Benefits of grape seed oil for the face. Grape seed oil for the face: reviews, application, benefits. For smoothing out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes

Grape seed oil for the face in cosmetology is used for all skin types. This oil is prized for its light texture. Grape seed oil for the face is quickly absorbed and leaves almost no oily sheen. How good grape seed oil is for the face and how to use it most effectively, you will learn from this material.

Benefits of grape seed oil for the face

Grape seed oil contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, E, PP and a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. How is grape seed oil for the face

  • helps to moisturize and nourish the skin,
  • increases firmness and elasticity,
  • eliminates sluggishness and flabbiness,
  • helps to smooth wrinkles,
  • restores the tone of the skin of the face,
  • at the cellular level, it actively restores and strengthens the cell walls.

Grape seed oil for the face is used quite often in cosmetology. After applying it, the skin acquires a healthy color and shine, it literally begins to glow. With regular use, after a week, the skin becomes velvety and looks well-groomed.

Grape seed oil for the face can be used to solve a variety of problems:

  • elimination of dryness and tightness,
  • anti-wrinkle,
  • against blackheads and acne,
  • for moisturizing and nourishing,
  • as a base for makeup,
  • as a basic care for the skin of the face.

Grape seed oil for face application

Grape seed oil is convenient for its versatility. It is suitable for all skin types, it can be used both in pure form and together with complementary ingredients. Grape seed oil is often used instead of liquid remover makeup, and after this procedure you will not need other cosmetics, as the skin of the face will be sufficiently moisturized and cleansed. For the care of the skin of the face and around the heads, they have a high efficiency applications and compresses with grape seed oil. A facial massage work wonders with grape seed oil, the skin after such a procedure becomes noticeably younger. But first things first. Let's start with how to properly use this oil for different skin types.

Grape seed oil for dry skin

For dry skin, grape seed oil can be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38-40 degrees and applied to cleansed skin. If you use several oils, it is better to mix them in proportions 1: 1 or 1: 2, grape seed oil and other vegetable oil, respectively. Grape seed oil for dry skin can be mixed well with castor oil, wheat germ oil, or shea butter. The most effective way to use grape seed oil for dry face is through masks.

Grape seed oil for oily skin

Pure grape seed oil for oily skin is effective as compresses, applications and lotion to cleanse the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is excellent at shrinking pores, thereby preventing inflammation and blackheads. In addition, this oil does not leave an oily sheen, which is a big plus for oily skin. If you decide to use a mixture of oils, then for oily skin it is better to mix grape seed oil in a ratio of 2: 1 or 3: 1 with other oils, respectively (i.e., grape seed oil is used in larger quantities).

Grape seed oil instead of face cream

Grape seed oil for face contains many useful and necessary elements, therefore it can be used as a basic care. It is very easy to use grape seed oil instead of a face cream, just apply it on a cotton pad and wipe your face twice a day, morning and evening. After application, it is better to lightly hammer the oil into the skin with your fingertips. Moreover, it is excellent as a day and night cream. If necessary, a few minutes after application, you can blot excess oil with a dry cloth. As a makeup base, grape seed oil is also excellent for all skin types.

Grape seed oil face recipes

Grape seed oil for the face can be used as a base for masks, make applications with it, compresses and face massage. Below you will find popular recipes with grape seed oil for the face.

Grape seed oil face masks

Grape seed oil mask for oily skin

  • 5 ml of aloe juice
  • 1-2 drops of rosemary, tea tree or lavender essential oil

This composition can be kept on the face as a mask for 15-20 minutes or used as a natural face toner. This recipe will help moisturize and cleanse your skin, tighten pores, and prevent inflammation.

The recipe contains essential oils with an antiseptic effect, you can use any of your choice instead.

Grape seed oil mask for dry skin

  • 5 ml grape seed oil
  • 5 ml castor oil
  • 5 ml olive oil
  • 1-2 drops of essential oil optional

All base oils are mixed and heated in a water bath to 38-40 degrees (oil at room temperature can also be used). Add essential oil and apply on cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. Then, if desired, we either blot the excess oil with a dry napkin, or wash our faces with a pre-prepared decoction of chamomile or sage. This recipe will help smooth out wrinkles and wrinkles, moisturize the skin well. Natural oils restore the skin at the cellular level and help to normalize the oxygen balance of the cells. After such a mask, the skin of the face looks more toned and well-groomed.

Jojoba and grape seed oil for face

  • 5 ml jojoba oil
  • 5 ml grape seed
  • 1-2 drops of sandalwood, patchouli or jasmine essential oil

As in the previous recipe, we heat or do not heat vegetable oils in a water bath, add essential oil. It is good to make not only masks from this composition, but also compresses for the skin around the eyes. The composition is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the area under the eyes for 7-15 minutes. Then the excess oil is removed with a dry cloth.

Grape seed oil for acne face

Grape seed oil has antiseptic properties and can be used with success against acne and blackheads. For this, the oil can be used as a lotion and wipe the skin of the face 2-3 times a day. You can also enhance the antiseptic properties by adding tea tree essential oil. It is enough to first apply the essential oil to the inflammation, and after a few minutes wipe your face with grape seed oil. The essential oil can also be added to the base oil, it is best to do this in the following proportion:

With regular use of these two oils, acne and inflammation will go away. These oils can also be used as a scrub:

  • 5 ml grape seed oil
  • 3-5 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 2 tbsp oatmeal

Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add oils to them and immediately apply to the face. Massage for a few minutes and rinse with cool water. The procedure can be carried out as needed both daily and once a week.

Anti-wrinkle grape seed oil

At the stage of shallow mimic wrinkles, grape seed oil can be used as a basic care product. In this case, it is necessary to apply the oil to the area around the eyes and the nasolabial triangle with light massaging movements on the previously cleansed skin 1-2 times a day. Grape seed oil for the face against wrinkles will also help in the later stages, in this case it is better to use it as part of masks.

Anti-wrinkle grape seed oil face masks

The following blend is made up of vegetable oils that are effective against wrinkles at any stage. Together, they will help with superficial wrinkles and wrinkles. When used regularly together with a facial massage, they are able to smooth out deeper wrinkles. About how best to do a facial massage below. So, you will need:

  • 5 ml grape seed oil
  • 5 ml wheat germ oil
  • 5 ml sweet almond oil
  • 3-5 drops of sandalwood or damask rose essential oil

All ingredients are mixed, applied to a cleansed face for 10-20 minutes on problem areas. Then the excess is removed with a dry cloth or cotton pad. When applying the oil, the face should be as relaxed as possible.

Anti-wrinkle grape seed oil for aging and sagging skin

Anti-wrinkle grape seed oil is effective together with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is found in most anti-aging creams and is sold in ampoules at professional cosmetics stores or pharmacies.

  • 5 ml grape seed oil
  • 2-3 drops of hyaluronic acid
  • essential oil to taste

The mixture is applied along the massage lines in the morning and evening. It is especially effective to apply the composition in the evening 20-40 minutes before bedtime. See the picture below for massage lines.

Anti-wrinkle grape seed oil for tired and dull skin

A mask with grape seed oil and vitamins A and E will also be effective against age-related skin changes. Vitamins in liquid form are sold in most pharmacies, so there should be no problems with their purchase. Vitamins can also be optionally replaced with chicken yolk, which contains a large number of elements necessary for the health of facial skin.

  • 10 ml grape seed oil
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin A
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin E

The composition is applied to cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with cool water. This mask will be an excellent aid in facial skin care. Applying it once a week, you will help your skin stay young and beautiful longer.

Facial massage with grape seed oil

Facial massage with grape seed oil, and with any oil, has a positive effect on smoothing wrinkles and wrinkles. It is not difficult to do a massage on your own using grape seed oil for the face, you just need to follow a few rules:

  1. apply oil along the massage lines as in the picture above. This helps to avoid excessive tension and helps to smooth wrinkles.
  2. after that, lightly pat the wrinkles with the pads of your fingers, promoting the penetration of oil into the folds,
  3. And, most interestingly, you need to squeeze the wrinkles outward, pinching the skin not along, but across the grooves of the wrinkles. At this step, we pass each wrinkle 3-5 times with small tweaks. For example, we pass each wrinkle on the forehead with small transverse tweaks from the center to the temples.

Facial massage can be performed with or without oil. By combining these two procedures, you provide the skin with both the necessary nutrition and hydration, as well as mechanical smoothing of wrinkles.

Now you know how to use grape seed oil for your face, apply natural cosmetics, take care of your beauty!

You don't have to visit beauty salons to stay young and beautiful. Folk recipes that use grape seed oil can work wonders. It is perfect for the care of different types of dermis, saturates with useful substances, nourishes and protects against harmful factors.

Beneficial features

The product contains many valuable substances: linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic acid, phenols and vitamin E.

Possesses useful properties:

  • eliminates inflammation;
  • is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process;
  • relieves itching, irritation;
  • eliminates allergic reactions;
  • destroys germs and bacteria.

The molecules in this product are small in size. Thanks to this, it does not clog pores and removes imperfections.

How the oil is obtained

The product appeared thanks to winemakers, who noticed that the substance obtained by pressing grape seeds can have many uses. To this day, it is used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology.

For production on an industrial scale, the bones are crushed and extracted, that is, the mass is pulled out using extractants. They are hydrocarbons, alkaline compounds, inorganic acids, phosphates. Cold pressing is used in rare cases, as it gives very little finished product.

You can prepare the product yourself. The bones must be dried in the oven at 40-50 degrees. Then they should be grinded with a meat grinder, coffee grinder or blender. Put the resulting mass in a glass container and pour over refined sunflower oil.

Grape seeds will absorb liquid, so it should be added so that it is 1 cm higher than the mass level. Then the jar should be closed and put in the refrigerator for 7 days, stirring once every 2 days.

After a week, the mass is filtered through gauze or cotton cloth and put into the refrigerator for 3 days. During this time, a green layer forms on the surface, which is the final product. It must be removed, put in a dark container and stored in the refrigerator. Despite the fact that the process is quite laborious, you will receive a completely natural product with unique properties.

Indications for use

Grape seed oil has a very light texture. It is completely absorbed without forming an oily sheen, while deeply moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

  • oily skin prone to inflammation;
  • increased secretion of sebum;
  • enlarged pores;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • mature skin;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • cuts and scratches;
  • peeling and redness;
  • sensitive skin (including around the eyes and décolleté).

Grape seed oil is able to transform any skin, it makes the surface soft and velvety. Since this product is natural, it has no contraindications. It can be safely used by people prone to allergies.

Application methods

The product can be used as a substitute for face cream. It is especially suitable for the summer season. If you do not want to give up your favorite care products, just add 1-2 drops per dose. After a while, you will see how your appearance will change.

The oil can be used as a remedy, including for the eyes. To do this, take a cotton swab, moisten it in water, drop a few drops and gently wipe the skin. This procedure will simultaneously cleanse and moisturize the dermis.

Lotions with grape seed oil can eliminate age-related changes on the face. Saturate it with gauze or cotton pads and apply on cleansed face for half an hour. After the exposure time has elapsed, remove the product and blot your face with a dry cloth to remove residues.

If you add coarse sea salt or ground coffee beans to it, you get a natural scrub that will gently massage and cleanse the skin, providing a regenerating effect.

Pure face application

This product contains a large amount of nutrients, so it can be used on its own. For the oil to have an even greater effect, it should be warmed up in a water bath or thoroughly rubbed in your hands before use.

Do not apply too much of the product, 5 drops are enough on the whole face and 2-3 on the area around the eyes. It should be used in courses of 1-2 months, 2 times a year, depending on the severity of the existing problem. The rest of the time, you should use a facial care cosmetics that suits your skin type.

For oily skin, it is better to use it as a cleanser or make scrubs and peels on its basis. The substances included in the composition normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, cleanse the pores, eliminate inflammation and remove traces of acne. If you add 2 drops of tea tree or lemon ether to it, you can achieve an even greater effect.

Skin that begins to lose its firmness or is prone to dryness requires deep hydration. Masks or lotions with grape seed oil are great for this. An equal serving of olive oil or avocado can be added as an additional moisturizer. If your dermis is sensitive, enrich with a few drops of ylang ylang, lavender or rose ether.

Face masks

Using homemade masks, you will achieve results that are not inferior in efficiency to salon procedures:

For the bold type... Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal, mix with coffee grounds in the same proportion, add 1 tsp. grape seed oil and mix thoroughly. Then apply on face, paying special attention to the t-zone, for 20 minutes and rinse.

For dry type... Take 1 tbsp. l. banana and melon pulp, mix with 1 tbsp. l. grape seed oil and 1 tsp. honey. Apply to skin for 15 minutes and rinse.

For mature skin... Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream, 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and the same amount of grape seed oil. Apply the mask to the skin and wash off after 20 minutes.
The course of masks is 10-15 procedures at intervals of 2-3 days.


This product does not cause allergic reactions or intolerances. But it is recommended to carry out a sensitivity test before use. Do not apply oil to open wounds and mucous membranes.

Contact with eyes should be avoided. You should not use cosmetic oil inside, for this special varieties are sold in stores with a mark "Virgin" or "Extra virgin".

Keep track of the expiration date. At low temperatures, it is stored for no more than 2 years, after which it becomes hazardous to health. If you notice itching or redness after use, see a dermatologist.

The beneficial properties of natural ingredients in cosmetics are beyond doubt. One of these active additives is grape seed oil for the face, which is widely used in creams, masks, lotions, serums, etc.

It is a unique product that can be used on all skin types. To understand where this product has such extraordinary medicinal properties, you should carefully study its composition.

Oil composition

Grape seed oil contains a large amount of nutrients, amino acids and vitamins. It includes:

  • vitamin A - retinol. It promotes the growth of renewed cells and slows down their aging;
  • B vitamins, which also help preserve youthful skin;
  • vitamin C - accelerates the production of collagen, thanks to which the skin remains firm and elastic;
  • vitamin E is the most valuable substance in the composition. This vitamin saturates the skin with moisture, prevents dryness, improves complexion;
  • vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid - evens out the skin and transforms its color;
  • tannins - shrink pores, tighten the upper layers of the skin;
  • procyanide - a natural antioxidant that regularly renews the cells of the dermis;
  • linoleic acid - actively nourishes and moisturizes, prevents peeling;
  • polyphenols - have bactericidal properties;
  • chlorophyll - cleanses and regenerates the skin.

One has only to look at this impressive list to understand why the use of grape seed oil is so popular in cosmetology.

Grape seed oil has long earned respect among beauticians, cosmetics manufacturers, and natural skin and hair care advocates. This lightweight oil with a rich composition is ideal for the skin around the eyes. Using it alone, in pure form, or in combination with other means, you can significantly improve the condition and appearance of this area of ​​the face and slow down the development of age-related changes.

Composition and preparation of the product

One of two technologies is used to create grape seed oil: hot extraction or cold pressing. The latter method of obtaining allows you to save the maximum number of useful compounds in the finished product, therefore, it is recommended to use just such a product for cosmetic purposes. When buying it, opt for reputable manufacturers. For example, high quality products are created by Italian, French and Argentine brands.

The main advantage of grape oil is vitamin E and the substance procyanide, which, without exaggeration, is the strongest natural antioxidant.

In addition, grape seed oil contains other antioxidants, proteins, a whole range of other vitamins (especially a lot of A, C, B) and many micro and macro elements. The composition also contains bioflavonoids and chlorophyll, it causes a slightly greenish tint to the oil.

The fatty acids that form the basis of the product are linoleic and oleic. In addition to them, palmitic, arachidic, linolenic, palmitoleic and stearic are also present in smaller quantities. Linoleic acid, which is the basis of grape oil, is not produced by the human body, but it plays a role in maintaining health. It prevents an increase in blood cholesterol levels, normalizes blood pressure and protects the heart, therefore it must come from the outside.

Properties and benefits for the skin

It is a liquid of low viscosity, light, fluid, having a light yellow color with a slight shade of green, it does not smell. In folk medicine, the anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties of grape seed oil are valued, it is also used to prevent the development of tumors, to strengthen the vascular walls, cleanse the kidneys, lower cholesterol and increase the body's defenses.

In skin recipes, this oil is best combined with geranium, wheat germ, fennel, orange and mandarin, jojoba, and sweet almond oils.

In cosmetology, this product is respected for the following properties:

  • cleansing the skin, removing toxins from it;
  • equally useful for oily, dry and combination skin;
  • fights wrinkles and sagging;
  • heals and refreshes the complexion;
  • due to its light consistency, it is well absorbed into the skin, thereby ensuring the delivery of a maximum of beneficial compounds deep into the tissues;
  • effective as a component of anti-cellulite products;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • destroys bacteria, therefore it is suitable for the treatment and care of problem skin;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • useful for eliminating dermatitis, streptoderma, acne.

Eye Contour Recipes

Thanks to its light and delicate texture, grape seed oil is ideal for the skin around the eyes. It combines very well with almond oil, so they can be combined in equal proportions and used as a classic recipe for this sensitive area of ​​the face. It is better to moisten a soft cloth in an oil mixture and apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes, then wipe with a cloth soaked in warm water.

If wrinkles are visible near the eyes, then daily use of grape seed oil 2 tsp for the skin will be more effective. with added to it the ether of rose, limet or sandalwood (1 drop).

For a rejuvenating and nourishing and even whole face, it is useful to do regular, every 2 days, oil applications, the composition for which is as follows:

  • grape seed oil ½ tbsp. l .;
  • avocado oil ½ tbsp l .;
  • essential essences of rose, lemon, rosemary, 2 drops;
  • rosewood ether 2 drops;
  • aloe juice 1-2 tsp

This mixture should be moistened with gauze or a soft cotton towel and applied over the entire face. The duration of the application is up to half an hour. After that, wipe the skin with a damp cotton swab. Regular use of this recipe has a beneficial effect on the texture and complexion, smoothes unevenness and reduces wrinkles.

Grape seed oil can also be used to make eye makeup remover. To do this, add a tablespoon of grape oil and ½ tbsp to 50 ml of rose water. l. cosmetic (not essential!) chamomile. Shake, apply to a cotton ball and remove eye makeup.

If the wrinkles around the eyes become more visible and deeper, a mixture of the following oils is recommended:

  • grape seeds 1-1.5 tsp;
  • fennel essential 1 drop;
  • neroli 1 drop;
  • limetta 2 drops;
  • carrot seed 1 drop.

Alternatively, you can apply a simpler eye contour mixture consisting of a teaspoon of grape and two drops of carrot seed essential oil. Of the base oils, grape can be combined with rosehip oil, and to preserve the beauty of the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes, mix them in a ratio of 6: 4, respectively, and enrich them with essential oils of neroli (3 drops) and limetta (1 drop). It can also lighten dark circles under the eyes a little.

If barley appears on the eye, try 2-3 times a day to apply cotton pads dipped in a mixture of oils: almond, grape, as well as essential oils of tea tree, chamomile, carrot on the skin of the eyelids. The ratio of base 10 ml: 4 ml and ether dropwise 2: 4: 2, respectively.

The systematic use of grape seed oil to care for the skin around the eyes will help preserve the beauty and youth of this area of ​​the face.

Since ancient times, grape seed oil has been considered a real elixir of youth. The content of minerals and elements valuable for the whole body makes it possible to use it not only for medical purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes. Due to the content of plant polyphenols, the product is structurally similar to female hormones - estrogens.

The oil was loved in many ways due to its lightness and quick absorption. It has antioxidant properties and removes harmful radicals. Grape oil normalizes the functioning of cells and sweat glands. It affects the formation, renewal and normal functioning of cells throughout the body.

How oil is made

French, Spanish, Italian and Argentinean companies are considered world leaders in the production of a valuable product today. It is known two methods of making butter.

The cold pressing method is the most environmentally friendly. For cooking, oils are first prepared that are not contaminated with organic impurities. Then they are put under pressure. When pressed, oil is obtained in small volumes. This method retains more valuable elements and allows you to get a high quality product.

Advice! When choosing a product, keep in mind the ability of the oil to retain its value when heated. This quality is commonly used in cooking.

Hot extraction is another common method. Oil is produced from pre-peeled and crushed seeds. Then, extraction is carried out by heating and adding organic solvents. This method makes it possible to make a large amount of inexpensive product. The concentration of useful elements in it is low, as is the final cost.

How to choose the right product

Used in medicine for oral administration and therapeutic massages. In the cosmetic industry, it is used to produce hair and skin care products. In cooking - for frying, baking, pickles and salads. Selecting a quality product should be based on your needs.

Reference! Cosmetic oils contain preservatives and esters. Food grade is completely harmless and suitable for eating.

Before proceeding with the selection of oil, familiarize yourself with its composition. This natural product contains 50-80% linoleic acid Omega - 6 and 15-20% oleic acid Omega - 9. For the treatment of varicose veins and rosacea, choose oils with a proanthocyanid content of at least 90%.

It is better to give preference to cold pressed oil. Check its consistency. evidence of good quality will be a thick viscous mass, leaving streaks on the walls of the vessel.

Advice! A high-quality natural product is not a cheap pleasure, but you shouldn't overpay for a brand either.

An important aspect is the smell. Real oil does not smell like grapes at all, but gives off light nutty notes. Its color ranges from yellow to dark green, which will depend on the level of chlorophyll.

Overview of grape seed oils

For face

The valuable vitamin E contained in the oil has a rejuvenating effect. It smoothes wrinkles and influences the formation of collagen and elastane. When using the oil, the pores are narrowed and the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized. It has anti-inflammatory and acne-fighting properties. The skin is quickly nourished and healthy looking.

For hair

Linoleic acid, which is part of the oil, is able to regenerate the hair structure, heal and cleanse the vessels of the head. Healing masks give curls a beautiful look and strengthen weak ends.

For massage

The oil helps in the fight against cellulite, burns fat and gives elasticity. It tightens pores, allows the skin to breathe and creates a natural protective layer.

Beneficial features

Grape oil is highly absorbent, penetrates easily into fabrics and does not form a shine. It tones and forms a beautiful complexion. Its anti-bacterial properties help get rid of acne and blackheads... The product moisturizes the skin for a long time and prevents flaking.

The oil restores elasticity and fights aging. Revitalizing properties heal wounds, cuts and abrasions. The healing effect has a healing agent on the skin affected by eczema, psoriasis or ulcers.

Applying masks

In the cosmetic industry, grape oil, along with other natural or essential oils, is included in the main composition of face masks.

Advice! To get the best effect, choose oils that you are not allergic or intolerant to. You can check this by applying a few drops to your hand.

The value of masks lies in their versatility and the fact that they suit all skin types. Remarkably, they help address a wide range of skin problems from acne to dryness. Preparing masks can be done quickly and easily at home.


Despite the high value of the product, its use has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use the oil either for food or for cosmetic purposes for people with grape intolerance or allergy. With extreme caution, it is worth using oil for cholelithiasis.

Attention! In the case of using the oil for treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor about its compatibility with other drugs.

It is important to monitor dosage when using medications. It is harmless in small quantities. However, if the doses are exceeded, dizziness, pain in the head and abdomen, and nausea occur.

How to use

Before using grape seed oil, it is recommended that you do a small allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount to the skin of your hand and leave it on for a couple of minutes. In case of intolerance, redness and itching will appear.

Important! Be careful when buying oil. It is better to purchase the product from well-established manufacturers, pharmacies or specialized stores. This will help to avoid counterfeits and low quality.

For eyelashes

Vitamin E-rich grape seed oil, can increase the volume and length of eyelashes. It deeply nourishes and moisturizes the bulbs.

Most often, for daily procedures, they take a cotton pad, moisten it with warm water and add a couple of drops of oil. After that, they wipe the skin around the eyes and dip the eyelashes. The excess is removed with a napkin.

You can nourish the lashes and eyebrows with the oil neat. To do this, a cotton swab or mascara brush is enveloped in oil and carefully applied. To strengthen the eyelashes, the procedure is carried out every evening on previously cleansed skin. For eyebrows, the frequency is twice a day.

Attention! Apply the product carefully to avoid contact with the mucous membrane. Otherwise, redness or swelling of the eyelids may occur.

Around eyes

The oil is able to visibly reduce wrinkles, lighten dark circles, give elasticity and beautiful color.

  • In classic procedures, take a soft tissue or cotton swab and moisten them in oil. Then it is applied to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. You can wipe the leftovers with a napkin.
  • A mixture of the following oils can help fight visible wrinkles. Add to 2 tsp. grape oil, 1 bar each. rose or sandalwood oil. It is important to repeat the manipulations every day and not to exceed the dosage.
  • For deep hydration and rejuvenation, you can make special applications every 2 days. To do this, combine half a tablespoon. grape oil, the same amount of avocado oil, 2 k. essential oils of rose, rosemary, lemon and 2 tsp. aloe juice. Dip a napkin with the prepared mixture, press it against your face and leave it for half an hour. Then wipe your skin with a warm, damp pad.
  • A mixture of 6 bar of grape oil, 4 bar of rosehip oil, 3 bar of neroli oil and 1 bar of limette will help to visibly lighten the circles under the eyes.

Grape seed oil mask recipes

Advice! Apply all masks and facials to cleansed skin. It is advisable to wash off the remnants of the masks with warm water without using soap.


Excellent results in moisturizing the skin are shown by a mask of 100 g of fatty yogurt, juice of 1 lemon, 10 ml of grape seed oil and 4 - 5 K. of any essential oil. The mixture must be stirred and applied to the skin for 20 minutes every day.


Complex nutrition and saturation of the skin with microelements can be given with the help of the following mask. To prepare, mix 1 tsp. grape oil, half a tsp jojoba oil, half a tsp wheat oil, 4 tbsp. therapeutic mud, chamomile tea, 4 k. rose oil and 1 k. jasmine. Leave the mixture to dry completely and rinse off gently.

With normal skin

The following remedy will help restore tone and a beautiful appearance to normal skin. Mix 1 tsp. grape and almond oil. Dip a cotton pad in the mixture and apply to your skin. Cover with a napkin and let sit for 20 minutes. Remove residual oil with a clean disc.

For oily skin

For daily care of oily skin with enlarged pores, a mixture of equal proportions of grape and avocado oils is suitable. Apply them to clean skin and leave on for 20 minutes. Remove excess with a napkin.

You can use a mask of juice of 1 freshly squeezed orange, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. grape oil and 2 tbsp. camphor alcohol. Stir the mixture and apply for 20 minutes, then rinse your face with water.

For dry skin

A mask of cocoa diluted in a cup of milk and 1 tsp will help to bring back to life prone to dry skin. grape oil. The gruel is applied to the face, and then the remains are removed with a cotton pad.

For acne

To 1 tbsp. grape oil, add 2 to. essential oils of ylang-ylang, chamomile, sandalwood. This product is gentle, does not cause burns and is suitable for use every day. In the case of single acne or acne, you can apply the mass to the affected areas.

From wrinkles

1 tsp combine grape oil with 1 tsp. jojoba oil. Enrich it with 1 to 2 c. Rose and lemon oils. Warm the mixture in a water bath to body temperature and apply to the skin. Cover with plastic wrap and leave for a while. Wash off the remnants of the mask with plain warm water.

Possible errors in application

First of all, you must strictly follow the instructions for using the oils and do not exceed the dosage, otherwise you can cause an allergic reaction.
It is recommended to buy oil from trusted manufacturers or in pharmacies. There is less chance of getting a fake.
To obtain a visible effect, all procedures using oil should be carried out regularly and according to the instructions.

Today, the grape elixir of youth is available to everyone. The wide range of beneficial properties of the oil allows it to be used to solve many skin problems, as well as for daily care.

Useful video

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of the oil and its use for face, body and hair care from the video.