Moonstone: the main property is mysterious beauty

Moonstone (adularia) is considered a rather rare mineral belonging to potassium feldspars (one of the types of low-temperature orthoclases). The name of the mineral, which has a thin-lamellar structure, is based on the following:

  • shining blue overflow (irisation);
  • Mount Adula, located in Switzerland, is the place where this stone was first discovered.

Adularia is fragile and sensitive to shock and compression. Crystals are usually prismatic, columnar, or tabular. Externally, the moonstone looks like chalcedony or synthetic spinel. Collectors appreciate this mineral because it can be used as an inexpensive semi-precious stone.

Hindu mythology tells that hardened moonlight was used to make moonstone. Outwardly, adularia looks like a full moon shining behind thin high clouds. Some beliefs even say that the brightness of the brilliance increases as the moon grows, and the peak of the aurora falls on the full moon.

Varieties of moonstone

The phrase "moonstone" attracts buyers, therefore, this name is often called completely different gems that have nothing to do with adularia.

The following types of quartz are called moonstone: amazonite, selenite, as well as feldspar or gypsum. But the use of the name "moonstone" in relation to these rocks without any additional explanation is considered incorrect.

For orthoclase, white opalescence is most characteristic, although adularia with a blue shimmer is considered the most valuable.

This is not to say that the stone has a certain shade, it combines a shimmering radiance, and a flash, and play. An unexpected turn of a grayish stone presents to the gaze a play of light pouring from within.

Mineral deposits

The moonstone is usually found in pegmatites and alpine-type veins. Outwardly, it looks like a rhombic crystal, up to 10 cm in size.Russia boasts a translucent and transparent orthoclase with a moonstone effect in several places:

  • Kola Peninsula (western part);
  • Subpolar and South Urals;
  • Irkutsk region;
  • Khabarovsk region.

The finest specimens of blue opalescent moonstone are mined in Myanmar and the island of Sri Lanka, where orthoclase has accumulated in an ancient volcanic rock.

Moonstone and its magical properties

Moonstone has long been famous for its strong magical properties. Almost any magician or wizard was afraid of its impact, because it was believed that he could take away magical and witchcraft abilities.

By the way, only sorcerers should have been afraid of the moonstone, while for an ordinary person, the stone carried only positive things, for example, good luck in love affairs. There is an opinion that a representative of the opposite sex necessarily pays attention to the owner of the adularia. It's not for nothing that unmarried girls used this stone as a permanent decoration.

Also, a moonstone with magical properties can be taken away from the owner:

  • annoying quarrels;
  • unnecessary disputes;
  • evil spell;
  • lightning strikes.

Adular is a good amulet for a person who has decided to devote his life to art. He inspires and awakens creative impulses.
Also, there is no better talisman than a moonstone for a gambler or a cheat - it attracts luck.

Adularia exhibits special magical properties during the full moon. At this time, all his actions are of a purely positive nature: anger and aggression are pacified, and tenderness and dreaminess are awakened.

The healing properties of adularia

A full-fledged manifestation of the healing properties of adularia is possible only with direct contact between a stone and a person. In this case, it does not matter in what kind of jewelry the stone is located - it can be a ring, earrings or a body amulet. If it is not possible to ensure constant interaction with the skin, then the stone should at least sometimes touch the body of the owner.

The first thing the adularia turns to is the overexcited nervous system. The moonstone is capable of: soothing, relieving irritation, relieving any fear, relaxing and “turning off” a person from worries. He is able to cope with stress and depression.

It is useful to wear adularia for people suffering from epilepsy, as well as sleep disorders. When a person gets used to tactile and visual contact with the moonstone, he stops having nightmares, he falls asleep faster and he is not tormented by waking up too early.

According to esotericists, adularia refers to the element of water, and healers use it as a first helper for urolithiasis. Also, moonstone reduces salt deposits in the joints and in the bile ducts.

Wearing a moonstone amulet is good for a woman in labor (it makes the process of giving birth easier) and for a hyperactive baby in order to calm down.

Also, adularia is recommended for people struggling with hormonal imbalance. It optimizes tissue drainage, normalizes the electrolyte component of plasma, and also positively affects the process of humoral regulation of the body.

How much is the moonstone

When choosing an adularia, the price is quite a significant indicator. The cost of a mineral may vary slightly depending on the color, size and clarity of the stone. The most beautiful examples are blue crystals, which, when rotated, reveal incredible three-dimensional depth. Such a stone is very much appreciated by collectors. At the same time, it is also not cheap. If you need a more affordable option, then you should pay attention to the multicolored Indian specimen. On the market, a mineral weighing no more than 1 carat costs an average of $ 1 to $ 30. A larger crystal (3-5 carats) can cost up to $ 80 per carat. If you buy a mineral in the form of a finished jewelry, then a ring made of base metals will cost from 500 rubles, and in a silver frame from 1000 rubles.

Using jewelry and ornamental moonstone, the following types of jewelry are made: key rings, amulets, rings, etc.

Adularia itself is a very fragile stone, but this can be easily corrected with cabochon processing, which can emphasize the delicate and smooth play of the mineral.

Also, moonstone is often used to make flat inserts into jewelry - earrings, necklaces.

For framing adularia, it is best to use silver, because only this metal can most favorably emphasize the delicate shades of the stone (although the moonstone also looks good against the background of gold).

How to wear the Moonstone correctly

Adularia, like any other mineral, requires certain wearing rules. This fact is explained by the manifestation of the magical and healing properties of the stone in different phases of the moon.

Wearing adularia requires adherence to the following recommendations:

  • the moonstone should be matched with the rest of the accessories and clothing. For example, it looks good with things of a classic, office or business style, but it will not tolerate a combination with any other stone;
  • it is better to use silver as a setting - it significantly enhances the ability of the stone;
  • it is not advisable to wear the mineral to a spiteful, withdrawn, capricious and uncommunicative person, because a stone can aggravate these vices.
  • you need to wear a moonstone on the body, and not on clothes, like a number of other precious and semiprecious stones. Only in this way will he be able to cure cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • wearing a stone is recommended when the moon is growing and at full moon - at this time the adularia fills a person with energy, and during the waning of the moon it is better to take it off, as it becomes an energy vampire.

How to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake

Sri Lanka and India can boast of the most beautiful and high-quality moon stones, but in many deposits it is practically nonexistent. This is the reason for such a rapid rise in prices for this mineral and the appearance on the market of various fakes. The moonstone can be safely given the palm, based on the number of synthetic gems sold on the market under the guise of a real adularia.

How to recognize a synthetic fake?

The most important difference is the presence of unusually bright overflows. Yes, fake stone is usually more attractive than natural stone.

Another important point is this: if you look at the mineral from a right angle, you will never be able to see the blue tint. This is explained by the layered structure of the crystal, which allows light to be reflected only at an angle of 12-15 degrees, which cannot be said about synthetic glass - it shines equally and evenly at any angle.

True adularia is a rather cold mineral. This means that its naturalness can be checked as follows: the stone should not heat up too quickly from the warmth of the palms.

Moonstone and zodiac sign combination

The moonstone is very suitable for such signs of the zodiac as Cancer, Libra and Virgo. For example, he will help a lazy and phlegmatic Virgo to find a life partner as soon as possible, and will allow the sensual and creative Libra to open up.

Agate - properties of stone
Quartz is a stone of luck and prosperity

When a man in love says to his chosen one - "I will get you a star from the sky", of course, he is expressed figuratively. But with a strong desire, he can present his beloved with a symbolic "piece of the moon".

Moonstone is a rare beauty and extremely rare mineral in nature. Despite its cold and detached beauty, this precious mineral has a fantastic beauty. Among different peoples, it is considered the stone of lovers. Traditionally, with the help of the moonstone, rituals were performed to attract love. Lonely people wore brooches with moonstones on their chest in the region of the heart in order not only to attract a loved one, but also to awaken this high feeling in themselves. It was believed that the stone relieves its owner of loneliness.

In many countries, the moonstone is considered sacred, because an unusual mystical effect has been noted many times - this mineral reacts very strongly to the phases of the moon. On a new moon, the stone seems to be filled with moonlight, its surface becomes colder, the color becomes noticeably brighter. As the lunar disk in the sky diminishes, the stone's radiance diminishes markedly. Thus, you can visually observe the invisible connection of the moonstone with the Earth's satellite. The nature of such an amazing phenomenon has never been explained.

Delicate white-gray-bluish color with shimmering tints really resembles moonlight. The shade of the stone is unlike any other. Translucent crystals are extremely rare in nature and have a silky sheen. But this is not just brilliance, it is a very peculiar specific optical effect, which is formed by transparent prismatic or lamellar crystals with a bluish-white shimmer.

Adularization is the name given to the shimmering light of moonstones. An amazing phenomenon that is formed due to the internal structure of the stone in the form of lamellas. When light rays hit the moonstone, they are refracted and scattered. This is how a one-of-a-kind light phenomenon is born, thanks to which the moonstone is so unique and so desirable.

In X-rays, the moonstone has a faint luminescence, which looks truly fabulous. The rarest, magically beautiful mineral. The cost of moonstone jewelry can vary greatly. The price largely depends on the intensity of the color, size and degree of transparency.

Despite its fantastic beauty, the moonstone is not worn all the time. Jewelry with a stone is recommended to be worn during the periods from new moon to full moon - best around the neck or chest, or in a ring on the ring finger. But on a waning moon, the stone can work as an energy vampire, taking away the power of its owner.

It is not surprising that such a beautiful stone is very often faked - most of all imitations are made from matte iridescent glass and modern types of plastic. Thanks to the latest technologies, it was possible to create such beautiful analogs that even natural stones are inferior to them in terms of visual appeal.

It is very easy to distinguish a fake from a natural stone - look at it through the sun's rays. Natural moonstone is uneven in color. If you look at the mineral at a right angle, then you will not see a bluish glow - it will appear only at an angle. If the stone shimmers brightly in any position, then it is a fake.

Moonstones traditionally have a milky white, light gray, bluish, purple hue. The surface of the mineral seems to be illuminated by an inner golden shimmer. Rarely enough, there are specimens with star-shaped patterns, as well as with an amazing "cat's eye" effect. Moonstones of light yellow color are very rare.

Blue moonstones have a stunningly beautiful 3-D color depth that can be admired as they rotate. These are very rare pieces that are highly valued by collectors, which is undoubtedly reflected in their value. Indian moonstones are multi-colored and have a slightly lower value than classic blue moonstones.

origin of name
The stone is called "Lunar" because of the light blue or silvery-white overflows formed by thin plates that make up this amazing mineral. By the way, earlier in Russia the moonstone was called tausi stone (from Persian "tausi" - peacock). The stone was so named because its play is similar to the shades of the plumage of peacocks. It was believed that with this stone "no trouble is impregnable."

The Indians call the moonstone "jandarakand", which literally translates as "moonlight".

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The encyclopedic name of moonstones is adularia.

Place of Birth
The main deposits of moonstone are in India, Sri Lanka and Burma.
Geologists have recently discovered large deposits of moonstone in Mongolia. Also, in small quantities, this mineral is mined in Australia, the USA, Brazil, Tanzania and on the island of Madagascar.

Moonstone, as a jewelry mineral, began to be used a long time ago.
Most often, magnificent cabochons were created from it. Cameos were cut out of it, beads, beads, etc. were made. But since the stone is very rare in nature, it is most often used when creating jewelry.

In the Art Nouveau era, 100 years ago, the famous French jeweler Rene Lalique chose the lunar mineral. Today, this master's luxurious collection of jewelry can be seen in world museums and private collections.

The hardness indicators of the stone are low - this is another reason why the mineral is rarely used in other areas, except for jewelry. Therefore, moonstones are processed extremely carefully and are turned, most often, in the form of rounded cabochons, so as not to split during complex cutting. But this stone never loses its magic shimmering shine. It is enough to occasionally wipe it with a special polish, and it will shine with the original paints.

  1. The moonstone is legendary. For example, if a white spot suddenly appears on its surface, it means that the Moon at that moment transfers magical power to it.
  2. Since ancient times, in India and Ceylon, it is believed that the moonstone is sacred and brings good luck. It was presented as a gift to loved ones, because they believed that the moonstone was able to awaken tender passion and gave lovers the opportunity to see their destiny and a joint future.
  3. The Chaldean priests in southern Mesopotamia made extensive use of the magical properties of the moonstone: they went out into the field on a full moon (the strength of the moonstone increases), put it under their tongues and pronounced spells. Such stones immersed them in mystical revelations and developed the gift of clairvoyance.
  4. In Medieval Europe, interest in the moonstone was high. He was considered the stone of lovers. Young girls preferred to wear it in the form of amulets, because they believed that the magic stone brings happiness in love affairs.

Medicinal properties
Moonstone has a powerful effect on the body, and acts like a real healer. It has been used for a long time to prevent epileptic seizures, to treat kidneys and liver. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the Heart Chakra, on the functioning of the genitourinary system, digestive organs, pituitary gland, improves heart function, cleanses the blood and lymph, and facilitates childbirth. In Medieval Europe, it was believed that on a moonlit night, the moonstone "cries" and at that moment releases healing moisture, which helps to cure the fever. To increase the effectiveness of the healing mineral, it is necessary that when worn, it touches your naked skin.

In different cultures, it is believed that the moonstone protects a person from the harmful effects of the moon. Jewelry with this stone, or even a small piece of it, greatly relieves epileptic seizures, relieves uncontrolled outbursts of aggression, fears and insomnia.

It has long been noted that moonstone helps in losing weight. According to ancient rituals, in order to lose weight, you need to contemplate your naked body in full height in the rays of moonlight for three nights in a row after a full moon, standing in front of a mirror. But just standing and looking is not enough - you need to engage in serious introspection, mentally imagine your body parts in the desired form. It is necessary to hold the moonstone in an open hand and clearly visualize your built body.

The mineral energetically corresponds to the water element, therefore it promotes the removal of stones from the body, heals tumors, seals, relieves swelling and inflammation, "flushes out" toxins, eases the suffering of cancer patients at all stages of the disease.

According to ancient legends, the moonstone is the best natural "psychotherapist", the energy of which expels melancholy, depression, fear, eliminates fever, stress and a variety of emotional experiences. It was believed that the moonstone helps to calm tantrums in unbalanced women and cool the irrepressible desires of nymphomaniacs.

Magical properties
The ancient magicians highly appreciated the magical properties of moon stones, but at the same time they treated them very carefully. With the wrong attitude, the stones could destroy the wizards themselves - they have such a strong energy.

The moonstone was considered sacred by many peoples of the world and was worth more than gold. An experienced magician with the help of this stone could predict the future. The moonstone connects a person with nature and helps to achieve harmony with the environment.

The moonstone is ideal for people born under the signs of the element of Water - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpions. Can also be worn by Gemini and Libra. Representatives of the element of Fire should not be worn - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, to whom it can bring mental anguish and self-doubt.

This stone smooths out conflict situations, helps to quickly relieve stress, adds tolerance and compassion to a person. For this purpose, in the Middle Ages, they wore a ring with a moonstone on their right hand.

Meditation with a moonstone helps to open the subconscious, awaken imagination and creativity, activate hidden abilities and talents. All rituals are most often performed on the full moon, when the moonstone is filled with the most powerful force, spreading waves of peace and love around itself. On the night of the full moon, the stone is left on the windowsill under the Moon so that it can receive its energy and restore the strength of its owner. In the first days of the growth of the moon, the mineral enhances the intuition of its owner. Gifted people can discover the gift of clairvoyance in themselves. Holders of a violent temperament are recommended to wear a moonstone on their left hand, which will add patience, sociability, calmness, and save them from conflicts and wasted energy.

The magic glow of the stone adds calmness and softness, tenderness and dreaminess to the character of its owner. Helps relieve tension, anger and overconfidence. The moonstone is the best talisman for emotional and creative people - everyone who is related to literature, music, fine arts, etc. The mineral inspires, ignites talents, stimulates creative impulses.

Moonstone is extremely susceptible to the attention of its owner. When they mentally communicate with him, they regularly look after him, - he gives maximum inspiration and strength. But the stone will not help people who are rough and insensitive, it works only with those who, by their nature, strive for beauty, creativity and sophistication.

Moonstone is a semiprecious mineral that was especially revered in India in former times and even today it has not lost its relevance. In this country it is called jandarakand, which translates as "moonlight".

As legend has it, this stone was created from the hardened light of the moon. Therefore, he has magical properties and incredible power, which this night heavenly body shared with him.

Other common names for the mineral are and. Astrologers recommend using it as a talisman for some of the zodiac signs. However, not everyone needs to wear it. In this article, we will tell you who is suitable for adularia, as well as find out how to wear a moonstone.

Moonstone is the main mineral of love. Its owner does not know what a rejected feeling is. He is always accompanied by good luck in amorous affairs. The stone endows the wearer with the passion and sensuality that help to achieve success with the opposite sex.

In addition, the stone allows you to understand whether you need to start a love relationship or not. If nothing good comes out of this union, then the mineral tarnishes. Such a relationship will only bring pain and disappointment, which is why the stone suggests that it is better not to start them.

If the talisman begins to shine brighter, then this means that this union will be harmonious. The moonstone will save such a relationship and protect them from betrayal, lovebirds, quarrels, parting, etc. In this case, it is recommended to wear it as a decoration and keep it in the photograph of a loved one. Then his love will never pass.

Another meaning of the amulet is that it helps to develop hidden talents, as well as the gift of oratory. Thanks to him, a person has such abilities that he did not even know about. Sometimes they can change his whole life in the most drastic way. To reveal your talents, the moonstone should be worn in the form of a ring. In addition, it is recommended to put it at home next to your photo.

The next meaning of the talisman is that it bestows good luck in financial affairs and helps to establish good relations with others. The owner of this mascot can count on signing profitable deals, building a successful career and success in all business endeavors. He will help pay off debts and improve your financial condition. In this case, the mineral is recommended to be worn as a pendant. It can be worn as a bracelet or ring, but always on the right hand.

The magical properties of the Moonstone

Moonstone has magical properties. Due to this, it can be used to treat certain ailments. So, the mineral normalizes the unstable emotional background, helps to cope with depression and depressed moods. In addition, it is recommended to wear it for people with pathologies of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract. It is believed that it helps to cure these ailments. The magic of the stone is also effective for colds.

If a moonstone is worn by a person infected with infectious pathologies, then very quickly he will recover. This mineral is advised to be worn by women during childbirth. He will relieve suffering and help to give birth to a healthy child. If the baby was born too active and mobile, then the mineral will give him calmness and perseverance. In all these cases, the moonstone does not have to be worn. You can just put it on the photo. Even so, it will give a positive result.

In addition, this mineral normalizes sleep and protects against nightmares. It can be kept under a pillow at night. In this case, he will send the owner a prophetic dream or help get answers to many questions of interest.

Moonstone can grant wishes. To do this, you need to wait for the night when the full moon will shine in the sky. Exactly at twelve o'clock, the mineral should be taken in hand and stand under the moonlight. After that, you need to make a wish and ask the talisman to make it come true. It is believed that the mineral will make every effort to make it come true.

This amulet needs constant recharging. To give it to a mineral, you need to put it on the moonlight on a full moon. Then he will be charged with the energy of the moon and will start to "work" again in full force.

Who is the Moonstone suitable for according to the sign of the zodiac?

Moonstone is not suitable for everyone to wear. There are signs of the zodiac, the energy of which is ideally compatible with the energy of the mineral. However, there are those for whom the wearing of the mineral is contraindicated. The table below will provide data on who is suitable for a moonstone and who is not.

Moonstone compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

The moonstone affects each zodiac sign in its own way. So, for Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces, the talisman fits perfectly. He gives them peace of mind and allows them to get rid of bad character traits. In addition, the mineral develops in this case the gift of eloquence and hidden talents. He attracts money and bestows good luck in all endeavors.

The moonstone grants wisdom to Leo. Thanks to this mineral, they will be able to choose their path in life. In addition, the stone does not allow Leo to go astray.

Moonstone helps Sagittarius solve all their problems and make the right decision even in the most difficult situations.

This mineral will help Aquarius get rid of negative character traits. In addition, he grants them protection from evil forces, evil witchcraft, envious people and gossip.

The Moonstone will help Libra choose the right path in life and overcome all the obstacles that stand on it.

For Gemini, this mineral bestows calmness and helps to get rid of sudden mood swings.

Moonstone will help Taurus gain self-confidence. He bestows optimism and relieves of the blues.

Thanks to this stone, Virgos will be able to build a strong and happy family. In addition, the mineral grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft, quarrels and gossip.

For Aries and Capricorns, wearing the Moonstone is contraindicated.

The moonstone is one of the most powerful talismans. The main thing is to use only real mineral as an amulet. His imitation has no magical power. You can understand that there is a natural stone in front of you by its appearance and temperature. Bubbles can be found inside it, and if you hold it in your hands, it will not heat up, and it will also breathe coolness. Only such a stone can be used as an amulet.

Moonstone is a unique, translucent natural mineral of unusual beauty. The stone owes its name to a silvery-gray, delicate blue hue, shimmering overflows that create the effect of a moon glow, reminiscent of the reflections of moonlight. Another name for the natural mineral is "adular", "fish eye", "aglaurite", pearl spar. The mineral attracts attention due to its unique aesthetic, magical and healing properties.

Description of the stone

Moonstone is a transparent or translucent mineral known for its unusually beautiful, spectacular "lunar" glow (iridescence, adularization). This unusual effect is scientifically explained by the thin-lamellar structure of the stone. Adularia belongs to the rare natural minerals, potassium feldspars.

Adularia owes its unusual, mystical name to the mountain with the unusual name Adula, which is located in Switzerland. It was there that a unique stone of unusual beauty was first found.

In appearance, the mineral resembles chalcedony, a synthetic spinel. Adularia is fragile, sensitive to mechanical stress, shock. Typically, moonstones have a prismatic, columnar, tabular structure.

The mineral is highly valued among jewelry masters, of course, mainly due to the fact that this semi-precious mineral reduces the cost of jewelry and at the same time looks quite impressive.

The moonstone was often used in the creation of precious jewelry by artisans, master jewelers in the second half of the nineteenth century. Delicate silvery shine gave the jewelry a special gloss and exclusivity. It looks especially impressive in combination with silver.

  • Leo;
  • Virgo;
  • Libra;
  • Scorpio;
  • Sagittarius.

Lions, having with them an amulet with a moonstone, will gain great strength, confidence, inner peace. Adularia will give people of the power sign calmness, balance, and help to balance ambitions.

He will help Libra in the implementation of creative ideas, disclosure of talents, personal potential. Representatives of the sign will find balance, harmony and peace.

Virgos will gain wisdom, confidence, and become more judicious. In addition, the mineral will help Virgo in solving family problems, and will improve love relationships. Representatives of this sign will become more decisive, gain confidence.

The moonstone will help unleash the creativity of people born under the sign of Scorpio. He will allow Sagittarius to find a way out of difficult situations, help in solving problems. Capricorns, using as an amulet, will be able to achieve financial stability.

For all of the above signs, the moonstone will ensure success in studies, work, new endeavors, help to advance the career ladder, of course, if you really believe the power of the "moon" crystal.

But for the moonstone to be successful, it is very important to have a natural specimen. Unfortunately, it is quite easy to counterfeit a gemstone, therefore, there is an increasing risk of acquiring a fake, albeit of high quality, on sale.

Moonstone is a fairly rare mineral also known as adularia. It belongs to the group of feldspars and is a type of low-temperature orthoclase. In nature, there are stones of milky white, lilac or yellowish color, but crystals of blue shades are used for jewelry. Adularia can be translucent or completely matte.

Moonstone Specifications

The main feature of this gem is a bluish-silvery shimmer that moves within the crystal as you change the viewing angle.

See how the soft shine of the stone looks in the photo: adularia fascinates with its beauty:

This phenomenon is called "adularescence" and is due to the fact that the moonstone consists of the thinnest plates or layers that scatter light in different ways.

You can see the technical characteristics of the mineral in the table:

Chemical formula




Refractive index

colorless, white


translucent, opaque



uneven, stepped







One of the disadvantages of the mineral is its low hardness. It is handled with care and is more often used in pendants or pendants than in rings. For adularia choose a silver frame: it should be solid, without "legs". This fixing helps to avoid the appearance of cracks or chips at the edges of the crystal.

If moonstone jewelry has been passed down from generation to generation, worn carelessly or often enough, polishing or re-grinding of the adularia may be required. This will restore the lost shine to it, relieve it from shallow scratches.

The stone is also affected by temperature and humidity. Long-term exposure to a contrast medium may slightly change the shade of the mineral. A similar phenomenon can be explained by the microporous structure of the crystal, but this property of a rare moonstone has become the basis for the emergence of many legends and beliefs.

The word "adular" comes from Adula, the name of the highest mountain peak in the Swiss Alps, also known as Rheinwaldhorn. Mineral deposits were found in this area for the first time.

The crystal got its name "moonstone" because of its amazing color and soft glow, which resembles a night star. There is a legend that after lying for thousands of years on the surface of the earth and absorbing the moonlight, the stone becomes adularia. In fact, crystals are formed in the earth's crust at a temperature of 660-700 ° C from silicate melts and hot aqueous solutions with a high concentration of potassium and silica.

Today, the highest quality minerals are mined in Sri Lanka. Commercial quality gems come from Australia, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Myanmar, Tanzania and the USA (Pennsylvania, Virginia). There are deposits of adularia in Russia: crystals are mined in the Urals and Siberia.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, simple technologies were used for grinding the mineral, but the way the processed moonstone looks like depends directly on its composition. The transparency of adularia, color blotches determines the presence of additional substances, their proportionality. But all crystals, without exception, have a characteristic layering.

The confusion in the classification of the moonstone arose due to the fact that for a long time they were called those types of feldspar, which are characterized by iridization - an iridescent glow on a chip under very bright lighting.

Such similar types of minerals are often mistaken for moonstones:

  • Selenite.
  • Labrador.
  • Belomorite.

In the first case, crystals are similar to adularia in their transparency and the nature of light reflection. In addition, translated from Greek, the name of the mineral sounds like "the stone of Selene", which in Ancient Hellas was the goddess of the moon. But selenite is included in the gypsum group, so it should not be associated with adularia.

Labrador belongs to plazioclase, but has different types of iridization, which resemble the radiance of adularia. The minerals are most similar with dark blue and blue tints, but among the characteristics of a real moonstone, only light blue iridization is present.

Belomorite is an incredibly beautiful mineral that, like adularia, belongs to the group of feldspars. But its composition is different from the classic moonstone. This affects the peculiarities of Belomorite: it has mesmerizing overflows - from gray to violet-blue highlights. Such a mineral is very fragile, easily crumbles and exfoliates, so large crystals are rarely found in jewelry. The main deposits of belomorite are located in North Karelia, as well as on the Kola Peninsula.

There are terms that are called adularia, depending on its origin and characteristics. For example, valencianite is a type of natural moonstone that is mined in Mexico. These minerals are of high quality and are used for designer jewelry.

Aglaurite is an adularia with a characteristic blue glow, found in eastern Bohemia. Its name in translation from Greek means "decoration".

One of the rare crystals is adularia with a yellowish tint. In the common people it is called the "witch's stone" and it is believed that such a mineral contains witchcraft. According to legend, on a full moon it takes on a reddish tint.

Take a look at the photo of the varieties of the extraordinary moonstone to appreciate their beauty:

Ways to tell the original moonstone from a fake

The beautiful appearance of adularia and the legends about its unusual properties attract buyers. Therefore, very often you can find a fake of this crystal. Amazonite, labradorite, and other types of feldspar, including belomorite, can be sold as moonstone.

The counterfeit is made of frosted glass, which has a low cost. But such an imitation only vaguely resembles the original, and it is easy to identify.

There are some simple ways to tell the difference between a real moonstone and a synthetic fake. Adularia may have small defects inside: chips or cracks. The imitation is always a little brighter than the original, it has a pronounced shine. You can identify a glass fake by holding it in a warm palm. Adularia heats up slowly, because it belongs to rather cold minerals.

Moonstone has layers, each of which reflects light in its own way. If you look at the crystal from a right angle, you will not be able to see the blue tint. Reflections (overflows of color) appear only at a slope of 12-15˚С. Glass imitation of the mineral has a uniform luster that does not change depending on the angle of light reflection.

Look at the photo, what the glow of a natural moonstone looks like: such a property cannot be artificially recreated:

There is a technology for creating a mineral from low-quality crumbs of oligoclase and adularia. It is pressed to obtain crystals with smooth color transitions. They can be semi- and completely transparent, opaque or have slight opacities on the inside. But they can also be distinguished by their non-layered structure and the absence of bluish highlights.

On the market you can find an imitation of adularia created from albite with the addition of benzene. In such a fake natural moonstone, glare appears only on the surface.

Sometimes there is synthetic spinel or chalcedony, which is sold as a true adularia. They have only one layer and high hardness.

Synthetic (fake) moonstones are not produced in batches. If, under the guise of a moonstone, they offer to buy one of the minerals with a similar iridization, it is easy to identify it by the absence of characteristic layering and light reflection, bluish reflections.

When choosing an adularia, one cannot be guided by its price: it may differ slightly from the original and a high-quality fake of a natural moonstone, although the cost of an artificial material is ten times lower. Similar minerals that are sold as natural adularia are also inferior in price. Their inflated cost allows you to hide this difference and make a profit.

It is better to purchase adularia in a specialized jewelry store. The stone will have accompanying documents, which indicate the type of mineral and additional information about the crystal.

How much is a moonstone worth: price per carat and cost in jewelry

The size of the adularia affects the price: if it does not exceed 1 carat, the average cost of a natural moonstone can range from $ 1 to $ 30. In addition, the shade and transparency of the mineral matters.

Adularia of rare blue shades are highly valued: upon light reflection, the crystal appears "depth". As it rotates, a unique three-dimensional effect is visible, which minerals of other colors do not have.

Superior quality adularia have a colorless base. The finest crystal combines glass clarity and electric blue tint. The main feature of the highest quality adularia is a bright blue sheen visible from all sides. The price of such a moonstone can vary from $ 80 to $ 200 per carat with a weight not exceeding 20 carats.

Multicolor minerals that are mined in India have a low cost. You can also buy adularia crumbs cheaply: original beads are often made from it.

In most cases, the stones are polished in the form of a cabochon: this shape allows you to see the amazing bluish highlights inside the crystal and its layering. But this requires large specimens of adularia, the price of which is quite high.

How much a natural moonstone costs often depends on its setting: a designer setting with high-quality precious metal contributes to the price rise of the item. Usually adularia is set in silver, which is also associated with the Moon and beautifully emphasizes the highlights inside the cabochon. But sometimes gold is used for yellowish minerals.

In jewelry, milky-white crystals can "coexist" with pearls: both minerals have delicate "moon" shades.

High-quality large adularia are rare, so the price of jewelry made from natural moonstone is constantly growing.

Moonstone became popular with jewelers in the years 1890-1910, during the heyday of the Art Nouveau style, mainly thanks to two famous jewelers - René Lalique and Louis Comfort Tiffany. Adularia returned to fashion twice more: in the 60s, and also in the 90s of the last century. Currently, this mineral is outside the mainstream of jewelry and few of the famous jewelry houses use it in their jewelry.

Look at the photo of moonstone jewelry: they are very feminine and sophisticated:

If a woman or girl wears jewelry with adularia, she must take care of its harmonious combination with other elements of the image. The crystal is so distinctive that it will look unnatural in combination with other jewelry. An exception may be laconic pearl products or silver products without inserts. The magical beauty and sophistication of the moonstone is worth focusing on. If it is a pendant, the garment should have an elegant contrasting shade that matches well with the color of the crystal.

Who is the moonstone suitable for: astrological properties for the signs of the zodiac

The astrological properties of the moonstone to representatives of different signs of the zodiac can both help and harm. The Jewelry Industry Council of America and the British National Jewelers Association recommend wearing adularia jewelry to anyone born in June. Astrologers talk about the undoubted benefits of the moonstone for Gemini. This mineral will help smooth out negative emotions and avoid stress. He "gives" the representatives of this sign good luck in all endeavors, helps to bring ideas and ideas to life. At the same time, the crystal makes the hot-tempered Gemini softer and more pliable.

Among those who are suitable for an amazing moonstone are Pisces and Cancers. It contributes to the disclosure of their creative potential, self-realization. Calm and balanced, but a little inert Virgo, the stone will help find a soul mate. But if the owner of the crystal has a capricious character, excessive suspiciousness, it is better to refuse jewelry with it. The mineral will exacerbate these deficiencies by strongly emphasizing them. But for those who love to dream, he will help to translate desires into reality.

Taurus adularia will add optimism, contribute to a more positive perception of the world. It is recommended to wear it with frequent stress, because one of the main properties of this stone is the ability of adularia to restore mental balance. There is a belief that it will help the representatives of this sign get rid of gynecological diseases, but this has not been scientifically confirmed. The mineral is suitable for those Taurus who want to forget the failures in their personal life, get rid of mental anguish.

Adularia will make Scorpios more confident, reveal their creative side. The crystal protects them from gossip, intrigues of others, and also helps to move up the career ladder.

The moonstone is contraindicated for the signs of the zodiac of the fire element: the gem will not benefit Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. They need "solar" energy, and this mineral is associated with the mysterious glow of the moon. The crystal is able to give them ghostly illusions and pipe dreams.

The stone can be too relaxing for Capricorns, prevent them from concentrating in the right situation and develop such a quality as laziness.

The adularia for Libra becomes a real talisman: it is easy for the representatives of this sign to find peace of mind, to achieve harmony with it. Natural and unusually beautiful moonstone is indispensable for meditation, because it will help its owner find a balance between the physical and the spiritual. It is a crystal of self-knowledge that will open up a person's inner world.

Moonstone magical properties

Belief in the extraordinary properties of adularia dates back to ancient times. In the Middle Ages, lithotherapists used the moonstone to treat liver and kidney diseases, insomnia, and to relieve fever. During the Renaissance, he was considered an ideal gift for lovers - he allegedly supported passion and allowed "the power of love to read the future, no matter how good or bad it may be." To manifest this magical property of the amazing adularia, the presented gem had to be put into the mouth during the full moon.

In the 19th century, moonstone was considered the perfect gift for a 13th wedding anniversary. This is not surprising, because adularia has always been a talisman of true love. According to legend, if a crystal begins to fade in one of a pair of lovers, then his feelings fade away. Lonely people wore it near their chest in order to quickly find their soul mate. But today there is a belief that the mineral can be used for this purpose only on the growing moon. Otherwise, it is fueled by the energy of its owner.

In addition to these properties, the moonstone also has an unusual meaning: creative people - artists, musicians, and writers - consider it their talisman. He reveals their potential, contributes to the emergence of new ideas and their implementation. Adularia restrains unnecessary emotions of a person, helps to concentrate on solving a problem. This feature of the mineral was the reason that students often took it with them to exams. But the crystal must be in the area of ​​the hands. It can be a ring, a bracelet, or just a piece of mineral clutched in the palm of your hand.

The development of intuition is another magical property of the mystical adularia: this stone helps its owner to feel the right decisions, to avoid troubles. If you put it under your pillow, you may have a prophetic dream. It is worth doing this on Monday night, when the properties of the crystal are especially pronounced. In addition, in this case, the owner of the mineral will get rid of obsessive nightmares: dreams will be bright and calm.

Adularia is not recommended to be worn in moments of irritation, aggression, outbursts of uncontrollable anger. It is believed that then contact with the talisman will be lost. But the crystal should still be used by hot-tempered people in order not to succumb to emotional provocations and maintain spiritual harmony.

The magical properties of the extraordinary moonstone will protect against "energy vampires". It protects against waste of energy and unnecessary conflicts.

In the 18th century, there was a legend that adularia brings good luck in gambling. They tried to get the crystal at any cost, up to breaking the law. But over time, this feature of the mineral was forgotten. The reason for this was the losses, which "undermined" faith in his incredible capabilities.

For the properties of the adular to manifest, it must be in contact with the body. Experienced cosmoenergy advise to "clean" the mineral from the accumulation of negative, which it can absorb. To do this, the crystal is washed under clean running water and left in the light of the full moon overnight.

Of particular importance are moonstones, which are rare. For example, a mineral with a yellow tint has long been considered the stone of witches. According to legend, he could deprive a sorceress of her strength. Nowadays, such legends are taken with humor, but an unusually beautiful crystal is still used as a talisman. And the loss of adularia is a bad omen that warns its owner of the danger.