The practice of filling the energy of the Indians. Ungrounded women. Correct energy transfer

Tatiana Kulinich

In today's world, oriented towards male values ​​(power, prestige, influence), many women feel that they have lost contact with themselves. They may look great, but they still feel insecure and unhappy. Relations with the opposite sex do not add up, irritability and rudeness appear. After all, being feminine means not only dressing beautifully and making up. Femininity is a special state of mind, the subtlest aura of harmony and warmth that comes from the one who has mastered the art of being a woman. Do you want to learn this art? Do you want to become feminine, which means happy, energetic and full? Do you want to be attractive and enjoy life? And so that the most worthy men are attracted to you and consider it an honor and happiness to be around? After all, the more feminine you are, the stronger and more courageous the man next to you. Tired of weaklings and failed men in your life? So, it's time to change the situation. In our article, we will analyze the most effective energy practices for the development of femininity.

What is female energy and why should it be developed?

As mystics and esotericists say, femininity is not a set of qualities, it is a certain energy. Some elements, symbols, minerals are considered feminine, because they have this energy. What is she? Experts identify the following features:

    1. grounding. People with psychic abilities say that female energy is horizontal waves, and male energy is vertical. Women really stand on their feet more firmly, soar less in the clouds, compared to men. They are more practical, more attentive, they are able to notice those details that elude men's eyes. The most routine and mundane occupation, like cooking, a woman can turn into a sacrament.

    2. Fertility. The main gift that a woman has is the ability to give birth to a new life. Women's energy was created by nature itself in order to conceive, protect, bear. This is not only shown in childbearing. Women are usually more open and generous than men. The female heart is softer and kinder, its love pours out on all things. Therefore, it is the representatives of the fair sex who are more often involved in charity work. A modern woman is active, she has enough for work, family, and hobbies. Like a beautiful and strong tree, she "bears fruit" in many areas of her life.

    3. Intuition. The instinct of a woman is truly phenomenal. She is able to feel her loved ones at a distance, to guess their mood by the slightest change in facial expressions. That is why it is so difficult to deceive a woman. They often have prophetic dreams. The esoteric sciences are easier to come by.

    4. Diversity, multitasking. Everyone knows jokes about how women can do a thousand things at the same time: cook, talk on the phone, study. A woman's attention works differently. It is not as focused as in men, but it is able to cover more. Hence the typical female curiosity and greed for knowledge. A woman knows how to combine the incongruous and reconcile any opposites. She knows how to be different, to play completely opposite roles. During the day she is a strict business woman, and in the evening she is a mysterious geisha. With children - a kind mother, with a man - a muse and seductress.

    5. Adoption. The strength of a man is in the ability to overcome circumstances, in accepting responsibility, in heroism and determination. The main female strength is in acceptance, in the ability to find peace and joy in the simplest things. Think of the women you consider to be the epitome of femininity. They have a special feline relaxation, don't they? Peace, harmony with yourself and the world. A true woman trusts the universe and knows everything always happens at the right time. There is nowhere to hurry.

So, feminine energy will help you become:

  • Attractive, charming, will reveal your charisma
  • Develop your intuition
  • Establish relationships with others, people will be drawn to you as a source of love and light
  • Fills with self-confidence
  • It will add strength, make you more energetic, while softening the roughness
  • Will give unique wisdom and acceptance of your life and love for yourself as you are
  • It will help you realize your special role in the Universe.

Techniques for filling female energy

Technique "Goddess of Love"

In this energy practice, we will work with the most sacred female organ - the uterus. With its help, you can cleanse yourself of energy blocks, insecurities, problems with the intimate sphere. Also, this technique is perfect for those women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles and other disorders of women's health.

Turn on slow, sensual music that can relax you. Lie on your back and bend your knees, put your hands on your lower abdomen. The left hand should be on top, as the left side is traditionally associated with femininity. Lie down in this position for several minutes. Breathe evenly, deeply. Try to feel how the warmth of your hands warms the skin of your abdomen, how this energy penetrates deep into your body, to the uterus.

Imagine soft pink light filling your entire room. Breathe it in deeply. Feel how your body is gradually filled with it. Energy flows down, fills the uterus. With each breath your muscles relax, warmth, love and peace enter your body. With each exhalation, all blocks and clamps dissolve. Feel the gentle waves of relaxation running through your body. All tension, fear, irritability goes away.

Now fantasize about how you ended up in a beautiful garden. It can be the sea coast of the Mediterranean countries or nature native to you. Imagine what is closer to you. You see fragrant plants around you, flowers, trees with ripe and juicy fruits. Birds sing as if to lull you to sleep. Feel this wonderful aroma that fills the air. What is this smell: roses, daisies, field herbs? Breathe it in deeply and imagine how it fills your body, your uterus. You are a full cup, fertile land. You are a true woman, a charming goddess of love! Feel it, stay in this state for a few minutes. And then slowly roll over on your stomach, stretch like a cat, and you can rise. For the best effect, this meditation should be done every day for one lunar cycle, that is, 28 days.

Technique "Living Water"

Water is traditionally considered a feminine element. Not without reason in many cultures, baths, hammams, saunas were considered real temples of femininity, places where women could share their secrets and even practice magical techniques (much is known about special divination in baths). In this technique, we will turn our own bathroom into a similar abode of femininity.

Set aside a suitable time for this practice when no one will disturb you. It is better that you are at home alone. Light pink or red candles in the bathroom and turn off the lights. Prepare a special salt scrub that will cleanse your energy. In magic, salt is considered the main cleansing ingredient that can get rid of any negativity. The scrub is prepared like this: take a few tablespoons of crushed sea salt and add a few tablespoons of your favorite vegetable oil (olive, grape seed, etc.) to it. Apply the scrub on the skin of the body and face, massage and imagine how the salt absorbs all the negativity, your fears and complexes. Wash off the scrub with the words: “I cleanse the body and soul, I open the way to a new one!”

Now, after cleansing, it's time to saturate your energy with the power of the female element of Water. To do this, fill the bath and add a few drops of rose or jasmine oil to it (if you can’t buy oils, you can buy foam with these aromas). Be sure to add flower petals, preferably roses, to the water. Arrange 4 pink candles around the edges of the bath. Four is an even feminine number that signifies fertility and harmony.

Immerse yourself in the bath, imagining yourself as a beautiful oriental princess. Play with water like a little girl. Type it in the palm of your hand, touch it like precious silk. Try to feel the energy of Water. Imagine how it not only envelops your body with its softness, but also penetrates inside. The whole body is filled with its vibrations from the inside. Feel how for a couple of minutes you yourself turned into water, became one with it. After taking such a bath, put on nice, comfortable clothes.

Earth Force Technique

Earth is the second element traditionally associated with femininity. And in this practice we will work with its energies. To do this, you will need to go outside and find a relatively quiet place where no one will disturb you. It could be a park or a forest. It is important that your feet are in contact with the ground, i.e. it cannot be paved area.

Stand straight, straighten your spine as much as possible, feel it with a stretched string. Focus on the sensations in your feet. Feel them, move your fingers a little. Then imagine a pillar of dark green, emerald energy rising from the ground. It enters your body through your feet and rises higher. Feel how it passes through the genitals and fills the uterus. Feel this moment, imagine a small glowing ball of green in your womb. Then the green pillar will rise higher towards the heart. Here it again turns into a small ball. Your heart is filled with love for all things. It rises higher and stops in the area between the eyebrows, where the third eye is believed to be located. The green ball appears here as well. Imagine how the flow of energy from the earth connects the three luminous balls of energy in your body: in the womb, heart and head. You feel confident, calm and relaxed. You are under the protection of Mother Earth.

These practices will help you find contact with your mystical feminine essence, esotericists assure. You will become calmer, and at the same time more relaxed. Men will not bypass such a woman!

Tatyana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

When a flower is loved, it is watered. That is, they nourish life and give energy.

When a woman is loved, she is taken care of. She is not a flower, but without love may also fade.

And if outward love is not enough, look for love in yourself.

This is the most rewarding job. Also, increase your energy. It will give you strength and a feeling of fulfillment inside.

In young years, a woman easily becomes the object of attention of the opposite sex. Youth itself is beauty.

But with age, they attract with energy. Here lies the answer to the question “What did he find in her?” When you meet an unequal couple, where the advantage in appearance is clearly on the side of the man.

An internally free woman will be happy, she will find a resource and a way out of any difficult circumstances. Internally unfree will suffer even in a favorable situation.

Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for a good day when the Universe is with you at the same time and gives strength for the current day.

You can water the so-called flower of energy yourself, filling with true femininity and self-love.

How to increase female energy - 14 rules

1. Sleep 8 hours and go to bed before 24.00

Train your body to take time to rest. The night is made for love or for sleep.

Find motivating quotes, reading which you will feel the beauty of getting up in the morning. Ritual coffee or tea, preferably a bite with a view from the window, communication with yourself, unhurried planning of the day.

And most importantly - silence.

And also self-pride.

Believe me, space will quickly respond to these changes. And the most common saying on this topic, “He who gets up early, God gives to him,” will also work in your life.

2. Use spiritual readings, gratitude, prayer

It doesn't matter what your faith is. The main condition is sincerity.

When your brain censor has not yet fully woken up, say words important for the heart, communicate with your guardian angel. AND give thanks.

At the beginning, at least for the seven wonders of the world that are constantly with you - you can see, hear, breathe, walk, and also feel, love and smile.

3. Take time to meditate

Especially after crowded places, it is useful to come home, take a contrast shower and be alone in silence.

Five minutes is better than nothing.

This may be the study of some chakra associated with the current day. Or just a trip to the colorful world of your dreams.

In the modern world, meditation has ceased to be sacred (hidden) knowledge, and has become available to each of us. After all, these are not just abstract metaphysical practices, but a very useful and valuable tool for improving everyday life.

4. Be filled with joy and positive emotions

You can develop a habit - at the end of the day, write down in a beautiful notebook "5 things that made me happy."

It will be an invisible and constantly updated collection of interesting meetings, fleeting smiles, joyful discoveries.

Isn't it more pleasant than collecting your failures, empty wallets and bad news.

And then you will notice that during the day you began to stop more often and notice more beauty and wonder.

The best materials on femininity, female energy and strength that will remind you that everything you need is within you.

5. Create and express yourself

Even if you are not an artist, a needlewoman or a poetess, create anytime and anywhere.

This is how you share what you have accumulated inside, express yourself, leave a personal imprint in this world. In the end, this is how you calm your nerves.

Write down an interesting thought - yours, collect autumn leaves and make a bouquet, tie a scarf in a new way, decorate the ceiling insanely.

It can't work out. This is creativity.

And you can always say: I see it!»

A woman creates every moment, looking for non-standard options. She sees and creates beauty and magic even in the simplest everyday things. A dance, a painting, a game with a child or a meal - everything in her hands becomes a miracle.

6. Travel

A very pleasant and varied source of replenishment of energy.

Make it a rule once a year to visit places where you have never been before.

Go out of town at least once a month.

Once a week, travel through the unexplored streets of the area where you live.

And once a day, you can change the usual route - to work, to the store, to a friend.

Refresh the picture. The journey never fails. This is a much needed reboot.

What a pleasure to be back home!

7. Be closer to nature, forest, mountains, water

This is also a journey. But more cleansing and energizing than just visiting new places.

Embrace a tree and let its power flow through you through your spine. Greet the mountains with open arms.

Go into the river with the words "wash everything off me."

And just scream. From the heart!

8. Give yourself flowers

It doesn't matter if you get them from men or not. Wanted - buy.

We choose so carefully for others. Why not choose for yourself?

Not for a holiday. And just like that!

But this should not be a demonstrative reproach to someone who, perhaps, has not yet presented them.

Let it be your harmless whim. A little joy given to myself.

9. Eat Right

We are what we eat. A very broad topic. Try to eat 30% cooked food and 70% vegetables. Drink natural virgin oils.

Every year, the female body needs more and more Vitamin E, which is best absorbed with Vitamin C. Therefore, nourish your body and energy with a spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Have pity on the liver and remove white bread from the diet.

But a woman should not be too pedantic in food. Have a day of frivolous behavior and eat what your body asks for.

Our body is a unique tool with a body mind that knows much more about our needs than we ourselves often realize. Our body can “read” what exactly we need at one time or another, and gives clear clues. For example, the body tells you what substances and microelements you lack today.

10. Move and move again

We all know about it, but we put off a new life for tomorrow. Everyone needs sports, even slim and beautiful. It just needs to be in your life.

In any form. And that's it.

The rest of the comments are redundant.

The only and effective way to stop weight gain once it has started is through exercise. I mean very intense exercise like lifting weights, cycling, running or swimming. Exercise should be enough to start building muscle mass.

11. Cleanse the body

Not too poetic point of replenishment of female energy. If the doctor approves, a castor oil cleansing once a week is useful. 1 g of castor oil is recommended for 1 kg of body weight.

In the morning there are only vegetables and fruits. From 14 to 17 drink water. And at 17, take the right amount of castor oil and 150 g of lemon juice. And there is nothing else.

To restore the acid-base balance, it is recommended to eat only fruits three days a month.

A nice bonus awaits you - a change in appearance (of course, for the better) and external changes))

12. Train your intimate muscles

In addition to additional energy, you will improve your health and surprise your loved one.

The most common option is Kegel exercises. For the shy, but purposeful, there is the Internet. Or go to a training where you will be taught how to breathe correctly.

All energy flows of the Universe are divided into two types: female and male. One of them prevails in each of us, and, depending on this, attitude, character, destiny are built. Both men and women can control and saturate their own in different ways. Let's take a closer look at how to be filled with feminine energy in order to become a happy and successful wife and mother.

Types of energies

Men need a minimum of time to saturate their energy reserves. A woman easily loses energy and accumulates it for a very long time. And, according to the law of conservation of energy, male energy comes to an empty place, the excess of which negatively affects the female body.

It should be remembered that female energy is always directed at a man. Her main task is to build and maintain a faithful and long relationship with her beloved. Therefore, everything that interferes, makes you waste energy in nowhere.

Let's name three main reasons due to which a woman can lose her strength:

Filling with female energy: 5 ways

The patroness of the female essence is the Moon. It is on the new moon that you need to start all the main things. The waning moon is a time of prayer for healing, protection from evil people, the health of children and spouse. It is also useful to choose clothes or at least red underwear.

The feminine energy is very malleable and will give way to the masculine if its bearer takes on a lot of responsibility, belittles her husband or assigns headship in the family. Usually such women have some problems with the birth of children or their marriage is short-lived and shaky.

In today's fast-paced world, it is difficult to always remain full of strength, ideas, inspire your man and loved ones. Therefore, every woman needs to know how to be filled with female energy. This will allow you to live and become an example for your children and grandchildren.

Everyone knows the expression that beauty is a terrible force. And almost the entire fair sex always strives to look stunning, but at the same time, many are still alone or cannot keep a man near them for a long time. External beauty, of course, plays a huge role in the perception of a woman by others, and even herself. But if there is nothing more behind the ideal appearance, then there is no point in all this ideality.

A woman is attractive when she is full of energy! And today I will give you some practices for activating female energy and beauty. After all, we are all a little sorceress, and a little witch, the main thing is to direct our forces in the right direction and for the good of ourselves and other people.

Strengthening the female chakra and energy

This chakra is called Muladhara. To practice, you will need ylang ylang oil and a rose quartz sphere. Put 4-5 drops of oil into the aroma lamp and wait until the aroma spreads around the room. Lie down, relax and put the quartz on your stomach, in the area of ​​​​the uterus. Breathe deeply and calmly, and then inhale the air into the center of the forehead (third eye area) and, holding the breath, lower it into the lower abdomen. Feel how the energy fills the area of ​​the lower abdomen, then, as you exhale, raise the air and exhale again through the center of the forehead.

Take 20 such breaths, and then just relax and breathe calmly, feeling how rose quartz fills your body with warm, pink energy. As your feminine energy, your power is concentrated in your lower abdomen and then spreads throughout your body. It is enough to lie down like this for 10-15 minutes and you will be filled with strength and energy. You can connect ovarian breathing to this practice, you can read about this powerful technique of filling energy in the article.

Changing vibrations and filling yourself and your field with love

Many have heard about this method of increasing attractiveness. This is such a kind of three-week love awakening marathon.

Within three weeks, you will need to pay attention to all males (young men, men, pensioners) both in reality and on TV and on the Internet.

The first week, when you see a male representative, say to yourself that you love him. Even if a formation of soldiers passes by you, just say: “I love this man, and this, and I love that too!”.

For the second week, talk and think about the fact that these men love you (“this man loves me, and this one loves me too, and this one loves me very much”).

And for the whole last week, love should become mutual (“I love this man, and he loves me”, “he loves me, as I love him”).

In this way, you will create a powerful field of love around you. In many women, there is a deep resentment against men or dislike for them. Men feel it and bypass such ladies. With this practice, you will remove all blocks and resentments and become very attractive to the opposite sex.

Strengthening magnetism and attractiveness with the help of the Moon

Now is the period of the growth of the moon, in the article you can read how you can attract prosperity and health during this period. Soon the Moon will be full and this is the best moment to enhance its attractiveness.

Lunar energy is female energy.

Pour water into a transparent (preferably crystal) vessel and on the full moon, when the moon is very clearly visible, put it on the window so that the light of the moon is reflected in it. And before that, you will need to place a red ribbon with three knots (beauty, charisma and confidence) in the vessel.

As you tie the first knot, say: “I tie the knot and bind myself strongly to attractiveness and natural beauty. I like people and myself.

As you tie the second knot, say: “I tie this knot and bind myself tightly with an easy disposition, affability and charisma. I'm charming."

When tying the third knot, say: “By tying this knot, I firmly tie myself and confidence into one whole. The people around me respect and appreciate me. And I value myself and believe in myself.”

After the vessel stands on the windowsill on the night of the full moon, wash your face with this water until it runs out. On the next full moon, you can again make such magical water.

These are the practices. They are easy and work. Be confident in yourself, in your beauty, in your uniqueness. Signs of self-confidence are a straight look, a beautiful and easy gait, a straight back and a smile on the face.

And if you consider yourself unattractive and cannot find a zest in yourself, spend money once and entrust yourself to stylists. By changing your image, you can completely change your life.

And don't forget about women's practices. I suggest you download 5 qigong exercises to open up sensuality from Lisa Pieterkina, a student of a Taoist master. These exercises take a little time (only five minutes a day), and the effect is good. Fill yourself with energy constantly! And live in happiness and love!

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space of love 14.01.2018

Dear readers, in previous articles of the rubric we have already talked about how to unleash the feminine energy in yourself. The columnist Irina Romanova calls it the ability to be loving pleasure. But how can you develop this ability in yourself so that you are constantly filled with the energy of love, in order to charge not only yourself, but also those around you? This is what we are going to talk about today. I give the floor to Irina.

Hello, my dear. I am glad to welcome you to our space of love and again to talk about a woman, her vibrations and female energy. After all, when the female circle gathers, we are all filled, we draw from each other the qualities we lack, the lack of strength. Each at the same time gets something for herself and at the same time shares with her friends.

Even now, when we are in different cities, in different countries, we share our feelings, experiences, stories with each other and this helps us to become stronger as a woman, both for ourselves and others. Be sure to write in the comments your impressions, your thoughts and feelings after the practice. Share your practices and ways of filling with feminine power.

The space of love is created by women. Because it is they who fill any space and fill it with their vibrations. As a rule, a man brings a woman to his house, and her task is to fill it, decorate it, create comfort. A man builds a house, and a woman ennobles it. It has always been and always will be, because the nature of a woman and the nature of a man cannot be changed.

But if in the nature of a woman to be filling, loving, giving, then why are there so many lonely and unhappy women in our time? Why do women feel empty, tired, energetically depleted? How can they fill their home, the space around them, if there is emptiness inside?

We live in a world of men. A man's world is built according to men's rules. And we, completely forgetting about our natural instincts, about our natural abilities, begin to adapt to these rules and de-energize ourselves.

A man lives with his mind - this is his strength. The strength of a woman in her body is her heart and in the bottom of her belly. The more a woman thinks, worries, solves complex life problems, the less her strength becomes.

A woman needs to return her lost energy, to fill herself. And there are different ways to do it. Now we will consider them in more detail.

natural silence

Loneliness and silence is one of the simplest and easiest ways to restore your strength. If you feel tired, just leave all your worries and affairs and take a walk in the park alone, sit on the banks of the river or the sea. And at the same time, try not to let your thoughts be occupied with calculating the annual balance, worries about your husband, children, parents, money. Walk as if all your worries were somewhere far away.

The place of female energy in the body, in the lower abdomen, in the region of the heart. If we constantly think about something, then our energy center shifts to the head, leaves our natural place of power.

When we stop thinking about pressing matters, when we simply observe the beauty of nature and absorb it into ourselves, we are filled, charged with the natural power of the Earth. And then we can already, fully charged, return to our business. Believe me, the benefits will be much greater.

Communication with other women

Remember the main thing - women are not rivals. These are the closest companions. In a female circle it is very easy to be filled with energy. You don't need to do anything for this - it happens absolutely naturally.

You can communicate, or you can just be in a women's society. If an anecdote about a turtle and a snake that swim across the sea immediately comes to mind, and the snake thinks: “I’ll bite, throw it off,” and the turtle’s thoughts at the same time: “I’ll throw it off, bite it,” then remember what I said - we live in the male world. And such jokes are invented for us by men.

We ourselves choose our roles in the social world, we ourselves choose whether to compete with men in strength and intelligence, we ourselves choose whether to compete with women. You can compete, or you can understand that other women are the same flow of energy as you are, and that by interacting with each other, you can fill up and restore your strength.

How exactly this interaction occurs, I will write in the next article.

Hobby or favorite activity

Here I do not discover America, they talk about it, they talk and will talk about it, because a favorite thing is always a source of strength and inspiration.

Every woman will have her own. Someone is inspired by knitting, someone by drawing, and someone by compiling complex algorithms and tables. The main sign that you are doing what you love is that after completing it, you feel a surge of strength and energy.

Meditations and practices

Every meditation and every practice is an opportunity to slow down a bit and be alone with yourself.

Nature, like a woman, is slow. Its strength lies in fluidity and smoothness. Any meditation is a deep, slow breathing, stopping the internal dialogue, which means it is a great way to recover.

There are a lot of practices for restoring female power. In this article, I will talk about some of them. You will have the opportunity to turn to your source of energy and restore your strength.

In search of the lost pearl. Practice

Take a few minutes right now. Take three deep breaths in and out and focus your attention on your breath. Maybe at some point you want to take a deep breath and relax.

During the day we are constantly in tension, we are constantly in our thoughts. And now - a deep breath, and let all this tension go through the feet into the ground. Now your breathing is calm, even, and we can begin the practice.

Pearls are never found on the surface. He always hides in shells on the sea or river bottom. And now close your eyes and be transported to a beautiful oasis. Warm white sand caresses your feet. You are walking along a deserted beach, dressed in a light chiffon, almost imperceptible cape. The sun warms you with its warmth, exotic birds fly in the sky, the sky is light blue and very clear. Its reflection can be seen in the clean, transparent sea surface.

You walk along the coast and see a path that goes inland and beckons you to follow it. You boldly walk, because this is your island, it is absolutely safe here. This is your place. The path leads you to a small lake surrounded by trees. The water in the lake is so clear and inviting that you dive into it without hesitation.

This is an unforgettable feeling - coolness, freshness, purity and transparency. You feel so good, water cleanses and fills you not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It becomes easy for you, you yourself become as transparent and pure as this water. The heart rejoices like a child's, you laugh and splash, enjoying every moment.

And then you notice that something glitters at the bottom. You become interested, and you dive into this depth to bring to the surface this small bright star that you saw through the water.

To get it, you have to dive deeper and deeper, but it is so easy for you, as if you were doing it all the time. You easily reach the bottom of the lake and pick up this light that attracted you so much. It turned out to be a gem. It lies without a shell, just like that, on the seabed and as if waiting for you. As soon as you touch it, inside you, in your uterus, the same star - a pearl - lights up, and you feel its light inside you.

Holding the pearl firmly in your hands, you emerge to the surface and inhale deeply the clean, fragrant air. In the hands - your found pearl. Carefully consider it - what it is, what size, what color.

You apply this pearl to your belly, as if feeling the need to do so, and see that your pearl dissolves and penetrates through your skin and into you. Your lower abdomen is filled with light and warmth. And in this general light and warmth, one point is most clearly felt, this is the place where your pearl settled.

Now she is always with you, she is a part of you, she fills and revives the place of your power, she always burns with a bright star inside you.

This visualization exercise can be done at any time. The more often we remember our star, our pearl in the lower abdomen, the more joyful and happier our life will be. It is like a saving spring for a weary traveler.

Dance of feminine energies. Practice

And now that you have found your pearl, you need to start its movement. Yes, dear ones, in the world of nature - and this is the true world of a woman - there is no static, everything is in motion. And our task is to return the movement to our main center.

And if the world of men is a world of clarity, rhythm, action, then the world of a woman is a world of smoothness, harmony and wave. Women's waves are very different and our task is to learn how to create them. Therefore, let's not postpone this sacred action and start right now.

Close your eyes, restore the evenness of your breathing - take a few deep breaths in and out. And focus all your attention on your pearl in the lower abdomen. See how she shines and shimmers, how her light fills you from the inside.

Now imagine that she, your pearl, began to rotate around its axis. And the faster it rotates, the larger the waves of light diverge around it. First, these waves fill the lower abdomen, then rise higher, and the pearl continues to rotate.

Feel how your body begins to repeat the movements of this rotation. It can go completely different. It could be a spiraling spiral to the left, or a spiraling spiral to the right, or it could just be a wave going up. Just watch these waves and follow their movement with your body.

Breathing is relaxed and easy. Do not pinch your cheekbones, you can exhale the sound "ha". Feel how these waves cover your body completely, and it itself begins to move to the beat of them. It can be internal movements, or maybe you want to get up and move to the beat of these waves.

Do not restrain yourself, surrender to the feeling of this process, enjoy these movements. You can do this exercise for as long as you want. And when you're done, pay attention to your inner state. What changed? How does your body react to the environment now? Did you feel energized after doing this exercise?

With love in my heart
Irina Romanova

I thank Irina, after all, it is always a joy to speak on such topics. We really forget sometimes about our nature, but how useful it is to slow down, breathe, just be with yourself. And even just this is how much life-giving energy gives us. But of course, it is worth striving to always be filled with feminine power.

And for the soul, we will listen to the amazing composition of Ernesto Cortazar - Thanks To Life.

see also

