New Year's angels on paper windows. How to make an angel out of paper. Window decorations for the New Year with garlands

Greetings, friends! Today we again continue the theme of creating a New Year's atmosphere by cutting out handmade items from paper. That is, we will talk about again.

In this post you can find silhouettes of fairy-tale characters, the main characters of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, snowmen, deer, balls, snowflakes and much more. You will see ready-made window design options, and you will also be able to download and print the proposed stencils and templates. And then carefully cut them out and stick them on the windows, or decorate other corners of your interior.

But remember that window decoration is an integral part of the magical New Year holiday. You can decorate only glass with paper protrusions, or you can create an entire composition using a window sill. Use large clippings to decorate walls in rooms.

If you have very little time to create a festive interior, then cut a lot of carved ones and paste them all over the house.

So, in order to make the windows festive, use plain paper, preferably not only white, but also other colors. Also stock up on sharp thin scissors, or better yet, a sharp stationery knife, and materials for sticking decorations (toothpaste, double-sided tape, soap solution).

After you have prepared all the necessary tools and materials, you will need to choose paper decorations. In our case, these will be flat accessories for gluing to the glass surface, since there are also volumetric elements.

The size, shape and color of the products will depend on the area of ​​the room, the level of illumination and the size of the window itself. The main thing is that the decorations do not interfere with the free passage of light into the room, and the rest depends only on your imagination.

After determining the plot for the New Year's window, start creating stencils. If you know how to draw well, then you can come up with templates yourself, but if you have limited artistic skills and imagination, then take ready-made patterns, print them on paper, and then start cutting them out.

This traditional paper decor will not take much time and will not require special skills, but it will help you create a real pattern and will impress not only you, but also those around you.

An abundance of accessories is only appropriate on a large window, so don’t overdo it! And try to choose openwork decorations.

After cutting out the decorations, decide on their placement on the glass. You can use symmetrical, central or asymmetrical placement.

Well, then choose a method for attaching the decorations and, in fact, glue them. This is how you can decorate a window quickly and easily.

Now I suggest you watch a video about how to correctly cut out accessories for decoration.

Well, and samples of New Year's window design.

Window decorations for the New Year 2020 (templates inside)

Well, let's get down to choosing and creating flat paper toys. To begin with, the most popular characters are Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Of course, don’t forget about funny snowmen.

You may also need an image.

And don’t leave your loved ones aside.

Even from these elements you can already create a fairy tale on the window.

Jewelry stencils for cutting out in A4 format: can be downloaded and printed

I want to say that many flat accessories can be cut not only according to a template, but also according to a symmetrical pattern. This, for example, applies to Christmas tree decorations.

Another great idea would be backlit cutouts. Just glue translucent paper, such as tracing paper, to the inside and carefully pull a small garland (one of the lights) through it. It will look something like this:

So keep a bunch of different stencils with balls, bells, cones, numbers, animals, etc.

Don't forget about the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2020 - mischievous little mice.

Pigs from last year.

And I would like to make a separate thematic selection of paper decorations for educational institutions. After all, our children rejoice most of all at the coming of the holiday. So schools and kindergartens should not only organize matinees, but also magically decorate the premises.

I hope that with the help of the vytynankas I have proposed, you will be able to create an unforgettable and wonderful atmosphere in your home. Involve children and the whole family in creativity. Let there be a holiday in every home! With coming!

New Year is a holiday that is loved by both adults and children, especially children. They like everything - the process of preparing for the holiday, the process of waiting for a gift, and the goodies on the table. Preparations for the New Year begin long before the holiday begins. Ideas for gifts, home decoration, outfits, and a festive table are being explored.

What is the first thing Santa Claus sees when he comes to visit you? Of course, your windows. Therefore, one cannot help but pay attention to their decorations.

Beautifully decorated windows will not only decorate your home from the inside, but also make it beautiful from the outside.

There are several ways to decorate - using stencils and templates, toys, garlands. Which stencil or template is most suitable for you - decide for yourself, and we will tell you below how this can be brought to life.

The simplest and most affordable way to decorate windows is to use stencils. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself. The latter is preferable. Why? Yes, because when drawing a picture, cutting it out and gluing it, you put your energy, love and kindness into the process.

Don’t discount the fact that making window decorations and decorating itself is a creative process, and if you do it together with your loved ones and children, then you will not only decorate the house, but also spend many pleasant moments together.

What stencils can be used to decorate windows? Here you can give free rein to your family fantasy. These could be Christmas trees, snowflakes (you will find stencils for snowflakes just below), Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Mistress of the Year Dog..... there is no limit to your imagination in this matter.

On the Internet you can find many stencil templates for decorating windows, but sometimes the question is how to transfer them to paper. This can be done in two ways.

First way. Make a drawing of the largest size on the monitor screen, attach a transparent piece of paper to the screen and redraw the stencil.

Second way. Save the picture and print it on your printer. Only the drawing can be printed in small size.

How can you increase it? This can be done using Microsoft Word. Create a document on your desktop, copy the picture you like there and, pointing the cursor at the corner of the picture, simply stretch it to the desired size.

And long-awaited stencils for decorating windows.

Snowflakes on paper windows for the New Year. Print stencils:

Light airy snowflakes give a wonderful mood when they whirl and fall to the ground and cover it with a white snow carpet, but also when they decorate our home, especially the windows. They can be different - smooth, openwork, made of paper or cut out of cardboard. You can even cut out a snowflake from a newspaper, and it will have an original, slightly creative look. The simplest and most accessible material for making snowflakes is, of course, paper.

They can be made using several methods.

Just like they were taught to do in kindergarten.

— Fold a square piece of paper diagonally several times and cut out the patterns that came to our minds.

— Draw or print a snowflake template.

— Buy ​​a ready-made stencil or template in a store.

How to glue a snowflake to a window? It couldn’t be easier to do this - just make a saturated soap solution, coat one side of the snowflake with it and stick it to the window. Even a small child can do this. Watch a video on how to glue a snowflake to a window.

There is another way to use a stencil to draw a design on the window glass.

Attach a snowflake (or some other design or composition) to the glass and apply the coloring agent using a sponge.

The coloring agent in our case can be ordinary toothpaste.

Below are interesting snowflake patterns that can decorate your windows.

But how beautiful the windows will be.

Window decorations in the year of the dog (stencils in the shape of dogs and animals).

The mistress of this year, as mentioned above, will be the Yellow Earth Dog. And, although she begins to rule only in February, we can already begin to achieve her favor. And a great way to do this would be to decorate the windows of your home as a family.

You can give free rein to your children's imagination and let them decorate their windows with dogs and other animal images, or use ready-made templates and stencils.

Charming, sweet and serious representatives of the dog fraternity will become a worthy decoration of your windows, and other animals will be their friends.

And now templates of adorable dogs and other animals that are eager to decorate your windows.

New Year's balls for cutting out of paper for windows (clippings).

In addition to snowflakes, various balls can also be called a favorite attribute for decorating a Christmas tree and home. If we decorate the Christmas tree with shiny glass balls, then to decorate the windows you can use paper stencils and ball templates. Windows decorated with cut out paper balls look very festive and elegant.

In order to cut out a ball and stick it on the window you need:

  • Print or redraw the version you like.
  • Using a sharp knife or small nail scissors, carefully cut out the inner parts.
  • Glue the ball to the window in any way (it’s best to use a concentrated soap solution - then it’s very easy to remove the stencil from the window).

After you glue the ball to the window, you can use toothpaste, a sponge or a toothbrush and make a stencil design.

And now we invite you to choose your own version of a template or stencil of balls for cutting out and decorating windows.

What else can you decorate your windows for New Year 2020? Original ideas

Most likely, your family members have a lot of ideas on how to decorate a window in an original and unusual way for the New Year. But there are times when nothing original comes to mind. In order for our imagination and fantasies to start working in full force, we need a little push.

The design options proposed below may be such an impetus. You can take them as a basis and, adding your creative thoughts to them, turn your windows into a work of art.

Or you can give free rein to your children's imagination. They will never have problems with original decoration! But there will be a lot of joy from the process of inventing, decorating and being proud of yourself!

An unusual decoration for the windows would be a ballerina snowflake.

Making such a snowflake is not very difficult. Cut out a ballerina figurine from thick beautiful paper and dress it in a snowflake. Moreover, snowflakes can be different in color, complexity, texture. Hang such a snowflake in the window opening and when you open the window for ventilation, it will spin beautifully under the flow of incoming air.

How to make such a snowflake is shown in the video.

Nobody canceled New Year's glowing garlands. By decorating a window with them, you can create a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

No less impressive is a window decorated with pom-poms made of wool (and not only wool). These cheerful pompoms are very easy to make, and they look just great, adding to the joyful mood.

In addition, by decorating windows, you can arrange entire thematic compositions. Such compositions are shown in the collage. And, who knows, maybe their mesmerizing beauty will inspire you to create your own wonderful composition.

New Year has always been a family holiday. And 2019 suggests an even greater emphasis on family, comfort and kindness. Because the Dog is a symbol of devotion, kindness and love. She loves warmth and comfort. Therefore, the Mistress will really like your joint family work on decorating the house. These chores will not be a burden; they will be joyful and happy for the whole family.

With the approach of the beloved New Year holiday, the premises and city streets are transformed. No one remains indifferent, so they contribute to creating the appropriate atmosphere.

The easiest way is to decorate the windows in an apartment or house. Only a little effort will be required on your part. You just need to cut out thematic figures from the template and decorate the window openings with them.

Despite the simplicity of decoration, using stencils you can beautifully decorate any room. I have selected the most popular vytynanki.

If you like any of the options, you can download or immediately print ready-made stencils in A4 format at the end of the article. Just click on the appropriate button, which will open a new window with all the diagrams that are mentioned in today’s material.

New Year's paper templates for cutting: set for 3 windows

In the halls of city apartments, window openings with three sashes are usually installed. Therefore, I suggest downloading several stencils, which will be enough for the festive decoration of the entire window. Below is one example of what this might look like.

Let me remind you that you can print all the templates by clicking on the button at the end of the article. The following options are offered for decorating the three doors.

Of course, one of the main attributes is snowflakes.

The granddaughter of Santa Claus will come in handy.

The bunny is a responsible assistant in preparing for the New Year 2020.

Well, where are we without the main symbol of next year – the pig.

The forest beauty will be a wonderful decoration.

Download these templates, cut them out and use them as intended. Believe me, a festive atmosphere will immediately appear in the room.

Downloading sock templates for New Year's gifts

People of the older generation are accustomed to Santa Claus leaving gifts under the tree. But today it has become increasingly popular to hang up socks at night, in which gifts appear in the morning. Therefore, windows can be decorated with this attribute. Below are several diagrams that you can download or print immediately.

I offer several options from which you can choose a suitable design.

Socks are the simplest drawing, so if you have free time and desire, you can draw original figures yourself.

Templates for the New Year 2020 of paws and Christmas tree branches

For many years, the evergreen forest beauty has been the main symbol of the New Year holidays. You can buy a Christmas tree or make it yourself. And stencils of the branches of this tree will help decorate window openings for the holiday.

Templates can be very simple and complex. I have selected several good schemes for you.

Using these images you can create beautiful compositions on window openings. Try playing with interesting decorating ideas.

New Year's templates of galloping deer on the windows

Santa Claus needs to have time to deliver gifts to all the children. But he would not have time to do this if deer had not delivered him to any point on the planet. Therefore, the room can be decorated with paper drawings of these wonderful animals.

You can download the stencils you like to your computer and then print them out. All that remains is to cut them out and stick them on the glass as decorations for the New Year.

If you take a creative approach to decorating a room, you can use all the templates harmoniously. You will need to tinker a little to get the glass beautifully decorated.

Options for openwork patterns for the New Year

Openwork stencils help create a colorful and festive atmosphere in the room. But preparing the images will require some effort. To do this, arm yourself with scissors and a stationery knife.

Choose any patterns and use them to decorate window openings.

If you want to decorate the room in an original way, then try creating your own drawings. It's not as difficult as it might seem. When you have a free minute, just try putting openwork patterns on paper.

New Year's mitten stencils for windows

Russian winters are so cold that you can’t do without mittens. Therefore, they have been associated with the New Year holidays for a long time. Mitten patterns will be a great addition to the composition on glass in window openings.

I offer several interesting options.

These stencils are very easy to cut. For variety, use multiple templates.

Angel compositions for window decoration

Another main character of the New Year holidays are angels. In addition, such drawings will be relevant at Christmas. Therefore, take note of the drawings or immediately print them out and stick them on the glass.

Choose angels and create entire compositions from them on window openings.

If you wish, you can not only cut out the pictures, but also decorate them as you wish. Don't be afraid to experiment, everything is in your hands.

Stencils of numbers and inscriptions Happy New Year

In addition to beautiful patterns, it is also important to stick Happy New Year 2020 greetings on the window. Therefore, I have prepared for you all the necessary letters and numbers to assemble the appropriate inscription.

Carefully cut out the letters and you can color them in a specific color.

I did not re-post the repeating letters and numbers; you will just have to print them in several copies. Cut out these templates and assemble a New Year's inscription on the window.

Download and print New Year's templates

All templates are available using the button below. Just click on it. A new window will open with a file containing all the stencils in the same order as in the article.

The article contains all the necessary drawings that will help you decorate window openings in the room and create a festive mood. Decorating takes a little time.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

There is nothing more interesting than trying on the role of Frost and easily turning even the most severe design into a Christmas fairy tale! Arm yourself with scissors, paper and a cutter, download from us stencils for decorations on windows for the New Year and enjoy the reaction of unsuspecting household members! Today the site’s editors have prepared a lot of interesting stencils for you and will tell you how to use them.

We selflessly decorate windows for the New Year using intricate or simple stencils

Magical window decoration for the New Year using stencils and drawings

To start decorating the window, you need to decide whether it will be a surprise for the rest of the family, or whether they will take part in it. If you want to surprise your loved ones, then it is better to do carving in splendid isolation. Well, perhaps let the cat and dog be silent witnesses. And if you want collective work, then the kids will be of little use, except to hold the stencil while you climb onto a chair.

Windows are decorated in several ways:

  • download a ready-made stencil on the Internet or take and transfer a picture to paper;
  • draw by hand what you want;
  • draw using a stencil on the windows with paint or toothpaste.

The choice of topics is great; for 2019, a wide variety of stencils are already offered:

  • snowflakes themselves are beautiful, but if you create a composition from them, it will be especially wonderful;
  • the images of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are an integral part of the New Year, so they can take a worthy place on the window;
  • the next year of the Pig may be displayed on the window in the form of a symbol - the silhouette of an animal;
  • New Year's toys and bells;
  • fir tree or fir forest;
  • various animals, including horses and deer, which are a symbol of the holiday;
  • angels will be appreciated by those who anxiously await Christmas and believe in miracles;
  • snowmen will immediately bring with them a winter mood;
  • houses and snowy towns.

In the photo in the article you will see multi-original and simple stencils.

Cutting out beautiful figures using a stencil from paper figures for windows for the New Year

The first way to decorate windows is to cut out figures from a New Year's stencil, which is easy to download and print. There are many different options for windows, varying in complexity and pattern of shapes.

Decals are another way to decorate windows for the New Year

You can do it this way: any children’s coloring book contains interesting figures. If you take tracing paper and transfer the shape you like onto paper, you will have an excellent basis for a stencil. To finalize the template, you will need to think about where to make additional slots.

Drawings for windows for the New Year: an interesting use of artistic abilities of any level

Drawings on New Year's windows are created using stencils and coloring compounds. You can use gouache as paint, or simply dilute toothpaste with a small amount of water, and, using an unnecessary toothbrush, spray the resulting composition onto the template. In this case, you need a slightly different stencil, the opposite one. How to get it? Easily! A regular template for windows is cut out of paper, but the remaining part is usually thrown away: this should not be done, since this is a ready-made template for painting!

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Tips for decorating windows using templates

To prepare a window for the New Year, you do not need a special master class. This is actually an easy job and a lot of fun. What is suitable for creating templates: any paper, including whatman paper, foil. As a cutting tool, there is nothing better than a dedicated cutter.

In the absence of a cutter, use an ordinary stationery knife. The template itself is cut out with comfortable sharp scissors.To create a stencil, you will need a black or blue felt-tip pen (well, you can take any bright color, as long as you like it), and a soap solution.

How to cut a stencil without compromising your health and your table

New Year's stencils for cutting out windows are placed on a large wooden board, otherwise you will have to buy a new table - the cutter can seriously damage the surface.

Try rotating the cutter on paper: you need to understand how to hold the handle so that it is comfortable to cut, it is not difficult. In the absence of a knife and cutter, small nail scissors are best.

Handle cutting objects carefully and cut away from you.

How to glue a stencil onto glass

Double-sided tape will do a poor job in this matter: yes, it will firmly stick the protruding pieces (that’s what carved paper stencils are called), and so tightly that then you will have to study the article on how to remove tape from glass. Instead, there is a gentle method: soap solution.

We place the picture in the chosen place and lubricate the window with a fairly thick solution. If you overdo it with water, the paper with small details will get wet, and this will ruin the composition.

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Selecting suitable stencils for New Year's windows

The best holiday winter stencils will tell you how to decorate your windows for the coming New Year. The large window allows you to place a whole show of the forest, houses, sleigh with Santa Claus and reindeer and with a clear moon at the top.

Templates of different letters of the inscription “New Year” for cutting out of paper for windows

New Year's decorations for windows made of paper can be in the form of a lettering. The only disadvantage of placing letters is that from the street they will be displayed in a mirror form. But if the windows of the fifth floor are decorated, then the minus becomes insignificant.

Cozy New Year's stencil pictures for windows in the form of houses and villages

It’s not at all difficult to cut out an entire village or a separate house on a window for the New Year. Even a palace is within the reach of those who crave the special royal appearance of a window opening.

Advice! If you cut out the snowdrifts under the houses and cover them with shiny confetti, it will be even more beautiful.

Paper stencils for decorating windows: and now she came to us dressed up for the holiday

The tree has always symbolized New Year's celebrations. And it will also look elegant on the windows.

New Year's paper stencils for windows: Christmas tree decorations on glass

We offer beautiful templates for New Year's window decorations: an interesting solution, because the balls have different patterns and can become an excellent decoration.

Stencils for window decorations for the New Year: snowflakes, month, stars

New Year's templates for cutting out onto windows also come in the form of funny figures of the month, stars, and snowflakes. Snowflakes are placed as they decrease towards the center of the window.

Vytynankas in the form of candles, angels and bells: the light and ringing of the Christmas night

The New Year will pass, Christmas will come. Usually, Russian families make one decor for both holidays. If the family is a believer, they want to decorate the room in a special way. For this purpose, you can cut out beautiful angels.

For lovers of New Year's themes, protrusions in the form of candles and bells are suitable.

Paper templates for decorating windows in the form of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Traditional Father Frost and Snow Maiden do not always stand under the tree, guarding gifts: today they have the right to settle on the window either in the form of solid figures or as masks.

New Year's paper templates for the window: a snowman is visiting us

Among the templates and New Year's pictures for windows, one cannot fail to mention snowmen. Funny winter guests will add zest to the children's window.

Vytynankas in the form of deer

Deer remain a favorite theme not only for children, but also for adults. As a child, everyone wanted to see Santa Claus fly in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Vytynanka in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a pig

The year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming, so it’s worth placing a cute piglet in the form of a protruding piglet on your window.

Other animals as New Year's stencils for windows

Even after placing a piglet on the window, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of sticking other beautiful animals there.

Angels were considered, so all kinds of souvenirs with their symbols have always been and will be the most relevant and pleasant gift for this bright holiday. And, if this gift is also made with your own hands, then it will become truly priceless!

In the old days, on winter evenings, it was customary to carve angels; everyone had their own secrets for making them.

Let's get to know some of them.

The most popular is, perhaps, Favorsky’s angel. Ingenious, like everything simple and simple, like everything ingenious.

Angels of the artist Favorsky (from writing paper)

The wonderful Russian artist Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky came up with a surprisingly easy and elegant way of making a three-dimensional angel from ordinary writing paper at the beginning of the 20th century. From a piece of paper folded in half, cut out an outline according to the diagram

The easiest way is to depict this outline not with a single line, but in detail: first, with a simple pencil, draw half of the head, then surround it with a halo, draw half of the dress, and only then complete the wing. It is advisable to erase the excess line (at the border of the dress and the wing) with an eraser; After that, cut out a figure from paper. You can decorate the angel's dress using the openwork design of the hem of the dress and symmetrically cut out small images on the fold of the figure. The varied shape of the wings and the openwork pattern of the costume will make each angel original and unique.

The next stage of work is the most exciting. Open the finished figurine, pull the upper part of the halo forward - your angel will have hands folded in prayer

Fix the folds on the “shoulders” and folded “palms”, and your paper angel is ready. The cuts on the wings and hem can be made voluminous by twisting paper strips onto a pencil

Favorsky's Angel combines the lightness and purity of the material, the possibilities of creative exploration, plastic grace and unconditional simplicity of execution.

It will be a wonderful amulet gift and will bring into your home hopes for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires in the New Year.

Templates for Christmas Angels

And a few more templates for Christmas Angels made from plain writing paper. A little paper angel can become the guardian angel of your home.

1. You will need a sheet of thick paper. Transfer the image from the drawing onto paper. The dotted line is the line along which you need to bend the sheet in half for symmetry when cutting out the shape.

You can imagine the image or leave it as is. Carefully cut out the angel and bend its arms along the marked dotted line. Thread the needle and pull the thread through the wings (this place is indicated by a dot). It’s good if the thread between the wings is threaded through a small piece of cocktail straw. - We'll get a flying angel. All that remains is to hang the little guardian angel higher.

2. And here is a pattern of a traditional Waldorf angel from paper,

which you can decorate your homes for Christmas.

3. You can make angels like this from ordinary paper; they are cut out according to the principle of a snowflake, that is, an outline is applied to the paper folded in half and cut out; if necessary, some details are folded back.

4. Glowing Angel made of golden paper or foil:

Cut along solid lines. Dotted line - fold lines (do not cut!). We attach the stars to the wire.

Angel and tabletop tree made of paper and cardboard

To make such an angel you need to cut out 2 truncated cones. This will be an angel's dress. Cut out the head and draw the face as shown in the picture. Join 2 sheets together to make a halo. Next, glue 2 rectangles and cut out sleeves for the angel from them. Glue your hands to them (use the same paper as for the face).

Make wings. They must be double-sided. Collect an angel figurine. Thread a thread through the halo and you will get a wonderful Christmas tree toy.

For a tabletop Christmas tree, you can use cardboard.

1. Cut out 2 blanks in the shape of a Christmas tree. In one, make a cut from the top to the middle, in the second - from the base to the middle.