Sweet foods starting with the letter o. Types of confectionery

Confectionery, sweet products with a pleasant taste and aroma have been loved by all of us since childhood. We sometimes call them that - sweets, sweets... As the main raw material for cooking, as a rule, it is used flour (wheat, less often corn, rice, oatmeal, etc.), sugar, honey, fruits, berries, milk, cream, fats, eggs, yeast, starch, cocoa, nuts, food acids, gelling agents, flavoring and aromatic additives, food colors and leavening agents... Legendary culinary specialist and historian V. V. Pokhlyobkin believed that in all types of pastry dough flour occupies a subordinate position (the exception is dough for cakes and gingerbread), and there is also no water.

Depending on the ingredients used, all types of confectionery products are divided into two main groups: sugary and flour... And, although often a confectionery product contains elements of both groups, it is believed, however, that only one is the main one (for example, waffles with strawberries are flour, although the strawberry filler is sugary).

Sugar confectionery

Meringue, Merengi
This French dessert consists of whipped with sugar and baked egg whites. Tartar or cornstarch (as a binder) is also sometimes used. Often, meringues are flavored with vanilla and a little coconut or almond extract. These products are light and airy (like a Latin American dance meringue) and very sweet (fr. baiser- "kiss").


Jam, jam, jam, marmalade, confiture, eats
These are fruits or berries cooked in sweet syrup, flower petals, classified depending on the cooking technology and the consistency of the finished product. So, unlike jams, marmalades, confiture and marmalade, jam is prepared in such a way that the ingredients retain their shape. In addition, the jam has a non-uniform consistency and consists of more or less liquid syrup and individual pieces of fruit, or even small fruits (figs, paradise apples) and whole berries.


Jam- a sweet thick mass of mashed fruits or berries, boiled with sugar or molasses. Jam it is prepared in the same way as jam, but unlike it, the syrup in the finished product must be jelly-like. Confiture- This is a type of jam, jelly with whole or chopped fruits or berries. This word was given to us by the French: confiture, from confit - candied. Marmalade- a culinary product made from fruits boiled with sugar with the addition of a thickener and flavoring additives (can be considered a type of thick jam). As a thickener, substances such as pectin, agar-agar, gelatin are used. In English-speaking countries, the word marmalade only means citrus jam (especially oranges).


Yo is a kind of Korean traditional sweets. It can be both solid and liquid (molasses), as well as with fillings. They are made from steamed rice, glutinous rice, glutinous sorghum, corn, sweet potatoes, or a mixture of these grains. After steaming, it is fermented for a short time and then boiled for a long time in a large kettle. If it is boiled longer, it hardens when it cools. It is usually brown immediately after boiling, but if it is stretched, the color lightens.


Brittle(fr. grillage"Roasting") - a French dessert made from roasted nuts with sugar. Comes from the eastern coarse halva. Confectioners divide roasted nuts into two types: soft roasted nuts- includes boiled fruits and crushed nuts; hard roasted nuts- represents crushed nuts, filled with molten sugar.

Soft roasted nuts

Jelly(from fr. Geée- jelly, gel, jelly) - an edible colloidal solution (usually based on fruits), to which gelatin (pectin, agar) is added, and when cooled, the whole mass gets a gelatinous appearance. Fruit jellies from fruits and fruits containing a lot of pectin can be obtained without adding gelatin to them, since pectin itself gives the syrup a gelatinous appearance. Most often, such jelly is made from sour, mainly Antonov apples, and then dyed with spinach green and carmine red.

Puff jelly

Marshmallow, marshmallow
Marshmallow- a kind of sugar confectionery; is obtained by churning fruit and berry puree with sugar and egg white, followed by adding to this mixture any of the form-forming (gelatinous) fillers: pectin, agar syrup, gelatinous (marmalade) mass. Zephyr was prepared back in Ancient Greece, where it got its name from the god Zephyr, according to myths, who gave his recipe to people.
Paste(from French. pastille) is a sweet dish of Russian cuisine. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the word was often written "postila" (understanding it as something postulated, spread out, which is associated with the technology of making pastila). Pastila was made from whipped mashed apples, sour Russian varieties (antonovka, titovka, zelenka), as well as the pulp of berries (lingonberry, mountain ash, raspberry, currant). The second important component of marshmallow is honey, and since the 19th century also sugar. The third (optional) component of marshmallow, used since the 15th century, is egg white, which was needed to make the marshmallow white. Traditionally, marshmallow was made in a Russian oven: it gives the effect of gradually decreasing heat, which ensures uniform drying of a paste of applesauce, honey, sugar and protein, applied in a thin layer to the fabric on wooden frames. Several layers of the paste that has passed the initial drying are layered on top of each other, after which they undergo secondary drying in wooden boxes made of alder in the oven.



Sweets, toffee, caramel, lollipops
Small sweets in the form of balls, bars, pillows made of caramelized sugar, chocolate, molasses, condensed milk and other products. Iris- fondant mass obtained by boiling condensed milk with sugar, molasses (molasses) and fat (butter or vegetable oil or margarine). Crushed is sold as candy. Caramel(fr. caramel, from late lat. cannamella- "sugar cane") - a confection or an ingredient of such a product, obtained by heating sugar or by boiling a sugar solution with starch syrup or invert syrup. It is a plastic or solid mass (depending on the heating temperature) of various shades of yellow and brown (without additional coloring), contains sucrose, maltose and glucose. Lollipop- a type of candy, a viscous or hard mass made from candis - cooked to hardness, usually flavored sugar with molasses or corn syrup. Often attached to a stick.

Chipped iris

Lollipop caramel


Cream- a paste made from cream or butter with sugar, used as a filling and to decorate cakes and pastries. Margarine can be used instead of butter, and eggs, milk, as well as various flavoring and aromatic additives: cocoa powder, vanilla, etc. can be used as additional ingredients.

Cream cake


Marzipan(it. Marzipan, ital. marzapane) - a mixture of almonds crushed into flour and sugar syrup (or powdered sugar). If apricot pits (less often peach pits) are used instead of almonds, the confectionery product is called not marzipan, but persipan. Sometimes marzipan is also called a mass of other nuts, as well as products with it. For example, buns - "marzipans" with peanuts are widespread in Russia.

Fruit from marzipan

Mousse(fr. mousse"Foam") is a sweet dessert dish. Signature dish of French cuisine. It is prepared from an aromatic base (fruit or berry juice, puree, grape wine, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, etc.), food substances that contribute to the formation and fixation of the foamy state of the mousse (egg whites, gelatin, agar), as well as food substances that give a dish with a sweet taste or enhancing it (sugar, saccharin, honey, molasses). Sometimes, instead of egg whites and gelatin, a substitute is used in the form of semolina, which is capable of swelling well and has adhesive properties, which makes it possible to approximately simulate the required state of the dish.

Chocolate mousse

Fondant mass (fondant)- boiled sugar syrup, quickly cooled to a temperature of 35-40 ° and stirred at high speed in a fondant machine. When churned in a supersaturated syrup, crystallization of sucrose occurs. The finished product consists of fine sugar crystals and intercrystalline syrup. The fondant mass varies greatly in consistency - from liquid, viscous types with a high content of molasses to a hard brittle product, which is obtained from a less moist syrup with a small admixture of molasses. It is mainly used for the production of glass candy and for decorating cakes.
Depending on the presence of milk, there are three main types of fondant mass: sugar lipstick- from sugar syrup without milk added; milk or creamy lipstick- based on sugar syrup with a small or medium addition of milk or cream; Creme brulee- sugar syrup with a high milk or cream content after heat treatment, which gives the product a brown tint and a baked milk flavor.

Sugar Fondant Cake

Chilled airy dish made by whipping fruit puree with sugar and egg white.

Black currant sambuc

Souffle(fr. Souffé) is a French dish made from egg yolks mixed with a variety of ingredients, to which are then added whitewashed egg whites. Can be a main course or a sweet dessert. In any case, the soufflé contains at least two components: firstly, a flavored mixture of sour cream consistency and, secondly, whitewashed egg whites. The first gives the taste, and the whipped proteins give the airiness of the product. The mixture is usually made on the basis of cottage cheese, chocolate or lemon (the latter two are made into a dessert by adding sugar). The soufflé is cooked in the oven in a refractory dish, it swells strongly from the temperature, but when taken out of the oven falls off after 20-30 minutes.

Chocolate soufflé with powdered sugar

Halva, Turkish delight and other oriental sweets
All kinds of cookies, raisin-nut and starch-sugar products, common in the Middle East and Central Asia.


A typical example of a fruity Turkish delight (pomegranate)

Candied fruit
Candied fruit(Polish. cukaty, from cukier- "sugar") - juicy fruits cooked in sugar or sugar syrup. Candied fruits are used as a filling in biscuit, muffin, butter, shortbread, yeast dough and as a separate decorative element for decorating cakes, pastries, cookies, rolls, puffs. For desserts, it is used as a filling and decor at the same time. Candied fruits are prepared from citrus peels by slowly boiling in syrup until a transparent, glassy pulp and high sugar content are obtained. The boiled crusts are thrown back on a sieve, separated from the syrup, allowed to drain, and then dried.

Candied fruit

Chocolate- a confectionery product based on cocoa butter, which is a product of processing cocoa beans - the seeds of the chocolate tree, rich in theobromine and caffeine. Chocolate products often contain aromatic additives (coffee, alcohol, cognac, vanillin, pepper), food additives (raisins, nuts, waffles, candied fruits) or filling.

Slab chocolate

Flour confectionery

Cake(from ital. torta, “Round bread”) - a dessert consisting of one or more cakes soaked in cream or jam. The top of the cake is usually garnished with cream, frosting and / or fruit.

Fraisier cake

Biscuits- a small confectionery product baked from dough. Various grains are sometimes added to the cookie dough; cookies are usually formed in the form of circles, squares, stars, tubes; sometimes cookies are made with a filling (chocolate, raisins, condensed milk, cream) or the filling is placed between two cookies.

Wafer(from him. Waffel) - a kind of thin dry biscuits with an imprint on the surface. It is baked from whipped batter in special forms. The dough consists of flour, eggs, sugar and cream. Wafers get their name from the Middle Low German word "wâfel". The Danish form "wafel" in the 18th century changed into waffle and in this form entered the Russian language. Pieces of waffles are often greased with cream among themselves. Ice cream or berries can be used. For the layer, fat, fruit and berry, praline, fondant and other fillings are used. Can be used as a base for other confectionery products (cakes, pastries). For these purposes, wafer products are made in the form of sheets, cakes, cups, tubes, cones.

Belgian waffles

Sweet pies, pies, cheesecakes, rolls, donuts, muffins, rum babas
Bakery products made from yeast, puff, unleavened, custard and other doughs of various shapes and sizes, with or without filling, baked or fried. Pie- a filled dough dish that is baked or fried. The filling for pies can be different - berries, fruits, cottage cheese, poppy seeds, etc. Pie- a small dish made from yeast dough with a filling that is baked (in the oven) or fried (in deep fryers, small pots or pots). The name is derived from the word pie. Cheesecake- round, open on top and pinched only from the edges of the cakes with filling. As a rule, cottage cheese is used as a filler, less often mashed potatoes, jam or jam. A product of ancient Slavic, Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. The name of the dish comes from the word "vatra" - "hearth, fire". Cheesecakes are baked from yeast, butter and unleavened dough. Donut- round, fried in oil, usually sweet, pie with or without a hole in the middle. The hole is designed so that the donut extracted from the hot oil is strung on a rod, from which the product is then placed in a bag or on a plate to the customer. The donut can have a filling: jam, jam, jam, etc. Cake- a sweet confection with raisins, jam or nuts, usually baked from yeast or biscuit dough and traditionally served at weddings or Christmas. Cupcakes can be baked rectangular or round (with a through hole in the center to give it the shape of a large ring). The closest relative of the cake is the Russian cake. Baba- a confectionery product of Slavic origin, is a type of cake made from yeast dough with the addition of raisins. After baking, it is soaked in syrup from rum or other alcoholic beverage and sugar, or just sugar syrup, sometimes with the addition of jam. The top of the cake is coated with sugar fondant. It is often called "rum-baba".

Cheesecake with cottage cheese




Gingerbread, gingerbread
Gingerbread- flour confectionery baked from a special gingerbread dough; for taste, honey, nuts, candied fruits, raisins, fruit or berry jam can be added. In appearance, the gingerbread is most often a slightly convex plate in the middle of a rectangular, round or oval shape, on the upper part there is usually an inscription or a simple drawing, often a layer of confectionery sugar glaze is applied on top. Gingerbread comes from the adjective spicy (Old Russian "ppyryan"), which, in turn, is formed from the word "pepper" (Old Russian "piper"), meaning spices, seasonings.
Gingerbread- a product made of gingerbread dough ranging in size from very small to 1-1.5 meters in length, up to 1 meter in width, and 6-10 centimeters high. The weight of the rugs sometimes reaches a pound or more. A popular dish of Russian cuisine. The word "kovrizhka" comes from "kovriga", which means whole bread. The history of gingerbread and gingerbread in Russia begins in the 9th century, only then they were called honey cakes and were made from flour, honey and berry juice.

Tula printed gingerbread


Cakes, eclairs
Cake- a small-sized confection made from sweet pastry, usually with a cream filling. Eclair(from fr. éclair- “lightning, flash”) - a French dessert in the form of an oblong custard pastry with cream (usually custard). The creation of the eclair is credited to the French culinary specialist Marie-Antoine Carém. It became widespread in the 19th century.


Eclairs in chocolate and sugar glaze

Pancakes and scrambled eggs, okroshka and lobsters - what else can the letter O please us with delicious?

Cucumbers, ham, olives, okroshka, oatmeal, sturgeon, omelet, pancakes, nuts, olivier, broth, sea buckthorn, perch, lobster, octopus, opane (soup, Chukchi cuisine), oats, venison in its own juice, olibah (pie with fresh cheese, North Ossetian cuisine).


Olives are the fruit of the olive tree. Unripe salted fruits of green color are called olives, and ripe, black ones are called olives. The olive is a drupe with a leathery outer layer. The pulp of the fruit contains from 25 to 80% oil.

To obtain oil, olives are crushed and pressed. The oil collected after the first pressing is cleaned. The light golden yellow butter is ready to eat.


Initial information about the cultivation of oats in the vastness of Russia dates back to the 7th century AD. Oats more than other cereals pleases us with a rich content of iron, sulfur, silicon, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, magnesium, vitamins of group B, loved by the nervous system.

What are the sweets with the letter C, C?

    On the letter t - candied fruits, nothing comes to mind except blueberries and cherries

    On the letter H - CHURCHKHELA- Georgian national sweet. Prepared from kernels of nuts strung on a thread in grape juice thickened with flour. As a rule, while on vacation, at sea, churchkhela can be found everywhere in any market.

    On the letter Ц I can offer CIMES- a dessert dish of Jewish cuisine, a sweet vegetable stew based on carrots. You may have heard the enthusiastic expression: "Oh! This is the most tsimes! True, it should be noted that tsimes is a multivariate dish and it is not only sweet, but also a dish like roast, when chicken pieces are added to it.

    This is carrot cymes:

    Here is such a tsimes from sweet pears offered on the culinary site Smakus ...

    Oh, the first thing that came to mind is a favorite dish and we have a fairly common one called cheesecake. Not a single holiday in our family personally is complete without such a delicious and rather low-calorie cake. I really like sweet chips, for example, banana chips. Often I cook candied peel from orange peel, a very tasty thing, although I am going to cook candied peel from watermelon and melon peel this year, they say it is very tasty, nutritious and healthy. Chak-chak is a Tatar dish and in Kazan is the city's business card. Those who have visited Kazan will definitely carry Chak-chak from there. In India there is an interesting dish called chutney, it is prepared not only as a main course, but also as a dessert (just different ingredients) And, finally, a cookie or pie from Jewish cuisine (baked for Easter) Zucker Lekah. It is very easy to prepare, fast and tasty.

    I love very much the Georgian sweetness with the letter H. This is Churchkhela, made from boiled grape juice and nuts. There is also Chak-chak, but I am somehow indifferent to him. Candied fruits come to my mind on the letter t. These are candied fruit pieces.

    The question is tasty, good, but difficult. The fact is that sweets, desserts with letters Ц and H so little that it's even sad).

    Let's see what can be called now.

    • I think that in the first place we can safely name citronate. It is a very delicate, sweet glaze product. In the glaze, by the way, citronate is used to decorate cakes.

    • candied fruits, of course, everyone knows. I think they deserve to be on this list.

    Now let's see what is delicious with the letter H.

    Let's start the list with the famous dessert, tasty and satisfying - Chak-Chak. Surely, you had a chance to eat this delicious dish and you know that in this dish you can meet not only sugar, but also honey.

    • of course, let's remember the churchkhela. Agree that the desserts of Georgian cuisine are simply magnificent - churchkhela is no exception.
    • and, with your permission, I will complete the list with a delicious dish - Chelpek. This is something incredible, to be honest.

    It seems to be an ordinary sweet tortilla, but powdered sugar, eggs and cream do the trick). I highly recommend giving it a try!

    For some reason the word came to mind zest, apparently due to the fact that it is associated with cooking (this spice from the dried and crushed rind is added when preparing sweets).

    I looked through the dictionary of foreign words and found interesting words (with the letter C):

    cerapadus, meaning a fruit tree (a hybrid of cherry and Japanese bird cherry, probably delicious), here it is:

    On the topic of the question were found only candied fruits, that are sweetness in the form of candied fruits or pieces, peels of some citrus fruits, melons; this is how they look.