Is it possible to dye my hair in a bright color. Herbal remedies for dyeing hair in red color. Hair coloring at home

Nowadays, unusual hairstyles and bright hair colors have become very popular. Especially brave girls color them completely, while others limit themselves to bright strands, tips or creative tinting. If you are thinking about changing your image and you want to try bright shades, then you should learn something about the features of the paint and the dyeing process. Then you can avoid unpleasant surprises and be prepared for the transformation process.

Who should use bright colors?

If you decide to try bright hair colors, you are probably a creative and daring person who loves to experiment. But sometimes even more modest persons want to diversify their appearance, adding some "flavor" to it. Depending on this, you can choose a coloring method. It can be a complete color change or a partial one. In the latter case, it is enough to make only the tips bright, which, if desired, are easy to cut. One small strand or several can also be dyed. In this case, you will achieve interesting effects, but you will not look too extravagant.

Complete hair coloring in one or more bright colors is usually the choice of young creative girls. In this case, the hairstyle only emphasizes the general shocking image. Naturally, in this case, you become an incredibly bright character and will certainly stand out from the crowd. As a rule, this is exactly the task. But in this case, there comes a certain responsibility. It is important to have a sense of style so as not to look ridiculous and funny.

deep purple multicolor staining Orange purple, blue and pink emerald

Coloring features

Choice of paint

If you decide to experiment with hair color, then it is better to start with unstable dyes. These include tint balms and shampoos. They will provide short-term staining and allow you to determine the color. In addition, there are also special colored hair mascaras. With their help, it is easy to color individual strands, they give a bright shade and are easily washed off with a simple shampoo. That way, you can paint creatively for a special event or see which color works best for you.

When you have already decided on a shade or are not afraid of bold experiments, you can purchase a full-fledged hair dye. It will give a more lasting result, but it will still have to be updated periodically.

Color selection

Currently, bright hair dyes can have absolutely any shade. To choose the most suitable option for the type of appearance, you should adhere to the rule according to which cold tones are combined with cold ones, and warm ones - with warm ones. Also, pay attention to the color of your eyes. Karim will do red, green, sometimes blue shades; green - red, gold; gray and blue - blue, green, yellow. But here, too, a lot depends on the makeup, with which you can create almost any mood.

Hair coloring at home

You can dye your hair a bright color in a beauty salon or at home. Contacting a specialist is the most correct way. In this case, you just need to find a good experienced master. He will advise the shade and make a high-quality stain. If you decide to experiment at home, then you should learn about the peculiarities of coloring.

In the case of mascara or tint balm, you need to refer to the instructions and follow its directions. With paint, the situation is similar, but here it is necessary to take into account a number of important points. First of all, it is worth noting that the coloring composition of bright shades contains the so-called semi-pigments. They differ in that they do not connect very well with the structure of the hair. Thus, they do less harm, but they are not particularly durable. Therefore, you will need to refresh the color from time to time. This can be done by adding a couple of drops of paint to 1 serving of shampoo while washing your hair.

Before you start coloring, it is worth understanding how the color will look in the end. To do this, you can try paint on a small strand. This way you can also calculate the holding time. It should be noted right away that the brightest shades are obtained on light hair. Accordingly, the darker they are, the less saturated the color will be after dyeing. It is for this reason that pre-clarification is often required.

Dyes of bright colors for hair are not particularly persistent, but they have the property of dyeing almost all surfaces - leather, fabric, plumbing. Therefore, before using them, you need to lubricate your face with olive oil, and cover everything that you are afraid of getting dirty with a film or cloth. When applying the coloring composition to your hair, try not to touch the scalp, and be sure to wear rubber gloves on your hands.

fiery red blue

Sometimes women want not only to dye the strands, but to add bright notes to their own style using a color palette of dyes, which can bring not only innovation, but also highlight the fair sex from the gray crowd.

Top vibrant color hair dyes

Among the most popular hair dyes in bright colors, it is worth highlighting:

  • - manufacturers have been making paints in saturated colors for many years. An important advantage of such funds is the complete absence of elements of animal origin in the composition. In addition, dyeing is done with a gentle method without causing disturbances in the structure of the hair. By mixing the tones of the dyes of this manufacturer, you can get an individual incomparable shade. A palette that reflects all the colors of the rainbow will cost women of fashion about 900-1200 rubles per tube.

  • - a fairly wide assortment (more than 30 shades) of paints contains both natural palettes and unusually bright colors. Manufacturers, taking care of the condition of the hair after dyeing, produce a whole line of hair care products. A palette of acrid blue, blue, green and pink shades will cost at least 1,000 rubles per tube.

  • - the manufacturer has chosen the directions for the manufacture of dyes for the hairline, both pastel and unusually bright shades. In addition, if you wish, you can purchase a specialized Crazy Color kit designed to lighten curls before the staining procedure. The cost of the product is about 550 rubles.

  • - the brand is known for a wide range of colors that can be purchased at an affordable price. There is a high level of sales of kits, with which there is no need for an individual selection of matching shades. Fans of neon lighting can choose a luminous type of dyes to their own taste. The average product price reaches 650 rubles.

  • Adore- the American brand is represented by a series of coloring agents of a varied palette, starting from permanent types of classic tones and complemented by an unusual color scheme that lasts a little less time on the hair. The main advantage of Adore is the release of the product in high dosage bottles, which makes it possible to produce 2-3 colors of medium-length strands. The average product price reaches 700 rubles.

  • - rich pink, red, blue, blue scales and many other unusual shades for everyday life are kept on the head of hair for more than 40-50 days. Incredibly bright colors will highlight the owner of an extravagant hairstyle from the gray crowd. Such a wide range of catchy colors will suit self-confident persons who are not afraid to be in the spotlight. You can buy the product for 1600-2200 rubles.

  • - a line of professional coloring products offer paints that retain the acquired shade for no more than 13-18 days. Based on this, experts recommend using a similar dye for going to fashion shows and parties. To obtain a more saturated shade, it is worth keeping the dye on the hair for 12-15 minutes longer than recommended by the instructions. In addition, you should treat the scalp with a cream of a high level of fat content, which will save the skin from possible penetration of pigment. The average product price reaches 700 rubles.

  • - such a tool has proven itself excellently over many years of use. That is why professionals often use Pravana paints in their work. A huge advantage is the ability to quickly transform in the absence of a negative impact on the environment, since Pravana is environmentally friendly. A professional tool will cost about 1200 rubles.

  • - no less popular dye, capable of holding on to curls for a long time and evenly coming off without leaving eye-catching spots on the strands. Punky Color is highly regarded by beginners in hair dyeing. Due to its creamy structure, it is very convenient to apply the product to the strands and distribute over the entire length of the curls. A creative coloring agent can be purchased for 1000-1400 rubles.

Which one to choose

If you want to buy a dye that will produce high-quality staining, you should pay attention to the Manic Panic line of products. If the goal is long-term retention of the obtained result, then here you cannot do without Punky Color. When dyeing for a single visit to a specific event, it is recommended to choose the Jazzing line, the shade of which will almost disappear from the hair after 2 weeks.

What color to choose

Manufacturers offer a variety of color palettes, which makes it possible to create any look and emphasize individuality. Such a wide range of colors is very often confusing, so the following tips given by eminent specialists in the field of dyeing will help when choosing a bright color.

It is recommended to select colors to change the shade of hair based on your own taste. In no case should you repaint trying to match the fashionable direction. The effect obtained does not always give true pleasure to the owner of bright hair. Shades that are unpleasant to your own eye may not be to your taste at all and spoil the mood for a long time.

Do not combine too many shades. Skillful combination of two palettes is a safe bet.

Experts advise to feel the measure in everything and not be inclined to create strong contrast, which will make the image unnatural, but rather theatrical.

It is not at all necessary to dye all the strands in bright colors. Having picked up any method of interest, you can use the partial repainting of the curls, which will create a very effective image.

Hair coloring in bright colors at home

It is not at all difficult to repaint the natural color of the hair. For newbies, the following step-by-step guide will greatly ease the previously unknown process:

  • Having prepared a convenient plastic container, we mix the oxidizing agent with the developer, which are contained in the dye package.
  • The consistency of the dye should be uniform.
  • Putting gloves on your hands and covering your shoulders with unnecessary cloth, you should treat the forehead area with a cream of a greasy composition, which will prevent the dye from leaving marks on the skin.
  • Comb your hair thoroughly.
  • Having dipped a brush in a coloring agent, you should evenly distribute it in the area of ​​the hair root system. Then we distribute a uniform consistency along the entire length of the strands.
  • In order not to leave unpainted areas, experts advise combing the curls with a comb with frequent teeth.
  • A plastic bag is put on the colored curls and the strands are wrapped for a certain amount of time with a towel.
  • After the time indicated in the instructions, we wash off the dye from the strand under high pressure of water. After dyeing, treat the hair with a balm.

  • For maximum effect, it is recommended to apply the dye to cleanly washed curls.
  • In no case should the paint on the scalp be overexposed for more than the time specified in the instructions.
  • An ordinary comb will help to evenly distribute the uniform consistency of the paint along the entire length of the hair.
  • The dye should be washed off after staining without the use of shampoo.
  • It is possible to carry out hair therapy after the procedures with the help of specialized care products for colored and damaged curls.

A couple of seasons ago, pink and blue hair looked like a shock breakthrough and fashion "not for everyone." This summer, the situation has changed, and not only cheeky teenagers are painted in neon, but quite serious adults. You don't have to look far for examples: leaf through the gloss, take a look at the gossip on the sites. Singers and singers, actors and actresses - whoever has not tried on colored strands!




And bright hair dyes (the correct name is semi-permanent dyes with direct pigments) have finally been released by such giant brands as L'Oreal Professionnel, Matrix, Redken. And this is another proof that the trend has gone to the people. Everything. They want. Bright. Hair.

And here the most offensive begins. In crazy tones, you can paint only light, well, in extreme cases, light brown strands. But against the background of dark hair, brown-haired women and brunettes, neither red nor green are visible from the word at all. What to do to be in trend? Experts-colorists tell.


If you evaluate hair color on a 10-point scale, where 1 is black and 10 is very light blond, then light brown or light brown hair (they look like a "seven") can be dyed without bleaching. Provided that the hair color is natural, or even better - with the ends that were once bleached.

At the 5-6th level of hair tone, you can also count on some effect. For example, red may appear as a dim, calm shade. But purple, blue and green will simply make the strands darker and colder.

Three years ago I made a shatush and since then I have not dyed my hair, I have grown my natural light brown color and length. But recently, at the Persona salon on Malaya Nikitskaya, I saw the new Redken City Beats dyes, could not resist and painted the ends in a bright pink Midtown Magenta. The composition was applied for 30 minutes, after combing the strands. The result is a smooth transition from pale pink to fuchsia. After the 5th wash, the color became calmer. "

Sevil Shaikhieva

brand manager


With bright coloring, the same mechanism works as when drawing with felt-tip pens: on white paper, the picture will turn out bright, on a beige sheet, yellow will not be visible, orange will turn into brown, blue - into black. In general, what are we all about: dark hair will still have to be turned into a white canvas, that is, lightened.

Do it in the best salon: you yourself are unlikely to be able to evenly apply the composition, calculate the exposure time and get into color. Ideally, entrust this task to a master who has been working with you for a long time and knows the history of your hair well, he will choose the most gentle lightening option. In 95% of cases, it will be a bleaching powder with an oxidant. Save time: lightening and toning will take 4 to 8 hours. Sometimes more.

I have dark hair, so in the Paul Mitchell salon on Leningradsky Prospekt, they first lightened the upper strands (looks like highlights). After 20 minutes, the rest of the hair, not wrapped in foil, was dyed dark blond. And half an hour later, the discolored strands were given bright shades - purple, "pink flamingo" and "midnight". The longer you hold it, the more intense the color. The gradient turned out to be highly artistic, with beautiful tints. "

Elena Volodina

editorial director

Evaluate Opportunities

Experimenting with the entire mass of hair is risky. Try lightening and dyeing a few strands, or just the ends, or the top layer of your hair. If you like it - continue. If you finally and irrevocably decided on a mono color (for example, only purple), it makes sense to apply different shades not with a solid canvas, but in a fantasy technique - for example, a gradient.

Repeat brightening

One clarification is enough for you or you have to repeat the procedure, depending on several parameters.

Hair thickness

  • Most of all, the dye loves thin and porous hair: it lays down better and lasts longer.
  • Healthy, dense, intact hair holds the dye worse, the pigment is washed out faster.

Anna Teplitskaya

editor of the "Stars" category

Original shade

  • Natural hair is lightened quickly and without any problems.
  • The lightening of colored hair depends on the tone level: the darker it is, the longer and more difficult the process will take.
  • Hair dyed dark brown with a single professional dye usually only needs one lightening. If the goal is not achieved, a means for pickling or removing artificial pigment (for example, L "Oreal Professionnel Efassor) will help.
  • It is difficult for strands dyed at home to choose a product for removing color: professional products of the same brand are suitable for each other in composition, but here the result is unpredictable. The paint may be washed off partially or not at all. So it's worth waiting for the hair to grow back.
  • The most difficult case is hair that has been dyed dark for a long time. It is impossible to leave such a shade in a very light, almost white. But there are several options:
  1. Deep pickling, in which a 100% result is still not guaranteed.
  2. Gradual lightening over 4-6 months to maintain hair quality.
  3. Hairpin strands or partial build-up of the desired shade.

You can repeat the clarification procedure on the same day, although everything is individual. Sometimes it is better to stop at the "medium blond" mark, and after a couple of weeks, resume trying.

Support the result

Dyes with direct pigments are good for everyone, except that they are quickly washed out. They usually last up to 15 shampoo applications. The least persistent are pastel purple, pink, mint shades; three washing sessions are enough for them to turn very pale. To maintain the result, use shampoos from the colored hair lines to care, wash your hair with lukewarm water, shorten the rinse time. Apply a leave-in cream, lotion or spray before styling.

The conservative society is used to dividing women into blondes and brunettes. Where can we classify women with pink, turquoise, emerald, bright blue, honey hair color? To the extravagant, bold, stylish! Bright color- this is a new prism of self-perception, a search for color harmony in a gray-routine world. Many women (and sometimes men!) Would like to change their hair color to extraordinary. What can stop?

  • Ambiguous perception of others
  • Fear for the health of hair, because they will have to undergo many chemical procedures
  • Fear of seeing a monstrous gamut on your hair instead of the expected lovely shade.

So the first thing to think about is: Am I ready to radically change the image of an “ordinary” girl into a bright and provocative image of a trendsetter?

Stepping over your fears and struggling with the opinions of others, it is worthwhile to clearly imagine what awaits after the change of colors. Hair coloring in "neon" shades is a trend of recent seasons. But there are a number of factors to be considered:

  1. bright shades look great on light hair (light blond, blond); for dark hair the spectrum of coloring is limited
  2. catchy colors wash off rather quickly, they need to be updated regularly
  3. numerous face-changing procedures require unprecedented hair care measures. Actual:
  • the use of caring balms, creams, life-giving masks
  • timely visit to the hairdresser, regular washing
  • a long recovery process after an unsuccessful lightening or staining procedure.

It should be borne in mind that blue, red or green hairstyles dictate the style of clothing and behavior: you will not be able to have such hair and be in the shade. Among other things, bright paint can leave marks on clothes, towels, pillows. In hot weather or after playing sports, colored streams will flow down the collar. It is also dangerous to walk without an umbrella in the rain.

What shade do I want? Brief description of the primary colors

Pink, red - looks impressive, helps to create a sophisticated, romantic image. Ideal for women with fair skin. This color is quite capricious, quickly washed off, often requires updating.

Orange- interesting in that it can be obtained using natural dyes (ocher and henna). It is considered fashionable this season, suitable for cheerful, energetic natures, and most importantly, it easily falls on the hair and colors even dark strands, which is so important for brunettes.

Blue(blue) - difficult to perform, in a sense even aggressive, requires perfect bleaching and very high-quality staining. All the same, the color remains popular, in demand and, of course, noticeable.

Purple- of all shades, perhaps the most loyal. Perfectly fits the hair, rarely requires renewal, “forgives” minor flaws, paints other colors well. And it looks interesting. In addition, lavender (a hybrid of violet and rose) is trending now.

White starts and wins

When creating a sketch, an artist or designer prefers to create on a blank white sheet. After all, only the white color of the base guarantees the desired shade on paper. If you want the bright paint to lay down beautifully, evenly, in the desired shade - the hair should be completely white. Hence the rule: they need to be lightened with high quality until the effect of a platinum blonde is obtained. If even a drop of yellow remains on the hair, it will react with the paint and the shade will change.

Let us recall the basic principles of colorism:

  • Yellow + red = orange
  • Yellow + blue = green
  • Red + blue = purple
  • Yellow + blue + red = brown.

It will be more difficult for brunettes to get bright "neon" colors on their hair; blondes and ladies with light blond curls are much easier. In any case, high-quality coloring "from scratch" is not a matter of one day.

How to properly carry out bright hair coloring: the main steps

In theory, hair transformation looks simple:

  1. Wash off.
  2. Bleaching.
  3. Coloring.

But at each of these stages, difficulties may lie in wait.

Wash off have to be done to neutralize the previous hair color. Although the paint will wash off itself over time, this is not enough. As a rule, washing is carried out in the salon using chemicals that remove the coloring pigment. You can do the same.

Top 3 paints for creating an image

Exclusive hair color involves the use of unusual tools. Experiments with paints of various brands allowed us to single out a kind of TOP-3 means that will make a dream come true.

  • LaRicheDirections... This jelly paint from the British brand has earned recognition for its excellent hiding power. It is applied to clean hair, after which the head is wrapped in a film and warmed up: in the salon - with a special lamp, with a hairdryer - at home. According to unanimous reviews, it lasts longer than other types, gently lays on the hair, does not contain ammonia.
  • Anthocyanin- Korean paint with lamination effect. It is also applied to clean hair (washed without shampoo and balm), heated, then cooled. Withstand a certain time. This dye without ammonia does not harm the hair, it holds up with dignity, pleases with the brightness of the colors.
  • Tint balm Tonic. He is so popular with Russian beauties that it is worth saying a few words about him. Recommend Tonic as a permanent paint for repeated use is difficult. It is better to use the balm for its intended purpose - it does a good job of giving the desired shade, maintaining color on already dyed hair. With its help, you can quickly (and inexpensively) dye your hair in the desired color, but you don't have to wait for a long-term effect. That is why this balm is good: in 1-2 weeks it will be washed off.

At home or in the salon?

Hair dyeing in bright color is a complex procedure with an unpredictable outcome. There is a great temptation to shift all the difficult moments onto the shoulders of professionals. However, the result cannot be guaranteed 100% even in the salon. Neon shades on specific live hair are too capricious. To achieve the desired result, it is reasonable at first, like in a laboratory, to do experiments: to dye a strand or the ends of the hair, to note the time it took to achieve the desired shade, to conduct an allergy test, to observe how long the color will last, what changes will occur to it with the passage of time.

Science is penetrating deeper and deeper into the structure of the hair, experts in nanotechnology promise that in the near future, hair color can be programmed - changed without any dyes. Until that happens, in anticipation of a pleasant future, you can spend time usefully experimenting with what is.


A short three-minute video showing how to dye your hair purple. Exclusively the staining process with short comments.