Uninvited guest. Influenza in pregnant women. Symptoms, treatment and prevention of influenza during pregnancy

This is less stress for a pregnant woman, in her usual home conditions she can lie down and drink the necessary medications, and rinse her throat, and read her favorite book.

It is important that the room in which the pregnant woman lies is ventilated every day and the floor is washed with disinfectants, as well as door handles and furniture. The dishes of a pregnant woman with the flu should be rinsed with boiling water after each meal.

How to eat while pregnant during the flu?

During the flu, the body of a pregnant woman loses a lot of energy and requires twice as much vitamins to restore them. Therefore, food should be saturated with a maximum of vegetables and fruits. It is desirable that milk-carbohydrate food predominates in the diet of a pregnant woman, but there is less salt. Sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese curds, milk are very good food during the flu, supporting the body. But what about those who don't like dairy? There are vegetables and fruits - they have all the necessary substances that will support and strengthen the immune system.

During the flu, you need a lot of warm drink, but not only teas and decoctions from medicinal plants (sage, linden, rose hips, rich in vitamins). It is also important to drink freshly squeezed juices, compotes, fruit drinks, mineral water without gas. These drinks will help remove toxins from the body, which is oversaturated with them due to the vigorous activity of influenza viruses.

How to treat a pregnant woman with a high fever?

If the expectant mother has a temperature above 38 degrees, which is accompanied by headaches and muscle pains, you need to give her paracetamol or medications with it in the composition. But, like any antipyretic, they do not need to be abused.

Paracetamol, like any other means that reduce fever, is taken no more than 2 times a day with a break of 4 to 6 hours. As much as possible, you can take an antipyretic up to 4 times a day, that is, 2 tablets are permissible during the day and two at night.

At temperatures below 38.5, antipyretics should not be taken - high temperature contributes to the rapid death of viruses.

Home rinses for pregnant women

To reduce fever and get rid of viruses as quickly as possible, you need to gargle often - in case of an acute inflammatory process, at least once an hour. For this, it is good to use a solution of furacillin. They buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it themselves, diluting 0.5 cups of this solution and the same amount of water. There is another option: 800 ml of warm water and 4 furacillin tablets, which must be diluted in it. In order for the tablets to dissolve well, you can first fill them with a small amount of boiling water, and then add the rest of the water.

It is very good to gargle with baking soda and salt (you can take iodized salt or sea salt). Dilute them in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of salt or soda to 1 glass of water. To make the effect of rinsing more significant, the nose is instilled with drops that constrict the blood vessels. If a cough also joins the sore throat, the doctor will prescribe a mixture for the pregnant woman to cough up. It can be a remedy with marshmallow root, which is very good for this kind of disease. It is drunk 1 tablespoon four times a day for a week.

Flu rinsing options during pregnancy

Chamomile infusion - 1 tablespoon of chamomile, filled with a glass of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes and cooled. This infusion must be filtered and gargled every hour for 5 days.

Infusion of calendula can be prepared in the same way as chamomile, and gargle with it at the same frequency.

Sage infusion is also very good for destroying various pathogens, the cooking method is the same, only it needs to be insisted longer - up to half an hour.

Elderberry infusion is very good for the flu as a gargle. Dried flowers can be purchased at the pharmacy. Pour 4 tablespoons of elderberry flowers with a glass of boiling water and simmer for another 10 minutes, then cool, strain and use as a gargle.

Can pregnant women take antibiotics for the flu?

Influenza is a viral disease. If viruses were the causative agents of the disease, then antibiotics will be useless - they only affect bacteria. Viruses live in the very nucleus of cells, so antibiotics simply cannot penetrate there.

Even if a doctor prescribes an antibiotic, then its effect will not be directed at a viral infection, but at the treatment of bacterial diseases associated with influenza. It can be bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, otitis media. It makes sense for a pregnant woman to take antibiotics for these diseases. But only as prescribed by a doctor!

To make the disease easier for both mother and child, you need to influence the body with immunomodulators. These drugs will powerfully support the immune system and significantly shorten the duration of the disease. But the issue of taking immunomodulators must be discussed with a doctor, since it is very controversial: what exactly should a pregnant woman take, how much and how.

When is a pregnant woman treated for influenza in a hospital?

  • A pregnant woman with the flu is sent to the hospital if the form of her illness is severe or hypersevere.
  • If the flu is complicated in a pregnant woman by other diseases associated with disorders of the nervous system, respiratory organs or other body systems
  • If a pregnant woman does not have the opportunity to normally be treated at home

How to treat the flu in a pregnant woman should be determined only by the attending physician. In order for the treatment to proceed correctly, you cannot prescribe drugs yourself, because you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the life of the unborn baby.

Given the annual epidemics and the widespread population coverage in them, many women have to carry the flu during pregnancy. This situation causes reasonable excitement for the expectant mother: how to treat the flu during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby? The question of the effect of the infection itself on the fetus is also troubling. How justified such anxiety is and will be discussed in the article.

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Distinctive features of influenza

Despite the fact that influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection, it has a number of differences from other acute respiratory viral infections in pregnant women:

  • predominant distribution in the form of epidemics;
  • the predominance of manifestations of intoxication over catarrhal phenomena;
  • rapid development of the clinical picture of the disease;
  • more severe course and a greater likelihood of complications.

After a short incubation period (from several hours to 3 days), the following symptoms appear and symptoms rapidly increase:

  • body aches;
  • severe weakness;
  • severe pain in the frontotemporal region;
  • pain in the eyeballs (especially when moving);
  • photophobia;
  • muscle pain.

From the first hours there is a high fever with chills. The temperature can reach 39 0 С and higher. The feeling of heat is accompanied by severe sweating.

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On day 2, catarrhal symptoms appear:

  • nasal congestion;
  • lacrimation;
  • sore throat;
  • dry, painful cough;
  • retrosternal pain along the trachea.

After a couple of days, mucous nasal discharge may appear, and the cough will become moist.

What is the danger of influenza during pregnancy

Pregnancy causes a decrease in immunity in every woman. This is provided by nature so that a woman can bear a child, otherwise the cells of the embryo may be perceived by the woman's immune system as a foreign body, and the body would try to reject it.

But a decrease in immunity increases the risk of developing an infectious pathology in a woman during pregnancy, one of which is the flu. Therefore, pregnant women are at risk for the incidence of influenza. Influenza in pregnant women can adversely affect both the body of the expectant mother and the fetus.

Having the flu during pregnancy can have an adverse effect on a woman's health:

  • the development of heart damage with subsequent heart failure;
  • the occurrence of complications from the respiratory system and ENT organs;
  • decreased resistance to bacterial infections (staphylococcal, hemophilic, etc.);
  • provoke an exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • cause metabolic disorders.

The possible consequences for the fetus will depend on the gestational age when an infection occurs:

  1. Influenza in early pregnancy (in the 1st trimester) is especially dangerous, since in the first 12 weeks. pregnancy, the structure of the organs of the unborn child is laid. Influenza virus through the blood can cause infection of the fetus and intrauterine death. There may be a threat of miscarriage during this period. What defects in the development of organs the virus will cause, no doctor can say. Damage to the central nervous system is most likely.
  2. Influenza during pregnancy in the second trimester also poses a threat of miscarriage. Other consequences of infection during this period may be:
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • lack of water;
  • early rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • damage to the placenta (circulatory disorders).
  1. During the third trimester, influenza can lead to:
  • to intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • the development of hypoxia (oxygen starvation of the fetus);
  • delayed fetal development,
  • create a threat of premature birth.

After the flu, the risk of developing weakness in labor and blood loss during childbirth increases.

At the birth of a child infected with the flu virus in utero, 60% of the following health problems are noted:

  • teeth teething late;
  • ARVI during the neonatal period with the development of pneumonia;
  • allergic skin diseases;
  • endocrine changes.

Diagnostics of the consequences of the transferred flu

If the flu struck a woman in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to spend up to 20 weeks. "Triple test", which helps to suspect the presence of defects in the fetus. The test includes an analysis of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), estriol and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP).

Sometimes they are done again for greater reliability. The test results are not absolute, but only indicative, if changes are detected, other studies and consultation with a geneticist are prescribed.

Additional research includes ultrasound and amniocentesis - taking amniotic fluid for examination, which also allows you to identify pathology in the fetus. This procedure does not cause pain, but there is still a threat of miscarriage (1-2%).

If flu occurs after 20 weeks. pregnancy during recovery of a woman is prescribed: ultrasound, study of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and fetus (dopplerography), cardiotocography (study of the fetal heart).


Treatment of influenza in expectant mothers must be carried out without fail under the supervision of a doctor and when fulfilling his appointments. Self-medication is dangerous !! Patients are more often treated at home. Women are hospitalized in case of a severe course of the disease, with the development of complications or for social reasons - in the absence of acceptable conditions for the treatment and care of the patient.

For the duration of the illness, bed rest is prescribed. The room should be ventilated every hour, and at least 2p. wet cleaning should be carried out a day. Food should be complete in composition, fortified. It is imperative to include in the diet dairy products, a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates, it is desirable to limit the use of salt.

If there is no edema, then an abundant intake of fluids should be ensured to remove toxins from the body. Pregnant women can drink tea with lemon, herbal teas, juices, compotes, fruit drinks (especially useful cranberry, lingonberry), mineral water without gas.

Of the medicines, Paracetamol can be used to reduce fever above 38.5 ° C (the permissible daily dose is 4 doses), vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

To rinse the throat, Furacilin solution is used: 2 tablets per 200 ml of boiling water or a ready-made solution from a pharmacy, diluted in half with warm water. For rinsing, you can also use a soda solution (1 teaspoon for 1 glass of water) or infusions of medicinal herbs (flowers of chamomile, calendula, elderberry, sage). To prepare them, you need to take 1 tbsp. vegetable raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. and strain.

According to the prescription of the attending physician, you can take an expectorant mixture (from the root of marshmallow, thermopsis). You should not choose your own medicines. When applying for medical care, it is imperative to inform the doctor about pregnancy, since he must select only drugs that are allowed when carrying a child. Even about herbal preparations, on the advice of traditional medicine, you should clarify with your doctor that you can take them.

Pregnant women should not use hot foot baths. Black radish juice with honey is good for coughing. As drops in the nose, you can use the juice of carrots, beets, aloe, if necessary, they can be instilled after 2 hours. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics only if bacterial complications develop.


Prevention of influenza in pregnant women should be taken care of before an epidemic develops. Protection against influenza is a vaccination that is allowed during pregnancy, but not earlier than 14 weeks. her term. Although there is no complete guarantee that the disease will not develop after vaccination, its course will be mild and without the development of complications.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women can be successfully carried out in nonspecific ways:

  • during the season of increased morbidity, minimize visits to public places;
  • if it is necessary to stay in crowded places, lubricate the mucous membrane in the nose with oxolinic ointment before leaving the house;
  • after returning home, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, moisten the nasal mucosa with saline solution, rinse your throat with calendula infusion;
  • avoid contact with patients, and in case of illness of family members, limit contact with them and apply a mask (of 4 layers of gauze), which must be changed every 2 hours, washed and ironed with a hot iron; additionally hang gauze bags with chopped garlic in the room;
  • use phytoncides with food - onions and garlic;
  • as a general tonic, ginger tea is recommended: 1 tsp. pour boiling water (500 ml) of its crushed root, add honey and lemon to taste.

Influenza when carrying a child poses a danger to its complications for both the woman and the fetus. Influenza vaccination (after 14 weeks) may provide protection against infection. Non-specific preventive measures are also important. With the development of the disease, self-medication is dangerous in any trimester. On the first day of illness, you need to see a doctor.

Getting sick with the flu during pregnancy is a terrible dream for every expectant mother, because this disease can negatively affect the development of the child. It is important to remember that in the later stages, the risks that the virus will harm the baby are reduced. Let's talk about how to treat the flu in the 2nd trimester, why it is dangerous during pregnancy, and what preventive measures can help you avoid getting sick.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is responsible for two, all the diseases she suffers can negatively affect the development of the baby. During pregnancy, even a banal flu can cause negative consequences, but do not rush to panic: if you get sick in the 2nd trimester, then everything is not so scary. At this time, the organs and systems of the baby are formed, so the virus is unlikely to be able to harm, but such a probability still exists. Risks can be minimized with proper and timely treatment.

Swine flu is especially dangerous during pregnancy: it proceeds with complications that can affect the baby, even if the second trimester has already begun.

Flu treatment during pregnancy

At the first sign of flu, an urgent need to see a doctor. This advice is relevant not only for pregnant women, but in an "interesting position" the timeliness of solving the problem is especially important. Since the 2nd trimester is considered safe, often expectant mothers, feeling characteristic malaise, postpone going to the doctor, but in vain: during pregnancy, effective treatment of influenza should be carried out as early as possible, because the baby's health depends on it. In case of a viral disease, self-medication is strictly prohibited: this can aggravate the situation.

How can the flu be treated during pregnancy if the term is 2 trimester? Most drugs should not be taken by pregnant women. Even harmless folk methods may not be safe for the expectant mother. The only way out is to call a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

Uncontrolled intake of medicines in an "interesting position" is fraught with serious consequences.

Simple tips will help you get rid of the virus. During the period of illness, it is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible: drinking plenty of fluids will help "flush" the virus from the body. Drinks containing vitamin C are best suited for this: berry fruit drinks, rosehip drink or lemon tea. You can gargle with a baking soda solution or chamomile decoction. Steam inhalation using herbal preparations will help cough. At high temperatures, paracetamol can be taken: it is safe for pregnant women, but the dosage must be strictly observed. Any other antipyretic or antiviral pills should be discussed with your doctor. Remember to ventilate the room and stay in bed.

What is the danger of influenza in the second trimester: the consequences

All expectant mothers are afraid of getting the flu during pregnancy, 2 (as it is considered safe) trimester is not a guarantee that the consequences of the virus will not affect the child. Even in the late stages, the flu can lead to infection of the baby. Although it is more difficult for viruses to cross the placental barrier after the first trimester, such a possibility exists. The disease can affect the course of pregnancy, up to and including termination.

Influenza in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is dangerous for the health of the baby and mother with its complications: if it is not treated in a timely manner or treated incorrectly, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. For example, a virus can cause damage to the placenta, and this will lead to stunted growth of the child, oligohydramnios.

Prevention of influenza during pregnancy

If the 2nd trimester falls on a period of exacerbation of viral diseases, then you need to play it safe: during pregnancy, influenza prevention is just as important as proper treatment. In an "interesting position", you should avoid crowded places. Before leaving the house, you need to use oxolinic ointment, and upon returning, wash your hands thoroughly and rinse your nose with saline. If someone in the household is sick, then you need to be very careful not to get infected: minimize the time spent in the same room with the patient, do not use the same dishes. If you don't want to get sick, improve your immunity: eat right, drink vitamins, exercise - and viruses will bypass you.

Despite all the precautions that expectant mothers resort to so as not to fall ill during pregnancy, rarely in nine months a woman will not get sick even once and in anything. Do not rush to panic if you feel a sore throat and runny nose. It is highly likely that this is a simple one, which does not pose a particular danger to the unborn baby. Worse if you have a flu called.

Influenza (for grippe) is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. It is included in the group of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). Periodically spreads in the form of epidemics and pandemics.

Causes of the disease

The flu is triggered by a specific virus called Myxovirus influenzae. Just getting your feet wet will not catch the flu, but if someone coughed on you, it is likely, because from an infected person the infection enters the body of a healthy person by airborne droplets. After a fairly short time, a person who has been coughing may already feel sick - the virus rapidly multiplies in his body and is carried by the blood stream to all parts of it. The virus destroys the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which previously performed protective functions. This can cause a variety of consequences, including complications such as pneumonia, sinusitis. The virus has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system: inflammatory disease of the muscles of the heart, which sometimes develops, can provoke heart failure. For pregnant women, the flu is dangerous precisely because of the complications it causes, the worst of which is the threat or, moreover, miscarriage. In addition, the body of a pregnant woman, weakened by influenza, is threatened by a bacterial infection - staphylococcal, hemophilic, pneumococcal. During the illness, chronic diseases are often exacerbated: bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis, metabolic disorders (gastrointestinal types), kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases.

Flu symptoms

The flu is characterized in combination with chills, joint aches and photophobia, sometimes nausea and vomiting appear. All this is evidence of the intoxication of the body. On the second or third day, a sore throat is also added to the number of ailments. With flu, the body temperature is usually quite high, up to 40 degrees, with its periodic fall, the patient sweats a lot. This condition can last up to seven days. Everything else on the lips may occur. A viral disease in some pregnant women is accompanied by diarrhea. As with an ordinary person, after the flu, pregnant women remain with asthenia syndrome - increased fatigue, fatigue, general weakness and weakness, malaise. In addition, other difficulties are characteristic of pregnant women, for example, emotional disturbances. A woman can have both mild and severe behavioral disturbances. The expectant mother becomes more irritable, she is worried about getting out of bed with noise in her ears and, she does not tolerate bright light, loud conversations, a working TV.

How is flu treated?

Since the treatment of influenza in pregnant women has its own characteristics, it should only be prescribed by a doctor, who should be contacted immediately when they feel unwell. Many of the usual anti-influenza drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women. For example, certain anti-cough drugs, vasoconstrictors, and some antivirals. In treatment for the flu of pregnant women, doctors focus on. Drinking plenty of fluids is also shown. The liquid will help flush out the dangerous virus from the body. It is better to drink something sour that contains vitamin C - hot tea with or lemon and, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction. Antipyretic recommended for pregnant women -. If you are concerned about a cough, your doctor may prescribe herbs or those anti-cough medications that are allowed during pregnancy. It will be useful to steam with infusions of calendula, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, pine buds, wild rosemary, etc. Antibiotics are not prescribed for influenza disease.

What are the consequences of the disease during pregnancy?

No matter how much I would like to answer differently, the consequences of the transferred flu can be very different, moreover, not a single doctor will tell you with 100% certainty whether the disease affected the child's development or not. One has only to note that the flu is most dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. This is the period of laying the organs and tissues of the unborn baby, therefore it is so important that the pregnancy at this time proceeds favorably. In subsequent periods, the child is only growing and the flu disease will no longer affect the structure of organs and tissues. If influenza has a negative impact on the development of the child in the womb, then, most often, as sad as it may be, the pregnancy is terminated. If, after the flu, the pregnancy proceeds smoothly and without complications, which is proved by normal test results and (it shows whether everything is in order with the baby and the placenta), then there is nothing to worry about, and the baby is fine.

Influenza examination

There is a small possibility of infection in a child with a particularly severe course of influenza (with complications). To check if everything is in order with the baby, the so-called "triple test" will help - for, estriol, etc. Taking three hormones is a must, since the risk of pathologies is often unrealistic to assess by two or one. However, even so, the results of this test are often unreliable, because they depend on many factors. The results of the "triple" test, which is sometimes repeated several times for greater reliability, will show whether you calm down or continue examinations.

A follow-up examination will not be complete without an amniocentesis procedure. At the same time, they take a sample of amniotic fluid, examining which, they check for the presence of pathologies in the child. But in this case, unfortunately, no one will give 100% guarantees that there are no deviations or there are deviations. At the same time, the procedure is also dangerous, although it is carried out almost painlessly and very quickly, under the control of ultrasound. The threat of miscarriage or exists in about 1-2% of cases after it. Therefore, you should think carefully and weigh everything before agreeing to such a study.


Pregnant women are more likely to become infected than other people, since the immunity of such women is often weakened. It is known that influenza epidemics can be predicted because they occur at a certain period of time (autumn, spring). Therefore, doctors advise to do the flu before the outbreak of an epidemic. It is believed to be safe for a child because modern vaccinations contain an inactivated (killed) influenza virus. The exception is women who are less than 14 weeks pregnant - they should not get the flu shot. In addition, no flu vaccine can guarantee that a person does not get sick with this disease. The possibility of contracting the virus, albeit in a mild form, exists. This is a good reason to boost your immunity through hardening, a healthy lifestyle, and physical activity.

To prevent the disease, many doctors advise to lubricate the nasal mucosa before going out into public places. In the evening, before going to bed, rinse your mouth with a tincture of eucalyptus or calendula, which will wash away harmful germs accumulated during the day.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Every one of us is afraid of getting the flu. The experience of numerous epidemics has shown that this acute infectious disease can be caused by a wide variety of influenza viruses, including poorly studied ones.

And according to the classification, influenza belongs to the ARVI group (acute respiratory viral infections). From time to time, the flu spreads around the world in the form of powerful epidemics, mowing down everyone - old and young, including the most vulnerable part of the population - pregnant women.

Why do we have the flu?

Sometimes we mistakenly refer to the common cold as the flu, which we managed to catch by getting our feet wet. But if we happened to sit next to a person infected with the flu, and he coughed in our presence, the infection may well enter the body. That is, we contracted the flu by airborne droplets. After a while, we feel weakened, and later - frankly sick. What's happening? The virus rapidly multiplies in the body of a sick person, spreads to all parts of the body, poisoning each one.

The virus can infect the mucous membrane that protects our airways. And this can end with pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis. In addition, the cardiovascular system of a person can also suffer, for example, the development of heart failure is possible.

Influenza during pregnancy is a very dangerous disease.... The most serious complication after suffering the flu is premature birth or, worst of all, the threat of miscarriage. But this is not all the intrigues of the flu that threaten the expectant mother. Staphylococcal, hemophilic and pneumococcal infections are not excluded.

In addition to the troubles that these infections will bring, against their background, chronic diseases of a woman can worsen: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, metabolic problems, kidney or heart disease.

During periods of flu epidemics, a pregnant woman should be alert. Influenza immediately manifests itself with high fever, chills, aching joints. Even photophobia, nausea and vomiting may appear. All these are signs of body poisoning. If you don't call a doctor or an ambulance right away, the flu will give you a dry cough, runny nose, and sore throat.

The high temperature continues to hold, it can reach the 40-degree mark. A woman will experience this condition for at least a week. Even if everything went without tragic consequences, a pregnant woman will feel bad for a long time: to experience weakness, rapid fatigue and general malaise.

For women in position, at this time, a depressive state is characteristic, a change in the usual demeanor. She becomes irritable, dizzy and tinnitus worries, and can hardly tolerate bright light and any conversations of others.

Most of the time, a pregnant woman gets rid of the flu at home. Of course, with strict adherence to certain rules, and above all, strict bed rest, daily wet cleaning and hourly airing of the room where it is located. And such a trifle: the dishes used by the patient are rinsed with boiling water without fail.

  • Nutrition

It should be complete and rational, with a predominance of fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products. If a woman does not suffer from edema, she is shown an abundant drink in the form of compotes, fruit drinks, juices. All this will help to quickly rid the body of toxins.

  • Temperature

If the body temperature does not drop below 38 degrees, and the woman complains of headache and muscle pain, the doctor will recommend taking an antipyretic agent - Paracetamol, but you can take the medicine after 4 to 6 hours, a total of no more than four times a day.

  • Throat treatment

The throat will quickly stop hurting when rinsing it with a furacilin solution in warm water (1: 1). If there are only furacilin tablets in the house, you can make a rinsing solution yourself (dissolve 4 tablets in 800 ml of boiling water and cool).

A good throat remedy is baking soda (1 teaspoon) dissolved in a glass of water.

  • Runny nose

When treating a common cold, vasodilating drops are indispensable. Not all of them are suitable for pregnant women, so you need to choose in consultation with your doctor.

  • Cough

Until the cough becomes debilitating, you need to start drinking the expectorant mixture, which the doctor prescribed. This remedy usually contains marshmallow root or thermopsis. It should be taken four times daily, one tablespoon each.

A pregnant woman should know that she should not prescribe antibacterial agents on her own, especially since there is no benefit from them in the treatment of influenza. In rare cases, with a bacterial complication (pneumonia, sinusitis, encephalitis, otitis media), an antibiotic may be prescribed.

In addition, expectant mothers need to remember that it is impossible to take little-known drugs without the advice of a specialist, even if the media presents them as the most effective and safe, capable of effectively curing the flu.

Home treatment usually cures the flu quickly in a pregnant woman. And only a severe form of the disease can cause hospitalization.

How do you feel after an illness?

Of course, having the flu is not a good prospect for a mother-to-be. And even if the treatment helped, and the woman feels great, the doctor often refers her to research that will determine how the baby suffered from the mother's illness.

In the first half of pregnancy, a triple hormone test is usually done. He will answer the question: are there any defects in the development of the child? In this case, a consultation with a geneticist is also possible.

In the second half of pregnancy, a woman goes through a second ultrasound scan, special equipment examines the fetal cardiac activity and blood flow in the placenta.

As you know, in order not to engage in long and unpleasant treatment, any disease must be prevented. Moreover, when it comes to the flu. As soon as a flu epidemic begins, a pregnant woman should do everything to avoid danger. This is especially true for women in the first three months of pregnancy.

In winter, use public transport as little as possible. During an epidemic, do not leave the house without lubricating your nose with oxolinic ointment. And most importantly, pay special attention to the intake of special multivitamin complexes, which strengthen the body's resistance to viral infections.

If one of the family members is sick with the flu, the expectant mother should immediately put on a gauze mask and change it as often as possible.

Vaccination of pregnant women is voluntary; they are carried out in clinics when a flu epidemic begins. There are ladies who have a persistent prejudice to this measure of prevention. In this case, you should talk to your doctor, who will convince you that this vaccine is equally safe for both the mother and the baby. But vaccination is carried out only if the gestational age is less than 14 weeks.

Herbal medicine can help cope with the flu

Folk recipes support well the medical treatment of influenza. Pregnant women may well trust some of them.

  • Gargle with chamomile infusion... You can cook it very quickly: boil a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, strain, cool.
  • Infusion of calendula is prepared in the same way as chamomile... Also very useful for gargling.
  • Sage tea... A tablespoon of dry leaves is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour. Then strain the infusion, and you can use it.
  • Elderberry infusion... Boil a few tablespoons of dried flowers for a quarter of an hour over low heat in a glass of water. Strain, cool, and then periodically gargle.

For reference: The word "flu" came to our language from France. And the French borrowed it from the Latin language: "influre" - that is, "to invade." Therefore, for a long time influenza was called influenza everywhere, and later, again in France, it was renamed “grippe”, which means “to grab”.