Name of the days of Maslenitsa week. Maslenitsa week. "flirts", or the second day of Maslenitsa The day called flirting in Maslenitsa week

Maslenitsa always starts on Monday. And this day is called a meeting.

MEETING (Monday)

For this day - the first day of Maslenitsa - common mountains, swings, and tables with sweet dishes were arranged. In the morning, the children made a straw doll - Maslenitsa - and dressed it up.

On this day, in the morning, children in the villages gathered together and walked from house to house singing. Those who were richer began to bake pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor to commemorate the dead. The housewives treated the children to pancakes. This continued until lunch, and after lunch everyone went to ride from the snowy mountains and sing songs:

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa! We boast about you, we ride in the mountains, we overeat on pancakes!

The first day of skiing from the mountains was for children; adults joined the skiing only in the middle of the week. Rolling down the mountains was associated with a sign: those who slide down the mountain the furthest will grow the best flax.

PLAY (Tuesday)

The second day of Maslenitsa, as a rule, was considered a day for newlyweds. A week or two ago, weddings took place in the villages. Now these young families were invited to ride down the mountain. All married couples who recently had the entire village at their wedding had to slide down the mountain. On the same day there was not only skiing from the snowy mountains, but also pancakes continued to be served in all houses. They called relatives and friends: “We have the mountains ready, and the pancakes are baked - please be kind.” On this day, young people looked out for brides, and girls secretly looked at their betrothed.

GOURMAR (Wednesday)

On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law for pancakes. There is even an expression in Russian “to your mother-in-law for pancakes.” The newlyweds on this day dressed as they did at the wedding. On the same day, young unmarried boys and unmarried girls rode down the mountains.

It is interesting that the whole village made fun of the guys who were unlucky this year and did not have time to get married, came up with various kinds of “punishments”, from which the young guys paid off with treats - pancakes and sweets. But the most important event of this day was still the visit of the son-in-law - “to his mother-in-law for pancakes.”

RAZGULAY (Thursday)

This day was often called broad Thursday, revelry, turning point. On this day, the whole community gathered for the holiday. Famous fist fights and the capture of snowy towns took place. The plots of paintings, for example, by Surikov and Kustodiev “The Capture of the Snow Town” and “Maslenitsa” are connected with this day of Maslenitsa. On this day, villagers often dressed up in whatever way they wanted. The Maslenitsa effigy itself was raised from straw up the mountain.

Mother-in-law's PARTY (Friday)

On this day, it was the mother-in-law's turn to visit their son-in-law: pancakes were baked for the mother-in-law. The son-in-law had to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening. The mother-in-law, invited by her son-in-law, sent her son-in-law everything that pancakes were made from and on: a tub of dough, frying pans, and the father-in-law - a bag of flour and butter. This meeting symbolized honoring the wife's family.

Sisters-in-law's gathering/send-off (Saturday)

On this day, the young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her place. As a rule, on the same day, a dressed Maslenitsa - a straw effigy - was carried on a stretcher to the end of the village, and there, with songs, they were “buried”: a large bonfire was made and Maslenitsa was burned in it. They had fun around the fire: they sang songs and danced. This is how we said goodbye to Maslenitsa, both seriously and jokingly, because we had to wait for this fun week for a whole year.


On Sunday, everyone remembered that Great Lent began on Monday, therefore, trying to cleanse themselves of everything sinful, people asked each other for forgiveness and said to each other: “Please forgive me if I am guilty of anything before you.” And in response they heard the familiar: “God will forgive.” On this day, all insults and insults are forgiven.

On Forgiveness Sunday, people went to the cemetery and left pancakes on the graves.

And here is what the famous Russian poet and our contemporary Andrei Dementyev wrote about this:

I forgive everyone who cannot be forgiven. Who paved my roads with slander. The Lord taught: “Do not be strict with your neighbors. The earth will reconcile you all anyway.”...

There are several signs associated with Maslenitsa

· Fortune telling on Maslenitsa: the girl takes one of the first pancakes and goes out into the street and treats the first person she meets and asks his name. Why? Because this is how the betrothed will be called to read other methods of fortune telling;

· Forgiveness Sunday- the last day when drinking alcohol was allowed;

· Ritually eating a pancake- for the glory of Spring and the fertility of the earth. Pancakes originate from the sacrificial bread of the ancient pagans, and the circle was considered a sign of the Sun;

·On ​​Maslenitsa first pancake- for repose - “for the souls of parents.”

Each day of Maslenitsa week has its own name. The second day of the holiday is popularly called Flirting, and it has its own unique traditions and customs.

Early Maslenitsa in 2018 begins on February 12 and will last until the 18th. The festive week is a reason for everyone to have fun, enjoy delicious pancakes with various fillings and perform several rituals to bring well-being and prosperity into life.

Traditions of the second day of Maslenitsa

The second day of Maslenitsa is spent with the participation of various characters who cheer people up and invite them to fun festivities. Usually it is Petrushka and Grandfather the barker who entertain people by offering rides on slides, ice skating and sledding, as well as horse sledding.

Everywhere during the Flirts you can meet people in masks who lift the spirits of those around them. In the modern world, mummers most often choose ready-made costumes and masks, while our ancestors sewed their own festive carnival outfits. The mummers went from house to house, announcing the beginning of the second day of Maslenitsa and always treated themselves to pancakes, wishing the owners a prosperous life.

On Tuesday, people traditionally go to visit each other and treat themselves to cooked pancakes with various fillings. The more guests who come to the house, the happier the owners are, because those who come bring with them the energy of well-being and prosperity.

During the Flirts, boys and girls look closely at each other to decide on the choice of grooms and brides. The young people decided to whom they would send matchmakers for the future wedding, and the girls did not waste time and guessed about their betrothed. Many rituals that are aimed at attracting love can be performed now.

During the celebration, much attention was paid to decorations that were hung on horse-drawn sleighs. The youth made a scarecrow of Maslenitsa and, with cheerful songs, rolled it around the village, as well as in the field, to call for spring and attract a bountiful harvest.

Entertainment and mountain skiing are also symbolic. It was believed that the further a person moved from the icy mountain, the greater the lucky flax harvest would be.

On the second day of Maslenitsa, much attention was paid to the newlyweds. They always traveled around the village on a beautifully decorated sleigh, accepted congratulations and treated the celebrants to pancakes.

Our ancestors did not drink alcohol on Maslenitsa: it was believed that it had a bad effect on thoughts and took luck away from people. Spend this day with friends and family, be sure to go down the hill or go ice skating. Your good mood will be the key to good luck for the whole year. We wish you happiness and joy, and do not forget to press the buttons and

13.02.2018 01:15

Maslenitsa is a Slavic holiday that originated in ancient times. They used to look forward to it. Special signs...

Maslenitsa week is a period of festivities on a grand scale. As they said in the old days, Maslenitsa the destroyer has come. Not...

Maslenitsa 2018: Tuesday, February 13 - “Flirting”, meaning, traditions, customs and signs of the second day of Maslenitsa week. Maslenitsa is very early in 2018. It started on Monday, February 12, and will end on Sunday, February 18. Each day has its own name, meaning, traditions and customs.

Maslenitsa 2018: Tuesday, February 13 - “Flirting”, meaning, traditions, customs and signs of the second day of Maslenitsa week.

According to tradition, on this day it is customary to visit each other. The hosts happily welcome guests and invite them to the table. The main treat, of course, is pancakes. According to popular belief, the more guests who come to the house on this day, the better. After all, they carry with them the energy of warmth, well-being, and prosperity.

In the old days, on the second day of Maslenitsa, boys and girls looked closely at each other, choosing a mate. It’s not for nothing that this day is called “Flirting”. The guys decided which of the girls they would send matchmakers to. And the girls loved it that day. The tradition of Maslenitsa fortune-telling has survived to this day. She is still popular among young girls who want to know their destiny and find personal happiness.
Also on this day, it was customary to decorate the sleigh, harness the horses and roll the Maslenitsa scarecrow around the village. This was accompanied by songs and fun. It was believed that this tradition helps to attract a good harvest.

The traditional fun of the second day of Maslenitsa week was sleigh rides. Moreover, by how far a person moved from the mountain, one could judge what each person’s flax harvest would be. The further you manage to move, the richer the harvest will be.

Maslenitsa 2018: Tuesday, February 13 - “Flirting”, meaning, traditions, customs and signs of the second day of Maslenitsa week. Of course, many traditions are a thing of the past. But nothing prevents you from baking pancakes and treating them to your household, friends, and relatives on this day. Spend this day having fun and in a good mood. After all, our ancestors were sure that a good mood helps to bring spring and warmth closer, as well as create comfort in the house and in the soul. You can take your children to a slide, ride a sleigh or go ice skating.

The second day of Maslenitsa week is called Flirting.
By the very name of this day it is not difficult to guess its origin. On this day, all kinds of jokes, fun and entertainment were welcomed. Young guys were looking for brides, and girls, in turn, were looking at the guys. Single men on this day were subjected to comic “harassment” by young people and children.
It must be said that the purpose of these jokes was to awaken in a person the thoughts that it was time to find a mate and start a family. In response to the jokes, of course, there were treats with festive pancakes and sweets.
However, the main purpose of this day was different. It was on the second day of Maslenaya Week that brides' viewings were held. It should be noted that our ancestors attached great importance and great importance to marriage and creating a family. Since ancient times, most Maslenitsa rituals have been reduced to matchmaking. From the very morning, young people were invited to ride down the snow slides. Other relatives were invited along with them. And in such a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, the relatives of the future bride and groom got to know each other, discussed joint plans for the upcoming wedding.
As a rule, if the bridesmaid ceremony took place and the relatives of the young couple agreed on everything, then the wedding was scheduled for Krasnaya Gorka - a holiday that was celebrated a week after Easter and symbolized the final arrival of spring. On the day of Flirting, families who got married shortly before Maslenitsa were also invited to fun skating. In particular, every married couple whose wedding was attended by the entire village one or two weeks before the holiday was required to slide down the mountain. It was believed that in this way happiness and abundance would be attracted to their family, and a generous harvest to the village bins. Towards evening, all relatives and friends gathered for festive feasts, to which they invited each other in advance. The tables were set taking into account the specifics of Maslenitsa - a lot of sweets, no meat, and, of course, pancakes as the main course, which were served in various versions and with different fillings. The most common have always been pancakes with caviar.
Nowadays, this type of filling is quite rare and is an item of unprecedented luxury. However, pancakes themselves still remain a traditional Maslenitsa treat.

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