Think positive: tune in to positivity and good luck. How to set yourself up for positivity. Six surefire ways Psychology how to set yourself up for positivity

Learning to think positively means, first of all, making your life easier in many ways. For most people, positive thinking doesn't go on autopilot. Whether the world appears in black and white or in bright colors depends on the character and previous experiences of the person. But while they may seem harmless, negative thinking habits pose a real threat to success. When you decide that “it can't be done” or that other people have certain advantages that are not available to you, the achievement of your goals is delayed indefinitely.

How to set yourself up for positivity and good thoughts? Let's look at a few ways to help make positive thinking truly a part of life.

Take responsibility for what's going on in your head

A lot of people act as if they are not in any way responsible for their thoughts - as if they just came to them out of nowhere. But in fact this is not true - every day about sixty thousand thoughts rush through our heads, and we can control the vast majority of them. From the moment you take responsibility for your views, you can change every idea to a more positive one.

As you develop your ability to think positively, plan the process

Many thoughts have their source in the unconscious mind. When you plan to work on yourself in advance, you have the time and opportunity to analyze the contents of your consciousness and determine how accurately your judgments reflect the real situation.

It is important to note that it is not necessary to accept negative ideas as once and for all given facts. If you are in a bad mood, you are likely to see the world around you in shades of grey. From time to time, each of us suffers from thinking errors, which are easily distorted due to negative experiences. Nobody is asking you to stop being realistic and start floating in clouds of unfounded optimism. What you need to do is to slightly shift the perspective of your view of the world, choosing more positive life moments as a starting point.

This attitude will not solve all your problems, of course; however, it will allow us to take a position that will be more productive in solving current problems. Positive thinking helps you be more creative and solve complex problems that you would often be unable to cope with without it.

Keep a diary

It is useful to review at the end of each day what the content of your thoughts was. Write them down from time to time. This way you can see what is wrong with them and make the necessary adjustments. A diary is one of the simplest and at the same time powerful tools for influencing thinking.

Like any important change, the ability to think positively does not happen overnight. Rather, such transformations can be compared to an interesting journey. The diary will help you see the shortcomings and obstacles along the way, and set yourself up for positivity at the right time.

Avoid negative people

They can pose a serious obstacle to optimism and positive thinking. Such people only add fuel to the fire of negative thoughts.
You can often hear that our psychological attitudes and attitude in general are the arithmetic average of the same indicators of the five people closest to us. Ultimately, their behavior influences ours to a much greater extent than we might realize. When choosing your environment, give preference to those people with whom you can communicate confidently and positively, and also act in a similar way.

Fill your life with more positive experiences

How to set yourself up for positive thoughts if life is full of boredom or even negative emotions? To this day, psychologists have not resolved the question of what comes first—emotional experiences or thoughts. Most of them agree that these two factors have a mutual influence on each other. In other words, just as with the help of thoughts you can change experiences, so with the help of positive emotions you can transform thoughts. Spend time with friends and family, watch good movies, devote time to your favorite hobby. This is especially necessary to do if negativity predominates in your life and you have to face serious difficulties. By replenishing your emotional resources, it will be much easier to cope with them.

How to set yourself up for positivity and good thoughts? To develop the habit of thinking positively, you need a little time, some effort, and the ability to use those psychological techniques that everyone can do. Having learned to transform your thoughts in time, you will soon be able to enjoy the wonderful fruits of positive thinking in real life.

Everything works out easily and simply for me, and the result exceeds all my wildest expectations!

There are times in life when no matter what you take on, everything goes awry. It seems like you are trying, doing everything right, but there are continuous difficulties and obstacles around you. Why is this happening? How to be positive?

We have dealt with negative attitudes in , now let’s figure out how to set ourselves up for positive thinking.

An unconscious order is when a person, without knowing it, attracts unfavorable events to himself. How does this happen?

The first thing to highlight is fears and doubts about a positive outcome of events. For example, a person worries that some undesirable situation does not happen in his life. But since he often thinks about this undesirable situation and puts in the emotions of the experience, this situation will definitely come true.

Second - focusing on the negative: Everyone has heard about this more than once. This concentration occurs due to the focus on negative events reported by the media. Disasters and other troubles. A person watches this kind of news, worries, then discusses these events, then worries again so that this does not happen to him, but...

Third - uncontrolled speech patterns: For example, if the words “problem”, “dead end”, “everything is useless”, etc. are often found in your speech. Similar words will attract similar situations.

It should be noted that it is difficult for a person in this situation. He seems to “walk in circles” and constantly faces the same problems. What to do? You need to train yourself to think positively!

Be positive

You need to monitor your speech, try to concentrate on the “good”, and try to find something good in any negative event, some benefit for yourself. Let's look at examples of “setting yourself up for the positive” in specific life situations:

Inversion of reality

I really liked Vadim Zeland’s recommendations on this matter in the book “Reality Transurfing”. I’ll briefly tell you in my own words: If some kind of trouble has happened to you, you need to force yourself to “be happy”, instead of being upset: “So..., good...” or something like that, and at the same time mentally “rubbing our hands” . Extraordinary, isn't it? It should be noted that this really works! And next time you will definitely be lucky!

Directing attention in a positive direction

For example, it’s winter and a flu epidemic is approaching. How can you not worry? Let's think about how to transform negative into positive. What should you do to avoid getting sick, or rather, to always be healthy? You need to somehow improve your immunity, for example, learn Qigong energy gymnastics exercises and perform them every morning. Or, in advance, starting in the summer, begin to harden. In addition, you can Laura Silva: “I always maintain a perfectly healthy body, spirit and immune system!”

Have you done all this work and are still a little worried? Then, use personal protective equipment, moisturize the nasal mucosa so that the virus cannot penetrate the cell (for example, before visiting public places, you need to instill salt drops into your nose (can be replaced with saline solution)), moisturize and ventilate the room, and repeat: “ My world takes care of me!”

Increasing the effectiveness of implementing intentions

How to force yourself not to worry if something very important is about to happen in life? Vadim Zeland gives the following answer to this question:

How not to be afraid? – We need to find insurance, an alternate route.

How not to worry and worry?- Act. The potentials of anxiety and worry are dissipated in action.

How not to wait and not to wish?– Accept defeat and act. Dissolve desire and expectation into action.

How to give up your importance?– Accept your importance as an axiom, refuse actions aimed at increasing your importance.

From my experience of “concentrating on the “good”: in my thoughts, calmly, without lust, I replayed the favorable outcome of the event and thought: “it would be good if...” And everything worked out easily and simply, of course.

Solving problems with meditation

You can also work with your subconscious on a meditative level; techniques from the Silva Method are very suitable for this: “Mirror of Consciousness” or “Three-Dimensional Contemplation Exercise.”

Brief description of the technique:

  1. Relax, dive into a meditative level
  2. We present the problem that needs to be solved in the form of a dim, black and white picture. Letting go of the problem and waiting for it to completely disappear
  3. We get a solution to the problem in the form of lively, bright, colorful images. We imagine ourselves and the people around us in resolving this situation, we reinforce them with emotions of joy, happiness, gratitude, etc.
  4. In the next three days we receive signs indicating a solution to the problem or ways to get out of the current situation

Practical task: Working with the situation

Try to put Vadim Zeland's advice into practice. For example, when you need to get somewhere during rush hour and you are late, or you need to park your car in a place where there are practically no free parking spaces, you need to:

  1. calm down
  2. accept any outcome of events
  3. replay the backup option in your head
  4. imagine how you are on time and there is just a free parking space
  5. mentally repeat: “My world takes care of me!”
Cheat sheet for success, ticket No. 4.

Positive words can encourage a person, give them confidence, lift their spirits, or help. This is a powerful tool, because we always need someone’s kind word, ask for advice or ask to help us. In general, all words are endowed with a certain energy. It is not for nothing that doctors say that obscene expressions can contribute to the deterioration of the well-being of those who utter them. Even thoughts, essentially, that we do not pronounce, we must try to formulate correctly. Do not allow negative thoughts and words either towards yourself or towards another person.

The most positive words from the mouth of a successful person

How to tune in to positivity in life: psychology

Positive words are used as a way to support a person. In a difficult situation or, conversely, in joy, we seek support from our relatives, friends or colleagues. Such words mean a lot both to the one who says them and to the one who receives them. This helps improve human relationships and it’s wonderful when we know that there are people who can understand us, support us and think on the same wavelength.

Looking for support is, of course, easier than giving it. After all, in order to properly set up or support a person, you need to be able to choose the right words. This can and should be learned.

The Power of a Positive Word

In addition, the most positive words, which are easy to tune in to, are used as self-hypnosis. We often lose our way, get tired, or, as they say, get confused in ourselves. To help yourself, you can use simple exercises. This is a really useful activity: setting yourself up in the right way. It happens that you no longer know where your actions are leading or what you need to do next. You’ll be completely confused, and basically you don’t know what’s next. In such situations, some kind of meditation and self-hypnosis is useful. Just be alone with yourself for a while and try to understand what you are missing. Support yourself with positive words. Affirmatively repeat to yourself all the qualities that you possess or want to possess. Gradually, you will strive to be who and what you want to be.

Learn to speak positively! This will make you more respected and desirable in any society.

I have already said that our attitudes play an important and almost fundamental role in shaping our lives and moods. If you are used to constantly suffering and complaining, then you have such an attitude, you focus your attention on the negative. And if you believe in the best and enjoy every day, then you have a positive attitude.

Positive attitude plays a very important role, with its help you can completely change your life, you just need to learn to catch yourself in negative, bad thoughts, erase them and replace them with positive ones.

It is important to always maintain a great mood - make this a rule! Yes, people are not robots, and we cannot laugh and smile all the time. But you shouldn’t be constantly worried, angry and worried either. If you learn to charge yourself with a good mood from the very morning, believe me, your life will become easier and more joyful. I tried everything on myself personally, and from my own experience I know the importance of the correct setting for the day. Today I want to give you some useful tips on how to create such a setup for yourself.

How to create a positive attitude

The mood for the whole day is created in the morning. Yes, in the morning you really don’t want to get up and go to work, you want to sleep and depressing and unpleasant thoughts come into your head that you’ve been tired of this work for a long time, that today you have a hard day ahead of you, that today you have a lot to do and you’re tired and you don’t feel well, and so on and so forth. Tell yourself “Stop!” and stop this stream of thoughts. It is very important to catch yourself in the first minutes after waking up, stretch sweetly and, feeling warmth and love in your heart (you can read how this is done), say mentally or out loud: “Today a wonderful day awaits me and many pleasant surprises!” Just be sure to feel it with your heart, one might say, breathe it with your heart (inhale love and exhale it into your space). Then, get out of bed saying “Easy!” (that is, you need to say this when you put your feet down and get out of bed).

Our physical well-being should also be at a good level. Morning exercises help you recharge your batteries, so don’t be too lazy to stretch your muscles for at least 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to do energy exercises. The principle is this:

Take a deep breath through your heart and exhale into the ground.

Take a deep breath from the ground, hold it in the heart, exhale through the crown into the sky.

Take a deep breath through the top of your head, hold it in your heart, exhale into the ground, and back.

This way you can breathe 3-5 times. Such breathing saturates cells with oxygen and directs energy flows in the right direction. By doing this breathing every day, you will feel better; if you have problems sleeping, they will disappear, you will become calmer and more joyful. At first, you may experience dizziness due to an excess of oxygen and energy, but then all this will pass.

Another important tip is to learn to relax and unwind. Don’t take work home, don’t bring your work problems home, don’t try to do everything and be on time, as you know, “you can’t do all the work and you can’t earn all the money.” If you don't have time to do something at work, reconsider your work schedule. Learn to separate home and work, personal and business. Your home is your fortress, this is your rear, this is your relaxation area, this is your personal world. Stop stealing this rest and your personal time from yourself, learn to distribute your strength, your time and your energy. Everything has its time and place. We didn’t come here to “plow like horses” or “spin like a squirrel in a wheel.” We came here to learn to love and be happy.