A holiday in the style of the USSR. Corporate party in the style of the ussr. Competition "The Biggest Bubble"

The popsicle tasted better, the trees were taller, and the sky was incredibly blue and vibrant! It's time for dreams, hopes and adventures! Retro party in the style of the USSR is great for celebrating a birthday or anniversary of an adult who wants to plunge into the past for a short while.

Seat selection

There are no restrictions. In nature - a meeting of pioneers, sports competitions. At home - a Soviet apartment, not rich, but neat and comfortable. If the hall is rented, let it be a classic interior or a dining room in general, then it will take a minimum of time to decorate it in the USSR style. Friends-comrades may well get together at the dacha, by the river and even in the bathhouse.


Start by “destroying” the traces of modernity - take out, hide behind large posters and draperies. Think about it, is it really necessary to adhere to a specific period? Or would a generalized version of a back-to-the-USSR party be appropriate? If so, then the decor will not have to be selected in accordance with one decade or another, which will definitely save time.

Be sure to connect your acquaintances - it is difficult to collect the paraphernalia for a party alone. Search barns, closets, mezzanines and other storage of memories, for sure something will be found.

For decoration with a bias towards politics or pioneering, the red color of the banner is ideal. To recreate the atmosphere of a cafe or dining room - snow-white, light shades. If you are celebrating at home, then the ideal backdrop would be wood color, green, beige and blue (the most common in the interior of apartments of that era). Simple ideas:

  • hang at the entrance the USSR flag and a banner indicating the reason for the meeting, meeting, gathering. With humor, but in a recognizable style. For example, "Born in the USSR", "The USSR is alive!", "Our homeland is the USSR." On the birthday “Opening of the 38th International Meeting of the Best Comrades”;

  • draw a sign "Wardrobe", hang over a hanger / cabinet. Make numbers according to the number of guests, hang them on hooks (you can have several for one). Attach an ad “Comrades, cloakroom attendant on vacation. But it is imperative to take numbers! Chairman's order ”.

These numbers correspond to the numbers of winning lottery tickets. Come up with funny forfeits and prepare a small retro present for each number. Play out this part of the scenario when everyone is gathered: a lottery, prizes, fun actions (forfeits) will bring back memories and liberate guests;

  • decorate the walls with posters and posters in the style of the USSR, on any topic. Hang some in a suitable area. For example, a movie poster "Welcome or strangers ..." at the entrance, a poster "We will serve culturally ..." above the table with treats, "If you won’t read books ..." above the coffee table.

A funny and unexpected decor will turn out if you replace the faces of Soviet characters with photos of friends. There are so many posters that it will not be difficult to choose those that are suitable in meaning (by profession, lifestyle, and other characteristics of each guest).

  • Hang on the wall and lay rugs on the floor. It's great if someone has the same carpet with deer! Grandma's striped rugs will fit. Throw bedspreads, tapestry or plush, over sofas and armchairs. On the TV, under the vases with carnations, under the boxes, etc. lay openwork napkins;
  • for a bright festive decoration, collect garlands- from colored paper, old food labels and sweets (print out), fake money, flags of the republics. Simple balloons, Christmas tree garlands, tinsel will fit;

  • if this is a party in the style of the pioneer of the USSR, decorate the room with recognizable attributes: banner, pennants, ties, drums and horns, busts of leaders. Read more;
  • make a comic honor roll, framed, neat letters, rows of photos. If we take children's pictures, it will be possible to arrange a “Who is this?” Competition. Come up with funny captions "Maria Sidorova is the record holder in running with a string bag!", "Pasha Ilyin won the international speed shaving competition!" (although Paul has been wearing a beard for two years);
  • organize a mini-library or reading room. Put some books, old magazines and newspapers (you can print). Or play with a seating area - a table, a couple of armchairs, a lamp in a lampshade with tassels, loto or checkers. Forgotten porcelain cup and saucer, several postcards / letters on top of the spread of Komsomolskaya Pravda;

  • a colorful party in the style of those born in the USSR will remind you of childhood, if use school supplies in decoration: backpack, copybooks, compasses, pencils "Polotsvet", etc. Children's crafts, our toys will fit perfectly.

Put a stroller in the corner, next to it - several dollhouses. Place large soft toys on the floor, inside the strollers - whatever you find. Pyramids, cubes, tumblers and Cheburashkas, toy soldiers, iron cars and other toys, dear to the heart, made in the USSR;

  • arrange antiques around the house / hall. For a party in the style of the USSR, literally everything is useful: a telephone, a camera, a cassette recorder, grandmother's iron, radio, TV, etc. If there is nothing suitable, arrange a photo exhibition "Back to the USSR". The guests of the party will surely consider with interest and comments such rare objects today, but such everyday objects.

In addition to the decor, you can rent functional "echoes of the past". For example, a cone for pouring juices, a cotton candy machine, slot machines (dozens of types of schoolchildren 'pocket money eaters!), A machine with soda and / or beer. The only pity is that not everyone has access to such entertainment on a budget. But if it is an anniversary or some other serious occasion ... In general, guests will never forget such a party!


The very deer mentioned above, or another recognizable carpet - a great background, with meaning, completely in style! Perhaps everyone born in the USSR had or has a picture against the background of a carpet - a sign of prosperity, amusing by today's standards. You can hang a garland of labels, a banner with icons, etc. on it to make your photos more colorful.

For a dining room or club party, you can make a large banner backdrop. It is chaotic to stick up posters and posters, old photos and postcards, slogans, letters of the USSR, KPSS, Komsomol, etc.

You will get a colorful photo zone if you print out a huge map of the USSR and stick the flags of all the republics. Put on a sofa, lay a blanket, put the doll on the back, throw a rug under your feet - a few items from that era will add entourage to the pictures.


Make up the text of the invitation so that the guests will feel the theme "Back to the USSR" in advance. Let the "party" be a solemn event or meeting, dress code - uniform, etc. Write in neat handwriting, and the title can be stencilled. Example:

Comrade! 17.17.17 at 17-00 a solemn event will take place on the occasion of the anniversary of our dear Mikhail Borisovich.

We invite you to participate. Plans: discussion of the last five-year plan, buffet, entertainment program.

Options for invitations:

  • postcard in the style of the USSR (sold at post offices, or printed);
  • a letter to a friend who lives on the other side of the vast homeland. In a stylized envelope, with stamps (also print);
  • invitation card on shabby paper of pale yellow or bluish color (there are photos of real ones on the Web);

  • party card or certificate of a member of the CPSU. Write that it must be presented at the entrance;
  • stylized flyer, playbill or poster, processed in FS.


Almost seven decades and many destinations - the options are dark! Therefore, decide in advance if there will be any restrictions. If yes, specify this point in the invitation card. If not, then clothes for a party in the style of the USSR can easily become almost the main decoration of the holiday. Probably, they will come to visit you:

  • october, pioneers and Komsomol members "in shape", with badges, garrison caps, ties and other recognizable attributes. Funny accessories - shoulder straps "Duty for glasses", "barbecue", "toast";
  • urban fashionistas in suits of the 60-90s. Cucumber patterns, oversized chunky knit sweaters (yes, those in a pigtail), blouses and dresses with shoulder pads, bell-bottomed trousers, dumplings;
  • disco fans in insanely bright skin-tight tees / tank tops, shiny dresses, in leggings and tight leggings. The choice of clothes in the style of the USSR for a party with a bias in the disco theme is simply huge! Accessories - bright plastic glasses, large jewelry (in abundance), a headband that supports the volumetric creative mess;

  • dudes in no less bright costumes... Lush skirts and dresses, peas, ribbons on the head. Tight trousers, bright socks and ties, plaid suits. This direction also developed during the Soviet era, and definitely deserves a separate topic;
  • Soviet schoolchildren in a recognizable uniform. Favorite image of many girls at such parties: a short uniform dress, a white apron, bows-pigtails, openwork knee-highs;
  • representatives of the working class. Men in colorful overalls and "dirty" T-shirts. Or in jackets with patches on the sleeves and in trousers that are almost the length you need. Girls in colorful light blouses, long skirts or sundresses with wide straps. Accessories - mother's earrings, grandmother's coral beads, a headscarf "for pigtails";

  • bandits and just courtyard miscreants. Stretched sweatpants, a sports or leather jacket one size larger than necessary, a cap slid to the back of the head. Are there any seeds? And in contrast to them, the gallant Soviet soldiers, vigilantes, people's militias, policemen, etc .;
  • hippies (60s and later), punks (70s), metalheads (80s) and representatives of other subcultures. Folk costumes are very colorful (my country is wide!) And ... And so much more! Get inspired by watching old movies, fashion magazines, retro photos.

Today it is still easy to find real clothes in the style of the USSR. You can rent a costume for a party or, if there is little time for preparation, come in stylized clothes - a flag on a T-shirt, letters of the USSR all over the back on a jacket, etc.

Menu, serving

Organize a hybrid of a buffet and a general store near the wall - an atmospheric version of the menu design in the Soviet style:

  • a long table or a couple of tables covered with a common tablecloth- patriotically scarlet, stolovskaya snow-white or rustic lace, oilcloth;
  • put on a large samovar(great if a worker - guests will be able to pour themselves tea into porcelain cups). It's great if there are scales, string bags, wooden abacus and other attributes that bring back memories;
  • arrange the jars of sprat and gobies in the tomato in pyramids, butter sprat, gostovsky condensed milk, squash caviar and other products with recognizable labels, stylized as the USSR era;

  • make several kinds of sandwiches- with sprat, caviar, herring, doctor's sausage and cervelat, processed cheese, with half a cutlet. Simple, home and dining;
  • put candies in crystal vases Mishka in the North, Alenka, Little Red Riding Hood, Squirrel, Barberry and others. On trays in heaps and rows - protein baskets and "potato" cakes, rolls with cream, shortbreads and sand rings. And also grandma's pies, dryers with poppy seeds, pancakes with different fillings. Do not list everything!
  • leave the juice directly in three-liter jars, serve punch / compote in a bucket (with an inscription in red or white paint), glue the labels "Buratino", "Baikal", "Tarhun", etc. on the soda. Pour milkshakes into cans and place large ladles next to each other. Don't forget faceted glasses / wine glasses, heavy beer mugs, grandma's set;

  • drinking port wine "Three Axes" or "Zhigulevskoye" at a party in the style of the USSR is fraught with consequences. Therefore, it is better to stick old labels on high-quality alcohol, and put a few bottles of drinks from that era just for the entourage.

In general, this is enough for a party with active contests, dances and noise-din. If you are planning a feast, prepare a few dishes familiar to everyone from childhood: Olivier and Mimosa, Kiev cutlets, aspic, hodgepodge, jellied meat, etc. Make coasters for the hot: hammer and sickle printed on a cardboard base, coat of arms, posters.

For those born in the USSR, you can organize a party in an unusual style - a buffet table. But all our dishes, combinations and tastes are recognizable. The result is an interesting tandem of a modern format and a retro menu. The color of skewers, straws, skirts for muffins and snacks is red, yellow, white.

Make cards for decorating dishes, use simple dishes and Soviet crystal - salad bowls, candy bowls and glasses still "live" in many buffets, ask around. Perhaps some of my friends have Gzhel and other examples of folk art - also in the subject.


Build a scenario of a party in the style of the USSR based on one of the appropriate topics: a party meeting, sports competitions, a meeting of pioneers, the implementation of competition plans, etc. Prepare a solemn speech about the greatest country and wonderful Soviet people, in whom the striving for a bright future is forever alive! The fiery speech will be the lead of the entertainer to all further "events". But don't go too far, or the guests will get bored.

To create an atmosphere, you need the appropriate music - songs, potpourri, old compositions in modern processing. Music in the style of the USSR can be downloaded in whole collections or collect your own: hits of the 60-90s, songs from films, folk and patriotic compositions, a little jazz and rock and roll.

Prepare for the party several quizzes in the style of "Back to the USSR":

  • guess the price. Any items, food, toys, writing utensils, etc. The winner is the one who named the price tag closest to the truth;
  • continue the line from the song. You can include slicing or reading from cards;

  • guess the movie from the quote. Choose the most famous ones, since there are a lot of them;
  • guess the TV show by the music screen saver(Alarm clock, Jumble, Song of the year, Time, In the world of animals, etc.);
  • who is on the photo? Famous personalities of the USSR era - artists, politicians, cosmonauts, etc .;

  • what was it called earlier?“This” is shown by the host. For example, a bottle of Pepsi is a Baikal drink, a CD is a record, a tube of Colgate is a tooth powder.

All information is on the Web, you don't have to search for a long time. Such quizzes are good both as a conductor of mood into the past, and as a rest from active contests in the style of the USSR (especially if it is an anniversary - for adults, an endless series of outdoor games is not very suitable).

Include t in your party script dance contests / games for those born in the USSR:

  • with a balloon squeezed between your knees, dance to the end of the song, without dropping or bursting the "valuable load";
  • pair dances “haven’t been caught yet”, violating the rule of pioneer distance - with gramophone records sandwiched between bodies (you must also not drop them);
  • competition "Who will dance better" twist (to music from the Caucasian captive) and "to that steppe" (two-step, to music from the Wedding in Malinovka). Girls can dance Macarena or Lambada, and boys can answer them with a hot "wave-male-pump" dance. It will be very funny, take a photo!

  • pair dances with candy, which you need to grab by the "tails" of the candy wrapper with your teeth at both ends. Whoever lets go during the dance is eliminated.

If you are relaxing in nature, arrange a miniature competition for the title of "Best Soviet Athlete" as part of the party. Make diplomas or pennants with humorous inscriptions and prepare gifts for the participants. Let all the guests of the party become the best at the end!

1st round: tug of war

2nd round: small towns or rounders

3rd round: rubber bands (let the guys jump too - laugh!)

4 round: sniper (analogue of bouncers)

5th round: sprint race. Let the guests stretch, warm up their muscles before the jerk. And then put elastic bands on their ankles and let them "run" to the finish line.

If the party is held at home, in the style of the USSR, you can hold something like a relay race on the theme "Give the early fulfillment of the five-year plan" or "The most-most-most guys in everything!".

  • Cosmonautics... We are going to populate uncharted planets. By teams or every man for himself. It is necessary to inflate the balloon, draw a flag with the letters of the USSR on the "pole" and paint the entire surface with little men (stick-stick-cucumber). After the allotted time, calculate whose “planet” has more “population”;
  • Army... Any ways to check how accurate the party guests are - darts, soft balls, suction cups, water pistols, etc., plus stylized targets;

  • Ballet... Two teams, two stools at the finish (glasses, bottles). Two participants cross their arms (Dance of the Little Swans) and tam-tam to the finish to the cheerful music. They drink there, dance back, catch the third and again to the finish line. And so on, until they have assembled the entire chain of command. At the speed whose team is faster. Drinks at the finish line only the newly attached "swan" (or put on light alcohol);
  • Education... Thematic riddles, rebuses, charades and puzzles. Everything is on the web. It is possible with humor. For example, there are a lot of riddles of this kind: "To stroke the front ...", "Lying on the back - no one needs ...";
  • Record fees... Place the boxes according to the number of teams / person, with the inscription "Reception point". Scatter cutlery and aluminum and cans (metal), newspapers / scraps of paper - waste paper. With cheerful music, guests should collect as much "valuable rubbish" as possible in their box. To complicate matters, ask everyone to wear heavy mittens or boxing gloves.

For a party in the style of the USSR, any contests with which we were entertained at matinees in childhood are suitable. And you can also bring board games (loto, checkers, etc.), sing Soviet songs (karaoke or from memory), compose thematic toasts.

Albums in the USSR style are ideal as gifts, in which friends will keep photos from the party. They are easy to do: print and cut thematic pictures, decorate the cover, put a bunch of pictures in a file (so that guests can decorate the pasted photos themselves). A funny present - a string bag with a set of Soviet products. Or just buy little things with the symbols of the USSR - notepads, pens, key rings.

In the past, as usual, the grass was greener, and ice cream tastier, and the country was united, great and mighty ... The past does not return, but you can plunge into the special atmosphere of the past for a short while during a party organized in the style of the USSR.

The times of the Soviet Union are still alive in the memory of not yet elderly people, and young people will gladly immerse themselves in the romance of the past decades.

The old times, as a rule, are remembered only by good ones, and these memories should be revived. The attributes and special spirit of the Soviet Union, recreated during the celebration, is not just a thematic party, but, one might say, a kind of "reconstruction". Let nostalgia for the “good old days” bloom on it, the connection between generations is strengthened and a good and bright mood simply reigns!

What and where can be noted in the style of the USSR?

USSR-style will be appropriate for any celebration:

  • name-days born in the Soviet Union;
  • corporate party on the occasion of February 23, May 1, March 8;
  • New Year's party;
  • corporate celebration, for example, the anniversary of the company;
  • alumni meeting;
  • professional holiday (Day of the builder, metallurgist or accountant);
  • and, of course, on anniversaries, starting from the new five-year plan in the life of a family and ending with memorable dates in the life of any person for whom the abbreviation "USSR" carries a special meaning.

Almost any room can be adapted for celebration. It is quite acceptable to organize a party in an apartment, it is not so difficult and does not require large expenses, we will show you how to do this as simply and efficiently as possible. An office space is also suitable for this.

If you are planning a cafe or restaurant, you will find yourself closer to the revitalized era if you choose those located in buildings of the 70-80s, but you can easily add uniqueness to any interior yourself. A great option is a summer playground or a celebration in the lap of nature: you can recreate the atmosphere of a pioneer camp or subbotnik!

We invite guests

The very first thing that needs to be done when preparing any holiday is to make and present invitations. After all, a dress code is required at a themed party, and it will take time for guests to prepare a costume. Therefore, it is better if they are aware of the time, place and theme of the holiday in 1-2 weeks.

Of course, the style of the celebration should be reflected in the invitation. Let's show you some interesting options for its design:

  1. Soviet postcard. Many of the houses still have elements of children's collections. Use an ink pen to write the invitation text or imitate the typeface of a typewriter.
  2. Telegram form. The sample can also be poked out on the Web. Another option is to print letters on yellowish paper like wrapping paper, cut them out in the form of ribbons and stick postcards inside (this is how congratulatory telegrams came to the USSR).
  3. Party card. One of the most respected documents of that era. Presenting such a document at the entrance - what could be more prestigious! Except that mandate of a deputy of the Supreme Council.
  4. Diploma. Handing such an invitation to the "Guest of Honor" or "Excellent student of merry parties" will be fun and unusual.
  5. Poster. Soviet posters are a very recognizable attribute of the era, so it is worth finding a suitable sample on the Internet and reducing it to fit a postcard. And if in Photoshop you insert in place of the hero depicted on the poster, a photo of your guest, then he will leave your invitation as a souvenir and will proudly show it to his friends!
  6. Soviet invitation card. One could get to the most interesting events in the USSR only by personal invitation. So make such a ticket: use red, the coat of arms of the USSR, images in a recognizable style (all the same postcards will serve as samples), sweeping painting and government seal.

When formulating the text, remember the expressions of a bygone era: “Dear comrade (name)! We invite you to take part in the solemn meeting on the occasion (indicate the reason). Dress code is ceremonial. Please arrive promptly. The Celebration Organizers Committee ".

70 years old, so different ...

The era of the USSR lasted 70 years, which included several different times, differing in originality: for example, NEP, the time of the dandies, the post-war industrial boom, the 80s with their famous Olympics, etc. Of course, you can choose to celebrate a specific era with all of its features and subtleties. This will be especially appropriate when celebrating an anniversary, in order to remind the birthday man of the times of his youth or childhood.

Or you don't have to go deep into the subtleties of historical reconstruction and create a cheerful festive "mix", which will be called simply "USSR style", in this case, it will be easier for the owner to pick up the attributes, and the costumes for the guests.

What might be needed to organize such a holiday? Scrub the attic of your grandmother's house, the mezzanine of the old closet, visit the former school: suddenly, somewhere in the closet there are still written-off pioneer personal belongings and outdated maps of the country that changed its borders.

You may find it useful:

  • old Soviet newspapers and magazines;
  • toys of that time - dolls, cars, bears, bunnies;
  • glass bottles from kefir, Soviet champagne;
  • labels, wrappers, pictures, etc .;
  • Soviet money or their imitation;
  • any pioneer attributes - tie, armband, bugle, drum, pennant;
  • retro things: a lamp with a lampshade, a decanter with faceted glasses, a gramophone or receiver for gramophone records, a cassette or reel tape recorder, abacus.

Welcome! Wipe your feet

In order to transform the premises and give it a resemblance to the chosen era, first decide what exactly it will represent: a hall for party meetings, a Soviet apartment, or maybe a working dining room for the Komsomol masters of virgin lands? This is not necessary, it is quite possible to simply adhere to the general directions of style and decorate the room in a festive way, but in accordance with the theme.

At the entrance put a rug with a careful sign “Wipe your feet”, and hang a sign “Wardrobe” on the hanger (and the numbers that you give out to guests can be used to draw forfeits).

Table. The main color of the holiday will, of course, be red, but be careful not to overdo it, because in large quantities this color builds up tension. A red tablecloth can be used to cover a large table, or fringed tablecloths will do. Place a vase of wildflowers and a water carafe with glasses on each table.

Walls posters must be adorned: after all, at that time not a single room could do without them. Choose bright ones that are suitable in meaning: for example, “A person is a friend, comrade and brother,” “I have friends everywhere,” etc.

You can play with photoshop and transform them a little. You can also hang printed portraits of party and government members or famous singers and film actors on the walls. A banner made of red fabric with white letters with some slogan suitable for the occasion will look beautiful, “Peace to the world” will be universal. The map of the USSR with the coats of arms of all union republics will immediately add "thematicity".

"Hall of Fame" will gather guests around him for a long time, because it will have their photographs (preferably black and white) with flattering individualized captions, for example, "Production leader", "Excellent worker-activist", "Mentor and teacher", "Pochyny zveinovoy", "Noble grain grower ", "Hero of Labor".

Other accessories Everything that you can find to add color to the room should take its place. Put a pile of newspapers on the coffee table: surely one of the guests will want to take a break from the general hustle and bustle and look through the Literary Gazette or Kolkhoz Woman. You can also put a lotto set and a chessboard there.

Place a lamp with a shade on your nightstand or hang over a table. Place Soviet dolls and bears on the back of the sofa. Hang a grocery bag with a can of sprat in tomato sauce, green peas and a bottle of lemonade or Zhigulevsky on each chair - they can be presented to guests as souvenirs. Do not forget about the red banner - place it on a stand in the center of the room or in the "red corner".

Watch this video, where the hostess of the celebration shows how she decorated the party room in the style of the USSR.

If you make out new year celebration, look for glass toys for the tree or make decorations yourself, and a red star is simply needed for the top.

Festive set or why there was everything on the table that was not in stores

You can approach the issue from two sides: serve popular dishes of the Soviet era, or stylize and decorate any modern treats. Both paths are good in their own way, both will create the necessary atmosphere at the table.

If you choose the first way, then put on the table:

  • Olivier salad;
  • herring under a fur coat;
  • jellied fish;
  • boiled potatoes with dill;
  • dishes with servelat slices;
  • pickled cucumbers;
  • canned fish salad;
  • sprats, sprats in tomato sauce;
  • processed cheese "Druzhba";
  • sandwiches with zucchini caviar (if the table is set "richly", then it is possible with red and black, just do not smear it on a slice, but put it in a small slide);
  • the Kiev's cutlets.

For dessert, the cakes "Bird's milk", "Log", "Fairy Tale", cakes "Korzinochki", "Eclairs" or "Tubules with protein cream", chocolate "Alenka" are suitable.

As drinks - lemonade in glass bottles (look for the brands "Buratino" or "Duchess"), homemade compote or juice in three-liter cans, from alcohol - "Soviet Champagne", vodka "Russian" or "Stolichnaya", five-star cognac, you can put for lovers a bottle of fruit and berry wine. If you don’t find any rarities, print and re-glue the labels.

Any familiar dishes will match the style if you arrange their presentation in an original way, for example, cut decorative red stars from tomatoes to decorate sandwiches or put a scarlet bell pepper banner on a toothpick on a salad. Or you can download flags, cut and attach them to toothpicks or skewers ..

If you prefer the format of a buffet table, decorate it in the style of a Soviet buffet, it is advisable that there is also a pyshechka barmaid in a white headdress behind the counter.

Who to be? Choosing an image

Of course, for such a holiday you need to reincarnate yourself. We have already agreed that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to one exact time for choosing a suit. In the Soviet era, there were many recognizable images and colorful characters that can be embodied as a model.

Home owner or presenter... This role is the main one, so the image of a party leader (you can choose a specific person!) Or the leader of any important event (like Comrade Ogurtsov from "Carnival Night") will be appropriate. For a woman, the image of a counselor, teacher, Komsomol athlete is suitable.

Images of guests. Show your imagination or just ask older relatives and ask them to lend you the things that were popular at the time.

Depending on the chosen look, you can become:

  • dude: pipe or bell-bottomed trousers and bright jackets for men, fluffy polka-dot dresses for girls.
  • schoolboy or schoolgirl... The famous brown dress with an apron for girls (white bows and golfs are required!), A white shirt with blue or black trousers for boys.
  • pioneer (pioneer)... The pioneer uniform, in contrast to the school one, provided for a blue bottom and a white top, and, of course, a pioneer tie; you can complement the costume with a garrison cap and armband;
  • workers and collective farmers... Proletarians came to the holidays dressed up, in light shirts (you can roll up your sleeves), sometimes in jackets with leather patches on the elbows. The trousers can be quite short. Work overalls, of course, are colorful, but it's up to you whether it is appropriate for the holiday. The girl needs a blouse with a flower or polka dots, a solid six-section skirt and a bright scarf tied under the braids.
  • Komsomol member / Komsomol member... A leather jacket for both sexes, for a woman a red skirt and a scarf. Komsomol badge is required.
  • fashion student / student of the late 80s- girls master colored leggings ("little dolchiki"), and young men do magic in the kitchen, making homemade "varenki", because where does the money for "branded jeans" from poor students come from?
  • athlete... Suit for men: in those days, most were fond of sports, so they could often be found in a tracksuit (on the way to training or back), many wore blue Adidas "sweatpants" at home.
  • Soviet citizens... Here the scope for imagination is simply immense. For inspiration, revisit Soviet films once again, where the heroes are celebrating something: the same Carnival Night, Magicians, Enjoy Your Bath, This Merry Planet and others. And get pleasure, and get ideas!

For girls, in addition to a costume, hairstyle and makeup are of great importance.

For the images of young pioneers and schoolgirls, ponytails or pigtails with bows are suitable. The “palm” was all the rage - a high tail, decorated with several elastic bands at once. Matured Soviet girls did a permanent perm, and they also had very popular bouffants. For a holiday, bright makeup with clear black arrows on the eyelids, well-blackened eyelashes and blush on the cheekbones is appropriate.

Meeting with guests

It is better for guests to get into the festive atmosphere right from the doorstep. Let the owner or hostess meet them already in character. You can organize the "registration" of guests: a list in a special "registration book", which by the end of the evening will turn into a "book of wishes".

If the guest failed to comply with the dress code, a stern Komsomol member can make him a suggestion: "Comrade, you are not in shape!" and offer to choose one of the previously prepared accessories for negligent guests (a scarlet bandage on the sleeve with the words "Druzhinnik" or "Duty officer", pioneer tie, garrison cap, badge, etc.).

The holiday can begin with a solemn speech by the host. Make it up on the model of Soviet speeches, but do not drag it out. It is worth looking at samples of speeches of state leaders on the Web and stocking up on "tasty" quotes like "The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR are informing the party and the entire Soviet people with a feeling of deep joy ..." , comrades! "

Here again we will recall the principle that we decided to adhere to at the beginning: we mix both the original amusements of that era and modern contests, adapted and stylized to the chosen theme.

How did the Soviet people have fun, getting together on holidays?

  • sang with a guitar;
  • played charades, burime or "typography" - games associated with words, because it was not for nothing that the inhabitants of the USSR were considered the most reading nation;
  • danced to the tape recorder;
  • participated in various competitions invented by mass entertainers (that was the name of the animators).

You can modernize these entertainments a little, as well as add other games and contests to them, colored with the appropriate entourage.

For winning the contests, give the winners incentive prizes-souvenirs (magnets with the symbols of the USSR, pencils, notepads, etc.) the goods of the USSR will serve: a can of sprat in a tomato, a roll of scarce toilet paper, the magazine "Rabotnitsa", etc.

We offer you several options that will help push your imagination and quickly and easily resolve the issue of the holiday program.

Karaoke is a sure-fire entertainment option that is usually to the taste of most guests. Choose a repertoire from your parents' favorite films: "The Adventures of Electronics", "Funny Guys", "Office Romance", etc. If you want to really have fun, use the musical motifs of popular Soviet cartoons: "The Bremen Town Musicians", "On the Road with Clouds" , "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat". Or you can pay tribute to the pioneer past and perform "Soar with bonfires, blue nights" or "Our steam locomotive, fly forward."

For example:

I am a piece of the banner
Scarlet three ends
Once you put it on - carry me
Don't lose face! (Pioneer tie).

Hole purse
In general, decent,
Very comfortable, environmentally friendly! (String bag).

You will find this blue wardrobe everywhere.
If you need fresh water
Threw a penny and drink your water
Well, for three he'll pour cream soda too! (Soda water machine).


For an intellectual audience, you can ask interesting questions about the USSR:

  • How many republics were there in the USSR? (15). And in 1924? (6)
  • Whose name was the pioneer organization before it became Lenin? (Spartacus).
  • What was the name of the Soviet morning Sunday program for children? ("Alarm").
  • What about a daily radio program for schoolchildren? (Pioneer Dawn ").
  • What could one kopeck buy in the USSR? (A box of matches, a glass of soda, 2 envelopes without stamps, a simple pencil, a sheet of paper, a metal pen for writing, 1 cigarette, a sewing needle, a piece of chalk, the simplest notebook, a paper bookmark for books ...)

The quiz can be supplemented with a competition on the knowledge of Soviet advertisements. Questions and answers can be viewed.


“Competition is the creativity of the masses,” as the great leader said. Various competitions, especially socialist ones, were very popular with the Soviet people.

So arrange a competition on any topic you like:

  • who will knit a pioneer tie faster (you can for yourself, but you can for a friend!);
  • who will remember more catchphrases from Soviet films (thought for a long time - you drop out, there is only one winner!);
  • who will fold the Rubik's cube or "Snake" faster (if you find enough props);
  • who is the best to make a garrison cap for the construction team from the Pravda sheet;
  • relay race "collect a string bag" and others!

Who said that?

  • “You can, of course, teach a hare to smoke! But, in principle, nothing is impossible. For a person. With Intellect! " - secretary Vera from "Office Romance".
  • “At 40, life is just beginning. Now I know for sure! " - the main character of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears".
  • “I demand the continuation of the banquet! - Ivan Bunsha ("Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession").
  • "What disgusting - this jellied fish of yours!" - Ippolit (Enjoy Your Bath).
  • "Sorry for the bird!" - Shurik, "Prisoner of the Caucasus".
  • You can go on for a long time ...

Nostalgia for prices or who remembers how much a sausage cost at 2.20?

The presenter shows the product, and the participants try to guess how much it cost in Soviet times. Whose version turned out to be closer to the truth, that product gets it!

  • Pie with cabbage, potatoes, onions and eggs - 4 kopecks.
  • Potato cake - 22 kopecks.
  • Baby soap - 14 kopecks
  • Balloon - 3 kopecks.
  • Cologne "Russian Forest" - 1 rub. 20 kopecks

If you find other items, the Soviet prices for them can always be checked on the Internet.

New life of old abbreviations

Distribute cards with Soviet abbreviations written on them to the participants. Suggest to come up with a new decoding of them related to the hero of the occasion, for example, KPSS - Handsome Guy Seryoga Super, VDNKh - Friends Met We Are Good.

A ready-made set of abbreviations: KPSS, VLKSM, VDNKh, TASS, DOSAAF, GTO, CMEA, VChK, RSDLP, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, MTS, Red Army.

Outdoor games

It is better to conduct them for a younger audience, especially if the format of the meeting is “open air”. So, Soviet girls adored jumping ropes and "rubber bands": it is worth remembering and trying "both with a run, and on the spot, and with two feet together!"

Moving relay races will add fun, for example, "collecting waste paper" - while the music is playing, you need to pick up as many newspapers as possible (previously scattered); the music died down - tie them in a bundle and run to the "collection point"! Whose tutu is heavier? Who is first?

Disco or "dancing"?

In the USSR, both options were used, and this, of course, is an integral part of the party. Let the guests dance to the melodies of VIA "Earthlings", "Verasy", "Pesnyary", to the early songs of Pugacheva and Rotaru. Compositions of "Affectionate May", "Combinations", "Secret", "Bravo" and other disco will add retro nostalgia to the evening.

A decent end to the party

To make the ending worthy of the whole holiday, think it over in advance. After dancing, when the guests are tired enough of all the entertainment, something calm, pacifying, summing up the evening is needed. Maybe each guest will make an entry in the “Complaints and Suggestions” book (remember, at the beginning of the evening it was the “Registration Book”?) A final speech by the host or host of the party would be appropriate. It will be interesting to give gifts at the end of the evening, for example, pre-prepared pennants with comic inscriptions "Drummer of dance labor", "Excellent student of competitions", "For the most original hairstyle - forward to new achievements!" etc.

If the celebration takes place in nature, the pioneer bonfire will be a great finale.

Parties in the style of the USSR are gaining popularity, because any past is fraught with inexplicable appeal and romance. Treat yourself and your guests, because preparing for such a party, thanks to our detailed recommendations, will not be difficult at all!

If you haven't decided on which idea to stick with, the video below will convince you that a USSR-style party is a great idea!

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party "Back to the USSR"

1 meal


There are so many beautiful holidays
Each comes his turn
Only the very best holiday
Of course, this is the New Year.
He will have to hurry to us for a long time
Happiness and good luck will bring
He laughs with us cheerfully,
This wonderful holiday is New Year.

- So today we have gathered to celebrate this magical holiday in the circle of our beloved employees and the word for congratulations is given to the director of the school - Malikhova L.N.

Director's greeting... Toast.



Dear friends, dear comrades! Yes, yes, it is comrades, not gentlemen, because today we will go on a fascinating journey through time. New Year is always a fairy tale and magic, and today you and I will be transported to those years when the country was different. With joy and nostalgia, we will go to our Soviet cloudless childhood.Today we will take a trip to the magical world of 80s and 90s! why?

It's just that our time is tense, impetuous, when we no longer go to work, but run, do not go shopping, but fly, and from work we crawl home tired and exhausted. Our world, connected by the web of the Internet, has become so small.Today we are getting to know each other in vkontakte, and at 90 we invited each other to a slow pace in the school's assembly hall! Now the grand piano can only be found in the concert hall, but then it stood in almost every school and brought more joy! But most importantly, in the 90s we ourselves were different: more fun, sincere and simpler. In the 90s, we all did different things, someone walked under the table, someone skipped physical-ry lessons, someone was already an uncle. But that's not the point, the main thing is that we are all from the 90s!



Do you remember, buddy, Vietnamese sneakers?
Knee bulge of baby tights?
Table hockey at a thug's neighbor? ..
I would like to remember what year it is?
Do you remember those knitted mittens,
Yes, yes, with an elastic band from old pants,
Happy faces of our parents ...
Gagarin ... Kharlamov ... Blokhin ... Morgunov ...
Do you remember - we chewed gum for a week,
Putting it in the refrigerator for the night?
Do you remember "Eaglet"? That was great !!!
He is broken, before our children have survived
Do you remember the dashing past in the schoolyard?
And the first hike with an overnight stay in tents?
And, remember, we DECIDED to kiss ...
I would like to remember what year it is?


We invite you to return to the USSR again! Attend a celebration of memories. Today, during this New Year's Eve, festive evening, we will remember what was popular during the Soviet Union, and more specifically, we will cover the period from the late 70s to the 90s.

There will be an opportunity to compete in the ability to dance DISCO, take part in competitions and watch funny musical numbers.
And, of course, what an evening without a disco. So are you ready? Fabulous! Healthy team spirit, like in an exemplary pioneer squad!

Our concert opens with the Big Children's Choir of Central Television and All-Union Radio.

The chorus comes out.


Dear Larisa Nikolaevna, we want to congratulate you on your birthday, wish you health, success in your work, clear skies over your head and present you with a song.

Composer Vladimir Shainsky. Lyrics by Alexander Timofeevsky. Soloist: ………. “Song of the Crocodile Gena”.

Performance of the song.

LN, do you remember your pioneer childhood? Today we invite you to become a pioneer again. Do you agree?


I (Name, Surname), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after (Name of the Director), in front of my comrades, solemnly promise: to love my (company name) dearly. Plow, work and fight like

Support the teacher, with words and rubles.

Leave a bad mood outside the door and put on the mask of a happy, businesslike, rich, charming and attractive woman every morning.

Happy birthday, congratulations

We wish you happiness, joy.

Keep your oath honestly,

Obey all laws.

Do it without further ado!

Be ready!

Always ready!

Tying a tie and giving a gift. Horn

We offertoast for twice the pioneer and birthday girl Malikhova Larisa Nikolaevna.



Friends! It seems to me that someone is clearly missing on our holiday !! Whom…….????
That's right, of course Santa Claus !!!
So let's call him the old, ancient but most Reliable Way!

Welcome to the new year
Well, of course ... (in unison !!! - Santa Claus !!!)
In the new year of gifts,

Who brought us-?
Father Frost! (in chorus)
There is a pattern of roses on the window

Who is drawing?
Father Frost! (in chorus)
Hands are chilly, nose is freezing,

Where are you, where are you?
Father Frost! (in chorus)

FATHER FROST: How glad I am, how glad I am

See you today!

It has finally arrived

New Year's holiday.

On this day, good hour

I congratulate everyone!

Happiness, joy, success

I wish everyone!

I brought you gifts in a bag

Lower your hand

and without looking into my bag
take something.

Guests select gifts-dresses from the bag by touch and put them on.

Santa Claus: How beautiful they are, now you have a New Year's mood. But this is where my surprises only begin. Now I will read your mind. I have a magic hat, on whom I will put it on, the thoughts of that person we will know. Let's try.

Playing with the hat.

Songs: “Let me go to the Himalayas”, “I walk like this in Dolce Gabana”, “And in the restaurant”, “I want to get married”, “We are all bitches,” “If I were a Sultan,” “And I will sit down into a convertible "," Let's pour "," I was born in the Soviet Union ", etc.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, and it is not without reason that our host thinks about the Soviet Union. We celebrate our New Year's corporate party in a retro style.

JM: I really love those times. Thisthe era is filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties.

Snegurochka: Do you remember what wonderful films were at that time. Let's remember the songs from the films of those times.

Association competition.

Musical competition.What movie is this song from.

And a smile without a doubt suddenly - "Carnival night"

In a dark blue forest where aspens tremble - "Diamond Hand"

Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Ivan Vas."

When spring comes, I don't know "Spring on the street across the river"

Somewhere in the world "-" Prisoner of the Caucasus "

Your Honor, Lady Parting - "White Sun of the Desert"

What were you - "Kuban Cossacks"

If you don't have an aunt- "Irony of Fate"

Wake Up and Sing - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

There are so many golden lights - "It was in Penkovo"

Fatigue Forgotten - "New Adventures of the Elusive

And now the task gets harder, you need to learn the songwith 2 letters.

Oh ... viburnum blooms

Oh ... frost

And in our yard

Eh .. it's good to live in a Soviet country

We ... honestly want to tell you

Where the maple makes noise

Kings Can Do Anything

Thank you, Snow Maiden! Please fill your glasses
and "To spend the old year"!


Presenter: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, isn't it time for us to dance? The most fashionable dance style in the late 70s and early 80s was disco. It is becoming fashionable now. Would you like to learn to dance in the disco style?

Snow Maiden: Nothing is impossible in the new year. Today our guest is a famous dance teacher who will teach anyone present to dance DISCO.

Flashmob DISCO


2 feast


And now a little quiz. Do you remember what the prices were then?Now we will check it out. Attention!

What could you buy

1. For one penny (a glass of gas water without syrup, a box of matches)
2. And for 2 kopecks? (call from a pay phone)
3.3 kopecks? (gas water with syrup, notebook, travel by tram)
4.5 kopecks? (travel by bus, trolleybus)
5. For 22 kopecks? (Popsicle, cake)
6.1p 50 kopecks. we paid - for an application to the registry office.

7. For 5000 rubles? ("Zhiguli" car)
7. For 10,000 rubles ... - a Volga car.

8. How much did a loaf of black bread cost? 16 kopecks.

9.A white? ... 20 kopecks!

10. American dollar (56 kopecks)


How much did a bottle of vodka cost in the 1980s? (2p 87 kopecks)

Prize - a bottle of vodka

Host: Let's fill our glasses and drink to our beloved socialist homeland! Three cheers!


Presenter: What is the New Year without ... TV? Even now, more than half a century after the blue screen illuminated Soviet apartments with joy, it remains an invariable festive attribute. For many years on the evening of December 31, all citizens froze in front of a black-and-white TV.

Brezhnev's address.

I suggest you remember what programs were then and guess them by the screensavers.

We divide the hall into two teams: Druzhba and Orbit, like the good old processed cheese.

    Contest "Guess the TV show by the screensaver" ("Visiting a Fairy Tale", "Time", "In the Animal World", "The Obvious Incredible", "Alarm Clock")

2. Competition "catch phrases". You remember well the Soviet films of the USSR, don't you? And now we will check it.

Whoever from the team gives the correct answer first, that team will win.

- "They will put you on, but you don't steal" (Beware of the car)

- ... and you will be cured ... (Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession)

To live well, but to live well is even better! (Caucasian captive)

Wake us up in Kolyma, you are welcome, (Diamond hand)

Stole it, drank it - to jail! Romance! (Gentlemen of fortune)

I demand the continuation of the banquet! (Ivan Vasilievich changes profession)

Announce the entire list please (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)

It's always like this: you work, you work, and then - bam! - second shift (Big break)

Beauty is a terrible force! -(Spring)

Whispering - (Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession)

Down with prejudices! A woman is a person too! (White sun of desert)

Yes, because without water - and not there and not here (Volga-Volga)

Sit in vain, no apartments are expected until next spring (Girls)

Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! Snow will fall into the head ... (Gentlemen of fortune)

Everyone dances! - (Ivan changes you, etc.)

There were kind people. Warmed up, robbed, i.e. picked up, heated.

Komsomol member, sportswoman and just a beauty (Caucasian captive)

The speaker makes a brief report, about forty minutes ... (Carnival night)

What disgusting - this jellied fish of yours. (The Irony of Fate)

3 competition

Karaoke competition "Songs from films" (films of the Soviet era)

(Music from the films "Three White Horses", (Sorcerers) "Alexandra ..."

The last film is an irony of fate.

Dear comrades, I would like to say a little more about this film, because it is probably the best New Year's film in our country. New Year's without this film, for us it is like winter without snow. Even a Christmas tree, champagne and Olivier will not be saved if on December 31, at least one of the channels will not show "Irony of Fate". This "primordially" Russian tradition was born on January 1, 1976. Then the whole country watched the premiere of the picture in one evening. Literally a month later, the film was repeated at numerous, or rather countless, requests from viewers. Since then, the annual viewing of this touching story has become an obligatory ritual of the most magical holiday, a piece of the miracle that we look forward to every New Year ...

Toast to Soviet cinema.



3 feast

For many years on the evening of December 31, all citizens froze in front of a black-and-white TV in anticipation of a truly kind and sincere "Blue Light". We invite you to the blue light.

Performance by pop stars.

Indicate the year the artists were popular.

Well, pull up your leggings and straighten your bangs. The group "Combination" is performing in front of you

Lyubov Uspenskaya

Toast: to the Soviet stage.

Disco 90s.


1. Competition "Fast glass" ... Stand in a circle and dance to the music, passing a glass of wine. When the music stops, then whoever has a glass in his hands drinks it. The competition lasts until the alcohol ends or until someone drinks one or three times.

2. The biggest bubble ... In the days of disco, it was difficult to get chewing gum, so remember your childhood and inflate the biggest bubble

3 ... Contest "Rezinochka". In those days, girls played with rubber bands. Whoever remembers more figures from this game won.

Thus, our compatriots get the opportunity not only to plunge headlong into the past, but also to show patriotism, to emphasize that those difficult, but sometimes wonderful times of our grandfathers, parents, and maybe their own childhood have not yet been forgotten. If you are going to hold a corporate party in the style of the USSR, but do not know how to do it, eventspro suggests using our advice.


Invitations are obliged to set a good mood for your colleagues as soon as they fall into their hands. None of the employees should doubt that they will have a great time at the upcoming corporate event. Therefore, we offer some of the best invitation options.

  1. If you dig deeply through the old cabinets at home (or at your grandmother's), then you can probably find postcards from the Soviet era. They can be used as invitations by writing a few warm words on the back, as well as detailed information about the place, time, date and dress code. If you are unable to find such printing products, use a computer to print postcards with USSR symbols.
  2. As an option, we propose to make a semblance of deputy mandates, which will make great invitations.
  3. Find a Soviet poster on the Internet. Send the picture to your colleagues (mail, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.), and write the invitation text under it.
  4. The invitation card can be issued in the form of a telegram. Quite an original approach, and most importantly - in the USSR style! Your colleagues will love it for sure. Don't forget to mention the dress code.

To give a start to your fantasies regarding invitations, we made a small overview of existing flyers, posters and invitations to parties in clubs, viewing ready-made materials will help you quickly resolve the issue with the design.

Dress code for a corporate party in the style of the USSR

So that guests do not ponder the question "What to wear?" For a long time, we offer a whole set of "outfits" to choose from:

  • a white shirt and shorts, plus a red cap and a tie of the same color;
  • a brown dress with a festive white apron (school uniform);
  • denim jeans and jackets with patches on the sleeves;
  • patent leather shoes and dresses with polka dots;
  • banana pants or "shot" pants;
  • any white top and dark bottom.

The choice is rich - each guest will be able to dress according to their taste.

Meet colleagues

At the entrance, a host dressed as a pioneer leader can wait for the invitees. As an option, you can consider the very leader of the world proletariat - Lenin Vladimir Ilyich - with a characteristic bald head and burr. Such a meeting from the doorway will charge employees with positive emotions and immediately set the right mood for your corporate get-together.

Do not forget about a special book in which a Komsomol member or Lenin will register all who come. After registration, guests receive ribbons with inscriptions like: "Peace to the world", "Rest for workers", "Thursday is a fish day", "Drink white with red", "Perseverance and work lead to success" and others.

I demand the continuation of the banquet!

Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession

Yes, that's right, hand out to the newly arrived guests not only ribbons with slogans, but also phrases that became winged in the Soviet era! Surely, someone during your holiday will very cleverly use a catch phrase, causing a storm of approving laughter.

Here is a small list of phrases from the most popular films:

"Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession":

  • Leave me, old lady, I'm in sorrow!
  • I demand the continuation of the banquet!
  • Yes, we, kings, need to pass milk off as harmful!
  • This is what the life-giving cross does!
  • Hang up the phone!

"Operation Y" and other adventures of Shurik ":

  • Well, come on, bays to me, as spaceships ply the Bolshoi Theater. I'll sleep.
  • Maybe not? - No ... We must, Fedya, we must!
  • Announce the entire list, please.
  • Now people need to be softer. And look at the questions shorter.
  • Can you tell me how many degrees are below zero now?
  • Train better on cats.
  • Everything has already been stolen before us.
  • The professor, of course, is a burdock, but the equipment is okay, okay! How can you hear?

"The Diamond Arm":

  • We do not care!
  • And our house manager is a friend of man!
  • Pants turn into shorts.
  • Strike iron on the spot!
  • Whoever bought a pack of tickets will receive a water pump.
  • I should have been in his place ...
  • I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid.
  • Our people don't take a taxi to the bakery.
  • Rousseau tourist - the face of morality.
  • Slipped - fell, woke up - plaster.

"The Pokrovsky Gate":

  • Note that I did not suggest this.

You can also hang a beautiful poster with the symbols of the USSR in front of the entrance so that guests can leave positive reviews there before leaving home.

Which venues are suitable for

To arrange a corporate party in the style of the USSR, any place is quite suitable, from an office building to a trip to nature. The fact is that outfits, music and food play a huge role in creating the right atmosphere. All this can be safely taken with you, which means there is no problem.

Another thing is that decorating closed areas is somewhat easier than, say, an open tent in nature. In a closed room like an office, a banquet hall or a restaurant, you can use wall decor elements - posters, portraits, antique clocks, fabric drapery, and from the ceiling (for the brave), Ilyich's bulbs can even hang from the ceiling, which, by the way, can be the main lighting.

For an open place, the most suitable would be the design of the territory in the form of a pioneer camp, which, of course, will somewhat increase the cost, but will really transfer the participants of the corporate party many years ago, allowing you to see with your own eyes “how it was”. In order not to spend too much time thinking about the design, just watch the shots of the wonderful Soviet film "Welcome or the entrance is perceived by strangers."

We arrange the venue

Let's talk a little more about the decoration options. There are many opportunities to decorate a room, you just need to turn on your imagination.

If you decide to celebrate in the office or at the home of one of the employees, hang posters with Soviet slogans on the walls. Computer-printed images of members of the CPSU Central Committee will also do. In the center, you can hang a map of the Soviet Union with the coats of arms of 15 republics.

Place one (or more) round table with a red tablecloth in the middle of the party hall. In the middle of the table there will be a decanter and faceted glasses. Hang a large fringed lampshade above it. Do not forget about the gramophone (even if it is not working, we need it for the interior) or the "reel" tape recorder.

A large black-and-white (well, color) TV set from Soviet times is one of the main decorations of your corporate party.

If there is a desire and opportunity, arrange for the presence of horns, pennants, drums. Distribute plenty of pioneer ties to the guests. After all, a pioneer is an example for everyone!

To simplify your task, we have prepared a small overview of posters that you can use in the design of your premises:

What to listen to and see?

You will need music from the 50s and 80s. This is one of the most important parts of a corporate party, so take it seriously. Try to get two versions of Soviet music: background music (which will play during the feast) and disco music. We suggest paying attention to the following groups: "Gems", "Pesnyary", "Ariel", "Leisya, song", "Blue Guitars", "Syabry". Performers are also suitable: Alla Pugacheva, Edita Piekha, Sofia Rotaru, Muslim Magomayev, Lev Leshchenko and Yuri Antonov.

Here are a few songs that will help you navigate the repertoire of those times and set the right mood for composing a playlist:

Some innovators in the event industry have recently been diluting events with small cuts of funny videos, and we suggest that you do not ignore this festive innovation. In the version of a corporate party in the style of the USSR, an excellent solution would be to watch short, but at the same time widely known and beloved films.

We offer you as options to consider such comedies as Shurik's adventures: "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession", "Operation Y", as well as any of the three short stories "It Can't Be" and so on.

Treats for a corporate party in the style of the USSR

Treats should also match those served during the Soviet era at the largest festivals (here we will definitely save!).

Hot: homemade dumplings, tobacco chicken, boiled potatoes with onion and butter.
Salads: "Olivier" - the king of the table of the USSR, herring under a fur coat, sauerkraut with a green onion in mustard oil.
Snacks: jellied meat, boiled sausage, Druzhba cheese curds, sprats, Ivasi herring (in cans) and sprat in tomato sauce.
Desserts: candies "Little Red Riding Hood", "Bear in the North", "Gulliver", "Scallop", eclairs and a cake with roses.
Fruits: oranges, tangerines, apples.
Drinks: Soviet champagne, lemonade in glass bottles and juice in three-liter cans.

Agree, quite a budget option. But, given the nature of the corporate party, these ordinary and inexpensive products will surely seem delicious to you as never before.

Entertainment at a corporate party in the style of the USSR

In Soviet times, not a single festive event was held without competitions. This means that you should have them at your corporate party. We bring you the best we could find.

  1. Making a toast on behalf of one of the respected "comrades" of the Soviet era (Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Budyonny). All this should be accompanied by a long and stormy ovation.
  2. Decoding of abbreviations such as: TRP, BAM, VLKSM, NKVD and others. By the way, you can decipher it in your own humorous form.
  3. Finish a phrase from a famous Soviet film, slogan, statement by the leader of the USSR, etc.
  4. Collect Rubik's cube (who is faster).
  5. Who can remember more TV shows from Soviet times?
  6. Who knows better how to jump rope, play "rubber band", "knives" and so on
  7. Recall the names of newspapers and magazines of that time.

Each winner receives a small memento.

You can't do without karaoke at a corporate party. Each of the guests will have an excellent chance to distinguish themselves and take the honorable place of the "best performer". Also, do not forget about slow and "white" dances, win-win lotteries and a big draw at the end of the holiday.

A small plan of preparation for a corporate party in the style of the USSR

We have already mentioned above that today Soviet-style corporate events have become especially popular. So if you are ready to take the risk and travel back in time, eventspro offers you 2 options for the development of events.

Option number 1. You pay - performers create

If you don't want to burden yourself with the hard work called organization, there is a convenient way to spare yourself the trouble. Order a turnkey corporate event. Let your friendly team not be disturbed by the fear of running into a "low-quality" performer. You don't have to go anywhere and call anyone. After all, if you use our services, all your problems will be solved by themselves.

Here you will find presenters, musicians, organizers, the best cafes and restaurants, venues, holiday agencies and offers of all kinds of services. In general, we have everything you need for your holiday. So go ahead and dare!

Option number 2. For those who are not looking for an easy way

If you want to do everything yourself, you like to create and organize, option 2 is more suitable for you. We are ready to provide a small action plan, following which you will not get into a mess and will be able to do everything at the highest level.

  1. Determine the venue for the corporate party.
  2. We count the number of guests.
  3. We calculate the amount required for the organization.
  4. Choosing a presenter.
  5. We are thinking over the issue of transport and delivery of guests to the house.
  6. We decide where to get the decor for decorating the room. Please note that a few days before the corporate party, each decor element must be in stock.
  7. We determine who will take care of the interior.
  8. Thinking over the menu and drinks. Choosing the person responsible for the food.
  9. We are preparing the entertainment part.
  10. We solve issues with gifts, awards and souvenirs.

By the way, if you want to organize a corporate party on your own, but want to partially resort to the services of holiday agencies or performers, use the eventspro services!

We wish you a pleasant trip to the times of the Soviet Union. And happy celebration!

New Year in retro style- a great idea for a New Year's themed party, decor or serving. Let's take a look at what a retro style is and what tricks you can use to achieve the right atmosphere on the holidays.

  • Retro style presupposes an appeal to the past, the use of things and objects that are no longer so necessary in everyday life. Rather, it is a certain kind of nostalgia for the bygone time, which certainly has its own charm, and carries with it the heritage of the culture and art of the people.

Since the very concept of "retro" is rather arbitrary, and does not entail a clear reference to the time frame, everyone can interpret it in their own way. Someone prefers the time of the 60s, someone of the 40s - there is no dispute about tastes. We want to show several ways to organize the New Year in a retro style - what decorations to use, how and where to place decor items in the house on the eve of the holidays.

Practical coffee tables

Such is our recent past, but many have already completely forgotten. That is why it will be especially great to arrange the New Year with an eye on the USSR. Since childhood, certain attributes have been etched into the memory, without which the holiday was not a holiday. These are tangerines, and Soviet champagne, and crystal glasses from the sideboard, and glass Christmas tree decorations, and plastic Santa Claus.

Decorate your home this New Year with hand-made garlands and paper lanterns, place a red star on top of the tree, and bring in the objects that are gathering dust in the attic - old radios, records, cameras, typewriters and other technological wonders. They look so colorful that they themselves do not require any additional decor. But given that the holiday is New Year's, sprinkle it all with tinsel, artificial snow, or hang garlands nearby.

Find old toys in the same attic, or ask your elderly relatives for a few - you will surely be very touched by such familiar ones from childhood, already somewhat patented balls, figurines, icicles and various fairy-tale characters.

You should be very careful with toys of this kind, as they are fragile and break very easily.

Greetings from the 50s in the USA

This period in American history was very bright and colorful. Here and there people in bright clothes, rich colors in the design of interiors and facades of buildings. Decorate your home and New Year's in this style, and it will explode with a riot of colors.


You can set aside the entire wardrobe for New Year's decor, gifts, decorations and other useful little things - such as warm blankets for guests, for example.

Table setting can become one of the most active decor elements. So, you can arrange a candy bar on the sidelines - a kind of buffet table with all kinds of sweets. The brighter they are and the more colors are involved, the better.

If you can manage to find the gum and candy machine that was so popular during that period, it will become the highlight of the program, and guests will line up to taste the delicious candies. Therefore, place such machines in the center of the room, or at least in the place where there is unlimited access to them.

It's a great idea to walk around the flea market ahead of the holiday in search of retro items. Perhaps you will find a wonderful old TV or telephone that will decorate the room, or just buy a lot of old records, which can then be decorated in the same style and hung on the walls and on the ceiling.

It is better to make Christmas garlands with your own hands. Cut flags out of paper and hang them on thin, sturdy tape across the room. Or attach small pom-poms or foam balls, pre-painted in the desired color, to the fishing line. Don't be afraid of colors and their variety. And don't get too fancy with the decor. Let it be simple, but there will be a lot of it. This is better than a lonely, but magnificent in execution and complexity of work garland. At least in the style of the American 50s, this is exactly the case.

Practical coffee tables

Let the New Year in this direction be decorated in a classic black and white color scheme. Use a tablecloth and crockery in these colors, maybe with an admixture of gold or silver. It is good to use shiny things and objects in the decor, feathers, artificial pearls and velvet.

A great idea is to buy a few meters of white tulle and decorate the walls with it. And hanging several empty glasses in the air on electric garlands - it will look very impressive, specific and unbeatable.

On the console or dresser in the living room, you can create a whole composition of decor, where there are gangster hats, black decor elements, symbols of luxury, power and wealth.

You can also use deliberately pretentious napkin holders - with all kinds of inlaid stones of other precious elements.

Cute rustic way

If your house is decorated in the Scandinavian style, country, Provence or adjacent to them, then such a decision of the New Year's decor will be very "to face" your interior. Here old things that you have not used for a long time will come to your aid. In the absence of something like this, you can turn to old flea markets or new decor stores - now there is just a boom of such aged things.

Use old things and shoes for decoration, creating interesting compositions, near which you can later take wonderful photos.

As an idea: to decorate a real Christmas tree, use an old folding meter - with a certain bending of the corners, you will get a wonderful five-pointed star, which can be hung on the very top of the tree without special fasteners.

The buffet table can be arranged on old boxes or a mobile wheelbarrow. The main thing is that it must be clean. But all its external flaws will only add color to the decor. For serving, it is also better to use ceramic dishes that are a little rough and sturdy.

Make gift wrappings of thick paper, tying in the right places with a thin twine.
Bake homemade cookies without adding artificial colors to the cream and modern edible decor. Maintain this zeitgeist in every element.

As you can see, there can be a great many interpretations of the New Year's decor in a retro style. Here are just a few potential scenarios that you might like. But the history of countries and peoples is so diverse that you can cover absolutely any period of time within up to 100 years in the past and create such a New Year as you wish. And we will try to throw you new and interesting ideas!