Congratulations on lawyer's day to colleagues. Congratulations to the legal department Happy Lawyer's Day

The dispute can be resolved quickly and easily
This is all the lot of a lawyer.
He should know a lot,
That would protect the company.

Understand the positions
Understand to make a decision
Remember the code day and night,
Understand the laws exactly
To be able to draw up a contract,
Leave no chance for fines

Any claim should always be challenged,
Build charge.
His work is not easy -
Eternal concern for everyone.

Wish you good luck
And financial returns
Composure, calmness,
Pleasure from work.

Congratulations, colleagues,
Happy lawyer's day - on this day,
I want to wish you success
And solutions to all problems.

To understand your business,
Know the law from "a" to "z".
And any business so that
You allowed it in jest.

Colleagues, congratulations on Lawyer's Day in Russia. I wish everyone perseverance, patience, courage, strength, optimism, confidence in my legal powers, in my legal knowledge. Let not a single day go by without success, let it not come to a standstill. All health, support of family and friends, as well as good luck, dedication and indispensable victory in the end.

The law, like the wind, is changeable -
Calm today, storm tomorrow.
A lawyer shouldn't be shy -
Otherwise, there will be arbitrariness.

So let, dear colleagues,
Work brings you joy,
And your fee for success
Always come on time.

Happy Lawyer's Day, my colleagues!
May the days be filled with success
Life gives work and rest,
To only move forward!

Let the sun send light
And protection from the cold of troubles,
May your family support
Friends will be there all the time!

Dear colleagues, congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
After all, we celebrate Lawyer's Day.
In all matters, I wish you success
I wish to reach a new height.

Let your wishes come true
Let kindness surround you everywhere.
And let the knowledge expand
And let beauty shine around.

The world of laws is so complicated
Attention is needed here.
You need clear thinking
Understanding is needed!

And today, on the day of the lawyer,
We congratulate our colleagues.
Friendliness to you, happiness -
And then success will come!

Fulfillment of dreams
And correctness in words.
Compliance, patience
And good luck with your business!

Happy Lawyer's Day! Happy Law Day!
Tomorrow we will go into battle again.
Illuminates the mind our way
Our battlefield is judgment.

Happy holiday to you, colleague.
Let them expect victory.
The mind of a lawyer, oh, is not easy
And the language is both bold and sharp.

Happy Lawyer's Day
My wonderful team
And I wish in work
Money, benefits and prospects.

Wealthy clients
And in all matters of victories,
More joyful moments
And health for a hundred years!

We honor the laws, we embody them,
Lawyer - sounds serious and harsh ...
We understand better than the rest
And we believe that “law” is not just a word.

We are different, but the title is the same
Unites us in their worries.
We understand life up and down ...
Sometimes our work is not easy.

Happy Lawyer's Day, colleagues,
I congratulate today
Legal law
I wish you to strengthen.

Whoever they are, judge,
Attorney, consultant,
There will be an application
May it always be our talents.

I wish that in Russia
They knew our names
And by their lawyers,
So that the whole country is proud.

Day of legality - can rightfully be called a professional holiday of a lawyer, regardless of the professional field of their activities. For the first time, on the initiative of the Association of Russian Lawyers, the Day of the Lawyer was approved in 2008. According to the press service of the CEC of Russia, the total length of service in Russia is approximately 750 years, which is not a small age.

This day unites notaries, prosecutors, bailiffs, judges, lawyers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - in a word, everyone whose professional activity has become justice. The main task of this profession is to establish justice. Only employees of the legal industry are capable of ensuring the observance of the rule of law and the rule of law both in the external and internal functioning of the state. Despite such a "young age" of this holiday, events in honor of the Day of the Lawyer are held today throughout the country, which are crowned by the solemn awarding of the National Award "Lawyer of the Year". This highest legal prize was awarded to people who have devoted more than one day to this profession, people who have made an exorbitant contribution to the development of legal affairs in Russia.

Happy Lawyer's Day
And with all my heart I wish
Many things to do, and all great ones
Many deals, only clean ones.

And health, and good luck,
So that all tasks are solved.
A lot of light and warmth
Happiness, peace and goodness!

To make everything great
And in your career, in your personal life!
For many, many years
They did not know any troubles!

People with a legal profession
We can easily find out
They solve matters quickly
Have a bold, proud look.

They have, of course, something to be proud of,
They are the watchman's law.
Used to work hard,
Treasure your success.

So be happy lawyers
Today you are the heroes of the day.
And everything will be pure in the laws,
If you are at the helm!

Congratulations to the professionals in their field on the holiday - the Day of the Lawyer of Russia! We wish you always to have a trump card up your sleeve, a worthy baggage of knowledge and experience, prospects and tremendous success! Be healthy, attentive, detailed, reasonable and versatile! May your work bring the desired income and great pleasure! Good luck and high goals!

Happy Lawyer Day
And I wish you on your holiday,
So that everything is clean in business,
And peace reigned in my soul.

So that all matters are resolved
Without much trouble
Everything worked well,
And they lived on the envy of everyone.

On Lawyer's Day, I wish you
Kindness of fate without edge.
Let there be prosperity at home
Health will remain in the body.

May success in work await
Good luck will find a way to you,
May all dreams come true.
Peace, happiness, warmth!

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day!
Oh, a thunderstorm for a swindler,
Toast for you today!
Yes, being a lawyer is not easy.
Since you know the laws better,
But you have been teaching them all your life,
You can figure everything out.
All that remains is to try.
Classroom career ladder,
Smooth life, barrier-free!
Your success is natural.

Your clear thinking,
Orientation in laws
Legal space.

Happy holiday, lawyers!
We wish you clean deals,
Everyday life of the lungs, without rush jobs
And high fees.

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
Let everything be smooth, clean
May good luck be in a hurry to you!

Making fair decisions
At work and everywhere
Well, in life - adventure.
Always be on top!

All business will be successful
And let the incomes grow -
Let it be internally and externally
All desires will match.

Let the family be a support
The house is like a small dock.
Take a break from contracts
Happy Lawyer Day!

Legal business,
By the teeth you know
All the wisdom of the law
Obey strictly!

Happy Lawyer's Day,
The time has come for the holiday
And in work we wish
You have no fluff, no feather!

And of course, in personal life,
We want to wish you
To make everything great
To live in love and not to know troubles!

Legal profession
Responsible, difficult:
There are three hundred laws to know
Yes, the arsenal ruled
It's real to be on guard
And crime - a fight ...
After all, you can even say:
Once became destiny
An honest path to Themis.
... to decide the fate, to save!
Decide wisely, take risks!
Learn the law and know!

Every year on December 3, Russia celebrates Lawyer's Day. The holiday appeared relatively recently, but has already become quite significant for society. It brings together justice workers from various fields of activity - everyone who serves to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.

The appearance of a holiday in a series of professional dates is another indicator of the observance of human rights in our country. Lawyer's Day is an additional reason for the consolidation of the entire legal community, whose main activity is to serve the principles of legality, the rule of law, as well as the establishment of legal justice.

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day in Prose

In many ways, it is on lawyers that the impeccable execution of laws, the protection of human rights and freedoms and the interests of the state depend. Official congratulations in prose on Lawyer's Day 2018, in our article.

Congratulations in prose to lawyers

Dear lawyers, veterans of the legal community! We sincerely congratulate the people of one of the most respected, honorable and prestigious professions in our society - lawyers on their professional holiday! Your professional activity is aimed at strengthening the foundations of the rule of law, creating a stable mechanism for the implementation of the rule of law, ensuring the rule of law and social justice. It is on your effective work and dedication that the protection of the legitimate interests and freedoms of all residents of Moscow largely depends: representatives of various strata of business, government agencies, individuals, and, ultimately, the prospects for socio-economic development not only of the Moscow region, but of the entire country. Muscovites are grateful to you for your loyalty to your duty, as well as for the patriotism, endurance and adherence to principles shown during its performance. We wish you success in your hard work, new achievements, good health and prosperity.
Dear lawyers and legal professionals! Let me congratulate you today on your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! And although the holiday is very young and is celebrated for the third time this year, its establishment at the state level is a recognition of the high role of your profession for society and the state. Being a lawyer, on the one hand, is very prestigious and respectable, but on the other hand, it is extremely difficult, since your profession requires enormous responsibility. We wish you not to forget about your mission! Professional achievements, successes, prosperity and new achievements in your difficult, but very necessary work for people!
Many warm and friendly wishes are being said to you by your colleagues and friends today! Let me join them and cordially greet you on the occasion of your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! Your activity is aimed at ensuring justice and legality in society, creating a stable mechanism for the implementation of legal norms in the work of state bodies. The contribution of domestic lawyers to raising the legal awareness of citizens, the formation of a high legal culture of society is also invaluable. Let me wish you dedication and dedication to the great cause of serving the Law, new professional successes. I wish you good health, peace, happiness and prosperity.
Dear friends! I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! For the further dynamic development of modern society, the profession of a lawyer is very important. Your multifaceted activity is aimed at ensuring the rule of law and justice, creating a stable mechanism for the implementation of legal norms in the work of state bodies. It is difficult to overestimate your contribution to strengthening guarantees for protecting the rights of citizens, raising the legal awareness and legal culture of the population. I am convinced that your conscientious work, high professionalism, accumulated experience, dedication and energy will always serve as a reliable guarantee of the rule of law. I wish you good health, prosperity, happiness, success in all your deeds and undertakings!
Dear friends! On behalf of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Moscow Region, I congratulate all lawyers on their professional holiday. Today there is not a single sphere of social life that could do without legal support. The development of our country, its economy, social sphere, strengthening of interfaith and interethnic harmony, the degree of public confidence in the state system depend on the competence, professionalism, adherence to principles of lawyers. I wish all representatives of the legal community to honestly fulfill their duty and always stand guard over the interests of citizens. I wish you success in your work, health and well-being!
Dear regional lawyers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! Today, almost no big serious matter in any sphere - industrial or social - is resolved without your participation. You are doing a great job of promoting legal knowledge, your consultations are used by thousands of specialists, leaders of different industries and ranks, ordinary residents. You stand guard over the laws and act within their framework. Thank you for your competence, knowledge, willingness to help. I wish everyone who works in the field of jurisprudence. success in business, good health, personal happiness!
Every lawyer is, first of all, an intellectual. His work requires advanced deductive thinking, long-term and working memory, attentiveness and literate speech. A good lawyer is distinguished by erudition and communication skills. Therefore, the profession of a lawyer can only command respect. But the most important thing is that lawyers use all their abilities and knowledge in their practice in order to help people. We wish you not to forget about your mission! Professional achievements to you in your useful and very necessary work for people!
Your profession is very responsible and worthy of respect. After all, a lawyer is an expert in matters of law, and law has been respected at all times. Lawyer's Day in our country is a new holiday, but since it was recognized at the state level, this proves the importance of your profession. We wish you well-being, happiness, success and achievements in useful work!
Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on Lawyer's Day! This holiday unites specialists who have devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of our citizens. Historically, the profession of a lawyer in Russia is considered one of the most honorable and respected, and at the same time it is associated with a huge responsibility. It is on the employees of the legal industry that the impeccable implementation of laws depends, and, consequently, the very existence and full functioning of the state. Responsible civic stance, competence, loyalty to the letter and spirit of the Law help domestic lawyers in solving complex and urgent problems in various fields of activity. I would like to wish everyone who considers Lawyer's Day their professional holiday good health, inexhaustible optimism, prosperity and success in the service for the good of the country!
The legal profession has historically been an honorable one. And at the same time, it is associated with great responsibility. Lawyer's Day is a serious professional holiday, it brings together lawyers from various fields of activity, defending the rights and interests of citizens. But even in the most responsible activities there are breaks and even you, lawyers, have an official holiday - Lawyer's Day! Happy holiday, you servants of the Law!
Dear lawyers! Your professional holiday is only a few years old, but your profession is one of the most ancient. After all, the first legal experts appeared when the first laws were adopted, that is, several millennia ago. You are servants of order and justice in our society. You can both protect and punish. We wish you to make only correct and competent decisions.
In modern society, the profession of a lawyer can hardly be overestimated. A lawyer is law, justice and order. The legal profession implies a colossal responsibility. The concept of "lawyer" unites such fateful positions and professions as a judge, prosecutor, investigator, lawyer, notary and so on. Today, on the day of the lawyer, I want to wish the servants of the law firmness, adherence to principles and courage. And let these qualities necessary for a lawyer be adequately rewarded! Happy Holidays, servants of the law!
A lawyer is a high and responsible title. You are facing very important tasks that require tremendous focus and dedication. That is why the most hardworking, most persistent and responsible people become real lawyers. On this holiday, I would like to wish all professionals from jurisprudence to overfulfill all assigned tasks and achieve all goals. Happy holiday to you, true lawyers!
Dear colleagues! (from the chief) Today is our day - Lawyer's Day. We all celebrate this holiday with a sense of pride in ourselves and our work. We are defenders of human rights, we help to triumph of justice! Only thanks to your hard work and initiative our business flourishes. I wish you to remain as honest and decent people and emerge victorious over all difficulties in our hard work. Happy Lawyer's Day!
Lawyers, as you know, are a dime a dozen today. But there are not so many intelligent ones! Today, it is with great pleasure that I congratulate a person who knows law as well as if he himself put a pen to writing it on the Day of the Lawyer! Conduct your legal practice in such a way as to cause slight envy of colleagues and admiring gratitude of clients!
Your professional activity is associated with a vast knowledge of laws, the ability to interpret them correctly and apply them in business. A competent lawyer is the provision of steel activities of any structure, enterprise, organization; great help to people in everyday situations and winning cases in courts. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you firmness of spirit, self-control, success in all your endeavors, career growth and material well-being!
The lawyer is our faithful guide in the world of laws. We wish you career achievements! Burrowing into books with your head, you are looking for the correct interpretation of the next amendment ... Take a short break to accept congratulations on Lawyer's Day! To you, a lawyer, a talented and sincere person, I wish you long years and strong happiness, the most understanding and friendly environment and the fulfillment of all cherished desires!

Official congratulations on lawyer's day to colleagues

Dear colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! Our profession has always been considered one of the most honorable and significant. The activity of lawyers is associated with great responsibility for the fate of people and is aimed at ensuring justice and legality in society. The contribution of domestic lawyers to raising the legal awareness of citizens, the formation of a high legal culture of society is also invaluable. We have been entrusted with a great mission - to uphold the lofty ideals of freedom, justice and democracy, to contribute to the building of civil society. We are confident that our high professionalism, active civic position, and impeccable reputation will continue to guarantee the strengthening of stability and law and order in the state. Please accept the warmest and most sincere wishes of health, inexhaustible energy, dedication, new professional success in our common noble cause of serving the Law! Peace, happiness and prosperity to your family and friends!
Dear lawyers and legal professionals! Let me congratulate you today on your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! And although the holiday is very young and is celebrated this year only for the third time, its establishment at the state level is a recognition of the high role of your profession in the life of society and the state. Being a lawyer is, on the one hand, very prestigious and respectable, but on the other hand, it is extremely difficult, since your profession requires enormous responsibility. We wish you not to forget about your mission! Professional achievements, successes, prosperity and new achievements in your difficult, but very necessary work for people!

Short congratulations on Lawyer's Day in prose

The backbone of the country is its laws, and you, a lawyer, are our best consultant and guide! Congratulations on the Day of the Lawyer, that is, the Lawyer! Be respectful, resolve the embarrassment and protect your clients, and let Fortune lead you under the arm, and Lady Luck regularly shower you with pleasant surprises!
Today we have a perfectly legitimate reason to steal a little of your attention in order to present a modest, but with a sense of the chosen present, and congratulate you on Lawyer's Day! I wish you not to be bored in piles of papers, save hard coins on your account and bathe in love, joy and other pleasures of life!
(Name), congratulations on Lawyer's Day. You are an excellent specialist, you know a lot about business and administer justice with ease. Today we celebrate our professional holiday, so I would like to wish you not to lose your composure and achieve your goals. Happy Holidays!
Happy Lawyer Day! You know, there is such an unwritten rule for good people - to live happily, fulfill dreams, be lucky in law and in a series of everyday affairs! All this I sincerely wish you and, in addition, I pin my hopes on the fact that by your next professional holiday I will be able to congratulate you on your new career achievements!
Our dear lawyers! Although your professional holiday is young, your profession is as old as the world. To be a lawyer is honorable, prestigious and respectable. Your profession requires logical thinking, perseverance and a lot of knowledge! Happy holiday, lawyers! You make our world a better place!
Dear lawyers! I congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you success in fulfilling your honorable and responsible mission of establishing justice. Let the quality of your work always match the financial capabilities of your clients!
Our whole life is entwined with the intricacies of law. How not to get lost in it with your head, how to defend what is required by law, and not get into trouble with it? A lawyer will tell us about this without embellishment and without concealment, and today we congratulate you on your professional holiday, sincerely thank you for the work done and wish you all the best!
Laws are written by people and for people, but it is sometimes so difficult for an ordinary inhabitant to understand them ... A cake-maker should not wear boots! That is, everyone should be at their own business. And it seems to me that it was impossible to find a person more honest, wiser and more professional for your position! Happy Lawyer's Day!

Congratulations to a woman lawyer in prose

Dear colleague! (professor of jurisprudence) Happy Lawyer's Day! I wish that your work would still be 100% successful for you, and the students would still delight you with their victories, because you raised them to be successful and purposeful people! Let everyone who fluttered out of your pulpit and achieved success in life remember and respect you. Original congratulations in prose to a friend

Congratulations to a friend lawyer

Dear friend! (lawyer) I congratulate you on our professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! I wish that your customers do not become scarce, and that all processes are winning! May your work give you only joy and self-confidence!
Expensive (). Being a lawyer is a great honor and a huge responsibility. But we are all to some extent lawyers. Although not all of us have a corresponding diploma, it is impossible to be a successful specialist without knowledge of the laws. We sincerely wish you professional success, good health, prosperity and good luck!
To be right in everything, we need law and its correct interpretation, and this we trust you, lawyers. Accept today warm congratulations on your professional holiday and best wishes! Let your mind never get tired, and your heart never know sorrows!
Anything that can bring real pleasure in our life is either illegal or immoral. Therefore, we cannot do without your help, without the help of a professional lawyer. Happy Holidays!

Favorite lawyer

Darling, I sincerely congratulate you on Lawyer's Day. Although your work is not easy and requires a lot of knowledge, you really deserve honor and respect. I want to wish you that your responsible activity will bring you only happiness, victories and satisfaction. Happy Holidays!
My beloved, the only person! I sincerely congratulate you, dear, on your professional holiday, Day of the Lawyer! I want to thank you for just being. There are your affectionate eyes, moist dear lips and a beautiful unknown depth of the soul. I wish you, dear, that your life path is always illuminated by the bright sun, and under its gentle rays you feel comfortable and warm! Good health to you, fabulous happiness, endless love and good luck in your difficult work!


My beloved woman! I sincerely congratulate you, dear, on your professional holiday, Day of the Lawyer! When God created the world, he sowed seeds of various flowers into the earth and from their petals created a woman. It was your progenitor. I don’t know for what merits fate gave me such an expensive gift, my only one! I want to wish you great professional success, and that your life path is always dotted with gorgeous rose petals! I love you".

Dear friend

Dear friend! I sincerely congratulate you on Lawyer's Day! I never cease to be amazed at the disinterested qualities of your generous soul. I was very fortunate to have such a reliable friend who, in difficult moments of life, will always help, support and never let me down. I thank you for your friendly understanding, pure thoughts, cordiality and simplicity. I wish you, dear friend, that your professional field of work will always sprout with golden ears of wheat, and its numerous harvest will delight you with its innumerability! I wish you success, good health and good luck always and in everything! "

Happy Lawyer's Day to Dad

Good day! Lawyer's Day is one of the most revered professional holidays in every employer's calendar. After all, a lawyer is a high calling, a wonderful profession that is needed everywhere: both in a small enterprise and in the highest structures. Special people are gifted with the talent of a lawyer: smart and attentive, resourceful and purposeful. That is why I really want to believe that it is the lawyer who will be lucky in the form of achieving all-all set goals.

This is what I would like to wish on the day of your professional holiday to you, a person and a specialist with a capital letter, a wonderful lawyer from God. Let your work always be appreciated, love and comfort reign in the house, peace and happiness in your heart. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day to colleagues in verse

In the eyes of longing and wisdom suddenly mingled,
Today is a reason for you to rest a little.
Laws change and change
And their direct essence improved,
And we lawyers read it all
And clients carry a heap of cases every day,
So Happy Lawyers Day, we congratulate you
And let things wait today!

We protect the rights of other people,
We are always in a hurry to help everyone,
And we make a will in a second,
And we also believe destinies.

Colleagues, on our special holiday,
On Lawyer's Day, dear to you,
And I wish the misfortunes to pass
So that trouble bypasses you.

So that you work for the good of all Russia,
So that deception does not touch you,
So that there is happiness in the whole world,
To be a success in business!

Dear servants of Themis,
Please accept my sincere congratulations.
On the Day of the Russian Lawyer
I give you instructions again.

Relax, forget and have fun
This day happens once a year.
Return to your carefree youth
Don't go to work on a leash.

Congratulations to all of you today!
On this Day of the servant of Themis.
Let success be on our heels
Let's put aside all the failures and resentments.

In every business I wish you luck,
It is holy to honor and keep the Law,
And accept with this humble congratulations
My respectful deep bow.

Well, colleagues, let's freshen up?
It's time to postpone business,
Let's take a walk in the square
Let's count the trees ...

The codex has more chapters,
Than the densest forest itself,
And why am I a lawyer,
Is it called useful?

Nothing, such a thing
We will not be lost anywhere,
So now we will be brave
Celebrate Lawyer's Day!

SMS Happy Lawyer's Day to colleagues

Happy Lawyer's Day, my colleagues!
May the days be filled with success
Life gives work and rest,
To only move forward!

Let the sun send light
And protection from the cold of troubles,
May your family support
Friends will be there all the time!

Dear colleagues, congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
After all, we celebrate Lawyer's Day.
In all matters, I wish you success
I wish to reach a new height.

Let your wishes come true
Let kindness surround you everywhere.
And let the knowledge expand
And let beauty shine around.

Happy Lawyer's Day, my colleagues!
In every business, let success await you,
Only joy will brighten all days
And there will be no unnecessary interference!

In families, let it be understanding, harmony,
At work, an emergency is not terrible,
If our loved ones want
To make life only more comfortable!

Congratulations to all lawyers,
Happy profession day now.
There will be fewer violations
All stripes in your destiny.

Let the work be a joy
Happiness at home and in the family.
And the salary will certainly
Rather, it will double.

Prose Happy Lawyer's Day to colleagues

On Lawyer's Day in Russia, I would like to congratulate my dear colleagues on the holiday. I wish you success in your work and justice in your business, great endurance and endless energy, generous gratitude for your hard work and personal happiness.

I congratulate you, dear colleagues, on the Day of the Lawyer in Russia. With all my heart I wish you all peace and prosperity, brave success and positive results of activity, confident strength and fresh ideas, a bright mind and good health, respect for others and an impeccable reputation throughout your life.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the holiday, on Lawyer's Day in Russia. I sincerely want to wish each of you to be a virtuoso in your business, have great respect and experience incredible success. May everyone have complete self-realization, high income, bright luck and sincere happiness in life.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on Lawyer's Day in Russia and wish you excellent ingenuity, a bright mind, brave victories, undoubted success, great luck, high reputation, sincere respect, personal welfare and happiness of the soul.

Dear colleagues, today is our holiday, Lawyer's Day in Russia! I would like to wish everyone a huge flow of interesting clients and quick resolution of the most complex cases. Foresight, full understanding of situations, non-standard solutions and a lot of free time. Keep up with progress and be the best in your business!

Congratulations to the legal department Happy Lawyer's Day

Lawyers have a lot to do
In our difficult, terrible age,
When money and wealth
More important than a man!
When there are many crimes
And all morality is forgotten
When a man's heart
Has become as hard as steel!
We wish you success
In your noble cause,
We send you congratulations
In an excellent mood!

Nice to inform you on Lawyer's Day,
What have been giving rise to interest in us for a long time
Your mind is sparkling like champagne,
And your knowledge is too heavy;
May Fortune be favorable to you,
May Themis love you! And for sim
Natural and completely legal
We want to congratulate you on this one!

All lawyers from Russia
We warmly congratulate
And good luck and luck,
And we wish you great love!
So that customers reach out to you,
And they didn't forget to pay
To disappointment
You never knew!

Throughout the ages, the law has developed,
And the right was not sly:
The law is strong, but it's law
And it requires compliance.
For you today and only for you
Warm congratulations!
I wish you happiness and love,
Success in hard work:
Your profession is held in high esteem.
Happy Lawyer's Day, my friends!

When things are tangled, the paper crushes the load -
I will always turn to our competent lawyers.
Let the laws work harmoniously for you,
And in an instant, both the acts and the order are approved.
Let the glorious bosses give a bonus,
He praises and appreciates your difficult work.
May the house be filled with joy and kindness always,
Desires will come true, health - for years.

We cannot live without lawyers!
After all, the lawyers are great:
Scammers are afraid of them
And dishonest businessmen -
Lawyers have a sharpened mind
Sharp and trained eye ...
And all of us are very pleased
On this day, congratulate you!

Lawyer wishes from clients Happy Lawyer's Day

You are in legal affairs
Not just a doer, but a genius!
You are good at words
Intricate treaties,
Let the deals be yours every time
They always look smooth, clean!
You are a top class specialist,
Congratulations on Lawyer's Day!

Today is the lawyer's day, we want
From the heart, sincerely congratulate,
Thank you for your robot,
And leave bright memories.
May there be a lot of light in your life
Good luck in the robot of inspiration,
May every day with the smile of dawn
Bring a sea of ​​happiness, mood.

Today is the day of the lawyer, we are in a hurry,
Congratulate you, thank you to say,
For your sincere and very necessary work,
And to wish a lot of happiness in life.
May the whole robot in life succeed
And light every day for you to shine,
And strength to you and the sun, and patience,
And every day - smiles of inspiration.

Lawyers - representatives police, courts,
You point out to justice workers about their rights,
You all know the laws, like two and two,
And you always help citizens with advice.
Congratulations from clients on lawyer's day,
Let the work bring you inspiration,
May life always be filled with joy
And fatigue and sadness go away forever.

A lawyer is always on guard of our interests,
His services are so necessary in an age of progress,
Ardent honor from all clients to lawyers,
He gives all knowledge and strength to people.
Happy professional holiday, we congratulate you,
We wish you patience, faith in success,
Climb the career ladder high,
Let the problems in life be solved easily.

Happy Lawyer's Day to the chief in verse

We are lawyer's day today
We sincerely congratulate you,
We are wiser than the boss
And we do not know more responsible.

Ace in business, character is flint,
Neither lie nor deceive
You can instantly
Explain the essence of the laws.

May there be good luck in life
Let the business carry success
The paths will all be familiar
In the legal forest.

Congratulations to you today
Lawyer's day, sweet boss.
We wish the rating
Your clients have increased.

Let things go as they should
Let the law help
Let the praises be heard
For the labors from all sides.

Let the work not get bored
Let the excitement always boil
A world of laws and amendments
Let him always beckon to him.

Congratulations on the holiday of lawyers,
And I wish you a lot of success,
So that problems are dealt with quickly,
They managed to do everything here and there.

I wish you to reach
All set peaks
A lot of happiness in your life,
And into the garage of big cars.

The lawyer is excellent and smart,
And endowed with beauty.
The leader is the highest class,
What happiness - you are with us.

Happy Lawyer Day,
He wants to live like this for three hundred years.
Love and joy wagons,
And conquer any slopes.

Happy Lawyer's Day,
Our boss is dear.
Serve Themis all your life,
You are a specialist in gold.

Bright deeds, prominent clients
We want to wish you
Be a great lawyer
Never lose heart.

Happy Lawyer's Day to a lawyer in verse

It's not easy being a lawyer
To win cases
It is necessary to know the law,
The grip was strong.

You have all the qualities
You are a good lawyer
Congratulations on lawyer's day,
Let your dreams come true.

Lawyer's Day celebrates
Our dear lawyer,
He will always come to the rescue
To those who are right and wrong
We wish him happiness
And success, new deeds,
Moods, inspirations,
So that he succeeds in everything!

Such a wonderful specialist
Today I hasten to congratulate on Lawyer's Day!
You are always very happy to solve a problem
After all, you are a first-class lawyer with us,
I wish you a decent salary
Let the hard work of a lawyer always be appreciated!
In business, let many victories await you,
There is no lawyer better than you here!

Happy Lawyer's Day
You cool lawyer.
Pull out from any misfortune
You are only glad of the client.

Let there be more victories
Win any process.
I wish to work
Don't lose interest.

Happy Lawyer's Day,
Congratulations today.
You know the laws well
I wish you well.

Although being a lawyer is not easy,
You are the best in this business.
Your work will always be held in high esteem
So let success await you.

Congratulations on the Day of the Lawyer to the prosecutor in verse

You accuse, but only in the case,
According to the law, confidently, boldly,
You know your job at five,
With what I will congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Let success await you in your career,
I wish you to go to the goals without hindrance!
Let everything be and always according to the law
And the stars grow on your shoulder straps!

The prosecution will present
And the motive will always find
The prosecutor is an excellent lawyer,
May he be lucky in business
Happy Lawyer's Day
We are the prosecutor,
Let him find a ray of light
Among the gloom, clouds and darkness!

Depends on your labors
A sentence to a man.
Happy Lawyer Day,
Our smartest prosecutor.

I wish you health
Let there be success in business.
And in your affairs so important
Let there be less interference.

You, comrade prosecutor,
Happy Lawyer's Day.
And on this very important day,
We wish you easy work.

Know the laws for sure
And have the facts.
Always be happy
And avoid all problems.

You are appreciated, loved, respected,
Everyone knows your sharp mind.
And you are a very distinguished prosecutor,
You are always and everything is in order.

We want to congratulate you on Lawyer's Day
You, dear optimist.
Let life bloom like a rose.
Don't know what tears are.

Happy Lawyer's Day congratulations to the judge in verse

Happy Lawyer's Day congratulations
Take it, judge,
Always be in tune with Themis
I sincerely wish.

Correct, balanced decisions
I wish you on a holiday
At home, let it be a support
You have a wonderful family.

We congratulate you, judge, on Lawyer's Day!
May you be lucky in work and in fate,
Let the courts pass smoothly, cleanly,
May every year be happy!

So that protecting our laws,
You have earned the authority
So that everyone knows, respecting your work,
That there is no better judge in the world!

I hasten to congratulate you, judge
I have a wonderful lawyer day,
Let the heart be hot
Conscience is by all means clear.

Let Themis be a muse
Whispers his important advice
I wish to judge honestly
Many bright, long years.

Let health not fail
At home - the family pleases
Earthly blessings, goodness and strength
I wish you a holiday.

Congratulations to colleagues on Lawyer's Day

Dear colleague,
Happy holiday to you!
And let it be comfortable
Your life will be!

May the career be true
Leads you up
And love is immeasurable
Happiness will bring!

Kindness and joy
I want to wish!
Let the road roll
Mountains - on the shoulder!

Let it shine with joy
On this glorious day
Grateful smile -
To you for what you have!

We are legal people, hot people,
We protect victims by law,
If someone is unfairly "hit back",
The face of the law does not tolerate ringing disturbances.

Colleague, today I sincerely congratulate you,
Let only good things come across to you
Solve them all quickly, I wish to win,
And follow the fate that our life has given!

Happy legal day to you, colleague, congratulations,
And I thought so critically - I sincerely wish.
Good luck and luck in business and documents!
Indeed, in our quivering business, there is no time for sentimentality!

And in people so that you can easily understand,
To be more cunning than a fox - I wish to try
I do not be sad, do not lose heart, do not experience sorrows,
Get more money, let all troubles go away!

We all serve the law
All rights are protected!
After all, people really need
Give help, suddenly trouble!
Colleagues, let the path be bright
So that honesty knows no bounds!
More than anything
The law is respected by a lawyer!
May success be immense
I congratulate you
Happy our day, Happy Lawyer's Day,
The law protects us all!

I wish you success in everything.
I'm sure all our plans
We will be able to master it together!
Two lawyers are power.
We will move mountains with you!
Happy Lawyer's Day, colleague, my friend and partner!
Let's drink and pour again!

You honor the letter of the law,
You nourish his spirit in works,
And with honor all bypass obstacles,
Skillfully using this in courts:
Your words are weighty, your thoughts are fast,
In dashing battles you have no equal ...
I want to congratulate you on Lawyer's Day
And wish you brilliant victories!

Colleagues, on a holiday, Lawyer's Day,
Bow to you low, unearthly,
May it be pure in our souls
And the wallet is more than full!

May life be diverse
And interesting things
Health so that there is enough for everything,
And happiness is envy to take!

Lawyer, philosopher and artist,
Orator, friend sometimes and judge -
How many facets you have, lawyer!
How amazing is your profession!
Servants of Themis, in a good hour,
Leaving all worries for later,
I congratulate you on Lawyer's Day!
Let every house be a full cup!

Congratulations on the day of the legal service specialist on our website, as well as congratulations on the lawyer's birthday.