The best gas feeding positions. Features of feeding with small breasts. Choose what is convenient

Breastfeeding is one of the most important links in the proper development and health of an infant.

It is not surprising that most mothers strive to breastfeed their baby as long as possible, spending several hours a day on this procedure. In order for this process to bring both mother and baby only joy and pleasure, you need to choose the right positions for feeding the newborns.

What are they?

Which positions should be preferred depending on the situation?

In this article, we will reveal all the secrets of proper breastfeeding.

Feeding positions

Cradle Pose

Cradle pose

This is the most famous position for breastfeeding, when the baby lies in the arms of the mother, like in a cozy cradle. Let's consider how to hold the baby in the cradle position while feeding:

  • the baby's head must be placed on the elbow bend of the arm, located on the same side as the breast, to which the baby will be applied;
  • with the brush of the same hand, it is necessary to support the back or butt of the baby;
  • the palm of the other hand should be placed in the lumbar region of the child;
  • the mother should turn the newborn to her and press him to her belly.

There is another variation of this pose, which is called the Cross Cradle. Its differences are as follows.

  1. The baby's body is completely placed on the forearm of the mother's bent arm, which, with this hand, supports him just below the back;
  2. With the palm of the other hand, she should hold the baby's head.

Cross cradle

Holding the baby in the "cradle" position, the mother herself can take different positions:

  • sit in a chair or chair;
  • sit on a bed or floor with your legs crossed in a Turkish fashion;
  • sit on a fitball;
  • standing or walking around the room.

The last two positions are used if the mother is also trying to rock the baby so that he falls asleep faster.

It should be noted that for a woman, all types of "cradle" are considered not the most comfortable positions for feeding a newborn. If the process lasts more than 15 minutes, then her back may begin to ache and her arms become numb. To alleviate these symptoms, she is advised to sit back and change the hand holding the child more often.

Important! For greater comfort, when seated, you can place a pillow under the bent arm that holds the baby's weight. There is even a special pillow on sale - a boomerang with ties at the back, allowing you to fix it under the mother's breast.

The baby in the "cradle" position feels comfortable and safe, can tightly grip the nipple and hold it firmly during the entire feeding. In this position, he quickly eats up, and the heat from his mother's body warms his tummy, which improves the digestion process.

Pose "From under the arm"

Pose "From under the arm"

The armpit feeding position gives the mother more freedom, because the baby does not need to be held in her arms. It should be put on the side of the mother's hand. The baby's body must be placed perpendicular to the mother (the legs should go behind her back). In this case, the head of the child should be located in the direction of the mother's knees. It is best to place a pillow or rolled-up blanket under your baby so that his head is at the level of the nipple.

This position is excellent for feeding during lactostasis, since in this position it ensures complete removal of milk from the middle and lower segments of the mammary glands. It is also recommended to use the position "from under the arm":

  1. after a cesarean section;
  2. women with large breasts;
  3. women with flat nipples;
  4. when feeding twins.

Mom can sit or lie on the bed, leaning on the elbow. Use a bent hand to hold the baby's head. Also, in this position, you can sit in a chair with wide armrests.

Overhang Pose

Not very comfortable, but rather useful position for feeding. The child should be placed on the bed, slightly turned on the side. Mom should stand on all fours next to the baby, as if hanging over him. In this position, the milk descends to the bottom of the breast and causes the nipple to swell.

This pose is suitable for the prevention of all types of lactostasis (Important article on the topic: Lactostasis in a nursing mother >>>). Also, this position needs to be mastered by those who ask the question: "How to feed a small breast?"

Lying Pose

In this position, both the mother and the newborn lie on the bed, facing each other. Mom's head should be on a pillow or rest on a bent arm. The baby's head can be located on the elbow of the mother's arm or on a specially placed pillow. With the other hand, you can:

  • hug the crumbs to you;
  • stroking it on the back;
  • hold your chest.

Getting acquainted with how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk while lying down, it is important to remember that it must be placed on its side. If only his head is turned, it will greatly complicate the process of swallowing milk. For better fixation of the baby, you can put a special roller on the side under his back.

The convenience of this position lies in the fact that the child can be fed with one or the other breast, without turning and shifting. To feed with the upper breast, the mother only needs to turn more on one side, slightly bending over the baby.

Another variation of the "lying" position is the position of the mother and child with a "jack". This is considered a very useful position for feeding with lactostasis, since in this way the baby's chin is directed towards the upper segments of the mammary glands, which contributes to a more complete emptying of this area from milk and prevents the occurrence of milk stagnation.

The lying position is convenient for use:

  1. in nighttime;
  2. with a long feeding process;
  3. after cesarean section.

Pose "The child is sitting"

During feeding, the mother needs to support the newborn by the head or back with one hand, and slightly raise or press her breast with the other hand.

This feeding arrangement is suitable for:

  • a child over 6 months old;
  • the baby often spits up;
  • the baby has a stuffy nose or ear pain;
  • milk flows from the breast very strongly;
  • the newborn swallows a lot of milk.

Since in this position the baby is not very closely pressed to the mother and has a wide range of views, he can often be distracted. It is necessary to ensure that the baby constantly sucks milk and do not let him turn his head strongly.

For the mother, this position is convenient because it allows her to significantly reduce the load on her arms (at the age of six months, children already weigh about 8 kg). But, on the other hand, with such an arrangement, the child will not be able to get up or transfer to another place without interrupting the feeding process.

Pose "On top of mom"

This position has several other names:

  1. Australian;
  2. self-attachment;
  3. relaxed feeding.

Top-on-mom breastfeeding position

It can be considered another type of breastfeeding method while lying down. Mom needs to lie on the bed (it is better to put several pillows under her head and under her arms), and put the baby on top of her stomach. The baby will intuitively find the nipple, the mother should only support it and slightly guide it.

This position allows the woman to relax and unwind as much as possible while breastfeeding. It is also recommended for hyperlactation or strong milk flow. In the position "on top of the mother", the baby will not choke, since the milk pressure will significantly weaken.

Rules for a comfortable feeding position

In order for mom and baby to feel comfortable during feeding, the following factors must be taken into account

  • In any position, the baby's body must be in the same plane. It is important to keep your head, chest, abdomen and legs facing to the same side. Otherwise, the newborn may experience muscle clamps, which lead to difficulty swallowing;
  • The head must not be allowed to be thrown back unnecessarily or tilted forward. The mother should correctly fix the baby's head with her hand. However, do not press it too hard, because many children may not like it;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the baby's mouth is always at the level of the nipple. You also need to look out so that the baby can breathe freely while eating;
  • It is important to remember that you need to apply the baby to the breast, and not bend over to him;
  • During feeding, the mother needs to get as comfortable as possible. One should sit up straight without tilting to one side. It is recommended to rest your back on a vertical surface. Use pillows, rolled blankets, or large towels. They need to be placed under the lower back, back or arms in order to avoid painful sensations during prolonged feeding;
  • When using the feeding position lying on your side, it is advisable to put a special roller under your back, and clamp a dense sofa cushion between your legs.

Improper positioning of a woman or baby while eating can lead to various problems, such as:

  1. the appearance of cracks in the nipples;
  2. swallowing air by a child;
  3. the occurrence of stagnation in the mammary glands.

In an uncomfortable position, it will be difficult for the baby to suck out milk, so he may get tired before he has time to eat and remains hungry.

There is no one correct feeding position for a newborn that is suitable for continuous use. It is recommended to change the position of the child during the day. This has an important practical meaning, as this ensures that all breast segments are emptied and that milk stagnation is prevented.

Nowadays, many women who choose to breastfeed want to organize this process naturally. The Soviet "regime" method, in which the breast was given to the child and taken from him for hours and minutes, is no longer popular. Now the rule is: "The baby should suck as often and for as long as he wants." However, with this approach, mothers, while still in the hospital, discover that the newborn can be on the chest almost constantly, even during sleep. After a few months, the mother will get some freedom, but for a long time feedings will remain a significant part of her day. These hours should not be a painful serving of duty, but a time of pleasure, joy and peace. To make it this way, the collective female mind has come up with a variety of breastfeeding positions. Using them, the mother will be able not only to give her child the best, but to relax or have fun, and, if necessary, solve the problems with lactation.

Pose 1 - classic: "cradle"

The mother sits on a chair or in an armchair. The child is in her arms - the head is at the bend of the elbow, the lower back is in the palm of the other hand, the legs are supported by the forearm. The baby's belly should be parallel to the mother’s belly. The sitting cradle position is the most well-known position for breastfeeding. Older women often used only one of them. In Soviet manuals, they taught how to give the breast in this way - sitting upright, holding the baby to himself with his hands. In fact, this pose is designed specifically for 15 minute feeds at 3 hour intervals. Not sit for a long time - the whole body is tense and numb, hands are busy.

- Subspecies 1 (a): "cross cradle"

The seated mother holds the baby with one hand - the opposite breastfeeding breast. His head rests in his mother's palm, and his body supports her forearm. A reverse cradle is even less comfortable than a straight cradle. This sub-pose was invented with one purpose - to free the hand. But the arm, on which the double load falls, goes numb very quickly. Having corrected the seizure or sipped tea, you have to return to the previous position.

- Subspecies 1 (b): "standing cradle"

The mother stands or walks, holding the baby on her breast with two hands: her head on the bend of the elbow with one, butt on the forearm with the other. It is difficult to imagine a less comfortable position. Women forced to feed like this for a while remember this period as a nightmare. Usually, you have to feed while standing immediately after giving birth, when you cannot sit because of the stitches on the perineum, and you cannot feed lying down or it is scary. The dubious merit of the pose is the ability to rock the child at the same time. It is much easier to do this while sitting or jumping on a fitball.

- Features of the "cradle" position when using a nursing pillow

Special pillows for nursing mothers have given the "cradle" new life. Compact, drawstring boomerang pillows secure under your chest for a free hand. The child is in the right place, the mother just needs to make sure that he stays with his belly turned towards her. The ties fix the pillow well, allowing you to get up and walk, for example, into the kitchen for a cup of tea.

Pose 2 - relaxation: lying on its side

Mom lies on her side with her legs bent. Her head is on the pillow and her shoulders are below. (The higher the pillow, the more comfortable.) The baby's head rests on the bend of the elbow or armpit, its legs rest on the mother's knees. Thus, the mother seems to enclose the baby with her body. This is the most comfortable way to feed. Ideal for both mothers who cannot sit and mothers of grown-up babies. To lie down with a feeding "runner" is often the only way to rest during the day. One hand is always free - you can hold a smartphone in it and read on it, surf the Internet, watch something while the baby is busy with his breast. Sometimes it happens that babies sleep well during daytime dreams only with their breasts in their mouths. Then the lying position is the mother's only salvation, she can spend this hour or two with the benefit of herself, even without physically looking up from the child. Or take a nap side by side. It is this position that is used when sleeping together. Thanks to her, mom can sleep all night, and the baby can feed as much as he needs. The only drawback of this position is that you can only feed with your lower breast. But not changing the breast for 6-8 hours is fraught with stagnation, so mothers are forced to shift the baby to the other side several times in the middle of the night. This becomes optional if you master:

- Subtype of posture 2 (a): lying on its side, upper chest

Mom lies on her side with bent knees. The child is in the space between her legs and arm. In order for the baby to be able to reach the upper chest, the shoulder is pulled forward, leaning slightly over it. At the same time, it is convenient to raise one leg higher. If the baby is placed on the crook of the elbow, his head will rise higher, and a breast of sufficient size can be simply fed to him. The peculiarity of this position for feeding with small breasts is as follows. The mother needs to lie partially on her stomach, while the lower breast is under her, but the lower arm is still above the baby, preventing a complete overturn. For convenience, you can put your hand under your head. The baby is placed in the created depression - the lower breast is now inaccessible to him, but the upper one is right next to the face. Then mom just lifts up, changing sides.

- Features of recumbent position with pillow

If the mother has a nursing or maternity pillow, the baby can be placed on it to reach the upper breast. The long pillow can also be adapted to support the mother's back.

Pose 3 - anti-crisis: from under the arm

Mom sits upright, the child is in her armpit on the side at chest level with his head towards her knees. To support your baby, you can use a maternity pillow or two regular adult head pillows stacked on top of each other. A rolled quilt will do, too. This sitting position is more comfortable than the "cradle", since you do not have to hold the baby's weight on yourself, and one hand is always free. But its disadvantage is that you will not be able to sit on a chair - you need a chair with wide armrests, and if it is not there, you will have to sit on the bed without a back support. However, in this case, the inconveniences can be neglected, since the posture from under the arm is also the posture from the armpit, it is also the "grabbing the ball" (the child is held like a ball for American football) - a magic couple of helpers in many problem situations that arise during lactation ...

  • Improper grip. The armpit pose gives you the most complete grip control. Mom sees well how the baby takes the breast and can correct the flaws.
  • "Lazy Sucker". If your baby has difficulty sucking milk and is not gaining weight well, mom can help him by squeezing his breast while feeding. To do this, she needs a free hand, which this pose provides (without overloading the second, like a "cross cradle"). Some babies fall asleep quickly without eating properly. In this case, it is convenient to shake the sleepyhead with your free hand and wiggle the nipple in his mouth.
  • Cracked nipples, painful attachment. If the mother has cracks when she was feeding in the "cradle" or lying down, this position will allow you to position the nipple in the baby's mouth in a different way. This reduces pain and prevents re-injury. If there are no cracks, but it still hurts during the attachment, this is a signal of errors during the capture, and they need to be corrected.
  • Lactostasis. The choice of a posture for feeding with lactostasis depends on which of the milk lobes the stagnation was formed in. And it is formed where milk is sucked out worst of all. Best of all, the baby absorbs those lobes to which his chin is turned. Worst of all, respectively, the opposite. The most popular positions are in which the baby's chin is directed towards the mother's belly, so the upper lobes of the breast dissolve worst of all. It is there that women most often experience stagnation. Using an arm pose allows you to turn your head to the other side. It is useful to feed in this position regularly - for prevention. The more different poses are used, the less the likelihood of stagnation. And if it has already arisen, then it is necessary to feed in the position that was previously ignored.

- Subtype of posture 3 (a) - lying with a jack

Mom lies on her side, the child is nearby - with her feet towards her head. This pose allows you to take full advantage of the ball-catching position, but you can lie down. The downside is that the mother has to lie in the middle of the bed so that there is room for the baby's legs, and there is nothing to lean on the pillow. Instead of a pillow, you have to use your hand, and it quickly goes numb.

- Pose subspecies 3 (b) - overhang

The child lies on his back, the mother gives him a breast from above, overhanging, and with her hand holding him in a position slightly to the side, so that it is convenient for him to drink. Thanks to this unusual position, the baby can easily absorb all the lobes. The force of gravity helps him. The mother can apply her breast on all fours over the baby: head to his legs, head to the head or across him - depending on which lobes need to be absorbed. In this position, the body begins to ache after a few minutes, but in a difficult situation it is worth it. Relative comfort can be ensured by placing the child on the table and hanging over him, resting his hands on a hard surface.

At first, mom can use 2-3 basic poses: in the afternoon " Cradle", "From under the arm", and at night " On mom's hand"Later, when mom gets comfortable, you can get creative with the feeding process and start trying something else - rocking and feeding, feeding on the go, etc.

Feeding one child:

1. The most common feeding position is " Cradle"or in another" Madonna "pose. Pay attention to the position of the baby: his tummy is pressed against the mother’s belly. The head should be positioned so that the mouth is opposite the nipple. -Turkish ", but of course this is not necessary. You can sit comfortably in a chair with your feet on a dais (this will allow you to slightly raise the baby to your chest) or in bed (lean on its back, placing a pillow under the lower back; legs can be bent at the knees, which will also allow you to raise the baby closer to the breast):

2. Feeding position " Cross cradle". This is a version of the classic" Cradle ", but with the ability to more closely control the process of attachment. The baby in this position lies on the mother's right hand, which helps her to fix the baby's body. The mother holds the head with her palm and can easily direct it towards the chest. Free hand puts the breast into the mouth for a deeper grip. If you feel that it is comfortable for the baby to suck, it does not hurt you, you can change your hands for a more comfortable option. " Cradle":

3. Feeding position " From under the arm". Mom holds the baby like American football players hold their ball under the armpit :) You will need several pillows. It is important to consider the basic principle - the baby's mouth is at the level of the mother's nipple, then your back will not get tired during feeding. This position is good for learning. This position should be used at least once a day so that the baby is sucking milk well from the lower and lateral lobes of the breast:

4. Feeding position " On mom's hand". In this position, the mother will be able to rest with the baby. When setting up to feed while lying down, keep in mind that your head lies on the pillow, and your shoulders drop to the surface of the bed. The mother holds the baby with her hand so that he maintains the position on his side, monitors the attachment. position allows the mother to be calm, because she will not be able to lean on the baby. To make you more comfortable, you can put a pillow under your back. Connect your husband to the night feeding - let him create "support" for you and hug you from behind !:

5. Feeding position " Jack". This unusual position is useful if you have lactostasis in the upper lobes of the mammary gland. The baby's chin will be directed exactly to that zone, which means that the milk will be easier to remove from there. The baby lies on its side, to fix the position, place a roller under the baby's back:

6. Feeding position " Lying on a pillow". A mother who has already mastered the traditional poses can try something new, for example, feeding lying down from the upper breast. To make it comfortable for you and your baby, lay the baby on the pillow. You can support your head with your hand or lie down on the pillow. With your free hand, support the baby. :

7. Feeding position " Overhang". Lying the baby a little on her side (not on her back!), The mother hangs over him. This position will allow the milk to go down the ducts easier, making it easier for your baby. The position is useful for babies who are switching from bottle feeding to exclusively breastfeeding. In this position. You will not feed for a long time, so do not get carried away with such feeding too often:

8. Pose for feeding " Kid on top". This position is suitable for mothers whose milk is flowing strongly. Often babies choke at the same time, not having time to swallow it. If you sit down reclining and put the baby to the breast from above, then the milk flows will not be so intense. The baby will be able to suck more calmly, and mom - to rest. In the West, this position is quite popular, as it is believed that it allows you to increase the comfort of a nursing mother, and the baby is more effective at sucking. Website: describes it as a separate feeding technique:

9. Feeding position " Standing motion sickness". If you need to calm a noisy toddler before bedtime, it will be easier to do this by picking him up and offering his chest while standing. Add to this gentle swaying and the baby's eyes will soon begin to stick together. This position is good not only for an older baby, but also for a newborn , especially if the child cannot calm down in any way:

10. Feeding position " On the hip". You have already become a dexterous mother, and the baby begins to try all the new poses - this is great! Let him diversify the feeding, let the baby develop. In the position on the hip, watch the correct grip of the breast and continue teaching the baby not to twirl the head during feeding - for this hold it lightly with your free hand:

11. Feeding position " The kid is sitting". Experienced babies older than 5-6 months love to feed while sitting in their mother's arms. They like to look at their mother and communicate with her without letting go of their mouths. You can hold the baby's handle so that she does not" wander "along the second breast:

12. Feeding position " The kid is standing". Standing feeding is especially common in babies who have already learned to walk, but may appear much earlier. In this position, babies are more likely to feed for a momentary attachment, in order to calm down, if the baby's mental balance has been overshadowed by something. For basic feedings (to fall asleep) the main poses remain:

13. Mom feeds the child in the hospital. The photo is essentially a classic pose " Cradle":

Feeding the twins:

Some mothers prefer to feed both twins at the same time, others take turns, first one baby, then the other. Sometimes both babies like to suck from one side, others - each breast alternately. It is very important to change children from different angles. If you are not feeding twins, but triplets, a table in which you will write down which baby, when received which breast may be a good idea. If you do not monitor this, then it is possible that some of the children may be malnourished, or you will face breast asymmetry in the future.

1. Method " One by one". First, we feed the first baby with one breast, and then feed the second baby with the other breast. In the next feeding, feed the baby first, who was fed the second in the previous feeding:

2. Method " From under the arm"(football player pose): sit on the sofa, put a soft rolled-up blanket under each hand. The babies suck at the breast at the same time, one lies on the right side, and sucks on the right breast, the other, respectively, on the left. The children's legs are behind you:

3. Method " Cross to cross": sit in a comfortable chair with a back, place one baby at the left breast, pressing his body to yours. The other - at the right breast, he is pressed not to you, but to the first baby. Do not try to attach each child to" your "breast They often suck in different ways, so the breasts can soon become different shapes.In addition, when the baby is fed with only one breast, his “upper” eye, facing your face, is overloaded, and the “lower” one receives insufficient stimulation:

4. Method " parallel". At first, usually someone will have to feed you babies to feed, but over time you will get used to it. It is very convenient to feed while sitting on the floor with your back on the sofa, and support the children with your knees. a certain position, try to shift them. For example, a child refuses to suckle if the twin at the breast is pressing his weight on him. Then move the children so that they do not touch each other:

5. Method " Sitting on your knee". Relevant for older kids:

Breastfeeding on the go:

Way " Feedingon the run "will be needed if the child cries, worries under breastfeeding, cannot relax or if you are going somewhere. In such a situation, a baby up to 3 months old should be swaddled, given his chest and walked, rocking with each step to the right, then to the left, or just slowly, not rushing to walk:

For older babies, use a thin blanket or thick sheet instead of swaddling. Wrap the baby, creating a kind of "cocoon" for him. In most cases, this will quickly calm the child down. If you have a sling in your arsenal, it will be ideal for feeding on the go, it will help mom unload her arms. The baby is also comfortable, but only when the sling is put on correctly.

Breastfeeding is a very important process that affects the health of both newborn babies and their mothers. In the process of mastering the feeding technique, mothers need to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast, while in various positions. Periodic change of position allows the baby to suck milk from different lobes of the breast, which is a kind of prevention of lactostasis. In addition, this allows mothers to be less tired, especially during the period when they have to hold the baby at the breast for a long time.

How to prepare for feeding

Before putting a newborn on the breast, you should prepare a pillow or even several, which can be placed under the lower back or arm during feeding. It will also be possible to put the baby on it so that it is more convenient for him to suckle the breast.

In addition to the pillow, you need to put a glass of water or compote next to you, since during the feeding process, a woman often feels thirsty. In addition, fluid intake can cause milk flow.

If the newborn breastfeeds often and for a long time, you can prepare a book or magazine in advance, for which the mother usually does not have enough time to read during this period.

At first, you should not choose difficult poses. While the child has not yet learned how to properly latch on to the breast and suck milk, the mother should select such positions in which it will be easiest for him to do this.

Most Popular Poses

The main positions of women are chosen intuitively or get acquainted with them in courses for expectant mothers. We will consider the most common poses and find out in which cases it is preferable to use this or that position.

Cradle. The sitting position is suitable for both newborn babies and one year olds. The baby is lying on her mother's arm, as if in a cradle. The head rests on the elbow of the mother's hand, the other mother's hand supports the child's back or supports the butt. The baby's tummy is pressed against the mother's belly, and the mouth is near the breast nipple. In this position, the baby can be applied to both the right and left breast, shifting from hand to hand. A variation of this position is standing feeding the baby. The woman holds the child in the same way as described above, but stands still. This is a very relevant position for those women who are forbidden to sit down for some time after giving birth due to the presence of tears and stitches. If, during the feeding process, you slowly walk around the room and slightly shake the baby, then in this way you can lull him to sleep. In this classic position, the baby is fed from birth until the time when he becomes very large, then he does not lie on his mother's hand, but sits on his knee.

Key advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding

Reverse cradle (or cross). This is a slightly modified position of the cradle. This position helps the mother to teach the baby to properly latch on the breast. With the hand opposite to the breast to which the newborn is applied, the mother supports his back and head. And he himself also lies on the elbow of the arm, which is on the side of the "working" chest. With her free palm, she can help him hold his head correctly, moving it closer or further from the nipple if the baby lifts his chin too much. Thus, babies born prematurely or weakened for one reason or another are often fed. The disadvantage of this position is the excessive load on the mother's hand, which makes her get tired quickly. In this case, you can put a pillow under your arm so that it supports the hand with the baby.

Lying out from under the arm. For those women who, after giving birth, cannot feed their baby while sitting, doctors recommend using this position for feeding. In this case, the mother feeds the newborn lying or reclining, leaning on her elbow. With this method of feeding, the baby lies at the mother's hand, as if under the arm or perpendicular to the mother's body, facing the breast. With the palm of the opposite hand, the mother can correct her chest or, if necessary, correctly support the head of the baby. Since in this case the baby receives the breast from above, it sucks milk very well from the lower and lateral lobes of the mammary gland.

This protects the nursing woman from lactostasis, therefore, breastfeeding experts advise feeding the baby in this position at least once a day.

For women after a cesarean section, this position is also good because the baby does not touch the mother's belly, which means that the postoperative suture is less injured. If you prepare several pillows and put some of them under the side and shoulder of the mother, and lay the baby on others, then you can feed the baby from under the arm while sitting, and not just lying down.

How to develop breasts after childbirth and straighten out

Lying on your side. Mom is lying on her side, and next to her along her body is a newborn. Its head rests on my mother's "lower" arm, bent at the elbow, like a pillow. Due to the fact that the baby's head is raised, it is easier for him to reach his mother's breast. The child is allowed to suck on the breast that is closer to him. If necessary, you can put an extra pillow on your baby. With her free hand, the mother can hold the breast so that the baby correctly grips the nipple. In this position, you can feed the baby during night feedings or during the day, when the mother wants to rest a little and even get some sleep. In the correct position, the baby should lie on its side and its head should not be thrown up, but turned to one side. Then the baby will not choke on milk and it will be easier for him to swallow. This position is convenient for women after tears and cesarean. In addition, after feeding, the baby remains to fall asleep on the bed, it does not need to be transferred to the cradle, which saves the woman from unnecessary physical exertion.

A variant of the previous position is feeding the baby lying on its side, but with the "upper" breast, as if hanging slightly over the baby. The mother leans on the lower arm, bent at the elbow under the head, and the upper arm presses the child to her. You can put your baby on a pillow to make it easier for him to reach his chest. The position is not very correct and comfortable, since the woman's supporting hand quickly gets tired, and with the other hand she cannot, if necessary, correct her chest. However, this position can be used in the case when, after the lower breast, the child needs to be given the upper one, but for some reason does not want to shift it and turn over itself. The pose is more suitable for nurses with large breasts.

Breastfeeding at an elevated temperature of the baby

Riding my mom. Recently, the posture in which a woman lies on her back or sits, leaning back strongly has become more and more widespread. And the baby lies on top of his stomach and finds the nipple himself. In this position, the newborn correctly regulates the milk flow, he does not choke on it. Another advantage of this position is that lying on the tummy, the baby suffers less from intestinal colic and gas. This position is easy to take from the “cradle” position, simply leaning back slightly on the pillows and moving the baby towards you.

Breastfeeding is an important process for both mom and baby. The more competently the feeding is established, the more pleasant this process will be for both. And one of the key points is the variety of breastfeeding positions. In addition, the ability to feed the baby in various positions not only helps the mother not to get tired with prolonged attachment to the breast, but also prevents the occurrence of milk stagnation. In practice, moms most often use three basic positions when feeding a baby, using different variations. In our article, we will tell and show you the main positions for breastfeeding your baby.

№1 "Cradle"

This pose is perhaps the most common. It is suitable for feeding both a newborn baby and a child over a year old. The pose is so called because the baby is in the mother's arms, like in a cradle. The baby's head lies on the elbow, with the other hand, the mother grabs the baby and holds his back, with the same hand, the mother can feed the baby's breast. The baby is turned towards the mother, and his mouth is just opposite the nipple.

Cradle position

One of the variants of the "cradle" is feeding while standing, when the mother holds the baby in the same way. This is how the child is usually held when he is lulled to sleep.

No. 2 "Cross cradle"

This is a variation on the previous pose. In this position, the mother grabs the baby with her opposite breast with her hand. So, if the baby sucks on the right breast, then you grab him with the left, and feed the breast with the right. You hold the baby's head in this position with your hand. Moreover, the index and thumb lie on the child's head along the ears, and the palm is located under the shoulders and back of the crumbs.

Cross Cradle Pose

It is impossible to hold the baby by the back of the head, since in this case the baby will curl up into the embryo position and will not be able to open his mouth wide enough and take the breast correctly.

This position is most relevant for newborn babies, so it is more convenient to guide the child.

№3 "From under the arm"

This position will be convenient for mothers who cannot sit after childbirth. Mom is in a reclining position, leaning on the forearm and thigh. She is also sometimes called "Jack"

The child is laid on the pillows perpendicular to the mother so that he is between the mother's body and the hand on which she rests. Mom supports the baby's head with her palm and gives the breast, it turns out, as if from above.

Pose "From under the arm"

You can change this position a little and get comfortable sitting, covered with pillows. Hand-feeding is a good prevention against milk stagnation in the breast.

№4 "Lying on the arm"

In this position, the mother can take a break from the upright position and relax her back. Mom and baby lie facing each other. You can put your baby on a pillow to make it easier for him to reach his chest. The baby's head rests on the "lower" hand, which she grabs the baby with. This position is very suitable for moms with small breasts.

Lying on the arm position

No. 5 "Lying from the upper chest"

This position is suitable if the mother, for some reason, is uncomfortable to roll over on the other side. In this case, the mother lies on her side, leaning on her hand, the baby lies on the pillow, turning to face the mother. Mom holds the baby with her other hand.

Upper Chest Lying Position

№ 6 "Baby on Mom"

This position is also called "relaxed feeding". In this position, the mother is conveniently located in a reclining position, surrounded by pillows. The baby in this position can independently regulate milk flow. Very suitable for restless kids who wave their arms and legs.

Pose "Baby on Mom"

In addition, this position stimulates the baby's intestines - after feeding in this position, babies suffer less from colic and gas.


The overhang position is useful for both mom and baby. The mother will be able to relieve the lower and central segments of the breast, and it will be easier for the baby to suck in this position. This is true for weak babies or for those who do not want to breastfeed after bottle feeding.

Overhang position

You can feed in this position both on the bed and on the table. In the case of feeding on the bed, the mother gets on all fours over the child. Remember that the baby's head should be slightly turned to the side.

With stagnant milk

With lactostasis (milk stagnation), you need to empty the lobes where milk has stagnated. Determining the proportion in which milk is stagnant is quite simple - feel the breast, you will determine where there are seals. Poses for this need to be chosen with the expectation that the baby sucks out more milk from the part against which his chin rests. You can use any of the basic poses, with variations. Place your baby on a pillow if necessary.