To read the tale of the silver hoof. Bazhov "Silver hoof

Silver Hoof - the storyteller Bazhov. The tale can be read to children online, or downloaded to your phone or computer in three formats fb2, txt, rtf. You can see more works in the collection of fairy tales in the Tales of Bazhov section

There lived one old man in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani has no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew whom, but the neighbors said:
- Recently on Glinka the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the lord's needlework, and no one needs one girl by the age of six. Here you take it.
- It’s unacceptable for me with a girl. The kid would be better. I would teach him his work, he would grow an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?
Then he thought and thought and said:
- I knew Grigory and his wife too. Both are cheerful and dexterous
Will it only go? The neighbors explain:
- She has a bad life. The bailiff gave the hut to Grigoriev to some griever and ordered to feed the orphan until he grows up. And that one has a family of more than a dozen. They themselves do not eat their fill. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. She, though small, understands. It's a shame to her. How will not go from such a life! Yes, and you will persuade, come on.
- And that's true, - replies Kokovanya, - I'll persuade you somehow.
On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees that the hut is full of people, large and small. On the golbchik, by the stove, a girl is sitting, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinny that rarely will anyone let such a hut. The little girl is stroking this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovan looked at the girl and asked:
- Is this a present from Grigoriev?
The hostess replies:
- She's the most. Not enough one, so I picked up the tattered cat somewhere. We cannot drive away. She scratched all my guys, and feed her!
Kokovanya and says:
- Not affectionate, apparently, your guys. She's purring over there.
Then he asks the orphan:
- Well, how, little present, will you come to live with me?
The girl was surprised:
- You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Darenka?
- Yes, - he replies, - it turned out by itself. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.
- You at least who? the girl asks.
- I, - he says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, I mine gold, and in the winter I chase the goat through the forests, but I can’t see everything.
- Will you shoot him?
- No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won't. I watch the hunt, in which place he stomps his right front leg.
- What do you need it for?
“But if you come to live with me, I’ll tell you everything,” Kokovanya replied.
The little girl was curious to find out about the goat. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:
- I'll go. Only you take this cat Murenka too. Look how good she is.
- About this, - answers Kokovanya, - needless to say. You can't take such a ringing cat - to remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, it will be in our hut.
The hostess hears their conversation. Glad, gladly, that Kokovanya is inviting the orphan to him. She began to collect Darenkin's belongings as soon as possible. Afraid the old man might change his mind.
The cat also seems to understand the whole conversation. Rubbing at his feet and purring:
- I thought it right. Right.
So Kokovan took the orphan to live with him. He was big and bearded himself, but she was tiny and had a little button nose. They walk down the street, and the skinned cat jumps after them.
So Kokovan's grandfather, the orphan Daryonka and the cat Murenka began to live together. We lived and lived, we didn’t make a lot of good, but we didn’t cry for our lives, and everyone had a business. Kokovanya left for work in the morning. Darechka cleaned up the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and Murenka's cat went hunting - catching mice. In the evening they will gather, and they have fun.
The old man was a master at telling fairy tales, Daryonka loved to listen to those fairy tales, and Murenka's cat was lying and purring:
- He says it right. Right.
Only after any fairy tale will Daryonka remind:
- Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?
Kokovanya dissuaded himself at first, then he said:
- That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front leg. Wherever this hoof stomps, an expensive stone will appear. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he begins to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.
He said that, but he wasn’t happy either. Since then, Daria has only talked about this goat.
- Dedo, is he big?
Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:
- Dedo, does he have horns?
- Horns, - he answers, - he has excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and he has five branches.
- Dedo, and who is he eating?
- Nobody, - answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.
- Dedo, what kind of fur does he have?
- In the summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Murenka, and in the winter it is gray.
- Dedo, is he stuffy?
Kokovanya even got angry:
- How stuffy! These are domestic goats, but a forest goat, it smells of wood.
In the fall, Kokovanya began to gather in the forest. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazed more. Daryonka and let's ask:
- Take me, dedo, with you. Maybe I'll see that goat even from afar. Kokovanya and explains to her:
“You can't see it from afar. All goats have horns in the fall. You can't tell how many branches they have. In winter, this is another matter. Simple hornless goats walk, but this one, the Silver Hoof, always has horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then you can recognize him from afar.
This was the reason for the excuse. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest. Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Darenka:
- Nowadays there are many goats grazing in the Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in winter.
- But what about, - asks Daryonka, - in the winter you will spend the night in the forest?
- There, - replies, - I have a winter booth at the mowing spoons. A good booth, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.
Daryonka asks again:
- Does the silver hoof graze in the same direction?
- Who knows. Maybe he's there too. Daryonka is here and let's ask:
- Take me, dedo, with you. I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silver Hoof will come close, and I'll have a look.
The old man first waved his hands:
- What you! What you! Is it sufficient for a little girl to walk through the forest in winter! You have to ski, but you can't. You will load it in the snow. How will I be with you? You will freeze yet!
Only Daryonka does not lag behind in any way:
- Take it, dedo! I don't know much about skiing.
Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself:
"Is it to mix? Once it will be, it will not be asked for another."
So he says:
- Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don't cry in the forest and don't ask to go home until the time.
As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovan put two sacks of biscuits on the hand sled of crackers, a hunting supply and other things that he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot on herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle and even a rope.
"Is it possible," he thinks, "to catch the Silver Hoof with this rope?" It's a pity for Darenka to leave her cat, but what can you do. Strokes the cat goodbye, talks to her:
- We, Murenka, with grandfather will go into the forest, and you sit at home, catch the mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.
The cat looks slyly, and purrs itself:
- I did it right. Right.
Send Kokovanya and Darenka. All the neighbors are amazed:
- The old man is out of his mind! He took such a little girl into the forest in winter!
As Kokovanya and Darenka began to leave the plant, they hear that the little dogs are very worried about something. They raised such a barking and screeching, as if they had seen an animal in the streets. They looked around - and this is Murenka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Murenka recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs do not dare to approach her.
Daryonka wanted to catch the cat and take it home, but where are you! Murenka ran to the forest, and even to the pine tree. Go get it!
Daryonka shouted, she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They looked - Murenka was running by the side. So I got to the booth. So there were three of them in the booth.
Daryonka boasts:
- More fun this way.
Kokovanya agrees:
- It is known to be more fun.
And Murenka's cat is curled up in a ball by the stove, purring loudly:

There were a lot of goats that winter. This is something simple. Kokovanya every day dragged one or two to the booth. They have accumulated skins, they have salted goat meat - they cannot be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how can Darenka and the cat be left in the forest! And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She herself says to the old man:
- Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. We need to take the corned beef home.
Kokovanya was even surprised:
- What a smart girl you are, Daria Grigorievna. How big has judged. Only you will be afraid, come on, alone.
- What, - answers, - to be afraid. We have a strong booth, the wolves cannot achieve it. And Murenka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!
Kokovanya left. Daryonka and Murenka remained. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked down the goats ... As it got dark, I got a bit worried. He only looks - Murenka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down at the window, looked in the direction of the mowing spoons and saw that a lump was rolling through the forest. As I rolled closer, I saw that the goat was running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and there are five branches on the horns.
Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She returned and said:
- Apparently, I dozed off. It seemed to me.
Murenka purrs:
“You’re right.” Right.
Daryonka lay down next to the cat, and fell asleep until morning. Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Darenka became bored, but not crying. He strokes Murenka and says:
- Don't be bored, Murenushka! Dedo will certainly come tomorrow.
Murenka sings her song:
“You’re right.” Right.
Darenushka sat by the window again and admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed, suddenly there was a footfall along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and the stomping on the other wall, then on the one where the window was, then where the door was, and there it knocked on top. Not loudly, as if someone is light and fast walking. Daryonka thinks:
"Didn't that goat come running yesterday?" And so she wanted to look, that even fear does not hold.
She opened the door and looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He lifted his right front leg - now he stamped, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns are about five branches. Daryonka does not know what to do, and even beckons him like a home:
- Me! Me!
The goat laughed at this. He turned and ran.
Darenushka came to the booth, tells Murenka:
- I looked at Silver Hoof. I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I just didn’t see how that goat knocks out expensive stones with its leg. Another time, apparently, it will show.
Murenka, know, sings his own song:
“You’re right.” Right.
The third day has passed, and all Kokovani is gone. Daryonka was clouded over. Tears were buried. I wanted to talk to Murenka, but she's not there. Here Darenushka was altogether frightened, and ran out of the booth to look for a cat.
Monthly night, bright, far visible. Daryonka is looking - a cat is sitting close on a mowing spoon, and in front of her is a goat. Stands, lifted a leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.
Murenka shakes his head, and so does the goat. As if they were talking. Then they began to run on mowing spoons. The goat runs, runs, stops and lets hit with a hoof. Murenka will run up, the goat will jump back and again hit it with a hoof. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then they went back to the booth itself.
Then the goat jumped onto the roof and started hitting it with a silver hoof. Like sparks, pebbles fell from under the leg. Red, blue, green, turquoise - all sorts.
It was by this time that Kokovanya returned. He cannot recognize his booth. All of it has become like a heap of expensive stones. So it burns, shimmers with different lights. Above the goat stands - and everything beats and beats with a silver hoof, and stones are falling and falling. Suddenly Murenka jumped to the same place. She stood next to the goat, meowed loudly, and neither Murenka nor Silver Hoof was gone.
Kokovanya immediately raked up half a hat of stones, but Daryonka asked:
- Don't touch it, dedo! We'll have a look at it tomorrow afternoon.
Kokovanya and obeyed. Only in the morning did a lot of snow fall. All stones fell asleep. Then they shoveled the snow, but found nothing. Well, even that was enough for them, how much Kokovanya raked into his hat.
All is good, but Murenka is a pity. They never saw her again, and Silver Hoof didn't show up either. Amused once - and will be.
And on those mowing spoons where the goat rode, people began to find pebbles. The green ones are bigger. They are called chrysolites. Have you seen it?
The tale was published for the first time in 1938 in the anthology "Ural Contemporary", book 2.
P. Bazhov in collaboration with Eug. Permyak wrote the play "Silver Topytse" for young children. It was published in the magazine "Zateynik", e 6, M, 1947.

There lived one old man in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya.
Kokovani has no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew whom, but the neighbors said:
- Recently on Glinka the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the lord's needlework, and no one needs one girl by the age of six. Here you take it.
- It’s unacceptable for me with a girl. The kid would be better. I would teach him his business, he would raise an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?
Then he thought and thought and said:
- I knew Grigory, and his wife too. Both were cheerful and dexterous. If the girl goes to her parents, it will not be sad with her in the hut. I'll take it. Will it only work?
The neighbors explain:
- She has a bad life. The bailiff gave the hut to Grigoriev to some kind of griever and ordered to feed the orphan until she grows up. And that one has a family of more than a dozen. They themselves do not eat their fill. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. She, though small, understands. It's a shame to her. How it will not go from such a life! Yes, and you will persuade, come on.
- And that's true, - replies Kokovanya. - I will persuade you somehow.
On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees that the hut is full of people, large and small. A girl sits by the stove, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinny that rarely will anyone let such a hut. The little girl is stroking this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovan looked at the girl and asked:
- Is this a present from Grigoriev? The hostess replies:
- She's the most. Not enough one, so I picked up the tattered cat somewhere. We cannot drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!
Kokovanya and says:
- Not affectionate, apparently, your guys. She's purring over there.
Then he asks the orphan:
- Well, don’t you come to live with me? The girl was surprised:
- You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Daryonka?
- Yes, - he replies, - it turned out by itself. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.
- You at least who? the girl asks.
- I, - he says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, I mine gold, and in the winter I chase the goat through the forests, but I can't see everything.
- Will you shoot him?
- No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won't. I watch the hunt, in which place he stomps his right front leg.
- What do you need it for?
- But if you come to live with me, I'll tell you everything. The little girl was curious to find out about the goat. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:
- I'll go. Only you take this cat, Muryonka, too. Look how good she is.
- About this, - answers Kokovanya, - needless to say. You can't take such a ringing cat - to remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, it will be in our hut.
The hostess hears their conversation. Glad, gladly, that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to him. She began to collect Daryonka's belongings as soon as possible. Afraid the old man might change his mind. The cat also seems to understand the whole conversation. Rubbing at his feet and purring: “I just thought of it right. Right. "
So Kokovan took the orphan to live with him. Himself big and bearded, but she is tiny, and her nose is a button. They walk down the street, and the skinned cat jumps after them.
So Kokovan's grandfather, the orphan Daryona and the cat Muryonka began to live together. We lived and lived, we didn’t make a lot of good, but we didn’t cry for our living, and everyone had a business. Kokovanya left for work in the morning, Daryonka tidied up the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and Muryonka's cat went hunting - catching mice. In the evening they will gather, and they have fun.
The old man was a master of fairy tales. Daryonka loved listening to those tales, and Muryonka's cat was lying and purring:
“He says it right. Right. "
Only after any fairy tale Daryonka will remind:
- Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?
Kokovanya dissuaded himself at first, then he said:
- That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front leg. Wherever this hoof stomps, an expensive stone will appear. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he begins to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.
He said that, but he wasn’t happy either. Since then, Daryonka has only talked about this goat.
- Dedo, is he big?
Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:
- Dedo, does he have horns?
- Horns, - he answers, - he has excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and this one has five branches.
- Dedo, and who is he eating?
- Nobody, - answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.
- Dedo, and what kind of fur?
- In the summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Muryonka, and in the winter it is gray.
In the fall, Kokovanya began to gather in the forest. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazed more. Daryonka and let's ask:
- Take me, dedo, with you! Maybe I'll see that goat even from afar.
Kokovanya and explains to her:
- You can't see it from afar. All goats have horns in the fall. You can't tell how many branches they have. In winter, this is another matter. Simple goats walk without horns in winter, but this one - Silver Hoof - always has horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then you can recognize him from afar.
This was the reason for the excuse. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya left for the forest.
Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Daryonka:
- Nowadays there are many goats grazing in the Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in winter.
- And how, - asks Daryonka, - in the winter you will spend the night in the forest?
- There, - answers, - I have a winter booth at the mowing spoons< покосный ложок – неглубокий, но широкий лесной овраг, где косят сено. – Ред.>delivered. A good booth, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.
Daryonka asks again:
- Dedo, and Silverhoof grazes in the same direction?
- Who knows. Maybe he's there too.
Daryonka is here and let's ask:
- Take me, dedo, with you! I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silverhoof will come close - I'll take a look.
The old man first waved his hands:
- What you! What you! Is it sufficient for a little girl to walk through the forest in winter! You have to ski, but you can't. You will load it in the snow. How will I be with you? You will freeze again!
Only Daryonka does not lag behind in any way:
- Take it, dedo! I don't know much about skiing. Kokovanya discouraged, discouraged, then thought to himself: “Is it possible to reduce? Once he will visit, he will not be asked for another ”.
So he says:
- Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don't cry in the forest and don't ask to go home until the time.
As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovan put two sacks of biscuits on the hand sled of crackers, a hunting supply and other things that he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot on herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle and even a rope. “Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch Silver Hoof with this rope?”
It’s a pity for Daryonka to leave her cat, but what can you do! Strokes the cat goodbye, talks to her:
- We, Muryonka, with grandfather will go to the forest, and you sit at home, catch the mice. As soon as we see Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.
The cat looks slyly, and purrs itself: “Well, I thought of it right. Right. "
Send Kokovanya and Daryonka. All the neighbors are amazed:
- The old man is out of his mind! I took such a little girl into the forest in winter!
As Kokovanya and Daryonka began to leave the plant, they hear that the little dogs are very worried about something. They raised such a barking and screeching, as if they had seen an animal in the streets. They looked around - and this is Muryonka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Muryonka recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs do not dare to approach her.
Daryonka wanted to catch the cat and take it home, but where are you! Muryonka ran to the forest, and even to the pine tree. Go get it!
Daryonka shouted, but could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They looked - Muryonka was running by the side. So I got to the booth.
So there were three of them in the booth. Daryonka boasts:
- More fun this way.
Kokovanya agrees:
- It is known to be more fun.
And Muryonka's cat is curled up in a ball by the stove and purrs loudly: “You say it right. Right. "
There were a lot of goats that winter. This is something simple. Kokovanya every day dragged one or two to the booth. They have accumulated skins, they have salted goat meat - they cannot be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how can Daryonka and the cat be left in the forest! And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She herself says to the old man:
- Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. We need to take the corned beef home. Kokovanya was even surprised:
- What a wise girl you are, Daria Grigorievna! How big has judged. Only you will be afraid, come on, alone.
- What, - answers, - to be afraid! We have a strong booth, the wolves cannot achieve it. And Muryonka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!
Kokovanya left. Daryonka and Muryonka remained. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked down the goats ... As it got dark, I got a bit worried. He only looks - Muryonka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down to the window, looked in the direction of the mowing spoons and saw that a lump was rolling from the forest. As I rolled closer, I saw that the goat was running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and there are five branches on the horns. Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She waited, waited, returned to the booth, and said:
- Apparently, I dozed off. It seemed to me. Muryonka purrs: “You say it right. Right. "
Daryonka lay down next to the cat and fell asleep until morning.
Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Daryonka became bored, but not crying. He strokes Muryonka and says:
- Don't be bored, Muryonushka! Dedo will certainly come tomorrow.
Muryonka sings her song: “You say it right. Right. "
Daryonushka sat at the window again, admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed - all of a sudden there was a footfall along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and the stamping on the other wall, then along the one where the window was, then - where the door was, and there it knocked from above. Quietly, as if someone is light and fast.
Daryonka thinks: "Wasn't that goat, yesterday, came running?"
And so she wanted to look, that even fear does not hold. She opened the door and looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He lifted his right front leg - now he stamped, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns are about five branches.
Daryonka does not know what to do, and even beckons him as if she were home:
- Me! Me!
The goat laughed at this! He turned and ran.
Daryonushka came to the booth, tells Muryonka:
- I looked at Silverhoof. And I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I just didn’t see how that goat stomped with its foot, knocking out expensive stones. Another time, apparently, it will show.
Muryonka know your song sings: “You say it right. Right. "
The third day has passed, and all Kokovani is gone. Daryonka was clouded over. They buried tears. I wanted to talk to Muryonka, but she's not there. Here Daryonushka was completely frightened, and ran out of the booth to look for a cat.
Monthly night, bright, far visible. Daryonka is looking - a cat is sitting close on a mowing spoon, and in front of her is a goat. Stands, lifted a leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.
Muryonka shakes her head, and so does the goat. As if they were talking. Then they began to run on mowing spoons.
The goat runs, runs, stops and lets hit with a hoof. Muryonka will run up, the goat will jump further and again hit it with a hoof. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then they went back to the booth itself.
Then the goat jumped onto the roof and started hitting it with a silver hoof. Like sparks, pebbles fell from under the leg. Red, blue, green, turquoise - all sorts.
It was by this time that Kokovanya returned. He cannot recognize his booth. All of it has become like a heap of expensive stones. So it burns, shimmers with different lights. Above the goat stands - and everything beats and beats with a silver hoof, and stones are falling and falling.
Suddenly Muryonka jumped to the same place! She stood next to the goat, meowed loudly, and neither Muryonka nor Silver Hoof was gone.
Kokovanya immediately heaved half a cap of stones, but Daryonka asked:
- Don't touch it, dedo! We'll have a look at it tomorrow afternoon.
Kokovanya and obeyed. Only in the morning did a lot of snow fall. All stones fell asleep. Then they shoveled the snow, but found nothing. Well, even that was enough for them, how much Kokovan was in his hat.
Everything would be fine, but I feel sorry for Muryonka. They never saw her again, and Silverhoof didn't show up either. Amused once - and will be.
And on those mowing spoons where the goat was jumping, people began to find pebbles. The green ones are bigger. They are called chrysolites. Have you seen it?

There lived one old man in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani has no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew whom, but the neighbors said:

- Recently on Glinka the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the lord's needlework, and no one needs one girl by the age of six. Here you take it.

- It’s unacceptable for me with a girl. The kid would be better. I would teach him his work, he would grow an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

- I knew Grigory and his wife too. Both were cheerful and dexterous. If the girl goes to her parents, it will not be sad with her in the hut. I'll take it. Will it only work?

The neighbors explain:

- She has a bad life. The bailiff gave the hut to Grigoriev to some kind of griever and ordered to feed the orphan until she grows up. And that one has a family of more than a dozen. They themselves do not eat their fill. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. She, though small, understands. It's a shame to her. How it will not go from such a life! Yes, and you will persuade, come on.

- And that's true, - replies Kokovanya, - I'll persuade you somehow.

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees that the hut is full of people, large and small. On the golbchik, by the stove, a girl is sitting, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinny that rarely will anyone let such a hut. The little girl is stroking this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut.

Kokovan looked at the girl and asked:

- Is this a present from Grigoriev?

The hostess replies:

- She's the most. Not enough one, so I picked up the tattered cat somewhere. We cannot drive away. She scratched all my guys, and even feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

- Not affectionate, apparently, your guys. She's purring over there.

Then he asks the orphan:

- Well, how, a present, will you come to live with me?

The girl was surprised:

- You, grandfather, how did you know that my name is Daryonka?

- Yes, - he answers, - it turned out by itself. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

- You at least who? The girl asks.

- I, - he says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, I mine gold, and in the winter I chase the goat through the forests, but I can’t see everything.

- Will you shoot him?

- No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won't. I watch the hunt, in which place he stomps his right front leg.

- What do you need it for?

“But if you come to live with me, I’ll tell you everything,” Kokovanya replied.

The little girl was curious to find out about the goat. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

- I'll go. Only you take this cat Muryonka too. Look how good she is.

- About this, - answers Kokovanya, - needless to say. You can't take such a ringing cat - to remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, it will be in our hut.

The hostess hears their conversation. Glad, gladly, that Kokovanya is calling the orphan to him. She began to collect Daryonka's belongings as soon as possible. Afraid the old man might change his mind.

The cat also seems to understand the whole conversation. Rubbing at his feet and purring:

- I thought it right. Right.

So Kokovan took the orphan to live with him. He was big and bearded himself, but she was tiny and had a little button nose. They walk down the street, and the skinned cat jumps after them.

So Kokovan's grandfather, the orphan Daryonka and the cat Muryonka began to live together.

We lived and lived, we didn’t make a lot of good, but we didn’t cry for our living, and everyone had a business. Kokovanya left for work in the morning. Daryonka cleaned up the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and Muryonka's cat went hunting - catching mice. In the evening they will gather, and they have fun.

The old man was a master at telling fairy tales, Daryonka loved to listen to those fairy tales, and Muryonka's cat lies and purrs:

- He says it right. Right.

Only after any fairy tale Daryonka will remind:

- Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?

Kokovanya dissuaded himself at first, then he said:

- That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front leg. Wherever this hoof stomps, an expensive stone will appear.

Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he begins to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.

He said that, but he wasn’t happy either. Since then, Daryonka has only talked about this goat.

- Dedo, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:

- Dedo, does he have horns?

- Horns, - he answers, - he has excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and he has five branches.

- Dedo, and who is he eating?

- Nobody, - answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

- Dedo, and what kind of fur does he have?

- In the summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Muryonka, and in the winter it is gray.

- Dedo, is he stuffy?

Kokovanya even got angry:

- How stuffy! These are domestic goats, but a forest goat, it smells of wood.

In the fall, Kokovanya began to gather in the forest. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazed more. Daryonka and let's ask:

- Take me, dedo, with you. Maybe I'll see that goat even from afar.

Kokovanya and explains to her:

- You can't see it from afar. All goats have horns in the fall. You can't tell how many branches they have. In winter, this is another matter. Simple hornless goats walk, but this one, the Silver Hoof, always has horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then you can recognize him from afar.

This was the reason for the excuse. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest. Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Daryonka:

- Nowadays there are many goats grazing in the Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in winter.

- But what about, - asks Daryonka, - in the winter you will spend the night in the forest?

- There, - replies, - I have a winter booth at the mowing spoons. A good booth, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Daryonka asks again:

- Does the silver hoof graze in the same direction?

- Who knows. Maybe he's there too.

Daryonka is here and let's ask:

- Take me, dedo, with you. I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silver Hoof will come close, and I'll take a look.

The old man first waved his hands:

- What you! What you! Is it sufficient for a little girl to walk through the forest in winter! You have to ski, but you can't. You will load it in the snow. How will I be with you? You will freeze again!

Only Daryonka does not lag behind in any way:

- Take it, dedo! I don't know much about skiing.

Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself:

Mikhail Prishvin. Guys and ducklings

“Is it really converging? Once it will visit, it will not be asked for another ”.

So he says:

- Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don't cry in the forest and don't ask to go home until the time.

As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovan put two sacks of biscuits on the hand sled of crackers, a hunting supply and other things that he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot on herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle and even a rope.

“Is it possible,” he thinks, “to catch the Silver Hoof with this rope?”

It’s a pity for Daryonka to leave her cat, but what can you do. Strokes the cat goodbye, talks to her:

- We, Muryonka, with grandfather will go to the forest, and you sit at home, catch the mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs itself:

- I did it right. Right.

Send Kokovanya and Daryonka. All the neighbors are amazed:

- The old man is out of his mind! I took such a little girl into the forest in winter!

As Kokovanya and Daryonka began to leave the plant, they hear that the little dogs are very worried about something. They raised such a barking and screeching, as if they had seen an animal in the streets. They looked around - and this is Muryonka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Muryonka recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs do not dare to approach her.

Daryonka wanted to catch the cat and take it home, but where are you! Muryonka ran to the forest, and even to the pine tree. Go get it!

Daryonka shouted, she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on.

They look - Muryonka is running by the side. So I got to the booth.

So there were three of them in the booth. Daryonka boasts:

- More fun this way.

Kokovanya agrees:

- It is known to be more fun.

And Muryonka's cat is curled up in a ball by the stove, purring loudly:

There were a lot of goats that winter. This is something simple. Kokovanya every day dragged one or two to the booth. They have accumulated skins, they have salted goat meat - they cannot be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how can Daryonka and the cat be left in the forest! And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She herself says to the old man:

- Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. We need to take the corned beef home.

Kokovanya was even surprised:

- What a smart girl you are, Daria Grigorievna. How big has judged. Only you will be afraid, come on, alone.

- What, - answers, - to be afraid. We have a strong booth, the wolves cannot achieve it. And Muryonka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!

Kokovanya left. Daryonka stayed with Muryonka. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked down the goats ... As it got dark, I got a bit worried. He only looks - Muryonka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down at the window, looked in the direction of the mowing spoons and saw that a lump was rolling through the forest. As I rolled closer, I saw that it was a goat running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and there are five branches on the horns.

Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She returned and said:

- Apparently, I dozed off. It seemed to me.

Muryonka purrs:

“You’re right.” Right.

Daryonka lay down next to the cat, and fell asleep until morning.

Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Daryonka became bored, but not crying. He strokes Muryonka and says:

- Don't be bored, Muryonushka! Dedo will certainly come tomorrow.

Muryonka sings her song:

“You’re right.” Right.

Daryonushka sat at the window again, admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed, suddenly there was a footfall along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and the stomp on the other wall, then along the one where the window was, then where the door was, and there it knocked from above. Not loudly, as if someone is light and fast. Daryonka thinks: "Wasn't that goat that yesterday came running?"

And so she wanted to look, that even fear does not hold.

She opened the door and looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He lifted his right front leg - now he stamped, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns are about five branches. Daryonka does not know what to do, and even beckons him like a home:

- Me! Me!

The goat laughed at this. He turned and ran.

Daryonushka came to the booth, tells Muryonka:

- I looked at Silver Hoof. I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I just didn’t see how that goat knocks out expensive stones with its leg. Another time, apparently, it will show.

Muryonka, know, she sings her song:

“You’re right.” Right.

The third day has passed, but still Kokovani is gone. At all

Daryonka clouded over. They buried tears. I wanted to talk to Muryonka, but she's not there. Here Daryonushka was completely frightened, and ran out of the booth to look for a cat.

Monthly night, bright, far visible. Daryonka is looking - a cat is sitting close on a mowing spoon, and in front of her is a goat. Stands, lifted a leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.

Muryonka shakes her head, and so does the goat. As if they were talking. Then they began to run on mowing spoons. The goat runs, runs, stops and lets hit with a hoof. Muryonka will run up, the goat will jump further and again hit it with a hoof. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then they went back to the booth itself.

Then the goat jumped onto the roof and started hitting it with a silver hoof. Like sparks, pebbles fell from under the leg. Red, blue, green, turquoise - all sorts.

It was by this time that Kokovanya returned. He cannot recognize his booth. All of it has become like a heap of expensive stones. So it burns, shimmers with different lights. Above the goat stands - and everything beats and beats with a silver hoof, and stones are falling and falling. Suddenly Muryonka jumped to the same place. She stood next to the goat, meowed loudly, and neither Muryonka nor Silver Hoof was gone.

Kokovanya immediately heaved half a cap of stones, but Daryonka asked:

- Don't touch it, dedo! We'll have a look at it tomorrow afternoon.

Kokovanya and obeyed.

Only in the morning did a lot of snow fall. All stones fell asleep. Then they shoveled the snow, but found nothing.

Well, even that was enough for them, how much Kokovan was in his hat.

Everything would be fine, but I feel sorry for Muryonka. They never saw her again, and Silver Hoof didn't show up either. Amused once - and will be.

And on those mowing spoons where the goat was jumping, people began to find pebbles. The green ones are bigger. They are called chrysolites. Have you seen it?

There lived one old man in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani has no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew whom, but the neighbors said:

Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the lord's needlework, and no one needs one girl by the age of six. Here you take it.

It’s unacceptable for me with a girl. The kid would be better. I would teach him his work, he would grow an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

I knew Grigory and his wife too. Both were cheerful and dexterous. If the girl goes to her parents, it will not be sad with her in the hut. I'll take her.

Will it only go? The neighbors explain:

She has a bad life. The bailiff gave the hut to Grigoriev to some griever and ordered to feed the orphan until he grows up. And that one has a family of more than a dozen. They themselves do not eat their fill. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. She, though small, understands. It's a shame to her. How will not go from such a life! Yes, and you will persuade, come on.

And that's true, - replies Kokovanya, - I'll persuade somehow.

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees that the hut is full of people, large and small. On the golbchik, by the stove, a girl is sitting, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinny that rarely will anyone let such a hut. The little girl is stroking this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovan looked at the girl and asked:

Is this a present from Grigoriev?

The hostess replies:

She is the most. Not enough one, so I picked up the tattered cat somewhere. We cannot drive away. She scratched all my guys, and feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

Not affectionate, apparently, your guys. She's purring over there.

Then he asks the orphan:

Well, how, little present, will you come to live with me?

The girl was surprised:

How did you know that my name is Darenka?

Yes, - he answers, - it turned out by itself. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

Who are you? the girl asks.

I, - he says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, I mine gold, and in the winter I chase the goat through the forests, but I can’t see everything.

Will you shoot him?

No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won't. I watch the hunt, in which place he stomps his right front leg.

What is it for you?

But if you come to live with me, I’ll tell you everything, ”replied Kokovanya.

The little girl was curious to find out about the goat. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

I’ll go. Only you take this cat Murenka too. Look how good she is.

About this, - answers Kokovanya, - needless to say. You can't take such a ringing cat - to remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, it will be in our hut.

The hostess hears their conversation. Glad, gladly, that Kokovanya is inviting the orphan to him. She began to collect Darenkin's belongings as soon as possible. Afraid the old man might change his mind.

The cat also seems to understand the whole conversation. Rubbing at his feet and purring:

I just thought of it right. Right.

So Kokovan took the orphan to live with him. He was big and bearded himself, but she was tiny and had a little button nose. They walk down the street, and the skinned cat jumps after them.

So Kokovan's grandfather, the orphan Daryonka and the cat Murenka began to live together.

We lived and lived, we didn’t make a lot of good, but we didn’t cry for our lives, and everyone had a business. Kokovanya left for work in the morning. Darechka cleaned up the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and Murenka's cat went hunting - catching mice. In the evening they will gather, and they have fun.

The old man was a master at telling fairy tales, Daryonka loved to listen to those fairy tales, and Murenka's cat was lying and purring:

Says right. Right.

Only after any fairy tale will Daryonka remind:

Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?

Kokovanya dissuaded himself at first, then he said:

That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front leg. Wherever this hoof stomps, an expensive stone will appear. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he begins to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.

He said that, but he wasn’t happy either. Since then, Daria has only talked about this goat.

Dedo, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:

Dedo, does he have horns?

Horns, - he answers, - he has excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and he has five branches.

Dedo, and who is he eating?

Nobody, - he answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

Dedo, what kind of fur does he have?

In the summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Murenka, and in the winter it is gray.

Dedo, is he stuffy?

Kokovanya even got angry:

How stuffy! These are domestic goats, but a forest goat, it smells of wood.

In the fall, Kokovanya began to gather in the forest. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazed more. Daryonka and let's ask:

Take me, dedo, with you. Maybe I'll see that goat even from afar. Kokovanya and explains to her:

You can't see it from afar. All goats have horns in the fall. You can't tell how many branches they have. In winter, this is another matter. Simple hornless goats walk, but this one, the Silver Hoof, always has horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then you can recognize him from afar.

This was the reason for the excuse. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest. Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Darenka:

Nowadays there are many goats grazing on the Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in winter.

But what about, - asks Daryonka, - in the winter you will spend the night in the forest?

There, - replies, - I have a winter booth at the mowing spoons. A good booth, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Daryonka asks again:

Does the silver hoof graze in the same direction?

Who knows. Maybe he's there too. Daryonka is here and let's ask:

Take me, dedo, with you. I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silver Hoof will come close, and I'll have a look.

The old man first waved his hands:

What you! What you! Is it sufficient for a little girl to walk through the forest in winter! You have to ski, but you can't. You will load it in the snow. How will I be with you? You will freeze yet!

Only Daryonka does not lag behind in any way:

Take it, dedo! I don't know much about skiing.

Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself:

"Is it to mix? Once it will be, it will not be asked for another."

So he says:

Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don't cry in the forest and don't ask to go home until the time.

As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovan put two sacks of biscuits on the hand sled of crackers, a hunting supply and other things that he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot on herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle and even a rope.

"Is it possible," he thinks, "to catch the Silver Hoof with this rope?"

It's a pity for Darenka to leave her cat, but what can you do. Strokes the cat goodbye, talks to her:

We, Murenka, will go into the forest with my grandfather, and you sit at home and catch the mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs itself:

I did it right. Right.

Send Kokovanya and Darenka. All the neighbors are amazed:

The old man is out of his mind! He took such a little girl into the forest in winter!

As Kokovanya and Darenka began to leave the plant, they hear that the little dogs are very worried about something. They raised such a barking and screeching, as if they had seen an animal in the streets. They looked around - and this is Murenka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Murenka recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs do not dare to approach her.

Daryonka wanted to catch the cat and take it home, but where are you! Murenka ran to the forest, and even to the pine tree. Go get it!

Daryonka shouted, she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They looked - Murenka was running by the side. So I got to the booth. So there were three of them in the booth.

Daryonka boasts:

More fun this way.

Kokovanya agrees:

It is known to be more fun.

And Murenka's cat is curled up in a ball by the stove, purring loudly:

There were a lot of goats that winter. This is something simple. Kokovanya every day dragged one or two to the booth. They have accumulated skins, they have salted goat meat - they cannot be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how can Darenka and the cat be left in the forest! And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She herself says to the old man:

Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. We need to take the corned beef home.

Kokovanya was even surprised:

What a wise girl you are, Daria Grigorievna. How big has judged. Only you will be afraid, come on, alone.

What, - he answers, - to be afraid. We have a strong booth, the wolves cannot achieve it. And Murenka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!

Kokovanya left. Daryonka and Murenka remained. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked down the goats ... As it got dark, I got a bit worried. He only looks - Murenka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down at the window, looked in the direction of the mowing spoons and saw that a lump was rolling through the forest. As I rolled closer, I saw that the goat was running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and there are five branches on the horns.

Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She returned and said:

Apparently I dozed off. It seemed to me.

Murenka purrs:

You say it right. Right.

Daryonka lay down next to the cat, and fell asleep until morning. Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Darenka became bored, but not crying. He strokes Murenka and says:

Don't be bored, Murenushka! Dedo will certainly come tomorrow.

Murenka sings her song:

You say it right. Right.

Darenushka sat by the window again and admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed, suddenly there was a footfall along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and the stomping on the other wall, then on the one where the window was, then where the door was, and there it knocked on top. Not loudly, as if someone is light and fast walking. Daryonka thinks:

"Didn't that goat come running yesterday?" And so she wanted to look, that even fear does not hold.

She opened the door and looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He lifted his right front leg - now he stamped, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns are about five branches. Daryonka does not know what to do, and even beckons him like a home:

Me! Me!

The goat laughed at this. He turned and ran.

Darenushka came to the booth, tells Murenka:

I looked at Silver Hoof. I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I just didn’t see how that goat knocks out expensive stones with its leg. Another time, apparently, it will show.

Murenka, know, sings his own song:

You say it right. Right.

The third day has passed, and all Kokovani is gone. Daryonka was clouded over. Tears were buried. I wanted to talk to Murenka, but she's not there. Here Darenushka was altogether frightened, and ran out of the booth to look for a cat.

Monthly night, bright, far visible. Daryonka is looking - a cat is sitting close on a mowing spoon, and in front of her is a goat. Stands, lifted a leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.

Murenka shakes his head, and so does the goat. As if they were talking. Then they began to run on mowing spoons. The goat runs, runs, stops and lets hit with a hoof. Murenka will run up, the goat will jump back and again hit it with a hoof. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then they went back to the booth itself.

Then the goat jumped onto the roof and started hitting it with a silver hoof. Like sparks, pebbles fell from under the leg. Red, blue, green, turquoise - all sorts.

It was by this time that Kokovanya returned. He cannot recognize his booth. All of it has become like a heap of expensive stones. So it burns, shimmers with different lights. Above the goat stands - and everything beats and beats with a silver hoof, and stones are falling and falling. Suddenly Murenka jumped to the same place. She stood next to the goat, meowed loudly, and neither Murenka nor Silver Hoof was gone.

Kokovanya immediately raked up half a hat of stones, but Daryonka asked:

Don't touch it, dedo! We'll have a look at it tomorrow afternoon.

Kokovanya and obeyed. Only in the morning did a lot of snow fall. All stones fell asleep. Then they shoveled the snow, but found nothing. Well, even that was enough for them, how much Kokovanya raked into his hat.

All is good, but Murenka is a pity. They never saw her again, and Silver Hoof didn't show up either. Amused once - and will be.

And on those mowing spoons where the goat rode, people began to find pebbles. The green ones are bigger. They are called chrysolites. Have you seen it?

There lived one old man in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani has no family left, and he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as a child. I asked the neighbors if they knew whom, but the neighbors said:

Recently, the family of Grigory Potopaev was orphaned on Glinka. The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the lord's needlework, and no one needs one girl by the age of six. Here you take it.

It’s unacceptable for me with a girl. The kid would be better. I would teach him his work, he would grow an accomplice. How about the girl? What am I going to teach her?

Then he thought and thought and said:

I knew Grigory and his wife too. Both were cheerful and dexterous.
If the girl goes to her parents, it will not be sad with her in the hut. I will take

Will it only go? The neighbors explain:

She has a bad life. The bailiff gave the hut to Grigoriev to some griever and ordered to feed the orphan until he grows up. And that one has a family of more than a dozen. They themselves do not eat their fill. Here is the hostess and eats up the orphan, reproaches her with a piece. She, though small, understands. It's a shame to her. How will not go from such a life! Yes, and you will persuade, come on.

And that's true, - replies Kokovanya, - I'll persuade somehow.

On a holiday, he came to those people with whom the orphan lived. He sees that the hut is full of people, large and small. On the golbchik, by the stove, a girl is sitting, and next to her is a brown cat. The girl is small, and the cat is small and so thin and skinny that rarely will anyone let such a hut. The little girl is stroking this cat, and she purrs so loudly that you can hear it all over the hut. Kokovan looked at the girl and asked:

Is this a present from Grigoriev?

The hostess replies:

She is the most. Not enough one, so I picked up the tattered cat somewhere. We cannot drive away. She scratched all my guys, and feed her!

Kokovanya and says:

Not affectionate, apparently, your guys. She's purring over there.

Then he asks the orphan:

Well, how, little present, will you come to live with me?

The girl was surprised:

How did you know that my name is Darenka?

Yes, - he answers, - it turned out by itself. I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I accidentally hit it.

Who are you? the girl asks.

I, - he says, - like a hunter. In the summer I wash the sands, I mine gold, and in the winter I chase the goat through the forests, but I can’t see everything.

Will you shoot him?

No, - answers Kokovanya. - I shoot simple goats, but I won't. I watch the hunt, in which place he stomps his right front leg.

What is it for you?

But if you come to live with me, I’ll tell you everything, ”replied Kokovanya.

The little girl was curious to find out about the goat. And then he sees - the old man is cheerful and affectionate. She says:

I’ll go. Only you take this cat Murenka too. Look how good she is.

About this, - answers Kokovanya, - needless to say. You can't take such a ringing cat - to remain a fool. Instead of a balalaika, it will be in our hut.

The hostess hears their conversation. Glad, gladly, that Kokovanya is inviting the orphan to him. She began to collect Darenkin's belongings as soon as possible. Afraid the old man might change his mind.

The cat also seems to understand the whole conversation. Rubbing at his feet and purring:

I just thought of it right. Right.

So Kokovan took the orphan to live with him. He was big and bearded himself, but she was tiny and had a little button nose. They walk down the street, and the skinned cat jumps after them.

So Kokovan's grandfather, the orphan Daryonka and the cat Murenka began to live together. We lived and lived, we didn’t make a lot of good, but we didn’t cry for our lives, and everyone had a business. Kokovanya left for work in the morning. Darechka cleaned up the hut, cooked stew and porridge, and Murenka's cat went hunting - catching mice. In the evening they will gather, and they have fun.

The old man was a master at telling fairy tales, Daryonka loved to listen to those fairy tales, and Murenka's cat was lying and purring:

Says right. Right.

Only after any fairy tale will Daryonka remind:

Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he?

Kokovanya dissuaded himself at first, then he said:

That goat is special. He has a silver hoof on his right front leg. Wherever this hoof stomps, an expensive stone will appear. Once he stomps - one stone, two stomps - two stones, and where he begins to beat with his foot - there is a pile of expensive stones.

He said that, but he wasn’t happy either. Since then, Daria has only talked about this goat.

Dedo, is he big?

Kokovanya told her that the goat was not taller than the table, the legs were thin, the head was light. And Daryonka asks again:

Dedo, does he have horns?

Horns, - he answers, - he has excellent. Simple goats have two branches, and he has five branches.

Dedo, and who is he eating?

Nobody, - he answers, - does not eat. It feeds on grass and leaves. Well, hay also eats up in stacks in winter.

Dedo, what kind of fur does he have?

In the summer, - he answers, - brown, like our Murenka, and in the winter it is gray.

Dedo, is he stuffy?

Kokovanya even got angry:

How stuffy! These are domestic goats, but a forest goat, it smells of wood.

In the fall, Kokovanya began to gather in the forest. He should have looked at which side of the goats grazed more. Daryonka and let's ask:

Take me, dedo, with you. Maybe I'll see that goat even from afar. Kokovanya and explains to her:

You can't see it from afar. All goats have horns in the fall. You can't tell how many branches they have. In winter, this is another matter. Simple hornless goats walk, but this one, the Silver Hoof, always has horns, even in summer, even in winter. Then you can recognize him from afar.

This was the reason for the excuse. Daryonka remained at home, and Kokovanya went into the forest. Five days later, Kokovanya returned home, tells Darenka:

Nowadays there are many goats grazing on the Poldnevskaya side. I will go there in winter.

But what about, - asks Daryonka, - in the winter you will spend the night in the forest?

There, - replies, - I have a winter booth at the mowing spoons. A good booth, with a hearth, with a window. It's good there.

Daryonka asks again:

Does the silver hoof graze in the same direction?

Who knows. Maybe he's there too. Daryonka is here and let's ask:

Take me, dedo, with you. I will sit in the booth. Maybe Silver Hoof will come close, and I'll have a look.

The old man first waved his hands:

What you! What you! Is it sufficient for a little girl to walk through the forest in winter! You have to ski, but you can't. You will load it in the snow. How will I be with you? You will freeze yet! - site

Only Daryonka does not lag behind in any way:

Take it, dedo! I don't know much about skiing.

Kokovanya dissuaded, dissuaded, then he thought to himself:

"Is it to mix? Once it will be, it will not be asked for another."

So he says:

Okay, I'll take it. Only, mind you, don't cry in the forest and don't ask to go home until the time.

As winter entered in full force, they began to gather in the forest. Kokovan put two sacks of biscuits on the hand sled of crackers, a hunting supply and other things that he needed. Daryonka also tied a knot on herself. Patchwork took the doll to sew a dress, a ball of thread, a needle and even a rope.

"Is it possible," he thinks, "to catch the Silver Hoof with this rope?" It's a pity for Darenka to leave her cat, but what can you do. Strokes the cat goodbye, talks to her:

We, Murenka, will go into the forest with my grandfather, and you sit at home and catch the mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I'll tell you everything then.

The cat looks slyly, and purrs itself:

I did it right. Right.

Send Kokovanya and Darenka. All the neighbors are amazed:

The old man is out of his mind! He took such a little girl into the forest in winter!

As Kokovanya and Darenka began to leave the plant, they hear that the little dogs are very worried about something. They raised such a barking and screeching, as if they had seen an animal in the streets. They looked around - and this is Murenka running in the middle of the street, fighting off the dogs. Murenka recovered by that time. Big and healthy. Dogs do not dare to approach her.

Daryonka wanted to catch the cat and take it home, but where are you! Murenka ran to the forest, and even to the pine tree. Go get it!

Daryonka shouted, she could not lure the cat. What to do? Let's move on. They looked - Murenka was running by the side. So I got to the booth. So there were three of them in the booth.

Daryonka boasts:

More fun this way.

Kokovanya agrees:

It is known to be more fun.

And Murenka's cat is curled up in a ball by the stove, purring loudly:

There were a lot of goats that winter. This is something simple. Kokovanya every day dragged one or two to the booth. They have accumulated skins, they have salted goat meat - they cannot be taken away on hand sleds. We ought to go to the factory for a horse, but how can Darenka and the cat be left in the forest! And Daryonka got used to it in the forest. She herself says to the old man:

Dedo, you should go to the factory for a horse. We need to take the corned beef home.

Kokovanya was even surprised:

What a wise girl you are, Daria Grigorievna. How big has judged. Only you will be afraid, come on, alone.

What, - he answers, - to be afraid. We have a strong booth, the wolves cannot achieve it. And Murenka is with me. I'm not afraid. And you quickly turn around all the same!

Kokovanya left. Daryonka and Murenka remained. During the day, it was customary to sit without Kokovani while he tracked down the goats ... As it got dark, I got a bit worried. He only looks - Murenka lies calmly. Daryonka and cheered up. She sat down at the window, looked in the direction of the mowing spoons and saw that a lump was rolling through the forest. As I rolled closer, I saw that the goat was running. The legs are thin, the head is light, and there are five branches on the horns.

Daryonka ran out to look, but no one was there. She returned and said:

Apparently I dozed off. It seemed to me.

Murenka purrs:

You say it right. Right.

Daryonka lay down next to the cat, and fell asleep until morning. Another day has passed. Kokovanya did not return. Darenka became bored, but not crying. He strokes Murenka and says:

Don't be bored, Murenushka! Dedo will certainly come tomorrow.

Murenka sings her song:

You say it right. Right.

Darenushka sat by the window again and admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed, suddenly there was a footfall along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and the stomping on the other wall, then on the one where the window was, then where the door was, and there it knocked on top. Not loudly, as if someone is light and fast walking. Daryonka thinks:

"Didn't that goat come running yesterday?" And so she wanted to look, that even fear does not hold.

She opened the door and looked, and the goat was here, quite close. He lifted his right front leg - now he stamped, and on it a silver hoof glistens, and the goat's horns are about five branches. Daryonka does not know what to do, and even beckons him like a home:

Me! Me!

The goat laughed at this. He turned and ran.

Darenushka came to the booth, tells Murenka:

I looked at Silver Hoof. I saw the horns and saw the hoof. I just didn’t see how that goat knocks out expensive stones with its leg. Another time, apparently, it will show.

Murenka, know, sings his own song:

You say it right. Right.

The third day has passed, and all Kokovani is gone. Daryonka was clouded over. Tears were buried. I wanted to talk to Murenka, but she's not there. Here Darenushka was altogether frightened, and ran out of the booth to look for a cat.

Monthly night, bright, far visible. Daryonka is looking - a cat is sitting close on a mowing spoon, and in front of her is a goat. Stands, lifted a leg, and on it a silver hoof glistens.

Murenka shakes his head, and so does the goat. As if they were talking. Then they began to run on mowing spoons. The goat runs, runs, stops and lets hit with a hoof. Murenka will run up, the goat will jump back and again hit it with a hoof. For a long time they ran along the mowing spoons. They were not visible. Then they went back to the booth itself.

Then the goat jumped onto the roof and started hitting it with a silver hoof. Like sparks, pebbles fell from under the leg. Red, blue, green, turquoise - all sorts.

It was by this time that Kokovanya returned. He cannot recognize his booth. All of it has become like a heap of expensive stones. So it burns, shimmers with different lights. Above the goat stands - and everything beats and beats with a silver hoof, and stones are falling and falling. Suddenly Murenka jumped to the same place. She stood next to the goat, meowed loudly, and neither Murenka nor Silver Hoof was gone.

Kokovanya immediately raked up half a hat of stones, but Daryonka asked:

Don't touch it, dedo! We'll have a look at it tomorrow afternoon.

Kokovanya and obeyed. Only in the morning did a lot of snow fall. All stones fell asleep. Then they shoveled the snow, but found nothing. Well, even that was enough for them, how much Kokovanya raked into his hat.

All is good, but Murenka is a pity. They never saw her again, and Silver Hoof didn't show up either. Amused once - and will be.

And on those mowing spoons where the goat rode, people began to find pebbles. The green ones are bigger. They are called chrysolites. Have you seen it?

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