Will laser hair removal at home help get rid of unwanted hair? Which device for laser hair removal at home and in the clinic is better to buy?

Removing unwanted hair is a problem that every woman faces during her life.

Currently, there are a huge number of ways to do this, and many of them are distinguished by cruelty and low efficiency. One of the modern painless methods available is laser hair removal.

A laser is used to heat the hair follicle. The temperature of melanin, the color pigment in the hair, rises so much that it breaks down along with the bulb. This explains the best laser performance on dark-haired girls with fair skin. The absence of pigment in the skin excludes the possibility of burns.

The laser epilator does not have a very large area of ​​effect, which slows down the procedure, but it has a long service life, especially in comparison with photoepilators. The effect of the laser is absolutely painless, only in rare cases a slight burning sensation of the skin can be observed.

Hair begins to fall out some time after epilation, usually about 5-10 courses are required, but most notice a positive trend after the first few procedures. For home laser hair removal no special skills required, only perseverance and patience. This method of removing unwanted hair turns out to be much more profitable than performing a similar procedure in the salon.

You should refrain from home laser hair removal if you have:

  • Diseases of the skin;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Increased risk of allergies:
  • Pregnancy.

How to choose a laser epilator for home use?

In salon installations, much more powerful lasers are used, so self-epilation is quite a matter long and laborious.

Modern home epilators are easy to use, safe and provide eye protection.

Many have intensity regulation, protection mechanisms from children.

Also, the advantage of laser devices is that it is possible to use it on the skin of the face, since the risk of getting a burn is minimized, a wavelength is selected that destroys the follicle, but does not have a detrimental effect on the skin.

There are two types of lasers used in home epilators: alexandrite and neodymium.

  • Alexandrite. Its use is advisable girls with fair skin... Heats up melanin, therefore removes well dark hair... Effective on coarse hair that occurs against the background of hormonal pathology. The disadvantages include a decrease in efficiency when replacing dark hair with vellus, does not completely remove the cover.
  • Neodymium. The wavelength of this laser is longer, so it does not affect melanin, but hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. This explains the possibility of its application. on light hair and dark skin... The method has minimal side effects. It must be remembered that the neodymium laser is capable of treating scars, removing tattoos and has a rejuvenating effect.

According to another criterion, laser epilators are divided into singl and scan... In the first case, you will have to remove the hairs one at a time, which requires a lot of skill and takes a lot of time. This is not an easy procedure as the laser beam must be directed directly at the hair follicle. The advantage of this group is its affordable price.

Epilator Philips

Has established itself as a worthy competitor in the market. The device has intensity settings, it is absolutely safe.

Leaves no pigmentation on the skin, can be used on open areas of the body: face, neck, hands.

The manufacturer guarantees long-term hair removal. Optimal results are achieved after several treatments, usually 4-5.

Rio laser epilator

The brand is firmly in its niche with a range of home epilators on the market.

The cheapest are equipped with technologies that are designed to facilitate entry into the hair follicle. You will have to linger on each hair for 4 seconds.

The manufacturer indicates that there is no damaging effect on the skin, so the device can be used on the face.

The most advanced epilators of the line have a special scanner that can search for hairs and remove 60 pieces at a time.

The device has a patented technology for eye protection... To get started, turn the key and enter the code, which protects children from accidental activation.

Features of Tria laser epilator

High-tech device, provides high quality epilation.

Tria is able to scan surfaces and determine the type of skin, thereby adjusting to its owner. This personalized approach ensures efficiency and safety.

In one flash, the laser processes about one square centimeter, at the end of the work it gives a sound signal. Due to the rather high price, it did not gain wide popularity in Russia.

What makes the Babyliss epilator different from the rest?

Small compact lightweight body is easy to use. It has four power settings, the last one may have a slight burning sensation of the skin.

Provides simultaneous removal of multiple hairs. Suitable for use on any part of the body.

It has small special nozzle to remove facial hair.

Thanks to the sliding mode, epilation is not time-consuming.

Braun epilator

The Braun epilator is a very modern device.

It automatically picks up the power.

In addition, it is capable of scanning skin over an area of ​​up to three square centimeters.

High level of security, does not damage the skin.

What is the best laser epilator?

Thus, the most effective are laser epilators, equipped with a scanner for quick search and instant hair removal.

This greatly facilitates the procedure and provides a good result, which is fixed for a long time.

RioDezacX60 seems to be the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.

Recently, home laser hair removal has become a very popular procedure among women. If earlier hair removal with a laser could be done for a lot of money exclusively in the salon, now it has become available at home.

As a rule, this procedure has both pros and cons. Modern home appliance stores offer a wide range of lasers for home use, prices for which range from 7 to 30 thousand rubles. Much depends on the model and functions of the device.

Like any procedure, laser hair removal has its advantages and disadvantages. Most women like this method of removing unwanted hair. Let's consider the main advantages.

Cosmetologists advise, before buying a laser device, to carefully study all contraindications
  1. Laser hair removal is today considered one of the most effective and safe hair removal methods for human health. This is due to the fact that the destruction of the hair follicle occurs under the influence of an absolutely harmless light pulse emitted by the device.
  2. The procedure can be performed on almost any part of the body, excluding the deep bikini area and the face. Removing unwanted hair will be equally effective on the legs, armpits, arms and bikini line.
  3. Laser hair removal at home will ultimately cost several times less than a similar procedure in the salon. The fact is that even in the most inexpensive beauty salon, one session of laser hair removal in cost coincides with the price of the device itself - and after a while the procedure will have to be repeated.
  4. However, the main advantage of laser hair removal is that this procedure is absolutely painless, after it the hairs are not prone to ingrowing, they do not become thicker or darker. On the contrary, over time, the bulbs weaken so much that the hair stops growing altogether.

Laser hair removal is carried out in a course, every 3-4 weeks for 6-10 months. The number of treatments depends on the amount and degree of hair stiffness.

Disadvantages of the procedure

This procedure also has negative sides, rather, even contraindications, which must be taken into account so as not to harm yourself. Let's first consider the precautions for using a laser epilator at home, and then dwell on the contraindications.

  1. Even after the first laser hair removal procedure, despite the painlessness of the process, slight irritation appears on the skin. Therefore, during the week, these areas of the skin should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as well as use scrubs and a hard washcloth for bathing. It is not recommended to use deodorant for 48 hours, especially if it contains alcohol.
  2. Throughout all sessions of laser hair removal at home, it is categorically not recommended to visit saunas and baths, take a hot shower or bath. The steam will dilate blood vessels, which can only increase skin irritation.
  3. As a rule, it takes a considerable amount of time to achieve the ideal effect from the procedure. This is due to the fact that the epilation process takes a long time. The light pulse should act on every hair. It is very inconvenient to do hair removal in the summer, since in the intervals between procedures, in no case should you remove excess hair with a razor, tweezers, wax or a regular electric epilator. Otherwise, the effect of the laser will be reduced.
  4. Practice shows that laser hair removal in a domestic environment is completely ineffective in the fight against gray, vellus and very light hair. The fact is that the beam from the laser will act on the skin, while bypassing unwanted hairs.
  5. And finally, the main disadvantage of the laser procedure is the price of the device. Not all women can afford a laser hair removal machine. The price of home laser epilators is increasing every day as newer and improved models with many functions appear.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications include both individual diseases and some characteristics of the body. Let's consider them in more detail.

It is strictly forbidden to remove hair in this way for adolescents who have not reached puberty. This can negatively affect the development of the body, in some individual cases even lead to skin problems.

If there are warts, moles and scars on the human skin in the places where it is planned to remove unwanted hair, the procedure should be abandoned as a precaution, otherwise such skin modifications may develop into malignant neoplasms. Even if there are very few moles, you should still not expose them to the laser.

The procedure should be avoided for pregnant women and people who have an individual intolerance to bright light and sunlight. This usually applies to blondes with very light skin, on whose body severe burns quickly appear.

A contraindication is the presence of mechanical damage and sunburn. In the first case, severe irritation may begin, up to bleeding and swelling, and in the second, the light beam from the laser will act more on the skin, discoloring it. This will keep the hair shafts intact.

The most serious reason that should convince any woman to use a laser epilator is the presence of cancer, diabetes mellitus and any other disease in the degree of exacerbation. The operation of this device can significantly aggravate the health condition. In such cases, it is better to stop using the laser and find an alternative solution to the problem.

How to work with a laser epilator

And now for the very procedure of laser hair removal at home. Before working with the device, you should carefully prepare for the process.

First of all, take a skin sensitivity test. Hold the laser turned on at the required power on a small area of ​​the skin where there is excess hair. If redness, itching or burning does not appear in a day, you can safely carry out the procedure.

Using a laser, you can remove hairs in a wide variety of areas - in the armpits, bikini, on the arms and legs

It should be borne in mind that the maximum effect is given by a laser epilator on hairs, the length of which is from 1 to 3.5 mm. That is why, if the unwanted hair is very long, you must first trim it or trim it with scissors.

Before starting work, wash and dry the area of ​​skin that will be exposed to the epilator. It is very important that the skin is completely dry, otherwise burns cannot be avoided. Next, you need to firmly attach the laser to the skin and turn on the device. Hold it for about 5 seconds, and then immediately move it to about half of the initial exposure zone. In one session, experts recommend treating the same area no more than three times, depending on the power of the epilator and the individual characteristics of the skin.

When the first session of the procedure is over, you should lubricate the treated area of ​​the skin with a moisturizing natural lotion, apply ice cubes or a cold wet towel. This will help eliminate the irritation that has arisen.

The next laser procedure can be repeated no earlier than 3 weeks later. During this time, the skin should have time to recover. It should be understood that the appearance of redness and irritation after exposure to a laser, as well as a slight tingling of the skin during the procedure itself, is absolutely normal. All this is due to the effect of a light pulse on the body.

Already after the first session, the hair that has been treated with the device will begin to fall out by itself. Moreover, if the bulb was very weak, new ones in those places may no longer grow. However, as practice shows, usually several procedures are required to completely get rid of hair for many years.

A second course of epilation should be carried out only when the hairs grow back by at least 2 mm. Only in this case the procedure will give the desired result and will be quite effective.

One should not only forget that in no case should such manipulations be carried out on the face, as this can lead to unwanted pigmentation and burns, and laser hair removal in the deep bikini area can be fraught with the development of skin or gynecological diseases.

Female beauty in our time is a very expensive business. Therefore, many ladies try to look for "workarounds": for sure, each has a "super-master" who creates masterpieces in an elite beauty salon during the day, and takes at home three times cheaper in the evening. And some even master the wisdom of manicure or hair extensions on their own: you can save money and please your girlfriends. The turn came to such a high-tech procedure as laser hair removal. With the advent of household laser devices, it has ceased to be an exclusive of medical and aesthetic centers.

Can professional laser hair removal be done at home? The answer to this question is definitely no.

  1. First, professional laser equipment is not only expensive, but very expensive. Sometimes even some beauty salons cannot afford it, let alone private individuals. The price of the issue is several million rubles. Even the most successful cosmetologist is unlikely to shell out for a good laser, if only for a used machine from the time of the King of Peas.
  2. Secondly, the equipment for laser hair removal is rather bulky and heavy. A professional device, which is considered to be compact, weighs 25-40 kg, and the mass of a conventional laser installation reaches a whole centner. That is why a separate non-residential area is allocated for the laser therapy room. There are no conditions for this in apartments. In addition, according to the rules of safe work with electrical equipment, the laser device must be connected to networks with a dedicated automatic bagging machine and grounding.
  3. And, thirdly, only a certified cosmetologist with a higher medical education can work on a laser hair removal device. That is, neither the pedicure master, nor the beautician who gives you a facial massage and masks are not allowed to do such a responsible job. And, probably, it's not in vain? After all, laser hair removal is not about pulling out eyebrows with tweezers. One wrong move, and instead of admiring smooth legs, you will treat them for burns.

If you see an ad: “Laser hair removal at home! Fast, high quality, inexpensive! ”- don't believe it. The maximum that awaits you - a homebrew "doctor laser" will torment you with a low-power portable device, and everything will happen slowly and sadly. And not so cheap at all. Because if you are not afraid of epilation at a snail's pace, then it can be done much cheaper by purchasing your own miracle technique, you can even with a girlfriend in half.

Laser epilators: salon or home

Finally, laser hair removal has become available not only to the regulars of beauty salons. People can prefer professional procedures for various reasons: they cannot allocate time during the day to get to the session; live in areas where lasers have only been seen in Star Wars; they feel uncomfortable in the hands of a stranger for other exotic and not very motives.

But the biggest reason is economy. A portable laser epilator costs the same as one or two procedures at a beautician, and it serves its owner in eternal service: you can get epilated even from head to toe. For comparison: laser hair removal of the lower leg costs on average 5-7 thousand rubles at a time, and an economy-class device for home use can be bought for eight to nine thousand.

The relative cheapness of portable laser epilators is explained by the fact that they operate at the expense of an inexpensive semiconductor laser, the cost of which, in comparison with salon alexandrite and ruby ​​crystals, is several dozen times less.

It would seem that here it is - a panacea. But it was not there. What's the catch? And the catch is that manufacturers, for the safety of their customers, make devices with a minimum laser power. For consumers, this means:

  • The device works only with a combination ideal for laser hair removal: light, unburned skin of the first or second phototypes and dark hair. Natural blondes and dark-skinned women do not even need to try - a home laser will take neither light fluff nor sufficiently pigmented hair against a tan background.
  • Manufacturers are reinsured that when using their device, no one could cause significant harm to themselves. Therefore, the power of the flash is barely enough to have a short-term shallow effect on the hair. The effectiveness of such hair removal leaves much to be desired. But the security is at a high level.
  • The size of the laser spot of a portable epilator is so small that it takes more than one hour to epilate, for example, one leg. Or you have to conduct one session in several visits.

If you want a quick result, if you are impatient and not sure if you can finish what you started, home hair removal is not for you. Do not suffer and trust the professionals. If you are persistent, know how to count money and are not afraid of difficulties, then the next chapter is for you.

Despite the significant difference in prices of different models of epilators, they differ little from each other in their effect. Their main difference is the ease of use and the speed of processing skin areas. These characteristics are provided by additional automatic "additives" that help to increase the aim of the laser action and give the apparatus more safety. These optional functions add another 200-300% to the cost of the simplest laser epilator.

The most popular models of household appliances for laser hair removal are produced by the British companies The Dezac Group Ltd and TRIA, as well as the famous Philips company. Let's take a look at some of them.

Economy option

The simplest laser device for hair removal can be bought in a regular home appliance store along with other "beauty devices". The cost of such epilators is in the range of eight to ten thousand rubles. The peculiarity of their work lies in the fact that the effect of a laser flash falls directly on a single hair. This means that the diameter of the light beam is so small that to destroy the hair follicle it is necessary to manage to hit the beam directly into the hair, otherwise the impulse will pass "by".

To treat at least one area with such an epilator is no longer a task for the faint of heart. But the savings are on the face. If you have nowhere to rush, you can buy, for example, the RIO Dezac Salon Laser model. Reviews about its effectiveness are contradictory: from the complete uselessness of the device to one hundred percent satisfaction with the result. Both positive and negative opinions about a household laser epilator are found equally, but the fact that epilation with its help is a laborious and extremely slow process is recognized by all users.

Advanced level

The difference between a more convenient epilator, in addition to the price of about a thousand US dollars, is that it has a “homing” system for the hair. Within a small coverage area of ​​the laser spot (about half a centimeter in length and width), the beam itself finds hairs and destroys them. Thanks to this, several bulbs are killed at once in one flash. Not like with salon hair removal, of course, but already something. At least the number of man-hours spent in the process of hair removal at home is reduced by several times.

Another representative of the Rio family from the English company The Dezac Group Ltd - a model called the X60 Rio - has just such an effect. This device has, in addition to the scanning function, also a serious "foolproof" - automatic blocking from accidental activation or increase in power. The flash fires only when the handpiece is firmly pressed to the skin, which prevents radiation from entering the eyes.

Another well-selling device belongs to the TRIA company. Its working area is even larger - on the order of a square centimeter, and this is already close to professional devices. For added safety, the epilator has a built-in skin type analyzer that automatically adjusts the impulse power. Having destroyed all the targets in the entrusted area, the smart device informs about this with a sound signal.

Despite the promises of the manufacturers, it is not possible to achieve fast and high-quality epilation with the help of these devices. Most owners of laser epilators scold them for their low efficiency and laboriousness of the process. Those who persistently continue to methodically process centimeter by centimeter, while others, desperate to get the desired result, send their devices to "Internet flea markets" a couple of months after the purchase.

Laser hair removal at home - contraindications to the procedure

If you nevertheless decided and bought yourself a device for home hair removal, before proceeding with the procedure, read the instructions for use of the device.

First of all, pay attention to contraindications. If, due to some disease, the doctor at the laser center refused to epilate you, this does not mean that you can do it yourself at home. Exactly the same health problems should become an iron reason for refusing the procedures, namely:

  1. According to the recommendations of the manufacturers at home, it is forbidden to epilate the areas near the eyes, ears, and also to do a "deep bikini" with the help of a laser.
  2. A day before the start of epilation, you need to make a test flash on the area that you are going to treat. If there are no traces of the control effect left, then you can conduct a full session.
  3. When planning the procedure, you need to shave the hair in the area to be epilated a couple of days before it. Wait for the hair to grow back 1-3mm. Alternatively, you can trim your hair to the desired length just before the session.
  4. The skin at the site of exposure must be clean and dry, without traces of cosmetics.
  5. Select the laser power, according to the attached instructions, turn on the device and press its head to the desired area of ​​the skin. After the flash, the epilator must be moved to the next location.
  6. Make sure that the epilator handpiece does not touch the already treated area again, as this could result in burns.
  7. The laser action should be painless, slight discomfort - tingling, short-term burning sensation - are permissible.
  8. After the procedure, the skin may be slightly swollen and reddened. A couple of hours after epilation, you can use a soothing cream, apply a cool compress. All troubles should go away within 24 hours.
  9. After epilation, it is forbidden to use deodorants, cometics and perfumes at the site of exposure. Do not sunbathe, overheat, peel, remove hair in any other way.
  10. Hair that has been exposed to the laser and is not burned out during the procedure may fall out for several days after the procedure.
  11. Do not forget that after 3-4 weeks a second procedure will be required, and also, if necessary, in the future, about once a month until the complete destruction of the follicles.
Laser hair removal at home: pros and cons

To summarize all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself - laser hair removal at home is possible, but, alas, it is not yet able to serve as a full-fledged replacement for salon procedures:

  • the duration and laboriousness of the process makes epilation too expensive in terms of the time killed for the procedure;
  • insufficient power of portable epilators significantly reduces the possibility of their use in different people and even in different parts of the body of one person;
  • the small diameter of the light spot makes the procedure ineffective, since with sequential treatment of skin areas between them, uncovered areas can form;
  • despite the maximum safety of modern devices for laser hair removal, with a non-professional approach to the preparation and conduct of procedures, complications are not excluded;
  • self-hair removal at home can be considered as such very conditionally: in some areas it is impossible to correctly install the epilator head without outside help, so you should worry in advance about a person who can be entrusted with such a delicate matter.

There are many disadvantages to home hair removal, but any coin always has two sides. In our case, there are two "fat" pluses, which for many are able to outweigh all the listed disadvantages: it is absolute painlessness and multiple savings when carrying out laser hair removal at home in comparison with similar salon procedures.

It is difficult to imagine a modern woman who would not care about the smoothness of her legs. There are a large number of salon procedures aimed at eliminating this problem.

The most suitable method for achieving the perfect beauty of the legs is the laser. Today women have the opportunity to experience laser epilators for home use. Customer reviews testify to the positive results that have been achieved with the help of them.

TOP 5 home laser epilators

The best laser epilators that have undergone research, approved for home use and have only positive reviews are:

Rio Yes Laser with LCD Screen (LAHC6)

  • Removes hair in all areas with the highest speed.
  • Eliminates vegetation in all areas.

  • Removes vegetation for a long period of time.
  • Diode device.
  • Able to simultaneously remove vegetation on an area of ​​60 sq. mm.
  • 5 power levels.

Laser epilator Rio Scanning X20

It is the safest treatment for skin prone to irritation.

Laser epilator Rio Salon Laser Tweezer

High speed and efficient device.

  • Diode device.
  • Suitable for allergic skin.

Laser epilator Rio Salon Laser Hair Removal System

Method essence

The essence of the procedure is quite simple. The laser device acts on the follicle with infrared light and very quickly destroys its bulb. According to experts, with the help of several sessions of such a procedure, you can forget about excess vegetation for a very long time.

Types of devices

Treatment devices emit either short or long wavelengths. Short waves can emit the following types of devices:

  • Diode
  • Alexandrite
  • Ruby

Long wavelengths are emitted by a neodymium laser.

The procedure performed in the salon is quite expensive. But the laser epilator for home use (reviews of this) is equipped with a semiconductor laser, which is the most affordable.

Note! When shopping for a laser epilator, you need to pay attention to the following properties:

  • The wavelength emitted by the laser beam. A short wave of radiation is considered the most effective for destroying the hair follicle.
  • Cooling function designed to reduce pain.
  • Scope. There is a category of devices that point-to-point effect on individual hairs, which is somewhat difficult to use. The use of such devices assumes high accuracy of penetration into the affected area.

Users prefer homing devices. With its help, the laser locates the follicles with high precision. The device has the ability to process a large area.

Before the procedure, you need to prepare the areas of the body where the hair removal will be performed.

Preparing for the procedure

To prepare to use the laser at home, you need to follow these steps:

  • Do not be exposed to sunlight approximately 14 days before.
  • Thoroughly shave the areas of the body to which the procedure will be applied. By the time the session starts, the hair will have acquired a length that allows epilation.
  • Test the skin for susceptibility two to three hours before starting work. It is necessary to process a small area. An itching and irritation reaction is a contraindication for laser use.

Procedure rules

Before starting work, you must familiarize yourself with the attached instructions:

The skin in the places where the part of the body is supposed to be treated must be cleaned and dried.

  • Connect the device to a power source, apply to the skin area. After the flash of light, move the device in the direction of the adjacent part of the skin.
  • In one procedure, a certain area is processed no more than once.
  • Hair loss will only occur after the hair follicles have dried. In this regard, one should not hope that the hairs will disappear immediately after the session.
  • This operation can be repeated only after 2 weeks.

The skin in the places of the proposed epilation needs to be cleaned

Are there any contraindications to the procedure?

There are some limitations to the procedure with a laser epilator for home use. Customer reviews confirm the fact that people with a history of:

  • Various skin diseases
  • Moles on the body
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Certain heart diseases
  • Influenza or ARVI in progress
  • Herpes virus
  • Pregnancy
  • Oncology
  • Diabetes
  • Grey hair

Laser hair removal is not recommended during pregnancy

Is laser hair removal harmful?

There is an opinion that the laser hair removal procedure is harmful to health, especially to internal organs. But actually it is not. The effect of the laser in the device is negligible.

The beam is capable of penetrating to a depth that allows only the hair follicles to be affected. It only affects the top layer of the skin. That's why the laser beam is not capable of causing harm to internal organs person.

Some also fear that the laser hair removal procedure could lead to skin cancer. Naturally, the presence of tumor processes on the skin means that this procedure is prohibited. But myself the device is not able to lead to the appearance of cancer.

The laser beam does not contain the ultraviolet waves that lead to cancer. A much more harmful procedure is tanning in a solarium, which many women are fond of. This procedure can indeed be the cause of malignant neoplasms, subject to frequent visits to the solarium.

Hair removal procedure in the salon

Pros of performing the procedure at home

The laser epilator for home use has undeniable advantages. Numerous reviews indicate that this the device may well replace the salon procedure for the following reasons:

How many procedures do you need

Note! Diode is the most effective laser epilator for home use.

The fair sex has always been interested in two questions: how to have beautiful, thick hair on the head and how to get rid of it on other parts of the body. Today, there are many techniques, ranging from waxing to the latest developments used in beauty salons.

However, if you think that only a specialist can help you get rid of hair effectively, you are wrong. You can carry out this procedure yourself using a laser epilator for home use..

The action of the drug is that the infrared ray is directed directly to the base of the hair and penetrates directly to the bulb. As a result, after several sessions, she dies. And over time, at this place, the hair stops growing altogether.

Laser epilators can be equipped with alexandrite or neodymium laser. However, in fact, they differ only in price.

A more important classification is the Single function (in translation - one, only) and Scan (in translation - to study).

Household laser epilator Single affects only one hair, while Scan has a scanning function. Of course Scan epilators are more convenient - no need to look for hairs, the scanner itself recognizes them and directs the beam there. Scan has an irradiation area of ​​60 sq. mm skin.

Information! There are devices in which the Single and Scan functions are combined.

What zones can be treated at home

Before choosing a laser epilator for home use, you should familiarize yourself with which areas of the skin it can be used on.

Manufacturers claim that the device can handle any areas:

  • armpits;
  • breast;
  • legs;
  • back;
  • bikini area;
  • hands.

Home Laser Epilators Review

Manufacturers of home laser epilators claim that the effect of using them is the same as after a salon procedure. However, they are silent about how long it may take.

Laser epilators can be used on the face as the risk of burns is minimized.

Epilators of the brands Rio, Avance, Philips and HPlight are mainly represented on our market. Let's consider the most popular models:

  1. Rio Dezac x 60 (UK). A diode laser is used. Outwardly, the device resembles an ordinary telephone and occupies a leading position in the ranking of home laser epilators. It can work both in the Single state and in the scanner mode. In this case, it is possible to change the radiation power. Single mode is used when you need to get rid of individual hairs. In Scan mode, the device can remove up to 60 hairs at a time. The optimal wavelength is 808 nm. It usually comes with a carrying case, AC adapter, manual and tutorial CD. In various regions, the cost per set starts from 20 thousand rubles.

  2. The company produces several models that differ in the power of the laser beam. The most popular model is the DM-4050DX. Operates in Single and Scan modes, wavelength - 808 nm. The package includes: glasses for laser hair removal, power adapter, manipulator, instruction and training disc. It is possible to adjust the wave power based on the color type of the skin. The cost of such epilators starts at 30 thousand rubles.
  3. This model compares favorably with a pleasant design, which does not affect its performance at all. The mode of operation of this portable laser epilator - Single and Scan, has an optimal wavelength of 808 nm. Effectively removes hairs on both dark and light skin. After the end of the laser operation, the device emits a certain sound signal, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the required procedure time. The cost of this model is from 24 thousand rubles.

  4. Although the models of this brand cannot be called the best laser epilator for home use, they are worthy competitors. Epilators of this brand are absolutely safe and have several degrees of intensity. The advantages include the absence of pigmentation on the skin and the ability to use it on open areas of the body. The visible effect is achieved after 4-5 procedures.

  5. It can be called an intelligent epilator that can detect skin type and determine the wavelength itself. After the end of work, it emits a sound signal. Due to the high price in the Russian review of home laser epilators, it can be rarely found.

  6. Quite a compact epilator with four power modes. The kit includes a special attachment for removing facial hair.

  7. A modern model that automatically picks up the power. Has a high level of security.

How to choose a device for laser hair removal at home and what to look for

When choosing a laser epilator for your home, you need to consider some points that will help you more effectively deal with unwanted hair.

The advantage of a diode laser is that it can act on dark skin.

  1. Procedure time. Perhaps this criterion can be called the main one when choosing a laser hair removal machine.
  2. Manufacturer. Well-known manufacturers adhere to all the rules and make every effort so that their device does not cause inconvenience and serves for a long time.
  3. Processing area. This figure is important for epilators with a scan function. The higher it is, the less time it will take for the procedure.
  4. Laser length. An important indicator. The optimal length is 808 nm. It is with this length that not only the distinguishable part of the hairs is destroyed, but also the follicle. At the same time, there are no burns on the skin after using the device for laser hair removal at home. If the wavelength is less than 808 nm, the risk of burns increases.

In addition, experts recommend paying attention to safety, since it is important to protect your eyes during laser hair removal. To achieve the effect, women with dark hair, due to physiological characteristics, require more procedures.

This video demonstrates how the home laser epilator works:

How to use the device: step by step instructions

Before using a laser epilator at home, it is advisable to consult with a beautician and carefully study the instructions. Further, you must follow these rules:
  1. Test a small area of ​​skin with the included epilator. For several hours it is necessary to observe her reaction. If there are no changes (itching, severe irritation), you can proceed with hair removal.
  2. The skin must be clean and dry.
  3. If the hairs are larger than 3 mm, shave them and wait until they grow slightly above the skin. Only in this case will the device function effectively.
  4. Place the epilator close to the area to be treated. At this time, a flash will occur, after which the device is moved to another place. Home epilators cover an area of ​​3 square meters. cm.
  5. You cannot process the same zone twice during a session.
  6. Hair affected by the laser will fall out in 3-5 days.

Important! In order not to harm the skin, it is necessary to take breaks of at least 3 weeks between procedures.

Experts advise that when carrying out an independent hair removal procedure, be sure to follow safety rules and use a gel for laser hair removal. In addition, the procedure should be abandoned if the following symptoms are present:

  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the joints and heart;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • multiple moles or tattoos on the treated area;
  • allergic reactions;
  • too dark skin;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy.

It should also be borne in mind that the laser will not be able to cope with light, soft hairs (fluff), and on dark skin, its effect weakens.

Advice! For girls with fair skin, it is better to choose an alexandrite laser, and with a dark complexion, a neodymium one.

Hair removal at home is not only realistic, but also completely safe if you follow the instructions for using laser epilators and know which one is better to choose.