Round eye makeup: how to avoid common mistakes? Makeup for big, round and bulging eyes is easy and simple! How to paint me big eyes

Although symmetry and proportionality of features have long ceased to be the obligatory attributes of a beautiful face, many girls still consider their deviation from outdated standards a defect. And big eyes are a prime example of this.

Due to this feature, the look seems more naive and cute. However, its owners are actively trying to reduce this effect to naught, and in fact all that is needed is to learn how to correctly emphasize the beauty of the cut. What we are going to do today.

General principles of visual correction

It is no secret that the owners of large eyes are often not satisfied not only with their size, but also with their shape. Indeed, set too close or too wide, too convex or rounded, they do not look very good in most cases.

To remedy the situation, make-up artists advise to build not so much on stereotyped decisions as on the individual characteristics of the appearance. It is enough to look at Jennifer Aniston and other actresses with a non-standard (but no less beautiful) appearance to understand that this approach not only works, but also fully justifies itself.

Therefore, choosing such a make-up, we will focus precisely on adjusting the shape. The following principles of visual correction will be of great help:

  1. Black pencil enhances the "wet eyes" effect. But dark shadows, applied according to the principle "intensely in the center, weaker towards the edges" (the stronger the part of the eyelid, the darker it should be painted), on the contrary, "cut off" the excess volume, making the shape flatter.
  2. To give the overly rounded shapes "correct" almond-shaped outlines will help. To do this, their lines should be thin at the corners and widen by the middle of the eyelid.
  3. Mascara does an excellent job of visually reducing the incision. It is enough to paint over the eyelashes well, and the created "shadow" will reliably hide all unnecessary.
  4. If you are not satisfied with the fit of the eyes, the correction can be made using the bordering contour. To reduce the distance, clearly draw the inner corner of the eye and extend it towards the bridge of the nose. To increase, on the contrary, the contour is applied only to the upper eyelid, and the outer corners are subjected to "stretching", which are painted over with dark shadows.
  5. The shape of the eyebrows is equally important. To visually reduce the size of the eyes, you should abandon the "eyebrow strings" in favor of a natural medium width. At the same time, removing hairs (with the exception of those that are knocked out of the common line) is mainly from above, so as not to increase the already large distance between the eye and the eyebrow.

By following these guidelines, you can quickly shape your eyes into the desired shape. The only thing to keep in mind is the shades. If the color of mascara and eyeliner does not match the color of the iris, all your work will go down the drain.

Selection of colors

Correctly chosen tones add expressiveness and depth to the look. Conversely, if the colors are chosen at random, the iris appears more faded and lost against the background of shadows or mascara. Therefore, when talking about makeup for big eyes, not mentioning the right color combination would be a huge omission.

  • For brown eyes

Sandy, beige, as well as chocolate shades and all kinds of their combinations (for example, a smooth transition from the center of the eyelid to the corners, from "dark chocolate" to "milk") are optimal. You can also play in contrast. Variants with the use of turquoise, lavender shadows and ivory look no less interesting. It is better to give up a glossy shine in favor of a calmer, matte structure.

  • For blue eyes

The natural beauty is unobtrusively emphasized by warm pinks, peach and creamy shades, as well as copper shine and brown colors of the "cold" range. If your makeup is planned to be bright and somewhat provocative, orange and yellow combinations are the best choice.

  • For green eyes

The color scheme should be chosen based on the "purity" of the iris. If it is dominated by yellowish-brown shades or silvery-blue, you can experiment with such shades: chocolate brown, khaki, smoky gray, etc.

Modern trends are based on experimentation. Therefore, it is quite possible that tomorrow this list can be replenished with a few more shades. However, contrast must always be present. And not only with the iris of the eye, but also with the rest of the colors of the created image. Do not forget about this, and you will look irresistible.

A face is considered beautiful if its features are proportional. But small deviations from the standards give the girl a special charm. Big eyes are a good example of this. They make the feminine look naive and charming.

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Photo Gallery: Lessons for Effective Makeup for Big Eyes

It is much easier to choose makeup for large eyes than for small or narrow ones. You can wear a universal make-up, while adhering to three rules:

Large eyes may have slight flaws in shape:

In these cases, it is necessary to correct the mistakes of nature with the help of cosmetics.

Makeup for large bulging eyes must be in dark shades. It is necessary to completely cover the upper eyelid, but especially intensively apply the shadow in the center. Thus, we seem to "cut off" the bulge, making the eyes more "flat".

Take a look at the photo with step-by-step makeup for big bulging eyes. The darkest areas of the upper eyelids should be the darkest, usually in the middle. After application, blend the shadow towards the eyebrow.

If your eyes are too rounded, then you can draw them out with the help of correctly drawn arrows. The arrow should start from the thinnest line and smoothly expand towards the outer eyelid, it must not end abruptly, the tail of the arrow should narrow towards the end.

We correct the far-set eyes with the help of a contour that completely borders the eye. Make the inner corner elongated and "place" it closer to the bridge of the nose. Apply shadow intensively to the superciliary space next to the nasal septum.

Close-set eyes, on the other hand, do not need to be clearly delineated (especially in the inner corner of the eye). You can apply a contour, but only on the outer eyelid, and then shade it. At the bridge of the nose, we lighten the skin tone, and on the outer corners of the eyes we apply dark shadows, shading them to the temples.

Make up for big brown eyes

Most often we do makeup for large brown eyes in brown shades. It looks familiar and natural. There is no need to reinvent the wheel - brown is in perfect harmony with brown. This makeup can be a great everyday office option.

But if you want to diversify your usual look, pay attention to the following shades:

They accentuate the rich color of your iris, give your look a sparkle and refresh your overall makeup. Yuri Stolyarov, the official makeup artist of Maybelline New York, talks in more detail about this in this video.

Makeup for big green eyes

To create a make-up for green-eyed girls, you need to use brown (closer to the red shade), golden, copper, burgundy, purple.

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Any woman is beautiful and unique by nature - there is no doubt about that. And the little tricks of the make-up can double the individuality and grace of each of the fair sex.

site will show you how to make up your eyes, depending on their natural shape, so that all eyes are directed only at you!

Round eyes

If a protein is visible under the iris of the pupil with fully open eyes, this is a sure sign of the owner of a round eye shape. When making up such eyes, the main goal is to visually lengthen their cut. Here's how you can do it.

  • Start by applying foundation to your upper eyelid: it can be a regular loose powder or a natural shade of eyeshadow.
  • Next, visually lengthen the section of your eyes by applying dark shadows to the outer part of the movable eyelid.
  • Move your eyes along the lash line, this will emphasize the rounded shape of your eyes. It is better to draw a line not from the inner corner, but from the middle of the movable eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, ending with a small arrow.
  • You can also bring the upper eyelid in full length for a more intense color.
  • For more volume, add mascara to the pencil line.

Narrow eyes

You have narrow, Asian eyes, if the upper eyelid is dense, almost completely overlapping the eyelashes, and its movable part is closed and creates a feeling of slight swelling. Your goal in makeup is to deepen your eyes while emphasizing their exotic shape and natural beauty.

  • Apply foundation to your upper eyelid. It can be a regular loose powder or a natural shade of eyeshadow.
  • With this section of the eyes, arrows are drawn at some distance from the eyelash growth line and carefully shaded.
  • Draw the upper contour completely, and the lower contour exclusively the outer corner (affects no more than 1/3 of the lower eyelid).
  • It is very important not to forget to trace the inner line of the upper eyelid.
  • Add a layer of voluminous, but not lengthening mascara below and above - this way the eyes will only look narrower.
  • Light beige shadows can be applied to the entire upper eyelid. It's good if they are with mother-of-pearl - so the eyelid will become lighter.

Almond eyes

The incision of the eyelids in the shape of an almond: elongated, rounded at the bridge of the nose, sharp at the temples, like a tail of a nut. This type of eye is the easiest to paint as it will work with almost any makeup. For evening make-up we recommend deep dark colors, such as rich “smoky eyes”, for day make-up - light shades.

  • Apply foundation to the upper lid, you can use regular loose powder or natural shade of eyeshadow.
  • Apply a beige tone to the movable and fixed eyelid up to the brow line.
  • Apply a medium tone shade (ocher, gold, terracotta) to the moving eyelid.
  • Highlight the crease of the upper eyelid with a rich dark line. Blend it thoroughly.
  • Draw an arrow just above the outer corner of the eye.
  • Use rich mascara for added expression. Accentuate the outer lashes: this will once again accentuate the almond shape of your eyes.

Downcast eyes

If the outer corners of the eyes are slightly lowered, then sometimes the face may have a sad or tired expression. Your task is to make your look livelier and more cheerful. To do this, you just need to slightly raise the upper shadow and draw the arrows correctly:

  • Apply foundation to upper lid: regular loose powder or natural shade of eyeshadow.
  • Contour the upper eyelid by drawing a clear line along the lash line. The eyeliner should be as thin and natural as possible, right at the lash line, only then can you achieve the effect of a fresh look.
  • On the outer part of the eyelid, gently apply a more saturated shade, and also carefully blend it diagonally upward so that the shadows are behind the outer edge of the eye.
  • Reinforce the line with an up arrow at the outer end of the eyelid.
  • On the lower eyelid, go around the outer corner of the eye with concealer.
  • In this case, mascara is used only for tinting the middle and inner corners of the eyelashes, while the outer corners should not be tinted. The same goes for the lower row of eyelashes.
  • Girls with downcast eyes SHOULD NOT paint their eyes using the "banana" technique, and also give preference to everyone's favorite "smoky eyes" technique, which is often performed using mainly dark shadows, which cover, if not all, then most of the mobile eyelid.

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It is difficult to find a woman who would be 100% satisfied with her appearance. Owners of small eyes certainly want to enlarge them, girls with naturally blond hair, by all means, want to become burning brunettes. I always want some kind of change. It would seem, well, what more could girls with large expressive eyes want, because nature has already generously endowed them. But no, I want to make the incision oblong, elongated and almond-shaped. How can this be achieved? Let's look at some examples.

How to make round eyes almond-shaped?

Choose the necessary palette of cosmetics (eye shadow, eyeliner, pencil and mascara) depending on the shade of the iris, skin color and eyes.

Step 1. Having determined the colors of the eyeshadows, apply the lightest shade to the entire surface of the upper eyelid. This will create a foundation for your makeup.

Step 2. With shadows of a darker shade, paint the eyelid, focusing on the outer corner. This will stretch the corner of the eye slightly, making it oblong. Use matte shadows as a base; use pearlescent shadows to create an angular triangle.

Step 3. Using the same shade of eyeshadow, line up the lower eyelid and softly blend the border at the outer edge. The resulting "triangle" will create the desired effect of an almond-shaped incision.

Step 4. Carefully draw arrows on the round eyes. We use a contour pencil or eyeliner, apply a thin arrow along the lash line on the upper eyelid and slightly go beyond the outer corner. The almond-shaped incision will be more pronounced if the arrow is thicker at the outer corner of the eye.

Step 5. Apply lengthening mascara on the eyelashes, passing obliquely to the outer edge. We paint over only the upper eyelashes with ink, and leave the lower ones unpainted - this will save you from unnecessary volume in this case.

Makeup for round brown eyes

The makeup technique can be used by blonde and dark-haired girls. The only difference will be in the choice of this or that shade of shadows. Let's take a closer look at step-by-step makeup for round eyes:

Step 1. The complexion should be perfectly even. In order to achieve the best effect, a light foundation and powder are applied to the skin. The area around the eyes should be brightened as much as possible using concealer.

Step 2. Solid shadows are applied to the entire surface of the upper eyelid (from the inner to the outer corner). Depending on your eye and skin tone, you can use beige, pink, peach or pastel shades. If the eyes are set wide apart, then the shadows lightly touch the bridge of the nose, which will visually reduce the distance between the eyes.

Step 3. Draw arrows. Which arrows are suitable for round eyes? There may be several options. The shape of the arrows for round eyes is selected based on the created image. Arrows can be drawn with a pencil or with eyeliner if you are skilled enough.

Step 4. Now is the time to emphasize the eyes with shades of saturated color. If the distance between the eyes is normal, then it is enough to draw shadows along the fold line of the upper eyelid and gently shade the border. With widely spaced eyes, shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eye, forming a semicircle. Close-set eyes need to be "moved apart" a little, for which the inner corner of the upper eyelid is carefully painted over with shadows.

Step 5. Eyelashes are carefully painted over with mascara, applying it in 1 layer.

Makeup for round brown eyes (photo)

Round Blue Eyes Makeup

What could be easier than putting on big blue eyes? Perfect shape, perfect color. But in fact, with inept handling of cosmetics and ignorance of the basics of applying makeup, you can become like a doll or, conversely, look vulgar. Natural makeup will turn out if you use pink, blue and gray shadows, eyeliner and black mascara.

Step 1. Apply concealer on the eyelids, gently blend it and dust the eyelids with powder.

Step 2. Apply peach or pink shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid, shade it. Gently draw the lower eyelid. If you suffer from circles under the eyes, and cannot get rid of them, use eye shadow pink with a peach tint.

Step 3. On the base created with peach shadows, apply shadows of gray color and gently blend them towards the eyebrows.

Step 4. Draw the arrows for round eyes very carefully, using a dark gray eyeliner. Some people manage to draw beautiful arrows using a regular pencil. This can also be done, especially since the pencil contour is easily shaded, creating the necessary darkening zones for individual areas. When performing makeup for bulging round eyes, the eyeliner should also be applied to the inner surface of the lower eyelid and bring the arrow to the corner of the eye.

Step 5. Apply gray shadows to the inner corner of the upper movable eyelid, and blue shadows to the middle of the eyelid. We softly shade the border between them.

Step 6. The final step is to apply beige or peach blush and pale pink lipstick - this will help to complete the light and airy look.

Makeup for gray round eyes follows the same rules as for blue eyes. The shades of the eyeshadow can be chosen depending on the color of the iris or the color of the outfit.

Round Green Eyes Makeup

It is easy to accentuate spectacular green eyes if you know some tricks. Here you can use fairly bright saturated tones of cosmetics. For daytime makeup, use more muted shades, for evening makeup, you can choose a bold solution with contrasting transitions. Let's look at makeup for green round eyes step by step.

Step 1. Prepare the skin around the eyes for makeup: apply concealer, make the color solid and powder the surface.

Step 2. Apply copper-colored shadows to the entire surface of the upper eyelid (if the makeup is daytime, choose calm sand tones).

Step 3. Apply brown shadows on the movable eyelid and blend, achieving a smooth transition between shades. If the eyes are deeply set, then you can highlight them by painting over the fold with burgundy or dark brown shadows.

Step 4. Now it's time to draw arrows for the large round eyes in green. They use a brown pencil or eyeliner. Arrows can be of different shapes. It is worth remembering that when the eyelids are hanging, it is better to abandon the arrows so that the look does not seem heavier.

Step 5. Apply mascara to the eyelashes in 1 layer, carefully paint over the eyebrows. Apply some bronze shadows on the cheekbones.

It is easiest to apply makeup if you have large round eyes and a round face shape. Makeup artists advise in this case to avoid over-adjustments. It is enough to get by with a simple eyeliner and apply a light shadow. The eyes will become more expressive and bright. We offer makeup for round eyes and round faces (video).

Makeup for small round eyes

It has its own secrets for applying makeup and using cosmetics. Let's take a closer look at what to do and what to avoid so that small round eyes acquire an almond shape and become more expressive.

1. For visual lengthening and widening of the eyes, use a light eyeliner. The shade should be chosen lighter than the skin around the eyes, apply a contour to the upper eyelid and lower eyelid. Additionally, you can use a light brown eyeliner by drawing a line next to the main light arrow.

2. The inner corner of the upper eyelid is highlighted with shadows. Starting from the middle to the outer corner, apply shadows of a darker shade, forming neat arrows. The shade of the shadows is chosen in such a way as to create a strong contrast with the color of the iris. For dark eyes, choose a pale shadow, the lighter the eyes, the brighter the shadows.

3. For small eyes, it is important to use such an additional technique as applying light shadows under the eyebrows.

4. Mascara is applied to the eyelashes growing at the outer corner of the eye. It is better to choose a curling mascara that will curl your lashes upwards.

Evening makeup for round eyes

When going to a party, it is important to devote a lot of time to your appearance so that the image is bright and complete. The right makeup will hide some of the problems and create the right accents. Many girls mistakenly believe that in the dim light of nightclubs, minor skin imperfections will be invisible. In fact, the smallest imperfections in the skin or improperly applied makeup are immediately striking.

Step 1. Applying the tone. Pre-cleanse the skin, scrub it if possible. This will level the surface and prepare it for the application of the foundation, which should lie flawlessly. It is better to use creams and fluids with a light texture as a foundation.

Step 2. Evening makeup for round eyes is performed in bright, eye-catching shades. A base is applied to the upper and lower eyelids. Shadows can be dark gray, marsh brown, peach and even bronze. Be sure to use eyeliner when drawing an arrow that thickens towards the outer corner of the eye. Mascara is applied only to the upper eyelashes, painting over them especially carefully at the outer corner.

Step 3. Apply lipstick to lips. The brighter the eyes are, the softer the lipstick shade should be. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, it is best to apply a regular gloss to the lips.

Step 4. For evening make-up use a powder-based blush. Blush of a creamy texture makes the face too heavy, makes it look older.

Depending on the type of event, makeup options may vary. For example, New Year's makeup for round eyes can be viewed.

Smoky ice for round eyes

Step 1. Equalize the skin color around the eyes using concealer, dust the eyelids with transparent powder (this will improve the durability of the cosmetics applied further).

Step 2. Draw a neat line along the growth of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid. Feather the line with a brush so that it becomes slightly smudged.

Step 3. Apply black shadows to the upper eyelid, as if driving in cosmetics (do not smear). Apply a graphite shade a little higher. Finally, apply shadows in a light gray shade. We blend the cosmetics so that there are no abrupt transitions.

Step 4. Apply light gray shadows to the lower eyelid as well. By doing

Big eyes have always been considered the undoubted dignity of every girl, because they make the appearance more expressive. Moreover, any make-up is suitable for such representatives of the fair sex. However, it should be borne in mind that makeup for large eyes has some peculiarities. For example, the wrong choice of shadows can ruin the whole image. How do you create a harmonious and attractive composition?

Makeup according to eye color

To emphasize the beauty of the eyes, when choosing cosmetics, you need to take into account their color scheme:

Features of makeup for brown eyes

Makeup for brown eyes deserves a separate mention, since there is no brown color in the spectrum. Makeup for brown eyes can have several variations. This makeup can be done in both dark and light interpretations. To create a daytime look, it is worth choosing light colors, while a festive composition requires the use of dark shades.

To accentuate the golden hue of the iris of brown eyes, you can use turquoise or lavender eyeshadows. To highlight the depth of brown eyes, makeup artists choose white and gray tones. Plum, purple, blue-gray colors will also be an excellent option. For brown eyes, golden and bronze shades are perfect.

To make the makeup for brown eyes look beautiful, you need to use at least three shades. As for the choice of mascara, it is better to choose black or brown colors. But with the color of the eyeliner for brown eyes, it is quite possible to experiment.

Eye shape

When creating makeup for large eyes, be sure to take into account their shape.... With the help of properly applied cosmetics, you can correct imperfections and focus on the advantages of appearance.

Execution technique

When doing makeup for large eyes, choose intense matte shades. In this case, the use of sparkles and shiny textures should be abandoned. It is not recommended to use pearlescent shades. When choosing a blush, you should not choose too bright colors.

To get a beautiful make-up, you should adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Apply a foundation under the eyeshadow for long-lasting makeup. After that, you can immediately make up both eyelids with a black pencil.
  2. Apply dark eyeshadow along the lower lash line. You need to start from the middle of the eye and move towards the outer corner.
  3. With the help of light shadows, paint the upper eyelid, slightly going beyond the limits.
  4. Squint your eyes a little and apply a black pencil on the outer corners.
  5. Use dark shadows to paint on the outer corners of the upper eyelid.
  6. Apply white eyeshadow to the inner corners of the eyes and slightly lower the lower eyelid - this will brighten the look.
  7. Apply black mascara.

It is important to remember that overly thin eyebrows are not suitable for girls with big eyes.... They should have medium density and an even curved shape - then the image will look harmonious.

With the help of a properly executed make-up, you can emphasize the dignity of your appearance and focus on the beauty of big eyes. The main thing is to choose the right color scheme for cosmetics and strictly adhere to all the rules for its application. Use our advice and you will certainly succeed. Always be beautiful!