Not things, but a system. How to put together a basic wardrobe. Jeans as everyday clothes for girls and their photos. Images for everyday life

The image of every woman is unique and inimitable. It includes a wide variety of items in various styles and colors. But the presence of individual items is not all that is in the general wardrobe. Its core is a basic set of things that everyone must have. Why is this needed and what does the basic wardrobe of a modern girl include? Let's consider further.

Mainly, the things that we select as a base and as a special version are distinguished by their practicality. The basic wardrobe consists exclusively of those elements that can be easily combined with almost any option, they are quite versatile and often convenient. Another distinctive feature of such things is the restraint of design. Here you will not find bright prints, special finishes or ruffles; absolutely discreet, even classic options.

So what, then, is the need for a basic women's wardrobe?

  1. To dilute bright clothes. For example, a discreet item from the base will perfectly brighten up a bright bottom and vice versa.
  2. Such things are ideal companions for everyday wear when you need something simple, comfortable, but at the same time stylish.
  3. For easy selection of kits. As mentioned earlier, the "base" is very easy to combine with almost any options for clothing, accessories or shoes. Thus, the problem of "nothing to wear" practically disappears.

Modern stylists recommend having at least 2-3 "basic" things in stock. In general, we can say with confidence that without a base, a complete wardrobe is simply considered incomplete. Now you need to pick up a base and find out what applies to it.

Basic shades and elements

As a rule, not all manufacturers produce a separate series of things marked "basic", which are just included in the basic wardrobe of a modern girl. And this greatly complicates the process of selecting this type of clothing. So you need to figure out what the base includes. Also below you will find recommendations for choosing shades. Plus, there are tons of basic wardrobe photos on the internet - take a look at them to find something that works for you.


There may be different options here. Usually 2-3 different models are enough for each season.

  • T-shirt or T-shirt. The running colors are, of course, white, black, beige. As for beige, you should choose the most neutral shades that will only slightly shade the overall gamut of your future image. Sometimes grays, blues or blues are good options. But again, you should pay attention to the fact that the color is not flashy, calm.
  • Tops and T-shirts

  • Shirt or. Base shades for a shirt are white, cream, sometimes beige. Don't overdo it with saturation.
  • Blouse with a bow, as a base option

    Examples of shirts

  • Turtleneck. A warmer option from the base. Here, richer, deeper shades can be used, but at the same time, those that can be easily included in the general gamut of the wardrobe. These are white, black, brown, gray, blue, beige tones. The muted shades of the above tones are the perfect harmonious option.


Almost all possible elements of the bottom are black. it is considered the most calm and neutral color, and if we talk about clothes, it also gives harmony and attractiveness. These are the elements that are considered the base here:

Other options

There are other things that should definitely be included in a basic wardrobe:

  1. A classic element of outerwear. Get yourself a standard beige, medium-length black, or your choice of style. These models are ideal for both a romantic and business, everyday look.
  2. Basic outerwear

    Outerwear models

  3. Trouser suit or suit with a skirt. A standard for a business lady and a very comfortable everyday option for work.
  4. Jackets & Blazers

  5. Pumps. A timeless classic that matches both trousers and skirts. Undoubtedly, preference should be given to the black and. You can choose between open or closed spout.
  6. Base of summer shoes

    Demi-season basic models

  7. Perhaps it is worth getting it just in the first place.
  8. Black dress style options

  9. A very important element of every girl's wardrobe - basic too. Two sets in black and flesh color will suit any look. And for ladies with forms, one more recommendation: buy a high-quality
  10. Accessories. Buy a ready-made kit or customize it yourself. Perfectly matched handbag, gloves and scarf will perfectly complement your fall and spring looks.

Before going shopping, carefully consider the photos of modern models. Very often, their clothes can include items from the basic wardrobe. This will help you make the right and stylish choice in the department.

Basic dress options for different seasons

We select the right style

For a basic wardrobe, you need not only standard classic shades, but also standard styles. Do not forget about the peculiarities of appearance: the recommended options can be slightly adjusted for yourself, as well as your wardrobe.

Top details

Bottom elements

To dilute the basic wardrobe and add some piquancy to it, you can pick up a few more elements to complete the picture.

Base Accessory Options

Do not forget to get acquainted with fashion trends from designers every new season. Study photos of models and feel free to experiment!

You shouldn't try to put together a complete wardrobe in one style. It is better to compose several fashionable looks for different occasions. To disassemble your closet with clothes and understand what you are missing and what you should get rid of, use this algorithm:

  1. Think about the main life scenarios in which you participate, for example: working in the office, working out in the gym, meeting with friends, dating, snowboarding, parties, active walks on the weekends, etc.
  2. Open your closet and take a close look at your clothes and shoes. Try to make kits that fit each item in your scenarios. You will immediately see what is missing!
  3. In order not to get bored, invite your sister or friend to visit and ask for help with the analysis of your wardrobe and the formation of your own style. Try on everything you have and take a photo.
  4. After the photo session, you will have a visual aid that demonstrates the current state of affairs. Feel free to get rid of things that spoil your figure, look out of place and just don't like you. Put them in boxes and take them to a charitable foundation, on the Internet you can easily find where things are accepted in your city.
  5. Now in the wardrobe there is room for new, stylish sets! We've put together a simple guide to this year's fashion trends. Look and decide what is right for you.

Basic clothing styles for girls 2016

  • Linen style. Get a slip dress that's the best option for romantic dates. It can be either black or pastel colors.
  • Sporty chic. Even if you are still far from sports, a pair of trendy sneakers should definitely be in your wardrobe! After all, they can be worn everywhere, combining not only with sportswear, but also with dresses and formal suits.
  • Boho. Romantic floor-length dresses, hats, cozy chunky-knit cardigans, careless curls ... Delicate and relevant looks for every day!
  • Classic business style. Every year, designers offer us something new for the office, because we spend the most time at work. A fun way to diversify your office routine is to mix prints by combining polka dots, stripes, check and houndstooth, as many fashion bloggers do!
  • Minimalism. Don't like a lot of things and accessories? Pay attention to interesting things of an unusual cut, not overloaded with details and prints. Minimalist coats, dresses, trousers and shirts go well with flat shoes such as loafers.
  • 70th. A relaxed '70s look is in fashion now! Long skirts, suede jackets and fringed bags are great for a spring walk in the park or dinner with friends.
  • 90th. Like the 70s, this era is now experiencing a rebirth. Do you miss those days? Create

Choosing clothes for every day, most girls give preference to the convenience and quality of materials. Everyday clothes should be simple, without unnecessary details and comfortable to wear. Today there is a huge selection of all kinds of models that look very beautiful and stylish.

Basic requirements for everyday clothing style

When choosing a casual form of clothing, attention is most often paid to the following criteria:

  • convenience;
  • naturalness of materials;
  • simplicity of cut;
  • quality;
  • practicality.

Choose clothes that do not require constant ironing and are resistant to pilling. Fabrics must be resistant to constant washings and not give in to deformation. They may also include a small amount of synthetic materials, but not more than 30%. Fully synthetic items prevent the body from breathing and this can lead to increased perspiration. A large number of ties, buttons and buttons is also not desirable, as this can take additional time when fastening them. The simpler the cut, the better.

Most often, casual women's clothing consists of items in a sporty and classic style. They are as comfortable as possible and do not constrain movement. This can be wide-leg pants made of lightweight materials, a T-shirt, and a loose cardigan. For shoes, it is best to choose either a stable platform or flat shoes. It is better to refuse stilettos and branded stylish shoes. Remember, convenience and comfort are the keys to a good mood.

What is the best buy?

In order for your wardrobe to be fully equipped and does not consist only of evening dresses, it is worth buying things for every day. Casual clothes for girls can consist of:

  • jeans;
  • loose trousers;
  • shorts;
  • skirts;
  • t-shirts;
  • T-shirts.

Casual wear for women can also include lightweight material. It can be worn both at home and for shopping.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in winter, your wardrobe can be supplemented with loose sweaters, turtlenecks and a cardigan, but everyday summer clothes should include light trousers, cotton shirts and simple sundresses, dressing gowns.

If you look at the everyday clothes of the stars, you can see that they are not much different from ordinary people. In their wardrobe, there are shorts, loose shirts, T-shirts and T-shirts. The main footwear for every day is comfortable ballet flats and sandals, and in winter, sneakers, sneakers or boots. Perhaps some women of fashion will not be able to refuse bright clothes with rhinestones and various decorative elements. This is all very individual and relative. Casual fashion can be a great way to express yourself. After all, a woman in any situation should remain a woman, even if she is at home, when no one sees her.

Casual clothes for overweight

Most often, girls with curvaceous shapes choose loose and shapeless outfits for everyday wear. This position is completely wrong. They should wear pretty clothes every day to feel beautiful and feminine. Therefore, it is best to get A-line dresses, Bedouin trousers and skirts in the floor or in a line. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fabrics. You should not choose shiny and too bright materials; it is better to opt for light, flowing fabrics. At the same time, it is better to choose calm shades that will help to visually correct the figure and hide flaws. Also, do not buy clothes with large patterns; small patterns or floral motifs are best.

Hello everyone! In the wardrobe of women, most often there is a huge amount of clothes, but they are of the same type and do not match with each other. It is because of this that the eternal "nothing to wear" arises. A carefully thought-out wardrobe will help you try on a new look every day, changing only minor details, adding fashion trends of the season. A planned selection of the necessary things from a small assortment of products will help to create a large number of options. What is a basic wardrobe? What clothes fit this definition and what should you look for when choosing a base?

Basic wardrobe: what is it?

The core of the image of a young girl and an adult woman is a basic set of things. These are classic, versatile wardrobe items that can be the basis of any outfit, suitable in a variety of situations. Simply put, a basic wardrobe is a set of basic clothing that forms the backdrop for a feminine look. They wear products every day, creating seemingly completely opposite styles: from classic and business to casual and sporty. The more correctly the base is selected, the more harmonious and interesting bright accents, stylish details and accessories will look on it, and the image will turn out to be harmonious and complete.

Basic principles of a universal basic wardrobe:

  • Things need to choose neutral shades. They can be white, black, beige, gray, peach, brown, so that the products can be easily connected with each other, interchangeable.
  • Wardrobe items should be selected in a classic cut so that they go well with each other.
  • Products should be neutral in design, restrained, without drawings, prints, rhinestones and other decorative elements.
  • It is necessary that the chosen clothes fit perfectly to the figure, but not tight, fit in style to the type of figure, emphasize the dignity.

Basic things are worn for several seasons, so you need to pick them up with all responsibility. They must be of high quality and expensive. It is better to purchase basic garments according to the field of activity, for example, a business lady should have more classics in stock.

In addition to the versatile wardrobe, the women's closet contains fashion items designed to be worn for one or two seasons.

According to experts, every girl should have 70% of all things basic, the remaining 30% should be bright designer novelties.

Basic color palette

The basic set of things of a modern woman of fashion can be conditionally divided into summer and winter. In the first, light shades prevail: white, beige, cream, peach, blue, in the second - dark ones, for example, black, dark green, indigo, gray, brown. All colors are calm, not flashy, so that they can be easily combined and diluted with bright details, accessories and paints.

It is important to choose universal wardrobe items according to the one that suits a particular girl.

13 basic wardrobe items

A basic wardrobe is those things that have not gone out of fashion for years. According to statistics, only 20% of things are worn by women, the rest are waiting in the closet for their time, but soon they become small, become morally obsolete, no longer like them.

So, what clothes should definitely be in the ideal women's wardrobe?

1. Little black dress

A classic sheath dress is where you should start collecting the base of your wardrobe. Such laconic clothes should be simple, clear cut, without voluminous draperies, bright details, flashy decor, but look chic and sophisticated. On the basis of such a dress, you can create a huge number of interesting images, combine it with different styles. It is universal and appropriate everywhere: outdoors, walking, in the office, on a date, in a club, theater, interview.

You can complement this item of women's wardrobe with beads, a scarf, a wide belt, a necklace, a string of pearls. It is worth wearing a dress with shoes of restrained or bright colors, with interesting tights, a clutch.

Better, there will be several dresses: one in a neutral, restrained shade (black, gray) for work and business meetings, the other - bright and bold for special occasions.

2. Blouse

White, beige, light blue blouses, "men's" shirts, body shirts are a necessity for a woman's image. They can be silk, thick, lace and transparent. There should be at least two such things: different shades, styles, collar options and sleeve lengths. The main thing is to choose the right tone of the product. Some are snow-white, others - ivory or baked milk. There is one secret here - a blouse or shirt should not be much whiter than the shade of tooth enamel.

Such a wardrobe item suits absolutely all girls and ladies, regardless of age and shape. They are perfectly combined with a strict trouser suit and a narrow skirt, suitable for office workers and business women. A white oversized shirt paired with jeans or leather skinny will look less formal. You can add a variety of interesting accessories to this option, complementing the image.

3. Pants

Trousers, ideally suited to the type of figure, will bring together all the clothes. Such a basis will help to create many outfits: for rest, working days, special occasions.

Black or dark blue trousers can be chosen in regular length or cropped, it all depends on the fullness of the ankle. This irreplaceable thing can be easily combined with thin translucent blouses, sweatshirts, elongated jackets and cardigans, pumps, heeled sandals, sneakers.

4. Jeans

Modern life is unthinkable without jeans. But before they were considered workers' clothing. This versatile and comfortable item is included in the basic wardrobe of women of any age. The only thing is better to choose pants from dark blue denim, classic cut, straight or slightly flared. They should be free of scuffs, cuts, holes, rhinestones, and other obvious decorative elements.

Jeans are appropriate in almost all situations: from the office (if the company does not have a strict dress code) to evening walks. You can wear them with any footwear: sneakers, high-heeled shoes, flat-soled models.

You cannot save on jeans. It is worth choosing a good dense material, your ideal cut and cut. Such a piece of clothing should advantageously emphasize the figure, hide the tummy, and visually raise the buttocks.

5. Pencil skirt

A classic narrow skirt made of dense material, with a high waistline and a slight taper to the bottom, is a spectacular and feminine detail of the main wardrobe. Such products visually stretch the silhouette, emphasize the line of the thigh.

It is advisable to choose a skirt in a neutral color: black, gray, beige. The length can vary depending on age: on the palm above the knee, to the knee and just below the knee. The degree of fit and the height of the waist level depend on the type and characteristics of the figure, height - you need to choose the thing that will look perfect.

Looks great with blouses, tops, sweaters, cardigans, sweatshirts.

6. T-shirt, T-shirt

Knitwear should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista. It is desirable that there are several of them. A monochromatic T-shirt with thin straps, a T-shirt with short sleeves in a classic cut - that's the minimum. These required options should be without pictures, preferably in neutral colors: white, gray or black.

You can combine literally everything with such things: from jeans and sneakers to formal trousers and bright boats. In cool weather, knitwear can be complemented with a cardigan or jacket.

The vest, beloved by many, can also become the basis of a basic wardrobe. It will fit into any look, it can be with long and short sleeves, with a V-neck or straight neckline. The footwear suits the nautical style, classic and sporty.

7. Jumper, turtleneck

A sweater, jacket, turtleneck or jumper - any two items from this list must be in a universal wardrobe. It is better if one thing is knitted woolen, the other is thin cashmere. The colors that you should focus on when choosing this option are as neutral as possible - beige, gray, dark gray, black, brown.

You can wear such products all year round. They are an excellent alternative to outerwear in cool weather, they will warm you in winter frosts. Such a warm version of basic things is perfectly combined with any bottom: with jeans, strict skirts and trousers.

8. Cardigan

Such an irreplaceable thing as a knitted cardigan will fit into the image of a business woman and a young student girl. It will look great over a small classic dress, with a pencil skirt or trousers, a T-shirt and jeans.

It is better to choose this cozy thing in calm shades. Such an elongated jacket without a collar, with buttons or with a belt is relevant in any season: in cool summer, changeable spring, cold autumn evenings, in the winter cold as an additional layer of outerwear.

9. Jacket

A versatile piece of women's wardrobe is a fitted jacket or blazer. Perfectly fitting to the figure, it goes well with almost every outfit. Combining a jacket with classic trousers, skirts can look luxurious and strict, as office workers should. Wear a blazer with jeans and tank tops for a weekend get-up.

It is worth giving preference to a jacket of black, gray, dark blue, dark gray, bottle color, preferably without large buttons and other memorable decorative elements. Any footwear fits this garment: sneakers, sneakers, stiletto heels, loafers, ballet flats.

10. Trench

A trench coat (trench coat) is a thing that never goes out of fashion and is the leader of the wardrobe in the spring-autumn period. This double-breasted lightweight raincoat must have details such as a buckle belt, pseudo straps, a turn-down collar with buttons, a slit at the back and tabs on the sleeves.

This classic version of light outerwear can be selected in a beige shade, any delicate pastel - pistachio, lavender, lemon, white, caramel, as well as black, dark blue or protective (khaki). The trench coat will suit any style: from casual to formal.

11. Shoes

Classic pumps are not worth saving on. It is advisable to choose models with a flesh tone, close to skin color, or black. Such an attribute, indispensable in the universal wardrobe of a fashionista, should be at least in two copies: one pair with a high heel for special occasions and one comfortable one with a low heel for wearing for every day.

Beige shoes are versatile. They visually lengthen the legs, fit almost any bow and help you look elegant and harmonious in any outfit. Black pumps are also combined with any outfit, but they do not look so advantageous. Preference should be given to shoes made of natural matte leather or suede, avoiding lacquered models.

12. Ballerinas

Ballet shoes are indispensable for mobile and energetic people. They are a worthy replacement for stiletto heels. High heels, of course, look beautiful, but you can't go through them all day. In addition, it is worth listening to the opinion of orthopedists, who unanimously assert that shoes with high thin heels can be worn only 3-4 hours a day.

It is better to choose ballet flats stylish and elegant, neutral shades: black, flesh, gray, brown. This versatile shoe is suitable for everyday wear, as an interchangeable pair in the office, and even for an evening dress. It is advisable to look for models made of genuine leather or suede.

13. Bag

Bags are an important part of any woman's look. This mandatory attribute must be at least three pieces in a woman's wardrobe. A small clutch bag will perfectly complement an evening bow, a medium-sized bag will fit perfectly with any outfit, from a romantic dress with stiletto heels to jeans with ballet flats. A large bag, usually with two handles, is a roomy and convenient item for every day.

It is desirable that all accessories are monochromatic. You can dilute them with neckerchiefs, key chains, and other bright details.

Worth reading:

Having an idea of ​​what a basic wardrobe is, you can skillfully select winning combinations in clothes, look every day in a new way with a limited number of things. All kits are interchangeable, compatible with each other and always up-to-date. They will help you look elegant, stylish and advantageous in any situation. Having supplemented the basic wardrobe with fashionable designer accessories, bright novelties and season details, any girl will be at her best!

Choosing an image, a self-respecting girl pays attention to fashionable bows 2017, photos, for every day the style should be original and feminine. The modern lady is not only beautiful, she works, takes care of children, goes on romantic dates. Therefore, the choice of clothing corresponds to an active lifestyle.

In the fall of 2017, the arsenal needs to purchase a denim dress, a leather skirt, a trench coat or cardigan and comfortable shoes. If you learn to combine things, you will certainly get a bright original image for home, office and just shopping.

Fashionable clothes colors

Choosing the right wardrobe is the basis for a woman's success. Comfortable stylish clothes for every day evoke femininity, beauty and style. However, it is not enough just to buy clothes from new collections. You should be able to combine colors, complement bows with the necessary accessories.

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary that there be red clothes in the closet. The shade doesn't matter. It is different for every woman, but stylists recommend paying attention to the Aurora Red color. It has a restrained brightness, richness and taste.

In the green tones, you need to pay attention to the shade "succulent meadows". This color has a cold undertone and is darker than grass, but it looks aristocratic.

Don't forget the shades of pink. Lilac purple, mustard clay and simply spicy mustard are the choices of modern designers.

Advice!When creating a stylish look 2017, you can combine 2-3 shades. However, you shouldn't forget about multi-colored prints. They are at their peak of popularity.

Denim in a new way

Every girl has jeans in her wardrobe. Often not even alone because they are comfortable, fashionable and affordable. However, in 2017, designers insist that femininity doesn't need to be hidden. Therefore, the main trend of the season is denim dress.

The denim dress became popular in the forties thanks to the designer Claire McCardell. Her model was in the shape of a hoodie with large pockets and a wrap. Since then, a lot of variations of a convenient thing have appeared.

This fall you can buy a denim dress of any color and style. It is self-sufficient, so it does not need additional accessories. The main thing is to pay attention to the shoes. Sandals with thick heels or stilettos are perfect. An open toe with a beautiful pedicure always attracts the eyes of men, as does a slender leg. Pumps are versatile, so they'll go well with them as well.

In 2017, it is important to wear dresses in tandem with sneakers, sneakers and even cowboy boots. The low stroke is comfortable for the modern woman and the bow is perfect for everyday tasks.

If, nevertheless, a flat sole does not fit, stylists recommend returning to low-heeled ankle boots in the fall. Their style depends on the type of denim dress. The classic version will suit any tailoring.

A jacket can be supplemented with a straight dress without details in the form of buttons, locks, belts. White will go well with a light shade. For dark and saturated, black, raspberry and even coral are selected. Delicate sandals complete the bow. The height of the heel should be medium.

In 2017, it is relevant to wear dresses in tandem with sneakers, sneakers and even cowboy boots.

A short denim dress looks harmoniously with a black leather jacket. Also, there will be no superfluous jeans jacket. Too much in the material is not scary. Stylish bows are complemented with brown moccasins.

A popular option is knee length and shirt dress. They go well with pumps, sneakers, slip-ons and sandals. Straw hats and handbags are chosen as an accessory. The straw is replaced with brown suede. This is a more practical option. Choose an envelope with a leopard print in an original way.

Advice!Ideal accessories for a denim dress are a leather belt, rich silk shawls and horn-rimmed glasses.

Everybody should have a leather skirt

Women all over the world have long preferred leather trousers, jackets, and dresses. Finally it was the turn of the skirts.

The presence of a leather skirt in the wardrobe speaks not of the girl's promiscuity, but of sexuality and style. Moreover, there are different styles that are suitable for any event.

The classic version is a black leather skirt. It is recommended to combine it with a gray jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan. Add stylish red sneakers to a sporty bow. For business women, pumps come to the rescue.

The black top looks elegant and sexy at the same time. Among the options are a blouse, turtleneck, leather jacket, sweatshirt. By the way, white color, by the way, also looks very good thanks to the contrast. Therefore, if there is a white blouse in your wardrobe, hurry up to wear it under a black leather skirt.

The black and white stripe has been relevant for several seasons. Don't put your striped tees and tops in the back drawer. They look great with leather.
If the girl is extraordinary, a pale blue jumper, mustard shirt or dark green blouse can become a standout element.

Style Tips:

  • A translucent or silk plain blouse looks elegant with a pencil skirt. The image is suitable for the office and evening events. A top complemented by a jacket can be a substitute. Show off your insolence by choosing a T-shirt with a fun print. For a warm autumn, an attractive bow is obtained with a crop top. Unusual fabrics and textures will attract attention and diversify everyday life, so do not forget about lace and oversized sweaters.
  • A short leather skirt doesn't look vulgar if you choose a closed top. Balance provides comfort. A long sleeve blouse, an elongated cardigan, a denim jacket are ideal. You can experiment with prints. Thick tights, leather skirt and warm sweater are the best choices of the current season.

  • The sun skirt of different lengths looks great in tandem with any blouses. Shoes can be chosen with or without heels. The vibrant colors of the skirt are stylishly paired with plain tucked-in shirts.
  • A leather a-line skirt looks no less interesting than the previous options, together with a translucent blouse, denim shirt, loose top, T-shirt, striped jumper, turtleneck.

Advice!In the cold season, under a leather skirt, it is better to wear not nylon tights, but warm ones. They pair perfectly with any top and are very trendy for fall / winter 2017.

The cloak is a constant companion in the off-season

In the classic style, under a raincoat, you can wear a skirt, trousers, dresses.

Disco-style raincoats are designed in the style of the 70s and 80s. Wide turn-down collars, shortened to mid-thigh, hoods are ideally complemented by shocking colors. Daring provocative models are the undoubted leader in the 2017 market. Such raincoats become the basis of an outfit and look most impressive with clothes of the same style (flared trousers, jeans, maxi-skirts, platform shoes).

Girls who do not like to stand out from the crowd will do well in a military-style cloak. It fits into the classic everyday look. Feminine outfits will complement this essential part of your wardrobe luxuriously.

We must not forget about the new solution of the fabric for raincoats - multi-colored thin leather. Trendy asymmetrical cut will give individuality to the image, character and special style. White skin looks noble and extravagant.

Advice! You can put on any shoes that are comfortable under the coat. Even sneakers will do. In combination with a short leather skirt, the bow will turn out to be unsurpassed.

Trench coat - stylish, fashionable and beautiful

Stylists recommend that modern girls choose a trench coat. It is comfortable, protects from cold and wind, and matches a variety of clothing styles. Designers present a variety of prints and colors, so choosing an individual item is not difficult.

The classic model that came from the last century firmly occupies a leading position among the new products in the fashion world. The product is most often made in beige or flesh color from natural leather.

Woolen trench coats look stylish. They are warm and stylish at the same time, suitable for any type of appearance. The color ranges from white, gray, black to beige.

A summer trench coat of any color gives lightness and freshness to the image. It is in harmony with denim shirts and blouses.

In the fall of 2017, it is the beige color of the trench coat that is most relevant. It looks good on any body shape and even goes well with white sneakers. Denim shirts give a bold and original look.

In the fall of 2017, it is the beige color of the trench coat that is most relevant. It looks good on any body shape.

Stylish bow in combination with a trench coat - a dress made of light fabric. Fashionable midi length and contrasting color to the trench coat will indicate the owner's courage and good taste.

Advice! The trench coat goes well with summer shoes, but it is better to give preference to seasonal models.

Women's handbag: a choice in favor of size or beauty?

A girl cannot do without a purse. Lipstick, phone, napkins are always at hand for a true lady. Therefore, the choice of this accessory should be treated with extreme caution.

In the fall-winter 2017 period, you will be especially pleased with the choice of futuristic prints, fur or other original finishes. Romantic personalities will love a clutch on a chain, small semicircular bags and retro models.

During the fall-winter 2017 period, you will be especially pleased with the choice of futuristic prints, fur or other original finishes.

Clutches have become so common in everyday life that it has become fashionable to take them with you, even when the bow is sporty. Miniature items are suitable for attending fun parties. Rich accessories and decor will complement the look of a stylish girl.

Backpacks rank first among functional accessories in 2017. They come in a variety of colors, sizes and styles. The winter look is achieved through fur trim. Genuine leather, metallic finishes and sequins are the Versace choice.

Backpacks rank first among functional accessories in 2017

Suitcases are distinguished this season by clean lines, short handles and a square or rectangular shape. Suitcases, regardless of trends, can be of different sizes, but unusual shapes with an extraordinary color are welcome.

Advice! It is fashionable and modern to carry the bag open. Therefore, when choosing an accessory, you should give preference to a variety of zippers and locks.

Fashion accessories in 2017

A woman is distinguished from a man by her love of jewelry. Small details added to the image attract attention, emphasize romance and beauty. The fall-winter 2017 season will not be complete without accessories:

  • the brooch is back in fashion and looks great on a jacket, dress and even a jumper;
  • pearls today decorate not only the girl's neck, but also her arms, ears and even legs;

Multi-rings - a kind of knuckle dusters on a gypsy motive
Natural stone perfectly diversifies the daily bow Large pendants of different styles, the main thing is the huge size

Choosing accessories this season, you need to remove modesty, restraint and meekness. Laconicism is also not in vogue. It is necessary to emphasize individuality and attract the attention of the people around you.

In the choice of accessories for the fall-winter 2017, the main thing is size. Huge jewelry is in trend. They emphasize the originality, extravagance and originality of the owner.