Project activities in work with the family. Project activity as a form of organizing interaction between the dhow and the family

Consultation for educators

"Project activity as a method
interaction between teachers and parents "

Grigor Irina Mikhailovna, teacher of MADOU D / S No. 396, Perm

Interaction of teachers, parents and pupils.

Communication of teachers with parents of pupils has always been and remains a topical issue for kindergartens. One aspect of this issue is the search for effective ways of cooperation, equally necessary for both educators and parents. Parents - in order to learn to understand the world of childhood and their own child, teachers, in order to more effectively help parents in this. Only together, educators and parents can get to know the child better, and, having learned, direct joint efforts to his development.

Most parents are literate people who read literature on the issues of upbringing and development of children, but even having a fairly extensive stock of theoretical knowledge, they are not always able to correctly apply it. This is where the help of teachers is important, who are able to translate the theoretical knowledge of parents into the practice of joyful communication with the child.

Today, it is no longer just about the exchange of information between parents and kindergarten teachers about the development, success and difficulties of the child. It is important to include the family in the life of the child in kindergarten. And here the project method turned out to be a successful find. Today it is becoming more widespread in preschool institutions.

What is this method?

This is a teaching method that promotes the development of independent thinking, helping the child to build confidence in their own abilities. It provides for such a learning system when children acquire knowledge and master skills in the process of performing a system of planned practical tasks. This is learning through search and cognitive activity, which is aimed at the result that is obtained when solving a problem. The project method allows you to educate an independent and responsible person, develops creativity and mental abilities, and also contributes to the development of purposefulness, perseverance, teaches to overcome problems that arise along the way, and most importantly the ability to communicate with peers and adults, increases the child's authority in front of peers and his own self-esteem ... There is a problem at the heart of every project. After all, the themes of projects are born precisely from the interests of children. The project method is characterized by group activities.

Thus, the project method becomes a way of organizing the pedagogical process, which is based on the interaction of the teacher, parents and pupils with each other and the environment.

The experience of many kindergartens has shown that at first not all parents are willingly involved in joint activities with teachers and children, but then, completing some tasks, they begin to understand how important their efforts are for the children, how pleasant it is to spend time with the children. Such joint project activity helps to unite the team of parents. They get the opportunity to get to know and get to know the interests of other families and even make friends. The joint implementation of some plan of the child and his parents strengthens the parent-child relationship.

Types of project activities.

There are three main types of activity: creative, research and normative - each of which has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation.

  1. Project activity unfolds in a problematic situation that cannot be resolved by direct action. For example, a child decided to draw an object and through the drawing convey his attitude to this object, a project task arises before him associated with the study and search for forms of conveying his attitude to the object.
  2. Participants in project activities must be motivated.

For example, preparation for a holiday, but project activities will begin only at the moment when the child, together with the teacher, can understand what this day or event means for them: How do we feel about this holiday? Why are we celebrating it? In what ways do we express our attitude to the holiday?

  1. Project activities are targeted. Since in the course of project activities the child expresses his attitude, he is looking for an addressee to whom his attitude is addressed, designed in the form of a product.

Research project activities.

Research projects are individual in nature and contribute to the involvement of the child's immediate environment (parents, siblings, etc.) into the sphere of his interests.

In research project activity, the following stages can be distinguished .

  • It involves the creation of a situation in which the child independently comes to the formulation of a research task.

The teacher creates a problematic situation for all children, and then observes the activities of the children and identifies the sphere of interests of each child. A special situation is created that helps

the child to formulate a research problem and involve parents in creating a project. Thus, the first stage ends with the formulation of the question.

  • Project design. The parents help the child, but the child is the organizer.
  • Project defense. Together with parents or one child tells how the work was carried out.
  • An exhibition is organized, after the end of the exhibition, projects are freely available.

Projects not only enrich preschoolers with knowledge, but also stimulate their cognitive activity.

Creative project activities.

In the course of creative design activities, a new creative product is created. It is carried out collectively or jointly with parents. This project differs from the previous one in its long-term nature.

  1. Discussion of project topics with children and parents. But for himself the teacher must decide how important this project is for him.
  2. The motives for the participation of children in the upcoming activities, their attitude towards him are determined.
  3. Children express their ideas for the implementation of the project. The teacher, as he speaks, marks the most original ideas, so that later, if the children do not reproduce them, remind them.
  4. Invite the children to sketch their ideas and think about what is needed to implement these ideas.
  5. Children talk about their drawings, answer questions from the teacher and their peers. At the end of this stage, the selection of the best idea is carried out.
  6. Information for parents, project drawing and title are posted.
  7. The educator organizes working groups to complete the project, and the parents handle technical issues.
  8. The educator decides how best to present the resulting product.
  9. The presentation of the product of the creative project is in progress.

Such project activities are aimed at showing the child the significance of his efforts for those around him. In addition, the preschooler gains a positive experience of competitive interaction.

Normative design activities.

These norm-building projects are an important pedagogical activity that fosters the positive socialization of children. Regulatory situations can be divided into three groups:

  • Prohibiting.
  • Positively normalizing.
  • Supporting the initiative of the preschooler, leading to the creation of a new norm, norm-setting.

The general strategy of work is to minimize prohibitive situations and increase the number of situations that support the initiative of children.

Such projects are important for conflict management.

In the course of the project, all options for the norms of behavior are listened to, and a new one is developed, and the teacher takes responsibility for observing the rule.

In the normative project activity, the following stages can be distinguished:

  • Identification of situations that are often repeated, characterized by undesirable forms of behavior of children.
  • Discussion of behaviors that should not arise.
  • Invite children to draw unacceptable situations, which will form a negative attitude towards situations.
  • The teacher asks you to talk about your drawings and your attitude to the situation.
  • Invites children to think about how to behave in order to avoid undesirable consequences and choose one of the proposals, as a basic rule.
  • The teacher asks to sketch this rule, but it should not be prohibitive.
  • In the course of the discussion, lead the children to the fact that this rule should be included in the rulebook.

Our project is aimed at the development and organization of theatrical and play activities in kindergarten. Childhood takes place in the world of role-playing games that help the child to master the rules and laws of adults. Games can be viewed as improvised theatrical performances in which the doll or the child himself has his own props, toys, furniture, clothes ...

The child is given the opportunity to play the role of an actor, director, decorator, musician and thereby express himself.

Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to all types of children's theater.

This will help to raise the culture of the child, to introduce children to literature, music, rules of etiquette, etc. A theater for children is like a holiday held together with peers, parents and teachers. Theatrical activities help to reveal the child's creative potential, help him to be liberated, helps the child to realize feelings of satisfaction, joy, success, corrects communicative deviations, develops memory, imagination, speech.

The role of the teacher in the organization of theatrical activities.

What does a teacher need to know and be able to do when organizing theatrical activities?

  1. Be able to expressively read, tell, look and see, listen and hear, be ready for any transformation.
  2. Emotional attitude to everything that happens, sincerity and sincerity of feelings, intonation of voice.

Project activities can be carried out in several directions.

  • In the form of direct educational activities.

During classes: listen carefully to the answers and suggestions of the children; if they do not answer, then do not insist. Give the children the opportunity to play with the character from the work themselves, ask who did it, and why.

  • In the form of a game.
  1. The constant inclusion of theatrical games in the pedagogical process.
  2. Content and variety of topics.
  3. Cooperation between children and adults, both when organizing the game and on time.
  4. All games and exercises should be selected in combination with movements, speech and facial expressions, pantomime.
  • In the form of pedagogical situations.
  1. "Immersion in a fairy tale".
  2. Joint reading and analysis of fairy tales.
  3. Playing excerpts from a fairy tale.
  4. Director's play (with building and didactic material).
  5. Painting.
  6. Word, board and outdoor games.

Joint project activities of teachers and children "Queen-spoon"

Project type: creative research

Project duration: 2 weeks

Participants: teachers, parents and children of the second junior group "Carlson" .

Educational areas: Socialization, communication, cognition, artistic creation, labor, music, fiction.

Objective of the project:

"To form a conscious attitude of younger preschoolers to the culture of behavior while eating"


  • Clarify children's ideas about basic cutlery skills
  • To enrich children's ideas about a spoon: history of origin; material and shape; painting and design
  • Develop cognitive activity, observation
  • To draw the attention of parents to the problem of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children
  • Promote the formation of cooperation in parent-child relationships

The idea of ​​the project came to the educators at the end of the adaptation period. After monitoring and observing children, it became obvious that the problem of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills - so urgent for younger preschoolers, will become a difficult task in our group. The main reason is excessive parental guardianship and, as a result. underdeveloped skills of independent actions in our pupils. Why did we give priority to food culture? The answer is simple. It is this topic that is most burning for most parents in the first months of their children’s stay in a preschool educational institution. And therefore it cannot but arouse reciprocal interest.

The implementation of the project activities consisted of several stages:

Preparatory stage:

At the preparatory stage, we:

  • We selected illustrations and informative material for teachers, children and parents;
  • Determined the forms of interaction with children and parents, methods of motivation to ensure an active position of all participants in project activities;
  • Determined the degree of participation of preschool teachers in the upcoming project activities.

The first stage of the project is a problem situation.

During dinner, the children were not given spoons on the table, they were very surprised by this and asked a lot of questions. The answer to the questions was a letter from the spoon queen, who was not happy with the behavior of the children at the table. Further, she gave the first instructions for children: what needs to be learned and done in order to "Subjects made friends with children and were faithful helpers" .

The second stage is project development.

At this stage, the children and I discussed a plan for future actions. In other words, we planned a project together. We asked questions: What do we want to know? Who should you contact for help? Where do you get the answers to the questions? What do we want to learn?

The third stage is the implementation of the project.

Research activities included such forms of work as:

  • Children's experimentation "Various spoons" ... In the course of the simplest experiments, the children found out: "What materials are spoons made of?" , "Which spoons are heavier: metal, wood or plastic" , "Which of the spoons presented in the mini-museum are convenient for what to use" etc.
  • Loop of conversations: "Rules of conduct at the table" , "Cutlery" , "What are the spoons" .
  • Reading fiction Glazkova E.M. "How the fork and spoon quarreled" - acquaintance with the history of the emergence of cutlery.
  • Musical minute: "Spoons are not only for porridge and potatoes" - playing Russian folk instruments.
  • GCD for the development of speech: the formation of coherent speech, expansion of vocabulary on the topic of the project.

The following forms of activity belonged to artistic activity:

  • Artistic work: "Retinue for the Queen of the Spoon" ,
  • "Spoon Queen's subjects" - children's design together with parents.

The fourth stage is summing up.

Since the project is for younger preschoolers, therefore, the products of the activity were not put on public display.

  • In the course of the project activities, a mini-museum of spoons was created, in the opening of which children and their parents took an active part.
  • At the very end of the project, there was leisure time with elements of work "Merry Cooks" , on which children formed the ability to properly operate with cutlery: hold a spoon while eating, stir the finished dish with a spoon (fruit salad).

Finally, the Spoon Queen issued a decree that helps us continue to motivate children to observe cultural skills while eating.

I, Queen Spoon, command:

  1. Do not spin around the table.
  2. Hold the spoon correctly.
  3. Chew food with your mouth closed.
  4. Do not talk at the table.
  5. Do not crush the bread.
  6. Do not knock on the plate with a spoon.

Based on the results of the project, we can say that the tasks have been completed in full. The main advantage of choosing project activities for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age is:

  • involvement of children in research and cognitive activity through play, as a leading activity of children
  • using the personal experience of a preschooler in the process of socialization
  • activation of parents in the upbringing of elementary rules of children's life
  • the formation of communication skills of children in the process of cooperation with peers and adults.

"Joint project activities of students and parents as one of the effective forms of patriotic education."

The Russian people have always considered the idea of ​​patriotism in a wide range. Evidence of patriotism has been found since the time when military-historical documents and chronicles appeared. Remember "The Lay of Igor's Campaign."

Patriotism is always personal in nature and manifests itself in devotion and service to their homeland. In the "Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs" (1607-1621), patriotism was enshrined in law and was placed above all values ​​and virtues. Now this idea, the main principle of which has become "serving the Fatherland and one's neighbors", has become a bit vague concept .. Therefore, it is so necessary to take the experience of previous generations, develop this experience and prove your patriotism in practice. The patriotic education of schoolchildren acts as a unifying and stimulating factor in improving the quality of education in general. Outstanding teachers considered patriotism, a person's striving for the prosperity of the Motherland, to be the basis of his spiritual life. So, A.N. Radishchev noted that "a true man and a son of the Fatherland are one and the same."

I do not set high goals, but start small, I begin to instill love for the Motherland with knowledge and love for my family. It is no coincidence that patriotism includes:

• a feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised;

taking care of the interests of the family;

pride in your family;

respectful attitude to the past of the family, its customs and traditions;

responsibility for the fate of the family, its future, expressed in the desire to devote their work, the ability to strengthen the power and prosperity of the family;

humanism, mercy, universal human values ​​in relation to their family. If you cultivate these qualities in a child, he will learn to love his homeland.

Our work is aimed at ensuring that all our affairs and projects go through emotional experiences and become the guiding principles of their activities and behavior. Educational work in this case should not only be colorful and romantically upbeat, but also be distinguished by the depth and persuasiveness of factual material, be saturated with vivid examples of manifestation of patriotism. Of great importance in this component of patriotism is the creation of pedagogical situations that would include elements of discussions, a certain struggle of opinions, students defending their judgments, as a result of which they begin to develop their own internal position.

The main tool for solving this important and complex problem is to includestudents in a variety of practical activities and the formation of their skills and habits, experience of patriotic behavior.

No matter what they say, all people are guided in life not only by facts, but by experiences, and children - even more so. Everything that does not affect their experiences, does not leave a mark in the soul, they are not accepted, they only accept that which gives joy. Life is a constant interaction with the people around you. Common interests, common problems, common cause can bring the child closer to the family. How to find this common cause, how to make rapprochement with the family not a formality, how to attract parents to school, how to make these interests common? These questions haunted me.

Four years ago we decided to try a joint form of interaction - a project. We (these are parents and students) became participants in the RUSAL social project “100 class projects”. For the most part, this project became that happy accident that brought us closer together, and when we implemented it, we wanted to do something again together, to live with the same problems, to solve them together. And so for 4 years.

How did it all start? It all started with disagreements. After all, a child often hears a phrase from his parents: "And here we are ..., but in our time ...". Then we decided to find out, describe and preserve the history of different generations of people, when they were 13-14 years old, create a chronicle of Memory, a mobile stand in the classroom, organize a holiday-communication. The project was conceived to organize communication, interaction with parents.

We wondered what different people from different generations were like when they were 13-14 years old, because they lived in a different country, in a different century. We wanted to know what traditions they had, what symbols; what things they wore, what good deeds they did, what songs they sang, how they spent their leisure time, what traditions they observed, what ideals they aspired to, what they dreamed of, how they loved their homeland, their city and their family. We had to answer these questions. Parents got involved in this work. We wrote the Chronicle of Memory together.

We collected some attributes, things, objects and made a stand (this was our mobile mini-museum in the classroom). On the stand were stories, essays, poems about different generations, photographs of adults when they were 13-14 years old, and if there were not some photographs (they were not preserved), then our artists created an image from description and stories.

When the project was completed, the Generation Celebration "We all come from childhood" took place.

At the Festival, the results were summed up, an exchange of impressions, an excursion into history took place: we met and read the Chronicle of Memory, told what we learned and saw (this is our small stand-museum). Each generation showed its traditional holiday from childhood. We have shown, told, and maybe even proved that we are a worthy generation.

Then there was the project "Connection between times and generations", "Secrets of creating a hearth," "Sweet Mom's portrait". All these were projects that we did together with our parents.

Today we are already in the 10th grade. We are on the verge of choosing a profession, therefore the project that we have conceived and are implementing is called "The profession of my parents and my choice."

Working on projects became a bright event in life, making the teacher, parents and children like-minded people. We wanted to show, tell, and maybe even prove that we are different, but each generation is a worthy generation.

We do all this for the sake of searching for the truth and the connection of times, in order to preserve history, leave the memory of ourselves and our loved ones, gain experience of communication and mutual respect, revive traditions, draw the attention of other children to the history of their families, close people, to the history of their country. After all, love for the Motherland, in our deep conviction, begins with a family, with loved ones, with people who live next to us.

Now we are always together, we have common concerns, problems, but we have learned to solve them together. And now I am sure that the joint project activity of students and parents is one of the most effective forms of patriotic education.

Organization of joint project activities

adults and preschool children

Mordovina Olga Nikolaevna

Gostate budgetary professional educational institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Ust-Labinsk social and pedagogical college" Ust-Labinsk

In modern life, a preschool child receives a lot of various information. The task of adults (parents, teachers, educators) is to teach a child to find the necessary information, to assimilate it in the form of new knowledge. The use of modern pedagogical and information technologies in the work of a teacher of preschool children opens up new opportunities for the upbringing and training of preschoolers. The method of projects and the organization of joint project activities of adults and children is one of the effective technologies in the work of modern kindergartens.

The technology of project activity is a purposeful activity of adults and children, implemented according to a specific plan to solve search, research and practical problems in the chosen direction of the content of education.The purpose of the project activity isdevelopment of the child's free creative personality... At the heart ofproject activity is the organization of joint and independent activities of children and adults. The word "project" comes from the Latin word projects, which means thrown forward, protruding, protruding forward, and translated from Greek, this word means the path of research. A project is a concept, idea, image, embodied in the form of description, justification of calculations, revealing the essence of the concept and the possibility of its practical implementation.

The design method in the activities of preschool educational institutions is considered in detail in the scientific works of T.A. Danilina, L.S. Kiseleva, T.S. Ladoga,E. S. Evdokimova, M. B. Zuikova, E. P. Panko, Yu. V. Atemaskina, V. N. Burkov, V. T. Monakhova and others.

In the studies of domestic scientistsThis method is understood as:

    the option of integrating training and education of preschoolers;

    as a way of organizing the pedagogical process based on the interaction of a teacher, pupil and parents;

    as a step-by-step practical activity to achieve the set goal.

Today, the term "project method" is associated with the concept of "problem", in this regard, the project method is understood as a set of educational and cognitive techniques with the help of which one or another problem can be solved as a result of independent and joint actions of preschoolers, with the obligatory presentation of these results.

In the studies of domestic scientists L.V. Kiseleva,E.P. Panko, V.N.Burkov, V.T.Monakhova provides a classification of projects:

    types -research, creative, search, information, play, practice-oriented;

    scale - toshort-term, medium-term, long-term;

    types - individual, group, subgroup, pair

These evidence-based approaches to classifying collaborative projects between children and adults assist practitioners in organizing them.

According to E. Evdokimova, three stages can be distinguished in the process of involving preschoolers in project activities

3.5 - 5 years - the first stage, which the author E. Evdokimova designates as imitative and performing. At this stage, children participate in the project "on the sidelines", perform actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him, which does not contradict the nature of a small child

5-6 years - the second stage, characterized by the fact that preschoolers already have initial experience in project activities and various joint activities. Children can coordinate actions, more actively organize joint activities with their peers, they are able to fairly objectively assess their own actions and the actions of their peers, show a willingness to participate in projects proposed by adults, but also independently find problems that are the starting point of creative, research, experimental-orientational projects ...

6-7 years - the third stage, creative, at this stage an adult can develop and maintain the creative activity of children, create conditions for children to independently determine the goal and content of future activities, choose ways to work on a project and the ability to organize it.

The approach of E. Evdokimova largely takes into account the age characteristics of the involvement of preschoolers in project activities.

The organization of project activities in a preschool educational institution provides for a certain sequence andstages:



Each stage has a specific content and sequence of actions., The functions of the main participants in the selected project are determined

Organizational stage of project activities.

Teacher (educator) - determines the problem field and the general plan of action

Parents - are involved in the discussion of the problem, determine the topic and content of the work, together with the teacher, outline the tasks for the implementation of the goal, determine the "homework" for the parents and the organization of joint independent activities at home

Children - getting to know the topic and getting into the project.

Informational (basic)

stage of project activity.

Educators (preschool educational institutions specialists, teachers) plan joint activities with children in the educational process:

    production of visual aids, illustrations, handouts; - development of the content of the conversation with children on the topic of the project;

    selection or production of didactic games; selection of outdoor, finger games, poems, stories, riddles;

    organization of educational activities, classes, practical, project and experimental activities, excursions, etc .;

    organization of productive activities (drawing, modeling, KTD, etc.)

    organization of work with children on the development of speech: reading books and stories, learning poetry, examining illustrations and paintings;

    interaction with parents, teachers and specialists of the preschool educational institution, drawing up a project information card, making a booklet, memo or project passport.

Children are active participants in the educational process and in joint activities, experts in the search for new knowledge of the chosen project with parents and teachers.

Parents organize joint activities with their children at home, search for and analyze interesting information. a mini-center of activity on the project problem can be created in the child's room. Parents take part in creating a developing environment for the group (according to the instructions of educators), in making newspapers, leaflets, children's books, albums with children, in learning and writing poetry, songs, stories, etc.

The final stage of project activities

The final stage of joint project activities of adults and preschoolers involvesresult and product of the activity. As a result of the project activities, the goals and objectives of the selected project have been fulfilled. The product of the project can be an album, book, newspaper or video series of slides, the history of the selected topic. On sthe final stage must bepresentation of the theme and content of the project, as well as demonstration of the product of children's and joint activities.

When organizing joint project activities for adults and children, the educator must fully take into account modern approaches to the organization of the educational process. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education, five main educational areas are distinguished in the work of an educator:social and communicative development; physical development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development, which help adults in choosing the direction and topic of the project, in determining its content.The guiding principle in the work of a modern kindergarten teacher is the principle of integration, i.e. mutual influence, interpenetration and intersubject connections in the organization of the educational process.

Collaboration experienceeducators and educatorson project activities has importantPositive moments.

1. Changing the position of the educator. From the bearer of ready-made knowledge, the educator acts as the organizer of the cognitive, research activities of preschoolers and their parents.

2. Change in the psychological climate in the age group. Information and knowledge acquired during the development and implementation of the project become the property of children's personal experience and joint activities with parents. Parents participate in obtaining interesting and necessary knowledge for their child.

3. Project participants acquire the ability to analyze, choose and reason. Children learn to set a goal, select the means to achieve it, and evaluate the results.

4. In the implementation of joint project activities, social and communication skills are developed: the ability to negotiate, accept or not accept a different point of view, the ability to respond to ideas put forward by others, the ability to cooperate, to provide assistance - otherwise the goal to which children aspire will not be achieved ...

Thus, the pedagogical value of joint project activities lies in stimulating children's interest in the study of certain problems, for the solution of which it is necessary to have knowledge. Through joint project activities, adults can show children the application of various knowledge and information in practice. This allows us to consider the design method as an innovation in preschool education. Organized activities between teachers, parents and preschoolers are in the nature of cooperation, where other subjects of the educational process can also take part.

Consequently, joint project activities make the educational system of the preschool educational institution open for the active participation of children and their parents, and its main goal is the development of a free creative personality, which is determined by the development tasks and research tasks of children, where adults are assistants and active participants in their child's educational route. As a result of just such joint work, an independent, proactive, active personality of the child develops.

The forms of interaction between teachers and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. To answer this question “What is the interaction of a teacher with parents”, we turned to the dictionary of the Russian language by S. Ozhegov, where the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support.

The main purpose of all forms of interaction with the preschool educational institution with the family? establishing a relationship of trust? between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, fostering the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

Collective forms include parent-teacher meetings, conferences, "Round Tables", etc.

Individual forms include pedagogical conversations with parents; it is one of the most accessible forms of family bonding.

A separate group is made up of visual information methods. They acquaint parents with the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help to overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include recordings on a tape recorder of conversations with children, video fragments of the organization of various types of activities, regime moments, classes; photographs, exhibitions of children's works, stands, screens, moving folders.

Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular with both teachers and parents. There is no term “non-traditional forms of communication with parents” in the pedagogical literature; many preschool institutions use them. Non-traditional forms mean the use of elements of entertainment, game modeling, workshops with parents and others aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, attracting their attention to kindergarten. "

At present, in addition to the search for new forms of pedagogical education, its content is also changing.

Often in the preschool educational institution, events are held according to the principle of entertainment programs - KVN, "Pedagogical field of miracles", etc. Despite their diversity, such forms are characterized by the creation of a non-constrained environment, and a childish involvement in this work. But, as practice has shown, pedagogical content often fades into the background and work with parents is reduced only to joint leisure activities. In my opinion, it is important to build communication with parents, alternating traditional and non-traditional forms.

The purpose of non-traditional forms is to interest parents in the problems of raising their child, to form in them a respectful attitude to the work of educators, to introduce them to kindergarten life. Taking an active part in joint activities, parents change their attitude towards kindergarten. They try to help in organizing events, a confidential home environment is created, and, no less important, parents get closer to their child, begin to understand him better.

T.V. Krotova a classification of non-traditional forms has been developed. The author refers to them as informational - analytical ("mailbox"), leisure (joint leisure, holidays), cognitive (seminars - workshops, oral pedagogical journals), visual - informational (open days, information brochures for parents).

The meaning, the purpose of non-traditional forms is that parents have the opportunity to see their child in conditions different from those at home, they contribute to the parents' revision of their methods and techniques of upbringing. The "immersion" of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution is able to demonstrate to them the peculiarities of upbringing and teaching children in kindergarten.

In kindergarten, a variety of similar forms are often held: "Pedagogical living rooms", "Sit-downs", etc. The literature talks about the methodological aspect of work, i.e. about conducting special business games with educators that will help them move from traditional to more open forms of cooperation with parents on the basis of partnership.

Recently, a new form of work has been introduced and actively used in the preschool educational institution - project activity. By participating in projects, the child gets used to finding a way out of a difficult situation. In kindergarten, projects can only be for adults - for children. Children, parents, educators, and specialists of the preschool educational institution take part in such projects.

The essence of the concept of "project activity" is associated with such scientific concepts and categories as "project", "activity", which have a diverse nature, both from the point of view of various branches of scientific knowledge and from the point of view of different levels of scientific methodology.

A project is a set of certain actions, documents, preliminary texts, an idea for creating a real object, subject, creating a different kind of theoretical product.

Activity is a specifically human form of active attitude to the surrounding world, the content of which is its purposeful change and education.

Project activity is a form of educational and cognitive activity of students, which consists in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal.

Project activity is a conscious, reflexive extraction of new knowledge, creative abilities are manifested in it, which, in turn, are successfully developed in the course of an independent search. It can be thought of as:

ь a way of organizing the pedagogical process based on the interaction of a teacher and a pupil;

l the way of interacting with the environment;

ь step-by-step practical activity to achieve the set goal.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate the teacher the need to choose more effective means of teaching and upbringing based on integrated technologies, which is the project method. It is aimed at developing the personality of the child, his cognitive and creative abilities.

The project method was reflected in the ideas of Russian scientists of the 1920s: B.V. Ignatieva, V.N. Shulgin, N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, E.G. Kagarova, M.V. Krupenina. Soviet teachers believed that a critically revised project method would be able to ensure the development of creative initiative and independence in learning, the connection between theory and practice.

The project method can be presented as a way of organizing the pedagogical process based on the interaction of the teacher, the pupil and his parents, step-by-step practical activity to achieve the set goal (Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Pakhomova N.Yu.). Project activity develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, navigate the information space, work in a team, organize the process of cognition, which should end with a real result. This result can be seen, comprehended, applied in real, practical life.

In order to achieve such a result, it is necessary for all project participants to learn:

ь think independently, solve problems, attracting knowledge from different areas;

ь set goals and objectives and predict the result, plan the content of the activity.

Educators know that usually the preschooler's plan is ahead of his capabilities and the child needs the help of an adult, therefore, parents are involved in the implementation of project activities. The joint implementation of the plan by the child and his parents strengthens the child-parent relationship.

Another important feature of project activity is that it is targeted both in the process of communication and in the end result. According to N.E. Veraksa, “project activity has a pronounced coloration and ultimately becomes one of the few socially significant actions available to a preschooler.”

Project activity teaches a preschooler to take responsibility for the work done, increases his authority in front of peers and his own self-esteem.

Despite the general features of the structure, Veraksa N.E. identifies three main types of project activities: creative, research and normative, each of them has its own characteristics, structure and characteristic stages of implementation. Projects can have different topics, and in the process of their implementation, creative, educational, psychological and educational tasks are solved simultaneously and in parallel.

In kindergartens, research and creative projects aimed at developing the cognitive and communication skills of preschoolers are often planned and organized. Project activities also contribute to the development of a variety of play activities, the formation and strengthening of friendly interaction between children, the development and improvement of parent-child relations.

In the course of the project, there is both interaction and creative competition between parents and children. The atmosphere of play and fantasy allows you to throw off the mechanisms of self-control and show yourself from an unexpected side. By getting to know their loved ones better, children and parents become closer to each other.

According to A. Gustomyasova, a preschool institution is an institution of society, specially created for the socialization of a preschooler. At the same time, it was proved that the family and kindergarten, integrating their efforts in the process of socialization of the child, are able to ensure the completeness and integrity of the socio-pedagogical and cultural-educational environment in which the child lives, develops and self-actualizes. At the same time, success does not lie in duplicating or replacing the functions of one educational institution with another, but in their harmonious complementarity.

An effective means of integrating a preschool educational institution and the family is the joint project activity of educators, parents and children, which provides the conditions for the formation of the child's social competence.

A. Gustomyasova identifies the following advantages of joint project activities:

1. Providing personality-oriented interaction between the teacher and the child.

Joint project activities give the teacher a message not so much to teach as to help the child master the world around him, find meaning in joint activities, set a goal, plan and organize his actions in order to achieve it and thus acquire the qualities of a socially competent person.

  • 2. Formation of the competence of parents in the upbringing of their children.

Joint project activities allow the teacher to identify the individual interests of the project participants and form their competence. Involving parents in joint project activities gives them the opportunity to realize the existing experience and acquire new experience in constructing their own parental behavior, transmitting knowledge, attitudes and values, and models of competent behavior to children.

3. Establishing partnerships with the parents of the pupils.

Involvement in the project allows all family members to become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their pedagogical experience, discover unknown aspects of their own child, and experience a sense of satisfaction from their own successes and the child's successes. In such a situation, the teacher becomes an attractive communication partner.

The teacher designs, plans the system of influences on the child, its content, didactic components, predicts the result. Parents' erudition, life and professional experience serve as a source of information and real help to the teacher.

4. Joint project activities have a developmental potential, which consists in the development of communicative and emotional-motivational spheres of all project participants. This creates a general mood of enthusiasm for all project participants.

The interaction of educating adults has a positive effect on the physical, mental and social health of the child (which has been proven by domestic and Western scientists).

The main guideline in organizing project activities for us is the most important psychological needs of children (L. Semenova), including:

ь the need for love, need for another;

ь the need for understanding, respect for their unique feelings, desires, thoughts, actions;

ь the need for trust in the world around, other people;

ь the need for new impressions, an influx of information;

l the need of children for independence.

For work efficiency, I adapted the project implementation algorithm proposed by A. Gustomyasova to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

  • Stage 1 - preparatory. Main tasks: motivation of parents and their children for the forthcoming activity; the accumulation of the necessary knowledge in children (the topic of the project is discussed with the children, motivation for the upcoming activity is created); acquaintance of parents with the conditions and objectives of project activities, with its possible options; preparation of methodological and material-technical base, development of the final scenario.
  • Stage 2 - performing, the actual project activities of parents and children. The main tasks: development of the child's social competence in various types of cognitive activity, interesting and emotionally significant for the child; the formation of a habit among parents in the meaningful conduct of family leisure.

The educator acts as a consultant, advisor or direct participant in a family project.

Stage 3 - presentation of projects. The main task: getting a sense of satisfaction from the work done together. Form of holding: leisure, holiday, marathon.

Parents and children tell how they worked on the theme of the project, demonstrate the result of joint activities, share observations and experiences, evaluate their achievements, successes, discoveries. The project participants are awarded with applause, letters of thanks, sweet prizes.

Thus, we define joint project activities as an important way of harmonizing the social space of children's life, pedagogically expedient influence on the family environment, integrating the activities of a preschool institution and a family on raising a socially competent child.