New Year's scenarios at the dhow for the senior group. Scenario of the holiday "New Year" (Senior group)


Time is running on and on

The New Year is on the doorstep!

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing

All the miracles are still ahead!

Dear kids!
Boys and girls!
You hurry together to the hall
Near the New Year's tree,
Carnival will take place!



Go boldly into the hall!
Children, do not hesitate too,
Have fun, smile!
The tree is blooming with stars
Let's celebrate the New Year together!


How beautiful it is in our hall
And smart and light,
As if they were in a winter forest,
Everything around is white - white!


Hello tree, fluffy friend,
There is silver frost in the branches!
Hello music and laughter.
Today is the best holiday!


Our Christmas tree and fluffy
Both slender and green.
Only something does not burn with lights
we have it!

We'll fix the mess
Let's make the lights burn!
Let's say loudly:
"One, two, three - Come on, herringbone, burn!"

Children.(together with adults).
One, two, three - Come on, herringbone, burn!

Leading. Our Christmas tree does not light up. Come on guys one more time
let's say more amicably: "One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree!"

Children repeat words. A musical beat sounds, lights are lit on the tree.


Our tree is green
and smart and slender,
thousands of lights at once
flashed on her.


And under the tree there is a round dance
and dances and sings,

All friends and all girlfriends

Invites you to a circle.

Song. - round dance.
"Oh, what a good one"

Hello my friends!
Today I gathered you near the tree.
Because today is a holiday
Noisy holiday New Year!
Let him come to us today with a fairy tale!

Music sounds appearBasilio the Cat and Lisa Alice.


Fun and laughter reigns here

And joy blinded everyone.

We were not invited to the holiday.

But you made a mistake.

Basilio the cat:

Well, Alice, you are an actress!

You always cheat and lie.

Where are you going to me, Alice,

Lured, started?

Fox Alice:

Hush, cat, don't hiss,

We came to kindergarten.

You see, the guys have a tree,

Aren't you happy about the tree?

I heard that the guys

Give out gifts here.

Basilio's cat:

You would have thought at first

Will you and me be given!

Fox Alice:

You, Basilio, you fool!

Yes, you finally understand

To get something

You need to outwit everyone.

Deceive, take away, take away,

Or, generally, take it without asking.

They take the sack from under the tree and run away.


Basilio the cat and Alice the fox really stole all our gifts !!

Oh, I'm afraid for the guys

After all, the gifts will eat everyone!

Children's laughter will not sound

Everyone will cry and scream.

No need to despair and be upset

but we must go in search.

Leading: Where are we going to look for them?

Music of Pinocchio and Malvina


I was a log, I became a boy,

Wonderful boy

It is very good,

Very well!


Pinocchio do not turn around,

Stop the naughty guy!

Where is your golden key?

Buratin O:

He is always, everywhere with me!

Pinocchio! Malvina! Help us please! Have you met Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox in your fairy tale? They took Santa Claus's gifts and want to eat them.

Malvina: Yes, we saw them! They went into the forest, with a sack!

Music of Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood:

What a fluffy snow fell

How fabulous in the forest!

On a holiday to my grandmother

I'm carrying pies!


Do not be afraid of grandmothers

Moms take it easy!

I'm not evil, not evil at all,

I will not eat your children!

Little Red Riding Hood! Wolf! Help us please! Have you met Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox in your fairy tale? They took Santa Claus's gifts and want to eat them.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Dance of snowflakes.

Snow Maiden:

In his white house

We live together with my grandfather.

There is no stove in our house

The grandfather is afraid of the fire

I'm not afraid of the fire

After all, I'm called the Snow Maiden!

Snow is sweeping in the street

Silver brightly

And in the window Santa Claus,

Something's not knocking.

Snow Maiden! Snowflakes! Help us please! Have you met Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox in your fairy tale? They took Santa Claus's gifts and want to eat them.

Snow Maiden:

No! We have not seen them in our fairy tale!

What to do? I can't find Cat Basilio and Fox Alice.


Don't be upset, Fairy. I seem to know how to find them. We need to wait for Grandfather Frost, he will help us. You need to take the bells in your hands, it is fun to dance with them.

The song "Bells".

Song for the entrance of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus enters:

Hello, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

I was with you a year ago,

I am very glad to see everyone.

Have grown up, have become big.

Did you recognize me?

I'm still the same gray-haired

But just like young!

I knew that everyone would be glad to me

That is why I was in a hurry.

Feel free to get up in a circle,

Start the dance!

CHORUS: "Little people are dancing"

Father Frost:
Aren't you afraid of the frost?
Beware, beware
Well show your hands
Take it behind your back,
Who will I touch
I will freeze those joking.

GAME "Freeze"

- Good Santa Claus! And also play with us

game "Guess"!

Kind Santa Claus,
Look at how you look at us
Guess Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(playing the violin)

Father Frost:
You scratch your beard.

No, we play the violin.

Kind Santa Claus,
Look at how you look at us
Guess Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play the pipe)

Father Frost:
You drink milk.

No, we play the pipe.

Kind Santa Claus,
Look at how you look at us
Guess Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(playing the piano)

Father Frost:
You sort out the groats.

No, we play the piano.

Santa Claus, you guessed nothing, dance and make us laugh.

Santa Claus is dancing

(Santa Claus dance)

Grandpa, tired from the road?

Sit by the tree here

They will rest as long as their legs

Children will read poems to you.

Poems of children.

1 child:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

It has grown to our eyebrows,

He climbed into our boots.

They say he is Santa Claus,

And he is naughty like a little one!

DM: Who's talking about me?

2 child:

He messed up the water faucet

In our washbasin.

They say he has a beard

And he is naughty like a little one!

DM: What have I messed up?

3 child:

From draws on the window

Stars, palms, balls.

They say he's 100 years old

And he is naughty like a little one!

Round dance

Father Frost:

We have a glorious holiday here

That's right, the Cat and the Fox said

that the guys are waiting for me.


Santa Claus, have you met these robbers?

Fox Alice and Basilio the Cat

all your gifts have been stolen!

Father Frost:

Ah, villains are cunning,

These are the wise men !!

Calm down friends,

I'll bring them here!

I will knock with the staff

and I will return the gifts to you!

He knocks with his staff. The cat and the Fox return with a sack

Fox Alice:

Ah, kids, kids

You, forgive us, forgive,

Don't drive us away from the holiday.

Basilio the cat:

All day we wander, toil,

We only eat air.

We found gifts

They brought it to you for a holiday.

Father Frost:

Children will forgive them?

Or punish ?!


Father Frost:

So be it, so stay

Have fun and play

Playing with Santa Claus

"And it's frosty outside"

And it's frosty outside

Well, everyone took up their nose!

We don't need to beat our thumbs

Well, everyone took up their ears,

Twisted, twisted,

So the ears were warmed.

They knocked on my knees

They shook their head

Patted on the shoulders

And they stomped a little.

Child's poem about gifts.

Father Frost:

And now I am all the guys

Congratulations again.

Friends give gifts to everyone

And don't forget anything

Where are the gifts for Santa Claus? They are gone!
Father Frost:
Because they got to the cat and the fox when they were bad.

So they disappeared. We will fix everything now.

Father Frost:
Bring me a big cauldron
Put it here on the table!
Salt, sugar and a bucket of water
A little snow, tinsel,
I'll add a snowflake, one minute, friends,
We need to mix everything in the cauldron,
Magic words say:
“Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!
Miracles for the New Year!
Staff, staff help, put everything in order!

Santa Claus plays with the "transformation" of gifts, then opens the lid and hand out gifts.

Father Frost:
Goodbye adults and children. Now it's time for me to go to the forest,
And a year later at our Christmas tree. Meet me, kids!

Natalia Tsvetyukha
New Year in the senior group. Scenario.

NEW YEAR MORNING for senior group

Children enter the hall to music. Dance-entrance "WITH N. G. DAD, WITH N. G. MAMA)

Leading. Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to the most wonderful of all holidays - the holiday of the New Year tree.

For a whole year, the Green Beauty of the Forests gathered for us for a holiday.

Then she quietly dressed up in this room, and now her outfit is ready.

We all admire the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma

And the best New Year's holiday

Comes with her to kindergarten.

1 child:

How green is our Christmas tree

How good at New Year!

And under the fluffy herringbone

We will start a round dance.

2 child:

Everyone turned into little animals

In fairy princes, princesses.

And the elegant beauty

We are waiting for New Year's miracles!

3 child:

Outside the window whiteness, beyond the window novelty.

Look, look, it's winter in a white cap!

4 child:

Whoever woke up the very first saw before everyone else

Outside the window, white and white, the very first snow.

5 child:

What's going on on the street! Snow swirls and falls on trees and houses

Like a new page. Hello winter winter!

6 child:

We will gather near the tree

We are in a merry round dance.

A friendly song, a ringing laugh

Let's celebrate the holiday New Year!

A round dance is performed "Santa Claus, what did you bring us?" (sit down)

(The prince and princess remain)

In the center of the hall there is an elegant Christmas tree, next to a small table. On the table is a box with Christmas decorations. The prince and princess are looking at the Christmas tree decorations.

Princess: We slept in a box for a whole year

New Year's toys.

Long missed in the dark

Gnomes, clowns, Parsley.

He takes a toy and hangs it on the tree.

Prince: But did not fade at all,

Their outfit is just as bright,

We'll hang them on the fir

Let it sparkle and burn!

Hangs a toy on a Christmas tree.

Princess: Multi-colored cracker

I'll find it in the box.

He takes a cracker out of the box and hangs it on the tree.

Prince: I'll hang on top of my head

A bright red star.

He takes an asterisk from the box, puts a chair to the tree and hangs up the star.

Princess: Oh, get off, prankster!

I came up with an idea! (clapping her hands happily) I want to have a New Year's ball in our kingdom today!

Exit the Prince and Princess. (On the chairs)

Parsley comes out. (Child)

Parsley: - Everyone, everyone, everyone!

The prince and princess of our fairy kingdom ordered to arrange

New Year's ball! All are invited. Hurry, hurry, hurry!

(To the music, the children grab the handles on the chairs, go out, together with the prince and the princess, make a circle around the tree.)

Prince: Colorful lights

This hall shines

And invites all friends

To the New Year's ball!

Princess: We will not get bored here.

We will start the ball.

Let's meet together New Year,

He will bring us happiness!

Song "_N.G. is walking through the white snow _".

Verse about New Year.

1 child

At the entrance, on the site

I collected the snow with a shovel.

Although there was not much snow,

I blinded the Snow Maiden.

I put it in the corridor,

And she ... melted!

2 child

Oh, what a good one

Good Santa Claus!

Christmas tree for us for a holiday

I brought it from the forest.

The lights are sparkling

Red, blue!

It's good for us, Yolka,

Have fun with you!

3 child

Walking along the street

Walking along the street

Santa Claus,

Hoarfrost scatters

On the branches of birches;

Walks with a beard

Shakes white

Stamps his foot

Only the crackling goes.

4 child

Musicians, hurry up

Play more fun!

Take the tools

Become together in a round dance,

Hello hello, New Year!

(Who does not play, sits on chairs)

Performed "New Year Orchestra" (Sit down)

Host - Everything in the hall is smart and new,

Lights up and shines.

See guys here again

The beauty is worth the tree!

(The Snow Maiden comes out to the music for the tree)

Snow Maiden: Hello! I came, I found your kindergarten.

Snowflakes for me - sisters braided two pigtails,

And the beautiful Winter dressed up in lace.

The breeze sang songs to me, ordered you to come here!

Snowflakes come out, you will dance with me.


(Sit on chairs)

Guys, today we are waiting for an important event - it will come soon New Year... But for some reason, Santa Claus has not come yet. Have you seen him by any chance?

Children. No.

The Snow Maiden looks around in search of Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: As usual, Santa Claus is not yet. Oh, grandpa, he's always late! And he will definitely find a thousand to justify reasons: he saves the bunny from the wolf, then he comes back for a teddy bear, which he forgets to put in his bag as a gift for the little ones, then he just can't choose the right Christmas tree for the holiday. What do we do?


It's good that you came, brought joy to the children,

Get up in a round dance with us, dance and play.


But where is Santa Claus? It's bad without him.

Does not freeze ears, nose, knocking on the window.


Let's call him, friends. Santa Claus, here!

Snow Maiden:

Something has been gone for a long time. What happened?

Beasts, you walked in the forest, did you meet Grandpa there?

He must have come a long time ago and bring gifts.

I must light the trees, sing with us, dance, play!


I know all the paths in the forest, all the birches and aspens.

I walked around the whole forest, I did not find my grandfather.

How can you be without gifts? After all, Grandfather could not forget?


We want to find him and bring him to the holiday.

And while you go out, you start a round dance.


Snow Maiden:

Well, I will help, I will lead you into the woods.

Only it's dark there, not visible. It will be very offensive to everyone

If Santa Claus disappeared, he did not get to our holiday.

Someone must help us, because the forest is dark and night.

Leading. Who will help us, gnomes come out!

Everyone sits on chairs, the gnomes enter.

1 gnome:

We hear, we hear, we go! We are also waiting for Grandpa.

Let it come quickly, the children will have joy!

2 gnome:

We have flashlights, they will help us now.

We'll shine on the paths - and we'll meet Frost in the forest!

3 gnome:

Let's bring him here, the kids will be happy.

We will play with Grandfather and throw snowballs at him.

The dance of the dwarfs is performed

(Sit on the chairs)

(After the dance, everyone hears steps, and they think it's Santa Claus)

(But Suddenly the Witch jumps out).

Witch (joyfully)... Wow how many kids (Rubs hands)

Witch. Let's start our holiday!

Snow Maiden. "Our holiday"? But this is ours, not yours! I don’t know who I’m talking to at all! (Addressing the audience)... In my opinion, you are not in scripts!

Witch (almost ominous)... It's right! Not yet ... But it will be soon! And you girl, I'm from I cross out the script!

Snow Maiden. Allow me! But you cannot do this! There is simply no New Year's holidays without me! I am the Snow Maiden!

Witch. This will be the first New Year's holiday that will take place without your participation! I can do just fine on my own!

Snow Maiden (indignantly)... What do you allow yourself? You ... you ... (Can't find words from indignation).

Witch. I allow what is needed! And you can be free! Get out of the hall! That is, disappear. Well, what else to say to you!

Snow Maiden. You're out of your mind! Santa Claus is coming here now! He'll suit you.

Witch (irritated)... How tired of you! I don't want to listen to you anymore! You don't know who you are talking to yet! Well, freeze!

The witch makes a witchcraft movement around the face of the Snow Maiden, from which she freezes in place with a barely audible exclamation).

Snow Maiden. Oh.

Witch. Duck-duck-duck-duck (Beckons for itself. The Snow Maiden slowly moves after the Witch, not realizing her actions. Thus, the Witch takes the Snow Maiden and quickly returns back, dancing with joy).

Witch. So! One is zero in my favor! Has bewitched-frozen! Now you can have fun!

Leading. (indignantly) What do you allow yourself?

Witch: So, huh! Well guys (addressing children) let's have some fun?

Rubs his hands happily.

Witch - As a victorious queen, I am entitled to a gift!

Princess: Take this beautiful candy here.

(The witch takes a candy, tries to bite and breaks a tooth on it).

Witch: Now watch out, princess! I broke my tooth with your candy. Now I will have my revenge on you all. I'll show you who I am!

Throw in the black clouds!

Bring a terrible power,

Transform the little princess

A gray and ugly mouse!

(The light blinks, the princess disappears with the words “Oh, what an evil ...” a toy - a mouse appears on the chair.) (So that the princess girl does not sit backstage throughout the holiday, let her continue to be present, taking off, for example, a crown)

Prince:(picks up the mouse)

Oh, look, our princess has turned into a mouse.

What am I to do now?

Leading: Do not worry.

In a fairy tale, a New Year's miracle awaits us,

There we will meet new friends,

And a good wizard will come from nowhere,

Fulfills the desires of children (listens).

I can already hear his steps.

(to the magic music, the wizard-child enters)

Small. Wizard: Hello my dear,

Small and large!

Honestly, friends,

I can't live without miracles!

Leading: Dear wizard! The Witch turned our princess into a mouse, and she froze the Snow Maiden and took her away. Help us.

Small. Wizard: I am very young but young. You need a wizard older, yes, stronger. Here take these pieces of ice,

And all together repeat:

"Queen of the Snow come,

Find us a princess "

And, as if in a fairy tale, at the same hour,

The Snow Queen will appear at your place.

(Children repeat)

Leading: That's how the storm broke out! This is the wind!

(Music plays and the Snow Queen enters.)

Queen: I am the Snow Queen. I am from a snowy country,

Where the shores are endless, where is the sea of ​​silence.

My country is crystal, clean and cold!

And I walk sad, alone, all alone.

Prince: What should I do? What do i do? How can I live without a princess?

Queen: Oh, what a handsome boy! Don't cry, tell me your trouble.

Prince: The Witch turned our princess into a mouse, and the Snow Maiden froze and took away.

Queen: I think I know how to help you. There must be a wizard at your ball. This is my Older brother... Hear about him riddle:

Everything sparkles and shines.

Decorates the Christmas tree with snow

Pinches your ears, pinches your nose!

ALL: (Santa Claus)

Leading: Santa Claus, come to our house, we are waiting for you under the tree!

(The Snow Queen leaves, the Witch enters. She is dressed as Santa Claus)

Witch: - Hello, girls and boys,

Hooligans, braggart,

Crybaby, quitters, lazy people,

Mischief and slob.

Leading: - Grandpa, what about you?

You are not like that.

Witch - What are you talking about? Look carefully!

(Demonstrating Santa Claus)

Real Santa Claus.

Here is a hat, here is a nose,

There is a gas can

And the staff is disposable.

Leading: - Oh, something you do not look like Santa Claus

Leading: - Did you guys recognize her? Get out of here! Now Santa Claus will come, he will show you!

Witch: No, your Grandfather will not come!

Leading (surprised): - And where is he?

Witch: He sits in my hut,

The frogs are guarding him.

So don't you wait for it,

Everybody get out of here!

Leading: - But this is unreal! The guys gathered for the holiday. In our kingdom must come New Year!

Witch: - Is this a holiday for them? And why do they have a holiday? They didn't deserve it!

Host - But they were preparing…. Especially for you. Take a look!

Dance: "Snowmen"

Witch: I am very cold (Shivers) It's cold here with you, I suggest you keep warm

Dance game "And it's frosty outside"

Witch: (dances and at the end of the dance falls down from fatigue)

I'm burning with envy

I'm losing my strength

I'll run to my home

I need sleep and peace

(looks at his watch)

Santa Claus will come now.

Oh, it will hit me! (runs away).

(Hides behind a Christmas tree and watches Santa Claus enter)

Father Frost: WITH happy new year to you, friends!

I guys are very glad that I ended up in your kindergarten!

It's a lot of fun today

The song is ringing, sounding!

Noisy New Year's holiday,

Light up your lights!

Play song "We all got together for a holiday"

Leading: Wait, not everyone is having fun today, look at our princess. (Shows the mouse)

Father Frost: Yes ... But this grief is not a problem,

I am a wizard very old,

And I know a lot of secrets.

Sparkle the tree with lights.

Call everyone to the holiday

Fulfill all desires and dreams come true.

With colored lights

For the fun of the kids

Our tree will sparkle!

It will become doubly festive!

One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!

(The light goes out, the tree turns on, a princess sits on a chair instead of a mouse)

Leading: So the New Year's miracle happened.

Prince: Princess, how glad I am!

Princess: I'm tired of being a mouse just to tears.

Thank you, Santa Claus!

Leading: Santa Claus, let's play?

I will freeze the game

Father Frost: And where is my Snow Maiden? Granddaughter!

Witch: Yes, here I am here! (the witch comes out from behind the tree).

Father Frost (addressing children)- Excuse me! So this is not a Snow Maiden!

(speaks menacingly to the witch)- Where is my granddaughter!

Witch: What's the matter? Let's agree! A bag for you - gifts for me!

Father Frost: I do not understand anything! Who are you?

Witch (boastful)- I AM! I am a witch! And your Snow Maiden is resting now! I froze her!

Father Frost: Frozen! How could you! The Snow Maiden is not afraid of frost!

Witch If you want to know, I can freeze you!

Father Frost (laughs): Me? Santa Claus?

Witch: Stop laughing! Well! Freeze!

He tries to conjure. But nothing works.

Witch (annoyed): Did not work out…

Father Frost (triumphantly): That's it! Now it's my turn to do the magic.

Witch: Oh, don't, don't!

The witch brings out the Snow Maiden, who rushes to Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: Granddad! Cute! I'm so glad to see you again!

Father Frost. Well friends, stand in a circle

In a merry round dance.

Let a friend on the left and a friend on the right,

Meet New Year!

The snow is spinning, the snow is sweeping -

Hello hello, New Year!

Song "New Year".

Snow Maiden: May good win in every fairy tale,

Let there be joyful faces everywhere.

And if you feel sad, magic,

They will knock on your door with a new fairy tale.

Father Frost. So the good fairy tale has ended,

But let the holiday not end.

Let all the smiles that were on their faces

They are turning into gifts now.

Leading: And gifts, Santa Claus!

Did you bring us anything?

Father Frost: Well of course it's here,

And there is a separate bag!

Of course I have! That is, it was!

Where did I forget it?

On a pine tree in the forest? In a snowdrift?

Or in your wardrobe?

I have a lace

Easily find the bag!

As if I’d give up a fishing rod

I will say a few good words,

It will fall where it is needed

Everything that I need will find!

(Santa Claus unties the lace, spins it like a fishing line, says the words:)

Fly, twisted lace

My magic, golden

Lengthen, lengthen

Find my bag try!

He casts it, the lace comes back with a ladle tied to it.

Father Frost: What are you doing, prankster lace?

Decided to joke on a holiday?

Come on, fly again

Don't joke with your grandfather anymore!

Throws it, the lace comes back with a felt boot tied to it. Grandfather freezing: Are you kidding again, mischievous?

I'm not used to that!

Bring the bag right now

He throws it, the lace comes back with a bag of gifts tied to it. Distribution of gifts.

Distribution of gifts.

Leading: And now, sadly, -

Let's tell all of you "Goodbye!".

New Year's Adventures

script for a New Year's party for children

Children dance to the song "New Year" №

Lera: Today we have fun, we celebrate the New Year,

And we heartily congratulate everyone who has come to us now.

Nikita U .: Hello, New Year's holiday, so I had to meet!

We all have fun today, hello tree, dear guest!

Nastya: We have been waiting for this day for a long time, we have not seen each other for a whole year,

Sing along, New Year's round dance under the tree.

Children in their seats perform the song "New Year at the Gates" No.

after singing the songs sit down

Dasha S .: The best holiday is New Year!

Everyone loves him, everyone is waiting for him:

Grandmothers and mothers, grandfathers and fathers,

Adults and children are everything.

Anya: Light snow flashes outside the window, New Year's,

There is music and laughter in the hall - a children's ball today.

Ksyusha: The herringbone dressed in a wonderful outfit

She really wanted to please the guys.

New toys are burning on its branches,

A star burns brightly at the top of her head.

Dasha P.: The tree does not take its eyes off us, waving branches.

It seems that he is about to dance a little bit.

The frenzy sounds, the light turns off, the lights turn on, Snow Maiden No.

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends! Do you recognize me?

Snowflakes (in chorus): Snowflakes!

Performed dance of snowflakes no.

Snow Maiden: I invite everyone, everyone, everyone to have fun with us,

So that the Christmas tree lights up with bright lights!

The Snow Maiden invites children to dance around the Christmas tree and takes a flashlight in her hands

Snow Maiden: My flashlight is not simple - it is magical, icy.

Pass from hand to hand, sing the song out loud.

The magic song No.

Ice flashlight, near the forest tree

Light the lights for us and give us a miracle.

And the magic will come - the new year will come.

And Santa Claus will bring gifts to all the children.

Chorus: light, light a miracle - lights,

Help us, flashlight, let us into the fairy tale.

Lights, lights will shine brightly

And the smiles will not poke the faces of the guys.

The Snow Maiden hangs a flashlight on the Christmas tree, which lights up with lights.

All together lead a round dance around the Christmas tree to the song "In the spacious, bright hall" No.

sit down to the music.

Rita: Herringbone, we have been waiting for you for many - many days, nights,

We counted minutes to see quickly

Like needles sparkle with a winter miracle - silver,

How Santa Claus wrapped your branches with snow.

Fields: We have a carnival today, a noisy New Year's ball.

Those who look sad - let them hurry to our holiday.

Everyone today believes in a miracle, every house is waiting for gifts!

New Year is knocking at the door with a song, a fairy tale, good.

Snow Maiden: Look, guys, there's that letter on the tree!

Interestingly, from whom did it come to us here?

I am writing a letter to the children in kindergarten.

I can't come, guys, it's my fault.

I got sick, I'm very hot, that's the problem:

Carrying a large bag of gifts, as always.

He was sweating all over and got sick on the way.

Then I lay down on a snowdrift by the road.

Oh guys, did you guess who the letter is from? What to do now? Indeed, without Santa Claus, the New Year holiday will not take place (a snowflake falls out of the letter). Look, there is a snowflake ...

Take the snowflake in your palm and gently, gently shake it off.

While the snowflake flies, it will fulfill its desire at that moment.

The snowflake will help us find Santa Claus, cure him and continue the New Year holiday. Hooray!

Snowflake - Lisa: Snegurochka, can you tell me a desire and shake off the snowflake?

Snow Maiden: Sure!

Snowflake - Lisa: You, snowflake, whirl, illuminate with white light,

Take us straight to Grandfather Frost with us.

Snegurochka: A wish has been made, it remains only to gently shake off the snowflake, and we will find ourselves where Grandfather Frost is.

The girl raises her palm, a snowflake lies on it, a beautiful melody sounds, the light is muffled in the hall. At this time, Baba Yaga appears behind the tree. She watches what is happening, listens ... And as soon as the girl blows on the snowflake to shake it off, she catches it on the fly. The light turns on, the snowflake is in Baba Yaga's hands, the snowflake girl gets scared and runs away.) No.

Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha what they wanted. What kind of bunch is this? I hear childish laughter.

I’ll arrange a party for you - I’ll disperse everyone right now.

I am a malevolent Yaga, a bone leg.

The jet broom carried me quickly.

I’ll scare you all: oooh, how wicked I am! (scares children)

(At this time, the granddaughter Ezhka runs into the hall, Baba Yaga hides a snowflake in her bosom.)

Hedgehog-Vika: Granny, are you back for the old? I educate you, I educate you, but there is no sense. How many times to say: do not fly on a broom - you will fall, you will crash. (goes up to granny, puts on her a scarf - tinsel.) Put on a scarf, or you'll catch a cold.

Baba Yaga: Oh, granddaughter, are you chago here? You wanted to compose ditties for the New Year.

Hedgehog-Vika: And I have already composed. Now we need to rehearse. New Year is coming soon, and you haven't learned a word yet. (hands out a sheet of ditties to her grandmother).

Hedgehog-Vika: (squinting) Granddaughter, I hardly see it, I wrote chago, I don’t understand ...

Hedgehog with Baba - Yaga perform ditties

(music director plays)

Hedgehog-Vika: So the holiday has come to us, it's very good!

To part with boredom ...

Baba Yaga: It is necessary to swim in a puddle!

Hedgehog-Vika: What are you grandma? It's ugly.

Baba Yaga: But it's fun.

Hedgehog-Vika: Okay, let's try another one.

Fur coat, hat, red nose -

Grandfather Frost enters.

Begins to sing, dance ...

Baba Yaga: And take away gifts!

Hedgehog-Vika: But how is it?

Baba Yaga: And here's how: "Well, you, give me a gift, utyu-tyu!".

Hedgehog-Vika: What are you, it's not okay.

Baba Yaga: But foldable.

Hedgehog-Vika: Chastooshkas should be kind and fair.

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's sing a good and fair ditty.

Hedgehog-Vika: Our cheerful Santa Claus has overgrown with a gray beard,

Cheeks, nose blush ...

Baba Yaga: Because to tease.

Hedgehog-Vika: Why tease, how to tease?

Baba Yaga: That's how! (shows).

Hedgehog-Vika: I won't sing ditties with you anymore. I'd rather play with the guys. Grandma, take a rest for now, sit down, you’re tired of flying through the forest, scaring everyone.

Baba Yaga: And that's right, I'll sit! (sit down, doze).

Snow Maiden: We will play with you with pleasure, the game is called "Funny Monkeys"

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud

We clap our hands

We stamp our feet

Inflate your cheeks

Riding on our toes

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues

Let's jump to the ceiling

Put your finger to your temple

Let's stick out the ears

Ponytail on top

Open your mouth wider

Let's make grimaces

As I say to the number three, all freeze with grimaces.

(At the end of the game, the Snow Maiden approaches Baba Yaga,

touches her by mistake, sees that she is sleeping.)

Snow Maiden: Hedgehog, help us to appease your grandmother. She knows where Santa Claus is, she has a magic snowflake that will help us cure Santa Claus and continue our holiday.

Hedgehog: I knew that my grandmother was up to something, she was mischievous again, the old one. I know what will help us. Song! We will sing a song together, grandmother hears her and immediately grows kinder, she loves when good songs are sung about her.

Snow Maiden: So, you say that the song should be about Baba Yaga and must be good?

Hedgehog: Yes

Snow Maiden: Something I do not know of such songs. In all songs and tales, Baba Yaga is evil.

Hedgehog: I will help you. Get up here (puts the kids in a semicircle) and get ready for the magic. I'll say the magic words now, and you will all sing a good song. Crocus pocus, spokus song!

Children perform the song "Babka Yozhka"

after the song is performed, they sit down to the music

Baba Yaga: You are my good ones, and your Christmas tree is beautiful, and how elegant the Snow Maiden is.

Snow Maiden: Only Santa Claus is not with us, he needs our help. You whirl a snowflake and show the road where our Santa Claus is.

Baba Yaga: My beauty, I put the snowflake in my pocket, and it melted there.

Hedgehog: What have you done? How to be now?

Baba Yaga: Wait, I know who to turn to,

Koschey, my friend, will help us.

He was going himself today

Celebrate New Year for grandchildren

And to invite Santa Claus.

He should know for sure

Where can we find the old man.

I'm flying right now for him,

Wait - he will come rushing by in a moment.

(Baba Yaga flies off to the music. The lights turn off, the lights turn on, music sounds and Koschey appears, with him two grandchildren, snowmen are hiding behind a Christmas tree) №

Koschey: Yaga just told me

What's at your carnival

Santa Claus is not enough

New Year is not coming.

I am ready to help the guys

Both boys and girls.

Grandchildren are asking for a holiday.

Nikita S: I want gifts for the New Year,

To sing a round dance under the tree,

For Santa Claus to come

So that we all feel good.

Vladik: And I want Santa Claus

He brought me a bunch of gifts!

So that the Christmas tree burns brightly,

And so that the Snow Maiden sang songs!

(together they start crying)

Snow Maiden: Wait, don't cry, you explain to us plainly:

Do you want to join us in kindergarten? (stop crying)

Well then, come here! (leads them to their children)

And you, Koschey, help us, show the way,

Where to find Santa Claus?

Koschey: One, two, three, four, five,

I'm starting to conjure!

To the kingdom of snow and frost

I will send you.

(The melody of a blizzard sounds, Koschey leaves, the light turns off, the color music turns on, the snowmen go into their places, and begin to dance)

"Dance of the Snowmen" No.

Arseny: I am a cheerful snowman

used to the snow, to the cold!

Zakhar: They blinded us very deftly:

Instead of a nose - a carrot!

Seva: And the pan is a hat for me,

So as not to freeze my head.

Artem: I'm not an ordinary snowman

A cheerful, mischievous!

Matvey: I love to dance very much

Have fun and play.

Snow Maiden: Hello, funny snowmen! We have come to you in your winter kingdom to find Grandfather Frost.

Snowmen: We know where to look for Santa Claus, but first play with us.

Snow Maiden: Let's!

The game "Polite word" is played, during the game in "snowdrift" Santa Claus hides behind the tree

Snow Maiden: Oh guys, quieter, quieter

I hear something strange.

That's a miracle, oh-oh-oh, and the snowdrift is alive here!

Has covered someone with snow, here's the trouble, trouble, trouble,

Snowmen, come here soon.

Snowmen run up, shovel snow with shovels to the music, Santa Claus appears

Snow Maiden: Thank you, Snowman,

Santa Claus was found in an instant!

Only Grandfather is unrecognizable

Should I have been ill?

Father Frost: I'm sick, I'm very hot

I brought gifts to the guys.

Snow Maiden: Guys, we need to help Santa Claus. What do we do? Let's blow on him. (children are blowing). Cool it down a little. Oh, Snowmen, maybe you can help us? You know magic riddles that will help Santa Claus.

Alyosha: They flooded the stove in the house,
White ice bound the river,
Snow covered the house,
Came to visit us ... (winter).

Arseny: Flew, circled,
Sank down on the path
And sparkles like a piece of ice
Snow-white ... (snowflake).

Zakhar: Houses and parks are covered with snow
Everything has become white and white
There is a snowball outside the window
The river hid under ... (ice).

Misha: Presses the dog's paws,
Children put on their hats
It pinches the cheeks, pinches the nose
in the yard there is ... (frost).

Seva: The birds do not sing in chorus,
The animals are hiding in their holes
The blizzard sweeps the trail
And everywhere white ... (snow).

Artem: Who all night long

Singing snow songs?

The wind is a winter friend

Will outline snowdrifts ... (blizzard)

Matvey: They snake along the ground

Howl pitifully in the pipe,

Fir trees are covered with snow.

These are winter ... (blizzards)

Nikita U .: Sweeps trails in the park

Collects snow into drifts.

Who is this stranger

Did you guess? (Snow)

Father Frost: Thank you guys!

I'm like young now

don't look that gray-haired.

I'm real Santa Claus, from a deep dense thicket,

Where they ate in the snow, where snowstorms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense, where the snow is loose.

Hello kids!

I wish you success, health and strength!

Guys, I was in a hurry to see you,

But the bag turned out to be very heavy,

And I fell ill: I was sweating all over, I fell ill.

Snow Maiden: We were waiting for you, Santa Claus, we are for the evening,

How happy everyone is for the New Year's meeting!

We will start a round dance, we will sing a song for you.

Snegurochka arranges her grandfather in a round dance around Santa Claus and performs the song "Santa Claus" (music director is playing)

Father Frost: Guys, are you not afraid of the frost?

Children: Frost does not matter for us, we are not afraid of cold weather,

We dance and sing, we live a lot of fun!

Father Frost: Yeah, don't be afraid, but I'll check it out now.

The game "Freeze" is being held

Father Frost: Show your pens, pens love to dance.

I’ll freeze them now, we need to remove the pens.

Show your legs, legs like to dance.

I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs.

Show your ears, ears like to dance.

I'll freeze it now, I need to remove the ears.

Show your cheeks, cheeks love to dance.

I'll freeze them now, I need to clean my cheeks.

Well done boys!

Children sit to music

Father Frost: And now it's time to give out gifts.

Snow Maiden: Where is your bag? Here's the secret! Not on the right and not on the left!

Father Frost: And on the tree, too?

Children: No!

Father Frost: Isn't it under the tree? Not on the window?

Children: No!

Father Frost: Isn't it on the chair?

Children: No!

Father Frost: Doesn't mom have?

Children: No!

Father Frost: And dad?

Children: No!

Snow Maiden: Hooray! Found your bag!

The melody No.

Father Frost:(tries to untie the knot) This is the knot, uh-huh!

I cannot untie.

Well, let's all clap together

We will boldly stamp our feet

The knot was immediately untied,

And it turned out to be in the bag

The symbol of the next year!

And he needs freedom!

We are letting go of the horse

And with all our hearts we wish

All health and love,

Happiness, peace for the family!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus gives gifts to all the guys,

So that the whole year is sweet, so that the year is bright!

(give gifts to children)

Father Frost: So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday.

Much joy to you today, children!

Snow Maiden: So that you grow up big, so that you don't know worries,

And me and grandpa m We will return to you in a year.

Together: Goodbye!

Everyone is dancing the final dance "New Year" №

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year's Miracles" for children of the older group).

Short description: I propose to hold this event for older preschoolers or younger students. Depending on the children, their capabilities, the musical director selects numbers - songs and dances. Most of the poems are author's.
Purpose: Creating a joyful mood in children, a festive atmosphere.
Objectives: To develop communication skills, emotional sphere, imagination and fantasy.
To develop artistry, intonational expressiveness of speech in children. Be able to create fabulous images, reveal the creative abilities of children through various activities.

Holiday progress:

Children run into the hall to the music, build around the Christmas tree.
The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Happy New Year,
Real magic.
Ding dong, ding dong!
A quiet ringing is heard.

This fairy tale comes to the house,
He comes to us unnoticed.
We are waiting for her today,
For now, let's sing.

Song "New Year".

Children sit on chairs, lights go out

Lead 1:
Everyone was waiting for this holiday,
Everyone dreamed about him for a long time.

Lead 2:
Something the tree is not burning.
Let's say: “One, two, three - burn our Christmas tree! ".

Lead 1:
Does not light up. Come on guys one more time
Let's say more amicably: “One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree! "

Christmas tree:
(on entry) No way!

Lead 1:
Who said that?

Christmas tree:
It's me, herringbone.

Lead 1:
Why don't you want to light up?

Christmas tree:
And I want variety
every year everything is repeated: "Burn and burn!"

Lead 1:
Well, think about what you want
today is your holiday, we will fulfill all your wishes.

Christmas tree:
Oh, I really want the guys to read poems about me. Can?

Lead 1:
Well, the guys can do that. Let's talk about the Christmas tree poems.
Poems about the Christmas tree.
The tree is on fire!

Ay yes tree,
It's just a miracle
And slim!
And how beautiful!

We're under the tree today
We are waiting for real miracles
There is a Christmas tree on the floor
She left her forest!

Lead 2:
What is New Year,
Two magic words?
We are all looking forward to a miracle
Ready to meet him.

The chimes sound - 12 beats are struck.

The light goes out.

Decoration "Gnomes Workshop" (house, gnome tools, chest, gift boxes).

Gnomes imitate making toys.

Lead 2:
Let's take a look at the workshop of Santa Claus.
Artisan forest gnomes live there.
On the instructions of Santa Claus,
Dwarfs work all year long.
So that every child
Gifts were in the New Year.

The music of the gnomes sounds. The dwarfs put down their tools and go out.

Dance of the Dwarfs.

Gnome 1:
It's time to get down to business
The Snow Maiden must come
She's probably on the way.

Snegurochka enters.

Snow Maiden:
Dwarfs, my friends,
I am glad to see all of you.
Santa Claus asked to find out
How are you doing?

2 gnome:
We worked, we worked
Our toys turned out,
Here, Snow Maiden, look,
Not one, not two, not three.

3 gnome:
Look at the hussars, dolls
Balls, snowmen,
Here are beautiful snowflakes
So airy and light.

"Dance of Snowflakes with the Snow Maiden".

Snow Maiden:
Toys, it's time for you to go to the ball
Dance on holiday until the morning.
Dolls come out.

1 doll:
We are beautiful dolls
We love to dance so much.

2 doll:
Hussars guard us,
When we go to bed.

3 doll:
Now under this tree
The magic will happen

4 doll:
We will all dance in a dance
How good it is!

5 doll:
Such a miracle can
It will be completed on the New Year,
When the dolls are dancing.
And they lead a round dance.

"Dance of the Dolls" (to the music "Waltz Joke" by D. Shostakovich).

The dolls sit down.

The hussars come out to the music of the march.

1 hussar:

We are daring hussars,
Brave, dashing,
We guard the dolls here.
We even have a saber.

2 hussars:
Hussars are brave heroes
In battle, always ahead.
And the enemy will not dare to pass,
When the hussars are on the way.

3 hussars:
He is called a hussar,
Who does not fight with kids.
Who is educated and healthy,
I am ready to help everyone.

4 hussars:
Who does not shed tears
For all sorts of trifles,
For all my actions
He answers himself.

5 hussars:
And, at the ball, the hussars are also ahead.
You will not find such dashing dancers anywhere.

"Dance of hussars and dolls"

Snow Maiden:
(points to the chest)
Gnomes need to hurry
Put all the toys
I'm getting ready to go.
Children are waiting for gifts.

The Snow Maiden takes the chest, puts it on the sled, walks around the hall.

The dwarfs wave their hands, say goodbye.

Snow Maiden:
I'm in a hurry, I'm walking fast
Through glades and forests,
Sweeping sparkling snow
I am in a hurry to visit my friends.
May no one today
Doesn't stay at home.
Come out, honest people,
Let's have fun!

Round dance-game "New Year"

While the children are dancing, the Snow Maiden goes behind the curtain.
The light goes out.

Lead 2:
Behind the high mountain,
Yes, beyond the deep abyss
There is a hut with one window,
And who lives in that house?

Baba - Yaga:
(flight sound and voice recording)
Allow landing.

Lead 2:
I allow you to land.
Baba - Yaga comes out of the stupa.

Baba - Yaga:
Oh, you are my stupa, stupa.
Where did you take me?
Oh, and I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?
Oh, tell the honest people -
What is this round dance?
There is nowhere for the poor to frolic.
And enjoy the flight.
I fly in a mortar through the forest,
I know everything in the world.
Flying over the clearing
I look - the snow maiden is coming,
And what a smart one,
And gifts are lucky!
I will catch up with her, I will cover,
And the Snow Maiden will fall asleep!

Baba Yaga leaves behind the tree.
The light turns on.

Lead 1:
Snow Maiden is not present, what happened?
Maybe something happened to her?

Baba - Yaga:
(appears from behind a tree in a snow maiden costume)

And here I am, Snow Maiden!
You see what a figurine !.

Lead 2:
That's how, very interesting
We will test you with a song.
The soundtrack of the song "Tell the Snow Maiden where she was" sounds.

Tell the Snow Maiden, where have you been?
Tell me, honey, how are you?

Baba - Yaga:
I put the snow maiden to sleep
I'm telling you
I flew on a broomstick
Oh, what am I singing.

(covers his mouth)

Where do you live, Snegurochka, tell me
Describe your magic house for us.

Baba Yaga.

My magic house on two legs.
And he sings loudly: cluck-tah-tah!

Lead 2:
Tell me guys, who is this?
Children: Baba Yaga!

Lead 2:
We, Yaga, recognized you,
Would say hello to us.

Baba Yaga.
Say hello? Well then,
This is very possible.
Greetings to you, uncles and aunts,
And the kindergarten workers!
Hello to you, tree,
Thorny needle
Hello to you babes
Tickle your heels?

Lead 2:
You say hello
You don't know how
But with a broom
You are fluent.
You better not scare us
And return the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga:

How, how did you dream,
Do not hope, scattered!
I can do without your tree
She has pins and needles!
(Baba Yaga runs away)

Lead 1:
What to do?
How are we to be?

There is an answer to your question
Santa Claus will help us!

Lead 1:
A wonderful thought, I agree
Let's call him:
"Santa Claus, we call you,
We are waiting for your help! "

Children repeat.
Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost.
Hello, here I am!
Nice to see you my friends!
Who calls me for help
Midnight is approaching.

Lead 1:
We need to find the Snow Maiden
We need it soon.
New Year is on its way
He knocks on doors.

Father Frost:
Help me with my staff,
Find my granddaughter! (He knocks on the spot with his staff.)
(Then he walks around the tree)
My staff leads me,
He will find the Snow Maiden!
Goes behind the tree, returns with the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I am so grateful to you
You are, of course, the main one with us,
Strong, kind and funny!
Thank you for freeing Yaga from Baba's captivity.

Father Frost:
It happens in the world
That only once a year
Light on the tree
A lovely star.

Snow Maiden:
The star burns, does not melt
Beautiful ice glistens
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!
Let's start our own round dance
Together with Grandfather drunkenly.
Round dance "Dancing with Santa Claus".

Father Frost:
And now it's a game for you
Get ready kids.

Game "Funny Snowballs".
To the music, all the boys pick up a spoon, put a snowball in it and dance. Santa Claus has a ladle with a snowball. He dances with children.
Whoever has a snowball sits down. The winner is the one who has the snowball until the end of the music.

"The month is shining" sounds.
The game Snegurochka with girls is carried out in the same way.
Sounds "Tatar Music"

Father Frost:
Well done! Dexterous guys!
Now we'll sing a song
Our holiday will become more wonderful.

The song "You came to visit us Santa Claus"

Father Frost:


Baba Yaga enters the hall to the music.

Baba Yaga:
Please forgive me
Let me go to your holiday!
You have so much fun, beautiful!
And your tree is amazing to everyone!

Father Frost:
Well, for the sake of such a holiday
We are ready to forgive you.

Baba Yaga:
Oh thank you.
Now I will play with the children,
I know a good game.
Here I have two brooms,
From the Christmas tree.
I invite two daredevils
And I'm launching you into flight.
Run around the tree
And fly here soon,
Do not violate traffic rules,
On a meeting - do not fly out!

The game "Flying on a broomstick"

Children stand with their backs to each other near the chair, on which there are two tambourines.

Into the account: One, two, three, fly, on a broomstick, they run around the tree towards each other, running to a chair, ringing a tambourine. 4 pairs are playing.

Baba Yaga:
Thank you Santa Claus and you, Snow Maiden.
Now I have become the kindest next to such wonderful children!
And now I'm going to fly other children to teach flights.
It's so great to be good!
Goodbye friends!

Father Frost:
Well done, guys.
They helped Baba Yaga to improve.
I liked it very much with you.
We sang and danced
Have fun playing with you.

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, it's time to give out gifts to the children,
Let's take a look at the chest.
Father Frost:
Well, let's see!
In our bright chest, New Year's gifts!

(Pulls out a gift, giving out gifts to music.)

Thank you Santa Claus,
Thank you, Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:
So our holiday is over,
So magical

Snow Maiden:
There were many different jokes,
Fun went on in succession.

Father Frost:
Be everyone, friends are healthy,
Live together, without hassle.

And do not be bored, we come to you again,
We'll be back in exactly one year.

Lead 1:
Well, here's the magic happened,
Everyone felt joyful and light.

Lead 2:
Under this tree today
A miracle happened, but it
Comes only to kind people.
May the New Year be happy!

"New Year's celebration"-

scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the older group

Characters: leading, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Ba-ba Yaga, Koschey - adults; New Year - boy.

The hall is festively decorated, a fragment of the waltz "Riding Horse" sounds

E. Waldteifel (1st part) in audio recording.

The presenter and the children enter and stand around the tree.

Leading(welcomes children and guests).

Guests, hello, sit down,
Do not skimp on smiles
Let's start the carnival

Go boldly into the hall!
Children, do not hesitate too,
Have fun, smile!
The tree is blooming with stars
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
Children(in turn).
1 ... Oh, yes, a Christmas tree, look!
Colored threads are twisted,

Rain, stars, streamer!

You can't find a better Christmas tree!

2. For a whole year we have been waiting for a holiday

How we dreamed of a Christmas tree!

And now with friends

We will dance in front of her!

Performed "New Year's Waltz" (Appendix 1)


I looked furtively -

There are riddles on the tree.

Who will be able to guess

And show the answers?

Perk up your ears

After all, riddles about toys.

(Children guess riddles and find answers among Christmas tree decorations.)


1 ... Round like a ball

Shines like a flashlight.

Only he does not jump -

Very fragile ... (ball).

2 ... It pours from the top of the head

Can't get wet

Touches toys

New Year's ... (rain).

3. Hanging high on a branch

Like bright sweets

Very loud toys -

Multi-colored ... (crackers).

4 ... It grows in the forest under the tree.

Where did he hide only?

But don't try it by mouth

After all, a toy ... (fungus).

5 ... Light up: one, two, three,

Come on, herringbone, burn!

How they sparkle, look

Our tree ... (lights).

6. The tree has a crown

There is a beautiful toy

She is always upstairs

Five-winged ... (star).

7 ... Among the guests and different masks

Only on New Year's holiday

He will come to us in a frosty fur coat

Our kind ... (Snow Maiden).

8. This vegetable is useful to everyone,

Ill - will come to the rescue.

Tied to a branch cleverly

Bright red ... (carrot).

9 ... Who is the owner of the kennel -

Guarding houses, courtyards?

Who's got a cold nose?

This is our friend, faithful ... (dog).

10 ... It grows like a flower in a field

It rings in the bell tower

At school, he is the first bell,

Our beloved ... (bell).


Well guys, we tried!

Surprised, I confess to you.

And now the turn has come

Build a round dance again!

A round dance is performed (at the choice of the music director).

After the round dance, the children sit on chairs.

Dramatization is being performed.

How the animals became friends

Characters (edit): Hare, Fox, Wolf, Squirrel, Tit - children.

Scenery: tree stump, Christmas trees sprinkled with "snow".

Hare(runs out into the forest floor, a letter in his paws).

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Holiday! Wonderful weather!

I brought a letter here

At my request, it (reads):

"Father Frost! A bunny is writing to you.

New year, which means

That come to our forests

As from a fairy tale, miracles!

I will try all year

I want this miracle:

Father Frost! Come quickly

Friends to this forest! "

Here I will hang a letter (hangs a letter on the tree).

Where are you, where are my friends?

(Hiding behind a Christmas tree)

Fox(runs out also by letter).

I was in a hurry, I was running!

Okay, I'm not late.

Santa Claus will come here

And he will read my letter.

I am for Santa Claus

I write everything in verse, not in prose

And I ask him soon

For the fox to send friends!

You can't buy them in the store,

Go around the whole world!

And in the forest, wherever you go (almost crying),

All strangers, no friend!

I'm not just good

My soul sings!

I'll hang the letter here.

Where are you, where are my friends?

(Hangs up the letter on another branch of the Christmas tree and hides)


The animals of the wolf are afraid

And I'm so lonely!

But I believe in friendship since childhood,

I am the kindest wolf.

I will be the best friend

Find me friends!

I hope for a miracle

New Year's Eve days.

Santa Claus will read the letter

And he will send friends to me

(hangs his letter on a spruce branch, hides).


Oh, I'm tired, tired,

I rode all day again.

I have a lot of worries

Holiday soon - New Year

I have stocked up treats:

Fruits, berries, roots.

Fruits have been dried since summer

There are nuts and mushrooms.

Just how to invite guests?

The squirrel has no friends.

I was in a hurry to work,

I didn't have time to make friends!

A titmouse flies out and sings a song.

The animals immediately run out, stand in a circle and dance all together.

Beasts(after the dance they turn to the guys).

We want to wish the guys:

Make friends with miracles

And so that miracles do not wait long,

You make them yourself.

The Beasts and the Tit bow down, go off to the melody of the song.


And we will show all guests

How fun it is for friends today!


Ice floes bloomed on the windows,

Frost painted for us.

Our snowflake girls

Spun the snow waltz!

Girls perform "Waltz of the Snowflakes"


They say it's time for business

And the fun is only an hour,

Only in this we do not believe,

We do not regret our hands, feet

And we will fulfill now

Dance of the clowns for you!

Boys perform "Dance of the Clowns" (Appendix 4).

A small fragment from the play "In the Cave of the Mountain King"

E. Grieg to the drama by G. Ibsen "Peer Gynt".

The hall includes Koschey and Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga.

Happy New Year to you guys!


We are late, to blame!

Are you bored without us?

Have you been waiting for the Christmas tree for a whole year?

And it looks like here without us

A sad dance.

Baba Yaga.

Here's Santa Claus! (Points to Koschei,)

Don't look that without hair.


Here is the Snow Maiden's nose,

Don't look that hunchback. (He points at Baba Yaga.)


Something, children, I don’t understand

Who called Yaga here?

And I can't believe my eyes -

Who invited Koschei to the ball?

Baba Yaga.

And even though no one called us,

We will decorate any ball!


Stop inviting Frost to visit

Admire my bones!

And Yaga is at your mercy

I combed my hair and washed my face.


And do you have any gifts?


Yes, gifts are top class!

Spare bone bag,

Old grandma's comb ...

Baba Yaga.

Hooligan boys

On a sticky spruce cone,

Well, and the sneak girls

We will give each frog.


Oh, thanks, oh, don't!

Oh, we are not happy with gifts!

You better sing for us

All the guys are asking you!

Children and guests applaud

Baba Yaga and Koschey bow and perform ditties.

Chastushki Baba Yaga and Koschei


Containers-bars, containers-bars!

Don't look that we are old

We will wink at each other

Let's go to the dance at the Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga.

Who said I was an old woman?

I will not be offended, it does not matter!

I'm deaf in both ears

And I dance like young!


There is no salvation from the Yaga,

After every verse

Granny goes to the dance.

Baba Yaga.

Do not sin, Koschey, bones,

Don't scare my guys

Everyone is laughing at us,

They made fun of the kindergarten.


It's good that they let us in

They even let me dance

It's a pity that they did not treat

Well, then we'll come again! (They sing together.)

Baba Yaga.

There is where to roam now,

It's good to live in the world!

The guys are not afraid of us

Apparently they love to joke!


We invite everyone mutually -

Visit us in the forest,

We will offer you tea with viburnum ...

Baba Yaga.

Delicious soup with fly agaric!


I do not celebrate a year

I am immortal, young!

Everyone in me loves a soul ...

Baba Yaga.

It is a pity that he is bald and lame!


You are all great to dance,

We can't keep up with you.

Eh, to listen to us now,

How can guys sing.

Children perform a song (of the choice of the music director).

1. Playing snowballs

Baba Yaga gathers his team of children, Koschey - his own. They stand on opposite sides of the hall. Yaga pulls out a sack with snowballs from under the tree and distributes it to the children. Koschey is hiding behind the backs of the children of his team, Yaga is also hiding behind his children. Children try to hit Koshchei and Yaga with cotton balls. The game ends with a truce.

2. Gifts for Babya Yaga and Koschei

Two teams of children compete. The presenter scatters pine and spruce cones mixed on the floor in front of the tree (equal number). Teams line up at a distance from the tree. At a sign from the leader, the children, one by one from each team, run up to the tree and look for cones (for Baba Yaga, pine cones, for Koschei - fir cones), then they bring cones as a gift to Koshchei and Baba Yaga. Whose team will bestow (collect the necessary bumps) their guest faster, she won.

After the game, the satisfied Yaga and Koschei bow, say goodbye and go into the forest.

Then the music sounds (a fragment from the work of Leopold Mozart "Sleigh ride"). Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter, greet.

Father Frost.

How glad I am to guests and children

At our carnival!

The Christmas tree outfit shines

Light, beautiful in the hall!

Snow Maiden.

We congratulate all friends,

How glorious that we are together!

Get up to the tree soon,

Sing together a song!

Children perform "Song about Santa Claus"

Grandfather Freezing.

I'm happy if the kids

At the holiday, frolics.

The game will please me.

Who wants to excel?

Games are held with Ded Mo-rose and Snegurochka.

3. Snowflakes

Two children are selected - a boy and a girl, who turn to the tree and close their eyes with their palms. Santa Claus distributes to children and guests large paper snowflakes of blue and pink color (equal number). The Snow Maiden is ringing a bell, the driving children open their eyes, turn and start looking for their snowflakes. The boy looks for blue ones and takes them one at a time to Santa Claus, the girl looks for pink ones and gives them to the Snow Maiden. Guests and children keep snowflakes open, not hiding. Whoever collects his snowflakes faster is the most attentive.

4. Freeze-enchant

All children get up freely in the hall.

Father Frost.

I blow with a cold wind (children run scattered around the hall to any funny music),

I will enchant all the guys

I will wave my old staff,

I sneeze myself from the cold! (Grandfather Mo-Roses sneezes amusingly.)

I will count: one, two, three!

Snow tale, freeze!

Children freeze in the pose of animals, birds, trees, airplanes. Santa Claus walks around and tries to guess who the children portrayed. The snow-gurochka rings the bell, the children are disenchanted. The game repeats itself.

5. Locomotives

Children are divided into two teams. Santa Claus is the leader of the first train, the Snow Maiden is the second. At the signal from the host, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden "go" one by one around the tree in fractional steps, returning to their team - the trailers. The next circle Santa Claus and Snegu-Rochka "ride" each with one carriage, which is represented by a child. On the next circle, more children join one at a time until the whole steam locomotive has traveled around the tree. Whose locomotive successfully travels the entire distance, he played the race.

Children read poetry for De-da Moroz, and then the Snow Maiden holds a costume parade. Children in costumes pass around the Christmas tree to music, and the Snegurochka represents each costume. The guests are applauding.


Our dear guests!

And now we will dance with you.

There is a lot of dancing here,

Come out to the dance!

Everyone who wants to dance to the melody of "Lady"

Father Frost.

Oh yes holiday!

Here's the fun!

How much music and laughter!

How many songs and undertakings

How many glorious guests are here!

Thank you guys

I was once a boy

Today I got into my childhood,

How did you come to the carnival!

And now the turn has come

Introduce the New Year to you!

A small fragment of the waltz "Skaters" by E. Waldteifel (the final part) is played in the audio recording. A boy in a New Year's costume enters the hall on a self-kata decorated with hoarfrost, with the inscription “2012” on his cap.

Father Frost.

Year 2012 -

This is my new granddaughter!

Here he is, and with him gifts

On a sleigh in a bright box

(The Snow Maiden brings in a sleigh, a box on them).

New Year.

I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

I am both adults and children.

And I hope this year

All of you will be lucky in some way.

Hug and joke

And forgive all the insults.

And then you New Year

Only joy will bring! (Leaves.)

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden give gifts to children,

the holiday ends with cheerful music.