Plan for the week "Goodbye, kindergarten !!!!" - preparatory group. Planning a thematic week in the preparatory group for school “Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello school! Plan theme week goodbye kindergarten

The school year is coming to an end and according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, the last week of May is dedicated to saying goodbye to kindergarten and expanding children's knowledge of school life. The teacher organizes a virtual excursion to the school, talks about school subjects, about the teacher's profession. Preschoolers reflect the acquired knowledge in role-playing and interactive games, decorate the group for the final grade. The content of games and conversations about school, poems for the holiday and much more on the topic of the week can be found in the appendix to the plan "Thematic week" Goodbye, kindergarten! "

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, events are planned aimed at fostering a sense of gratitude and respect for the kindergarten staff and the work of adults. Future schoolchildren repeat the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, in nature, learn about the life of people with disabilities, participate in socially useful labor and talk about how their actions can preserve nature.

Cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, it is planned to look at the map of Russia, talk about the country and its riches, as well as talk about the spring, study the properties of air, and observe in nature. Preschoolers, together with their parents, prepare messages about those who work at the school, make a wall newspaper "Our days in kindergarten."

Speech development

The work on speech development continues in games and exercises, composing riddles on various topics, conversations “What do I want to become when I grow up,” “What a teacher can teach,” etc. Every day, the teacher reads literary works about school to children, learns poetry for the prom.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Preschoolers make invitation cards to the graduation ball, participate in the design of the group. The game “Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show”, the application “round dance of friendship” contribute to artistic and aesthetic development in the same way as game exercises according to the TRIZ system.

Physical development

In the field of physical development, there are planned talks about teeth, their meaning and diversity in animals, dominoes "Useful products", a variety of relay races and outdoor games on the topic of the week.

Check out a snippet of the thematic week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "How I save nature." Purpose: to involve children in environmental protection activities.Watching the video "Our days in kindergarten". Purpose: to recall the main events in the life of children in kindergarten.Di. "Pick up a verb." Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the actions of the educator and teacher.Making invitations to the graduation party. Purpose: to show children the importance of the upcoming event.Physical minutes at the choice of children. Purpose: to repeat familiar physical moments, words and movements.
Work in the garden. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to work with a rake.Watching a thunderstorm. Purpose: to acquaint with the concept of "thunderstorm", to form real ideas about the phenomenon of nature, to enrich vocabulary.Conversation "What do I want to become when I grow up?" Purpose: to deepen children's ideas about the life of adults, to form respect for people of different professions.Work with the album "Theaters of the World". Purpose: to expand knowledge about theaters in different countries, to encourage staging.Relay "Who will collect the portfolio faster?" Purpose: to consolidate the rules of the relay, to develop physical qualities. P. and. "Mousetrap". Purpose: to remember the rules of the game.
2 p.d.Labor assignments. Objective: To improve the ability to completely make the bed after sleep.Cognitive and research activities "Candle in the bank", "Live snake". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the properties of air, to determine the percentage of oxygen and other substances in the air.Reading fiction about kindergarten at the teacher's choice. Purpose: to remember interesting moments from life in kindergarten.Drawing "School of the Future". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to convey the features of architectural styles in drawing, to develop imagination.A story about a physical education lesson at school. Purpose: to expand knowledge about school subjects.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Problem situation "Forgotten package". Purpose: to form the foundations of safe behavior.Virtual excursion to the school. Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about school subjects, to form a desire to study at school.Game "The letters are messed up". Purpose: to train children in laying out words from letters.Games in the "Museum of Letters". Purpose: to maintain interest in learning literacy, to encourage dramatization with letters.Learning the counting rhyme (poem by Mikhalkov "Kittens"). Purpose: to develop memory, consolidate counting skills.
Socially useful work. Purpose: to form the ability to work together in a team of peers.Board game "Fold the square". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to fold a square from different parts without relying on the sample.Articulating gymnastics at the teacher's choice. Purpose: to improve the sound culture of speech.Dramatization of your favorite fairy tales. Purpose: to create conditions for the manifestation of creative abilities in children.P. and. "We are funny guys." Purpose: to improve running skills, develop auditory attention. P. and. at the choice of children. Purpose: to improve physical skills.
Theme: “Goodbye, kindergarten. Hello school "

Directly educational activities in educational areas:

"Physical culture", "Health"

complex of general developmental exercises "Summer is coming".
"Socialization", "Security"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable:

Experimenting "Soon we will be first graders." Teach children to be interested in their growth and development, to observe anthropometric changes in the body (height, weight, head circumference, chest); understand how best to compare muscle strength (dynamometry "We have become stronger"), what items are needed to accurately measure height and weight (work with scales and a stadiometer).
"Cognition" (development of sensory culture, construction)

School building design. To continue to develop the ability to establish a connection between the buildings being created and what children see in the life around them, to form the ability to create buildings of the same school building of various sizes and designs. Continue to develop the ability to work in small groups, combine their buildings in accordance with a common plan, agree on who will do what part of the work; help each other if necessary.
"Cognition" (development of horizons)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:
Conversation "How first-graders study". Conduct an excursion to the school. To teach children - future schoolchildren - to take initiative in order to acquire new knowledge. Improve speech as a means of communication. Find out what the children would like to see with their own eyes, what they would like to know. Continue to expand and clarify children's ideas about subjects that make school easier (school environment, school supplies). Deepen your understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials.
"Labor" (man-made world)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to propose:

Collage "Favorite fairy tales of our group." To improve the ability of children to compose a collage, using a synthesis of different types of visual activities: drawing, applique, paper plastic. Strengthen the ability to select material to create a fabulous image, develop the ability to participate in collective work, negotiate, plan work, and provide assistance if necessary.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Collective storytelling "How do I remember the kindergarten?" Continue to develop the ability to inform peers about interesting facts and events in a meaningful, emotional way. Teach children to make independent judgments. Improve the monologue form of speech, work out the intonational expressiveness of speech.
"Reading fiction"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Reading the story "Friend of the Childhood" by V. Dragunsky. To acquaint children with the world of human feelings through literary works. Learn to follow the rules of communication and interaction with peers and adults. Improve the ability to analyze a work of art from the standpoint of genre, expressiveness and imagery of language.
"Artistic creation" (arts and crafts)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Make gifts for the staff of the kindergarten "Pendants and Medallions". Teach children to create miniature pendant jewelry as a gift to loved ones. To improve methods of modeling from colored dough. Show the design features of products - pendants, reveal the functional relationship between form and purpose. Develop a sense of form, eye, fine motor skills. To foster a desire to take care of dear people, to bring them joy with your attention.
"Artistic creation" (drawing)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Installation "Miracle tree". To continue teaching how to create a collective composition based on a literary work. Improve your cardboard template decorating skills. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition. To form the skills of cooperation when creating a collective composition (to negotiate, discuss ideas, consult, placing products on a common composition).
"Artistic creation" (modeling)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Modeling of functional items "Vases, napkin holders, boxes". Teach children to create beautiful and at the same time functional interior items (vases, napkin holders, pencil holders, boxes). To acquaint with the frame method of sculpting. Improve the ability to plan work, determining the quantity and quality of materials, the choice of tools, techniques. Develop a sense of form, composition. To foster the desire to create man-made beauty for the daily life of the kindergarten.
"Artistic creation" (application)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Collective application "Our group". Continue to teach how to create a collective composition (an image of a kindergarten building) from separately prepared parts (windows with photographs of children). Improve the ability to build an image depending on the intended composition, stick windows rhythmically, in order (in accordance with the children's birthday). Develop the skills of cooperation and co-creation with peers.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use:

  • for listening (“What they teach in school” by music by V. Shainsky, “Twice two - four” by music by V. Shainsky, “First-grader” by music by V. Shainsky);

  • for singing (“We are now students” by music by G. Struve, “We will not forget the kindergarten” by music by E. Tumanyan, “Goodbye, kindergarten” by music by A. Filippenko);

  • for musical and rhythmic movements (“Excellent mood” by music by L. Starchenko, “Oh, how good it is in the kindergarten!” by music by S. Nasaulenko, “Teaser” by music by S. Nasaulenko);

  • for playing children's musical instruments ("Our Favorite Kindergarten" music by I. Yakushina song-game);

  • for the development of dance and play creativity ("Festive waltz with colored ribbons" by music by Yu. Nikolaev);

  • the didactic game "Say the name of the composer";

  • entertainment "Travel to the Land of Knowledge" - a music quiz.

The content of a subject-developing environment on a topic for independent educational activity children, it is advisable to add:

  • exhibition of school supplies;

  • illustrations depicting the professions of people working in kindergarten;

  • illustrations depicting school, students, teachers.

  • the photo exhibition “We have become so big” and provide children with the opportunity to independently view photographs and share impressions with their peers;

  • equipment for overcoming obstacles, throwing;

  • Lego;

  • sets of small toys;

  • placement of materials for the repair of books.
Joint educational activities on the topic in regime moments:


  • listening to songs of school themes;

  • background preparation for the collective work "Our Group";

  • conversation "Morning in kindergarten begins with things quite ordinary, necessary and familiar - with exercise, washing";

  • conversation “What have I learned?”;

  • role-playing games: "House", "Kindergarten", "School";

  • considering illustrations in books about the structure of the human body;

  • situational conversation "If alone at home" ";

  • Conversation "Dangerous objects at home" - to form a conversation "Without playing with matches!" - to give an idea of ​​what kind of danger matches are fraught with;

  • didactic game "Dangerous-not dangerous";

  • drawing up a story about the work of the rescue services "01", "02", "03";

  • reading of the poem by Ya. Akim "Inoperative", A. Krestinsky, N. Polyakov "The Enchanted Girl", V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"

  • reading poems by A. Barto “How Vovka helped the grandmothers”, “How Vovka became an older brother”;

  • didactic game "Let's collect a portfolio for school" to consolidate knowledge about school supplies;

  • drawing point by point for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Hygiene procedures:

  • situational conversation “We know how to wash our hands cleanly”;

  • situational conversation “I can’t stand a dirty trick”, “If you become hardened, then diseases are not terrible”;

  • table setting: familiarization with the menu; choice of cutlery; drawing the attention of children to the aesthetic design of tables.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner:

  • situational conversations “We know the rules about the rules of cultural behavior at the table”;

  • situational conversation "We know how to set the tables."


  • observation of spring changes in nature (for blossoming leaves on trees, for primroses, for insects and birds on the site ...);

  • outdoor games: "Who will throw further", "Funny relay races with flags", "Be nimble", "Get into the hoop." “Relay in pairs”, “Knock down a pin”, “Ball to the captain”, “Find yourself a pair”;
- individual work on the development of physical qualities;

Work on the site (feeding the birds, helping in watering the plants on the site, considering the scheme for caring for plants in the spring, considering the illustrations "Labor in the spring in the field", preparing the soil for sowing seeds);

Independent activity for the choice of children;

  • role-playing games "Family"; "Kindergarten", "School".


  • reading stories by E. Permyak "The Most Terrible", L. Tolstoy "Filipok", K. Ushinsky "Power, Not Right";

  • conversation "My favorite toy in kindergarten";

  • conversation “Yesterday we were kids, and tomorrow we will be schoolchildren”;

  • dominoes "School supplies";

  • placement in the book corner of the exhibition of books (poems and stories about the school) "School is waiting for us";

  • reading stories about L. Voronkov's school "Girlfriends go to school";

  • design of exhibitions in a group, kindergarten, to the organization of play corners, the arrangement of materials for independent creative activity, etc.;

  • carrying out a game - competition "Collect a portfolio for school";

  • design of the album "My Favorite Kindergarten" together with children, using photographs, children's drawings and stories;

  • reading of E. Permyak's Story "How Masha Got Big", poems of Y. Akim "Inoperative", A. Krestinsky, N. Polyakov "The Enchanted Girl";

  • design with children for self-examination of albums with drawings, photographs with stories from the life of the group for a year.

    1. the task "Draw a cat from triangles" to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

    2. game task "Let's find the shortest way" to develop the ability to measure with a ruler, to determine the results of measurements in centimeters;

  • composing a story from my own experience “How my brother, sister, friend was going to school”;

  • coming up with riddles about school supplies;

  • examination of illustrations and conversation "Who works for us in kindergarten";

  • a conversation on the topic "Can you be friends?", continue to form the concept of friendship, foster friendly relations among children;

  • reading poems by M. Plyatskovsky "Lesson of Friendship", "True Friend";

  • reading of A. Barto's poem "Friends, here's a poem about one boy, just in case";

  • reading of L. Tolstoy's story "Two comrades".

An evening walk :

  • outdoor games: "Hit the target", "We are funny guys", "Empty space", "Who will make fewer jumps", "Knock down the pin", "Move objects", "Who is the most accurate", "Who is faster", " Merry competition ".

  • watching the sunset, the evening sky, the clouds, the clothes of people in spring;

  • independent activity at the choice of children.

Approximate planning of educational and educational work (for a week from 05/28/2018 to 05/31/2018)

Group: preparatory group number 2Theme: "Goodbye, kindergarten!"

Target: organize all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive) around the topic of farewell to kindergarten and admission to school. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming admission to the 1st grade.

Final event: Prom!!!

Date of the final event: 05/30/2018

Responsible for the final event: educators, music director.

Day of week


DOW component











Monday 28. 05.2018


Morning gymnastics ORU.

Conversation: « Our days in kindergarten»

Purpose: to recall the main events in the life of children in kindergarten.

Watching a video.

Execution mrk: "Zebrik"

Purpose: to bring joy to children.


"Pick a verb"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the actions of the educator and teacher.

Attract Varya Zh, Seryozha M.

Situational conversation

"On the benefits and dangers of sunlight."

Purpose: to remind children that the sun does not always bring goodness to wildlife: sometimes prolonged exposure to the sun causes skin burns and sunstrokes in people, forest fires occur and plants in the fields dry up.

Creation of conditions for independent activity: in the corner of artistic creation for working with stencils.

Suggest a tablecloth - coloring.

OOD: 1.Cognition


2. Drawing.


1. Theme: "Kindergarten, kindergarten - children need it so much!"

Target: expand and clarify children's ideas about kindergarten staff, form friendly relationships and communication skills in children of the preparatory group for school.

Internet resource:

2. Theme: "Portraits of Friends"

Target: to consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the genre of the portrait. Introduce the concept of "half-length portrait". Develop the ability to carefully study the facial features and figures of a familiar person. Continue to work on consolidating the basic laws of the image of a person.

Nedorezova No. 69 p. 100

3. According to the plan of the music director.

Walk I :

Observation of flowering trees and shrubs.

Learn to see the beauty of the world around you, develop an aesthetic taste.


They grow in summer and fall off in autumn. (leaves).

Game m / p: "Owl".

Learn to follow the rules of the game, to act on a signal.

n / a: "Whose circle will gather faster?"

Develop spatial orientation.

d / i: "Find what I will describe."

Develop visual attention, observation.

Attract Irina, Artyom.

Labor activity.

Cleaning of paths on the territory of the kindergarten.

To cultivate diligence, to teach to bring the work started to the end.

Provide the children with crayons to draw a simple composition on the pavement. Developing creativity.

n / a: "Cabbage".

Consolidate the rules of the game.

Walks, p. 231.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics:

"Fun exercise".

Back massage "Rain"

Walking the health path.

d / i: "Find the difference."

Attract Arina.

Making invitations to the graduation party.

Purpose: to show children the importance of the upcoming event.

Encourage children to play the board game:

"Soon to school."


According to the plan of the physical instructor.

Walk II :

Observation of inanimate nature.

(soil and sand)

Revealing the dependence of soil condition on weather conditions.


The distance of the fields is turning green, the nightingale is singing.

The garden was dressed in white. Bees are the first to fly.

Thunder rumbles. Guess! what month? It's May!

n / a: "Homeless hare". Develop dexterity, endurance.

n / a: "Through the brook"

Exercise in jumping on two legs, moving forward over obstacles. Attract Vlad, Artyom.

Experimental activities.


Purpose: to consider the shape of the grains of sand.

Materials: clean sand, tray, magnifying glass.

M.P. Kostyuchenko, p. 109.

Enrich the children's play experience by creating an environment for the development of play activities while walking with Ribbon Trap Ribbons.


Reading fiction: S. Berestov "Merry Summer".

Replenish literary baggage

Conversation on content.

Physics minute "Shalunishki".

n / a: "Lotto-associations", "Same - different".

Develop memory, thinking.

Work on ZKR. Automation of sounds C-C

The bird wants to wake up

A bird sings a song

Because a bird with a song

Waking up is more interesting.


Dramatization of your favorite fairy tales.

Purpose: to create conditions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of children.

Create conditions and help organize s / r game


Working with parents:

Consultation "Soon to school".

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security








Tuesday 29.05.2018


Morning gymnastics ORU.

Conversation: “Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello school! "

Purpose: to systematize and consolidate children's ideas about school, study, and school supplies.

M / n game: "Collect a portfolio"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the subjects necessary for the student.

d / y:

"Pick a word" with Ksyusha.

Purpose: to expand the dictionary by nouns, adjectives regarding the two concepts "kindergarten", "school".

Working with the weather calendar.

To systematize the ability of children to notice changes in the weather and mark them with conventional signs.

To create conditions for theatrical play in the theatrical corner for the development of the creative and artistic abilities of children.

OOD: 1.Cognition


2.DOD /

Speech therapy

3.Physical culture

on a walk

1. Theme: "Hello school!"

Target: continue to learn to compose and solve arithmetic problems.

Strengthen the ability to use words: add, subtract, it will work. To consolidate the idea of ​​the composition of numbers from units.

Metlin No. 63 bldg.201

2. Theme: "We read it ourselves"

Target: improve the ability to analyze a sentence and make it up from letters. Development of post-syllable continuous reading methods. Repetition of grammar rules. Development of the ability to choose words for a given syllable. Improving the ability to compose words using a sound model. N.S. Varentsova, p. 107.

3. According to the plan of the physical instructor.

Walk I :

Continue to observe seasonal changes.

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the relationship between living and inanimate nature. Form an idea of ​​the summer months.


Summer rolled in like the sun

It shone, shone,

Cherries, chamomiles, buttercups, cereals,

Summer! Summer! Summer!

Dressed in bright colors!

P / N: "Who will remain in the circle?", "Living labyrinth".

Purpose: to develop a sense of balance, agility; to train the coherence of collective actions.

d / i: "Make a proposal."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compose a sentence with a given word.

Attract Vlad.


Put things in order at the site.

Purpose: to educate diligence, accuracy.

Provide children with portable material for drawing or drawing up a simple composition on the pavement.

(crayons, waste material: twigs, pistachio shells, feathers ...)

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics:

“Children are waking up,

Adults smile

Kind words are spoken.

Wash themselves

Dress themselves

And they want to please us.

Walking the health path.

Work on ZKR

with Varya Zh, Marina. pronouncing clean slips.

Physical minutes and MRK

at the request of children.

Create conditions for board - printed games at the request of children.

Musical entertainment

Preparation for the holiday.

Walk II :

Observing the weather.

Purpose: to form a generalized understanding of seasonal changes.


It's good in spring, the field is clear,

You are decorated with a grass ant.

Yes, all fragrant flowers

In the morning in May, dressed up.

Game is fun

"In an even circle one after another."

Develop physical activity.

n / a: "Transformation".

Develop physical activity, imagination.


"Name the sound"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

Seryozha, Vitaly.

Dance composition "The Sun - Radiant", "Zebrik".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to perform movements, according to the text, to develop physical activity.

Enrich the play experience of children by creating an environment for the development of play activities on a walk using the attributes for play - the relay

"Who will collect the portfolio faster."

Hearing a song

"Hello summer".

(music by N. Metlov, lyrics by M. Klokova)

Introduce the character and tempo of the music.


Listening to the songs "I want to learn"

muses. A. Dolukhanyan, to lyrics Z. Petrova,

"Goodbye, kindergarten", music. Yu. Slonova, to lyrics. V. Malkova.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to determine the character and tempo of the music and the meaning of the song.

. Automation of sounds L-R

As in our meadow

There is a cup of cottage cheese.

Two grouses arrived,

Pecked, flew away.

The ducks have arrived

We started playing pipes.

Varya J.

Virtual excursion to the school.

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about school subjects, to form a desire to study at school.

Create conditions and help organize the s / r game "School".

Provide children with attributes for the game, developing creativity.

Working with parents:

Consultation "Air, sun and water are our best friends."

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security








Wednesday 30.05.2018


Morning gymnastics ORU.

Examining school supplies.

Purpose: to educate a respectful attitude to objects and to comply with the rules for using them.

d / i: "What's gone?"

Purpose: to develop visual memory.

Game - exercise:

"The letters are messed up"

Purpose: to train Artyom and Marina in laying out words from letters.

Reading a poem

"So the summer has arrived"

V. Danko.

Purpose: to expand knowledge about summer natural phenomena.

Activation of children for independent activity in the center of artistic creativity. Provide the necessary equipment (cotton swabs, paints, crayons) to develop creativity.

OOD: 1. Development


2.Physical culture


1. Theme: "Tanya's first day in kindergarten"

Target: exercise in composing a story according to the plan proposed by the educator. Teach yourself to build a plot. To consolidate the ability to differentiate the sounds of c and h, to work out a distinct diction.

Ushakova No. 7, p. 53

2.According to the plan of the physical instructor

3. Theme: "Girls and boys are dancing"

Target: learn to sculpt a figure in motion. To consolidate the ability to transfer the figure of a person, the shape of body parts, proportions in sculpting. To form the ability to act, to agree on who will mold whom.

Komarov No. 34, building 61

Walk I :

Observing the sun.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the meaning of the Sun for all living things.


There will be no knocking on the door, on the window,

And he will rise and wake everyone up!

n / and "Streams and Lakes".

Purpose: to fix the orientation in space.

Development of movements. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to jump on one leg with forward movement.

Danil, Marina.

An experience:

"Properties of the sun's rays"

Purpose: Empirically show the properties of the sun's rays.

(wet rubber balls).

Provide children with waste material for drawing or drawing up a simple composition on the pavement.

Round dance game

« We went to the meadow».
Foster interest and love for the small homeland

After sleep:


"Hot air balloon flight"

Working with parents:

Approximate plan

educational work

with children 1.5 - 3 years old

Theme: "This is how big we have become"

Software content:

  1. Formation of elementary ideas about the growth and development of children.
  2. Expansion of ideas about the change in the social status (maturation) of the child in connection with attending kindergarten.
  3. Creation of an emotionally - positive climate in the group and kindergarten for a comfortable stay of children in kindergarten.
  4. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, teacher, other children (desire to go to kindergarten, call the teacher by name and patronymic, show interest in the actions of peers, play side by side without interfering with each other, do not take away toys, do not quarrel).

Approximate plan

educational work

with children 3-4 years old

Theme: "This is how big we are"

Software content:

  1. Expansion of ideas about the growth and development of a child, a change in his social status in connection with the beginning of a visit to kindergarten;
  2. Formation of the I image, informing children of a variety of information directly related to their information (you are a boy, you have gray eyes, you like to play, etc.), including information about the past (did not know how to walk, talk; ate from a bottle) and the changes that have occurred to them (now you know how to behave correctly at the table, draw, dance; you know the "polite" words);
  3. Formation of a sense of community, the importance of each child for kindergarten.
  4. Expansion of ideas about kindergarten (music hall, gym, etc.), professions of kindergarten employees (educator, assistant educator, music director, nurse).

Approximate plan

educational work

with children 4-5 years old

Theme: "This is how big we are"

Software content:

  1. Strengthening the child's ideas about himself as a member of the team, developing a sense of community with other children. Formation of friendly relations between children (mutual assistance, sympathy, desire to be fair).
  2. Expanding children's ideas about the kindergarten and its employees, improving the ability to freely navigate the premises of the kindergarten.

Approximate plan

educational work

with children 5-6 years old

Theme: "This is how big we are"

Software content:

  1. Development of ideas about the change in the position of the child in connection with growing up (responsibility for the younger, respect and assistance to the elders, including the elderly, etc.). Deepening of the child's ideas about himself in the past, present and future.
  2. Expanding the child's perception of himself as a member of the team.
  3. Formation of an active position through project activities, interaction with children of other age groups, feasible participation in the life of a preschool institution.
  4. Formation of friendly relationships between children (the habit of playing together, working, studying, the ability to independently find common interesting things).

Approximate plan

educational work

with children 6-7 years old

Theme: “Goodbye, kindergarten. Hello school "

Software content:

  1. The development of ideas about the temporal perspective of the individual, about the change in the position of a person with age (a child attends kindergarten, a schoolchild is studying, an adult works, an elderly person passes on his experience to other generations). Deepening of the child's ideas about himself in the past, present and future.
  2. Formation of ideas about oneself as an active member of the team through project activities involving children of younger age groups and parents, participation in the life of a preschool institution.
  3. Expanding children's ideas about their responsibilities, primarily in connection with the preparation for school.
  4. Involving children in creating a developing environment for a preschool institution (mini-museums, exhibitions, libraries, design workshops, etc.).

Marina Ptitsyna
Expanded complex thematic planning “Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello school! "

Goals: Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming admission to the first grade.

Educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children Organization developing environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Socio-communicative development C... /R. the game "First of September", « School lesson» - develop relationships"Student-teacher"

Contest "Collect a portfolio".

Dramatization "Malvina teaches Buratino" plot role-playing game « School»

Conversation "Please" (polite words in the life of the future schoolboy) Target: teach children to self-control their behavior. Demo material “In our school» .

Game attributes "Collect your portfolio".

Attributes to c. /R. games "First of September", « School lesson» .

Attributes to dramatization "Malvina teaches Buratino".

Book exhibition decoration "We want to learn"

Illustrations coloring o school

Cognitive D / I development"We know the numbers"- putting them out of the counting sticks

Board game "Cheerful account"- to consolidate the skills of counting, develop logical thinking.

Chatting with children « School past and present "- to acquaint children with the learning conditions of children in the past, to acquaint them with equipment schools in the present, arouse the desire to learn.

DI "The fourth is superfluous", "Who needs what for work?", "Choose the right pictures", "Letter constructor", "Number constructor", "ABC", "Mathematical Lotto", "Gramoteikin"

viewing illustrations about school

An experience: Properties of sand

Lotto "Numbers and Letters"

Speech D / I development"The beginning of wisdom"- to teach children to analyze and memorize proverbs about study, books.

DI "I will start, and you continue".

"Guess" (riddles about school supplies)

Conversation over a series of pictures “In our school» .

Reading fiction

S. Mikhalkov "Feast of Disobedience", V. Voronkova "Girlfriends",

V. Berestov "Counting" E. Uspensky "Cheburashka goes to school» J. Moritz "First of September", S. Marshak "The first day of the calendar", L. Petrushevskaya "Tale about the ABC", V. Orlov "What is written in the notebook?"

Yu. Koval "Funny stories about school» , V. Moruga “What awaits me in school» , A. Barto "V school» , "First lesson", A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio".

Examining the picture « School» DI "Pick up the words".

Conversations: "Soon in school» , "Before goodbye kindergarten! Hello, school!», "Responsibilities schoolboy» , about the profession of a teacher, oh school supplies

Conversation-reasoning “Why in school recess»

Artistic and aesthetic development collage. "My favorite Kindergarten» - improving the skills of using various techniques.

Modeling - “Letters, numbers, school supplies» .

making a layout « Classroom» ,

Construction: "My future school» ,

Coloring pages on school topics

Construction: "ABC" (from counting sticks)

Hearing: songs "I want to learn", music. A. Dolukhanyan, words Z. Petrova; "Before dates, Kindergarten» , music. Yu. Slonova, to lyrics. B. Malkova; "We are now students" muses. G. Struve, "Lesson", music. T. Popatenko

Examination of reproductions of paintings by F. Reshetnikov "Deuce again", Kustodiev B.M. "Zemskaya school in Moscow Russia... 1907 ", Alfred Ranklay "Village school» , Bogdanov-Belsky N.P. "V school» , “A portrait of my very first teacher in school» Kamenskaya L. N

Physical development A set of exercises number 23.

Teach children to provide themselves with basic help with bruises, seek help from adults in case of illness, injury

Play exercises: "Ball up", "Ball against the wall", "Who will quit next?"

Physical education minutes: "One, two, three, four, five …"

Final event: holiday "Before dates, Kindergarten