Method of positive thinking. How to develop positive thinking

Julia Kayumova
Training "The Art of Positive Thinking"


« The Art of Positive Thinking»


In modern times, stress, anxiety, fear of failure, and often low self-esteem, have firmly entered our lives. It seems to people that a vicious circle of problems, and endless depression will haunt them to the end.

We look around and see tired, sad, sometimes angry people. They lead uninteresting a life: quarrel among themselves, have a lot of family problems, as well as problems at work. The main reason is the attitude towards life. If it is not positive, then life in the same colors is a reflection of our attitude towards it.

Parental attitudes also negatively affect the child. "you must be an excellent student", "You can't do anything", "you won't achieve anything in life", and even often set as an example of another, more successful child. All this affects the future. These negative attitudes usually appear at an older age. But you can change the situation for the better. For this, there is positive thinking.

Positive thinking leads to a positive life. This, in turn, implies the ability to improve.

Target: preservation and strengthening of the psychological and social health of students, the formation of the foundations of a tolerant communicative culture, mastering the skills positive thinking and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in life.


To reveal to students the psychological content of concepts « positive and negative thinking» , "communicative tolerance";

Show value positive thinking for human life and health;

Contribute to the understanding of value positive thinking;

Promote the development of creativity;

Promote skill acquisition positive thinking using an algorithm created by the group.

Duration: training is for 1.5 hours.

Materials and equipment:

A ball of thick soft woolen threads in pastel colors;

A4 paper for each student, pencils, pens.

Lesson progress

Exercise #1 "Compliments in the circle"

Target: to develop the ability to notice positive qualities in people, to express it in a friendly and pleasant way.

Educational psychologist: Good day! Today we will begin our lesson with pleasant words to another person about his skills and virtues. Do you remember what these words are called? Quite right, a compliment. (The teacher-psychologist begins, the children pick up game: stretching the thread and passing the ball to each other, they say compliments to each other.) Have all the compliments been said? Haven't forgotten anyone? Now try to gently pull the thread. What do you feel? (The feeling of our partners, we are all connected with each other, we are one, something in common has formed between us.) Yes. And how are we connected with you, what has united us so much now? (Good, kind words). Right. In the meantime, the words are not spoken out loud, as they are called (Our thoughts.) So, now we are connected by kind, positive thoughts about each other!

Look, I sent a good thought into the circle, and it returned to me, albeit expressed in other words. Do you think my mood improved, did I have more positive energy, strength? And you? Now, imagine that I would send one of you a bad idea (ridicule, resentment, irritation, etc.) and you have a black thread in your hands now. What do you think I would get back from the circle? Yes, most likely, I would now hold the two black ends of the thread. How would this affect me? (Bad mood, self-doubt, negative thoughts about others, maybe a deterioration in health if this condition is long). Let's wind up our ball of bright thoughts and summarize our reasoning.

Issues for discussion:

1. Why is it important to have a positive emotional attitude, self-confidence, positive thoughts about others, accepting someone else's opinion, even if it differs from yours and. T. ?

2. Why is it important to be able to communicate with each other (to have a tolerant communication culture?

Lecture: positive thinking is the road to freedom, to a new standard of living, to success and personal growth. Each person can become a successful creator of his future. After all, our future is only a mental image, an idea that does not yet have a realization and form in the material world. Each person initially has everything necessary to be happy, loved and successful. Our future is the result of our thinking today. Therefore, practice positive thinking- this is the very tool for shaping reality that can change our lives for the better.

What is he positive thinking person?

Surely you have met at least once in your life a person who is surprisingly calm and self-confident. There is no haste in his movements, there is no rudeness in his words. There is a slight, unobtrusive smile on his face. Such a person is loved by children and animals, as if they feel some unknown force emanating from him, deep and endless, warm and kind. Looking at such a person, you can feel his extraordinary balance. As if he knows something about this world that you do not know. Some secret that gives him absolute peace and freedom from worries and anxieties. Moreover, his social status and financial situation play absolutely no role.

If trouble happens to such a person (the concept, by the way, is also very subjective, he first of all asks himself - what good does what happened to me? After all, any problem has two sides. Usually, for some reason, we see only the dark one. And a person with positive thinking knows that there is light, and he is looking for her in life. Seeking and finding!

Positive and negative thinking It is a manifestation of a person's character. And this character must be formed. Be positive, like any other art, requires constant development. No one can speak another language before learning or practicing for some time. Untrained people cannot lift heavy weights, run or swim like an athlete.

To say that everything will be fine, to smile for no reason, or to ignore problems and difficulties without trying to solve them, does not mean to be positive. Nowadays this is called impracticality. "Things are good"- it's irresponsible thinking, because a person is in illusions, but at the same time there is a tendency to worsen, and a person does not want to see this.

Positive people act rather than just dreaming. They look for opportunities and solutions and do not look for someone who is to blame for their troubles. They do not live with their problems, do not feel sorry for themselves and are not victims.

Positive thinking in difficult times

When hard times come, bringing disaster, misfortune and deprivation, what good can happen if you feel discouraged, become negative and consider yourself miserable? Why should circumstances and situations affect your mood and state of mind? positive thinking will not dissolve the prevailing circumstances and conditions, as if by magic, but with positive attitude can improve the situation, and more control over your state of mind, your reactions and behavior.

You can keep thinking about the problems you are facing and even suffer, but you can also refuse to let circumstances influence your mind too much. You cannot always control external circumstances, but you can change your attitude and thinking.

positive thinking not so easy to achieve, especially for people in difficult situations. This idea can't cross their minds with a couple positive thoughts. Some people don't let events affect their minds, so they suffer less and experience more happiness. Even people living at the survival level need positive thinking so that they can improve their situation, albeit slightly.

Even in the midst of war, a person can think about peace. Even in the midst of disasters, people can see the light and seek solace. You can live in fear and negative expectations, but you can try to make things better despite the circumstances. It's a matter of choice.

Influence of thoughts

The influence of thoughts is imperceptible. You just have to remember that positive or negative thoughts, everyone already now contributes to the formation of their quality of life. Ignoring your feelings is a thankless task. When we are honest with ourselves, we are able to work with these qualities. And to achieve some shifts, to get real results, to change. Positive thinking is not Positive thinking is to look the right way and do the right thing. And in order to really do something, it’s usually stupid to make lists of what I don’t have, you need to quickly find out what you own, what are your resources.

positive thinking combines elements and positive, and constructive.

Positive thinking helps calm, constructive response to their own and other people's mistakes, build competent criticism, provide motivation and support. positive thinking- one of the most important tools and an important stage in personal development, the key to business success, interpersonal and inner harmony.

Wherein, positive thinking should be realistic, constructive and responsible. If you are unwell, you have a high fever and a severe cough, you can interpret your condition in different ways, from "Horror, I'm dying" to "Everything is in order, I'm starting to be treated." Second, positive attitude is better for health and for the soul. However, telling yourself and others that this is all nonsense, refusing to gargle and sitting naked in a draft is another thing. Is not positive thinking but stupidity and irresponsibility.

And each of us has the opportunity to choose every day, every minute. We ourselves decide what color to paint our day and our whole life. We ourselves decide: Is a half-full glass half empty or half full? How to respond to the doodles in the living room - a fit of rage or laughter? How to perceive dismissal from work - as the collapse of all hopes or as suddenly opened new horizons?

And so it is in everything, without exception. Just make your choice. Find a foothold in your soul, paint your life in bright light colors, because this is your life. And then, most likely, you will stop thinking about the topic positive thinking- it will simply become your way of life.

Why positive attitude to life is so important?

positive thinking causes positive feelings and emotions: happiness, joy, self-satisfaction, peace, while negative thinking is mainly, negative emotions: fear anger, jealousy, disappointment, despondency;

Positive emotions affect not only psychological health, they strengthen the immune system, increasing resistance to disease; practicing exercises positive thinking you can get rid of a number of diseases caused by negative attitudes and experiences;

Optimism is contagious - you will be able to more easily attract into your life the right and more positive people that will bring you closer to achieving your goals;

positive the mood increases your energy and brings you closer to the fulfillment of your desires, while the negative thinking starts opposite processes

optimistic (positive) thinking - type of thinking where, when solving life problems, a person sees mainly advantages, and not disadvantages; good luck, success and life lessons, not mistakes and bad luck; goals and objectives, not problems; opportunities, not obstacles; their desires and resources, not wants and needs.

Positive thinking is not to ignore the negative. Positive thinking is to look the right way and do the right thing. And in order to really do something, it’s usually stupid to make lists of what I don’t have, you need to quickly find out what you own, what are your resources.

Exercise number 3 Table

Target: the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself, self-acceptance.

Educational psychologist: “Now each of you will draw a table. To do this, take a sheet of paper and divide it into four squares. In the corner of each square put the numbers 1,2,3,4. Further, adolescents work individually with tables: squared

1 square - enter five of your positive qualities;

3 square - five of your qualities that you do not like;

2 square - look at the qualities inscribed in square. 3 and reformulate them so that they look like positive (in terms of your friends);

4 square - look at the qualities inscribed in square. 1 and reformulate them into negative (in terms of your enemies).

Educational psychologist: “Now cover squares 3 and 4 with your palm, and look at squares 1 and 2. See what a wonderful person you are! Conversely, cover squares 1 and 2 with your palm, and look at squares 3 and 4. A terrible picture! Look at the table as a whole. After all, in fact, you described the same qualities. It's all you. Only two points vision: friend and foe. Draw a circle at the intersection of the squares and write a large letter in it "I AM".Then close the square with the palm of your hand. 1 and 2. What a wonderful person you are! Close sq. 3 and 4. Now look at the entire sheet as a whole. Actually the same qualities. Only from different points of view. And now draw at the intersection of square. circle and write a letter in it "I AM"

Discussion. What impression did this exercise make on you? Which qualities were easier to write down and reformulate, which ones were more difficult?

Leading: “In fact, there are no bad and good qualities. There are situations in which quality also interferes, and there are situations in which quality also helps. If we treat our features in this way, we will be able to control their manifestations ourselves, instead of obeying them. Then we can to tell: "I use my quality, not the quality uses me". And now think Q: How do you treat other people? Are there people whom you treat as squares 3, 4?

Exercise number 5. Development methods positive thinking

Educational psychologist: We talked about the fact that there are positive, kind, good thoughts about yourself and those around you, which bring an improvement in mood, a charge of vivacity, health, an increase in not only mental, but also physical strength. Such thinking called positive or « positive» . And if we "transfer" positive thinking on relationships with other people, then we are talking about a tolerant communicative culture, what is it (this is a person’s tolerance for other people, the ability to accept them as they are, without the occurrence of aggressive defensive actions, the ability to accept their point of view, even if it There are negative, bad, unkind thoughts that bring yourself and other people not only a bad mood, self-doubt, distrust of others, but also a deterioration in physical health, if these thoughts are for a long time "get stuck" in our head. Such thinking call it negative or "negative". Probably, each of us has ever experienced the effect of both those and other thoughts? Then you are probably familiar with the state when it is difficult to drive away bad thoughts from yourself and tune in to the good, « positive» thinking?. (Yes). Maybe some of you have your own way of exile "negative" thoughts out of your head?

The exercise "Diary".

If you are dominated by negative views and attitudes in life, then keeping a diary will help to change them. Make it a rule that every day, for at least 1 month, you will keep a diary. If the diary is beautifully designed and causes a pleasant feeling from the appearance, then this will only add to your pleasure from the next daily positive thinking training.

1. Joyful events. Write here fragments of life that pleasantly surprised you, made you laugh, and gave you a lot of pleasure. Describe your feelings, experiences, convey colors! Let it be an extreme bungee flight in the fight against fear of heights or an amazing birthday present that you will never forget. Maybe. some insanely ridiculous and curious act of your best friend, over which you laughed for more than one week. Remember, in difficult days for you, this booklet will become a real lifeline. Just open it and smile.

2. Success/Luck. This is where you write down your luck (What are you lucky about today) and success (what you have achieved, what you have achieved). Many people remember first of all their mistakes and mistakes, constantly returning to them, ignoring and not noticing their successes and successes. As a result, they develop a distorted image of themselves as a loser.

It is useful to write down all the good things, all that you pleases: good luck (What are you lucky about today) and your successes are what you have achieved, what you have achieved. It is not necessary to keep records of success for many years. But at least a month is fine. Improved self-confidence - and engaged in other, more practical things!

The exercise "+5".

The essence of this exercise is simple: you need to make an audit of all the negative events that occupy your mind. For each negative event, you need to find 5 benefits, 5 positive aspects of a particular problem.

This will help you shift your attention from the problem to other aspects of the situation and help you find a solution faster.

The exercise "Be Thankful".

Gratitude has tremendous power.

Give thanks for absolutely everything that is in your life, even for difficulties and disappointments, because they make you stronger, enrich your life experience.

Look at your life in terms of what you already have, not in terms of what is missing

Every day, find and write down 5 positive things in your life that you are grateful for. This simple exercise will teach you to keep your focus on the positive side of things.

Visualization "Charge of motivation".

It is no secret that our mind works and thinks through images. Images affect everything that we are surrounds: on what we feel, what we do, how we achieve our goals, how we build relationships with people around us.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein's words. The more positive the pictures you draw in your imagination, the more good things will appear in your life. First the idea, then the execution. The secret of visualization is simple - creating in your mind positive images of our lives and ourselves, we influence our consciousness.

There is one more condition - only regular, daily visualization classes give a tangible effect, help you tune in to positive thinking in the future and forever. The truth is that visualization does not work only for those who do it on a case-by-case basis and wait for instantaneous results: meditate today - become a millionaire tomorrow.

Draw yourself today, after some time. What surrounds you, what is your mood, who is next to you, what have you achieved.

Target: learn to be inspired to achieve your goals. This practice positive thinking will help you stay on track.

Close your eyes, try to completely relax, and then imagine yourself in the future. For example, yourself in five years. If you have a goal, then for sure there will be a person in front of you who has already achieved it. Imagine how happy he is that he achieved his plan, how his life and appearance have changed. Pay attention to how you dress in the future, what emotions prevail on your face. Imagine that your personality from the future is in front of you now.

Now imagine that the real you is entering the future self, as if a ghost is moving into his body. Feel the range of emotions that your future personality experiences. Feel that it is not him, but you who have what you want, have achieved your goal, fulfilled your dream.

Get out of it. Concentrate on the fact that your future personality is in front of you. Ask for some tips to help you become the same.

After that, exit the visualization, write down these tips on paper and follow them. These are really very valuable recommendations, because your subconscious mind gave them, and it always knows what is best for you.

Exercise 6 "Portrait"

The teacher-psychologist asks the children to think about what qualities in other people, in their opinion, are worthy of respect, then think about it whether they are present in themselves. Can "draw" mine "portrait" peer, teacher, parent, which is respected by most students.

Discussion of the results

Educational psychologist: So, in this lesson, we learned about what our thinking. Who will name new concepts with which we can influence our health? Why is it important for a person positive thinking Why are negative thoughts harmful? What power helps a person get rid of negative thoughts? What feeds thought and makes it stronger? (Imagination, fantasy.) Right. How (under what circumstances) can you use what you learned?

Educational psychologist: At the end of our lesson, let's come up with our own way of getting rid of negative thoughts and controlling our thinking.

A teacher-psychologist, with the help of leading questions, helps to build an algorithm for controlling one's own thinking. For instance, such:

Mark if the thought is not good;

Connect willpower so as not to feed a negative thought with imagination and thinking about her;

Summon in its place the opposite in meaning positive thought;

Enhance positive thought through imagination and thinking about her;

Seek help from an adult (parents, psychologists, teachers, if you cannot cope yourself;

Change your attitude to the situation if you cannot change it;

Children can create their own algorithm. The teacher-psychologist supports and helps to put it into words.

I would like to thank you for the lesson, for your opinions. I am sure that in the future this algorithm and recommendations that we have jointly developed during our work will help you stabilize your emotional state, and will allow you to maintain and improve your health.

Exercise number 7 "Friendly hello"

Target: positive affirmation of personality, integration of emotionally positive experience gained in the classroom.

Instruction: Each participant draws his palm on a piece of paper, the sheet is signed. Next, the participants pass the sheets in a circle and write in each "palm" my sincere wishes to her owner. The execution form is arbitrary. A psychologist can also focus on each teenager and give everyone positive feedback, wishes for the future.

positive thinking- this is a type of mental activity in which, in solving absolutely all life issues and tasks, an individual sees mainly advantages, successes, successes, life experience, opportunities, his own desires and resources for their implementation, and not shortcomings, failures, failure, obstacles, needs etc.

This is a positive (positive) attitude of the individual to himself, to life in general, to specific ongoing circumstances in particular, which will have to happen. These are good thoughts of the individual, images that are the source of personal growth and success in life. However, not every individual is capable of positive anticipation, and not everyone accepts the principles of positive thinking.

The Power of Positive Thinking N. Peel

Peel Norman Vincent and his work on the power of positive thinking among similar works is not the last. The author of this work was not only a successful writer, but also a clergyman. His practice of positive thinking is based on the close interweaving of psychology, psychotherapy and religion. The book The Power of Positive Thinking by Peel is the basis for the rest of the practices on the power of thought.

Peel's philosophy is to believe in yourself and your thoughts, to trust in your own abilities given by God. He believed that self-confidence always leads to success. He also believed that the great importance of prayer lies in the ability to generate creative thoughts and ideas. Sleeping in the human spirit are all the sources of strength that are necessary for the development of a successful life.

Throughout life, people are defeated day by day in the struggle with life circumstances. They strive all their lives to the top, while constantly complaining, always with a feeling of persistent discontent, invariably complaining about everyone and everything. Of course, in some sense, in life there is such a thing as bad luck, but along with this there is a morale and strength that a person can control and anticipate such bad luck. And people, in general, simply retreat before life circumstances and difficulties, without having any reason for this. Of course, this does not mean that there are no difficult trials and even tragedies in life. Just don't let them take over.

Individuals have two life paths. One is to allow one's own mind, obstacles and difficulties to be controlled until they become the prevailing factors in individual thinking. However, having learned to get rid of the negative from his thoughts, refusing at the level of the mind to contribute to it and passing the power of the spirit through all thoughts, a person is able to overcome the obstacles that usually force him to retreat.

The effective methods and principles described in the book, as Peel said, are not his invention. They are given by the greatest Teacher of mankind - God. Peel's book teaches practical application of Christian doctrine.

The first and most important principle of positive thinking, described in the work of N. Peel, is based on faith in oneself and one's talents. Without a conscious belief in one's abilities, a person cannot become a successful person. Feelings of inadequacy and inferiority interfere with the realization of plans, desires and hopes. And the feeling of self-confidence and self-confidence, on the contrary, leads to personal growth, self-realization and successful achievement of goals.

It is necessary to develop a creative self-confidence and self-confidence, which must be based on a solid foundation. In order to change your thinking in the direction of faith, you must change your inner position.

Peale recommends in his book that you use mind clearing technology at least twice a day. It is necessary to clear your mind of the fears, hopelessness, failures, regrets, hatred, resentment, guilt that have accumulated there. The very fact of a conscious effort to purify the mind already gives positive results and some relief.

However, clearing the mind alone is not enough. As soon as it is cleared of something, it will immediately be filled with something else. It cannot remain empty for a long time. A person cannot live with an empty mind. Therefore, it should be filled with something, otherwise the thoughts that a person got rid of will come back. Therefore, you need to fill the mind with healthy, positive and creative thoughts.

During the day, as recommended by Peel in his writings, one should practice carefully selected calming thoughts. You can remember pictures of the past creative and positive attitude, for example, the brilliance of the sea in the moonlight. Such soothing pictures and thoughts will act on the personality as a healing balm. You can supplement soothing thoughts with the help of articulation. After all, the word has a significant power of suggestion. Each word can contain both healing and, conversely, illness. You can use the word "calm". It should be repeated several times. This word is one of the most melodic and beautiful. Therefore, by saying it out loud, a person can cause a state of inner peace.

Also, it is important to read prayers or passages from Holy Scripture. Words from the Bible have extraordinary healing power. They are one of the most effective methods for acquiring peace of mind.

It is necessary to control your internal state in order not to lose vital energy. A person begins to lose energy in those cases when the mind begins to get bored, i.e. tired of doing nothing. A person should not be tired. To do this, you should be carried away by something, some activity, immerse yourself in it entirely. A person who is constantly doing something does not feel tired.

If there are no pleasant events in life, then the individual is destroyed and degenerates. The more the subject is immersed in any type of activity that is significant for him, the more energy will be. There simply will not be time to get bogged down in emotional turmoil. In order for an individual's life to be filled with energy, emotional errors must be corrected. Constant exposure to feelings of guilt, fear, resentment “eats up” energy.

There is a simple formula for overcoming difficulties and solving problems through prayer, which consists of prayers (reading prayers), positive ideas (painting) and realization.

The first component of the formula is the daily reading of constructive prayers. The second component is painting. An individual who expects success is already set to achieve success. Conversely, an individual who assumes failure is likely to fail. Therefore, one should mentally depict success in any undertaking, and then success will always accompany.

The third component is implementation. To guarantee the realization of something significant, you must first pray to God about it. Then imagine the picture as an event already taking place, trying to clearly keep this image in mind. It is necessary, as it were, to transfer the solution of such a problem into God's hands.

Peel also believed that many people create their own misfortunes. And the habit of being happy is developed by training individual thinking. You should make a list of joyful thoughts in your mind, then you need to pass them through your mind a number of times daily. Any wandering negative thought should be immediately stopped and consciously crossed out, replacing it with another, joyful one.

Positive mindset

The modern life of an individual is filled with stressful situations, anxiety and depressive states. Emotional loads are so high that not everyone is able to cope with them. In such situations, almost the only way to resolve is a positive way of thinking. Such thinking is the best method of maintaining inner peace and harmony.

The first thing to do in order to master positive thinking is to understand one important thing - each person creates his own happiness. No one will help until the person himself starts to act. Each subject himself forms an individual way of thinking and chooses a life path.

The first principle of a positive mindset is to listen to your inner voice. It is necessary to deal with all the problems that gnaw in order to think positively.

The next principle is to set goals and prioritize. The goal must be presented clearly, so that the future seems simple and clear. And then you need to mentally model the future in great detail. Visualization is an ideal tool to help you realize your goals.

The third principle is to smile. After all, not without reason, it has long been known that it is laughter that prolongs life.

The fourth principle is to love the difficulties encountered on the path of life. Difficulties were, are and will always be. Despite everything, you need to learn to enjoy life, to enjoy it.

The fifth principle is the ability to live here and now. You need to appreciate every fraction of a second of life and enjoy the current moment. After all, there will never be another moment like this.

The sixth principle is to learn to be an optimist. An optimist is not a person who sees only the good. An optimist is a person who is confident in himself and his abilities.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, recommendations for achieving positive thinking. However, the most effective is the training of positive thinking, which allows you to learn in practice self-control, a better understanding of others. Positive thinking training helps to acquire such a significant personality trait as cordiality, helps to learn to look at life more positively.

Psychology of positive thinking

Every day, all people experience different emotions and feelings, they think about something. Each thought does not pass without a trace, it affects the body.

Scientists have proven that the intensity of thoughts of different emotional coloring, a change in the mood of individuals can change the chemical composition of the blood, affect the speed and other signs of the work of organs.

In the course of numerous studies, it was recorded that negative thoughts reduce the efficiency of the human body.

Aggressive emotions, feelings that cause irritability and discontent have a detrimental effect on the body. Very often people mistakenly think that for happiness they only need to solve all the pressing problems. And they try to solve them, being under the influence of negative emotions or even in depressive states. And, of course, problems are almost never solved.

As practice shows, in reality everything happens the other way around. To effectively solve problems, you must first achieve a stable positive emotional state and attitude, and then overcome obstacles and solve problems.

When a person is under the influence of negative emotions, his consciousness resides in the area of ​​the brain responsible for the negative experience experienced by the individual and the negative experience experienced by all his ancestors. In this zone, there simply cannot be answers to questions and solutions to problems. There is only hopelessness, despair and dead end. And the longer the person's consciousness stays in this zone, the more the individual thinks about the bad, the deeper he gets bogged down in the quagmire of negativism. The result of this will be a hopeless situation, a problem that cannot be solved, a dead end.

For a positive resolution of problems, it is necessary to transfer consciousness to the zone that is responsible for the positive experienced individual experience and the experience of ancestors. It's called the joy zone.

One of the ways to transfer consciousness to the zone of joy are positive statements, i.e. affirmations such as: I am happy, everything is going well, etc. And you can come up with a statement that will fit the individual preferences of the individual.

If you try to stay constantly in a positive mood every day, then after a while the body will rebuild itself for recovery, find ways to solve problems.

Intense and constant positive emotions in the human body include programs aimed at self-healing, healing, the proper functioning of all organs and systems, a healthy and happy life.

One way to train yourself to think positively is to keep a diary, in which you should write down all the positive things that happened during the day.

You can also use the practice of N. Pravdina in the formation of positive thinking, based on the power of the word. Pravdina considers positive thinking as a source of success, prosperity, love, happiness. In her book, The ABC of Positive Thinking, she tells how you can permanently free yourself from the fears lurking in your mind.

Pravdin's positive thinking is such an attitude of an individual towards himself, in which he does not force himself to be a victim, does not reproach himself for his mistakes, does not constantly fray past failures or traumatic situations, communicates with others without conflicts. This attitude leads the individual to a healthy and happy life. And the book "The ABC of Positive Thinking" helps the subjects to realize all the greatness and beauty of life without negativity, to fill life with inspiration and joy. After all, the way of thinking determines the quality of life. Pravdina proposes in her writings to take responsibility for one's own life. Such a transformation should begin with the words that people utter.

The main thing is to understand that a good attitude towards oneself and love generates similar vibrations in the Universe. Those. if an individual thinks of himself scornfully, then his whole life will be like that.

The Art of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a kind of art that can give each individual a mentally harmonious and healthy state, as well as peace of mind. The power of thought is the greatest force on the planet. A person becomes what he thinks about. By giving direction to the thought process in the direction of the positive, the individual is able to evolve to crazy heights. The reverse trend will be seen if the individual's thinking is directed in a negative direction, i.e. such a person may not follow the path of progress, but the path of degradation. Positive thinking is when the mind is not affected by angry states, the influence of hatred, greed and greed or other negative thoughts.

The art of positive thinking in Tibet is based on people's perception of themselves as material, as creatures of blood and flesh, but in fact they are consciousness used by the human body to express itself, satisfy mental and physiological needs. Each subject reacts completely differently to the environment and circumstances. It is this reaction that is the basis of the future. That is, it depends only on each individual what awaits him - problems or happiness, joy or tears, health or illness.

In the Tibetan art of positive thinking, there are several basic concepts of positive thinking. Tibetan positive thinking is based on three main concepts such as energy metabolism, mental defilements, and body-mind interconnection.

The concept of energy exchange implies that absolutely every emotion leaves a trace in the subtle body of the individual, which subsequently affects the further direction of human thoughts. Therefore, emotions are divided into those that give energy and those that take it away. In order to minimize the emotional impact and acquire harmony, you should plunge into the state of meditation and invite your mind to transform them into positive ones. So, for example, to make mercy out of anger, and gratitude out of sadness.

It is impossible to completely eliminate all negative thoughts, but it is possible to transform them into positive ones. Tibetans believed that negative emotions pollute the brain. These include greed, envy, anger, arrogance, jealousy, lust, selfishness and imprudent actions, thoughts. It is from them that you should get rid of in the first place. Since all pollution affects a person in terms of mental, physical, spiritual health. All human experiences affect the individual in particular and the surrounding world as a whole. Therefore, it should be taken as an axiom that the human body and brain are quite closely interconnected. In this connection, a completely new reality is born.

In the art of Tibetan positive thinking, there is a twenty-eight day practice of increasing the power of thoughts. 28 days is enough to develop the internal potential that allows you to attract the desired changes. The author of this technique recommends starting the practice on Thursday. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the teachings of Bon, this day is considered a day of well-being. And the practice should end on Wednesday, since Wednesday is considered the day the actions began.

The essence of the practice is immersion in a meditative state. To do this, you need to carefully relax in a sitting position on a chair or floor, then focus on your problem situation and imagine its destruction. Those. the individual who practices presents his problem and imagines destroying it. During meditation, the problem can be burned, torn, broken. This needs to be presented as clearly and vividly as possible. After the individual destroys the problem, many negative emotions that are associated with it will pop up in his brain, but you should not pay attention to them. The main thing is the destruction of the problem.

Today, the expression positive thinking means not just an easy attitude to life, but a whole concept and system. There are other definitions: mental positivism, right thinking, power thinking, new thinking. This concept includes special techniques and methods of positive thinking. They are taught in popular trainings on and methods of achieving success. Generally speaking, the system is built on the belief that our thoughts can materialize. What we think about will definitely happen. If you are positive, think about success, health, happiness, then these categories will definitely come into your life. The psychology of positive thinking originated a long time ago, and its heyday came in the 20th century (in the USA and Europe) and the 21st century (in Russia).

History of mental positivism

It is generally accepted that the foundations of the theory of positive thinking were laid by the American writer Norman Peel. He outlined his views in The Power of Positive Thinking. It is important that he developed his theory in collaboration with experienced psychoanalysts. Peel's method is based on the idea that a person should construct and visualize desires and dreams in order to achieve a higher quality of life and greater life satisfaction.

The author tried with the help of his work to help a person create a positive way of thinking. Over 5 million copies of The Power of Positive Thinking have been sold. Although the work has received considerable criticism. The author was accused of hypnosis and a large number of unconfirmed quotes.

The birth of mental positivism

Despite the fact that Norman Peel, who lived in the 20th century, is considered the founding father of positive thinking techniques, they were first discussed in the 19th century. The American philosopher and writer Ralph Emerson spoke in his works about the need to trust your inner strength and listen to yourself. The main works in which these ideas are stated are On Nature and Self-Confidence. Emerson had many followers in the USA: Quimby, R. W. Trine, P. Melford. In Europe, 3 directions of power thinking were most famous: the French method of Coué, German mesmerism and the institution of "mental positivism" by Schellbach.

Psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coué developed a method based on the daily, which should bring what you want, for example the phrase - I look better every day. This method is based on self-hypnosis, on changing unconscious thoughts, as Coue himself said. The advantage of theory is that it is based on practical observations. Working as a pharmacist, the scientist observed how self-hypnosis affects a person's recovery. What Coué noticed would later be called the placebo effect.

The physician Friedrich Mesmer founded a technique named after him mesmerism, or animal magnetism. It is based on irrational ideas. According to Mesmer, people are free to release a special energy and with its help to communicate with each other. He conducted group sessions in which he treated people by immersing them in a trance state.

All of these scientists laid the foundations of positive thinking. Today, many of these principles are used by modern specialists in their work.

positive psychology

The science of right thinking is largely based on such a section as positive psychology. It is generally accepted that the thinking of force is its applied continuation. There are opponents of this opinion, who argue that positive psychology appeared much later.

This direction of psychology studies only the positive aspects of the human psyche, in contrast to the classical one, focused on pathologies and problems. The main themes of the positive direction are: optimism, forgiveness, trust, flow, solidarity, i.e. those categories that bring joy, peace, satisfaction into our lives. The purpose of this section is to try to unlock the potential of a person, make his life brighter and.

Founder Martin Seligman outlined the main areas of research: positive emotions (enjoyment, optimism, energy, vitality), positive character traits (love, wisdom, kindness, courage, honesty), social institutions that contribute to the development of people (strong family, democracy, free media comfortable working environment).

Researchers involved in this area have proven the influence of positive emotions on a person's attitude. Research results have shown that positive thinking makes a person more open, productive, and courageous. He is able to think more effectively and find the best ways to solve problems.

Mental Positivists

The formation of positive thinking has received the greatest development in our century. Today, millions of books are published on and. The leader in this area is the United States. First of all, the practice of positive thinking is used in the work of development consultants, business coaches, speakers. During their performances, they teach people how to be a positive person, tune in to positive thinking and change their lives. Here are the most popular experts in the technique of positive thinking today.

  1. Stephen Covey. American consultant and teacher. The main field of activity is consulting on organizational management and life management. He is best known for his bestselling books: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Eighth Habit: From Efficiency to Greatness, The 4 Rules of a Successful Leader, Super Job. Super career.
  2. Robin Sharma. One of the most famous American business coaches. He writes books, gives lectures and seminars. The basis of his philosophy is the union of two traditions: Western and Eastern. The West is characterized by purposefulness and efficiency. For the East - wisdom, spiritual tranquility, the desire for the harmonious development of the body and soul.
  3. Anthony Robbins. Motivational speaker, writer, trainer. The main topics are life coaching and self-development. Known for his motivational audio programs. He published several books that became bestsellers: Wake up the giant in yourself, The Book of Self-Power, Money. Game master. Seven Steps to Financial Freedom. To become a student of Anthony Robbins, you must enroll 2 years in advance. His services cost $1 million a year.
  4. Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn's career peaked in the second half of the 20th century, and in total his oratory experience was about 40 years. Over such a long period he has lectured all over the world, consulted and published a large number of books. The most famous works: “Treasury of Wisdom. Success, career, family”, “Seven strategies for achieving wealth and happiness”, “Vitamins for the mind”.
  5. Robert Kiyosaki. This famous coach is already 70 years old, and he still gives motivational lectures, during which he tells how to start thinking positively and how to set yourself up for success. Robert Kiyosaki is best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Other bestsellers include Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and The Cash Flow Quadrant.
  6. Lee Iacocca. Lido Anthony Iacocca worked as a top manager of Ford and Chrysler, but became known throughout the world thanks to his autobiographical books. The most popular of them in Russia is "Career Manager". In them, he shares the secrets of his success, including talking about the importance of such an action as positive thinking every day.

Napoleon Hill

Talking about the science of mental positivism, one cannot but mention Napoleon Hill. He stood at the origins of modern life coaching, career training and personal growth. He is often spoken of as a great success writer and is credited as the founding father of new thought theory and the self-help genre. His book Think and Grow Rich is one of the best-selling books in the world. Hill's philosophy lies in the phrase: "A man can achieve what his mind can imagine."

In his books, he offered specific exercises on how to set yourself up for success. This technique is based on a lot of practical work: Hill interviewed the most successful and famous figures of his time. Subsequently, he analyzed these success stories and deduced his formula.

Principles of Positive Thinking

What are the basic principles of positive thinking? They include certain attitudes, exercises and techniques that help to form positive personal qualities and a positive way of thinking. In order to eliminate negative thinking and begin to think positively, you must practice these principles every day and sincerely believe in their effectiveness. Here are the main ones.

  1. Our thoughts materialize. The world around us treats us the way we treat it. Be kind, caring, help others and you will see - the world will reciprocate.
  2. . She always accompanies us. Love is at the heart of how to learn to think positively and attract good things. Accompany all your actions with care, respect, do not show indifference. A positive person treats everyone with love and kindness.
  3. The world around is not limited, the resources in it are unlimited. It sounds strange, but try repeating this phrase to yourself every day. And you will see: if you really want something, you will definitely get it.
  4. Each of us is the author of our own destiny. There are many studies confirming that self-confidence is one of the keys to success. Do not look for the reasons for your failures in other people. Believe that everything in your life depends only on you.
  5. Love yourself. Tell yourself every day that you are smart, beautiful, happy. Praise yourself even for small victories.
  6. The world around is fair: if something happened to you, then you deserve it. Therefore, do good deeds, and the world will reciprocate. This principle is similar to the method of causally positive thinking widely used in psychology.
  7. Our world is unique and worthy of admiration. Don't take everything you have for granted. Every day, thank fate for any pleasant little things. A positive person always concentrates on the good, finds pleasure in everyday little things.


Consider exercises aimed at developing positive thinking. Unlike principles, these are specific actions that need to be performed every day. It is believed that they need to be done daily for 3 weeks. After this time, exercise will become a habit.

"My Perfect Day"

This is a popular exercise that psychologists use in their practice. Most often used by consultants for personal and career development. The exercise helps to set goals and realize them, focus on positive attitudes, and ultimately teaches you how to be positive. The technique is as follows: describe your ideal day on a piece of paper. Pay attention to details, highlight the most important and pleasant for you personally: time with loved ones, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, interesting projects, an effective meeting with colleagues, etc. After that, try to spend the next day the way you described it. Think about how happy and satisfied you were. If something doesn't work, try again.

Power Thinking Techniques

Positive psychology has developed certain techniques that have proven effective. Applying them in your life, you will learn to better understand yourself and your desires, to realize your dreams. The most popular techniques are: visualization, meditation, affirmations, the method of causally positive thinking. As you apply them, remember that they work with negative thinking as well. Therefore, exclude all sad thoughts, think only about the good.


Visualization is about presenting what you want. The technique is based on self-hypnosis. Some scientists believe that our brain does not distinguish between real images and fictional ones. Therefore, it reads what we represent as a real object. Thus, the desired is realized. In proof of this theory, our sensations in a dream are cited. They are the same as in reality. If we are afraid in a dream, we feel fear as if in reality. Of course, visualization can only be seen as an adjunct to achieving goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine in detail what your body will be like, what clothes you can wear. But visualization won't work if you don't exercise and eat right.

In addition to presenting your desires, use special boards. Glue everything related to your dreams on them. The board can be replaced with an album, a notebook, etc. It is important to imagine everything in detail: for example, how you stand on the scales and see the long-awaited weight that you have been striving for for a long time. It is important to maintain spiritual harmony, peace and tranquility.


Meditation is similar to the previous method in that imagination is also actively used here. But meditation is more aimed at working with energy, and not with consciousness. During this process, you relax, tune in to the desired psychological state. There are different types of meditation on positive thinking: success, love, wealth. But at the first stage, it is important to learn to relax and listen to yourself. By successfully mastering this technique, you will be able to both change your thinking to a positive one and achieve your goals. People who practice meditation talk about the inexpressible sensations experienced during this practice.

The main principle of meditation is regularity. The most optimal time of day is considered to be early morning or twilight. You need to position yourself so that your face looks to the north or east. For successful meditation, just half an hour a day is enough.


Affirmations are the foundation of how to learn to think positively. They are phrases that a person repeats to himself daily for a long time. The effect of this technique is based on self-hypnosis and the belief that thoughts can materialize. Despite the apparent simplicity and even primitiveness, mastering this method is quite difficult. It is necessary to adjust your consciousness in such a way as to sincerely believe in the materialization of your thoughts.

Affirmations help both form positive thinking and make dreams come true. At the first stage, use expressions aimed at harmonizing the inner world, acquiring peace of mind. After successfully mastering such affirmations, try other types: for love, success, etc.

Method of Causally Positive Thinking

This method aims to find the root cause of an event. Having found it, in the future we can solve all other problems caused by this cause. The method of causally positive thinking makes a person more confident, as it offers to control his life, to be its creator. Usually we experience stress because one event can carry several consequences. This method proposes to move from the cause. As a result, a person learns how to think positively.

Books on positive thinking

Just a few decades ago, people in our country started talking about what positive thinking is as a concept of life. Therefore, on the book shelves you can find mainly the work of American specialists. Here are the most popular books on how to start thinking positively, achieve success and.

There is also the harm of positive thinking. This happens when a person breaks away from reality and plunges exclusively into his positive thoughts. Therefore, the techniques of correct thinking can only be considered as an additional tool for real deeds.

Susan Segerstrom, a professor at the University of Kentucky, once tested the level of optimism of her students and rated it on a 5-point scale. After 10 years, she asked about the level of income of graduates. It turned out that each point turned into a $35,000 difference in their annual earnings. Not bad, right? We figured out why this happened, and picked up exercises on how to develop positive thinking.

What is positive and negative thinking and how do they differ

Thinking positively does not mean eradicating negative emotions from your life completely, as esoteric teachings often advise. Troubles still happen, and it is impossible and even harmful for the psyche to forbid reacting to them. But it is quite possible to find pluses, lessons and opportunities in the situation. Take an example from American inventor Thomas Edison who said, "I didn't fail. I just learned 10,000 ways that don't work."

The essence of positive thinking is the ability to find a reason for joy at any moment of life and perceive failures rationally, analyzing the reasons and accepting them as valuable experience.

Dan Kennedy, American business coach and coach, bestselling author of How to Succeed in Business by Breaking All the Rules:
- Forming positive thinking is really useful and desirable. But blind, stubborn optimism out of nowhere is stupidity.

The power of positive thinking is undeniable. Optimists are productive and earn more (Journal of Career Assessment, 2008). People with a positive outlook on life are less likely to get sick psychologists Lawrence Scheier and Charles Carver found out more than 30 years ago (Health Psychology, 1985).

A positive way of thinking makes more successful not only the person himself, but also his subordinates. In Profit from the Positive, Margaret Greenberg and Seniya Maymin talk about a study they conducted on a group of 53 managers. When their leaders were in a good mood, the teams worked more efficiently and showed higher sales.

There are many more advantages to positive thinking: you can enjoy life, be interested in new things, be healthy, cheerful and confident, look good and achieve success.

negative thinking- This is the lowest level of development of thinking. The stronger it is, the more problems in a person's life. Unlike positive thinking, negative thinking has dangerous consequences. Unwillingness to learn new things and unwillingness to change, dissatisfaction with the present, nostalgia for the past, expectation of the worst, greed, condemnation of others. A negatively thinking person never knows what exactly he wants - everything always does not suit him.

Which path are you choosing? The answer seems to be obvious, but how to learn not to notice the negative? Are there any methods for developing positive thinking?

10 Effective Techniques for Positive Thinking

So, it pays to be an optimist. But what if you are prone to pessimism? In this case, psychologists have come up with special exercises to develop positive thinking. They really work. This was confirmed by professors at the University of North Carolina (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2008). We have compiled a selection of 10 simple exercises for every day.


Reframing is the interpretation of negative situations in a positive way. For example, the decline in employment at work made it possible to relax or engage in self-education. The positive aspects can be less significant and even absurd - the main thing is to find them at all. A detailed description of this technique is given in the book Kiss the Frog! Learn to turn problems into opportunities Brian Tracy, world expert in personal development.

Write down the positive things that happened during the day.

It does not matter how significant they are and in what area of ​​life they occurred. The more of them, the better, but you should start with at least 3-5. Then indicate what actions led to those events. For example, acquaintance with a useful business partner took place thanks to an accepted invitation from friends to go with them to nature.

What is positive thinking? In fact, this very capacious expression contains a huge number of various aspects. These are thoughts about something good and good, and a positive attitude towards the world around us, and the ability to see in other people and in oneself much more poles and positive qualities than shortcomings. This is the desire to bring joy to the world, to give your love and sincerely smile. It is a desire to live in the present moment and seek happiness in it. And how good it is when you see people nearby who have really positive thinking! But those who are used to thinking negatively, unfortunately, are many times more. This is neither good nor bad, it's just the reality.

In the endless stream of affairs and the bustle of modern life, a person is so immersed in them that he forgets that it is equally important to take care of himself and the purity of his thoughts, cultivating a healthy outlook on life. A person simply plunges into the stream of his thoughts, to which he has long been accustomed, and he is carried away by their current. As a result, it turns out that chronic fatigue, discontent, irritability and other similar negative conditions begin to take over. It's a pity, but such things as positive thinking and the ability to observe oneself, as well as control one's thoughts and emotions, are not taught in schools and institutes. But, despite this, there are still methods that allow you to get rid of negative thinking and start thinking in a positive way. Moreover, these methods are quite simple.

The human brain is arranged in such a way that it is in a state of constant activity, i.e. operates 24 hours a day, even when a person is sleeping. For the development of thoughts of any direction (positive or negative), the brain spends the same amount of energy. The only difference is that the negative tends to “cling” to a person, exerting a significantly greater influence on him than the positive, and also spreads at a much greater speed and in large volumes. But while the negative makes a person suffer, deplete his energy and destroy his life, the positive, on the contrary, adds strength, activates the hidden reserves of the personality and creativity, improves mood and vitality, and also has a healing effect on the human body.

To learn to think positively, you need to learn to track all your thoughts and emotions and replace negative ones with positive ones. For those who are accustomed to negative thinking, this will be a rather painstaking process, but the result is worth it. It is also important to understand that when working on your thinking, you do not need to strive for any specific milestone - you will not get to it. Mind control is a lifelong journey. There is no perfection in it, but there is constant progress, the task of which is to achieve a more harmonious state in general, both inside oneself - in thoughts, emotions and feelings, and outside - in everyday life. Therefore, be prepared that along with the changes within you, your life will begin to change. And the more you work on yourself, the more things will appear that are still worth working on.

So what do you need to do to develop a positive mindset?

Methods for developing positive thinking

    Make a list of positive and motivating phrases for yourself. Read them every morning and before going to bed, without missing a single day. Such "brainstorming" will increasingly influence your thinking, gradually transforming it.

    Read affirmations - phrases and expressions formed in a positive way to form the qualities you need in yourself. For example, if you know you're used to getting annoyed and "negative" about everything, write the phrase: "I am always calm and balanced. I accept any situations easily and with dignity. There can be any number of such phrases, and they can touch any facet of your personality.

    Accept that you are the only one responsible for your thoughts. It depends only on you how you react to external stimuli (events, situations, people) and how you think. Learn to keep all your manifestations under control. If you become the true master of your thinking, nothing can piss you off.

    Remember that positive thoughts are equivalent to positive words. Strive to remove from your vocabulary such phrases as "It's impossible", "It won't work", "I can't", as well as any verbal manifestations of aggression and negativity. Words are extensions of thoughts. Think them over and do not allow yourself to speak unconsciously.

    Try to exclude from your environment people who constantly express negative emotions or complain about something all the time. People with negative energy always “infect” those around them with it, and also “suck out” energy from them. In such an environment, it is almost impossible to adjust to positive thinking. Conversely, positive people have a great influence on others and contribute to the development of positive thinking. Draw your own conclusions.

    Express your gratitude daily. It doesn't matter to whom and it doesn't matter why. It can be gratitude to the taxi driver, the cashier in the store, the trainer in the gym, the Lord in your heart; gratitude for the new day, for the fact that you woke up, for the fact that you have a loved one, for the fact that today will be a good day, etc. The main thing is the very manifestation of gratitude, because. through this, positive energy is activated, the mood rises and, of course, a positive effect on thinking is exerted.

    Practice meditation. Meditation helps to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, calm down, normalize the emotional state, get to know yourself more deeply, and also promotes self-control, the ability to see the essence of things and think exclusively in a positive way. Even 20 minutes of meditation a day will already give a tangible effect.

    Read more positive and developing literature: interesting novels, novels and short stories, funny stories. Learn positive thinking techniques and various ways of self-development. Immersion in thematic literature, which today, by the way, is quite a lot, is the best way to change thinking and direct it in a new direction. In addition, you will constantly learn new information, you will know more, become a more interesting conversationalist and a versatile person.

    Go in for sports. Even scientists have long proven that regular active physical activity has a positive effect not only on the physical, but also on the emotional and psychological state of a person. Sign up for a gym, a pool, or at least start jogging. After just a few sessions, you will notice that your thinking will begin to change.

    Before you do anything, take a few minutes to imagine how you successfully complete what you started. Visualize the result, present it in great detail and believe in achieving the goal. The energy released in this way will affect the process in which you are involved and yourself.

In addition to the above, there are, of course, other ways to form positive thinking: watching and listening to video and audio materials (motivating feature films and documentaries, courses, seminars, etc.); refusal to watch news and meaningless TV shows and series; focus only on the positive moments of your life; attending various trainings and thematic events. If desired, you can find more than a dozen methods. But the most important thing to understand is that there is no panacea that gets rid of negative thinking. It all depends on your mood, as well as the regularity and systematic practice, and any methods should be used in combination with each other. There is only one way to influence your thinking - to set a goal to learn to think positively and go stubbornly towards it, despite the troubles, failures and obstacles on the way. At first, this process may seem quite difficult, but as you practice, it will become easier and more positive thinking will become an integral part of your nature.

Think positive! Start doing it right now: strive for progress, believe in success and often remember one good saying that knights in medieval France used a long time ago: "Do what you must - and be what will be!"