the baby at the 20th week of pregnancy

The 20th week of pregnancy for primiparous mothers is marked by the first movements of the baby. Of course, you could have felt these gentle touches before: many mothers compare the first movements of a baby with the touch of a butterfly's wings, while others say it looks like a fish is swimming in its stomach. If the baby pleased you with its activity earlier, now you can clearly distinguish its movements from the work of the intestines and other sensations.

Your baby is still very small, so it can move freely in the uterus. Of course, he rests most of the time. But from time to time it can seriously bother the mother with its activity. Watching how your baby is behaving, talking to him and singing songs - this will help him to calm down. If you notice that the baby has become too active, does not calm down - this may indicate a lack of oxygen or an uncomfortable position that mom has taken. Try to change position, walk, get out into the fresh air.

Mom's feelings

A mom in her 20th week of pregnancy can experience many new, not always wonderful, sensations. Of course, you shouldn't have any special health problems by this time, but a growing tummy can cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

First, due to the shift in the center of gravity, pain in the spine may appear. You become more awkward, although it is not yet noticeable. If your belly grows fast enough, and it causes you discomfort, it's time to think about wearing a special bandage that will help eliminate discomfort.

In addition, the rapid growth of the tummy causes the skin to stretch, which can make it itchy. To avoid these unpleasant sensations, apply special products to the skin of your abdomen every day. Proper skin care can help prevent stretch marks and stretch marks.

An enlargement of the uterus and squeezing of blood vessels can lead to such unpleasant phenomena as hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Constipation contributes to the appearance of hemorrhoids, which is why you need to include more fiber and water in the diet. To prevent varicose veins, you need to wear special elastic underwear for pregnant women.

If the uterus is much smaller than it should be, you do not feel fetal movements - this may be a sign of low water or a frozen pregnancy. Low water during pregnancy can also indicate fetal malformations. Ultrasound screening, which is carried out in the period of 20-23 weeks, will be able to answer these questions.

Cramps in the calves become a fairly common problem in the second trimester of pregnancy - they occur for many reasons: weight gain, and increased circulating blood volume, and lack of calcium. If cramps bother you too much, try to get more rest and eat foods rich in calcium. Make sure you have enough water.

What if twins?

If you have two crumbs living in your tummy, then their development corresponds to the timing - they also become very active, which can cause discomfort to mom. The tummy grows faster in the presence of twins, so the mother can already be tormented by pain in the spine, heartburn and nausea. Mom often runs to the toilet due to compression of the bladder.

If before the 20th week of pregnancy with twins, the threat of miscarriage was quite high, but now it is significantly reduced. The rest of the pregnancy with twins does not differ from the usual one at this time.

Discharge and pain in the 20th week of pregnancy

At the 20th week of pregnancy, you may notice an increase in discharge - this is due to blood flow to the genitals. The discharge should not be very abundant, viscous, transparent or milky, with a sour odor.

The appearance of abundant watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, and yellow-green fetid or cheesy discharge, accompanied by severe itching, may indicate an infection.

The appearance of scarlet blood is possible with low placentation. If you have this period, low placentation can be manifested by periodic bleeding. In this situation, doctors closely monitor the course of pregnancy and prescribe special treatment.

For any deviations from the norm in the nature of the discharge, you need to contact your doctor.

Pain in the 20th week of pregnancy should not bother mommy. There may be some discomfort in the spine due to the increased load on it. Pains and cramps in the legs are also possible - for the above reasons.

Also during this period, the appearance of training contractions is possible - this is a painless contraction of the uterus, which passes after a change in position or walking - this is how the body prepares for childbirth. If you feel severe abdominal pain, blood appears in the discharge, or it turns brown, go to the clinic urgently, these signs indicate the threat of interruption.

Necessary research and analysis

During this period, visits to the antenatal clinic are monthly, and a urine test is taken before each visit. Ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy allows you to assess the development of the child, to identify deviations in the structure of organs, violations of the formation of amniotic fluid. In addition, ultrasound examines the baby's blood supply, examines the vessels of the umbilical cord.

At the reception at the antenatal clinic, the doctor will measure the size of the pelvis and the height of the bottom of the uterus, the circumference of the abdomen and the pressure. Often, a chair examination is done to assess the condition of the cervix.

Other studies are carried out only if there are indications and deviations found during the examination.

Sex at 20 weeks pregnant. Is it possible or not?

Sex at the 20th week of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but also useful for the mother's body and the establishment of family relationships. At this stage of pregnancy, dads most often begin to worry about the fact that the wife loves the child more, and now all her time will be given to the baby. Sex will help show that your husband is just as important to you as it used to be. Show that you still love him, and the child will only add love and affection to your marriage.

Care must be taken during sex, although the risk of harming the child is minimal - he is reliably protected from the effects of the environment.

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Questions - answers

I have my first pregnancy, 20 weeks - the water is leaking within 24 hours. How dangerous is it for a child?

Leakage of amniotic fluid at this time indicates the threat of miscarriage or infection of the fetus. In this condition, hospitalization in a hospital and treatment is required, aimed at prolonging pregnancy and preventing the spread of infection to the fetus.

Lately, constipation has often bothered me. How dangerous and what does constipation mean at the 20th week of pregnancy?

Constipation during pregnancy is associated with changes in hormonal levels and intestinal compression by the pregnant uterus. Constant constipation can lead to hemorrhoids. To prevent constipation, eat a lot of fiber, prunes and other dried fruits, drink more water.

What should be the hemoglobin at 20 weeks of gestation? Before pregnancy, the analysis showed 130g / l, but now it is 115g / l - isn't it dangerous for the child?

From the 20th week of pregnancy, the blood volume of a pregnant woman begins to actively increase - this is necessary to sufficiently provide the baby and mother with oxygen and nutrient substrates. Because of this, it is possible to dilute the blood with its liquid components, against this background, the hemoglobin level can drop to 110 g / l - physiological anemia of pregnant women. With lower hemoglobin numbers, your doctor will prescribe treatment for you. You also need to eat foods rich in iron - liver, meat, apples.

Recently I noticed that droplets of liquid are secreted from the nipples. Is it possible that this is produced by colostrum at 20 weeks of gestation?

Not only the uterus is preparing for childbirth, but also the woman's mammary glands. Colostrum secretion can begin at 16 weeks of gestation - you will notice droplets of sticky, sweet liquid on your nipples. The nipples are, as it were, greased. In no case do not press on the nipples - you can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. Wear special liners, only cotton underwear, carefully observe breast hygiene.

About a quarter of women experience bleeding during pregnancy. These can range from stains and smears to significant blood loss requiring urgent hospitalization. While it is very important to take any bleeding seriously, remember that at least 90% of cases are harmless to pregnancy.


Bleeding and blood stains during the first few weeks of pregnancy are common and do not necessarily mean that there is a health problem. The degree of pain associated with bleeding is a good indicator. Painless vaginal bleeding is not a problem like bleeding accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen and / or back pain for several hours. If you have vaginal bleeding, your doctor will do a series of tests. An examination of the pelvic region, ultrasound, or a blood test to determine the level of the pregnancy hormone (CG) is possible. As the duration of pregnancy increases, the level of hCG rises, so it is possible that more than one test will be needed. Often there is no cause for the bleeding and the pregnancy continues without any problems. A small number of women experience light bleeding throughout their pregnancy for no apparent reason.

Bleeding on implantation

Sometimes a small amount of blood loss occurs within 24 to 48 hours within ten days of conception, after the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine wall. This is a natural process and shouldn't bother you.

Hormonal bleeding

Some women experience minor intermittent bleeding during 4-8 weeks of pregnancy at the time when their period should pass. They are the reason why some women are not aware of their pregnancy.

Cervical ectropion

Blood stains in the early stages of pregnancy can be the result of cervical ectropion, which happens when the inner cells of the uterine lining come to the surface and become inflamed. Bleeding can occur after intercourse as the cervix becomes softer and more tender during pregnancy. Cervical ectropion does not affect pregnancy in any way, unless an infection is suspected.


Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy between 12-24 weeks is much less common than in the first three months. A miscarriage at this stage is less likely. Late miscarriages (after the 20th week) may result from an infection or a defect in the uterus, such as cervical insufficiency or the placenta.

Bleeding after the 24th week of pregnancy must be reported to the doctor. There is often no cause for concern if it is minor and occurs predominantly after intercourse or internal examination. However, if a woman reports painful vaginal bleeding, it is common practice to be followed up in the hospital for 24 hours.

Rh-negative women should receive anti-D immunoglobulin when bleeding to protect against antibodies in the fetal blood.

If bleeding occurs late in pregnancy, you need to be checked for the conditions below.

Marginal placental bleeding

Painless bleeding can result from rupture of one of the small blood vessels at the edge of the uterus. It usually stops quickly, although a small blood clot may form near the cervix, leading to brown vaginal discharge over several days. Sometimes bleeding is painful as the blood irritates the uterus, causing it to contract slightly. In such cases, there is no cause for concern, usually rest and supervision of a doctor is prescribed.

Placenta previa

When the placenta lies low in the uterus, it can completely or partially overlap the cervix. Many women reported that they had a placenta previa (low-lying placenta) when they had their routine 20-week ultrasound exam, but in the last few weeks of pregnancy, the placenta rose and stopped blocking the cervix. However, in 1% of pregnancies, the placenta remained in place. In this position, it was less attached to the wall of the uterus and was bleeding from one or more multiple blood vessels crossing the placental surface. Fortunately, despite the danger, the bleeding stopped by itself. You may be advised to stay in the hospital until the baby is born, where you will be quickly treated in case of bleeding.

Placenta previa is more common in women who have more than one child, have given birth by caesarean section, with twins or triplets. The bleeding is usually painless but can be extremely severe. It may start lightly, but suddenly become very much. severe, requiring immediate maternal treatment, including blood transfusion.

Placenta accreta

A very rare complication of pregnancy is when the placenta grows into the deep layers of the uterine wall and is tightly attached to it. There are three options for this condition: the most common is ingrowth, when the placenta is attached directly to the wall of the uterus. Sometimes the placenta spreads deeper into the muscle of the uterus, a condition called an ingrown placenta. In the third, most rare case, the placenta spreads to the entire wall of the uterus - this is called the germinating placenta.

This condition most often occurs in women who have given birth through a cesarean section or have a scar after surgery on the uterus. Placenta previa may also be the cause.

Often, symptoms are absent until the third stage of labor, until the placenta has separated from the uterine wall. Rarely, this condition leads to rupture or partial rupture of the uterus. Treatment involves surgical removal of the placenta. If the bleeding cannot be controlled, they resort to hysterectomy.

Abruption of the placenta

A case where the placenta is detached or detached from the wall of the uterus. Usually bleeding is associated with severe abdominal cramps, but this is not always the case if a small part is separated from the placenta. The amount of blood that is produced varies but can be severe if there are clots.

A slightly more dangerous form of placental abruption is called placental abruption. This rare occurrence occurs when the placenta is separated in the midsection, causing a large blood clot to form between the surface of the placenta and the wall of the uterus. Mothers usually experience severe pain and weakness. Bleeding is not visible as all blood accumulates behind the placenta. Urgent medical attention and immediate childbirth is required.

Ruptured uterus

Occasionally, during pregnancy, a perforation or rupture of the uterus occurs. Sometimes the uterus can rupture during labor. Usually the cause is wall weakness caused by a scar from a cesarean birth or previous uterine stitches due to rupture. Placental defects (eg, previa or ingrowth) also increase the risk of uterine rupture. Aid during labor can also significantly increase the risk of uterine disruption. The first sign of rupture is usually a burning pain in the abdomen, accompanied by a tearing sensation inside and some vaginal bleeding. If the rupture occurs during labor after a previous caesarean

sections, contractions are likely to slow down or stop.

In the event of a rupture, an immediate caesarean section is required, followed by surgical repair of the uterus. Sometimes a hysterectomy is necessary.

After the rupture, you will be closely monitored and prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection.

With a healthy pregnancy, there should be no blood from the genital tract. The appearance of this symptom can be a manifestation of rather dangerous pathologies. In any case, bleeding from the genital tract during pregnancy is an important reason for immediate medical attention.

Why does blood appear during pregnancy?

Obstetricians-gynecologists believe that a variety of reasons can lead to the development of bleeding during gestation. They can be triggered by emerging disorders both in the mother's body and in the baby.

Pregnancy is the most interesting time in a woman's life, invented by nature. A new little life grows and develops in her body. The baby and the mother have the same blood flow system. The baby receives nutrients and oxygen through the general system of blood vessels. His arteries and veins will begin to function much later.

Unobstructed blood flow is a prerequisite for the development of a small embryo. Only in this case it fully grows and develops, and all its internal organs are laid down properly. Disturbances that arise in the system of general uteroplacental blood supply can lead to dangerous conditions for both the expectant mother and her baby.

It is important to note that pathologies of the general blood flow system can be acute and chronic. Suddenly frolicking conditions are accompanied by the rapid development of numerous symptoms. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.

Untimely medical care can lead to dangerous conditions for the mother and her baby.

Chronic bleeding is accompanied by the development of symptoms that are already less pronounced. The danger of such conditions is that a pregnant woman is constantly losing blood.

This leads to the fact that a rather dangerous pathology arises in her body - anemia... The lack of hemoglobin and iron has a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the baby. In the future, this provokes in him the development of anomalies and defects in the structure of many internal organs.

In the early stages

Doctors note that the most dangerous periods during the carrying of a baby for the development of bleeding from the vagina are the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.

The type of hemorrhage is uterine or vaginal. It is important to note that bleeding from the uterus tends to be more dangerous for women.

After examination by a gynecologist

Quite often, during the first half of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience minor discharge from the genital tract. They often occur after examination by a gynecologist.

Typically, such discharge is characteristic of 16-17 weeks of pregnancy. A transvaginal ultrasound scan performed at 12 to 20 weeks can also cause scarlet blood droplets to appear on your underwear.

The appearance of such symptoms causes a real shock in the expectant mother. Don't panic! Such symptoms are quite common and are associated with any minor traumatic damage to the mucous membrane. They usually go away completely in a few days. If these symptoms persist, then then you need to contact your doctor.

Many women in early pregnancy report that they notice a slight bleeding from the vagina within 3-4 days. As a rule, such a release of blood was in the first three months from the moment of conception of the baby. This feature is due to the peculiarities of female physiology and previous menstruation.

Quite often, this situation occurs in expectant mothers who have any dyshormonal disorders in the reproductive system.

Embryo implantation

Implanting a small embryo into the wall of the uterus can also contribute to the development of severe uterine bleeding. This is manifested by the fact that blood clots begin to stand out from the genital tract of a woman. Their appearance causes a real shock in a pregnant woman, because, as a rule, she does not yet suspect that she is expecting a baby.

After intercourse

The appearance of blood from the genital tract after sex is also a fairly often recorded situation. Expectant mothers should remember that such activities should not be avoided. However, you should choose more gentle positions for intercourse and reduce its intensity so as not to harm the baby. This recommendation is suitable for absolutely all expectant mothers, especially those with chronic diseases of the female genital organs.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix is ​​another cause that can lead to the appearance of blood. It is important to note that this pathology most often manifests itself in the first half of pregnancy. This is largely due to the changing hormonal background of the expectant mother.

After sex or a careless clinical examination by a gynecologist, a woman may see drops of blood on her underwear. In this case, it is imperative to discuss further tactics with the obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing her. Quite often, doctors choose expectant tactics and carry out erosion treatment after childbirth.

Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections can lead to severe inflammation in the uterine cavity. During pregnancy, the immunity of expectant mothers is significantly reduced. This leads to the fact that the spread of the process can be rapid. Ultimately, this process can contribute to the development of bleeding.


An actively growing fibroid is a formation that grows in the uterus. Quite often it happens that this neoplasm is present in the expectant mother even before the conception of the baby. Altered hormonal levels can contribute to the growth of fibroids. This is an extremely unfavorable condition.

Myoma can lead to the development of bleeding, which is very dangerous for the baby and the woman herself.

Ectopic pregnancy

Tubal pregnancy is a pathology that can lead to the development of complications. The most dangerous of these is the rupture of the epididymis (tube). An ectopic pregnancy can also lead to heavy bleeding.

Symptoms in this situation develop against a background of absolute well-being. Without the provision of timely medical care, a woman may even die. In this case, hospitalization is carried out in the gynecological department of the hospital.

Bubble drift

Bubbles can also lead to bleeding. In this case, the course of pregnancy is pathological. In such a situation, a piece of connective tissue develops in place of a small embryo. Scientists have not yet determined the reasons for the development of this state. To remove the components of the ovum, it is required carrying out gynecological surgical treatment.

Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion is the most dangerous situation that can develop in early pregnancy. It is accompanied, as a rule, by massive bleeding from the genital tract. For some women, the onset of the process is gradual.

First, there are separate blood clots or "smearing" discharge. Usually the rate of onset of symptoms is quite fast. Within a few hours, massive bleeding appears. If it is strongly pronounced, then the woman may lose consciousness.

Spontaneous abortion is an indication for emergency hospitalization. In this situation, there is a real threat to the life of a woman. In this case, all components of the ovum are removed from the uterine cavity.

At the same time, the woman undergoes urgent infusion therapy with the introduction of parenteral solutions.

At a later date

Improper attachment of the placenta

Bleeding from the genital tract can occur with improper attachment of the placenta. This condition usually develops if it attaches too close to the uterine pharynx. When making movements, a woman may experience pain in the lower third of the abdomen. If the placenta begins to flake off, then the bleeding increases markedly.

Tearing placental blood vessels can also cause blood to drain from the genital tract. This usually occurs with various traumatic influences.

In this situation, blood streaks first appear, and then massive bleeding begins. In order to keep mom and baby alive, doctors perform urgent surgical treatment.


Infectious processes that occur in the vagina can lead to an exacerbation of many diseases of the internal genital organs. Pathogenic microbes are capable of provoking this condition.

Erosive forms of diseases are accompanied, as a rule, by the development of bleeding. They are usually insignificant. Such conditions are usually found in the second half and in the last stage of pregnancy.

Varicose veins in the uterus

Varicose veins in the blood vessels of the uterus are a common pathology that contributes to the development of bleeding. Doctors note that it usually manifests itself in women at 35-38 weeks of pregnancy. This is largely due to the fact that a large fetus puts pressure on the varicose nodes of the blood vessels, which can lead to their pathological ruptures.


Polyposis is a pathology accompanied by the appearance of numerous polyps in the body. They often grow on the inner wall of the uterus. The active growth of the fetus and its increase in size can lead to the fact that some polyps may simply fall off.

This is usually accompanied by the development of bleeding. This situation is often recorded at 32-34 weeks of gestation. The severity of bleeding depends on the size of the detached polyp.

The final period of pregnancy

Bleeding that occurs in the final period of bearing a baby is extremely dangerous. They can be caused by placental abruption.

Placental abruption

This pathological condition is often triggered by a bacterial infection or inflammation in the uterus.

Symptoms of placental abruption may appear gradually or develop rapidly. It depends on how pronounced the pathological changes are.

In most cases, a woman has severe pain or cramping in the lower abdomen. Blood comes out of the vagina. Usually it is scarlet with an admixture of veins.

The woman's condition is deteriorating. Strong weakness appears, attention begins to dissipate, severe dizziness may appear. With a critical development of the situation, the woman suddenly loses consciousness. The bleeding is usually massive.

Placental abruption is an urgent indication for transporting a woman to a hospital for emergency gynecological treatment. In this situation, it is very important to understand that delay can cost life for both the mother and her baby.

This pathology usually manifests itself at 37-40 weeks of gestation. In some women, placental abruption may occur much later. In this case, an urgent emergency treatment is required.

Removal of the cork

Discharge of the mucous plug is a precursor of childbirth. This anatomical structure protects the baby from external factors for many months of its intrauterine development. This situation develops, as a rule, at 38-41 weeks of gestation.

Removal of the mucous plug is usually possible after taking hygiene procedures or when lifting heavy bags of food. This condition is accompanied by the development of bleeding, which can be of varying severity.


Many mothers begin to worry even when the slightest clinical signs appear. A woman begins to panic already with the appearance of small blood clots. The most important thing in this situation is not to panic or worry. Any excitement will immediately be transmitted to the baby.

The appearance of scarlet blood is already an extremely unfavorable sign. The severity of bleeding can be different. In some cases, a woman can lose about a liter of blood. This situation can be fatal.

During bleeding, a woman may experience severe pain syndrome, which is localized mainly in the lower abdomen. In some cases, the pain can be cramping.

Usually, the intensity of the pain syndrome increases over several hours. Soreness often worsens after taking a hot bath or shower. Bleeding can also occur after exercise.

What should I do?

When adverse symptoms appear, it is very important to call an ambulance team right away.

If blood is found on your underwear, it is best to immediately limit any exercise. The best position is lying in bed. It is better to have relatives or a husband with the woman all the time. This will allow her to worry less and stay calm.

In some cases, doctors recommend placing a roller or rolled towel under your feet. This should be done if a woman experiences severe dizziness or “fog” in her eyes. You should not take any strong medications on your own. This can have a negative effect on the fetus.

During the bleeding that has begun, you cannot wash. This can only lead to an increase in this symptom. Hot water has an antispasmodic effect on blood vessels, which only increases bleeding.

If blood clots appear on the laundry, you can use a regular pad. This should be done before visiting a doctor. This will help protect your laundry from bleeding. You can use a regular pad, which a woman uses during "critical" days.

Doctors do not recommend using tampons when bleeding from the genital tract begins. This can only aggravate the course of the pathology and lead to the development of dangerous complications. A large accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity will become a real threat to the baby.

Some women, in an attempt to stop the bleeding, begin to brew and use nettle leaf and other herbs that have a hemostatic effect. This should not be done. Such self-medication can lead to the development of dangerous complications, since it will affect homeostasis.

To stop bleeding at home, it is strictly forbidden to use any hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription.


The onset of bleeding is an absolute indication for transporting the expectant mother to the hospital. This is due to the high threat both to her life and to the further development of her baby.

If bleeding has developed in the final period of pregnancy, then there is a high risk that an early birth will be carried out in the hospital. Such situations occur when it is required to save a woman and her child.

If the expectant mother is delivered to the hospital in a critical condition, then she will undergo intensive infusion treatment. In some cases, therapy is carried out in an intensive care unit. In this case, large doses of parenteral solutions are administered to the woman.

During treatment, doctors must monitor the vital signs of the fetus. For this, its baseline indicators are assessed, with mandatory heart rate control. Any negative dynamics in a baby is a reason for urgent delivery, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.

In the next video you will find a lecture on the topic: "Bleeding during pregnancy. Causes, obstetric tactics, therapy."

Bleeding is a very dangerous phenomenon, and during the period of carrying a baby it is doubly dangerous, as it simultaneously threatens both the child and the mother.

With severe bleeding, a pregnant woman can quickly lose a large amount of blood, but the severity of the woman's condition cannot always be determined by the strength of the bleeding. It sometimes happens that most of the blood accumulates inside, between the wall of the uterus and the placenta. Let's see what are the possible causes of bleeding during pregnancy.

Possible reasons

Bloody discharge can occur at any stage of pregnancy, therefore, doctors conditionally divide them into 2 main groups:

  • bleeding in early pregnancy (first 3 months);
  • bleeding in the 2nd half of pregnancy (20-40th week).

The additional group includes bleeding, which appeared under the influence of external factors not related to pregnancy. They arise for the following reasons:

  • trauma to the external genital organs;
  • violation of the integrity of the veins of the vagina;
  • pathological changes in the vagina and cervix;
  • infectious lesion of the genitals;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system.

First trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period in the fetal development of a baby.

The appearance of discharge at the beginning of pregnancy should alert the expectant mother, because only in one case, doctors consider their presence as one of the signs of pregnancy. We are talking about implantation bleeding. In the process of attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, small capillaries can be damaged. Some blood enters the uterine cavity and is excreted, so pregnant women often confuse implantation bleeding with menstruation.

All other causes of bleeding in early pregnancy are dangerous for the baby and the expectant mother:

  • Risk of miscarriage... This is the most common cause of bleeding early in pregnancy. The main symptom of this condition is the release of bright scarlet blood or mucus streaked with blood, which is accompanied by cramping pains in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen. The threat of miscarriage is usually the result of a chronic genital infection, excessive physical activity, impaired development of the embryo, or long-term medication.
  • Incomplete miscarriage(abortion in progress). It is characterized by mucous discharge with blood clots, as well as increasing paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, it is impossible to maintain pregnancy, most often it is necessary to cure the uterus and the use of hemostatic agents.
  • Complete miscarriage(spontaneous completed abortion). In this condition, the bleeding is insignificant, there is practically no pain. On ultrasound, the uterine cavity looks empty, doctors observe the patient and prescribe hemostatic drugs.
  • Frozen pregnancy... Signs - scanty mucous discharge with blood, softening and reduction of breasts, pain in the abdomen. Surgical cleaning of the uterine cavity is the logical conclusion of a frozen pregnancy.
  • Bubble drift... The pathological development of pregnancy, in most cases not dangerous for the mother, in which, instead of the embryo, unformed tissue grows in the uterine cavity. The doctor makes an accurate diagnosis only after receiving the ultrasound results.

Second and third trimester

Let's list the most common causes of bleeding in the 20-40th week of pregnancy:

  • Placenta previa... Hormonal changes, excessive physical or emotional stress sometimes lead to detachment of certain parts of the placenta, which is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, severe weakness and cramping abdominal pain. The pregnant woman is urgently hospitalized and a decision is made about surgery or conservative treatment.
  • Placental abruption... The most common manifestation is the release of blood clots and cramping pain in the abdomen. It is necessary to continuously monitor the state of the embryo by CTG in order to carry out a cesarean section in a timely manner, if necessary.
  • Damage to the vessels of the embryo... No less dangerous, but quite a rare cause of bleeding during pregnancy. Bloody discharge is not the first sign of this condition. The future baby suffers first: at first, his heartbeat increases, and then sharply weakened until the heart stops completely.

Thus, bleeding during pregnancy can be life-threatening for the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, when a vaginal discharge appears, a woman should definitely consult with her doctor.