Glycolic acid ointments. Glycolic acid in cosmetology - properties, application, the best care products. Whitening and smoothing complexion

Is it suitable for the face? Are there any contraindications to its use? Let's try to understand this issue.

On the safety of using glycolic acid

This substance is classified as natural. Together with malic, lactic, and grape glycolic acid, it is classified as a fruit compound.

To obtain this organic compound, glycolic acid needs small molecular sizes, which allows the substance to easily penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, quickly giving a positive result.

Contraindications to use

When using preparations containing retinoids (synthetic derivatives of vitamin A) to eliminate acne, a glycolic acid face serum is not recommended.

It is also advisable to abandon procedures with this substance for those women who have warts and scars on their face. Instead of a concentrated product, you can use a glycolic peel. After tanning, 5-6 weeks should pass, only after that you can use a cream with glycolic acid for the face.

In case of sunburn, such cosmetic procedures are allowed after 14 days. Glycolic acid for the face is not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

On the concentration of the active substance in cosmetics

Despite its organic origin, this substance often causes severe chemical burns. In the modern cosmetic market, there are quite a lot of various products containing this component. with glycolic acid Sinsation Cosmetics is suitable for all skin types. In creams, it is not more than 5%, in peels - up to 70%.

If the product is purchased for daily care of sensitive skin, it is better to buy products in which there is no more than 1% glycolic acid. With such a cream or milk, you can even out the tone, moreover, get a good anti-inflammatory effect. If the product contains more than 20% acid, it is advisable to use it no more than 1-2 times a week.

Peels with 50-70% concentration for home use are not suitable, as they lead to significant burns.

The specifics of the choice of cosmetics

Many women are guided by advertisements and product price ranges when choosing facial skin care products. This method cannot be called correct, because it does not take into account the composition of the drug, the ability of the ingredients to have the desired effect.

In order for the skin of the face to always be in good shape, protein, elastin, collagen must be produced. There are two main substances that stimulate the production of these components: hydroxy acids and retinoids. Glycolic acid is the most important for the face, it makes it healthy, youthful, attractive.

Specificity of action

The rejuvenating effect of the glycolic acid face serum is the main reason for its popularity. Products containing glycolic acid make the skin firm, matte and smooth.

Reviews on the effectiveness of products based on glycolic acid

Many women prefer glycolic acid facial exfoliation. Reviews of those who have already experienced miraculous anti-aging agents are mostly positive. The cost of the procedure is quite high, but the effect that can be achieved after using glycolic acid justifies the material spent. All women who have tried peeling with this component on themselves note an increase in skin elasticity, smoothing of small wrinkles, and restoration of its natural color. With regular use, glycolic acid is beneficial for the face, because it provides a full balance of nutrients, stimulates the exfoliation of dead cells.

The results of studies carried out in specialized laboratories prove the effect of acid on the activity of the internal reserves of the skin. Cells exposed to this organic matter divide rapidly, stopping the aging process. As a result, the face has an excellent appearance over a substantial period of time.

Acne treatment

Girls, on whose face acne constantly appears, experience psychological discomfort, they form various complexes, and their self-confidence disappears. Is it possible, armed with glycolic acid, to eliminate unpleasant rashes from the face? Fruit acid is used in cosmetology and to eliminate acne, as it removes the top layer, dead cells.

Optionally, it can be carried out on an acid basis. For prevention, you can use a 10% concentration, and for deep treatment, increase it to 80%. The first 2-3 procedures lead to the disappearance of oily sheen, improvement of microcirculation, increased production of collagen, normalization of metabolic processes in the skin.

Cosmetologists remind you that redness will appear on the face after the therapeutic peeling. It stays on the skin for 3-4 days and then disappears.

Indications for use

Preparations based on glycolic acid are suitable for aging and fading skin, correction of facial imperfections, elimination of blackheads, freckles. A cream based on this substance allows you to treat the consequences of a serious acne: thickening, pits, irregularities, spots. In addition to glycolic acid, acne can be treated with boric acid.

Glycolic acid experts call an exfoliant, which is often used in the production of cosmetic products. As an active ingredient with a high penetrating ability, glycolic acid has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Glycolic acid cream belongs to anti-age, since the main function of such products is intense hydration, nutrition and a lifting effect.

Another useful property of glycolic acid face creams is their antibacterial effect, which helps fight acne and prevent skin breakouts.

How does glycolic acid cream work?

Glycolic acid is a unique substance that easily penetrates even the deepest layers of the skin. The table below shows how it affects each layer:

Skin layers

Action of glycolic acid

Stratum corneum of the epidermis

  • elimination of dead cells;
  • alignment of the relief;
  • restoration of a healthy color;
  • acceleration of cellular renewal;
  • improving the penetration of cosmetic ingredients and beneficial components.

Dermal connective tissue

  • restoration of the physiological rhythm of cell division;
  • improving skin texture;
  • an increase in young cells.

Basal layer of the epidermis

  • acceleration of the processes of production of collagen and elastin;
  • increased turgor;
  • intense hydration.

Glycolic acid is found in sugar beets, grapes, and sugar cane. In its natural form, it has a short molecular chain, which allows it to penetrate deeply enough.

Who are glycolic acid creams suitable for?

Glycolic acid is multifunctional because it can solve a wide range of problems:

  • acne, blackheads, acne, other types of skin rashes;
  • wrinkles(shallow, fatigue-related faces, as well as deep facial expressions caused by age-related changes);
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin , freckles, redness;
  • loss of a healthy complexion;
  • loss of elasticity and skin elasticity;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • bumpy skin.

The products that contain this component have cleansing properties. Often on store shelves you can see peeling creams with glycolic acid, as well as products for washing and removing makeup.

Glycolic acid has a slight brightening effect, therefore not only gives the skin a revitalized look, but also effectively fights various types of pigmentation. Glycolic acid cream is also widely used to treat problem skin prone to acne and other types of breakouts.

How to use glycolic acid face cream?

When buying products with glycolic acid, it is necessary to take into account some of its features and nuances, since improper use can lead to rashes and skin irritation. Here are a few rules and guidelines that are important for anyone planning to purchase a glycolic acid face cream.

  • Careful with the sun. It turns out that glycolic acid makes the skin more susceptible to solar ultraviolet light. Therefore, after applying the "glycolic" cream, you may find that after walking in the sun, redness and pigmentation appear on the face. It is recommended to additionally use products with SPF 30-50 every time you go outside in sunny weather.
  • Gradual addiction. Glycolic acid is a bad joke: your skin needs to get used to it gradually. Start with a cream containing low concentration of glycolic acid (5%). With long-term use, you can gradually switch to higher concentration products.
  • We monitor the acidity level. When choosing a drug or cream, pay attention to the acidity level. It must be at least 3 and not higher than 4.
  • Be careful with other cosmetics. If glycolic acid face cream is not the only remedy you use every day, be careful when choosing related products, as not everything can be combined with this cream. It is advisable not to use it simultaneously with harsh scrubs and aggressive products based on alcohol, eucalyptus and calendula tinctures, as otherwise serious irritation may appear. Glycolic acid cream works well with cosmetics that soothe and soften the skin.
Examples of products with glycolic acid

  • Peeling cream with glycolic acid Glyco-A (ISIS Pharma) - a unique product that helps to gently cleanse the skin of impurities and bacteria. Such a cream is relevant in the treatment of acne and acne, and is also an effective product for the prevention of their appearance. Price - about 400 rubles.
  • Glycolic acid face creams Glycolic Acid (Reviva Labs) - a series where day and night products with different levels of acid concentration are presented. Moisturize, nourish, regenerate the skin and allow it to recover after the first 2-3 times of use. The approximate price is 1000 rubles.

  • ConcentrateSebiumSerum ( Bioderma) soothes, softens and moisturizes, penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis. With regular use, you will notice an improvement in the general condition of the skin. Glycolic acid - 15%. Price - about 1600 rubles.
  • AmpoulesAlfa—Peeling ( Martiderm) help to activate the natural processes of skin renewal, stimulate metabolism, smooth wrinkles and help fight imperfections in the skin relief. Glycolic acid - 10%. Price - about 2500 rubles.

  • Gel creamAcglicolic Classic Forte (Sesderma) to eliminate dead skin cells, intensively moisturize dry, dehydrated skin, nourish and soften it. Glycolic acid - 10%. The cost is approximately 3000 rubles.
  • SerumAcglicolic Liposomal Serum (Sesderma ) applied to the skin in a small amount. Just a few liquid drops will transform the skin, make it radiant and rejuvenated in no time. This product has a moisturizing function, protects the skin from external factors. Glycolic acid - 6%. The approximate cost is 3500 rubles.

Glycolic acid is actively used in cosmetology. With its help, exfoliation, rejuvenation and other beneficial effects on the skin of the face occur.

Glycolic acid: properties

Glycolic acid is a type of fruit organic matter.

Sugar cane is processed to obtain this chemical compound. Also, glycolic acid is found in grapes and sugar beets.

The list of cosmetic properties of glycolic acid looks impressive. This substance:

softens and exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis;
cleans problem areas of the skin from acne and blackheads;
gives the skin a healthy color;
improves the texture of the epidermis;
stops the aging process of the skin;
affects the production of elastin, making the skin smooth;
brightens the skin of the face, eliminating age spots, including age spots;
moisturizes the skin, penetrating deep into the pores;
stimulates the production of collagen, providing a rejuvenating effect;
relieves the accumulation of fat in enlarged pores;
softens sebum, removing accumulations of dust and dead cells of the epidermis;
stops inflammation caused by the action of negative bacteria.

A cleansing gel with glycolic acid can help with problem skin. If you use it on a daily basis, minor bugs such as blackheads disappear. However, if there are more problems with the epidermis, serious cosmetic procedures are required. These include glycolic acid mesopilling.

Glycolic acid: application

Glycolic acid is widely used in cosmetology.

Peeling based on glycolic acid is common in cosmetology. They even do it at home. Unlike other cosmetic products, glycolic acid is used for rosacea.

Peeling with glycolic acid at home

At home, only superficial peeling is possible. You should not experiment with acid concentrate without knowledge in the field of cosmetology. Peeling with glycolic acid at home will refresh the complexion, make the skin smooth, exfoliate and remove dead skin cells.

Algorithm for peeling with glycolic acid at home:

January 19, 2014 2:04 pm

In a previous post I promised to continue the topic with a story about my own experience and the best products with this active ingredient. I have to admit that squeezing these two aspects of the topic into one article was a daunting task for me. The post came out indecently long, so I again decided to "continue to follow" - forgive generously!

Today - top 5, and in the next publication - the story of my successes and mistakes with ANA and BHA acids.

As always, when compiling the top 5, I thought about the criteria for selecting my favorites. There are glycolic acid products that are great for dry or normal skin but not for oily skin. Others are intended for beginners, but "advanced" acid users will no longer be interested. Still others have, at first glance, good concentrations, but the content of denatured alcohol negates their good intentions. I just immediately excluded such products from the candidates (although I myself used denatured alcohol products, and I liked the effect of them, but I will not recommend them among the best). I wanted to propose a top five, among which everyone can orient themselves on the choice of "their" means, and in the end I got the following list.

1. Acglicolic Liposomal Serum, Sesderma (6% g.c.)

An optimal serum for all skin types, even very sensitive. Ideal for beginners who “want but fear” to try acid care. This serum was launched last year and received not only enthusiastic customer feedback, but also the Spanish Dermopharmaceuticals Award “Best Innovative Anti-Aging Product”.

Combination free glycolic acid and in nanosomes allows you to work out both the superficial and deeper layers of the skin, while without the risk of irritation. Soft-peeling effect, moisturizing, regeneration, skin texture and tone are leveled, fine lines of dryness gradually disappear. Also contains ergothioneine(ergotioneine), vitamins C and E in liposomes, and plant stem cells EryngiumMaritimum- powerful antioxidant effect and improvement of skin elasticity.
Hyaluronic acid, ceramides, soy extract and boswelic acid- have a soothing, moisturizing and protective effect, compensating for the loss of moisture as a result of superficial exfoliation.

Glass bottle 30 ml. with pipette for easy dispensing, 4 drops are enough for one application. It is better to drip them into the palm of your hand and then distribute them from the chin in upward movements, gently massaging. The texture is a liquid serum that spreads easily and absorbs quickly, leaving a feeling of hydrated skin. It can be used even in the summer for night care. For oily skin, this serum alone will most likely be sufficient at night, for dry skin, you can apply a night care on top, after waiting 15 minutes, depending on the needs of the skin. In latitudes with low solar activity, it can be used in day care - after cleansing and before a protective agent. Average price in pharmacies 34 euros.

2. AmpoulesAlfaPeeling, Martiderm (10% ANA)

New this year, presented in packs of 10 and 30 ampoules of 2 ml., Another product for the consistent renewal and regeneration of the skin. Contains 10% alpha hydroxy acids , among which, in addition to glycolic, apple(malic acid), wine(tartaric acid), dairy(lactic acid) and citric acid(citric acid). Due to the rich composition of acids of various spectrum of action, it has a complex rejuvenating effect: stimulates the metabolism in cells and the production of young cells; smoothes the texture of the skin and brightens its tone, whitening age spots; stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, thereby increasing the elasticity and turgor of the skin.

Suitable for all skin types except reactive, always in night care after cleansing. They enhance the effect of subsequent care products (although with oily skin you will hardly want to apply something on top). In addition to acids, they contain marine collagen,hyaluronic acid and DNA complex to increase elasticity and smooth wrinkles. They can be used even in the summer (if you have already used acids before). The contents of the ampoule are designed for several uses - a cap with a lid is included for storage. I applied them to my face and décolleté and consumed an ampoule in 2 nights.

The average price for a pack of 10 ampoules is 17 euros, 30 ampoules - 40 euros.

Complete composition : Aqua, Soluble collagen, Propanediol, Glycolic acid, Lactic acid, Sodium hydroxide, Malic acid, Tartaric acid, Citric acid, Isoceteth-20, Ammonium acryloyl dimethyltaurate / VP copolymer, Sodium hyaluronate, Parfum, Sodium DNA, Sodium benatezoate, Potassium ...

3. Gel-cream Acglicolic Classic Forte, Sesderma, (10% g.c.)

Another remedy from Sesderma, this time - in the texture for combination skin (in the same line there is a rich creamy texture for dry and dehydrated skin, as well as a transparent gel for oily skin, but personally to me it is the gel-cream that seems to be the “golden mean”) ... In addition to glycolic acid (10% in this product), the entire line Acglicolic contains scarlet faith, vitamin E,
plant extracts and natural moisturizing factor (NMF) ... Restores the functional balance of the skin, perfectly moisturizes, gently exfoliates dead cells, increases elasticity and smoothes wrinkles. Prepares the skin for retinoid therapies, depigmentation treatments, acid peels. The skin gains a healthy glow and its color improves.

Air-less bottle 50 ml., Translucent plastic, as you use it, allows you to see the consumption of the product. If you use the product only on the face once a day, the bottle lasts for about 4 months.

Please note that this brand in series AcglicolicClassic there is still a remedy with 8% glycolic acid , from which the manufacturer recommends to start using acids (in this concentration, the word is missing on the packaging Forte- there should only be AcglicolicClassic).

And for those looking for higher concentrations, the line Acglicolic20 (15% glycolic acid) , a very pleasant gel-cream to use, even for oily skin, does not cause redness, does not sting the skin. I have enjoyed using 2 bottles of this product.

Average price of line products AcglicolicfromSesderma(excluding ampoules) 45-50 euros .

4. Concentrate Sebium Serum, Bioderma (15% g.c.)

An active peeling keratolytic with a fairly high concentration of glycolic acid (15%) without the risk of irritation. Designed for oily skin with "adult acne" problems. Enriched with D-panthenol with a softening and soothing effect, and the patent Bioderma Fluidactive, which, acting in the sebaceous ducts (where glycolic acid is not able to penetrate), changes the quality of sebum, preventing it from oxidizing on the surface of the pores, which contributes to an easier release of sebo to the surface and prevents the appearance of "blackheads" and new inflammatory elements. Thus, it successfully combines anti-aging action and fights the problems of comedones, acne and enlarged pores.

The texture is a liquid serum, after application, a sticky film remains on the face for some time (only for night care). In the morning, the skin is fresh, clean, gradually its color and texture are leveled, the pores stay clean longer. It is great to combine this concentrate with a fluid in your morning care to tighten pores and leave your skin matte and smooth.

40 ml tube, average price around 23 euros.


5. Gel Alta Potencia, NeoStrata (20% ANA)

Today - one of my favorite tools, more than once mentioned on the pages of this blog. Of course, it is for those who already used lower concentrations and is looking for something more active. Transparent gel (in this texture - for normal and combination skin, in cream - for dry, dehydrated), contains 15% glycolic acid, 3% lactobionic acid and 2% citric acid.

Has an active renewing and rejuvenating effect, perfectly prepares the skin for the absorption of subsequent care products - lifting and firming serums. But in itself, it is a complete anti-aging night care product. I will not pay much attention to it now, since I will describe this gel in detail in my next publication. I will only add that the brand NeoStrata, founded by American dermatologists, is the world leader in the use of AHA and PHA (poly-hydroxy acids, for example, lactobionic acid) in dermopharmaceuticals, they were the first to patent AHA as a cosmetic ingredient and today have dozens of patents in this area.

Air-less bottle, 30 ml., Average price about 48-54 euros.

Have you already used glycolic acid products in your care? What brands and products have made you happy with the results?