Proper care of the intimate places of a newborn girl

In the first days after birth, the medical staff of the maternity hospital takes care of the child: it treats the eyes, nose, washes the face and washes. But after discharge, the hygiene of a newborn girl is completely transferred to the duties of the mother. Due to frequent urination and bowel movements, care for the intimate organs of the crumbs must be constant and properly organized. Mothers of daughters need to be especially careful, because due to the specific structure of the genital organs, an infection can easily be introduced into them.

How to properly care for the external genital organs of a girl

Proper hygiene for newborn girls is extremely important. An adult woman has already formed a microflora that prevents the penetration of infections into the body through the genital tract, but a child does not have such a barrier. Therefore, insufficient or improperly carried out intimate hygiene of girls can cause various inflammations and fusion of the labia. And subsequently transferred diseases can have a negative impact on the regularity of the cycle, the course of childbirth, and even on the ability to have children.

Speaking about the rules for washing girls, most mothers will only remember that this should be done from front to back. However, it will be useful for happy owners of daughters to learn about other nuances regarding the care of "tender" places. So, the rules of hygiene for a newborn girl:

  • Before washing the girl, the mother should wash her hands with soap and water.
  • Washing should be carried out in the direction from the pubis to the anus.
  • Washing newborn girls should be done every morning after waking up and every evening before going to bed. In this case, you should first wash the genitals, and then the anus.
  • Babies need to be washed during the day after each act of defecation. If this is not done, stool particles can get on the vaginal mucosa and cause vulvovaginitis.
  • You need to wash your baby at every diaper change. After washing, leave the baby for a few minutes without a diaper so that the skin can breathe.
  • Intimate hygiene of the girl is carried out only when using baby soap. It is used only with severe pollution. In all other cases, the child should be washed only with clean water or a decoction of chamomile.
  • A newborn girl should have her own personal soap and towel.
  • When washing, do not use washcloths, as this can injure the delicate skin of the genital organs.
  • After washing, you need to gently wipe the external genitalia of a newborn girl. In this case, you can not rub, but it is better to get them wet with a napkin that absorbs moisture well.
  • After washing, the external genitalia should be treated with baby cream or sterilized oil. You can also lubricate the inguinal folds of the baby.

The state of the genital organs of the girl after birth

Many mothers believe that a newborn girl should not have any discharge from the genitals. Therefore, when they see something white or bloody, they get scared. However, you should not worry too much when it comes to a breastfeeding baby in the first weeks of life. Discharge from the genitals of a child at this age is due to a sexual crisis. Normally, they can be white, yellowish, transparent, and even bloody, similar to menstruation.

The sexual crisis on average lasts up to 2 weeks, although sometimes it drags on up to 6-8 weeks. In addition to vaginal discharge, it is accompanied by swelling of the genital organs, engorgement of the mammary glands and acne. This phenomenon is explained by an excess of female sex hormones that the child received from the mother at birth. After the birth, the baby gets rid of them in such a way that frightens many mothers.

Allocations do not cause discomfort to the baby. However, at the time when they appeared, it should be remembered that she needed special intimate hygiene for a newborn girl. Washing should be carried out, observing all the hygiene rules described above. But you need to do this more often than usual. For washing, use only boiled water or a decoction of chamomile.

White discharge between the labia majora and labia minora in a girl: what to do?

Hygiene of newborn girls should be sufficient, but not excessive. What does this expression mean? Do not get hung up on the intimate purity of the baby. You need to treat the secretions carefully, noting their changes. Girls should be washed very carefully, the labia should be pushed apart only for a significant reason, while acting very delicately. Otherwise, fusion of the labia may occur.

One of the burning questions of every mother is the white discharge that accumulates between the large and small labia. What is this? How to deal with them? Do they need to be cleaned out?

This is a secret secreted by the glands of the labia. It is necessary to protect the genital tract of newborn girls from various kinds of infections; it should not be cleaned out. In general, it is not necessary to spread the genital lips once again unless absolutely necessary. However, baby powder or excess baby cream can accumulate in this “interesting” place. They can be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in baby or sterilized vegetable oil.

When is it time to teach a girl to independent intimate hygiene?

As time goes by, the girl grows. From 1.5-2 years old, it is already possible to accustom her to independent personal hygiene. A very convenient option is when a mother shows the process on a doll or by her own example in the shower. But it is worth remembering that children at the age of 2 see an example in their mother's actions and imitate them. Therefore, tampons should not be inserted when a child has reached the age of 2 years.

The intimate hygiene of a 2-year-old girl should be based on the same principles and rules as the hygiene of a newborn baby. Separately, I would like to add that situations should not be allowed when a girl without panties could sit on a chair or sofa, the cleanliness of which does not inspire confidence. You should also explain to the child that you can not touch the genitals without a reason. Dirty hands can bring an infection or injure the mucous membrane with careless actions.

The hygiene of a girl at the age of 3 can be carried out under the supervision of her mother, but already on her own, if from the age of 2 the baby was explained how to properly wash herself. At 3 years old, a girl should have her own personal hygiene products that are in an accessible place. At the age of 3, a baby needs to change her underwear 2 times a day, at night you can leave her to sleep without panties in one pajama. At the age of 3, a child actively plays outside in the summer, so panties should be worn under a skirt or dress, which reliably protect the genitals from dirt, dust and sand.

Intimate hygiene for a girl is an important concept. Moreover, this is a useful habit that mom should accustom her to. Poor hygiene is the cause of many diseases.