Psychological portrait of a temperamental man. Where are the sexiest and most temperamental men

Finding the key to a man will help knowing his temperament - how to determine the temperament of a man?

Merry Troubadour

Are incorrigible optimists. They are always the soul of the company, a kind of geyser of good mood. One can say about them “a holiday man”, a real Troubadour, who knows how to make laugh and tune in a positive way. Such men are easy-going, love to travel, are often talented in music and singing, they are excellent on stage and often choose professions related to working with people. These are managers, brokers, actors, trainers-psychologists, teachers.

Their shortcomings: sanguine men are always cheerful, restless, but not capable of thoughtfulness and deep analysis of anything, including themselves. They are difficult to touch or provoke to a frank conversation. In their hearts, such men are always a little funny and stupid clowns, big children.

Always be a mystery to them, a source of inspiration, a muse. Occasionally change your hairstyle and even your image, make unexpected cute surprises for a man and in no case forbid him to communicate with friends.

Refined Prince

are rare. They are subtle natures, prone to blues and laziness. Since childhood, they have been writing poetry, playing some kind of instrument, they are not masculinely emotional. Due to their perseverance and sensitivity, such men often become good programmers, artists, they are well versed in technology, but they do not know how to competently sell their services. But they catch the mood of their beloved woman instantly and often understand their beloved much better than herself. Also, such sensitive and vulnerable Princes are wonderful lovers.

Their shortcomings: a woman will not feel like she is behind a stone wall next to her Prince. And the eternally melancholic mood, self-doubt and weakness of character of such men can be pretty annoying.

How to build relationships with them: the only sure way in a relationship with such a man is to become a Mommy for him.

Noble Count

unhurried, they try to do everything thoroughly and move through life slowly. They conquer even the women they like only by their perseverance. They love to collect collections or dig in their favorite car from morning to evening. They are incredibly assiduous, good-natured, not afraid of routine and can calmly take on all the responsibilities of the house. Such men are often wonderful fathers.

Their shortcomings: boring, constant to the arch of their cheekbones, meticulous, always come up with some rules for themselves and others.

How to build relationships with them: in no case should they put things in order at their homes without asking, not make any surprises, feed well, admire the collection of a thousand and one elephants gathered at their home, constantly praise and never change outwardly.

His Majesty the King

And finally, choleric men- "real colonels". In the life of the woman they love, they want to be nothing but the recognized King. Such men will never become engineers or programmers. They are born leaders who achieve their goal, if not by authority, then by force. They always go ahead, love adrenaline and are in a hurry to live. They are passionate lovers and ardent conquerors of women's hearts. It is pleasant to be the beloved of such a man, behind him is like a stone wall.

Their shortcomings: they are a little aggressive, they hardly adapt to another person, they are invariably sure that men are much smarter and better than women.

How to build relationships with them: be affectionate, obedient, constantly praise and admire. In general, to become a little girl for a choleric man, for whom dad is nothing but a god. The retinue makes the king.

Building a relationship with a man is not easy. But a little knowledge of psychology - and everything will work out!

A person who is characterized by an active life position and bright facial expressions and gestures is called temperamental. He has an impulsive and life-affirming character and wants to be the first in everything and always. Having chosen such a man as a partner, a woman should be ready for submission, since a lover with a hot temperament will be the undisputed leader in the relationship.

Personality features

Temperament is the individual properties of the psyche, characterized by human behavior. As a rule, its main features are inherent in a person from birth, but the environment can correct some of the features.

A temperamental man is a leader who, in any situation, is ready to take responsibility for those close to him and solve all problems. His opinion is considered authoritative and cannot be questioned. This impulsive person knows how to quickly analyze the situation in order to find the only correct solution.

A temperamental man does not like to sit in one place, and therefore is always in motion. In relations with women, he takes a leading position and always solves common issues on his own. He will never be bored with him, since such a person always has a lot of interesting ideas about spending time together.

As for work, such individuals do not like to obey, and therefore most often occupy leadership positions or work for themselves. They are used to participating in all work issues and actively expressing their opinions. Such people are not used to being in the shadows, and therefore may become enraged if their authority is not recognized.

A temperamental man has wisdom, prudence and tremendous willpower. The ability to restrain their emotions is not inherent in all representatives of this character, but many individuals try to smooth out their impulsivity with age.

A huge disadvantage of this nature is stubbornness, as well as an unwillingness to listen. Men with a bright temperament do not know how to restrain their feelings and always react sharply to insubordination. Protest is expressed in the form of a shout, active gestures and even a threat.

Temperament is not a negative trait, but requires constant monitoring of your own reactions. This means that a representative of this nature must study a lot in order to have sufficient knowledge, as well as be able to control himself in order to achieve an authoritative position.

Sex life

For a temperamental man, sex is an important part of a love relationship. The brighter his temperament, the more he will demand from his partner. Such a person is constantly looking for new sensations and can be rude and even cruel in bed. Therefore, as a companion, he will look for an emotional and liberated woman who is not afraid of experiments.

As a rule, men with a choleric or sanguine personality type have a temperamental character. This is due to the fact that these psychotypes are sociable and attractive, while phlegmatic and melancholic people prefer to remain in the shadows.

Sexual relationships in a temperamental man are always associated with passion. Such a person has a charismatic nature, and therefore knows how to attract the opposite sex to himself. Rarely is such an individual left alone. There are always women around him who are ready to succumb to his authority.

The most emotional nationalities

It is believed that a man's temperament is influenced by his origin. Most women who dream of a vibrant sex life are looking for representatives of certain nationalities as companions. These usually include Turks, Italians, Spaniards, Germans and French.

  • Turks- are the most temperamental men. They are distinguished by their sexuality, which has developed due to the combination of oriental mentality and natural temperament. In such partners, women are attracted by the fact that the Turks know how to speak beautifully and always try to extol the lady. Almost no woman can resist their charm and perseverance.

  • Italians- have an impulsive and tireless nature, which makes them attractive to many women. Italians are distinguished by an abundance of body hair, which indicates a high testosterone content. Their temperament is manifested in active gestures, sociability and cheerfulness. In addition, they are not averse to showing the ladies their admiration.
  • Spaniards- have a passionate and romantic character, complemented by temperament. They have attractiveness and sociability, but unlike Italians, they are able to remain faithful to their partner. These are emotional and explosive natures, able to cope even with a very strong opponent.

  • Germans- are distinguished by tirelessness and pedantry. Women appreciate them for their domineering character and ability to give pleasure. The Germans know what their partners expect from them and are always ready to please them. In addition, representatives of this nationality are not afraid of experiments and always express their emotions vividly.
  • French people- they know how to speak beautifully and surround their beloved with attention. Compared to the Turks and Italians, they have a less pronounced temperament, but they are distinguished by a strong character and a sharp mind. The French love to be in the spotlight, are able to convey information to the public, and therefore often enjoy authority.

How to determine a man's temperament?

In order to correctly determine the emotionality of a familiar man, a woman needs to pay attention to some of the features of his behavior. For example, if a person easily makes contact and adapts well to a new environment, then most likely he belongs to the sanguine personality type.

Sanguine is defined by loud and clear speech, accompanied by bright gestures. Their mood often changes, and therefore they can often turn from a sweet interlocutor into an aggressive opponent. In addition, sanguine people do not like monotony and monotony, and therefore are constantly looking for new sensations.

You can understand choleric in a man thanks to his unbalanced behavior. He quickly gets annoyed and shouts. It will not work to argue with such a person, since he will find a lot of arguments in his favor. This type of personality is determined by high conflicts and excessive straightforwardness. It is this psychotype that is most often found in temperamental people.

Impatience and monotony are inherent in phlegmatic people who prefer silence and tranquility. It is almost impossible to see them in the center of events, as they usually take an inconspicuous position. They do not know how to express their emotions and do not differ in clearly expressed gestures and facial expressions.

The melancholic has the lowest temperament. This type is characterized by resentment, secrecy and detachment. Such people do not like a large crowd of people and it is difficult to make new acquaintances. It is easier for them to hide feelings within themselves than to bring their own thoughts to the public.

It is almost impossible to meet the owner of this or that type of temperament in its pure form. Each person combines several types in himself, which allows us to call a large category of people a temperamental man. Even such a combination as "melancholic-sanguine" can be distinguished by bright emotionality and sociability. It's just that such a person will need more privacy than, for example, a "phlegmatic sanguine".

For information on how to determine the ideal man, see the next video.

Whether this man will be a good lover, whether he will cheat - of course, these questions are of concern to almost every woman ... But everything depends on the sexual temperament, which, in turn, is determined by the hormonal background.

According to experts, the sexual temperament of men is very individual. One man needs two or three intercourses a week, while another three times a day will not be enough. Potency is given to us by nature. There is nothing you can do about it.

According to the specialist, the level of temperament can be determined by the appearance of a man:

1. Height and figure

Most women describe their prince with the words "pumped up, tall, slender" ... But in vain! After all, real sex giants are small and stocky men with the figure of an orangutan. It is believed that the more a man resembles our fellow monkeys, the more tireless he is in bed. After all, we have sexuality by nature, and animals are closer to it than people.

2. Body hair

For the same reasons, increased hairiness is considered a sign of high sexuality. The owner of an impressive hairline is ready to have sex at almost any time of the day or night.

Short limbs almost always indicate the sexual strength of their owner. But the legend about the indefatigability of men with crooked legs seems to have been invented by the bow-legged themselves. Experts do not confirm this.

4. Fingers

Their length, both on the arms and on the legs, can tell a lot about a man's sexual abilities. If the fingers are long, it means that masculinity is slightly above average in length. Possessors of beautiful and graceful fingers tend to be extremely resourceful during the preliminary games.

The mouth speaks about a man more than any other part of the body. Large, thick and fleshy lips indicate a large size of manhood. The owners of narrow and hard lips, as a rule, are not endowed with a rich sexual fantasy. You won't have to expect any special delights in sex from them.

Experts distinguish three main types of male temperament - high, medium and low.

1. High temperament

They are called "sexually anxious." Such men really are constantly experiencing a craving for sex, as well as for all sorts of sexual experiments. As a rule, they often change partners, so if you meet an overly temperamental man, then do not expect loyalty from him.

Appearance: Sex giants usually do not have a very attractive appearance in terms of generally accepted standards, they have wide cheekbones, their height does not exceed 180 cm. The body is physically developed, thick hair. And one more sign of a "real man" is a strong natural smell. Hormones take their toll!

2. Average temperament

The overwhelming majority of men have such a temperament. Their libido can fluctuate, so they either show sexual activity, then their sex life is at zero. Most often, they prefer to have a permanent partner with whom they have sexual intercourse alone, at most three times a week. Often, in order to feel like a sex giant, they need some kind of "catalyst" - a certain partner or certain stimuli of sexual desire.

Such men do not have any special external signs, their appearance is the most common.

3. Low temperament

They have a weak craving for sex, and sometimes they can do without it for a long time. Some become homosexuals.

Outwardly, such men can be distinguished by high growth, thin facial features. Their attractive appearance is often liked by women who do not suspect that deep disappointment awaits them in an intimate relationship with such a man. Some of these representatives of the stronger sex look feminine, have a high-pitched voice, and the reason for this is again a lack of male hormones.

Experts also believe that bad habits, physical activity, and, in addition, psychological problems can influence a decrease in libido.

We should not smoke, drink, eat in moderation and play sports, ”advise sex therapists. If the reason for the misfires is hard work, stress and chronic fatigue, it is necessary to undergo a course of psychotherapy with a specialist. And most importantly, one should not be afraid of contacts with women, even if there is no certainty that the sexual intercourse will be excellent.

But the assertion that men cannot do without "this" and must use every opportunity to have sex, otherwise they can harm their body, doctors consider nothing more than a myth. According to recent studies, men who have one long-term partner are able to maintain their sexual function longer than those who regularly have sex with different partners.

“Abstinence can really do a lot of harm, but you don't need to think that“ for health ”you need to have sex all day,” says sexologist Yuriy Prokopenko. "First of all, you need to lead an intimate life as often as you want."

From time to time we hear that someone is temperamental. More often it is said about men, but it is not uncommon now for a temperamental woman. Whole nationalities are also called temperamental. But what does this mean? How correct is this statement? Does it have anything to do with temperament, in the usual sense of the word? What is temperamental? Is it good or bad to have such qualities?

Who is a temperamental person?

A temperamental person is a somewhat incorrect use of the scientific concept of "temperament". The fact is that everyone has their own temperament. But from this, everyone without exception does not become temperamental. In the usual sense, temperamental is one who has pronounced emotions, pride, decisiveness. There is no direct connection with temperament.

There are the following types of temperament: (cheerful), (calm), (vulnerable), (emotional). Depending on the type of personality, there are (communicators) and (thinkers) who interact with the outside world in different ways.

Only sanguine and choleric people have characteristics characteristic of temperamental people... Whiny melancholic and inert phlegmatic people do not fall under their criteria. We will not find temperamental people among introverts. It is necessary to understand that a temperamental person is a folk characteristic of a personality that has nothing to do with temperament in the broad sense of the word.

What is the manifestation of temperament?

You can recognize a temperamental person by his actions, interaction with others. In private, temperament is not manifested. Therefore, from the number of applicants, all unsociable or uncommunicative personalities are immediately swept aside. Also, you should not look for a temperamental person among insecure people, with low self-esteem, prone to constant experiences, self-flagellation.

It is unlikely that any of us have heard that "someone closed in his room, sobbing temperamentally into the pillow." Completely different actions are expected from a temperamental person.

What allows you to define this type? Is it easy to recognize such a person? What to look for? So, the signs of a temperamental person:

  • Increased activity;
  • Emotionality;
  • Impulsiveness;
  • Passion;
  • Gambling;
  • Riskiness;
  • Initiative;
  • Quick response;
  • Determination;
  • Confidence in your strength.

Similar traits can be endowed equally men and women... A temperamental lady is now not uncommon, as is a temperamental macho. Popular culture gave rise to a fashion for such people.

Thanks to the stereotyped thinking, temperament is attributed even to entire peoples, for example, the Spaniards, Armenians, Mexicans. Although this opinion is erroneous, because each person is individual, and we sometimes judge other nations only by communication with their individual representatives.

Determine temperament at home it is more difficult, because there is no such exact test. But you can find out its presence indirectly by determining your type of temperament. If this is a sanguine person, or a choleric person with a tendency to extraversion, then there is a high probability that he is able to show his temperament. ...

Temperamental person. Advantages and disadvantages

Is it worth it to be upset when you learn about your temperament, or does its presence only make life easier? As in most other cases, there is no definite answer. It has its pros and cons.

The benefits of temperament are closely related to the activity of its owners. Firstly, such people do not give offense to themselves and their loved ones. They will always defend their rights. Secondly, they make decisions faster, think more quickly, and act with lightning speed. Thirdly, they are not boring, because temperamental people are always full of ideas and suggestions. Fourth, temperament is the key to success at work. Its owners are more likely to occupy leadership positions, build their careers faster, and actively expand business ties. Fifth, it is much easier for them to create a relationship by arousing interest in the opposite sex.

Everything seems to be great, but let's talk about weaknesses as well. Disadvantages of temperament consist in impulsiveness and incontinence. Temperamental people do not always know how to control their emotions, which can anger or offend others. Accordingly, not all types of temperament get along with them. Excessive assertiveness also plays a cruel joke with its owner, because moving forward is not always the right strategy.

But if a temperamental person learns to manage his unbridled demeanor, then good prospects open up before him.

How to build a relationship with a temperamental person?

Regardless of who is in front of us: a temperamental man or a temperamental woman, the principles of dialogue with them are similar. After all, what is temperamental? In fact, it is a leader. This means that it is worth communicating with him as with a winner. Therefore, it is still easier for men to try on this role. From a woman, in the old fashioned way, they expect tenderness, care, warmth. Although in our society for a long time, many ladies have acquired the "iron" attributes of the masculine principle.

If paired two temperamental individuals meet, then the "fireworks" of emotions are provided for them. And, at the same time, and the regular "pulling the blanket" from side to side. Their union can be successful, but for this, both need to learn to compromise, listen to each other.

In the case when one of them is not so temperamental, he should respect the leading role of the partner. In no case, do not infringe on his personal space and pride. Otherwise, it will cause protest and an emotional flurry in response. But if his leadership role suits everyone, then why not make this compromise?

As it became clear from the article, a temperamental person is not just the owner of any temperament, but certain psychological type, with a peculiar demeanor. Today, both a temperamental man and a temperamental woman can equally often meet, because society erases gender specificity. But it is necessary to pay tribute to traditions - the first one has an easier life than the second. At the same time, it is much easier for all temperamental people to arrange their personal and professional life. So, temperament is more an advantage than a disadvantage.

Every person, at least sometime, thought about what his temperament is. In addition, other needs are also not bypassed - the need to love and be loved, the need for recognition and praise, sexual relations ... But each person has his own temperament.

Women are all a bit of an actress, it is easier for them to get closer to a loved one, knowing his strengths and weaknesses. Men, on the other hand, in terms of character, although more persistent, are less flexible. You can move mountains for your beloved, but shaving every day is forgive me, and no persuasion will help.

As for sexual temperament, here you can make some interesting discoveries that will help not only to better understand the nature of some men, but also to find something that will be interesting to him. You may even be able to discover new interests for yourself.


The definition of "metrosexual" or "new man" was coined as recently as 1994 by journalist Mark Simpson. He meant males who, in one way or another, stood out among the stronger sex with their bright appearance - well-groomed and attractive owners of delicate taste. These guys are not interested in football and beer, but in musicals and the latest cosmetics.

The advantage of this definition is that the metrosexual guy is now heterosexual, and is no longer associated with homosexuals, although they are somewhat similar in lifestyle, appearance and, in part, behavior.

Although, the author of the term himself gave it a slightly different definition - “... this is a wealthy young man living in the metropolis or nearby, since it is there that all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are concentrated. Officially, he can be gay, hetero or bisexual, but that means absolutely nothing, since he clearly chose himself as an object of love and pleasure - as a sexual preference. " Their temperament is expressed:

  • softness;
  • sophistication;
  • mannerism;
  • gloss;
  • sexuality.

These types of men are not the opposite of the previous one, but rather a completely different, completely different representative of the stronger sex by convictions. The British Collins Dictionary defines him as "the one who considers advanced intelligence to be the most sexually attractive trait."

The definition of "sapiosexual" appeared in everyday life thanks to Marianne Faithfull, a British actress who, quite by accident, during an interview, gave a definition to a new style that was gaining popularity among progressive youth. It was the image of a big school nerd, with terrible square-rimmed glasses and a plaid shirt buttoned up to the very neck, in fact, had nothing to do with the classic geeks that everyone was used to.

But such an image, first of all, still speaks of intellectuality, and only secondly - about style. Jose Herrera, a psychologist, believes that sapiosexual is just a new name for a long-known phenomenon such as the nineteenth century dandy, which can be safely called a metrosexual. This culture migrated from the era of technological rise, when the passion for science and thinking was at the height of fashion, when inventors and scientists became idols.

A lambersexual is a guy you recognize from afar. A stylish look and a luxurious well-groomed beard will immediately distinguish him in any crowd, and if he is also fond of sports, then the attention of the girls is definitely guaranteed!

The name of this definition - lumbersexual, comes from the English "Lumberjack" - woodcutter or woodcutter. It was the image of the inhabitants of North America, lumberjacks, ordinary guys with stocky figures, beards and in plaid shirts that formed the basis of a new fashionable style.

They are driving out metrosexuals everywhere, who are already fed up with society. Today we need real men - strong and strong-willed, capable of slaying a bear. A striking example of lambersexuality is a photo of Hugh Jackman, one of the brightest representatives of this type. By the way, just a type. They differ from metrosexuals only in appearance, but in fact they are typical city dwellers.

Their work is connected with the latest technologies, their beard and hair are always well-groomed, they have a taste, and they still prefer homemade food. It is also worth mentioning that this collective image originates from the subcultures of homosexuals, where the images of a lumberjack and a bear have been cultivated for a long time.


Ever wondered what asexual means? For example, an asexual guy, according to the majority, is a loser who does not have any sexual contact, and knows about sex only thanks to stories and the Internet. But in fact, the essence of this term goes much deeper.

  • First, asexuals often have no sexual attraction to either sex.
  • Secondly, they can be completely normal, attractive people and can even build close relationships with girls.
  • Thirdly, asexuals can physically have sex, and some even do it, but they do not experience the pleasure of the process at all.

It is very difficult to find the reason for this behavior, since this reason is unique for each case of asexual behavior and it is very difficult to get an unambiguous answer to the question of why people manifest asexuality. It is also important to remember that this sexual orientation is different from anti-sexuality, even though they share some common traits.

Spornosexual is another collective image of a man who has come to replace metrosexuals who have outlived their usefulness. Now the lover of movies and restaurants with fine food has been replaced by the sports lover, focused on self-development, looking like a model from an underwear ad, but without ads and without underwear. But still, spornosexuals are special types of men:

  • this is not a revolution in male beauty standards;
  • it is a departure from extremes towards a healthy lifestyle;
  • it is a shift away from narcissism towards self-improvement;
  • this is another step from words to action.

Today, the culture of sporesexuality is gaining a place not only among young people. More and more men, who have already formed as individuals, begin to visit the gym "for themselves", engage in self-improvement, look after their appearance, and look for style in clothes. But, despite the fact that on these grounds it is possible to define a metrosexual, these two types cannot be compared.

A striking example of this, Hollywood stars, who radically changed their appearance not only for the role in one film, but also continued to develop further, more and more acquiring an Apollo appearance. Good examples of such progress - Henry Cavill, who starred in the title role of the movie "Man of Steel" and Christian Bale, who has been playing the role of Batman since 2005 - they are the very colorful personalities that characterize this type.


Bisexuality has long been considered a full sexual orientation. And, perhaps, the male temperament has nothing to do with it, because girls during the transitional age are very actively interested in individuals of their own sex, but over time, they still gravitate only to one of the sexes.

The overwhelming majority nevertheless become heterosexual, and only a small part, for one reason or another, become homosexual. Bisexual men are not so rare in the world, but society is still more inclined towards bisexual women, who, in principle, are more inclined to openly demonstrate their own preferences.

Also, in relation to women who are in a relationship, there are no prejudices that the stronger sex may face. Research by scientific psychologists indicates that:

  • only 25% of the people studied are completely heterosexual;
  • only 5% of those surveyed are homosexual;
  • about 70% are, in fact, bisexual, in one way or another.