Round dark spots on the body. Causes, symptoms and treatment of blackheads on the body

The skin of the human body is usually very sensitive to any external influences or internal imbalance in the body, responding with the appearance of rashes, spots, and neoplasms. The formation of brown spots on the body is one of the reasons for concern, since such a symptom can indicate both harmless individual physiological characteristics and severe pathologies that require timely treatment.

To identify the reasons under the influence of which brown spots appear on the skin, it is not enough to independently examine the external manifestations. The basis for a competent diagnosis is a comprehensive study of the state of the body (face-to-face, instrumental examination, laboratory tests, etc.). Only freckles and pigmented nevi can be distinguished by eye.


The formation of brown spots is the result of increased production of melanin in the cells of the epidermis. Melanin is a special pigment that is produced in the upper layers of the skin in order to deeply protect it from damage and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The most common causes of brown spots on the skin are prolonged exposure to sunlight without special protective equipment, mechanical injury, uncontrolled intake of certain groups of medications, vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus, stress or overwork.

But the development of this symptom can be triggered by such pathological processes in the body:

  1. ... Light brown spots on the body, which at the initial stage of formation are small (up to 2 cm in diameter) and a fuzzy edge line, moderate itching and peeling in the center, are considered a sign of multi-colored lichen. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Malassezia furfur. Such spots are localized in the back, neck and arms, less often on the abdomen, legs and groin. People with excessive sweating are most susceptible to infection with tinea versicolor. The disease can also develop against the background of hypothermia of the body, a sharp decrease in immune defense.
  2. Pigmented nevi. The most common type of skin melanin accumulation is moles (pigmented nevi). Such neoplasms are usually small in size, rounded in shape and have clear margins. Moles are often flat, do not rise or protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. The danger of such lies in the possibility of their transformation into a cancer disease - melanoma.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. The reason for the appearance of pigmentation on the skin can be hormonal disruption (in adolescents during puberty, in pregnant women, etc.). Typically, this skin reaction occurs under the mammary glands, on the face and in the chest area. Pigmentation with hormonal disorders appears in the form of small light brown spots, which disappear without a trace after the normalization of the balance of hormones in the body.
  4. Lentigo. Dark, smooth, small formations (up to 2 cm in diameter) oval or round in shape can be a sign of lentigo. Such benign growths occur at any age (even in the first year of a newborn's life). Usually the process of their development is observed up to 30 years. Spots with lentigo are most often localized in the neck, face, legs and arms. The reasons for their formation are considered hereditary predisposition, frequent skin injuries, the presence of infectious lesions of the body, hormonal imbalance, thermal and chemical effects.
  5. Chloasma. Brown spots on the skin are often caused by malfunctioning of the ovaries (in women), liver and adrenal glands. Under the influence of such an internal imbalance, chloasma develops - a pathology associated with a violation of the production of melanin. Chloasma lesions can be of different sizes and shades (dark brown, yellowish, and even black). They are localized on the forehead, eyelids and temples in men, in the area of ​​the nipples and external genitalia in women. This rash is not accompanied by flaking of the skin.
  6. Freckles. An inherited disorder that causes pigmentation caused by exposure to sunlight can cause brown spots on the skin. The first signs of freckles usually become visible as early as 6-10 years of age. At the same time, small (pinhead-sized) inclusions of a yellowish-brown color are formed on the skin, which increase in size in the spring-summer period and fade by autumn.
  7. Melanoma. The most dangerous cause of brown spots on the body is melanoma - a malignant neoplasm that develops from age spots, which looks like a dense nodule with bulging parts. In diameter, melanoma can reach from a few millimeters to 3 cm. Sometimes its appearance is accompanied by itching, the formation of bleeding erosions in the affected area. At the initial stage, such a spot may resemble a mole, but as the disease progresses, it gives metastases to the vessels, lymph nodes, and other organs and tissues.

In order to prevent the development of dangerous complications, it is necessary to pay attention to the timely treatment of skin neoplasms.

Photo of brown spots on the skin

Treatment features

For each of the types of brown spots, there are appropriate methods for eliminating the uncomfortable manifestation:

  • for lichen - taking fungicidal, antimycotic and keratolytic drugs;
  • for freckles - exfoliate with slow or fast action;
  • for melanomas - surgical removal, radiation therapy;
  • for chloasma - the use of exfoliating agents and vitamin complexes.

To prevent the formation of unaesthetic brown spots on the skin, it is recommended to avoid the pathogenic effects of ultraviolet rays, use special protective agents for sunburn.

Most people have moles. Freckles are also familiar to everyone. They decorate some of them, others consider them a cosmetic defect and try to get rid of them. The appearance of larger brown spots on the skin is alarming in people, as the assumptions about their nature are very different. Of particular concern are spots if they increase in size, as well as if the structure of the skin in this area changes. Such changes cannot be ignored, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist.

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Skin type. For example, freckles are most common in people with very fair skin. As a rule, these are people with blue, green eyes, light or red hair.
  3. Skin aging, pigmentation.
  4. Pregnancy. In this condition, many women develop brown spots on their face.
  5. Fungal skin diseases. Such formations have a characteristic flaky surface.
  6. Hormonal changes in the body, disorders in the thyroid gland.
  7. Liver disease.
  8. Malignant skin disease (melanoma).

Video: The appearance of brown spots of fungal origin on the skin

Types of stains

The main types of brown spots that appear on the skin are chloasma, lentigo, moles, freckles.


Dark brown spots that appear most often on the face. They can sometimes be seen on the inside of the belly or thighs.

An example of this type of formation is the pigmentation of pregnant women, which usually disappears after childbirth. It can appear in women with some gynecological diseases associated with a violation of the production of sex hormones, as well as due to the use of hormonal contraceptives. In both women and men, spots appear with liver diseases and even with a long stay in the sun.

Chloasmas do not have a definite shape, their surface is smooth, the boundaries are clear. As a rule, they disappear on their own after the cause of their appearance is eliminated.


It is common for these brown spots to protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. They are round or elongated in shape, have a dense consistency, and can appear in one place in the form of a single point or in the form of a large group.

Youthful lentigo occur before the age of 10 years. They usually resemble moles, they can, like a rash, occupy a large area of ​​the skin, be located anywhere. Usually they are of genetic origin.

Senile lentigo often appear in people in old age, especially with frequent exposure to the open sun. They usually occur on the chest, shoulders, face, and the outer surfaces of the arms. In older people, such brown spots on the skin are sometimes up to 2 cm in size.

Video: Pigmented spots the color of coffee with milk as a harbinger of neurofibromatosis

Moles and birthmarks

Often occur in people already at birth. Some of them may disappear over time. During life, new ones often appear. They have a different shape and consistency (there are smooth, slightly protruding above the surface, as well as rough, bulging). In rare cases, they degenerate into malignant neoplasms. This can be judged by an increase in the mole, redness, itching, bleeding.


These are small patches of light brown color that appear on the face and body. Ultraviolet radiation contributes to their formation, so they appear more strongly in spring and summer. They do not pose any danger, they are removed only in order to change their appearance.

Spot diagnostics methods

When visiting a dermatologist, examining the spots and finding out the presence of accompanying symptoms, a conclusion is made about the need for further research of their nature. For this, the following methods are used:

  • dermatoscopy - the study of the nature of the spot with optical magnification;
  • scraping - examination of samples of the affected skin under a microscope (usually this method is used if there is a suspicion of fungal infections);
  • bacteriological examination (seeding) of a smear from the damaged area. The method is used if there are assumptions about microbial skin diseases.

In the presence of side symptoms characteristic of diseases of the liver or thyroid gland, an additional examination is prescribed by a therapist, hepatologist, endocrinologist and other specialists to diagnose and treat the corresponding diseases.

When diagnosing skin cancers (melanoma), a biopsy of particles of the affected skin is done, as well as an ultrasound of the lymph nodes and a blood test for tumor markers.

Treating brown spots

Cosmetic removal of stains that do not pose a health hazard is carried out using hydrogen peroxide, citric and weak acetic acid, special ointments containing mercury, and folk remedies. Brown spots on the skin are also removed using a laser that destroys the cells of the dye, chemical peeling or by treatment with liquid nitrogen.

Advice: It is better to remove large intensively colored spots in a beauty salon in order not to damage the skin and prevent inflammation.

If moles are located in a place where they are often injured, they are surgically removed. After surgical removal of melanoma and adjacent skin areas, patients are prescribed a course of radiation therapy and chemotherapy to completely remove malignant cells.

One of the most common human problems is dark spots on the skin. Some of them do not threaten health, however, they negatively affect the appearance, and therefore, the person's confidence. There are several types of skin pigmentation, which can indicate various types of diseases that can be harmful to health.

There are many factors contributing to the formation of black spots on the skin in humans, due to the condition of the body or the environment. In order to deal with this nuisance, it is necessary to identify the exact cause of its occurrence.

Some of the types of dark spots on the skin can be associated with diseases, most often chronic ones. These pathologies include:

  1. Liver disease.
  2. Disorders in the endocrine system.
  3. Tuberculosis.
  4. Kidney disease.
  5. Hyperhidrosis.
  6. Diabetes.

Toxic reticular melanosis often appears among those who have to work with for a long time:

  • oil;
  • resin;
  • oil;
  • coal;
  • with tar.

Such products of activity contribute to the toxicity of the body, the manifestation of which is the appearance of black spots on the skin, as well as the deterioration of the patient's condition as a whole.

Becker's nevus- This is a dark shade with a ragged outline, gradually increasing in diameter. The most susceptible to such formations are adolescent boys (10-15 years old). Mostly nevi form on the legs, back and chest. The causes of Becker's nevus are associated with changes in hormonal levels in men.

Arsenic melanosis formed as a result of the use of drugs that include arsenic. This pathology manifests itself in the appearance of gray spots on the body.

Melanosis Dubreya- black pigmentation related to the symptoms of a precancerous condition. These spots are characterized by the absence of clear outline outlines, roughness of the skin surface, a gradual increase in size and color change. Itching sometimes occurs. If you have a dark spot on the skin of your back and itching is felt in this area, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, since such formations may indicate oncology.

Acanthosis black- a rare disease that can be malignant or benign. The main distinguishing symptom is black spots. Most often occurs on parts of the body such as:

  • folds behind the ears;
  • hollows under the knee;
  • groin area;
  • chest area;
  • armpits.

In case of a rapid change and spread of such marks, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible, since the disease is malignant. The reasons for this process can be:

  • heredity;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • treatment with hormonal agents.

Pigmented urticaria most often manifests itself in children and is characterized by the appearance of dark red spots on the body, which later take the form of blood bubbles. If they burst, brown spots form on the skin, which disappear on their own during puberty. When diagnosing a disease in adults, the disease is malignant and can lead to death.

The causes of urticaria are:

  • frequent stress:
  • weakening of immunity;
  • a sharp change in climatic conditions:
  • inflammatory processes caused by infectious diseases.

Lentigo- a disease characterized by the appearance of dark uniform marks with clear contours in the neck, upper and lower extremities, back, which outwardly resemble moles. Due to constant trauma, they transform into melanoma. Factors contributing to the onset of this disease can be:

  • papilloma virus;
  • sunburn;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • AIDS.

Such spots can form on any part of the body due to the individual characteristics of the organism.

Blue spots outwardly resemble an ordinary bruise, but they are formed for other reasons, which can be:

  1. Nevus Ikhta. It is characterized by the appearance of black and blue spots on the skin of the upper limbs, collarbones and shoulder blades.
  2. Nevus Ota. In this case, pigmentation is localized in the cheeks, eyelids and upper jaw.
  3. The Mongolian spot is a blue mark on any part of the body that gradually disappears.

Lower limb pigmentation indicates various diseases or speaks of allergies to cosmetic products. Also, blood vessel disease is prevented by the appearance of purple spots on the legs. Marks on the buttocks indicate an allergy to the fabric from which the underwear is sewn, or to soap products.

There are many different ways to combat unwanted skin pigmentation these days. The most effective and most used:

If you notice dark marks on your body that are not the result of a hard blow, see an experienced professional to avoid complications.

Black spots on the human body can occur due to the effects on the body of various factors. In some cases, they appear due to the uneven distribution of the coloring pigment, in the rest, the darkening of certain parts of the body indicates the presence of a serious disease. To understand exactly what exactly influenced the appearance of dark spots on the surface of the skin, it is important to assess all the symptoms a person has.

What to Consider

When black spots appear on the human body, it is important to take into account the following factors:

  • the reasons for the appearance of dark spots;
  • their location;
  • the presence of concomitant symptoms and diseases;
  • the location of black spots in relation to the surface of the skin (intercepting or merging form of formations);
  • accompanying symptoms (pain, burning, itching).

Depending on the circumstances of the appearance, black spots are attributed to a cosmetic defect or to a serious pathology, in which you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

It is important to remember that even small black age spots on the body can be eliminated by medical methods if they adversely affect the person's appearance and bring discomfort. For this, various cosmetic techniques are used. In any case, it is important to closely monitor the dark spots formed on the body, since their nature can change from benign to malignant at any time.

The main reasons for the appearance

Why do black spots appear on the body? Clean skin is an indicator of health. Any dark formations on the body or face can not only bring aesthetic discomfort, but also indicate the presence of any problems in the body. Rashes that have appeared due to the development of the disease, most often bring itching and burning, do not give a person rest.

Black spots on the body can appear as a result of an increased pigmentation process. They are also called pigmented. They most often appear in the elderly, but in some cases they can also be diagnosed in children.

Factors that lead to the appearance of large black spots on the body:

  • problems with the work of the endocrine system - this condition can be caused by problems with human physiology (carrying a child, menopause), as well as diseases of the endocrine system (polycystic ovary and hyperthyroidism);
  • lack or excess of vitamins in the body;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • bad cosmetic products applied to the body;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver.

The color of the spots can range from light brown to dark.

As a result of melanosis

The most common cause of black spots on the skin surface is melanosis or melanopathy. A large amount of melanin is produced in the cells of the epithelium and mucous membranes. It is he who is responsible for the skin tone. The main function of melanin is protective. It helps protect the skin from UV damage.

Melanin production can be severely impaired by pathological factors. As a result of the production of a large amount of melanin, its excess will accumulate in certain parts of the body, leading to the appearance of dark spots of different shades.

The main types of melanosis

The most common types of melanosis are:

  1. Physiological is a completely normal process that is common in certain races.
  2. Neurodermal is a congenital form of the production of a large amount of melanin. In this state, dark spots appear not only on parts of the body, but also on the pia mater of the brain. Most often, against the background of their appearance in the body, muscle atrophy, spina bifida and other serious processes occur.
  3. Oculodermal - blue-brown spots that form in the area of ​​the eye sclera and on the face along the trigeminal nerve. The defeat in most cases appears in women with dark skin. It should be noted that oculodermal and neurodermal types of melanosis are congenital. The rest of the species can be acquired by humans during their lifetime.
  4. Dubreuil's melanosis is a precancerous form of lesion. In this case, a single large dark spot with indistinct borders appears on the skin. At the beginning, its size varies from 2-3 centimeters, and then begins to rapidly increase. Individual parts of the stain can be colored in different colors (from light brown to dark). In most cases, the formation appears on open areas of the body (arms, neck and face). This type of melanosis must be removed, as it usually degenerates into a malignant form.
  5. Uremic melanosis. Appears in chronic kidney disease.
  6. Cachectic - the accumulation of a large number of melanocytes as a result of tuberculosis.
  7. Endocrine - for diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary and adrenal glands.
  8. Hepatic - occurs after chronic liver disease (cirrhosis).
  9. Arsenic - occurs as a result of prolonged use of drugs with arsenic in the composition.
  10. Toxic reticular melanosis. At risk are people who work for a long time in coal or oil refineries. At first, a person has red-black spots on the body, which cause burning and itching. After that, foci with hyperpigmentation (from gray to dark blue) are formed. They are located in the lower body (back, legs and shoulders). In sore spots, the skin becomes thinner, peeling occurs on it, as well as spider veins. Treatment of such a lesion includes avoiding contact with pathological components and strengthening the body's immune system.

If the cause of the appearance of formations on the body is damage to internal organs, then it is important to begin its comprehensive and effective treatment as soon as possible, and only then pay attention to the relief of dark spots.

Skin mastocytosis

With such a lesion, spots with black dots appear on the human body. The disease occurs due to the pathological multiplication of mast cells (they are responsible for the state of human health) and their accumulation in large numbers in the epithelium. Doctors divide the disease into a skin form, in which dark spots, nodules and spider veins appear on the human body, as well as systemic (spots spread to internal organs).

Arises in the first years of his life. Most often, the form of mastocytosis is cutaneous. The disease goes away on its own with growing up.

In the elderly and adults, the disease spreads not only to the skin, but also to internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver, spleen).

There are the following types of the disease:

  1. Maculopapular - multiple dark rashes appear on the skin, which, when scratched, transform into blisters and hives. This type of mastocytosis is also called urticaria pigmentosa.
  2. Nodal form. In this condition, a person is diagnosed with small bubbles ranging in size from 7 to 10 millimeters. They can be pink or light brown, often merge and form large plaques.
  3. Solitary form. In this case, one large dark spot with a size of 5 to 6 centimeters appears on the body. It is localized, as a rule, on the shoulders, abdomen, back and neck. If you accidentally touch a lesion, it will turn into a bubble and provoke severe itching.
  4. Erythroderma - yellow-brown, dense spots. They do not have borders, are easily deformed and provoke the formation of cracks and ulcers. Most often, spots spread to the gluteal folds and depressions.
  5. Telangiectasia is a large number of dark spider veins in the neck and chest area. In most cases, such formations are formed in women.

Treatment of any type of mastocytosis should be comprehensive and include the intake of hormonal agents, cytostatics, antioxidants and antiallergic medications. If black spots on the body appear in a single quantity, then it can be eliminated by surgery.

Acanthosis black

Acanthosis black also leads to the appearance of dark pigmentation on the human body. This is a rare type of skin dermatosis, which manifests itself in thickening of the stratum corneum, age spots and papillomas.

In most cases, pigmentation spreads to the folds of the skin: in the armpits, under the knees, near the neck, under the breast, in the groin and thighs.

Why do black spots appear on the body? The main factors leading to the onset of the disease are not exactly known. Doctors believe that acanthosis may indicate diseases of the endocrine system or the presence of malignant and benign formations in the body.

Pigmentation can be light brown or dark in color, do not have a clear border, and also extend to large areas of the body. The skin in the affected areas becomes thicker, often covered with a large number of small papillomas. This form of rash does not affect the patient's condition in any way, but only brings cosmetic discomfort.

To get rid of acanthosis nigricans, first it is important to eliminate the root cause of the lesion. For this, the doctor prescribes the use of immunostimulants, vitamin complexes and cosmetic gels. You can see in detail the black spots on the body in the photo.

Freckles on the skin

Almost every person has a certain amount of freckles on their body. Sometimes they spread to the hands, back, chest. A freckle rash appears in humans as a result of heredity. It is formed due to the uneven distribution of melanin in the skin.

The peak of the distribution of freckles on the human body occurs in the spring and summer. Freckles are numerous small rashes (2 to 3 millimeters in size). Their color ranges from light yellow to dark brown.

A freckled rash can get darker when exposed to sunlight. Experts believe that the skin of people who are prone to the formation of cannabis is particularly sensitive.

Freckles don't need treatment. Many people even like such rashes on the body. If a person wants to eliminate them, then he can use a specialized whitening cream. To prevent the appearance of rashes, it is important to formulate the correct diet, start taking a complex of vitamins, and also protect the skin from the rays of the sun.

To prevent the development of spots on the body, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • in sunny weather, be sure to wear a hat;
  • eat food with a lot of vitamin C, and also limit the intake of vitamin A;
  • use sunscreen before going outside;
  • wash your face with fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt).

Burning and itching with pigmentation indicates liver disease. With prolonged combing of the diseased area of ​​the body, the skin becomes yellow. Tackling the first cause of dark spots will help clear up the problem and prevent metastasis.

Stains on the child's body

The skin is a barrier between the outside world and the internal organs and systems of a person. She takes on negative influence from the outside. Black spots on the child's body are skin malformations. They can be of different character, color and shape. If they arise after the birth of a child, then they are classified as congenital, if after the child grows up, then as acquired.

Melanin directly affects a person's skin color. When certain external factors act on certain parts of the body, increased production of melanin begins, which leads to skin pigmentation.

In a child, dark spots can occur for the following reasons:

  1. As a result of heredity. The presence of a large number of moles and other pigmented formations in relatives often leads to their appearance in the child.
  2. Disruption in the production of hormones in a pregnant woman while carrying a child.
  3. The negative impact of external factors on the woman's body (strong radiation, exposure to chemical components, harmful work, a sharp change in climate).
  4. Infection of the genitourinary system.
  5. Genetic diseases, one of which is the process of pigmentation.

Treatment in a child

It is important to remember that the skin of a newborn baby is very sensitive and delicate, therefore it quickly undergoes any negative processes. Anatomical and physiological features (thin epithelium, humoral and unformed immunity) provoke a direct effect on the body of external factors. Pigmentation in a child is a serious reason for going to a treating specialist. Only an experienced doctor can determine the danger and shape of a dark spot after carrying out diagnostic measures.

Treatment of dark formations on the child's body, if they do not bring any discomfort, consists in dynamic monitoring of the general condition. Lightening and whitening preparations for removing dark spots on the child's body are almost never used. Many products include hormones or chemical components that are dangerous for the baby. After consulting a doctor, pigmentation in a child over 6-7 years old can be eliminated with the help of parsley, lemon, cucumber juice and other folk remedies. With an increase in the size of education or the appearance of new ones, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor.

The appearance of spots of non-standard color on the surface of the skin is one of the manifestations of pigmentation disorders. This pathology speaks of excessive synthesis of melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation. This disease is called melanosis, which means a malfunction of pigmentation associated with metabolic disorders.... Such failures are manifested due to the increased content of melanocytes, in certain layers of the skin, which leads to the appearance of spots. Let's find out what brown spots on the skin mean.

Dark spots - the appearance of flat, oval, darker areas on the skin

Diseases of a high severity are quite common today. Chronic forms of these diseases often lead to disorders associated with the synthesis of melanin. The list of these diseases includes the following pathologies:

  • Liver dysfunction against the background of cirrhosis and other diseases of this organ. It is this type of disease that most often leads to the appearance of small areas on the surface of the skin, painted in dark tones.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system... Disorders of the endocrine system have a huge impact on the quality of the metabolic system. Hormonal disorders, pathological processes in the functioning of sweat glands, diabetes mellitus are only a small part of the reasons leading to the appearance of spots of non-standard color.
  • Cachectic form of melanosis quite often accompanies a disease such as tuberculosis.
  • Kidney dysfunction can also be expressed by the appearance of areas with an unnatural color. This form of the disease is called uremic-type melanosis.

The above reasons are the main factors leading to the appearance of melanosis. However, this disease may be of a different nature, not associated with disturbances in the work of internal organs.

Melanosis toxic type

This form of pathology is observed in people who are constantly faced with various aggressive chemicals due to their profession. Prolonged contact with fuels and lubricants (oil, coal, oils) is one of the most common causes of pathology.

Prolonged contact with this category of products leads to acute toxic poisoning. Lack of attention to this problem can cause the appearance of not only spots on the body, but also a chronic form of the disease. Against this background, there are various pathological processes in the work of many body systems and a strong deterioration in health.

Becker's nevus

This type of mole looks like a small spot, painted in a yellow-brown tint. Such neoplasms most often have uneven borders. Becker's nevus in most cases manifests itself in adolescents aged ten to fifteen years. According to statistics, this disease is more common among males.

Becker's nevus is most often localized in the lower extremities and upper trunk. At the initial stages of formation, the spots have a small diameter, but the development of the disease leads to a significant increase in their size. The average diameter of neoplasms can exceed ten centimeters.

Becker's nevus is a disease with an unclear etiology. Experts associate the appearance of this disease with hormonal disorders.

Pigmented spots, especially multiple spots, represent a cosmetic defect.

Arsenic melanosis

This type of melanosis occurs against the background of taking medications, among the components of which there is arsenic. In addition, people who are frequently exposed to this chemical in their workplaces may show symptoms like dark age spots.

Dubreus melanosis

This disease is of an oncological nature. The appearance of small spots with a dark color and irregular shape often indicates the development of skin cancer. This form of neoplasms is most often localized in the upper part of the trunk. Brown growths at the initial stage of development are very similar to moles and rise slightly above the surface of the skin.

At the initial stage of development, the spots have a small diameter, but within a short period of time their diameter increases several times. The color of the neoplasms can vary from light yellow to dark brown. The contour of the growths can be compared to a geographic map. The development of the disease leads to the formation of nodules and papules on the surface of the affected tissues and the tumors themselves. The stain changes its structure, becoming denser.

The disease is accompanied by severe itching and redness of those areas of the skin that are in the neighborhood. The brown spot on the skin begins to peel off towards the end of the developmental stage. At the same stage, small spots similar to freckles begin to form on healthy areas of the skin. The appearance of these symptoms indicates the beginning of the degeneration of the spot into a malignant tumor.

Acanthosis black

Dermatologists are often asked if there are dark spots on the skin, what does this mean? Experts say that the appearance of black spots may be associated with the development of acanthosis black. This disease is considered quite rare and has several forms, malignant and benign. Symptoms of acanthosis nigricans are most often localized in those areas of the body where there are folds of the skin. These areas include the neck, buttocks, armpits, and groin.

The rapid growth of spots throughout the body may indicate a malignant nature of the disease. It is this symptom that most often precedes the appearance of oncology. The following reasons may act as the main factors entailing the appearance of the disease:

  • medicines belonging to the category of hormonal drugs;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • malignant tumors;
  • genetic predisposition and heredity;
  • long-term use of a certain number of drugs.

Malignant neoplasms of the skin can be masked under age spots

Pigmented urticaria

Urticaria pigmentosa is a rather complex disease that can act as the main cause of mastocytosis. This form of pathology most often manifests itself in children of the younger age group and is characterized by the appearance of small dark red spots.

The appearance of spots is considered only the initial stage of the development of the disease. Further, in place of the spots, rash bubbles appear, filled with subcutaneous fluid. At the final stage of development, the rash opens up and leaves brown spots in its place. Such spots disappear on their own within a few months.

Manifesting in childhood, the disease is fairly easy. However, at a more mature age, various complications may develop. Experts say that urticaria pigmentosa can cause disability and even death. More often, such situations are observed against the background of a prolonged lack of attention to the disease.

Mastocytosis of this form has an unexplained etiology. Experts associate this pathology with the influence of the following factors:

  • a sharp change in climate;
  • inflammatory processes against the background of the activity of various infections;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • stress;
  • disorders associated with the functioning of the immune system.


Lentigo refers to benign diseases, against the background of which brown spots are formed on the skin. This type of neoplasm has an appearance similar to moles. If dark spots appear on the skin of this type, then they can be localized in the face, legs, limbs and upper body.

This disease has a slow development rate and can manifest itself at any age. The risk of degeneration of spots into a tumor of a malignant nature is minimal.... However, if the integrity of the skin is violated, increased attention should be paid to the state of your health.

The main reason for the appearance of such a problem is the prolonged exposure to artificial radiation sources. In addition, lentigo spots can be associated with gene mutations, the activity of the papilloma virus and various disorders in the immune system.

Experts especially highlight the influence of hormonal disorders and the effect of ultraviolet rays on the formation of such spots. In addition, lentigo spots can be caused by AIDS and other diseases leading to a strong decrease in immunity.

Problems with hyperpigmentation in this disease appear in the form of single spots of a uniform color with clearly defined boundaries. Neoplasms can be localized in various parts of the body, including the face and limbs. Lentigo spots most often appear at one of the stages of a child's development in the womb. However, in medical practice, cases are described when this pathology manifests itself at a more mature age.

The development of the disease can cause an increase in the diameter of the affected tissues. Often, small dots of a darker color are formed on the surface of the spots.

Pigments are responsible for the color of human skin, in healthy skin there are five of them: melanin, carotene, melanoid, oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin

Leopard cider

Leopard cider is a rare disease that manifests itself in the form of many spots on the body, of various colors. A similar pathology can be localized in different parts of the body.

In addition to the appearance of spots, patients have problems with the functioning of the heart muscle, minor mental abnormalities, hypospadias, disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory organs and growth retardation. The formation of this disease is associated with the mutation of certain genes.


Freckles are small spots of light brown color, localized most often in the face area. This pathology is more common in children. Symptoms of the pathology are more pronounced in the summer months. Most often, a hereditary factor affects the manifestation of freckles.


Women are more susceptible to chloasma. This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance of various dark spots. The color and size of lesions may vary depending on their location. Chloasma can be localized to any part of the body, including the face, chest, genitals and trunk. Areas of the body with hyperpigmentation are only a cosmetic defect.

The main reason for the appearance of the disease is hormonal disruptions. Pregnancy, menopause and malfunctioning of the ovaries most often lead to the appearance of pathology.


With this disease, not only areas with hyperpigmentation appear on the patient's body, but also edema, depigmentation and atrophy. In addition, patients with poikiloderma most often experience increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

When the disease has a hereditary basis, pathologies are observed in the structure of bones, nail plates and genitals. Most often, the disease manifests itself in female representatives.

Recklinghausen pathology

This disease is better known as type I neurofibromatosis. At the initial stage of development, small spots form on the patient's body, on which an accumulation of freckles forms. Most often, the disease manifests itself in childhood. Neoplasms can vary in color and size.

In about fifteen percent of cases associated with the presence of pathology, the development of the disease leads to oncological complications. In addition, experts talk about an increased risk of the formation of the following pathologies:

  • a cyst in the respiratory organs;
  • slow growth and the appearance of empty cavities in the spinal cord;
  • gynecomastia and renal artery stenosis.

As a result of the accumulation of melanin in large quantities on the skin, age spots are formed

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

Peitz-Jegers syndrome - manifests itself in the form of small spots on the mucous membranes and the surface of the skin. When these spots form in the mouth area, they can be tinged blue. Symptoms of this disease are most often localized to exposed areas of the body, including the face and hands.


Light brown spots on the skin, photos and names of pathologies that are characterized by this symptom were discussed in this article. In conclusion, I would like to say that all of the above diseases indicate serious violations in the work of internal organs.

Moreover, the development of certain diseases can lead to a precancerous condition. To prevent the development of oncology, it is necessary to pay increased attention to your health and to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

In order to reduce the risk associated with the appearance of hyperpigmentation, timely attention should be paid to the treatment of chronic and infectious diseases, the correct diet and an even distribution of physical activity.