The most colorful festivals in brazil. Brazilian carnivals and carnival in rio de janeiro

At the end of February, in the midst of summer, Brazil hosts one of the most colorful and fun activities on the planet - Carnival!

The annual Brazilian carnival (and not just Rio) takes place forty days before Easter, officially starting on Friday before Ash Wednesday, and takes place not only in Rio de Janeiro, but also in the cities of Sao Paulo, Salvador, Recife, Porto Seguro.

The word "carnival" comes from the phrase "carnelevare" (removal from meat), which in Portuguese sounds like "carnival" and means that during the fast, Catholics and other Christians traditionally abstained from eating meat, and the festival was just a celebration last nourishing days before Great Lent. However, the true history of the carnival is lost among the ancient Greek Bacchanals and the Roman Saturnalia.

The first Brazilian carnival in Rio de Janeiro was first held in 1641, when the city's bourgeoisie brought with them from Paris practical knowledge of balls and masquerades. Initially, the form of the festival was purely European, but then elements of African and American Indian culture were added to it. So in 1723, Portuguese settlers who arrived from the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands brought with them the custom of "entrudo" - a holiday before Lent, when it was customary to have fun, pouring water on each other, sprinkling with flour and chalk, beans and corn, and throwing bombs, eggs and other, sometimes not harmless, objects.
The townspeople often complained about the entrudo participants, and the holiday was banned by royal decree and gradually moved to the houses and salons of the nobility.

But the common people were also not going to give up the holiday. At the same time, an alternative type of carnival emerges - "cordões" - columns consisting only of men. Macho danced to Brazilian-African music and behaved quite violently. And in 1852, the shoemaker José Nogueira de Azevedo Paredes, having gathered friends and percussion instruments, took to the streets of the city during the carnival days with songs and dances, which added to the popularity of the street carnival. And now "ze-pereira" - a group of different-caliber drums - is an indispensable attribute of the holiday.

In the 1870s, many blacks, former coffee plantation slaves, came to Rio in search of work. Together with African culture, they brought to the carnival "ranchos" - carnival groups united by a common theme. Both men and women participated in these groups. "Ranchos" existed not only during the days of the carnival, they operated all year round and were a kind of "social clubs" and prototypes of modern "samba schools".

In 1889, the first female composer of Brazil, Chiquinha Gonzaga, commissioned one of the "ranchos" to write the song "O Abre Alas" (Move aside, I want to pass). It was the first "marcha" (song-march), written especially for the carnival, its cheerful rhythm was supposed to organize the movement of the dancers. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, the first samba came to the carnival - the most famous Afro-Brazilian music, whose fiery rhythms sound in Brazil (and not only) all year round. So the carnival changed, gradually acquiring the original Brazilian features.

In 1907, Avenida Central opened in Rio, and the main action of the carnival moved there. At the same time, "Corso" appeared - corteges of decorated cars, from which cheerful young people showered the audience with confetti and serpentine. In the 20-30s of the XX century, every self-respecting car owner sought to provide his car for the Corso.

All these columns and groups were the source of the "samba schools" - the main active processions of the modern Brazilian carnival. The first of them - "Deixa Falar" - was founded in 1928 in the Estacio quarter, and in 1932 the first parade of samba schools took place, however, it is still unofficial. However, already in 1935, the first official carnival parade took place on 11 June Square. Since then, the venue for the carnival has changed several times, until in 1984 Sambadrome was built on the Marquis Sapukai Avenue, designed by the outstanding Brazilian architect Oscar Nimeira. This unique three-storey building is 700 meters long, 13 meters wide, and its stands can accommodate more than 70 thousand people.

Nowadays, carnival officially starts on Friday and ends on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday), although the festivities start much earlier. The ceremonial opening of the carnival takes place at the moment the mayor of Rio de Janeiro hand over the keys to the city to the "owner" of the holiday - King Momo, who is elected from the fattest men and must weigh at least 110 kg. Until Tuesday, King Momo becomes the sovereign overlord of the city for 4 days and has the right to make and repeal laws. However, he does not abuse this, since he has more pleasant duties - the king must attend about 200 balls and competitions and invariably be present at the Sambadrome, and the king must dance and have fun at all events.

The apotheosis of the carnival is the parade of "samba schools". For three nights in a row, a series of fantastically designed platforms with sultry beauties constantly dancing, whose outfits consist only of feathers and sequins, pass in front of the audience, raging with delight. Their thousands-strong retinue, dressed in stunning costumes, scatters fireworks, drums thunder, shout "cheerleaders", and all this is continuously dancing samba, samba, samba !!!

Of course, the main events of the carnival take place at the sambadrome, but this is not limited to this. Costume balls and parties are held throughout the city, the most famous of which is the magic ball at the Copacabana Palace Hotel, which attracts celebrities from all over the world, and the official costume competition at the Gloria Hotel.

On Friday, the opening day, there is also a parade of children's samba schools, which are organized according to the principle of adults. And in general, during the Brazilian carnival, any place where there is music becomes a sambadrome. We can say that the whole of Brazil is turning into a solid sambadrome!

The intensity of passions at the carnival is such that the authorities distribute more than 10 million free condoms every year. The Catholic Church, although it does not consider the carnival to be a godly deed, does not in any way interfere with its holding, and even spends many thousands of masses in the stadiums these days.

The sambadrome seats are of different categories. The best are in the 9th, "tourist" sector. Ticket prices start at $ 1,500. There is an excellent overview, tables, numbered seats, unlimited drinks and food, an increased level of security and the necessary infrastructure - from bars to first-aid posts and regular transfers. The services are by no means superfluous - the holiday lasts all night until 6 in the morning, rare taxis are carried at a double rate, and the number of crime on the days of the carnival increases significantly.

Men also need to take into account the fact that not all local beauties who are inflamed with passionate love for you will have in mind exactly your person, and not your wallet, camera, phone and other values.

You can also buy seats in open boxes for sambadrom - from $ 50, but they are sold in a "set" of 12 pieces (the entire box). Free places are occupied by the local population in advance and are characterized by a complete lack of amenities, cramped conditions and the danger of losing valuable things.

However, there is a great opportunity to "feel" the carnival, as they say, on your own skin. For 500-600 dollars you can buy a costume from one of the schools and walk 700 meters in a carnival column, dancing samba. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be able to dance samba: they say that once in the procession, the body itself begins to move in the right rhythm.

It is necessary to book hotels and places for the sambadrome much in advance, since during the carnival prices increase significantly.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a holiday that will remain in your memory for a lifetime.

And so we arrived in Brazil for the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Nothing can stop us from attending one of the most colorful and exciting events in the world.

Carnival in Rio is unforgettable

The flowing alcoholic drinks and the excited crowds of contented people around you testify that you have attended the Rio de Janeiro carnival. In this article, we will try to answer your most asked questions about the largest party in the world, which takes place in Rio every year.

There are some tips to help you during your vacation. If you decide to have a good time and come to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, do not miss the opportunity to walk the streets, dance samba and give a good back seat shake.

Do I need tickets for the Rio de Janeiro Carnival?

Remember that tickets are bought only for official samba competitions, at a special samba site in Brazil. All famous samba schools in the world show their skills on such sites. The cost of such tickets can range from $ 60 to $ 1000. Everything else is completely free.

The street parties at the Rio Carnival take place on a grand scale. On the streets during the carnival, you will surely meet people dressed in special carnival costumes and shirts. If you like the rhythm of the dance or just people seem to be good, feel free to join them as they dance.

Is Rio Carnival Safe?

I can answer this question with complete confidence. Yes! Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is safe for all people who have come to this wonderful celebration of incendiary dance.

But you shouldn't expect excessive manners from people. For example, you may be on your feet, or you may be caught in a rain of beer. But you do not need to take such actions from the bad side. This is the carnival in Rio - a celebration for which people come from all over the world.

The best and cheapest place to stay during the Rio carnival

Particularly popular with local lovers to have a great rest, and among those who came to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro for the first time, Copacabana is popular. This is one of the most famous sea beaches in the world.

There you can see the most colorful parties in Brazil. And believe me, you simply won't be bored.

What to take with you

I advise you to take less unnecessary things with you. Of those that you may need at the carnival, I can recommend a wallet and a mobile phone. This is perhaps enough to have a great time at the carnival.

But keep in mind that it is better to keep the wallet on your belt. You never know what can happen during a fiery dance. It may just fall out and you will hardly be able to find it. And it is better to store your mobile phone in a plastic bag. This will keep your phone free of water during outdoor activities.

In some cities of Rio, special water tanks are installed during the carnival. Of these, people are watered so that they can cool slightly. It will be very hot during the festivities. There is one more important fact you should know. Rio de Janeiro's Carnival may continue after sunrise. So don't be surprised if you see people with mattresses on the street.

Are there any restrictions on the carnival?

It is forbidden to bring glass and polystyrene objects at the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. Video filming is prohibited. Especially strictly at the carnival with all kinds of firecrackers. Do not take an umbrella with you to the carnival.

First, you will obstruct the view for people standing next to you. And secondly, it is not accepted to come with an umbrella to the carnival. If you want to protect yourself from the water at the carnival, take a special waterproof cape with you. She will help you to fully enjoy the carnival and not get wet.

What rules must be followed?

In no case should you relieve yourself on the street. Brazil is a liberal country, and Rio in particular. But there is a line that should not be crossed. Breaking this rule can get you into big trouble.

If you are caught by a police officer, you will be arrested. And also spend the bulk of your carnival budget paying a huge fine.

What currency is relevant for the carnival?

All kinds of shops and street vendors accept dollars, euros and pounds.

It is worth noting that if you come to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro and do not change the currency for the desired one - most of the time on vacation, you will spend on currency exchange. So deal with such questions in advance.

Toilets in Rio de Janeiro

Toilets in Rio can be found both on the street, in special places, and in restaurants and shops. But keep in mind that they are not free. During the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, be prepared to queue for the toilet.

The queue will be rather big, believe me. Yes, and for each such visit, you will have to shell out from one to two dollars for using the toilet.

What about transportation costs?

To begin with, I would like to say the following. To make it easier to navigate in Rio de Janeiro - stay close to the metro station. By the way, using the metro can significantly reduce your transportation costs.

Metro tickets in Rio de Janeiro will cost you about three dollars. You can also take the bus. The bus ticket costs two and a half dollars one way.

Is it easy to meet someone during the Rio Carnival?

As mentioned above, the carnival in Rio de Janeiro is one of the biggest celebrations. And while resting on it, you can take advantage of the unique opportunity to make new acquaintances. Local girls are very hot.

Especially during the carnival. And do not miss the opportunity to make new acquaintances. The same goes for men. So relax and get the most out of Rio's Carnival. You will remember this holiday for a lifetime.

Enjoy your stay!

Video Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Carnival in Brazil takes place annually in February or March, begins 40 days before Easter and symbolizes the approach of Lent (carne vale is translated as "goodbye, meat"). The whole country walks, but the largest is the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, which even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

The Brazilian Carnival officially lasts 5 days, and the 6th day is the main parade of champions.

  • V 1st and 2nd day- the opening ceremony of the carnival and parades of the Second League schools, which compete for the right to be among the 12 best next year.
  • 3 and 4 days are considered the main ones, because representatives of 12 schools of the First League will pass through the Sambodrome.
  • V Day 5 there is a parade of children's schools.
  • A parade of champions held in 3 days - 6 schools will perform in it: 5 from the First League and 1 from the Second League.

In addition to the parade at the Sambodrome, you will have many opportunities to join the carnival processions on the streets of the city. And before the parade, the main rehearsals are held at the Sambodrome, which you can watch for free.

*Sambodrome is a special street for street processions and carnivals with stands for spectators. Sambodrome in Rio was created in 1984. Its area is 85,000 m² and can accommodate about 80,000 people.

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Carnival in Rio de Janeiro 2019: schedule of events

March 1, Friday

13:00 - the opening ceremony... The mayor of Rio will hand over the keys to the city to King Momo, the character who rules during the carnival. They choose him from among the local residents, tall and weighing more than 100 kilograms.

21:00 at the Sambodrome (Preliminary Parade) part 1.

March 2, Saturday

09:30 - performance by Cordão do Bola Preta(Downtown).
16:00 (meeting point - General Osório square, Ipanema).
20:00 - competition of amateur dance groups on Av. Rio Branco, Centro.
21:00 - "preliminary" parade of samba schools at the Sambodrome part 2.

23:00 - Magic Ball at Copacabana Palace Hotel.

March 3, Sunday

22:00 - the main parade of samba schools at the Sambodrome part 1.

March 4, Monday

22:00 - the main parade of samba schools at the Sambodrome part 2.

March 5, Tuesday

16:00 - performance by Ipanema "s Band.
21:00 - parade of children's samba schools at the Sambodrome.
23:00 - Gay Ball in Scala Rio.

March 9, Saturday

22:00 - parade of champions.

Interesting facts about samba schools in Rio de Janeiro

In total, there are more than 70 samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, which are divided into 6 groups: the Main Group, the Preliminary Group, as well as leagues B, C, D and E. B. It is the Main and the Preliminary leagues that compete for the championship at the Sambodrome. You can see the rest of the schools at the processions that will take place on the streets of the city.

The main league consists of 12 schools, and the Preliminary one of 10. The performances of each school at the Sambodrome lasts 80 minutes, so take this into account when planning your visit.

On Wednesday, the day after the parade of children's schools, the jury sums up the results, and then the Parade of Champions is held with the participation of representatives of the best schools. Schools ranked 1-3 will receive cash prizes. And the school with the lowest ranking in the Major League is downgraded to the Preliminary, and vice versa - the best school from the Preliminary League will compete in the Major next year.

Preparations for the next carnival will begin immediately after the end of the current one. You can imagine how much time, effort and money is spent on preparing programs, costumes, and mobile platforms. Costumes for girls weigh from 5 to 80 kilograms.

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What do you need to get to the Rio Carnival?

1. Flights

2. Accommodation in Rio

You need to book as early as possible, ideally six months before the carnival, because good budget options fly off instantly.

  • A place in a hostel costs $ 8-15 per day, and the closer the holiday starts, the higher the prices.
  • A hotel room or a room in an apartment will cost you from $ 30,
  • and the apartment as a whole - from $ 60 per night.

To save money, you can settle in one of the small towns near Rio, for example, in Niteroi.

You can go couchsurfing, but keep in mind that on the eve of the carnival, locals receive dozens of requests, so it is important to stand out, interest the host and be ready to communicate.

Hotel advice: in order not to feed the taxi drivers who strive to deceive the gullible (and drunk) tourist, settle within walking distance from the metro station. On carnival days, the subway in Rio is open around the clock, trains leave every 10 minutes.

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3. Paid participation in the carnival

There are 4 possibilities, the costs of which differ significantly.

3.1. Buy seats in the stands of the Sambodrome ($ 95-1000)

The ticket price for the samba parade held at the Sambodrome depends on:

  1. Selected Event: Preliminary Parade, First League School Parade, Champions Parade;
  2. block of places (distance from the street along which the participants are moving);
  3. sector.
  • Sectors - from $ 130 to $ 200.
  • VIP sector - from $ 460 to $ 1000.
  • Separate armchairs - $ 150.
  • Sectors - from $ 95 to $ 205.
  • VIP sector - from $ 285 to $ 625.
  • Separate armchairs - $ 125.

You can buy a ticket on the official website of the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
But there is unverified information that it is cheaper to buy a ticket on the spot than from intermediaries and on the Internet. Tickets appear at the Sambodrom ticket offices in early January. You can try to contact compatriots living in Rio and get tickets without overpayment for a small financial gratitude.

3.2. Participate in the parade at the Sambodrome ($ 200-3000)

There is an amazing opportunity to participate in the parade as part of one of the samba schools. To do this, you need to negotiate with the school representatives and buy a suit from them.

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3.3. Attend one of the costume balls ($ 80-185)

Before and during the Brazilian Carnival, costume balls are held in Rio de Janeiro, the most famous and expensive of which takes place at the Copacabana Palace Hotel. Tickets must be bought in advance (the earlier, the more prestigious the chosen event).

3.4. Attend parties at samba schools ($ 4-8)

This is the most affordable option, usually from $ 4 (15 BRL) to $ 8 (30 BRL) for entrance to the Samba Hall (school headquarters). The most famous schools are Mangueira, Salgueiro, Unidos da Tijuca and Vila Isabel, they are located close to each other and you can visit several during the night. Dancing usually starts after midnight, many schools are on the edge of the slums, so it is safer to go to the party with the company.

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4. Free participation: carnival on the city streets

Most of the locals do not have fun in the Sambodrome, but in the streets. In different parts of the city, whole neighborhoods are blocked and dance parties with incendiary music are held there, everyone can become a participant. Such parties begin long before the carnival, back in January.

The organizers are the so-called blocos - a group consisting of musicians performing samba dance and notorious party-goers. The most popular parties take place in the areas of Copacabana, Leblon, Ipanema, Jardim Botanico, Lagoa, as well as in the city center. 269 ​​"blockos" are officially registered, which will hold about 500 parties in the 2019 season.

The largest group is Cordao do Bola Preta, with about 200,000 people annually attending their parties. Simpatia e Quase Amor attracts about 100,000 participants, and Monobloco - about 80,000. All of them arrange festivities on Avenida Rio Branco, one of the largest streets in Rio.

Festival in Rio de Janeiro - the biggest holiday in Brazil. Residents of the country are looking forward to this holiday throughout the year. As soon as one festival is over, they are already eagerly awaiting and preparing for the next one. The main holiday season in this amazing country begins with exciting Christmas and ends with an annual carnival. In Brazil, the carnival begins almost immediately after the celebration, and ends 2-3 weeks later than the official end date of the holiday. At this time, according to the established tradition, no important issues are resolved, and no business is done. The whole country is in a festive mood.

Everyone knows that the carnival in Rio de Janeiro takes place at a different time every year. Despite the fact that this is a pagan holiday, the date of its holding is calculated according to the calendar. Catholic Church... The date of the carnival is calculated according to the Easter holiday, counting back from it, to the New Year holidays, 7 weeks. The received date will mean the time of the festival, which takes several days. Thus, this year, the festival in Brazil will be held from 8 to 15 February. The beginning of Lent, according to the Catholic faith, means the end of the festival.

Brazilian Carnival originates from a Portuguese holiday Shrovetide... The Portuguese have celebrated this holiday since the beginning of the 15th century, during which people threw rotten eggs at each other and sprinkled them with flour. Thus, they demonstrated their complete emancipation... By the end of the 19th century, the festival in Brazil had gained great popularity and various performances. During the period of the carnival, every night in the central dance square of Rio de Janeiro, competitions are held samba performers... For the sake of the festive procession, in the capital of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, a huge * sambodrome * was built, accommodating about 100 thousand spectators. The carnival is monitored by a strict jury, which evaluates every movement and every word of the participants of the festival, and, based on the results obtained, selects the winners of the festival. No more than 90 minutes are allotted for the presentation of each samba school, during which each of them demonstrates its skills in full. Every year, about half a million tourists from different countries of the world come to the carnival in Brazil, who want to see this beauty, and some, the most desperate, and take part.

Brazil has never seen such a carnival as in 2014. The scale of the festive show amazed even local residents. It was a gorgeous colorful performance in which they took part all samba schools in the country... Each of them presented entire performances on a specific topic. The costumes and the quality of the performance exceeded all expectations of the audience. Bright colors and a huge amount of sparkles, the loud roll of drums, to which samba dance, and the painted inhabitants of the city. All this leaves an unforgettable experience. Having seen such a sight once, you will remember it for the rest of your life. The festival begins according to a long-standing tradition, according to which the mayor of the city transfers the keys and the rule of the city to the chosen king of the carnival. During the official holiday period, which is 4 days, the city is ruled by a * king *.

After the solemn part, crazy fun begins, looking at which hardly anyone would guess that every movement of this holiday was rehearsed for many months. Carnival in Brazil will leave behind wonderful memories for its spectators and participants.

Official website of the festival:

Photos from

Festival video